EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

(The scene opens and a limo pulls up outside the building, the EIWF Prez steps out near the camera and on the far side Revolution gets out and walks round.)
Revolution: Im looking forward to taking the night off, being just a fan and watching the action.
EIWF Prez: My GOD…...it's going to be in my clothes………...in my skin, it will take weeks to wash out…..
Revolution: What are you on about?
EIWF Prez: It's going to be in my hair…..that smell………….God it's awful……….
Revolution: I can't smell anything??
EIWF Prez: Can’t you? It's such a strong smell…..
Revolution: Nope nothing.
EIWF Prez: It's the smell of failure, the reek of the second rate, we are definitely at the right place, this is the IWA!!! (The EIWF Prez laughs and they both walk in)
(The scene cuts to the arena, the Gift by INXS hits, the Jumbo-tron jumps into life with shots of previous big hits and high flying moves, the IWA fans pop, the camera pans round to commentators Jim Hicks and Jerry The Bull.)
JH: Welcome wrestling fans, I’m Jim Hicks and you're watching the IWA, the Internet Wrestling Alliance live from the Hammerstein Ballroom in the Manhattan Centre with a crowd of 3500!!! With me tonight on this one off special show, my buddy through many years of happy bouts, the original broadcaster of fake news, before it was popular and presidential , it’s Jerry The Bull ladies and gents.
JB: Thanks Jim. Things couldn't get much hotter. We have a packed show tonight.
('Bodies' by Saliva plays, the IWA Prez walks out with a mic in his hand and waits for the 'I-W-A' chants to stop.)
JH: Here comes the Prez and I'm sure he'll be setting the tone for this evening and welcoming everyone back.
JB: Let the man speak and earn his own appearance fee.
IWA Prez: Welcome home.
(The crowd go nuts again)
IWA Prez: I never thought I’d see the day that I’d be stood before you, but when the EIWF did the reunion with Final Stand I saw sparks fly from the stars that everyone thought had had their day and their fire long extinguished. Though The Corporation and my commissioner back in the day suffered at his hands several times I feel I need to thank Davie J for supporting in bringing some of that EIWF momentum across the boundary lines to allow us to make this night happen. That said I would take great pleasure in seeing Davie J lose a match tonight, it still doesn't sit well with me how he trashed the IWA world title on an EWA show. But of course I am unbiased and will not act on that whim at all. (IWA Pres walks around the ring with a smirk)
JB: Did you see that smile. It may have been many years, but I know that smile.
IWA Prez: Now I’m sorry to change the card on you last minute, you know that it was never like me to overly interfere, but though Eddie was a great world champ, a hall of famer and a great servant to the Alliance, I still think we need another main event.
JH: Really at this late stage? Sorry boss if you’re listening, but this is a crock.
(The crowd give a mixed reaction)
IWA Prez: Well before you all hit the box office demanding your money back, give these changes a listen, because tonight, for one night only, The Good Guys will be front and centre in the penultimate match on this card tonight. This will be a surprise to many….including Davie who I know is backstage. But he signed up to be on this show and he WILL do as I say! I don't care if there is friction between the two….it will make for great TV!!
(The crowd go wild)
Yes, Eddie D and Davie J “the best tag team wrestlers in the business” will be in this squared circle tonight against Scott Douglass and Justin Sane. You thought the Good Guys were finished, because over the last year the two have not been on speaking terms and Eddie, the man recently voted wrestler of the year quit the EIWF! (the fans boo) But this isn't the EIWF (Fans cheer)....this is the IWA (fans POP)....and I’m the IWA Prez and I get things done, that's why tonight I will be reuniting Davie J and Eddie as the Good Guys to take on Scott Douglass and Justin Sane, who were two of the biggest young, up and coming IWA superstars we ever had. The main event will be a triple threat match between the Game…...HHH, The Phenom…...the Undertaker and the last entrant will come from the winners of that Tag Match. Yes you heard right, If The Good Guys beat Scott and Justin they can choose either Eddie D or Davie J to fight in the finale and Scott Douglass and Justin Sane get to choose who makes it through if things end vice versa.
JB: The Prez putting a twist on things tonight!
IWA Prez: You’re in for an amazing evening’s entertainment. Thanks for returning in your droves at short notice and long may the IWA live on in your hearts and your memories. They say history is written by the victor, and the EIWF has been shitting all over the IWA. They want to make out like we was some second rate company. Well tonight it's our turn to tell the real story! We are the IWA, we are the fed that led both the EIWF and the EWA in the TV ratings published by the fansite. Let the Chaos commence.
("Bodies" plays and the Prez walks off backstage)
JH: Well there you are, the show changed in an instant.
JB: The Prez did not look a happy man when the crowd reacted badly to Eddie not being in the finale, but I think he turned it around with the changes he made. The crowd seem happier now. There had been doubts that Eddie would be here, but being a former IWA world champion the Prez has managed to show he has more appeal then the EIWF Prez who can't get Eddie to appear on ‘the other channel’!
(The IWA Jumbo screen powers up and shows Davie J in his locker room watching a monitor. The fans in the arena cheer)
Davie: What the hell? That horn-yacker has the balls to tell me what to do! I don't recall him saying he had an issue when he asked me for help to get this sorry bunch of misfits back together again? He's lucky I even turned up to this dive in the first place! Then he says I'm teaming with Eddie D. Hell I've not seen him since the second night of the EIWF’s Final Stand Pay Per view. He's not returning my calls and all of a sudden the IWA Prez think he will turn up because he clicked his fingers?
(The door opens and the EIWF Prez walks in, there are loud boo’s from the arena and an asshole chant breaks out)
EIWF Prez: Ah my main man Davie there you are…….good to see you.
Davie: Well shit…..what are you doing here?
EIWF Prez: Well this may be an IWA reunion show, but I now own this piece of garbage.
Davie: Well the IWA Prez has been out there and told the fans that Eddie D is coming here tonight to team with me and the Good Guys will take on Scott Douglass and Justin Sane….
EIWF Prez: No they won't.
Davie: Sorry?
EIWF Prez: The Good Guys won't be fighting tonight.
Davie: You've spoken to Eddie? What's going on?
EIWF Prez: No I haven't spoken to the overweight waste of space. Look if he wants to turn up here tonight then so be it. But as I said I own the rights to the IWA and all the other feds now. Eddie can have his goodbye if he wants, but your not using the Good Guys name.
Davie: Hang on that's our name we came up with that, it belongs to us.
EIWF Prez: I copyrighted it, I own it. This is not an EIWF show so your not using the name. Your not using the Game, the Enforcer or even ICON to refer to you or Eddie! If he wants to quit on the EIWF’s final show and walk out then I’m not going to help him.
Davie: I can't believe it! After all I have done for the EIWF and you…
EIWF Prez: It's because of all that you have done I've allowed you to appear on this show. Let's put the IWA to bed once and for all. You go out and win that tag match and get to the final, you represent the EIWF. Let the IWA show be remembered as the night the EIWF’s biggest star won, forget about Eddie D!
(The shot fades with Davie shaking his head - The Jumbo-tron goes off and the camera goes back onto the commentary table)
JH: Did you hear that?! Did you see that?! Good God! Would Davie really sell out his buddy to get to the final?
JB: To hell with that. It’s all about going for the glory. Davie is the biggest star out of the Good G…….erm……..out of the tag team of Davie J and Eddie D
JH: The EIWF Prez also been saying that such names used by Eddie and Davie as nicknames or there tag team name can not be used! How low can he get!!
JH: He’s just protecting his investment. The EIWF Prez doesn't want tonight to be a success, he’s putting restrictions on, little ones, but the more of them he imposes the bigger effect it's going to have overall. I have to say, how well he’s got on with Davie over the years I'm surprised he's being an asshole about using the ICON term.
JH: Have we got a seven second delay??? Can that be bleeped out?
JB: Tonight is about glory, and with Eddie & Davie not getting on, I can see them quite easily crossing the line with each other. But everyone will be looking at Davie to advance to carry the main event tonight.
JH: Have you forgotten ‘Crossing the Line’ 2002? That main event was an immense match headed up by Eddie and HHH.
JB: I haven’t forgotten. But you know who has forgotten? The rest of the world has Jim. The rest of the world has. Ask anyone who won at Final Stand 2018 and they’ll know exactly who did.
JH: You are impossible as always Jerry. You’ve got the heart and empathy of a pit viper.
JB: Thank you Jim.
JH: (Jim sighs) Lets go to what I think will be our opening match, but tonight, who knows if The Prez will change his mind again?
JB: Well here we have two great talents from back in the day Monoxide and Zandig. They go at it in this first match, what to expect? I don't know. Monoxide looks as though he has aged badly?
JH: Yes, well, none of us are getting any younger.
(War Machine By KISS Blares over the arena's PA and out walks Zandig, the fans give him a solid welcome, Zandig goes to the top rope and lands a perfect backflip into the ring.)
("Boom” by POD hits as Monoxide slowly walks to the ring. He looks unbothered by the crowd’s indifference.)
JB: Well Monoxide doesn't seem to have got the reaction he wanted, the fans seem a little hostile, I think he's been around long enough not to worry about that though. Didn’t he used to be a high flyer? He doesn’t look too spritely now. There goes the bell.
JH: Zandig and Monoxide go to lock up..........and Monoxide thumbs Zandig in the eye........Monoxide picks up Zandig and slams him down..........Monoxide drags Zandig backup and hip tosses him over............Monoxide dives down and applies a rear chin lock..........Zandig is trying to shake his way out of it..........
JB: Monoxide may look old, but he's stronger than he looks............
JH: The crowd are warming to Zandig..........Monoxide is telling them to shut up...........Zandig forces his way back to his feet............Monoxide still holds Zandig around the neck.........Zandig elbows Monoxide to the gut.........once........twice..........three times..........Monoxide lets go...........Zandig bounces off the ropes and comes back with a great rolling clothesline!...........Monoxide goes down...........Zandig drags Monoxide up............But Monoxide hits him with a low blow.........Zandig is down...........
JB: Monoxide stands over him and appeals to the crowd..........the crowd boo and jeer...........Monoxide seems unimpressed and lifts Zandig up..............Monoxide suplexes Zandig over..............Monoxide gets up and pulls Zandig up...........swings him into the ropes..............Monoxide big boots Zandig..............Zandig caught that right across the bridge of the nose.............i think we have a gusher.............yep blood is pouring from his nose.............Monoxide pulls up Zandig.........sets him up for a powerbomb..............lifts him high above his head..........Zandig slips out of Monoxide's grip and DDT's Monoxide on the way down!!!.............Monoxide is down...........Zandig slowly gets back to his feet, he’s applying pressure to that nose but it looks like a lost cause if he thinks he’s stemming that bleeding............Zandig waits for Monoxide to get back to his feet...........Zandig hits a standing drop kick...........Monoxide staggers back.........Zandig straight back up and follows up with a chop.........and another...........and another..........Monoxide is still standing.........Zandig bounces off the ropes and comes back with a flying forearm...........Monoxide is taken clean off his feet..........Zandig covers........1...........2.........kick out........Monoxide powered out of that pin and rolls to the outside to catch his breath.........Zandig bounces off of the opposite ropes...........he's making up some real speed across the middle of the ring...........Zandig dives through the ropes and hits a huge high cross body!.........they both tumble into the railing around the ring..........Monoxide gets up first, but Zandig is up soon after …… Zandig turns around and Monoxide throws himself up into a standing drop kick, but seems to have lost a touch of agility…….. Monoxide manages to drop kick Zandig clumsily in the hip, but Zandig hits hard into the railing any way …….. Monoxide seems to have hurt his own back from executing the dropkick …….. Zandig is up first........Zandig throws Monoxide back into the ring and follows in..........Zandig pulls Monoxide up and whips him into the turnbuckles...........chest first!.........Monoxide is slumped over the top rope.............Zandig hops up to the top rope next to Monoxide............Zandig jumps down from the apron holding Monoxide's head across the top rope...............
