EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

JH: Kane and Norton lock up........Kane whips Norton to the ropes......Norton reverses......hits Kane with a big clouthesline......but Kane's still standing.........Norton chops Kane....Kane still standing.....Norton with a big right hand......Kane downs to one knee........Noron kicks Kane in the face...........Kane is down at last........Norton comes off the ropes.....drops an elbow and covers......1.....Kane with a huge kickout....lifted Norton clean off his cheast and throw the second and bottom rope!........Norotn picks himself up from the outside and rolls back in.......Kane is up and meets him with some stomps.......Kane helps Norton up.....thrust to the throat on Norton.....whips Norton to the opposite rope..........Kane big boots Norton down........Norton clutches his face.........Kane lifts Norton up.......hits a slam.......he made that look easy.......Kane picks Norton back up.......whips him hard into the corner........Norton slams back first intop the turnbuckles.........Kane runs in with a big splash...........Norton slumps in the corner........Kane stomps on him........the referee pulls Kane's arm and shouts at him to stop........Kane turns on the referee..........he grabs the referee by the throat!.........Kane controls his rage and lets him go.......Kane turns back to Norton.........Norton is back up...........Kane swings a big righthand........Norton blocks and punches Kane......Kane stumbles back, but comes back with another punch.....Norton ducks that punch and comes out of the corner with a mamouth chop!!!......It took Kane clean off his feet!........Norton drags up Kane whips him to the ropes.........Norton kicks Kane to the guts in the middle of the ring.......Kane is doubled up.........Norton signals for the powerbomb........pulls Kanes head between his legs.......Kane powered Norton clean over the top!.........Norton elivated over and comes down with a bang............Kane starts choking Norton...........Norton can't catch his breath...........The referee is counting Kane and is threatening to DQ him..........Kane lets go and turns on the referee again..........He's gotta keep his cool.............Kane turns back to Norton.......Norton has gained his feet using the ropes...........Kane runs up and cloutheslines Norton to the outside..........Kane walks down the steps and grabs Norton as he tries to get up using the apron.........swings Norton into the railing.......the referee is counting them out.........1.....2.....3....4......5.........Kane picks up Norton and runs himinto the ring post.........ouch! Norton has a bleeding nose........Kane is risking lossing this on count out........6....7....8....9....Kane pulls the referee by the leg out of the ring under the bottom rope! ......The referee is furious..........Kane turns his back on the referee and ignores him........He drags up Norton and rolls him into the ring.........Kane follows..........the referee is back in........Kane lifts Norton up and lifts him onto his shoulder.......what strength!.........Could we see a Tombstone here..........Hall and Perfect are on the ramp.........Kane sees them coming..........he drops Norton off of his shoulder.........Hall and Perfect enter the ring from two sides........Kane looks at one and then the other..........the referee is ordering them to leave............Norton is back up......he grabs the referee by the colar and seat of the pants and throws him over the top rope..........the referee picks himself up and calls for the bell.............Kane grabs Perfect by the throat..........Norton and Hall hammer some bobby punches on Kane.......Kane lets go and falls to one knee........Kane gets back up to both feet but he's taking such a pounding from all three men..............Perfect chops Kane.........but he's still standing............Norton chops Kane......but he's still standing...........Hall kicks Kane to the gut........Kane doubles over.......Norton put's Kane's head between his legs............Spike POWERBOMB!.........Kane is down.........Norton, Hall and Perfect are celebrating.........
JH: Well the nWo don't seem to care that they lost, they're enjoying the beating they gave Kane..........but Kane has sat up suddenly!.........They haven't seen Kane get back up.......Kane spins Norton and Perfect around............DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM!!!!!.....One arm each!.......What power!......Hall bails out........Norton and Perfect roll out of the ring.........Hall struggles to help them both walk back up the ailse..........Kane's musci hits........Kane holds his back as he stares down the ailse at the nWo as they leave.
