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Flashbulbs and pyro's go off as the camera pans across the fans before showing Jim Hicks and Jerry the Bull

JH: Hello fans and welcome to the IWA's fifth PPV, the question that has been put forward is, just who has crossed the line?

JB: Tonight we have Game versus Game. HHH taking on the IWA world champion Eddie D and if you ask me, it is too close to call.

JH: Also tonight fans we have Mr Gramps taking on Justin Sane in a no DQ match. The IWA Icon Scott Douglass is taking on the human wrecking machine Goldberg. The TV Title matc is one everyone is looking forward to, Snake defending his title to Monoxide and I'm sure Jeff Jarrett will have a close eye on that match...........Cowboy hits

JB: Its the Chosen One!
JH: Hes not scheduled to come out here.

Jeff Jarrett walks out with a mic.

Jarrett: I AM THE CHOSEN ONE!!!!!!!You know that Jerry, I know that and the fans know that. First off though Jerry, one of the biggest stars in the IWA? I am THE biggest star in the IWA. Forget you Fattie D's, your Justin Lames and your yawn yawn HHH. It is a crime in itself that Jeff Jarrett has not been signed to a match at Crossing the Line. After all, I made the IWA! We all remember Winner Takes All when I set the IWA on fire. People are not paying enough respect around here to the Chosen One.

I will make this PPV, we all know I should be out there main eventing, but no, instead we got HHH and the record breaker Eddie D.

Jerry: The record breaker?

Jarrett: Yeah the worlds most overweight human being. He's so fat he has to wash himself with a rag on a stick.

Jerry : Is that true?

Jarrett: You see we Snake, I've seen a brick wall with more charisma then this guy, taking on Monoxide, sounds like some scientific phrase for a fart. When I show him that I have got all the damn STROKE he wont be lingering around anymore though. So why don't you all CHOKE on that slapnuts!!!!!!!!

Cowboy plays and Jarrett holds his fingers in the air as he walks off

JH: Jeff Jarrett letting us all know how he feels there.

Bodies plays and Mr Gramps walks out as Justin Sane waits in the ring.


JH: They lock up, .........Sane backs Gramps into the corner, ..........the ref calls break but their not
listening, ..........No DQ remember,...........  Sane buries a knee in Gramps gut, Sane starts to lay
some big fists into Gramps in the the corner, .................Sane head butts Gramps, then starts
throwing some big forarm shots in there, now he's chocking him out with his boot,............ The
ref pulls at Sane arm, Sane lets Gramps drop out of the boot choke and turns on the ref,
.............the ref starts walk back as Sane threatens him, ..............Sane turns back to Gramps,
Gramps with a low blow.............. Sane is down and Gramps is kicking him in the ribs,........ pulls
Sane up, throws him to the ropes, follows him, ..........big boot,........... Sane takes it in the face
and goes for a tumble over the top rope to the out side. Gramps sees Sane staggering back up,
Gramps steps through the ropes, dives from the apron, big double axe handle on Sane........... He's
down again. He's getting railroaded.

JB: Sane isn't out of this yet Jim, ..............Sane has been dragged back up,........... Gramps has
him in a head lock,........... he's gonna run his head into the steal post, he runs with him,.............
Sane's snuck his head out and Gramps has conected head first with the post,.............. both men
are down. Sane is up first, .............he's pulling back the padding around the ringside area, bare
concreate showing now............... Sane picks up Gramps, suplex on to the concreate! ouch that
hurt! ................Sane picks up Gramps, into a body press and drops him across the
railings,.............. Sane is in the driving seat now........... He roles Gramps in, follows him in and
picks him up sticks his head between his he going for a powerbomb or a piledriver
do ya think?