JH: Good God! I don't think he let go until his feet hit the floor!..........Monoxide is catapulted throat first back into the centre of the ring.........Monoxide is down holding his throat...........Zandig runs back up the ring steps.........then up to the top rope..........Monoxide is still down.............Zandig dives off with a frog splash!..........But Monoxide got the knees up at the last minute!...........Zandig rolls off holding his guts...........Monoxide staggers back up..........he manages to get Zandig up to his feet...........Zandig's nose is a mess and his chest is covered in blood..........Monoxide puts Zandig in an abdominal stretch!.........Zandig is hurting after that failed frog splash.............the pain is visible in his eyes............but i don't think he'll quit............Monoxide is using the nearest rope for leverage............the referee looks round to see if he's cheating..........But Monoxide releases before he’s caught............the referee asks Monoxide why the rope is moving...........Monoxide says it's the wind............the fans tell a different story..............Monoxide tells them to shut up............Monoxide goes back to cheating............using the rope...........Zandig is in danger of giving up or passing out........the referee catches Monoxide this time............Monoxide refuses to let go...........
JB: The referee kicks his hand off the rope! ............ That’s not his place Jim, that’s not his place…… Zandig hip tosses his way out of the hold and staggers into one of the corners holding his sides..........Monoxide gets almost straight back up and heads into the corner to splash Zandig...........Zandig dives through the rope to escape the attack........Monoxide hits the top turnbuckle hard and slumps over them...........Zandig gingerly hops up to the top rope and sunset flips the stunned Monoxide into the centre of the ring............the referee is well placed.........1.........2.........kick out but barely...........Zandig drags up Monoxide...........throws him into the ropes...........runs with him...........then trips him up...........Monoxide has ended up throat first across the bottom rope!............Zandig swings through the ropes and kicks Monoxide in the face!..............Monoxide rolls away from the ropes clutching his face and his throat................Zandig climbs the turnbuckles...........the bleeding nose seems to have stopped at last.........Monoxide has staggered to his feet..........Zandig dives off at him.........hurricanrana!!!..........Zandig goes to the top rope again……. Monoxide looks very still….. I think he’s out cold……… Zandig swings his hands like he’s hitting a homerun, comes crashing down…….
JH: That was his leg drop finisher back in the day!! The Zandiganto!!!! Does it still do the trick? He makes the cover.............1..........2............3!!!
JH: Well this guy Zandig is something else; that was a joy to watch, that match really was.
(As Monoxide is helped away by a company doctor they pass the commentary table. Monoxide shouts some slightly incoherent abuse at Jerry the Bull)
JB: You're a brave man messing with a wrestling legend like me, but there are a lot of dead brave men.
(Monoxide makes a mock swing at Jerry the Bull and Jerry flinches badly. Monoxide laughs and winces as he is helped away.)
JB: The man’s unhinged. It’s not a doctor he needs it’s a shrink.
(Jim laughs at Jerry’s embarrassment)
JB: Don’t be fooled by a flinch; just showing off my lightning reactions. Did I tell you about the time I made Dick the Bruiser submit in training?
JH: Too often.
(The Jumbo screen shows the IWA Prez backstage on his cell phone and the fans in the arena cheer)
IWA Prez: Hey….yep…..so we are still on? Good good….yeah I've booked the match, its a tag match with the winner deciding who joins the main event triple match……………….Well that's up to you, you handle it how you see fit. But if you say your going to be here then your word is good enough big man……
(Jumbo screen fades as the Prez ends the call)
JH: Next up we have Goldberg versus Tank. Two formidable athletes.
JB: Right, so formidable that neither won a championship in the IWA.
JH: Well Tank is in the ring, why don't you tell him that?
(Invasion hits and the fans pop as Goldberg makes his way to the ring)
Goldberg vs Tank
JB: Tank isn’t phased by the smoke and pyrotechnics, he’s waiting for Goldberg with a smile and waving him to hurry up…… Goldberg is on the apron, looking out to the fans ….. Goldberg snorts and bellows out for the crowd to react and gets a huge pop as he enters the ring…… The two men pace around and the referee calls for the bell….. Tank and Goldberg lock up ….. Tank manages to get the measure of the collar and elbow tie up and backs Goldberg up into the corner…. The referee calls for the break and Tank just backs off clean and flexes his muscles to the crowd…. Goldberg just smiles and the two men circle in the ring again…. Goldberg goes for the lock up but Tank slips an arm and gives Goldberg a swift knee to the guts…. Goldberg doubles up …. Tank winds back and gives Goldberg a huge chop that stands Goldberg back upright and staggers him ….. Tank bounces off the nearest ropes and hits shoulder to shoulder with Goldberg…… Goldberg is staggered but still up……. Tank bounces off the ropes again …...and hits Goldberg with forearm smash to the chest, but Goldberg is still standing….. Tank is off the ropes for a third time …. Goldberg meets him middle of the ring and they clash in a massive double clothesline…..
JH: Good God that was some impact…. Tank almost did a 180 on his way through …. Both men are down but crawling to opposite sets of ropes to get back up …. Tank is up first ….. Tank crosses over to Goldberg and begins to choke him out using the top rope….. The referee counts 1...2...3...4….5 and calls for the break but Tank holds on ….. The referee has to get hands on and pulls at Tank’s fists…. Tank shouts obscenities at the referee as he releases the choke, but on his way out of the hold he thumbs Goldberg in the eye ….. Goldberg backs away into the corner holding his face ….. The referee threatens Tank with a DQ for the choke and the thumb, but Tank shoves the referee out of his way and goes to charge Goldberg with a big knee ….. Goldberg makes a clever roll out of the way and Tank slams knee first hard into the turnbuckles …… Tank winces as he hops out of the corner holding his knee ….. Goldberg is waiting for him in the middle of the ring …. belly to belly suplex and Tank has had the wind knocked right out of him…… Goldberg drags up the winded Tank and picks the big man up and holds him across his chest and pauses ……. Fallaway slam and a beauty! ……. Goldberg drags Tank back up and whips him into the corner ….. Goldberg follows up with a clothesline and it looks like Tank felt all of that impact……. Goldberg whips Tank into the opposite corner …… follows in looking for a splash, but Tank gets a big boot up in time…. Wow, the fillings must’ve been shaken loose with an impact like that …… Goldberg shakes off the cobwebs and comes back for more …… Tank goes to give Goldberg a big kick but Goldberg catches the boot with both hands ….. Tank looks concerned and helpless as he hops on his standing leg ….. Goldberg grasps the ankle in one hand and slams his forearm down on the knee …… Tank swears out loud in pain ….. Tank makes a clumsy attempt at an enziguri and misses with the kick …..
JB: Ouch …… Tank hits the mat awkwardly ….. Tank’s clearly twisted his knee as Goldberg still has Tank’s foot in his grasp …. Goldberg drops the leg down heavily on the mat and follows down on the knee with an elbow drop … Goldberg slips around and applies a knee bar on Tank….. The referee is checking on Tank …… Tank swears at the referee and clearly doesn’t give up …… Goldberg has it locked in and Tank is looking more and more uncomfortable …. Tank manages to get a hand on Goldberg’s forehead, but Goldberg shakes the hand off ….. Tank winces and chucks out some colourful language … Tank reaches around again and gets a hand around Goldberg’s chin, but Goldberg flexes his neck and shakes the hand off …… Tank reaches down and rakes at Goldberg’s eyes …… Goldberg drops the hold and rolls away ….. Tank hops back to his feet as the referee bleats on at him about that perfectly sensible escape tactic, are these guys married or something…..
JH: Jerry meant to say that the referee rightly warns Tank about the eye rake …… Goldberg is still rubbing his eyes as Tank limps over and knocks Goldberg back into a corner with a series of hard right hands ……. Tank fires off a couple or big chops to the chest …. That last one could have been heard on the moon folks ..… Tank whips Goldberg hard into the opposite corner …. Goldberg hits so hard that he stumbles out holding his lower back and falls face down in the middle of the ring ….. That must have hurt, it looked like the whole damn ring moved 3 feet he was going so fast ...… Tank limps over and lifts Goldberg up over his head …. Body press and down comes Goldberg hard on his back …… Tank drags up Goldberg, backs him up into a corner, Tank smiles out at the crowd ….. Tank whips Goldberg hard into the opposite corner ….. Tank limps and runs across the ring to follow up …… Goldberg slams into the corner hard but comes steaming back out at Tank …… SPEAR, SPEAR, SPEAR!! ……. Tank is down and hardly moving …… Goldberg manages to get back to his feet and looks out at the crowd ….. The arena pops in expectation for the Jackhammer ….. Goldberg holds his lower back after that heavy bump into the turnbuckles, but the crowd want to see the finisher that made him famous….. A chant of “Goldberg” echoes out around the arena over and over…..
JB: He should just stick a boot on Tank’s chest and call it a day; Tank looks out cold to me…
JH: Goldberg drags Tank back up from the canvas and up Tank goes into the vertical …… You can see the pain on Goldberg’s face but Tank seems to be up there for an age….. JACKHAMMER!!……. And Tank came down like a ton of bricks ….. Goldberg hooks the leg for the pinball ….. 1………..2………….3! We have a winner.
Goldberg wins by pinfall
JH: The referee holds up Goldberg’s arm as the victor. Goldberg winces, rubs his back and goes to the second rope to take the crowd’s appreciation. Goldberg applauds the crowd in way of a thank you for their support.
JB: Yeah and thanks for goading me into 3 months of physio on my damned back, when I could have pinned the guy with my little finger. Instead of cheering they should pass the hat around to pay off the mandatory excess on the poor schmucks medical insurance.
JH: Could this be more about your own injuries than watching a wrestler finish a match with some style? Not bitter at all Jerry?
JB: Yes I am. And so would you be. Bitter and twisted, like a twisted crook insurance salesman. Don’t get me started….
JH: OK. I won’t. Moving swiftly on we now go to a one of our camera crews in the back….
(The Jumbo screen shows Scott Douglass and Justin Sane are chatting in a locker room as Justin Sane straps his knees.)
SANE: You know what? I haven’t looked forward to a tag bout this much in years. The years haven’t been kind to my knees though.
DOUGLASS: Yeah it’s been a while since the IWA days, but we’ve still got what it takes.
SANE: Will Eddie even show up? Is that why our tag match is not the main event no more? ‘Cause he’s a no show?
DOUGLASS: Who cares? It just makes it easier to get on through to the main event….
SANE: The trouble is who goes through to the final match when we beat The Good Guys?
DOUGLASS: Trouble? I kinda assumed you knew it would be me going through if we won.
SANE: What?
DOUGLASS: Well you didn’t think we were just going to toss a coin did you? I had the best following and greatest title runs out of the pair of us...
SANE: And some of that success was as a tag team with me. Maybe you’ve had your share of the limelight already. Maybe you shouldn’t assume just because I am wrapping my knees that I have no ambition or energy left.
DOUGLASS: Look. Take it easy. I know now why the Prez made this extra match and stipulation. He was trying to create friction like this to put us off our A-game. He always loved having Eddie and Davie as box office draw on his cards and held some of us back as a result. I could have handled this subject better I’ll accept, but shall we just agree that whoever makes the pinfall makes it through to the main event.
SANE: That’s sounds fairer to me.
DOUGLASS: Bottom line is that whatever happens after that match is all a pipe dream if we don’t win the match. So the prize might be distracting, but we have to fight as a team or neither of us will make it beyond the tag match.
SANE: Beating The Good Guys is what I left the house to do today. That’s my only real focus. Let’s get the job done and hope they turn up!
DOUGLASS: That’s the spirit. I’ll see you on the ramp. Good talk buddy. Pleasure working with you again....
(Justin Sane and Scott Douglas share a hearty handshake and Douglass leaves the scene. A look of distrust falls over Justin Sane’s face and then fades as he returns to strapping his knee and the scene fades)
JB: Trouble in paradise Jim?
JH: Looks like they settled their issue to me.
JB: You’ve no skills when it comes to reading people have you.
JH: I have been in the business long enough to know a storm in a teacup when I see one.
JB: (Muttered) You probably even think that I like you?
JH: What was that?
