EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

Unholy Alliance PPV
Bercy Arena
Paris France
attendance 16,121

TM: Hello fans and welcome to the EIWF’s Unholy Alliance PPV, I’m joined by the one and only, Mark Madden!
MM: Tony it's an honour to be here
TM: Why thank you Mark….
MM: I meant for you, standing next to me!
TM: Will you stop it!
MM: Tony tonight’s pay per view has the whole wrestling world guessing who will Hollywood Hogan’s mystery tag partner be?
TM: Well we still haven’t had confirmation, there have been plenty of rumours out there with the main one being Eddie D.
MM: Timmy, I've said it before and I will say it again, I can't see it be Eddie D. He won't cross Davie J, it’s pure mind games by Hogan.
TM: Well one thing is for sure, by the end of the night we will know the answer.
MM: That is true Timmy.
TM: Plus the tag team titles are on the line, the Hero & Maestro connection defend the titles against the Dream team, Jimmy Brandon and Johnny Blitz.
MM: The Dream team, the hottest young tag team in the business today, I can see them upsetting the odds and winning the gold.
TM: Really?
MM: Yep, it won't be easy but I can see them with the momentum they have had grabbing a win, plus lets not forget….the Anti Hero is working over time.
TM: That he is Mark, the Anti Hero L double E will be defending the FTE title against Big Poppa from the CREW. Mark how do you see that one going.
MM: It’s a tough one, I think most people would go with an L double E win but sooner or later Big Poppa is gonna get the win. Plus he has the CREW to watch his back, so I’m going with Big Poppa.
TM: Then we have the Genesis title match, the undefeated, undisputed Genesis Champion, Ellis Showtime Black defends the title against Jeff Jarret, the man who created the title belt a couple of years ago.
MM: Timmy, Ellis Black is doing himself no favours here. He wants to be seen as the top star, and he does have a case. He wants the Genesis title to be recognised higher then the Legends title ...but when he’s defending against Jarrett ...and no disrespect to Jarrett ...it's hard to see him as the top champion when the Legends champion is in there with Hogan. Ellis you got to aim higher.
TM: Hang on a minute, Ellis has beaten anyone and everyone?
MM: Not Davie J, and not Hollywood Hogan ...hell has he even beaten L double E?
TM: He can only beat what is put in front of him and since Revolution has been out injured Ellis was being held back by Davie J.
MM: How dare you! I hope you have a good lawyer Timmy!
TM: Ellis Black vs Jarrett, how do you see it going?
MM: Jarrett to win the belt because Ellis has become complacent, but after he moves up a notch into the main event scene.
TM: Then we have out main event, now stay with me on this fans, it is a tag team Legends title match. The Prez made this stipulation at the last Evolution show. It is a scheduled tag team match, the ICON and Legends champion Davie J is teaming up with his nemesis Suicide to defeat a common enemy they both have….Hollywood Hogan. However Hogan has been suggesting he is in fact in cahoots with Davie which has lead many to not trust Davie. Davie has disputed the accusations and says he's acting in the company's best interests. But Hollywood Hogan has not revealed who his tag team partner is, it has been suggested that Davie’s long time friend and tag team partner could be the person…..the man who left a year ago after being voted wrestler of the year 2018 ...Eddie D.
MM: But the Prez has been back in the picture recently, the man who fired Eddie D a year ago and let's remember, the Prez said he would never work for the Extreme Internet Wrestling Federation again…..
(Voodoo child plays and there is a huge POP from the fans before changing to boo’s as Hollywood Hogan walks out wearing a CREW t-shirt and playing air guitar. He stands on the ramp looking around before being handed a mic)
HH: Hey, where is that weatherman looking former two bit champion who does the interviews on the show because that's all he's good for? Yeah I’m talking about you Revolution. WWO and ICW world champion? No credibility at all dude! The EIWF has been back for two years, two years I've been carrying this company on back again. Everyone knows that without Hollywood Hogan the EIWF is nothing, because Hollywood is the man! You Revolution? You couldn't even do the one job you were given because even the microphone you was holding outshined you brother! Don't choke on that food your sucking through a straw will you! Haha ha
TM: Oh my……
MM: Classic Hollywood!