JH: .........I don?t know but here comes the Big Boss Man ............I guess he?s here for some
payback after lossing his Tag title............, he's heading for the ring,.......... Sane drop Gramps and
heads off to meet him down the ailse! ............Big Boss Man has his billyclub he swings for Sane,
misses, Sane jabs Boss Man,.......... he's drops the nightstick, .............Sane grabs Boss Man and
smashes him head first to the railing............ Gramps is back upin the ring, ..........he slides
out,.............Gramps taps Sane on the shoulder,......... Sane spins round! gutwretch into a
powerbomb!!!.........and a beauty!.......... Boss Man is back up he's got his nightstick,......... Boss
Man hits Sane across the head with it as he sits up!......., he's split him open!.............. Gramps
smiles at Boss Man,........... Boss Man smiles back, ............Gramps grabs Boss Man by the scruff
andthe seat of his pants and throws into and over the railing into the crowd!

JB: Well there's gratitude!

JH: Gramps drags Sane back into the ring, slides in after, picks  Sane up, big scoop slam!
...........Gramps bounces off the ropes, big splash!.........and a cover 1...........2............3!


JB: The old man keeps showing these youngsters just how it is done.
JH: Mr Gramps has been making steady progress in the IWA and it will be interesting just to see where he will be in the wrestler rankings this month.

Enter Sandman plays

JB: Its the VIce Prez. Didn't know he was here.

The Vice Prez walks to the ring and slaps the hands of fans on his way to the ring.

VP: Thank you for the reception. I have come out here to have my final say as this will be the last IWA Program that I will have anything to do with. I look back with fond memories of the IWA and am very proud of what I helped achieved. My time in the IWA has come to an end, it has become clear that me and the Prez can no longer work together as we have different ideas for the fed. I do fear for the future of this company and will be surprised if the IWA is still alive come 2003. I hope I am proved wrong because I helped the IWA become the number 1 fed around and I don't want to see it close down. All good things come to an end here and I want to be positive. Remember things such as Winner Takes All and Caged Madness. I hired Jeff Jarrett, Eddie D, Davie J and the Undertaker. Where will I go from here? No one knows, I may end up in a rival fed or just walk away from wrestling altogether. I wish you all the best for the future and bid you farewell

Enter Sandman plays and the Vice Prez waves to the fans and leaves the ring.

JH: It looks like after tonight we are 100% back in control from the Prez again.
JB: I liked the Vice Prez, he had some good ideas, but if the Prez is in total control then I'm kissing his ass as long as he pays the wages.
JH: Next up is Scott Douglass and Goldberg.

Highway to Hell plays and Scott Douglas walks out wearing his ICONZ t shirt and the fans cheer.

Invasion hits and Goldberg walks out from the smoke, Scott Douglass does not look impressed with Goldbergs entrance.