JB: Nothing my best buddy pal, what’s happening now old friend?
JH: Kurt Angle vs Snake up next. Do you recall the rivalry these guys had back in the day Jerry?
JB: Do I? Should I? I’ve eaten and slept since then. I can’t be expected to remember everything around here.
JH: We all know Kurt Angle’s wrestling pedigree from various federations and Olympics but surely you recall Snake taking the TV title from Kurt Angle, which proves Snake was no slouch back in the day.
JB: Well we’ll see whether older means wiser. I mean who the hell calls themselves Snake?....
(there is a reaction from the fans and a chorus of boo’s from them)
JB: What’s going on here…..
JH: There appears to be something or someone in the crowd……
(The camera zooms in to show Revolution and the EIWF Prez walking through the crowd. The EIWF Prez gets into various verbal confrontations with IWA fans. Revolution steps in and escorts the EIWF Prez to a couple of empty seats on the balcony, where they sit down to watch the show)
JB: Well……...the fans clearly don't appreciate the new company who have joined them….
JH: Erm…..better be careful what we say here…..I mean…..our pay cheques will say EIWF on them…..
(21 seconds by So Solid Crew hits, Snake walks out, he enters the ring and tests the ropes.)
JH: Snake on his way to the ring here, a former IWA TV champion and interestingly he won his title from his opponent tonight
(Angle walks out to "Medal", he shows off his medals as he walks up the aisle.)
(Snake has a microphone and Angle’s entrance music is cut abruptly.)
SNAKE: Well it’s about time you showed your face again, let’s see if you can wrestle after all this time. I got a Snake-Pit with your name on it. Get in here and let’s finish this!
(Angle paces down to ringside incensed and stops at the announcement table and borrows a mic.)
ANGLE: Snake? You’ve got a big mouth, but no fangs to back it up with. You had to meddle in a business that spat you out decades ago, whereas you see I don’t just meddle, I actually win ‘medals’. You’ll tap like the slimy snivelling reptile you are. Oh, It’s True.
(Snake throws his microphone at Kurt Angle and Angle has to duck out of the way to avoid catching it in the face. Kurt is angered and slams his own mic. down on the table in disgust.)
Kurt Angle vs Snake
JH: Here we go folks …… Angle runs around the ring steps and slides into the ring........They lock up....... Angle slips in and fireman lifts Snake........Samoan drop............Snake rolls out of Angle's reach and gets back up clutching his back......... Angle mocks Snake...........they pace around the ring.........they lock up............Snake backs Angle up into the corner.............the referee calls for a break..............Snake breaks...........and gives a clean break?.............. Angle is pleasantly surprised ..............they pace around each other................they lock up............Snake slips Angle into a side head lock..............Angle tries to prise Snake’s hands off.............but Snake pulls harder and Angle drops to one knee............Angle walks Snake to the ropes............they bounce off the ropes together...........Angle pushes himself free of the head lock and dives to the floor as Snake comes off the ropes at him............Angle’s back up..........Snake off the other rope and coming back.............they meet in the middle with a double clothesline..........both men are quickly back to their feet .........they lock up.......... Angle backs Snake into a corner...........the referee calls for the break............Angle looks like he's giving a clean break..........but he goes for a haymaker..............Snake sees it coming and dives down out of the way ..........Angle holds his hand in pain after punching the top turnbuckle..............Snake dives through Angle’s legs and waits for Angle in the middle of the ring........Angle is fuming............he runs at Snake and they lock up...........Angle slips Snake into a side head lock............It looks like he's trying to pop his head clean off...........Snake pushes Angle to the ropes..............they bounce off the ropes together...........Snake tries to push Angle off.............but Angle uses a hand full of hair to hold on then reapplies the headlock...........Snake complains to the referee............Snake is down to one knee............Is that a choke?.............Snake slumps to two knees...........the referee is telling Angle to let go of the hold?.......... he says Angle’s changed his grip to a choke ............ the referee counts 1….2….3….4….. Angle is annoyed but lets Snake drop to the canvas and pushes the referee out of his face …. The referee comes steaming back at Angle shouting and threatening a DQ …. Angle seems to realise how close to a DQ he is and apologises to the referee then goes back to the downed Snake ........ Snake gets to his knees and low blows Angle.............Angle rolls to one of the corners holding himself...........Snake gets back to two feet ...........Snake lifts Angle up, steps in behind him.............Back body drop.........Angle clutches his neck and shoulders.............Snake gets back to his feet...........Snake pulls Angle up, whips him into the ropes...............Angle back off the ropes................high elevation!.......Snake flips Angle clean over the top rope to the outside!!!!!............wow..........what a bump .......... Snake heads outside............pulls Angle up...........runs him back first into the apron.................Angle is hurting..............Snake rolls Angle back into the ring and follows........The tempo just kicked up a gear folks……….. Snake pulls Angle up big punch and another and another..........Angle is staggered........... Snake whips Angle into the ropes...........Snake off the opposite ropes as well............meet in the middle..........flying forearm by Snake!...............Snake pulls Angle up......... Angle looks out of it...........does he know what day it is? ...........Snake goes to whip Angle into the rope..........Angle slips out of his grasp and in under his left armpit.........ANGLE SLAM!!!!.............Out of nowhere!!!!!..............How the hell did that happen? .............. both men are down................ The referee starts to count them both as they’re both not moving …… 1……….2……..3………...Snake is still down but moving towards the ropes …… the referee continues the count …. 4…… 5 ……6…….. Angle is on the move too and with the help of the turnbuckles is first up..............Angle is shaking out the cobwebs...........with Snake face down and the crowd start chanting “Angle Lock” .............Angle heads for Snake's legs..........but Snake hears the chant, sees Angle coming and rolls to the ropes and drops to the outside...............The referee is telling Angle to stay in the ring............Angle pushes the referee aside and heads out after Snake............ Snake has got back up............ Angle gives Snake a series of chops to the chest…….. Snake is still up but staggered …….. Angle grabs Snake and throws him back into the ring ............. Snake slowly gets up using the opposite ropes ........
JB: As Angle enters he gives the referee a mouthful of abuse............Quite rightly too, why would he tell him not to head to the outside …… This isn’t the EIWF you know, we’re more extreme than they ever were, that’s why we got the ratings ……….
JH: Meanwhile back in 2019 ….. Snake and Angle pace around each other..............It's a shock that Snake is still up after that Angle Slam..............Snake and Angle lock up...........Angle whips Snake into the corner.............Snake reverses at the last...........Angle smashes hard into the buckles............Snake dives into the corner with a flying back elbow and crushes Angle in the corner.............Snake goes to hip toss Angle out of the corner..........but Angle rakes his eyes..........Snake clutches his eyes and staggers out towards the center of the ring............Angle starts to scale the ropes..........Snake was playing possum …….. Snake shakes off the ineffective eye rake and dives in before Angle gets settled on the top rope and shakes the ropes .......... Angle falls across the turnbuckles a leg either side..........OUCH that’s gotta hurt.............Snake clambers up the turnbuckles...........sets Angle up........ Superplex off the top rope!!!..............Snake rolls to the ropes............pulls himself up............he looks out to the fans...........looks at Angle, Angle’s not moving ……. perfectly set up for the Snake-Pit off the top rope? …… in Angle’s state he’s probably perfectly set up for the Snake-Stretch too ……..
JB: He’s going to have to make a decision quickly ……....... Snake looks out at the fans again and heads up top..........he’s going for that deadly leg drop The Snake-Pit............he’s set.......... he jumps............ but Angle got his knees up!!!!.............right in the back of Snake’s legs!............Angle rolls over..........manages to get up...............Angle slaps Snake in the Angle Lock .............Snake is in pain..........the referee looks concerned and asks the question ……… Snake won’t tap out............ the twist on that Ankle looks hideous ….. Glad it’s not me in there ……. Snake reaches for the ropes but it’s too far..........he’s fading........ has Snake passed out? ……. the referee is raising his hand once..................twice........................three times.....................Snake is out cold!
JH: Well Angle didn’t get Snake to tap, but what a hell of a match that was.
JB: Well you said it would be a good match and I’ll concede that that was almost entertaining.
(The video shows the EIWF Prez and Revolution clapping)
JH: Ah the EIWF Prez and Revolution approve of that match, that's good to see they do like something about the IWA.
JB: I think its Kurt Angle there applauding, he's been a long time EIWF superstar.
(The scene cuts to backstage with Davie J walking down a corridor looking deep in thought. He is then bumped into by Jeff Jarrett and the two turn to face each other)
Jarrett: Look where your going slapnuts!
Davie: Watch your mouth sad sac!
Jarrett: Look who it is, the deserter Davie J. What's a matter, fallen on hard times without your CREW back up?
Davie: You wish! Unlike you, I don't need to CREW to be successful.
Jarrett: (Jarrett walks up nose to nose with Davie) You better watch your back, or you might become my latest hit.
Davie:.....try it!
(The two walk away in opposite directions, the video cuts back to the arena)
JH: Here we have an interesting encounter; HHH our last IWA world champion against Jeff Jarrett who was arguably the IWA’s first ‘big star’ back in the fledgling days as we took off.
JB: Why the hell is HHH fighting twice tonight?
JH: All I know is that HHH told the Prez that he wanted to get his hands on Double J and the Prez told him flat that he would not be putting Jeff in the main event. HHH hates on Jeff enough to sign this match and fight twice tonight.
JB: If he survives the match.
JH: I guess there’s always that risk, but it just goes to shows what a great competitor and servant to the IWA he is…and the Prez knows that, so booked him twice!
JB: That and the idiot holds grudges for more than decade and creates a lot of extra work for himself. I’d have just taken a page out of The Good Guys book. Have your match, then you hunt down the people you don’t like in the backstage and introduce them to a baseball bat. Old skool rules.
JH: For the kids watching at home Jerry doesn’t mean that…also for fear of not getting paid, I believe you meant to say ‘the Good Guyz’.....with a ‘z’????
JB: Yeah right…...and of course if you’re at home and you have a baseball bat I’m not advocating violence of that kind. For the idiots in the backstage that might want to piss off Eddie D and Davie J tonight… Jerry means every word he just said.
(JH sighs deeply and puts his head in his hands briefly.)
(camera backstage shows a pick up truck speed into the parking lot and stop hard…..Eddie steps out and the fans in the arena pop….he puts his face in the camera….)
Eddie: Oh yes you better believe it, the real Game Eddie D is here at the IWA. Tonight I step in the ring with my so called friend Davie J…………..well let me tell you this…..I haven't decided yet if I’m going to shake his hand…...or slap his face!!!....
(Eddie pushes the camera away and walks into the building. The camera cuts back to the announcers)
JH: Eddie D is here!!! We wasn’t sure if eh would turn up or not, but the fans here are going wild as the footage played of him arriving!!
JB: But…..there may be trouble ahead…..he doesn’t know if he will shake the hand or slap the face of his long time tag partner….
(The Game by Motorhead plays and the fans react positively as HHH walks out. He stops on the ramp and sprays water out of his mouth and makes his way to the ring)
JH: The last ever IWA World Champion, Triple H is here to take on Jeff Jarrett, a two time IWA Tag team champion.
JB: Arguably, the first and last big stars of the IWA’s run.
(My World by Dale Oliver plays and the fans boo. Jeff Jarrett walks out and holds his guitar in the air and makes his way to the ring)
JH: OK fans we are ready to get this one started, HHH is in the ring and Jeff Jarrett has just made it to ring side...