HH: Now I was in the back Jack watching the beginning of the show when I heard Tim and Mark talk about the big man himself, the enforcer of the CREW, the game no one can beat…...Eddie D! (the fans cheer and Hollywood nods in approval) Now I know there have been some doubters out there, but not from the CREWites because they are 4-life! But the doubters have not believed the truth Ive been speaking. Instead you have been falling for the lies of Davie J. All along since the EIWF came back me and Davie conducted this plan, to pretend to be working against each other. We got Wishmaster out the picture, we sent little Kenny back to South Park and we put the cripple Revolution back in the hospital. All you fools fell for it, Davie you deserve an Oscar for your performance. Now I'm going to prove to you fans once and for all that Davie has been working with Hollywood all along. As Tim and Mark said, the Prez said Eddie would NEVER work for the Extreme Internet Wrestling Federation again…...so what did Davie do when he was in charge? He changed the name of the company to Elite Icon Wrestling Federation…...just so he could bring his friend in…….
TM: WHAT????
MM: Genius!!
HH: Suicide brother, me and you may not see eye to eye but your about to walk into a trap once again at the hands of Davie J!!
(Voodoo child plays and Hogan has a big smile on his face as he walks to the back and the camera cuts to the announcers)
MM: Yes Timmy, did you hear that?? The original three will be in the main event tonight. Hogan, Davie and Eddie!
TM: Wait a minute, hold up. I didn't hear that.
MM: Davie has been CREW all along, he changed the company name just to get around the Prez and bring the Enforcer Eddie D back home!
TM: Wait a minute…..I smell a rat…..I think Hogan is just stirring again and trying to cause a rift between Davie and Suicide for the main event, increasing Hogan's chances of taking the title.
MM: Look, it’s simple. If it came out of the mouth of Hollywood Hogan it must be true…
TM: Yeah must be…..in case you couldn't tell Mark that was sarcasm.
MM: Your a dick.
TM: What?
(The CREW theme, superstar by Saliva plays and there are boo’s from the fans. Images of Big Poppa are shown on the big screen and he walks from the smoke on the entrance way)
MM: yes yes yes, business has just picked up Timmy!
TM: Here is Big Poppa of the CREW, making his way to the ring as he takes on the FTE champion L double E. while Big Poppa gets in the ring and we await the arrival of L double E, Mark I have to ask you, what is your opinion of the FTE title?
MM: Every title is only as good as the person’s waist it is on. The Legends title is the top title as Davie J has it, the Genesis title Ellis Black has made it worth something because he's undefeated and beaten everyone. This title though? I have to be honest…… I've never been a fan of L double E and the fact he has to make up a title belt to be the champion of in my opinion stinks!
TM: Lets not forget that the actual physical belt he has was the original EIWF world title.
MM: That's what makes it such a sad story Timmy, that belt was worn by all the greats, and now the looney has it. That belt represents the best of the EIWF’s past…..the past ...and it should stay there. We have new belts now in the Legends title and the Genesis titles.
(Steal my shine by Marz blasts out across the arena and the fans POP. the words Anti-Hero 6-11 are shown on the screen before L double E walks out wearing the FTE title belt. There is a huge roar from the fans and L double E makes his way to the ring)
TM: Here comes the champ and listen to these fans.
MM: How has he gotten so popular? The fans never use to cheer him, they laughed at him!
TM: L double E is making his way to the ring here, he looks focused and to back track to your previous comment Mark, L double E won the Final Stand PPV tournament. He beat Wishmaster, he beat Davie J, he beat Hollywood Hogan…..so in his eyes he beat the last EIWF world champion, he beat the current Legends champion and he believes, as do some others that he's is the top wrestler around today and he is not being shown the respect he deserves, that's why he created the FTE title belt.
MM: Whatever.