JH: They lock up, Goldberg applies a headlock, ...........Douglass pushes Goldberg off into
the ropes, ...........Goldberg clotheslines Douglass down ............and drops an elbow.
Goldberg pulls Douglass up and suplexs him over,...........covers..........1............2........kick
out, ............Goldberg pulls Douglass up, throws him into the ropes goes for a
clothesline..............Douglass ducks.....goes off the other rope and hits a high cross body
.......Golberg catches him and drops into a slam..........holds there for the
cover........1.......2........kickout.........Goldberg whips Douglass into the
corner..........Douglass manages to jump up to the second turnbuckle instead of smashing
into the corner and dives back and connects a back elbow on Goldberg as he follows
in!......Douglass is up......Douglass pulls up Goldberg........snap suplex.......Douglass
stamps on Goldberg...........Goldberg doesn?t seem to feel it.........Goldberg gets up under
constant stamps from Douglass to try and keep him down.........Goldberg picks up
Douglass and whips him into the corner........Douglass stumbles out and Goldberg
SPEARS him in the back!.........Douglass rolls to the outside.......Goldberg calls him back
in.......but he?s just clutching his back and rolling in the aisle........Goldberg wants to beat
him in the ring and heads off after him.......Goldberg goes to the outside.....he grabs
Douglass and throws him into the steel steps.............wait a comes
HHH........what?s he got to do with this?.............I guess the HHH and Goldberg fued
continues..........he grabs a steel chair...........BANG........HHH smashed Goldberg across
the back of the head with the chair..............Douglass, still clutching his back and now his
head from crashing into the steps, now rolls in the ring and HHH rolls Goldberg
in..........Douglass covers...........1...............2...............kick out............Goldberg kicked and
the fans have erupted into a Goldberg chant. ..............HHH cant believe it.............HHH
gets up on the apron.......... Douglass stumbles over and clotheslines HHH
off.........Douglass turns round and Goldberg kicks him to the
gut.......piledriver........Goldberg is back in control.........Goldberg pulls Douglass up and
throws him into the corner and follows in with a clothesline. Goldberg grabs Douglass
and hits a big scoop slam..........Goldberg lifts Douglass up again........hits a side walk
slam........Goldberg pulls Douglass up.....goes for the jack hammer...........Douglass
suspended up ready to come crashing down..........HHH slides in and smashes the chair
across Goldbergs back............Douglass ends up on top of Goldberg for the
cover...........what a travisty of justice!.......The referee has to call
it.......1............2..........Goldberg kicked out!.............HHH was walking back up the ailse
laughing when he suddenly realises that the ring bell hasn?t rung........HHH is heading
back to the ring...........Goldberg and Scott Douglass are both back on their feet
exchanging big right hands............Goldberg rakes Douglass?s eyes...........Douglass pulls
away towards the ropes holding his face..........Goldberg is set down low waiting for
Douglass to turn around and deliver another spear.............HHH slides in with the
chair...........Goldberg changes his aim and Spears HHH instead!!!.........but HHH got the
chair down to defend himself.........Goldberg is out cold............HHH has rolled out from
under his chair and Goldberg, to the outside..........HHH is holding his ribs he shouldn?t
have come out here..........not on the night he has his world title shot.............Douglass
can?t believe his luck.............he clambers up the turnbuckles...........the crowd are
booing..........Douglass looks out at HHH just getting up on the outside .......... Douglass
looks at the fallen Goldberg...........Douglass looks out to the fans..........there?s a sign
saying ?we love you ICONZ?............Douglass turns around and dives at
HHH...........HHH dives out of the way and Douglass bounces down hard and crashes into
the railings........HHH laughs at Douglass and rolls him into the ring............Goldberg and
Douglass are down in the ring............HHH walks up the ramp.........the fans boo
him.........Goldberg and Douglass slowly get back up............Goldberg takes a wild swing
at Douglass...........Douglass slips in behind him and hits a German suplex.........into a
pin.........but aren?t both their shoulders down..........Douglass doesn?t realise he thinks he
has the bridge better than he does.........1.........2.........3! the referee has called for the bell

Result - A Draw

Scott Douglass and Goldberg both raise there hands, but the ref explains its a draw and neither man is happy here.

JH: Im sure that there is some unfinished business between these two.
JB: I think that was an upset that Scott Douglass didnt win the match.
JH: Lets go to a commercial.

The Wrestling Fans Fansite Updated every month with wrestler rankings, TV Ratings, Merchandise sales, a monthly Poll, a monthly interview, a quiz, quote of the month, Jerry the Bull's exclusive column entitled Don't Mess with the MOO! Also coming soon is the Roll of Honour. Who should be added from the IWA? E-Mail the Fansite editor with your vote.

JH: Welcome back fans and next up we have Monoxide and Snake and I have been told that after this match the Prez will be out here to talk on this Super PPV idea with the EIWF and the EWA.

Monoxide is in the ring as They dont know by So solid Crew plays and Snake walks out.

Monoxide vs Snake - Snake rules match (win by TKO or submission only.