Jeff Jarrett vs HHH
JH: Triple H dives under the bottom rope............Jarrett meets him with some stomps and punches, but Triple H keeps coming............HHH dishing out some punches of his own...........this is turning into an out and out brawl folks!........HHH throws Jarrett back in the ring under the bottom rope…..HHH slides in and gets to his feet........HHH picks up Jarrett........scoop slam........drops an elbow........hits another elbow .........HHH drags up Jarrett whips him to the ropes.......... Connects with a big high knee...........Jarrett staggers into the ropes and falls through to the outside............HHH goes to the second rope and appeals to the crowd ...........the crowd pop ............ Jarrett picks up his guitar while he regroups to try and put HHH off coming out after him ...........It hasn’t worked ...… HHH is out after Jarrett............HHH starts shouting at Jarrett...........Jarrett backs off and winds back with his guitar........... the referee warns Jarrett not to involve in the guitar in the match............. Jarrett drops the guitar …….. HHH takes advantage of the momentary loss of focus and punches Jarrett again and again..........rolls Jarrett into the ring...........HHH follows..........Jarrett staggers up and begs off...........HHH keeps coming.............Jarrett drops to one knee and low blows HHH...........HHH falls down clutching......his…… we’ll say midsection ........Jarrett stomps on HHH...........drags him up...........whips him to the ropes..........clotheslines him down..........Jarrett drags HHH back up.........whips him to the ropes.......clotheslines HHH down again.........drags HHH up.........but HHH turns the tables..........wraps Jarrett up in a small package.......1........2.......kick out!...........that was close!..........
JB: Jarrett drags up HHH ...........big chop.........and again......AND AGAIN........this time HHH is down.........Jarrett lifts HHH's legs.........and stomps him in the …….midsection of his groin I’ll call it ...... that's gotta make your eyes water.........
JH: Jarrett drops an elbow, skips up quickly, then hits a swift leg drop .........Jarrett covers.....1.....2.......kick out..........Jarrett complains about the count as he drags up HHH and sends him to the ropes..........HHH ducks the clothesline.....off the other rope.......Jarrett turns round.......shoulder block........both men go down..............HHH and Jarrett are both up.............the pace of this match is exhausting to watch ….. Jarrett irish whips HHH into the nearest corner…… but there’s a reversal .........the referee is out of position.....he's in the way........Bang! the referee just got crushed in the corner.........clash of heads with Jeff Jarrett .........Jarrett is dazed.........HHH grabs him.........hooks Jarrett’s arms........... PEDIGREE!!!! ............ HHH covers......... but there's no count......... the referee is out cold ………. HHH pounds the canvas for the count himself and the crowd are counting for him 1…………..2…………….3…… HHH gets up frustrated and tries to bring the referee around …… A paramedic runs down to the ring and is talking to HHH ….. We can hear HHH telling the paramedic to request another referee to come down ……… Jarrett begins to move, sits up and begins to piece together what’s happening …………HHH looks around and Jarrett lies down quickly and pretends to be out cold …….. the crowd are crying out to let HHH know that Jarrett is playing possum …. HHH is too busy talking with the paramedic to listen to them …… Jarrett slowly rolls out of the ring behind HHH’s back ……. Jarrett gestures to the crowd to shut up, appealing to the kids in the front row, putting his finger to his lips, as he gathers up his guitar….. Jarrett rolls back into ring and creeps up behind HHH and cranks back with the guitar to smash HHH over the head with it ……. HHH has finally heard the crowd and dives out of the way of the blow and Jarrett smashes the guitar on the canvas ……. HHH punches Jarrett repeatedly as Jarrett drops the mess of wood and strings …… Jarrett is being pounded but is somehow still standing ….. In desperation Jarrett grabs two big handfuls of HHH’s wrestling trunks and dives backwards sending HHH through the ropes crashing to the outside …… HHH goes down hard but gets back up slowly ……. Jarrett comes off the ropes and hits HHH with a well timed baseball slide kick to the head …… HHH takes a hard bump into the railings …… Jarrett kicks his smashed guitar out of the way and heads outside after HHH …… Jarrett peels back a section of ringside blue matting and picks up HHH ……….. Scoop slam on the bare concrete! ……..The paramedic has gotten the referee to his feet and is walking him up the ramp as a second referee comes jogging down the ramp to take over …… Jarrett picks up HHH and dives backwards ……. Stun Gun! Throat first across the metal railing!! …….. Jarrett sends HHH hard into the metal ring steps ……. The referee is shouting at Jarrett and HHH to get back into the ring ….. Jarrett rolls a dazed HHH into the ring and follows in after ….. Jarrett covers HHH and the referee counts 1……...2……….kick out …….. Jarrett can’t believe it …….. Jarrett complains about the slow count and drags HHH up to his feet …. HHH grabs two fistfuls of Jarrett's cropped hair ….. Jawbreaker …… and Jarrett drops to his butt holding his chin …… Jarrett is clearly shocked that HHH has got any offense left …… Both men get back to their feet and square off in the middle of the ring …… HHH punches Jarrett …… Jarrett chops back …… HHH chops him back ….. HHH and Jarrett exchange punches over and over …. The exchange is slowing down …… It looks as though Jarrett is coming off worse….. has HHH turned it around and finally got back on top in this match? ……….Jarrett ducks a punch ……. HHH and Jarrett end up side by side …….. The STROKE!!!!............Jarrett hits The Stroke and HHH is face down and out of it ….. Jarrett flips HHH over and hooks the leg ….. the referee is there for the count …….1..................2..................3!
(the camera shows the EIWF Prez and Revolution clapping at the result. It is shown on the IWA Jumbo screen and the fans boo and start an asshole chant)
JH: A win for Jarrett, Jerry would you consider that result an upset as HHH had been the IWA world champion? It appears the EIWF Prez liked that result, once again by one of his current roster members.
JB: No I wouldn’t, most people dismiss Jarrett, but he is a very competent wrestler and shouldn't be underestimated. He can mix it up with the best of , as he has just proved. There is no love lost between Jarrett and the EIWF Prez, but the EIWF Prez knows Jarrett’s worth and has been smart there and shown his appreciation to Jarrett….in front of all the cameras.
JH: Why do you think he has never been a world champion? He has been the United States champion and IWA tag team champion but that's it.
JB: You have just proved the stereotypical view right there.
JH: Huh?
JB: What do you mean….that's it? Winning the United States championship and Tag team titles is now easy feat. A little more credit where it's due James. As for the elusive world championship? He is a two time SIW World champion, just because you don’t recall it, doesn't mean it doesn't count!
JH: I guess I stand corrected!
(The camera cuts backstage and footage is shown on the Jumbo screen in the arena of the IWA Prez is walking down a corridor opening various doors, then he opens one and walks in and the fans in the arena POP)
IWA Prez: There you are! (Eddie D is seen pacing up down the room). I heard you had arrived. (Eddie walks over and hugs the IWA Prez)
Eddie: I told you I would be here, I got some things to sort out. Get off my mind.
Prez: OK you do what you gotta do, but remember, I need you in that main event. You along with Scott Douglass were the guys who carried this company. Remember that Davie J walked out when the going got tough and trashed the IWA World title into a trashcan live on an EWA show.
Eddie: I remember, don't worry...payback is a bitch!!
(Scene cuts back to the arena)
JH: Before we move on let’s take a look at the history of the IWA. As I’m sure you fans will remember, the IWA’s regular weekly show was called Chaos. Our Pay Per Views were Bi-Monthly, at the time it was quite unusual but a format used a lot more today.
JB: We were pioneers…
JH: Indeed! The year was 2002, and it was a hot year for wrestling. We signed up to the wrestling fans fansite which was a great companion site for feds and I have to say I love the work on there for the EIWF Network today. The Fansite would look at feds under its umbrella and assign wrestler rankings on a per fed level. But it would put the TV ratings as rankings of the feds head to head. We competed mainly with the EIWF and EWA, the NWL was around but no real competition. The EIWF had the reputation as the top efed around, the EWA was a great up and coming fed that was named fed of the year in 2002. We were happy to be able to mix it up with them and we are proud to have been ranked the number one efed at various times on the fansite in 2002 while competing with those feds. I have some good news for all of you IWA fans, after the broadcast of this PPV the IWA section in the EIWF Network archive will be going live!
JB: Ah Hicks, this is great news, I’m so excited that I can go back and look at some of those shows. What will be available.
JH: Unfortunately I’m told not every show we ever produced will be available, it's not to do with copyright issues, more to do with the quality, the original tapes had been left in a warehouse for many years and have been degrading and are not usable.
JB: So what have we got?
JH: Well there are numerous episodes of Chaos, plus pay per views. Our last ever PPV….Crossing the Line. Our first ever PPV…..Winner Takes All. Plus we also have Caged Madness. Unfortunately at this time we don't have the PPV’s Inferno or Retribution.
JB: Hicks, lets just be thankful for what we have got. We never expected to be part of a network with old shows being broadcast so our old fans and new fans can all enjoy. I’m not a fan of the EIWF Prez, but this network idea has been one thing he's done that I do approve of.
JH: Also over on the promo section of the EIWF there is a little section called archive and classic posts. One of the posts has the IWA wrestler rankings from August and also September 2002. Scott Douglass and HHH were ranked number one respectively, you can see the full top ten lists if you are watching this on a smart device by touching your screen here
JB: Well the monthly fee for the EIWF Network is easily worth it now the IWA has been added. How much is it Hicks?
JH: Its free Jerry….
JB: Yes I know it’s free for me as I’m an employee, but how much is it for the fans watching at home?
JH: Its free Jerry…...it doesn't cost them anything.
JB: Hold on a minute….GWN charge $7.99 a month…..WWE Network….$14.99…..All Japan TV is 900 yen…..Ring of Honors Honor club is $9.99 a month…..New Japan World is 999 yen…….and your telling me the EIWF Network is free????....FREE!!!????
JH: Correct….
JB: What is everyone waiting for??? Get on the EIWF Network now!!! www.eiwf.co.uk
JH: OK I’m being told we have a camera backstage with some former IWA stars and some IWA fans!!
(The camera cuts backstage where fans are buying merchandise and have photos with former IWA stars Kane, Scott Norton and Mr Gramps while former IWA star Stone Cold Steve Austin has a mic and turns to the camera)
Austin: Yeah, hell you better believe it. Stone Cold Steve Austin is here at the IWA reunion….WHAT? Now I couldn’t make an in ring appearance tonight….WHAT? But I still wanted to show my appreciate for the IWA, my stay was brief but I appreciated it…..hell yeah! Hey Scotty, get over here you SOB. Let's have a few quick words from ya. (Scott Norton walks over) How you enjoying the reunion tonight?
Norton: Stone Cold, I’m having a blast being out with these IWA fans, catching up with old friends and I've been enjoying the show.
Austin: How do you see the tag team match going tonight, who's going to progress to the main event?
Norton: You can look past the Good Guys Davie and Eddie. I use to tag with Davie and I know what hes all about. So I think he will go to the main event and then win it!
Austin: Thanks Scotty…...Hey Gramps, get your sorry ass over here and talk to Stone Cold! (Mr Gramps walks over)
Mr Gramps: Hey its Mr Gramps, respect for your elders young man!
Austin: Shit, my bad. So you old bastard enjoying your night out of the retirement home?
Mr Gramps: You cheeky little brat. If I was a few years younger I would whoop your ass (the two laugh)
Austin: How you enjoying the show tonight?
Mr Gramps: I just love being here, greeting the fans, posing for photos and thanking the fans for their loyal support.
Austin: I second that Grandpa! OK fans remember you can order all the IWA merchandise online or by our IWA hotline that's 1-900-909-9900. Can I point you in the direction of our top selling t-shirt, it's a nice black t shirt with the following on the front EIWF Prez 3:16….that's right we got a 3:16 shirt for the EIWF Prez…...WHAT?? That's right, EIWF Prez 3:16 says I just pissed my pants!!! Give me a hell yeah!! (fans in the background shout ‘Hell Yeah’)....now….does anyone have a cold beer for Steve Austin???