FTE Title match L double E vs Big Poppa
TM: Both men are in the ring and the Ref is checking their footwear…
MM: Snap him in half Big Poppa!
TM: The Ref calls for the bell and here we go! (ding ding)......they lock up ...Big Poppa tosses L double E to the mat with ease!
MM: ha ha ha….
TM: L double is back up…...they lock up again…..Big Poppa scoops L double E up...lifts him up ...over his own head and drops him behind….
MM: What a show of strength by the genetic freak!
TM: Big Poppa taking the time to pose here, flexing his biceps ...L double E has slowly got up to his feet and is leaning on the ropes…...Big Poppa runs and goes for a clothesline ...L double E drops down and pulls the rope down sending Big Poppa over the top rope and to the outside. You have to say Mark that was a smart move by the anti hero there, buying himself some time…
MM: A smart move? Are you kidding me?
TM: erm…
MM: The looney has taken such a beating from Big Poppa that he can't even stand, hes used the ropes to pull himself up which caused Big Poppa to go over the top rope ...anyway, isn't that a DQ going over the top rope. Big Poppa wins!
TM: No it's not a DQ
MM: Are you sure?
TM: Yes
MM: How do you know for sure then?
TM: Because this isn't the NWA and this isn't the 1980’s! Back to the action and Big Poppa is already back in the ring fans…..Big Poppa goes for a clothesline but L double E ducks...Big Poppa turn around ...L double E hits Big Poppa with a clothesline of his own…. Big Poppa stumbles back….
MM: But he's still on his feet Timmy!
TM: Indeed he is ...L double E hits Big Poppa with a hard right….it has no effect….he hits another….
MM: Big Poppa is just shaking those punches off Timmy ...the so called champ has nothing!
TM: Big Poppa grabs L double E….belly to belly suplex by Big Poppa…
MM: Goodnight!...It's all over Timmy...we have a new champ!
TM: Big Poppa covers and the ref gets down to count……………...1………………..2…………...kick out by the Anti-Hero!!
MM: That was a slow count Timmy, you saw it, I saw it…..the fans saw it. This is not fair to the CREW!
TM: The count looked perfectly fine to me.
MM: Put your glasses back on four eyes.
TM: What? I don't wear glasses…
MM: Well maybe you should!
TM: Back to the action and Big Poppa is offering L double E the chance of a test of strength…..
MM: HA! Like a fly swot to a fly ...kabam!
TM: L double E appears to be reluctant ...Big Poppa in the middle of the ring…..holding his arm in the air and beckoning L double E over…..the Anti Hero slowly and reluctantly now moving towards Big Poppa…...L double E slowly raises his hand (the fans cheer)...he looks his fingers with Big Poppa……..Big Poppa raises the other hand…...L double E raises his also….Big Poppa kicks L double E to the gut and clotheslines him hard sending him to the mat (fans boo).....Big Poppa drops an elbow ...and then covers L double E…..the Ref gets down and counts………….
…………..kick out!
TM: Big Poppa again claiming the count was slow……..he in the Ref’s face and needs to be careful or he will be disqualified.
MM: The Ref needs to concentrate on doing his job correctly!
TM: Big Poppa walks over and pulls L double E up to his feet……standing drop kick from L double E ...Big Poppa stumbles back…...L double E goes off the ropes…..flying high cross body ...but Big Poppa catches him!.....Big Poppa slams L double E down on the mat hard and then drops down and does some press ups next to L double E…..
MM: Yeah listen to Big Poppa….he’s saying ...”who da man!!”
TM: Big Poppa back on his feet…….L double E slowly gets up…..Big Poppa with a running clothesline ...L double E ducks!!!....Big Poppa off the ropes ...forearm by Big Poppa...sends L double E down to the mat…Big Poppa goes off the ropes ...splash ...no! L double E lifted his knees up and Big Poppa looks winded ...L double gets up ...grabs Big Poppa...DDT!....L double E covers for the Pin…..the Ref gets down and counts…….
…………...kick out!