JB: Hall and Angle pace each other in the ring........Hall and Angle lock up........Hall backs Angle into a corner........crushes Angle in the corner with a big knee......and another..........and another.........rakes Angle's eyes........and whips him to the other corner........Angle stumbles out holding his back...........Hall big boots Angle down......Hall covers......1......2......kickout..........Hall drags Angle up..........whips him to the ropes..........Angle clutches the ropes........Hall bends down to elivate Angle over.........Angle kicks Hall in the face........Hall snaps bolt upright and stumbles back holding his face.......Angle boucnes off the ropes and dives at Hall with a high cross body............Hall catches him............Fall Away slam!............Hall covers.....1....2... foot on the rope...........Hall picks up Angle and whips him into the corner..........Hall follows in with a clothesline...........Angle slumps down to the second rope........Hall lifts Angle back up..........big chop........Hall whips Angle to the other corner...........follows in for another clouthesline.........Angle lifts up a boot at the last..........Hall leg come out from underneath him and falls in a heap........Angle falls out of the corner.....both men are down.........Hall is getting up first......Angle is using the rops to get up.........Hall grabs Angle.....helps him up.......Hall punches Angle to the gut........whips him to the opposite rope..........Angle comes off the rope quicker than he expected........double clouesline!.........both men down again.......Angle is getting back up Hall is rolling to the ropes to get himself up.........Angle picks up Hall.........short arm clouesline..........Hall goes down.........Angle pulls him back up.......back breaker.........Hall tries to roll to the outside.........Angle grabs him by the trunks........oh Hall almost lost his trunks........this show alomost got xrated.........Angle drags Hall back to the center of the ring and puts on the Ankle lock!.............Hall quickly wriggles free, Angle didn't have himself set right........
JH: Did you see the panic and fear on Hall's face?
JB: Hall is not scared he just knows that the Ankle lock is not a great move to be in.......Angle picks Hall up.....scoop slam.........Angle drags Hall back up........Snap suplex........Hall is hurting now........Angle covers....1....kickout........Angle pulls Hall up whips him to the ropes.......Angle off the ropes himself.........they've both got alot of speed up..........dropkick!........at that speed I thourght the champ was gonna lose his head from his shoulders!...........Angle is going for a high risk move....he's heading up top........Hall's not as hurt as we thought.......Hall is back to back with Angle........Angle is up in the Outsiders edge.......Angle shakes free.........knees Hall in the back.......Hall turns round........Angle whips Hall up onto his shoulders.......OLYMPIC SLAM!............Angle covers.......he's using the ropes to get extra leverage........Hall couldn't kick out even if he had the energy too!......1.......2.......3!
JB: This is all wrong.....the referee missed the feet on the ropes.....Hall has been cheated!......
JH: Angle had him beat
JH: Well the Prez is in the ring but will the EIWF Prez actually come out into an IWA arena for this fight?
JB: Look at the Prez, he looks in great shape..........hes been training hard, look at the size of his biceps, what an athlete.
Touretts by Nirvana plays and the fans look on at the entrance way to see if anything happens.........the music continues to play but no one comes out. The music continues but still no EIWF Prez.
JB: I dont believe it, the EIWF Prez has chickened out!
Ring announcer: Under IWA rules i will give a ten count for the EIWF Prez to come out or the match will be awarded to the Prez..................1........................2.....................3........................4............................5.........................6..........................7..........................8...............................9..............................10!!!!!!............Bodies plays and the ref lifts the Prez's arm to signal that hes the winner........the Prez has got a mic.
Prez: What did I say? Typical of the EIWF, all mouth and no action. Once again the IWA has beaten the EIWF.
JB: Hey Hicks what's that? Over in the crowd, the fans are going crazy about something.
JH: Well there certainly cheering about something......a section of the crowd are on there feet.......is that someone walking through the crwod? I believe it is............i cant see who it is.
Prez: As I said before the EIWF can not beat us, we was willing to go to war with them but we have won before the battle has taken place because we are too strong.
The camera pans to show the crowd where someone is walking through the fans when Jim Hicks recognises the person.