(The video cuts back to the announcers)
JH: Fans make sure you grab your once in a lifetime chance to buy some IWA memorabilia. You heard former IWA superstar Stone Cold Steve Austin with the number, that's 1-900-909-9900. Don't delay....order today!!! (Jerry's cell phone begins to ring....he looks at it and answers)
JB: Hello???? No I'm sorry I think you have the wrong number......I'm in the middle of a live PPV...…...Yes this is Jerry the Bull from the IWA...…..Yes we do sell merchandise but you have dialled the wrong number...….you need to call the hotline...…….yes we do sell t-shirts but you need to call the hotline number...…...ermmm….no we don't sell any AH 6:11 t-shirts.....but we do sell my own personal t shirt entitled 'Jerry's calling BULL on that!'.....pardon....do we sell what? Cardboard cut-outs?...no no no we don't. Look you need to call the hotline number, they can help you.....huh? What do you mean the plot thickens.....sorry sir I have no idea what your on about.....(Jerry ends the call)
(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger hits and the words 'Showtime' and 'undefeated' flash on the Jumbo screen as boo's fill the arena. The camera zooms in to show the EIWF Prez and Revolution standing and clapping. Ellis Black walks out with a mic in his hand and the EIWF Genesis title over his shoulder. He walks to the ring taunting the fans and pointing to the EIWF title. He climbs the steps to the ring and through the ropes. the music stops and he puts the mic to his mouth.....an EIWF sucks chant breaks out.....he lowers the mic and looks out to the fans and just smiles)
JH: The fans don't appreciate this, tonight was meant to be about the IWA and we are being subjected to constant EIWF interference.
JB: That's the advantage of the EIWF owning the IWA name, brand....hell the ring, the belt and archive footage.
(Ellis raises the mic to his mouth again and start to talk over the EIWF sucks chants)
Ellis: If I can have your attention for just a moment, and let me clarify, the only thing around here that sucks is the IWA and its fans! (the fans boo and start to throw paper cups and plastic drink bottles into the ring)…...Let me introduce myself....My name is Ellis Black....the EIWF Genesis champion....a calibre that the IWA has never had! (fans start an asshole chant) When I'm in the ring you know its the real deal because I am Mr Showtime! I am the original new era icon....I'm the undefeated Genesis champion! I cam here tonight for one reason, to stand in this ring and see of Kendrick Kross has the balls to back up his mouth and face me. Well lets cut to the chase, it's obvious that he's not here and even more obvious he was never going to be here because Kendrick Kross pretends he has what it takes but when it comes down to it....he comes up short. He can go and hide in his little one man feds and proclaim to be the best, I will carry on proving I'm the best! Kross you failed to show up tonight, you failed to take on me, you failed as a man and you have failed in life. So lets make it official, because your too much of a coward to face me its officially 1-0 to Ellis Black versus Kendrick Kross. The wrestling world knows the statistics, sure it was by default because you was too yellow to face me but a win is a win! Now I don't want to hear from your sorry ass again unless you grow a pair! If you IWA fans want to see a real champion, a real superstar in a real fed, you tune into the EIWF's Evolution show and watch me rule the wrestling world....its showtime!
(Its showtime plays and fans continue to hurl abuse at Ellis who taunts them by pointing to the Genesis title belt. The EIWF Prez and Revolution are seen applauding Ellis Black)
JH: Fans......I can only apologise...….
JB: Don't worry Hicks, the IWA fans let Ellis Black know exactly what they thought of him!
(Highway to Hell by ACDC plays, the fans rise to there feet and POP when Scott Douglass appears through the smoke)
JH: Folks it’s time for the match everyone wants to see, some see it as a co-main event. It’s the four biggest names from the IWA’s heyday, Davie J, Eddie D taking on Scott Douglass and Justin Sane.
JB: I still think this should be the main event.
Davie J & Eddie D vs Scott Douglas and Justin Sane
(Scott Douglass and Justin Sane are on their way to ringside as Highway To Hell continues to play.)
JH: This is it folks. This was set to be the main event at the start of the show. It’s still an exciting prospect, but now the result will decide who makes it through to compete in a 3-way dance in the main event.
JB: This is still the main event for me. Will Eddie turn up? Will the Good Guys be able to function with the animosity between the two men. Would it be Eddie or Davie to fight in the main event if they won this thing? Scott Douglass has already made it clear that he is willing to leave it to whoever makes the pinfall goes to the main event. What a gentleman.
JH: You really believe that for one minute Scott won’t make sure he makes the pinfall?
JB: Why would you judge an IWA legend like that? What happened to ‘issue settled’ and ‘storms in teacups’?
(Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple plays and the crowd are on their feet. Davie J walks out on the ramp alone)
JB: This is what we came for folks. The music of the Good Guyz is playing…... Davie J is back on an IWA card and looks in great shape. The ICON is back.
JH: Where’s Eddie D? Erm….I think you mean...I-Kon??
JB: Stop worrying will you and I have seen Davie take on bigger challenges alone....
(Davie J is half way down the ramp when the music stops. Davie looks confused, looks back up the aisle. Crush ‘em by Megadeath hits and Eddie D comes out on the ramp. The crowd erupts and Davie J smiles as Eddie descends the ramp. Eddie hasn’t made eye contact with Davie as he paces down to the ring in his old school leather jacket, Oakley shades on and baseball bat in hand. Davie J heads up the steps taking in the atmosphere as Eddie walks down to ringside. Focused expression but giving away little else.)
JB: Well that answers all the doubters Hicks. Here come the Good Guys……….save it!.....The Good Guyz….with a ‘Z’!
JH: Well I’m not sure whether they even met backstage because there’s no chemistry between them right now. Davie’s wearing a Good Guys t-shirt and wrestling tights.
JB: I noticed that Eddie was not prepared to come out the there usual theme when there a tag team, instead choosing to come out to his old singles theme of Crush’em….
JH: Eddie’s in Jacket and jeans. Is he even going to wrestle?
JB: Of course he’s going to wrestle. He’s not come to play baseball. There’s a coldness, but there’s no hostility, so I’d say that’s the bigger telling factor here.
Davie J sits on the second rope and opens the ropes as an invitation for Eddie to get in the
ring. Eddie finally acknowledges Davie, rests his baseball bat next to the ring steps and accepts the opened ropes. Both men step inside. Justin Sane and Scott Douglass look on from outside the ring.
JH: Where’s the microphone? Surely these guys have got something to say before the match starts.
JB: Eddie said that he doesn’t know whether he will slap Davie’s face or shake his hand and now they are just a few feet apart in the middle of the ring. My heart says slap him and my head says shake his hand and show the fans how good The Good Guuuuuuuyz really are, I mean, they can make more money together under the Good Guys name!
Davie J and Eddie D square up to one another and the referee is trying to get the bout underway. Both men ignore the referee and stare each other out. Eddie slips off his shades and puts them in his jacket pocket and the staring continues. Davie holds his hand out for Eddie to shake…..Davie points to it and tells Eddie to shake his hand…..the fans cheer and encourage Eddie to shake Davie’s hand………….Justin Sane and Scott Douglass look annoyed at how long it is taking to start the match…..Douglass stays in his corner but Sane walks around the ring………….Eddie looks out at the fans and respond with a loud cheer…….Eddie takes a step forward…….opens his hand……….and slaps Davie in the face!! (a silence breaks out over the crowd)
JH: Oh my, I didn't expect that and nor did the fans…..they are stunned!
JB: So am I….so is Davie J!!!
Davie J looks stunned……….Eddie suddenly winds back with a big open right hand and swings it at Davie J. Davie swings his own right and the crowd seems to have held their breath. The two men’s hands slam together in a urban handshake and embrace in a big brotherly hug. They slap each other on the back, take a step away from one another and turn around and Davie clotheslines Scott Douglass to the outside and Eddie hits Sane with a forearm, Sane drops down and rolls to the outside...Eddie and Davie then offer up their boot soles to be checked by the referee as though nothing had happened. Eddie shouts “Bring It On” at Scott Douglass at the top of his lungs, removes his jacket to reveal a Good Guys T-shirt and the crowd go nuts.
JH: Enough posturing lets get this bout started. The bell has rung and looks like Eddie is happy to let Davie start things off for the Good Guys as he holds the tag rope and watches on intensely ……..
JB: Let me take the reins Jim …… Sane and Douglass take to the apron ….. Douglass and Sane are whispering something ……. Sane steps through the ropes ……. Davie smiles at a cautious Sane as they circle the ring……. Davie and Sane lock up ……… Davie twists and turns and the grapple is lost ……. They pace around each other again and lock up ……… Davie slips a hand and twists in behind Sane and applies a rear hammer lock …….. Sane tries to grab at Davie’s head ……. Davie applies more pressure on the arm and Sane winces ……… Sane reaches down for a leg, but Davie blocks the attempt ………. Sane tries to pace his way out of the hold ……. They circle the ring with Sane still suffering in the hammer lock ……. Davie trips Sane and has the hammer lock applied on the mat now …… Sane is face down and grimacing …… sane twists counter clockwise out from underneath Davie and squirms free …… Davie gets back to his feet and mockingly applauds Sane for the escape ……. Sane shakes the pain out of his arm and comes angrily back at Davie and they lock up again …… Sane slips Davie into a side headlock……… He’s got it locked in well …….Davie drops to one knee as the pressure comes on ……… Davie begins to lift Sane off his feet ….. But Sane punches him in the face …….. Davie drops to one knee again, still caught in the headlock ……… Davie pulls at Sane’s hair to distract him …….. Lifts him up ……. Side suplex! …….. Sane gets back to his feet …….. Davie throws Sane over with a hip toss ……. Sane gets up quickly and comes again …….. Davie hip tosses Sane down again ……. Sane has the presence of mind to tag Douglass in as he heads back at Davie ……. Davie hadn’t seen the tag ……. Davie chops Sane and staggers him back to the ropes ……… Davie steps back a pace and clotheslines Sane over the top rope and Sane tumbles to the outside ……. Douglass smashes Davie with a running double axe handle from behind ……… Davie falls down across the second rope ……. Douglass applies his knee and pulls on the ropes and chokes out Davie ………... Eddie tries to come in but the referee stops him ………. The referee finally gets back to deal with Douglass’ choking …….. Douglass releases the choke and backs off as the referee warns him …….. While Davie is prone on the second rope catching his breath Sane punches Davie in the face from the outside ………… Douglass heads back to Davie and stands him up ……… snap suplex and Davie comes down hard in the middle of the ring ……… Douglass bounces off the ropes and comes back with a running elbow drop ……...Douglass covers …….. 1…….. 2……...kick out ……….. Douglass drags Davie up ……. Goes for a Russian leg sweep ……. Davie blocks it ……punches Douglass …….. adjusts the hold …….. And sweet Russian leg sweep by Davie ….. Douglass is clutching the back of his head as Davie rolls away, rises to his feet rubbing his throat and tags in Eddie D ………
JH: Listen to the crowd Jerry ….. And look at the concern on Douglass’ face …… Eddie is smiling and raises a hand calling for a test of strength! …… Douglass backs off and shouts at the crowd to shut up …… Douglass retreats back to his corner and whispers with Sane before coming back out and raising his own hand tentatively ……. They lock one hand ……. And a second hand …… Eddie looks to be struggling ……. Why is Eddie laughing? …… Wow, Eddie just straightened his back and look at Douglass being forced down ….. Douglass is on one knee and clearly in pain …… Douglass is on both knees now and the referee is asking him if he quits …… Eddie is smiling and applying the pressure …… Sane is in the ring and clotheslines Eddie ….. the hold is dropped but Eddie is still up …… Douglass rolls away and shakes out the pain in his hands and arms …… Sane bounces off the ropes to attack Eddie again ….. But Davie dropped the top rope and Sane tumbles out to the concrete …… Eddie taps the side of his head and offers Davie a nod of thanks …… Douglass comes back at Eddie with a hard chop across the chest …… and another ….. Eddie staggers back into the ropes …… Douglass grabs Eddie …. Irish whip …… and a reversal ……. Eddie is centre of the ring ….. Douglass off the ropes and Eddie sends him up ….. High elevation backdrop and Douglass crashes down and grabs his back …… Eddie grabs a fist full of Douglass’ hair and drags him back to The Good Guys’ corner and tags in Davie …… Eddie sets Douglass up for a piledriver …… Sane is still getting back to his corner …… Davie goes to the top rope … The referee is telling Eddie to leave …… Davie comes down …..Spiked Piledriver!! ……… Eddie claps his hands and steps out of the ring …… Davie covers …… 1 …….2 …… Sane dives in and makes the save…… Eddie is in quickly and stomps on Sane for his trouble …… Davie and Douglass are back up and exchanging punches in one corner ……. Sane and Eddie are brawling in the opposite corner …… Davie has the upper hand on Douglass …… Sane seems to be getting better shots in on Eddie ……. The referee is shouting at Sane and Eddie to leave …… Davie takes the opportunity to choke out Douglass with the tag rope in The Good Guys corner ……. Sane dropkicks Eddie …… Eddie buckles and falls through the ropes to the outside ……. Sane is shouting at the referee to look at what Davie is doing, but the referee is preoccupied with getting Sane to leave …. Eddie gets back to his corner just as Davie releases the choke …… The referee is shouting at Davie about the choke as Davie steps away from the corner ….. arms raised apologetically listening to the referee …… While the referee is busy Eddie chokes on Douglass some more …… Douglass’ neck is being pinned between Eddie’s boot and the top turnbuckle…… not where Douglass wants to be right now I’m sure ….. Sane is screaming at the referee to get a grip but when the referee turns Eddie has dropped the choke ……
JB: Nothing to see here folks …… Great timing from a professional there …….