JH: They lock up........ Monoxide slips in and fireman lifts Snake........samoan drop............Snake
rolls out of Monoxide's reach and gets back up clutching his back.......... Monoxide mocks
Snake...........they pace around the ring.........they lock up............Snake backs Monoxide up into
the corner.............the referee calls for a break..............Snake brakes...........and gives a clean
brake?............... Monoxide is pleasently surprise ..............he seems to be wrestling match rather
than in a punch up............Snake must rate his chances............they pace each other................they
lock up............Snake slips . Monoxide into a side head lock..............Monoxide tries to prise
Snakes hands off.............but Snake pulls harder and Monoxide drops to one
knee............Monoxide walks Snake to the ropes............they bounce off the ropes
together...........Monoxide pushes himself free of the head lock and dives to the floor as Snake
comes back off the ropes at him............Monoxide back up..........Snake off the other rope and
coming back.............they meet in the middle with a double clouthesline..........both men a quite
quickly back up.........they lock up..........Monoxide backs Snake into a corner...........the referee
calls for the brake............Monoxide looks like he's giving a clean brake..........but he goes for a
haymaker..............Snake sees it coming and dives down out of the way and drop toe holds
Monoxide into the buckles................Snake gets back up and waits for Monoxide in the middle of
the ring........Monoxide is fuming............he runs at Snake and they lock up...........Monoxide slips
Snake into a side head lock............It looks like he's trying to pop his head clean off...........Snake
pushes Monoxide to the ropes.................the bounce off the ropes together...........Snake tries to
push Monoxide off.............but Monoxide uses a hand full of hair to hold on then reapplies the
headlock...........Snake complains to the referee...........the referee asks Monoxide is he pulled the
hair..............Monoxide replies "No, No way...."...........The referee asks the crowd...........the
crowd tell him Monoxide was ok.......... Snake tells the fans to shut up............Snake is down to
one knee............He slumps to two knees..............The Snake fans in the arena start a
chant........Snake gets back to two feet...........pushes Monoxide to the ropes..........they bounce off
the ropes together...........Snake tries to push Monoxide off.............but Monoxide uses a hand full
of hair again then reapplies the headlock.................the referee saw it this time...........he's calling
for a brake..............Snake lifts Monoxide up as Monoxide starts to release the
headlock.............Back body drop.........Monoxide clutches his neck and shoulders.............Snake
gets back to his feet...........he pulls Monoxide up...............whips him into the
ropes...............Monoxide back off the ropes................high elivation!.......Snake flips Monoxide
clean over the top rope to the outside!!!!! a tumble............Snake heads
outside............pulls Monoxide up...........runs him back first into the apron.................Monoxide's
hurting..............Snake rolls Monoxide back into the ring and follows........pulls Monoxide up big
punch and another and Another..........Monoxide is staggered...........Snake whips Monoxide into
the ropes...........Snake off the opposite ropes as in the middle..........flying
forearm!.............Monoxide is down..........Snake pulls Monoxide up.........Monoxide is out of
it...........he doesn't know what day it is...........Snake goes to whip Monoxide into the
rope..........Monoxide slips out his grasp........chops Snake to the
cheast.........Hurrancanrana!.............Out of no where!!!!!..............How the hell did that
happen..............Snake is down..........but Monoxide is still out of it............both men are
down.........Monoxide is first up...............Snake is moving............Monoxide is shaking out the
cob webs...........with Snake face down and crawling in the middle of the ring all he needs to do
is apply a submission move and this could be over.............Monoxide heads for Snake's
legs..........but Snake sees him coming and rolls to the ropes and drops to the
outside..............Monoxide heads after Snake............Snake has got back up............

JB: Jeff Jarrett is on the ramp........he said he wanted to be in on the TV title match.........I didn't expect it to be like this though...........he's got two guitars.........3 guess who they're aimed for.......

JH: Monoxide hasn't seen Jarrett coming...........he thinks the crowds reaction is for him.........Jarrett steps up behind him.........Bang!..........there's Jarrett's latest 6 stringed hit!...........Snake has dragged him self up............he looks around at Jarrett........he tries to step out of the way........but too late!.......BANG......he smashed that guitar into matchwood!..........Snake and Monoxide are down..........Jarrett walks off laughing..........I guess he's made his point..........Monoxide is moving........Snake is sat up.........whipping the blood from his eyes after that guitar shot..........Monoxide uses the railing to get back to his feet...........Monoxide grabs Snake and throws him back into the ring................Snake slowly gets up using the opposite ropes...............Monoxide enters............Snake and Monoxide pace around each
other..............neither man is really with it..............Monoxide goes for a
trip..........but Snake scampers away from the lunge...............Monoxide is just taking his
time..............Snake looks the more dazed of the two..........Monoxide makes a lunge.............Snake suddenly
looks less dazed........he's been playing possum..........he has Monoxide locked............. It?s the Snake
Stretch!!!!............Monoxide is in agony............the referee is asking him...............Snake has an
insane look on his face...........Monoxide won't quit............but he's fading..........Monoxide is
fading............he .....he's passed out!..........The arm is rasised once .........twice...........three
times........Snake is still the champ!......