JH: Is that.........it cant be...........what the hell is he doing here
JB: Is that Davie?
JH: It appears to be but what is he doing here, he has no right being here, he is not an IWA employee and the Prez hasn't even seen him.
Davie gets to the front of the crowd and jobs over as the fans erupt........the Prez turns round and sees him getting in the ring and he just stands there frozen......Davie walks up and grabs the mic out of his hand.
Davie: You know who I am, all you fans and the people at home know who I am, but......you dont know why I am here. Well IWA Prez, you want to bad mouth me? You want to bad mouth the EIWF, well I am the EIWF. I am Mr EIWF, so you want a war?...........is that what you said...............well it looks like you have just been given a WAKE UP call.................you want a war?.......I'll give you a war............the ICON Davie J has declared war on the IWA.......and..........I am taking over!
Davie grabs the Prez and hits a belly to belly suplex.........he throws the mic down and security run out......Davie gets out the ring and goes back into the crowd.........
JB: I am speechless. Davie J has turned up unannounced, unscheduled at an IWA PPV and assaulted the Prez.
JH: Well from what he said it looks like the EIWF have hired Davie to invade the IWA. We have a maniac loose in the building, security need to find him before he interrupts anymore of the show.
Game plays as HHH and Bossman walk to the ring with the tag titles.
Cowboy plays as Jeff Jarrett walks out
The IWA Jumbo screen comes on and shows Jarrett and Scott Dougglass walking to the ring and they bump into the Prez.
Prez: where the hell do you think your going?
Jarrett: We got a tag title match to win.
Prez: Didnt you see what happened? Ive been attacked by a lunatic. That Eiwf Prez has hired Davie J to get me, Douglass you can turn round because you are staying with me.
Douglass: What about the tag title match?
Prez: Jeff will have to do it on his own. You are not leaving my side until they get that pyscho out of the building.....so lets go.......
Scott Douglass walks off with the Prez as Jarrett stands there and shakes his head.
JH: Look at Jarrett, hes no happy, hes on his own in a cage with two other men.
JB: I'll take this one Jim, I've been waiting to see Jarrett get to get his for sometime now..........HHH has his back to Jarrett, talking with Boss Man about tactics.............Jarrett steps in behind HHH...........Jarrett hits the STROKE!......... Jarrett drags up HHH and throws him to the outside..........HHH takes a nasty tumble and smashes into the cage surrounding the ring on the outside!.........Boss Man and Jarrett lock up...........Boss Man knees Jarrett to the guts........throws him into the corner..........HHH is getting back up..........he's looking under the ring for something.........Boss Man chokes out Jarrett using the top rope...........Jarrett elbows Boss Man to the gut .....Boss Man has dropped the choke..........Jarrett elbows Boss Man to the head, Boss Man stumbles back..........Jarrett quickly jumps to the second rope and hits a double axe handle........Boss Man is down...........Jarrett was real quick there.........Jarrett drags up......Boss Man throws him into the corner...........follows in with a clothesline............Boss Man staggers out of the corner.......Jarrett is again quickly up ropes.........Boss Man turns around holding his back..........Jarrett hits a high cross body!........Boss Man is being pinned..........1.......2.......kick out...........That was a lazy cover from Jarrett...........Jarrett picks up Boss Man................HHH has emerged from under the ring with a chair...........HHH uses the chair to help get back up..............Jarrett whips Boss Man to the ropes...........Jarrett with a drop kick..........Boss Man can't get back into this match...........HHH has slid into the ring with the chair............Jarrett drags up Boss Man...........HHH hits Jarrett over the back of the head with the chair........Jarrett is down............Boss Man tells HHH to cover..........HHH drops the chair and covers...........1.....2.......Boss Man with the save?!............Boss Man just waffled HHH with the chair?! .......the referee can't make out what to do.............Boss Man drags HHH off of Jarrett, HHH is out cold.....he didn't expect it, let alone see it coming...........Boss Man drags Jarrett onto HHH and tells the referee to count it?.........1..........2........3! ...........Boss Man pulls off his flack jacket to show off a corporation T-Shirt!.........What does this mean? ..........Boss Man and Jarrett are champions or Douglass and Jarrett?