JH: Cheating isn’t praise worthy Jerry …..
JB: It is when it’s done that well …… Davie walks Douglass out into the middle of the ring …… Davie knees Douglass to the gut …… locks in his arms …… double chicken wing suplex ……. Douglass rolls to a neutral corner and tries to tag thin air ……. Looks like his bearings are all off after all the choking he’s been suffering ….. Lack of oxygenated blood to the brain will do that for you …… Davie walks over and stomps on Douglass ….. Davie drags up Douglass and walks him to the middle of the ropes …… Davie shouts something over his shoulder …. I couldn’t make it out ….. Irish whip across the ring ….. Eddie kicks Douglass in the back of the head as he hits the ropes ….. Douglass staggers out of the ropes and Davie leaps up …….. Head scissors takedown and Douglass is down ……. Davie covers ….. 1 …...2 …… and Sane grabs Davie by the boot and drags him all the way to the outside …… the referee is losing control of this match again …… This ain’t a no DQ match? ….. Someone ring the damn bell …….
JH: The referee is shouting at Sane across the top rope as Davie and Sane are punching the hell out of each other …… Davie puts in a haymaker of a swing but Sane ducks ……. Sane slips in behind Davie …. Reverse DDT …. On the outside ….. Davie clearly felt that one ….. I think the referee is close to calling for the bell like you said Jerry ….. Sane drags Davie up and tosses him into the ring under the bottom rope and returns to his corner …… Douglass is back to his feet …… Douglass picks up Davie and puts him into a side headlock and walks him over to his corner and tags in Sane at last….. Sane links up with Douglass with the side head lock ….. Double bulldog on Davie …… Douglass heads back to his corner as Sane applies a front face lock on the downed Davie who is clearly in some discomfort …..
JB: Nice work…. Slow the pace down and finally sap some energy from the key partner ….. If Sane and Douglass want to win it’s Davie they need to take out …… Eddie’s too dull to hurt on and Davie’s better skills wise …… The referee checks to see if it’s a choke, but he’s happy it’s not ……. Davie tries to twist and prise his way out of it ….. But Sane has it locked in well ….. Davie reaches out with his boot and finds the bottom rope ….. Douglass steps over and kicks the leg away before the referee can see …… The hold should be broken by rights, but Sane laughs as he demands the referee to ask him ….. Ask Davie J if he quits ….. Stupid question …….
JH: Eddie is looking frustrated he clearly wants to get in there ….. The referee is locking down any interference with threats of a DQ being thrown around …… Eddie starts to stamp his foot and hitting the turnbuckle …… Eddie starts a chant of “Davie - J” and the crowd start stamping a rhythm and take up the chant …… Davie is keeping the same beat with is own boot banging on the apron and Sane looks concerned ….. Douglass shouts at the crowd to shut up but it’s just getting louder ….. and Davie is forcing his way back up …….. Sane has had to slip the hold into a standing front face lock …….. Davie is pacing Sane back towards his own corner …… Eddie is at the extent of the tag cord reaching as far as he can …….. Sane knees Davie to the chest and tries to set him up for a DDT…… Davie shocks Sane by lashing out with a punch to each thigh ….. Davie locks his arms around Sane …… T-Bone Suplex!!! ….. With a bridge, Davie has the cover …… 1 ….. 2 …….Sane kicks out and rolls back to his corner for the tag ……. Douglass is in and heading for the still downed Davie ……. Davie makes a diving lunge and tags in Eddie D!!! …… Douglass is too slow to back off and Eddie hits him with a series of big right hands ……. Eddie sends Douglass off the ropes ….. Big boot and Douglass goes down hard ……. Sane runs at Eddie from behind but Eddie heard him coming and drops flat ….. Sane has to hop over ……. Sane slows up before he hits the ropes but Davie still has the range to punch Sane in the face ….. Sane staggers backwards towards the centre of the ring and Eddie slaps him in a Full Nelson!!…… Sane has nowhere to go and Eddie has this locked in pretty well …… Sane isn't the legal man, but I don’t think Eddie cares ….. Douglass is getting back to his feet ……. Eddie sees the danger …… hoists Sane up and ….. Full Nelson slam!! and a beauty ……… Eddie doesn’t make it around in time though ……. Douglass grabs Eddie and hits him with a great German Suplex ……… Eddie rolls away clutching the back of his neck ……. Douglass shakes out the cobwebs and drags Eddie up …….. Arm trap swinging neck breaker! …… Eddie felt all of that ….. Douglass sits Eddie up and applies a rear chin lock …… Douglass shouts “It’s chinlock city baby, he says ‘yes’, of course he quits” …….. The referee isn’t impressed with the arrogance but asks any way …… Eddie is hurting and the crowd can see it ……
JB: Sane has finally made his was back to his corner and Davie seems to be recovering well …… Davie starts to stamp his foot and slapping the turnbuckle …… Davie is returning the favour of starting a chant for his team mate …… The crowd start stamping a rhythm and take up an “Eddie - D” chant ….. That sort of teamwork is why they’re the greatest Hicks ….. Eddie has managed to twist to lessen the pressure …… he’s back to one knee …… Douglass has had to twist the hold into a side headlock …….. Douglass winds up and gives Eddie a big right hand to the face and Eddie pops out of the head lock and down to the canvas hard…… Douglass stands Eddie backup …… Eddie is offering no offence right now, just holding his neck and trying to fend Douglass off ……… Douglass sets Eddie up for a suplex …… no wait …….. Fisherman swinging Neck breaker !!!! ………. Now you don't see that everyday …. Nice move …… Davie has seen enough, he’s trying to get in the ring and break the momentum, but the referee is blocking his attempts …... the smart move would be to take Eddie back to the corner and tag Sane back in ……. Or take it home and hit a killer move and take the win now …… Douglass starts to walk Eddie over to his corner …… Sane reaches out his hand for the tag ……… but Douglass takes his hand away and walks Eddie back to the center of the ring and sets him up for Russian leg sweep …… on that injured neck? ….. This could be it …….
JH: The promise of a pinfall progression to the main event is clearly on his mind …….. Sane is clearly annoyed and heads into the ring ……. The referee turns around and starts trying to deal with Sane, but all he does is give Davie a chance to slip into the ring behind him ……. Douglass has Eddie set up but realises he now has an angry teammate at his back and an angry opponent at his front ……. Justin Sane goes for a superkick! .......…… As does Davie J !!........ Douglass twists at the last second and both kicks hit Eddie D square in the head ……. Eddie drops to the floor completely poleaxed by the blows ……. Douglass laughs that his quick thinking paid off and half turns to talk with Sane before Davie erupts back with another SUPERKICK!!! …….. Douglass slumps and falls across the downed Eddie D …… He looked out cold before he even hit Eddie’s chest ….. Sane runs across and clotheslines Davie J over the top rope to the outside, but Davie grabs a big handful of wrestling tights and drags Sane out with him….. The referee turns around and sees Douglass covering Eddie …….. 1 ….….. 2 …….. 3
JH: There you have it folks. What a result? Looks like Douglass is awake enough to get his hand raised by the referee. Sane hasn’t come back to the ring to have his hand raised for winning the match. Maybe because he knows now that he won’t be in the main event.
JB: Sour losers I met plenty of, but not many sour winners… Ha HA Ha
JH: What’s funny?
JB: I just wondered, who was Sane’s Superkick aimed at? Douglass or Eddie?
JH: Davie has dragged Eddie out by the boots and helped him to his feet…. Eddie’s using his baseball bat as a makeshift walking cane. That doesn’t look promising….
JB: It’s not really the way I wanted to see The Good Guyz last match end Hicks.
JH: Hang on, Eddie seems to be able to bear his own weight again. Davie and Eddie pause on the ramp and look out at their fans. Listen to that crowd. The appreciation and the tenderness in that “Good Guyz” chant. This is emotional folks.
JB: Get a hanky you baby. They’re squaring up they’re not just soaking up the applause. Is Eddie going to Stunner Davie for Super Kicking him to the face, for leaving the Crew? Will Davie finish the job and kick his arse just for shits and giggles?
JH: No Jerry you’re wrong. Look at that, a massive bow to the fans and brotherly hug for one another before Davie helps Eddie up the ramp again.
JB: Yeah and even a cheeky “Too Sweet” gesture for old times sake. Christ, I take it back. Have a hanky on standby if you’re passing them around. Hell I must be getting old and sentimental. Hang fire on that commercial break guys ... doesn’t look like we’re finished here yet.
Eddie D and Davie J stop at the top of the ramp and a technician runs out and hands Eddie D a mic.
EDDIE: It’s been a rough Christmas and New Year for me since Final Stand in that ‘other Fed’ … but there was no way I wasn’t going to be part of this event. When I was invited and told there’s a fight to be had, I gave my word and I showed just like I always do.
Sorry we couldn’t get that one last victory for ya, but copyright or no copyright bullshit, I am the Enforcer Eddie D, I am the Game, I am 4Life and I am God damned proud to be a Good Guy (The crowd pop) and the legal team can choke on that and try and sue my ass. It was an honour and privilege to fight alongside ‘THE ICON’ Davie J again. I know all wrestling fans love a ‘what if’ story, so I’ll settle one now. If we had won tonight I would have seen Davie take the main event shot because as much as I have great memories of IWA PPV’s like Crossing The Line (The crowd start a chant of “I-W-A” so loud that Eddie has to pause) … we all know we wanted to see …. me especially …. to see the best technical wrestler of the age Davie J kick the Undertaker and HHH’s ass just one…. Last…. Time!
I won’t bring any ‘other Fed’ politics to this celebration of the IWA, but let’s just say that I ‘Stay True’ to what I believe in and if anyone calls me a liar on that ….. They can BRING IT ON!!!
(Eddie passes the mic. to Davie J and the crowd go nuts again)
DAVIE: In my heart I was sure this big guy would show up, but I wasn’t sure which Eddie would show up tonight. The one that showed, gave me one hell of a slap for starters. (A ripple of laughter fizzles out as an ‘ICON’ chant rings out) I am glad we got this chance to wrestle again together and though the IWA Prez thanked me for helping get this show together, it was all you spending your hard earned dollars I’d like to thank for making this possible. We may have lost the match…...but tonight I got my good friend back….. (The crowd give The Good Guys a standing ovation) This is goodbye for now, but never …. Ever! ….. say never again when it comes to The Good Guys. Thank you and good night.
(Davie tosses the mic. to a technician and The Good Guys take one last bow and start to head off towards the backstage)
JH: I hope this is not the last we see of them in wrestling.
JB: Three legends right there.
JH: Three?
JB: Yep, Davie J...legend….Eddie D...legend….and as the Good Guys….legends!!
(Hey!!! Is heard over the arena speakers……..HEY!!!.......the camera zooms onto the EIWF Prez and Revolution in the crowd. There are loud jeers and boo’s from the fans)
JH: What the???