Winner, and still IWA TV Champion, Snake, by TKO

JH: Snake is still holding onto that TV title and has proven himself once again in the IWA.
JB: Did you see that? Jeff Jarrett said he would make this PPV and he just did, that was magic stuff!

The Gift plays and the Prez walks out to an I-W-A chant, he smiles and steps in the ring.

Prez: I would like to say goodbye to the Vice Prez, you may have felt you have been doing all the work but this fed was my idea not yours. Lets speak about this Super PPV. The EIWF and EWA want to enter into a Super PPV with the IWA. They want to get the ratings in my involving us, the number 1 fed around. Let me remind everyone that we have been number 1 for the last 5 months. I am saying yes to the Super PPV, we wil wipe the floor with our counter parts. Some details still need to be ironed out yet and as a bonus to the IWA I have made it my number 1 objective to sign former EIWF world champion Kurt Angle. Kurt if your out there and are watching this, the IWA wants the olympic hero.

The Gift plays and the Prez leaves to cheers.

JH: The Super PPV that is set for November seems is a dream no more and just a short time away.

JB: Then we heard about Kurt Angle, what a signing he would be.

The IWA Jumbo Screen shows Monoxide backstage, he takes off his ICONZ t shirt and throws it on the floor and is met by a limo driver.

Driver: Whats wrong?
Monoxide: Lets just say whats the point of having friends when there not there when you need them.

Monoxide gets in the limo and it leaves.

I am the Game plays and the fans all stand as HHH makes his entrance.

Crush Em plays and the fans cheer as Eddie D walks out with his world title over his shoulder and has an ICONZ shirt on, he steps in the ring and gets in HHH's face.

EDDIE D VS TRIPLE H - (World Title Match.)

JH: Eddie climbs the steps and enters the ring......Eddie staring HHH love
lost between these two, ........... Eddie paces the ring, ......they lock up, .....Eddie pushes
HHH to the corner,......... the hold is broken, ...........Eddie nails HHH, and again....HHH
ducks between the ropes, and the Ref pulls Eddie away.....the crowd boo the
referee......Eddie calls HHH on, they lock up again,........... HHH knees Eddie to the gut,
and again, sends Eddie to the ropes, ...........Eddie barges HHH down.....HHH is back up,
........Eddie nails him, ............, sends HHH to the ropes, Eddie clothslines him
down......HHH is back up, and stumbles to the ropes, and Eddie clothslines him over the
top rope to the outside.........HHH down on the outside.....Eddie paces the ring, ....HHH
back up on the outside, he slides back in.......both men lock up, Eddie sends HHH to the
ropes......HHH ducks the clothsline.........Eddie turns round, HHH leapfrogs
Eddie..........Eddie turns round, HHH kicks him to the gut, DDT's Eddie down.........HHH
pulls Eddie up, right hand, big left,............ sends Eddie to the ropes,...... clothslines Eddie
down,........ HHH off the ropes, drops an elbow......covers...........1........Eddie Kicks out
with authority, throwing HHH off his cheast and into the ropes......HHH pulls Eddie up,
sends Eddie to the ropes, ...........Eddie ducks the right hand............HHH turns round,
Eddie nails him, then delivers a mighty chop .......HHH reels back,......... Eddie grabs him,
sends him to the ropes,.......... Spinebusters him over, ..........clambers over holding one
leg for the pin............1...............And HHH Kicks, .....Eddie pulls him up, thumb to
HHH?s eye......... knee to the gut,........ Belly to belly Suplex.......HHH is down,..........
pulls HHH up, right hand, big forearm,............ HHH reels back, Eddie sends him to the
ropes, ...........Big back Body Drop....and HHH is down....Eddie off the ropes, goes for a
legdrop, ........HHH moves....Eddie hits down hard......both men are up, HHH ducks the
right hand, HHH grabs Eddie from behind, Backsuplex....Eddie is down, HHH is back up,
and stomps on Eddie......