JH: Well Douglass wasn't even in the match I guess it's Boss Man, Jarrett as the new champs? But why?
JB: Well Boss Man was a friend of mine, but I'm not too sure now. Lets go to a break.
Snakes theme by So solid crew plays as Snake makes his way to the ring.
The nWo theme plays and Mr Perfect makes his way to the ring.
JH: Now remember wrestling fans that this is a Snakes rules match, you can only win by submission or by knockout.
They lock up, Snake hits Perfect with some hard rights, I think Perfect is still feeling the affect of that chokeslam from Kane earlier, he doesn't look to good and Snake is taking this match up to him. Snake throws Perfect into the ropes and hits a powerslam. Snake stands up and poses, what a powermove that was.....he pulls Perfect up by the hair.........lifts him up and gorilla pres slam, another show of strength there from Snake.........Perfect gets up and stumbles around.................Perfect slumps into a corner.......Snakes runs and goes for a clothesline but Perfect moves! Snake hits the corner hard and comes back out......Perfect clotheslines Snake down........Perfect sees the chance to take the advantage. He stomps on Snake while hes on the mat. Perfect pulls Snake up but Snake hits Perfect with a low blow........hits Perfect with a knee lift..........grabs Perfect from behind and hits a German suplex............Snake pulls Perfect up and woah hits a discus punch!!!!!.........Perfect hit the mat like a ton of bricks...........is he knocked out?......the ref is checking.........he lifts Perfects arm once......it drops!...............he lifts it again............it drops...........the ref lifts it......it drops.......what a win by Snake!............
Snake grabs the mic.
Snake: Kurt Angle did you see that? You are your tv title are gonna be next.
JH: Its time for our main event fans, we have already had two titles change hands tonight, will it be 3. They are just lowering the cage.
JB: Its going to be rage in the cage wrestling fans. Scott Douglass, still undefeated in singles action in the IWA and current reigning champ. Then the Undertaker, also undefeated but he has destroyed anyone that has gotten in his way. This one is too close to call.
Rollin' by Limp Bizket plays and the fans cheer as Undertaker comes out on his motor bike. He rides it down to the ring and revs it as the fans cheer, he gets off and gets into the cage.
Highway to Hell plays and Scott Douglass walks out with the IWA world title around his waist, a chorus of boo's go around the arena as Scott Douglass walks to the ring.
JH: Its time for the big one.
The ref locks the door on the cage.........Douglass and Undertaker stare at each other and stand face to face. Douglass is very vocal, mouthing the Undertaker here, but Undertaker is just staring at Douglass. Douglass goes off the ropes and clotheslines Undertaker.....Undertaker is unfazed, it didn't even knock him back a few steps! Look at Douglass, he looks shocked.....Douglass goes off the ropes again and hits another clotheslines......but again.....Undertaker is still standing..............Douglass goes off another rope and goes for a clothesline....but Undertaker grabs Douglass.......CHOKESLAM!!!!!!!!........Douglass is down.............Undertaker pulls Douglass up and throughs him over the top rope into the steel cage...........Undertaker pulls Douglass up and smashes his head into the side of the cage again....and again.....the ref has stepped in and warned the Undertaker........Scott Douglass is cut open........his head is covered in blood.......the ref may have to stop this match! Undertaker pulls Douglass over the top rope and suplexes him over......Undertaker covers..............1...................2...........kick out.........Douglass is in bad shape.....I don't know how he kicked out of that...........Undertaker paces around the ring waiting for Douglass to get up.........Douglass gets to his feet..........the lock up..........Undertaker lifts Douglass up by his throat and throws him down......Undertaker climbs the cage...........Undertaker gets to the top and goes for a flying elbow.....but Douglass rolls out of the way...........that had to hurt Undertaker. Douglass gets up......Undertaker is up.........Douglass goes off the ropes and hits a high cross body........Douglass is up and stomps on undertaker...........Douglass pulls