EP: Right here Eddie….right here Davie!! Up here…..(Davie and Eddie stop and turn to face the EIWF Prez).....If I may borrow one of your lines, it’s time for a reality check! I’m the boss. You two think you are above my rules? You think you can walk around and do what you want. I got news for you, not in my fed, not on any of my shows. I told you not to refer yourself by certain names. Yet you still disobey me, you refuse to listen to what I say…. with that comes consequences. Eddie, you are nothing to me except a piece of shit! (fans boo and start an asshole chant).....you Eddie will never…..and I mean never work for me again. Did you understand that? You will never work for me again in any of my feds, you will not work for me in the EIWF or any possible reunion shows for the ICW and BCWF or any of those other crappy feds I now own. Your done! Your gone….YOUR HISTORY!!!!
JB: The EIWF Prez is laying the law down thick here, this could be the end of Eddie D!
EP: Now you Davie, I warned you before. Why do you always push me to my limits? Why go against me? Haven't I always looked after you? And this is how you repay me. I realized last year that I couldn't rely on you. I kept saying me and you was all what was required to be successful, but you insisted on going off acting on your own ideas. That's why I promoted Revolution to head of creative and not you. Your spent, the aurora of Davie J has vanished….your just a fading light, a shell of your former self. I made you a star, I made you what you was. I suggest you listen to me in future and do as I and Revolution say and perhaps you will save what little of your career you have left and we can use you to get the new younger talent over. You can't fight the establishment, the establishment always wins, it's about time you accepted that!
(Davie and Eddie turn around and wave to the favs and head to the back)
JH: The EIWF Prez laying the law down there, let everyone know that he’s in charge and owns everything.
JB: I wouldn't want to be Davie J when he returns to work in the EIWF. Sounds like he's no longer the Prez’s favourite….
JH: Fans we have Kurt Angle backstage…
(The scene cuts to Kurt Angle backstage in front of the camera)
Angle: Kurt Angle here, I just want to say thank you to the fans and the opportunity to work on the IWA reunion show tonight. It was great to get in the ring and face a great competitor in Snake. We exchanged the IWA TV Title back in the day and I hope we put on a good show for the fans. I believe the match had intensity, and the best technical match of the night. Fans if you want to be as good as your Olympic hero then follow this tip, You can prance and you can dance, but when it comes to relations, keep it in your pants. Sign up to my new fan club….Join me in Olympic Hero's for Abstinence. The best sex is no sex. Now that's true….damn true!!!
(Scene cuts back to the announcers where Jerry the Bull is laughing)
JH:.....welcome back fans…………..Kurt Angle there………
JB: Are we drug testing in the IWA?
JH: Erm can we please get back to some ring action?
JB: (Laughing)...stop it….you're killing me!!
Triple H vs Undertaker vs Scott Douglas
JH: Here we are. Finally the main event is here.
JB: Finally? Do you have somewhere else to be? Have you not enjoyed it thus far?
JH: What? Of course I’ve enjoyed it. Just saying this is what we’ve been plotting a course for the whole show and we’re here, the last competitor is decided and I can’t wait. It’s set to be a hell of a slobberknocker...
JB: OK cliche boy, go tell your thing…
JH: You know this would be going a lot smoother if you hadn’t had a drink during the last commercial break…
JB: Hey, it’s late, I ain't got another commentating gig for a while, Eddie wanted to say “Hi” after his match and you don’t talk to a Good Guy backstage without a drink in your hand. It’s manners. It’s etiquette. You wouldn’t understand...
JH: Folks I apologise for him. This match will be decided by the first wrestler to score a pinfall or submission. No disqualification or count out.
JB: Thank you for the definition of a Triple Threat match. For all the IWA fans that have never seen more than two wrestlers in a match before. You really cater to the whole audience in your delivery don’t you. It’s a wonder the EIWF don’t invite you to commentate on their shows… Oh No, that’s right they invited me instead.
JH: This again? I said I don’t care and I meant it. This business shares the talent around all the time and I think you did an awesome job over there. Better than the regulars across there to be honest…
JB: Looks like we’re being interrupted by a match here folks…Sorry Jim was getting side tracked on some painful ongoing issues there....
“The Game” by Motorhead hits and the fans rise up cheering, HHH walks out and gets on the apron, blows a ploom of water high into a fine mist over the entrance ramp and steps through the ropes.
JB: He looks tired. I hate to say I told you so….
JH: Heaven forbid ….
JB: But by God I told you all so. I said that fighting Jarrett before a main event was a bad idea.
JH: Well we know that Scott Douglass has been through a tough encounter too…..
JB: So two tired guys in the finale is better than one? Where is Steve Austin, Kane, Scott Norton, Mr Gramps? They couldn’t have had a shot at the big match tonight?
JH: Some of those guys have dropped off the radar, some are injured, some didn’t want to appear….
JB: Well it’s a damn shame because I miss the show and I miss every one of them.
JH: You really are getting sentimental tonight…..
JB: No…. I miss them because I miss the money that talking up their mixed ability talents gave me.
“Highway to Hell” plays as Scott Douglas walks out. He points to the back of the shirt then turns around and it says "Future of wrestling"
JB: Now here’s a man I would pay to see every night. Every man here wishes he was as good in the ring as him and every woman wants to be his next conquest.
JH: A fine ambassador for the IWA and a great champion in his day. Not sure you speak for every man and woman in the building on the other stuff though.
JB: Yawn Jim …… Political correctness police can’t get as at the commentary table; go with the flow. What are they going to do? Not call us for the next reunion?
(The camera zooms in on the front row)
JH: Hey look at that, the EIWF Prez and Revolution have moved to the front row for our main event. They want a close up of what a real main event looks like.
JB: Yeah? Smells fishy to me…...and I'm not talking about that sushi you had for lunch Hicks!
HHH and Douglass pace around each other and the referee is struggling to keep them apart as they bad mouth each other. Both men stop as the house lights dim suddenly and Undertaker hits the top of the ramp.
“Rest In Peace” plays as Undertaker walks slowly down the ramp and pulls at his gloves as the fans go nuts. Undertaker very deliberately takes the steps and stares out Douglass and HHH in turn before entering.
JB: There’s the bell to start this one and …. Wow, Undertaker barely got his hat and coat off before Douglass speared him into the turnbuckles ……. HHH is in over Douglass’ shoulder pounding on Undertaker with punches …. Smart move guys …. You don’t want to be fighting a legend like Undertaker alone until you’ve beat him down a bit …. Especially when these guys already fought tonight …. Natural allies, for now ….. HHH and Douglass whip Undertaker hard into the opposite corner …… HHH follows up for a splash but Undertaker lashes out with a vicious throat thrust that knocks HHH to the canvas …… Undertaker come flying out of the corner and lariats' Douglass down to the mat …… Undertaker throat thrusts HHH into the corner he just came from and HHH has to rest in the corner gasping for breath …… Undertaker grabs Douglass and whips him into the opposite turnbuckles and follows in with a great clothesline …….Undertaker sprints across and delivers a crushing back elbow on HHH …. Undertaker is ruling the roost folks, both opponents having to use the ropes to get back up to their feet …… HHH shakes out the cobwebs and takes a run at Undertaker from his blind side ……. Undertaker must have heard him coming ……. Undertaker gathers HHH up under his right arm …… side slam! ….. HHH felt all of that ……… Undertaker goes after Douglass again…. Douglass is catching his breath resting his back on the top rope ……. Undertaker goes to big boot Douglass to the outside …….
JH: But he misses and comes down a leg either side of the top rope …… not pleasant folks …… Douglass bounces the top rope up and down so Undertaker feels the full effect of that mistake ……. My eyes are watering folks ……. Undertaker has that deathly stare that gives little away and manages to free one leg from the top rope …….. Douglass pounds on Undertaker and backs him up into the nearest turnbuckles and throws some heavy shoulder thrusts in the corner …… HHH is in over Douglass’ shoulder pounding on Undertaker with punches like earlier ….. Undertaker finally looks like he’s taking some punishment in there ……… Douglass drapes Undertaker’s leg over the second rope and kicks and stomps on it repeatedly …….. The referee is calling them out of the corner, but they’re not really listening …… HHH presses his boot to Undertaker’s throat in the corner, choking him out ……. Douglass and HHH drag Undertaker out into the middle of the ring ……. Both tuck in either side of him …… Double side suplex! …… Undertaker staggers back up and HHH and Douglass double clothesline Undertaker over the top rope to the outside …… HHH and Douglass square up to each other …… are they going to pursue Undertaker on the outside? …….
JB: Ouch, I guess that answers that …… HHH hits Douglass with hell of a spear tackle and Douglass has had the wind knocked out of him …… HHH drags Douglass up and locks up Douglass’ arms behind his back …… Going for the Pedigree this early?! …… but no, Douglass knows the danger and squirms free and steps through the ropes for some kind of cover from HHH …… HHH is clearly going for a repeat attempt, but Douglass uses the ropes as a defence again ……. clever thinking but he won’t be able to cower in the ropes for long …… HHH drags Douglass out to the centre of the ring …… slips in behind him and hits a German suplex ……. HHH still has his arms locked around his waist ……. And up Douglas goes as HHH hits a second German suplex …….. HHH still has his arms locked …… attempt at a third German suplex? …….. Douglass blocks it and eye rakes HHH ….. Slips in behind him and …. German suplex of his own!! …….. Douglass has the waist locked ……. Drags HHH up and hits a second German suplex! …… Douglass fancies his luck at a third of his own…… but HHH stuns him with back elbow ……. HHH grabs Douglass and sets him for the Pedigree again …….. But Douglass powers HHH up and over and HHH comes down hard on his back …… Great power shown there by Douglass ……. Douglass drags HHH up and whips him hard into the corner ……. HHH bumps hard and chest first into the top turnbuckle and staggers backwards out of the corner ……. Douglass grabs HHH by the wrist …….Pumphandle back suplex!! …… Douglass covers …… 1…..2…… Undertaker breaks the pinfall ……. Undertaker is finally up from his tumble to the outside and pounds away with big right hands and throat thrusts on Douglass in the nearest corner ………. HHH is back up and tries to intervene ……. Undertaker turns on him with a vicious chop …… even with a gloved hand they heard that one in the cheap seats folks …… Undertaker follows up with a clothesline over the top rope and HHH is out of there …… Undertaker turns back to deal with Douglass …… Undertaker whips Douglass to the opposite corner …… Undertaker follows in swiftly with a big boot …… Douglass had nowhere to go and took that full force to the chin …….. Undertaker drags Douglass into the centre of the ring ……. Hoists Douglass up ready for the tombstone ………. HHH slides back in quickly …….. Clearly pauses to thinks about whether to save Douglass or not ………..HHH bounces off the ropes and clips Undertaker’s left knee out from behind ……. Douglass is saved from the tombstone but tumbles badly out of the hold as Undertaker crashes down on his back ………. Undertaker finally showing some human emotion as he grasps his knee in pain ……… HHH looks at both men down struggling and decides to head to the outside ……… where’s he going? …..
JH: He’s hunting around in the side skirts of the ring and he draws out a Sledgehammer?! ….. I know it’s a No DQ match but the referee is arguing with HHH and blocking his path back into the ring …….
JB: You said it Jim…… it’s no DQ ……. Get the hell out of the way O’Rielly and let’s get this show started ……..
JH: It might be no DQ, but this is still wrestling, not all out war!? …….
JB: Says the guy that never had to tour in the territories back in the day …… I think the ref wants no weapons in the ring out of self preservation above much else …. No one wants to meet the backswing of a sledgehammer ….. Ugly self interest over what the crowd really want….. Booooooo O’Reilly Booooooooo ……. I hope he can sleep at night….
JH: Douglass has rolled to the outside while the referee is busy and grabbed a metal chair ….. The referee is still busy with HHH on the other side of the ring …… Undertaker is up and limping on that left leg …..
JB: And Blam ….. Douglass waffled him with that chair right across the head …… Now you’re talking …… Oh, hang on Undertaker did that creepy sitting back up deal …… It freaks me out everytime he does that ……. Douglass takes a run up and slams Undertaker with another chair shot while he’s still seated …….. Undertaker is staying down this time ……. Douglass tosses the chair to the outside ….. And the referee has missed it all …… poetry……
JH: The fans didn’t pay to see this ….. There’s still such a thing as cheating to win in the fan’s eyes even in a match like this….