MM: That Timmy would have been a travesty if the looney had got a fluke win…
TM: Big Poppa has rolled to the outside……(The Ref tells him to get back into the ring).....Big Poppa walks up and down on the outside...it appears L double E has got him flustered!
MM: No chance Timmy…
TM: ...The Ref has begun the count here and Big Poppa doesn't seem in any hurry to get back in the ring……. (............1………………...2………………………..3……………..Big Poppa bends own and pulls a chair from under the ring………………..4…………………...5……………...he slides it under the bottom rope and gets back in….)....
MM: Knock some sense into that Looney Big Poppa!
TM: The Ref is telling Big Poppa if he uses the chair he will be disqualified ...Big Poppa is still refusing to get rid of the illegal object though.
MM: Use the chair Big Poppa! Take his head off, no one cares about that FTE belt anyway!
TM: Big Poppa walks forward.....he swings the chair at the head of L double E…..but L double E ducks!.....L double E hits Big Poppa with a low blow!!!!....Big Poppa drops to his knee……(The ref goes to call for the bell but L double E stops him)....it appears the Anti Hero asking for this to be a no dq match or perhaps that Big Poppa has had a chance with the chair ...now it's his!.......L double E swings the chair….BANG!....over the head of Big Poppa who slumps to the matt.
MM: Disqualify him Ref, do your job, call for the damn bell!
TM: L double E covers Big Poppa and the Ref gets down and counts…..
MM: Noooooooo!
TM:..............................3! It's all over and L double E remains the FTE champion!
(Steal my shine plays as the fans cheer, the Ref hands the FTE title belt to L double E who holds it in the air and the fans react with a POP. Big Poppa remains on the mat motionless and the camera cuts to the announce table)
TM: There we have it fans, the Anti Hero in his first match of the night and still FTE champion. Remember he is also in the Tag Team match alongside his partner Regal as they take on the Dream team of Johnny Blitz and Jimmy Brandon.
MM: Where did we get this Ref from? The junk shop? He’s clueless!
TM: Our next match is for the Genesis title, the champion and still undefeated Ellis Black, he's beaten all comers so far. We know he has his eyes set on Davie J in a title versus title match but first he must get past Jeff Jarrett tonight.
MM: Timmy, Jeff Jarrett isn't here to win the Genesis title, he's here to teach Ellis Black a wrestling lesson. As for a double title match, they both accuse each other of dodging the challenge, sooner or later we got to have this match.
(The scene cuts backstage with Davie J walking up and down a corridor on his cell)
DJ: Pick up…...pick up pick pick….PICK UP!!!! C’mon big man I need to know if its you or not with Hogan tonight…….damn it!!! (He cuts off his cell and heads towards security at the back entrance).........listen up, I want you to keep your eyes open tonight, no one not scheduled are allowed to be in here, do you hear me?
Security Man: Yes Sir.
DJ: If Wishmaster turns up don't let him in, if Eddie turns up…..call me immediately…...I need to speak to him….
Security Man: Not a problem Sir…….
(Davie walks off and the scene cuts back to the announcers)
TM: The man in charge there Davie J seems a bit pre-occupied….
MM: He has every right to be Timmy, Hogan is the master of mind games. The whole wrestling industry has been talking about who Hogan’s mystery partner could be…..I have heard it could be Wish master, I have heard it could be Eddie D and I've heard it could be the masked attacker…..
TM: Well Davie needs to focus or he will lose the match before it begins.
MM: Agreed Timmy, and for the record, it is a sad day to see Hogan and Davie working against each other…….
TM: What's that smile for?
MM: Well you know…..there's something in the air…..I can smell it……
TM: Smell what?
MM: A screw job for Suicide……..Hogan and Davie reunited….
(Cowboy by Kid Rock plays and a chorus of loud boo’s are heard around the arena. Jeff Jarrett walks out with a guitar in his hand and holds it in the air. He gestures to the crowd before walking down the ramp to the ring.)