Undertaker up and hits a DDT.....he covers............1..............kick out.......Douglass grabs Undertaker and gets a small package.........1...........2...........kick out...........Douglass grabs Undertaker and applies a Boston crab.........the ref checks but the Undertaker is not quitting......Douglass maybe trying to wear the Undertaker down somewhat with this move. Still the Undertaker wont quit, hes trying to power out of the move, Douglass sees this and lets go of the hold and stomps on the Undertaker........Douglass pulls Undertaker and goes for a slam......but the Undertaker blocks it.......Douglass tries again........Undertaker grabs Douglass and throws him into the ropes........Undertaker goes off the other rope.......FLYING CLOTHESLINE by the Undertaker.......Undertaker.....climbs the cage.....hes about half way.....is he going to climb to the otherside...........Douglass is up........Undertaker is at the top.........Douglass shakes the cage and Undertaker comes crashing down.........Douglass climbs to the top rope and hits a splash.......he covers.............1...................2.............kick out..........Undertaker sits up..........Douglass is up...........Undertaker is up......Douglass kicks Undertaker to the gut, and again.......hits Undertaker with a European uppercut and Undertaker stumbles back...........Douglass kicks Undertaker to the gut and hits a roll over DDT!.......Undertaker sits up........Douglass cant believe it! Undertaker gets up.......Douglass hits im with a right and again......Undertaker blocks the next one......Undertaker hits Douglass with a punch to the throat.......he grabs Douglass........CHOKESLAM!!!!!!! Undertaker grabs Douglass he lifts him up ready for a tombstone.......this could be.......oh wait.......Undertaker just turned round and the legs of Douglass have hit the ref and knocked him out!......TOMBSTONE!!!!!!!........Undertaker covers.........but there's no ref!!!!!........Undertaker does a three count with his own hand.......he looks around and sees the ref is down.........Undertaker gets up and goes over to the ref.......WAIT A MINUTE!......The cage has just lifted up about 3 or 4 foot in the air........what is happening......Undertaker hasn't even noticed!.......The Prez is on his way out with the Boss Man!.......Undertaker is still trying to revive the ref........Boss Man slides in the ring and gets his knight stick out and hits Undertaker over the back of the head.........the Prez is shouting orders to the Boss Man to take Undertaker out.........Boss Man is totally beating the Undertaker...........the crowd start to BOO.........the Boss Man is really starting to do some damage to the Undertaker.......Scott Douglass is up...........Douglass starts to stomp on the Undertaker..........the fans Cheer....Kane is on his way out!........The Prez sees him coming and calls the Boss Man........Kane grabs the Prez by the throat.....Boss Man is out and hits Kane across the back.......Kane drops the Prez and starts to brawl with the Boss Man, the Prez runs off down the aisle and to the back.........Boss Man and Kane continue to brawl down the aisle.........Douglass pulls Undertaker up and hits a piledriver........Douglass tries to revive the ref........surely he cant win like this!.......there's a huge cheer from the fans.....what now!.......over there.......Davie J is jumping over the barrier!.............Davie slides in the ring.............Douglass turns round..........SUPERKICK!!!!!!......WOAH....it looked like Davie took off Scott Douglasses head!.........Davie pulls Undertaker on top of Douglass...........he goes over and slaps the ref in the face to wake him...........Davie slides out and goes back into the crowd........the ref drags himself over to Douglass and the Undertaker..........he counts.................1...........................................2...................................3!!!!!!!!!!.............we got a new champion!
JB: I dont believe............that match was full of so many incidents! The Prez tried to protect his champion and we have Davie J a renegade coming in doing what he wants!
JH: More importantly we have got a new world champion. What will Scott Douglass and the Prez have to say about this, dont for get to check out the next Chaos next week when we will see the fall out from Caged Madness......we are out of time folks!!!!!!