JB: Great Start to this match.........HHH pulls Eddie up, right hand, and again.....sends
Eddie to the corner, HHH follows in, Eddie raises a boot.....HHH stumbles away.....Eddie
clothslines him down.,...the tide turning back and forth....neither man
dominating.....Eddie pulls HHH up, right hand, and again, slams HHH down......Eddie
drops an elbow, .........Eddie pulls HHH up, knee to the gut, and again, belly to Belly
suplex.....HHH is down, and rolls to the outside, the crowd boo......Eddie follows him out,
HHH is back up, ...........Eddie nails him from behind, double axe handle........, sends
HHH into the barrior.,..........HHH goes down, Eddie stomps on him........Eddie pulls HHH
up, HHH goes to whip Eddie into the ring post.........but Eddie reverses........., sends HHH
into ringpost............HHH is down.......Eddie shouts at the referee to stop the
count..........Eddie threatens him.........The referee tells him to get on with it.........Eddie
turns round......Standing Sidekick by HHH.....and Eddie reels back, HHH clothslines him
over the barrior into the crowd......HHH nearly took Eddie's head clean off with that
Sidekick......the referee has started his count again..........1.......2........3........4........HHH
climbs over the barrior into the crowd, Eddie is back up, HHH nails him, and
again......Eddie drops down, ..........HHH can?t win the title out here though............ HHH
pulls Eddie up, and sends him back over the barrior.........HHH follows......Eddie is back
up, ..........HHH sends Eddie into the ringpost........the referee continues to
count...........5........6.......7.........Eddie goes down, and HHH in control now, he is defintily
in the driving seat......HHH pulls Eddie up, and slides him in the ring......HHH
re-enters.....Eddie is getting up, HHH nails him, and again.........sends Eddie to the ropes,
dropkicks him down......HHH enjoying this, he is thinking he has a real chance of taking
the gold tonight......HHH pulls Eddie up, and Eddie elbows HHH, and again.....HHH reels
back, ...........Eddie chops him, sends him to the ropes, .........HHH ducks the
clothsline.........Eddie turns round, HHH goes for a highcross body....Eddie catches him,
and drops HHH down into a backbreaker.....HHH is down......Eddie pulls HHH up, and
applies a Bearhug........

