EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

("The Gift" By INXS hits, graphics of IWA superstars kick in on the big screen , fire works go off all around the arena, the crowd pop! The camera takes a sweeping view of the crowd and slows down to stop at the commentators table at ringside.)
JH: Hello fans and welcome, welcome to Winner Takes All. This is the PPV that everyone is talking about. Our fanbase is growing and growing and since the closure of the EIWF we are now the number 1 fed around. So the IWA finally did waht the WWO, ICW and NWL couldn't do, we finally defeated the once mighty EIWF. The IWA is the place to be, as always i am joined by Jerry The Bull.
JB: What a show this looks set to be, the stage is set and will we finally find out tonight who the masked man is?
JH: That's right, will the masked man be revealed tonight, a lot of speculation who this could be. All signs point that it is someone from the CREW.
JB: It could be a number of people, Davie J, Eddie D, Hollywood Hogan, Big Poppa, Metyl, Jeff Jarrett and there are some others.
JH: Its hard to speculate but I guess we will have to wait and see. well lets get the show going with our first match its Scott Douglass versus Tank, both from the nWo.
JB: Thats right it seems the Prez is trying to break the strangle hold the nWo has on the IWA by making them face each other.
The nWo theme plays and the fans boo as Tank walks to the ring.
Highway to Hell plays and the fans cheer as Scott Douglass walks out and to the ring
Tank Vs Scott Douglass (Prelim Round Match)
They lock up, Tank applies a headlock, Douglass pushes Tank off into the ropes, Tank clotheslines Douglass down and then drop an elbow. Tank pulls Douglass up and suplexes hi over, covers..........1............2........kick out, Tank pulls Douglass up, throws him into the ropes goes for a clothesline...Douglass ducks.....goes off the other rope and hits a high cross body and the fans cheer.......Douglass is up grabs Tank....belly to belly suplex.......Tank rolls to the outside.......Douglass calls him in.......the ref starts to count............1.....................2..................3......................4........Douglass goes to the outside.....he grabs Tank and throws him into the steel steps............5.........................6....................wait a minute.......here comes Steve Austin........he grabs a steel chair...........BANG........hits Scott Douglass across the back of the head with the chair..............Tank rolls in the ring and Austin rolls Douglass in..........Tank covers...........1...............2...............kick out............Douglass kicked and the fans have erupted into a Douglass chant. Austin cant believe it....Austin gets up on the apron..........Douglass runs over and clotheslines Austin off.........Douglass turns round and Tank kicks him to the gut.......piledriver........Tank is back in control.........Tank lifts Douglass up and throws him into the corner and follows in with a clothesline. Tank grabs Douglass and hits a suplex..........Tank lifts Douglass up again......suplex...........Tank pulls Douglass up.....goes for a suplex.......Douglass blocks it.....small package by Douglass.............1.....................2..................3!!!!!!! Highway to Hell plays and the fans cheer......Douglass rolls out and heads to the back.
Scott Douglass wins by pinfall and advances to the first round.
JH: Wow what an opening match and Scott Douglass has overcome the odds to win that match.
JB: Scott Douglass overcame the onslaught from the other two members of the nWo but what does this mean for the nWo?
Scott Hall Vs Scott Douglass
Listen to these fans, a Scott Douglass chant has already broken out, he is already the peoples champion. They lock up, Hall hits Douglass with some shoulder barges, Hall kicks Douglass to the gut and slaps Douglass to the back of the head. Hall laughs, Douglass does not look impressed, they lock up again.....Hall throws Douglass into the ropes but Douglass clotheslines Hall down......Hall gets up and Douglass clotheslines him down again, listen to these fans they are going wild. Hall rolls to the outside to try to get his game plan back together. Douglass calls him in, Hall rolls in and hits Douglass with some hard rights and then hits a chokeslam. Hall covers..........1.................2............kick out! Hall complains about a slow count. Douglass hits Hall with a chop and antoher........Douglass grabs Hall and hits a side suplex, he goes for a quick pin........1............2..........kick out. Douglass pulls Hall up and hits a German suplex, and another, and another into a pin............1....................2...............kick out!............Douglass is in total control.........and what a match this is, the winner will be in with a chance to win the world title and Douglass is the man in control. Douglass throws Hall into the corner and follows in, but Hall moves and Douglass crashes into the corner and stumbles out, Hall hits a bulldog on Douglass.....Hall pulls Douglass up......fall away slam. Hall covers..........1..............2..........kick out! Hall cant believe it. Hall pulls Douglass up......wait......Douglass kicks Hall to the gut...Stunner!!!!!.......Hall crashes to the ground and both men are down............1..........................2.............................3..............................4..........................Douglass sits up and tries to get up......................5..............................6.............................Douglass grabs the ropes to help pull himself