JB: I know all about cheating Jim…. That’s why I have 3 ex-wives …….
JH: HHH has given up arguing and drops the sledgehammer and tries to get back in the ring …… Douglass blindsides HHH with a big punch over the referee’s shoulder …. HHH drops to the outside as Douglass runs back to put the cover on the Undertaker …… 1…….2 …… But HHH grabs Douglass by the foot and drags him to the outside ……. HHH scoop slams Douglass on the outside! ….. HHH rolls in and tries to cover the still floored Undertaker ……… 1……. Undertaker kicks outs so forcefully that HHH is tossed into the air …… Undertaker sits bolt upright and starts to get back up …….. Douglass is back in …… he makes a beeline for HHH ……. But HHH sees him coming and hits him with a huge high knee right to the face and Douglass goes down hard ……. Undertaker throat strikes HHH …. Once… twice …. 3 times and HHH is staggered back to the ropes ……. Undertaker hits HHH with a big boot and HHH is up and over ropes and falls to the outside …… Douglass sneaks up behind Undertaker and hits a Russian leg sweep …… Douglass grabs Undertaker as he gets back and sets for a German Suplex ……. Undertaker blocks and stuns Douglass with a back elbow ……...Undertaker grabs Douglass by the throat ……… Chokeslam!!!! …... This could be it folks ……. Undertaker makes the cover ……...1……....2……...HHH breaks the pin ……. Undertaker gets back to his feet under a hale of punches from HHH ….. HHH grabs Undertaker and hits him with an atomic drop ……. Undertaker seems to have felt no pain from that ……. Undertaker just turns and grabs HHH by the throat …….. Undertaker chokeslams HHH!!! ……… Douglass is moving but slowly …….. Undertaker decides to head after Douglass instead of making the cover ………..
JB: Probably wise …… Douglass seems active enough to pose a threat to the pin …. Undertaker reaches down and grabs at Douglass ….. Douglass hits Undertaker with a snap jab and gathers himself …… Douglass goes for broke …….. Franchiser!!!! (jumping chin breaker) ……. Undertaker is down ……… HHH is still not moving ……. Douglas covers …….1 ….. 2……. Undertaker kicks out …….. Douglass complains about the speed of the count, but the referee has none of it ……… Douglass drags Undertaker back to his feet …….. Grabs him in tight …….. Belly to Belly suplex!!! …… That was excellent execution …….. Douglass covers Undertaker …….1 ….. 2……. HHH grabs the referee by the leg and drags him away from the cover …….. The referee is livid and shouting at HHH …… HHH is still down, he’s groggy and just grabbed at the referee in desperation …. Douglass crosses over to attack HHH ….. HHH lashes out with a low blow and Douglass rolls away to the nearest corner to recover …… HHH is slow to get up ……. Douglass and HHH exchange punches as both men struggle to stay upright …… HHH grabs Douglass …… Short Arm clothesline! …... HHH drops to a knee and crosses to Douglass’ feet ……. HHH is going for a submission move here ……
JB: Inverted Indian deathlock ….. Haven’t seen that in a while …… Douglass is suffering ……. Wow, look at the look on that face …….. Douglass is trying to work his way to the ropes …..
JH: How long can Douglass hold out? …….. Douglass has made it to the ropes …….. HHH refuses to drop the hold …….
JB: What’s he going to do? DQ him in a pinfall and submission only match up? …… I wouldn’t drop the hold either …….
JH: Undertaker sits bolt upright ……. Again the Undertaker just finds the energy from somewhere to get back in the match ……. Undertaker is back up and stomping on HHH until he finally released the hold to defend himself …… Douglass rolls away and holds his pain ridden leg ……. HHH and Undertaker exchange blows in the middle of the ring ……. Punch for punch the men are going at it …… finally Undertaker blocks a punch rakes HHH’s eyes and lands a haymaker of his own …… Undertaker grabs HHH before he falls ….. lifts HHH up ready for the tombstone piledriver …... Meanwhile Douglass is up testing out his leg, limping around behind them watching the two men go at it ……. Douglass has the chance to repay the favour from earlier and clip Undertakers weakened left knee ……. Douglass bounces off the ropes …..
JB: And changes his mind and just stops a few feet away ….. Douglass smiles and looks out at the crowd tapping his temple ….. Douglass watches Undertaker complete the move …… That was sensible move …..Tombstone on HHH ….. HHH looks to be out cold……
JH: Not very honourable though …. He could’ve returned the courtesy ….
JB: Douglass is the thinking woman’s crumpet ……
JH: Thinking woman’s crumpet? ……
JB: I probably shouldn’t have partied with Regal when I was over at EIWF, who knows what other weird sayings I might have picked up….
JH: Undertaker places HHH’s hand across his chest and makes the cover ……. 1 ……..2 and Douglass is there to break the pinfall……. Undertaker looks angry ……
JB: How can you tell?....
JH: OK, Angrier than normal then …… Douglass hits Undertaker with punch after punch but he keeps coming …… Undertaker puts a wrist lock on Douglass and he winces in pain …….. Undertaker is going up top with Douglass’ arm still tightly twisted ……
JB: Is he going to do his tightrope walk and big hit thing he loves to do? ….. At this late stage? ….. It might just be enough to finish this thing up, but I think it’s high risk …….
JH: You were right Jerry….. Douglass manages to twist loose of his wrist lock as Undertaker was starting the tightrope walk ….. Undertaker falls heavy across the top rope …… As Undertaker starts to lift his leg to get back in the ring Douglass hits him with a dropkick and Undertaker is sent spinning off the apron ……….. Undertaker takes a big fall into the railings and isn’t moving …… HHH is still not moving after that Tombstone ……. Douglas makes the cover …..1…..2….. Kick out ……. HHH was given too much time to recover I guess …… Douglass drags HHH up, but HHH gives him a thumb to the eye ….. (the fans start to boo).......HHH drops down on his knees and hits Scott Douglass with a low blow! The Ref warns HHH as the fans boo heavily…...HHH walks over to the corner post and takes the cover off…...the Ref tells him not to do it but he continues….HHH pulls Scott Douglass to his feet and Irish whips him into the corner and Douglass hits it hard…….Douglass staggers out…….HHH kicks Scott Douglass to the gut…..PEDIGREE!!!!!......HHH covers…….the Ref stands there…..not sure what to do……
JB: What is the Ref doing…….(The Ref talks to an official ringside)
JH: It appears that the Ref was considering disqualifying HHH for use of the bare corner post but doesn't want the show to end on a DQ…..
JB: But you don't want it to end on a cheap finish either!!!
HHH tells the Ref to count…..the Ref gets down and starts to count…………...1……………..2………..foot on the rope by Douglass!!!! (the fans gasp).........HHH gets up and starts to point at the Ref……..Undertaker has got back to his feet on the outside……..he approaches the ring apron and grabs the feet of HHH while he talks to the Ref and pulls him to the outside…..HHH and Undertaker start to brawl….exchanging punches….they crash into the front row barrier……..HHH goes for a punch…...Undertaker ducks and HHH’s punch hits the EIWF Prez knocking him over (the fans POP!!)......
JB: Man…..everyone has always wanted to do that!
Revolution grabs HHH and hits him with a hard right……
JB: Hey….hey…..Hicks have you ever noticed that Revolution and HHH look like they could be related?
JH: erm…..
Undertaker sees HHH fighting with Revolution…..Undertaker joins in and hits Revolution……..HHH and Undertaker move away as Revolution backs off and points at HHH and Undertaker and helps the EIWF Prez up…….HHH thanks Undertake for his help and points to the ring…...they both slide in the ring…...the two talk…….and nod in agreement….Undertake pulls Scott Douglass up off the mat…...slaps his hand around the throat of Douglass…..CHOKESLAM!!!!!.........
JB: It looks like Undertaker and HHH are working together to take out Scott Douglass!
HHH pulls Scott Douglass up off the mat…..HHH sets up Douglass…..PEDIGREE!!!!.......HHH gets up and slides out the ring……..he lifts the apron and pulls out a sledgehammer…..Undertaker lifts Scott Douglass up…..TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!!!!.......HHH slides in the ring…...Undertaker looks at HHH…..HHH signals to cover Douglass…...Undertaker slowly gets down and covers but doesn't take his eye off of HHH…….the Ref gets down and counts………..1………...2…..kick out!!!! (fans pop)
JB: I don't believe it!!!
JH: Scott Douglass took a chokeslam, a pedigree and a Tombstone and still kicked out!!!
Undertaker looks shocked….HHH is telling Undertaker to hold Douglass up…..Undertaker pulls Douglass to his feet and holds him up…..HHH looks at the sledgehammer and walks over….he hits Douglass in the gut and the fans boo heavily as Douglass drops to his knees clutching his stomach……..(the fans continue to boo…...and the arena lights go out)
JH: What's this?
(A voice is heard over the arena speakers……’Fuck the establishment’..........Perfect Strangers Plays and the fans POP…..the lights come back on and Davie J and Eddie D are in the ring)
JB: YES! Go get them!
Eddie kicks HHH to the gut…..he drops the sledgehammer…..STUNNER STUNNER STUNNER!!!!!.....HHH is flat on his back!..............Davie hits Undertaker with a hard right…..but it has no effect………..Davie hits another….but no effect……….Eddie picks up the sledgehammer and walks around the ring…Davie runs at Undertaker and hits a clothesline but Undertaker doesn't move…....Davie takes a few steps back…...Undertaker walks forward….SUPERKICK SUPERKICK SUPERKICK!!!!!..........Undertaker falls forward face first…..behind him is Eddie holding the sledgehammer and they both laugh…….Davie walks over and checks if Scott Douglass is ok….Eddie slides to the outside……..the fans continue to cheer the Good Guys but turn to boos……..Eddie is in a confrontation with the EIWF Prez…..Revolution jumps the barrier and shoves Eddie D…..Eddie pushes Revolution back……..Revolution shoves Eddie in the face……….Eddie pulls back for a punch but Davie slides out the ring and stands between the two of them…..
JH: Its all going on here…...Davie is trying to play peacekeeper here……
The Prez grabs his drink and throws it in the face of Eddie…...Eddie looks irate….he hits the EIWF Prez with an open hand slap...knocking him off his feet! Revolution lunges at Eddie….Davie…..pushes Revolution back and tells Eddie walk away…….Davie talks to Revolution who appears to calm down…..Eddie walks to the announcers table and grabs a headset.
Eddie: Hey HHH….there's only one real Game, I said that when I arrived!
Back in the ring…….Scott Douglass pulls himself to his feet ….. HHH, uses the ropes and pulls himself up……..HHH grabs at Douglass and attempts to do a suplex on him ….. Douglass blocked it ….. Douglass adjusts …… up goes HHH …… hang on ……… It the Pittsburgh Plunge!! (fishmanbuster) …… This has got to be it ……. He keeps the leg hooked and referee makes the count ……. 1 ……..2 ……. 3!!!!!
(Highway to Hell plays and the fans POP)
Revolution is seen leaving with the EIWF Prez as the IWA fans throw trash at them…….Eddie looks under the ring and pulls out a bag…..he places the bag on the ring and pulls out the IWA World title belt…..The Good Guys get in the ring and Eddie passes the IWA World title to Scott Douglass…..Douglass holds the belt in the air and the fans POP….Davie and Eddie then lift Douglass onto their shoulders and the fans cheer as they walk around the ring with the IWA belt held up a loft.
JH: There you have it guys and girls ….. Listen to that crowd ……. The reason the IWA was so damned good? ….. The fans and the wrestlers that fought and bled to entertain them …... if this is the last image of the IWA, what better way to go then with its three biggest stars in the ring…..Davie J….Eddie D….and perhaps the biggest IWA star we had….Scott Douglass!
JB: What a great end to a great reunion…… I’ve been Jerry The Bull and this guy was Jim Hicks….. So long everybody.