JH: Eddie with the bearhug locked in tight....and the Ref approaches HHH.....raises his
hand once.............twice...............No, HHH keeps his hand up.....HHH aint going down
just yet.....HHH elbows eddie. And again....Eddie lets go,........ HHH sends Eddie to the
ropes.............Eddie ducks the right hand, grabs HHH from
behind.........Fullnelson............will we see one of his favourites the fullnelson
slam?!..........OH, Mulekick by HHH.......Eddie stumbles away, HHH turns round, kicks
Eddie to the gut, pulls him down.......Going for a piledriver.....Eddie backbody drops him
over.....both men are up, .........Eddie kicks HHH to the gut, sends HHH to the
ropes......HHH ducks the clothsline.....Eddie turns round, HHH kicks him to the gut, HHH
off the ropes, Axekick to the back of Eddie?s head......Eddie is down.....HHH
covers............1...............2...........and Eddie Kicks.......HHH pulls him up, right hand, and
again........Eddie reels back, HHH sends him to the ropes, ...........Eddie ducks the
clothsline.....grabs HHH from behind, russian leg sweep.....HHH is down....Eddie pulls
him up........ sends HHH to the ropes.....bionic elbows him down, Eddie off the ropes,
Splashs HHH......holds for the pin............1..................2.............HHH Kicks.........and its
getting to the point in the match, where the next big move, could win it for either
man......neither man can have much left.......Eddie pulls HHH up, knee to the gut, and
again......sends HHH to the corner.......Eddie follows in with a splash.......HHH stumbles
out, Eddie grabs him, T-bone Suplex........HHH is down, Eddie sends HHH to the
corner,....... Eddie follows in, HHH moves......Eddie hits hard, and stumbles
out.........HHH grabs him, Neckbreaker......Eddie is down........HHH re-groups.........HHH
pulls Eddie up, suplexs him over......Eddie is down.....and HHH heads uptop....I?d say that
wasn?t a good idea, he?s no high flyer.......HHH uptop.....but Eddie is up, Eddie knocks
the ropes......HHH drops legs apart across the toprope.......Eddie climbs upto him, nails
HHH, .......HHH nails him back.........Eddie rakes his eyes......Eddie setting him up, what
is he looking for.......OH!.......Superplex.......HHH is down, so is Eddie......Eddie is pulling
out the stops to keep his IWA title......Eddie is back up, .......drags HHH up..........running
powerslam!! this enough?.....1...............2.................No, HHH Kicks......
JB: Eddie pulls HHH up, right hand, kick to the gut,........ Goes for the Stunner...HHH
blocks....elbows Eddie, ........Eddie stumbles back, HHH goes for a Superkick.........Eddie
ducks.........grabs HHH from behind....fullnelson.....Full Nelson Slam!......HHH is
down.......Eddie covers............maybe this time...........1.....................2...................HHH
Kicks again, .......Eddie pulls HHH up, goes to send him to the ropes, ..........HHH
reverses, ..........sends Eddie to the ropes......Eddie ducks the right hand.....HHH turns
round, catches Eddie with the Superkick......Superkick to Eddie, and the Game is down,
HHH covers.....this might be all..................1....................2..................and No, Eddie
kicks..........HHH pulls Eddie up, send him to the ropes, .............HHH goes for a big right
hand.........Eddie blocks, short arm clotheslines HHH down........Eddie pulls HHH up,
goes for the Stunner..........HHH Blocks, sends Eddie to the ropes, Kicks Eddie to the
gut.....Stunner!!!!.......Eddie D is down, ............he just layed Eddie D out with his own
move.........and HHH pulls Eddie up into a pedigree position......he's looking to finish it
now.......NO............Eddie powers HHH over still holding his arms locked and Eddie
comes down with all his weight across HHH?s cheast.........he has him
pinned!........1........2..........HHH kicks out and rolls out from under Eddie gasping for air.
........Eddie knocked every last bit of air left out of him............Eddie pulls himself
up......he has a chance now, and the crowd willing him on...........what a match this has
been.....Eddie pulls HHH up, Goes for the Stunner...........HHH blocks, nails
Eddie,........HHH goes to send him to the ropes, ..........Eddie reverses, and sends HHH
into the referee.....and the Ref is down!.....HHH stumbles back, Eddie grabs
him.....Stunner!!!!!........HHH is down.........Eddie covers......there is no Ref......the crowd wont count.....Eddie D is up.......HHH is down,
and so is the Referee......Eddie can?t believe his bad luck!......Eddie pulls HHH
up........Stunner.......another stunner on HHH.........HHH is down, Eddie tries to revive the
Ref..........Hang on...what the Hell...........The Vice Prez is out!, Steel chair in hand......
Eddie D better watch out now.....

JH: Eddie is back up in the ring.........the Vice Prez is in,........... nails Eddie to the back with
the steel chair.....Eddie stumbles forward,....... the Vice Prez nails Eddie round the head,
Eddie goes down......OH GOD!...this aint right.......what the hell is the Vice Prez
doing??...........the Vice Prez chucks the chair down and opens his arms to the crowd........the crowd break into an 'Asshole' chant......HHH is coming around..........Eddie manages to get back up..........the
Vice Prez shouldn?t have thrown down that chair the job ain?t done yet.........Eddie is
heading after the Vice Prez............The Vice Prez begs off........HHH steps in behind Eddie
and back body drops him onto the steel chair!!!!....HHH stays down..........both Eddie D
and HHH are only just with us........Eddie D has just battled his way to within an inch of
victory, ...........and then the Vice Prez decides to end it this way!?........ HHH pulls Eddie
D up.............The Ref is coming round.........dont let it end like this......HHH drags Eddie
up over the chair..........Pedigree!..... on the chair!!!!.........the crowd are all on their feet........The Ref
is there............1.................2.....................3..

RESULT-   The winner and new IWA World Champion TRIPLE H!

JH: Fans I hope you enjoyed the show and it seems the Vice Prez had the final say tonight. See you at Chaos

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