up..........................7..........................Hall rolls to the outside.......................8......................Douglass is up..................Douglass climbs to the top ropes........hits a flying elbow on Hall!...............the fans POP!.........Douglass gets up.................wait a minute..........the masked man is on his way out........what the hell is he doing here.................the masked man walks up behind Douglass but Douglass has not seen him.................Douglass turns round...............SUPERKICK!!!!!!!................Douglass is down...........and listen to the reaction from these fans...............they think they know who it is now!...................security is out............they escort the masked man backstage....................Hall is up......he stomps on Douglass..............the ref begins to count................1...........................2..........................3.......................Hall pulls up Douglass and throws him into the steel steps and the fans boo....................4..........................5......................Hall pulls Douglass up and rolls him into the ring. ........Hall gets in the ring and poses.......the fans boo............he pulls Douglass up and gives the signal for the Outsiders Edge! He lifts Douglass up...........OUTSIDERS EDGE!!!!!!!!............Hall covers.....................1..........................2..................3...............No........wait a minute........foot on the rope! the ref has seen it..............Hall is furious!..........Hall is right in the refs face now complaining.........the ref is saying Douglass had his foot on the rope before the 3.........Hall is not happy................Hall turns round.......clothesline! Douglass was up and waiting........where did he find the energy?............Douglass goes to the tope rope.......BIG SPLASH......no.......Hall raised his knees.......what a match!.............Hall grabs Douglass, small package.........1..................2.............no wait.........Douglass has reversed it.................1...................2.................3!!!!!!!!!..............Highway to Hell plays and the fans POP! That has to be one of the greatest matches the IWA has seen so far!
Masked Man Vs Zandig
Zandig is saying hes going to reveal who this masked man is. They lock up.......masked man throws Zandig against the ropes and hiptosses him over, Zandig is up and kicks masked man to the gut and hits an evenflow ddt, covers.........1..............2...........kick out! Masked man is up, grabs Zandig, suplexes him over, pulls Zandig up and hits a floating ddt. Masked man drops an elbow but Zandig rolls out the way, Zandig is up, Zandig goes off the ropes and hits the masked man with a shoulder tackler, the masked man goes down and rolls to the outside........Zandig grams the rops and throws himself over the tope rope and hits the masked man with a high cross body, the fans cheer. the ref starts to count...........1...........................2..................Zandig pulls the masked man up, masked man hits Zandig with a low blow and throws him into the barrier...............3....................4.....................5....................Masked man gets back in the ring....................6..........................7......................Zandig is up and rolls into the ring..............Masked man stomps on him as he rolls in................Masked man pulls him up and hits a belly to belly suplex.............goes for the pin.............1...................2...........kick out.......i think Zandigs last match is taking its toll on him, he looks really tired out there. Masked man throws Zandig into the ropes and kicks Zandig to the gut and hits a swinging neckbreaker. The masked man covers............1..................2..........kick out. Zandig gets up....masked man goes for the clothesline but Zandig ducks it, Masked man turns round and Zandig slams him. Zandig hits a legdrop and covers........1...............2............kick out. Zandig pulls the Masked man up, piledrives him..........Zandig gives the signal and the fans cheer............Zandig goes up to the top rope........ZANDIGANTO!!!!!!........He covers...............1.................2...............3!!!!.........Zandig is in the final............
Enter the Sandman plays and the fans look at the entrance way, the Prez walks out with a mic.
Prez: I would say congratulations Zandig but I'm afraid I'm going to have to reverse that decision as i was watching backstage and the masked man clearly raised his shoulder but the ref was blindsided and couldn't see it.
JH: What? No shoulder was raised, what is he on about.
Prez: So the match continues!
Zandig turns round and the Masked Man hits him with some hard rights, but Zandig comes back, he throws the masked man into the ropes and hits a powerslam.......he covers...............1...................2..............the ref pulls Zandig outside! Zandig pushes the ref and gets back in.....he grabs the Masked Man and throws him into the ropes and hits a big boot.........the Masked Man is down...........Zandig goes off the ropes......BANG! The Prez hits him across the back with a steel chair........Zandig goes down..........the Prez turns to the fans and laughs.......wait...........Scott Douglass has run out! He slides in the ring pulls the masked man up........PowerSlam! He pulls Zandig ontop of The Masked Man........1.................2..............3!..........The Prez is laughing......he turns round and sees the ref raising Zandigs arm......he cant believe it.......he doesnt know whats going on!