TM: The self proclaimed chosen one Jeff Jarrett making his way to the ring as he looks to inflict the first career defeat of the Genesis champion Ellis “Showtime” Black.
MM: What do you mean self proclaimed? He IS the chosen one Timmy!
(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays over the arena speakers, a mixed reaction from the fans as the word SHOWTIME is shown on the big screen. Ellis then walks out with the Genesis title belt and holds it above his head, there is a mixture of boo’s and applause and he walks towards the ring)
TM: The champion is here and a surprising reaction from the fans here.
MM: Well Timmy, let's be honest, the fans don’t like Ellis but that gesture was a show of Respect for an undefeated champion.
TM: Well looking at Ellis he looks focused here, a man with a point to prove.
MM: Well this is not the match he wants is it Timmy? He craves the big matches of Hogan and especially Davie J. But I think Jarrett could cause an upset here!
TM: As good as Jarrett is, and he has been a great champion in the past, I think that the youth and hunger of Ellis will be too much for Jarrett to overcome.
MM: Really?
TM: Yes really….
MM: I guess we will see
Genesis title match Ellis Black vs Jeff Jarrett
TM: Jeff Jarrett appears to be bad mouthing Ellis here…..but Ellis is reacting ...just staring into the eyes of Jarrett who continues his barrage of foul language. Ellis slowly steps to the centre of the ring…...Jarrett continues with the trash talk…..still no reaction from Ellis…..Jarrett shoves Ellis in the chest…..looking to get a reaction……Jarrett continues to run his mouth and shoves Ellis again……..Jarrett appears to have realised that Ellis has not responded ...Jarrett has gone quiet ...Jarrett with a hard right ...blocked by Ellis ...Ellis lifts Jarrett up ...inverted atomic drop!....Jarrett can't move…...Ellis grabs Jarrett...hits a snap suplex…...Jarret holding the base of his spine here and Ellis Black is standing over him…...Jarrett rolls over and slowly starts to get to his feet…..Ellis Black just standing closely by waiting ...Jarrett is up…….slowly walking around the ring…..Ellis grabs Jarrett…..sends him into the turnbuckle hard…..Jarrett hits it face forward and stumbles backwards out…..into the path of Ellis who grabs Jarrett and hits a backwards suplex…..Ellis is in total control here…..
TM: Fans…..I’m being told we have a camera backstage…..we will be straight back to our Genesis title match shortly.
(The camera cuts backstage with Big Poppa walking down a corridor opening various doors)
BP: Where you at freak…..L double E when I find you I'm gonna snap you in half!
(Big Poppa opens a door and Suicide is in the room getting ready)
BP: Have you seen the looney L double E?
SU: Get the fuck out of my room before I throw you out.
BP: Your lucky I'm looking for someone or I would teach you some manners!
(Big Poppa closes the door and heads out to the parking lot where a limo is parked. He looks through the tinted glass trying to see who is inside…..)
BP: Damn cant see who's in there, but I got a feeling it’s Hollywood's tag partner.
(A big smile emerges on the faces of Big Poppa who heads back inside)
BP: Where are you freak?
(The scene cuts back to the Genesis title match)
TM: Fans not much has changed here, Ellis Black is still in control but appears that the mystery tag partner ...perhaps ...of Hollywood Hogan is here?
MM: Timmy, it was a limo with blacked out windows, we don't know who it was, it could be anyone or Hogan's tag team partner Eddie D.
TM: Wait a minute, are you saying that Hogan’s tag partner IS Eddie D?
MM: I never said that.
TM: Yes you did.
MM: No I didn't.
TM: Yes you did.
MM: No Timmy, I said it could be Hogan's tag team partner, I never mentioned Eddie D.
TM: Yes you do.
MM: This is how rumours start with lies like that!
TM: Someone is not in a good mood because his boy is getting a wrestling lesson here ... and Ellis hasn’t once tried to pin Jeff Jarrett but has been in control for the whole match…...Ellis has a side headlock on Jarrett on the mat and the Ref has checked the move is legal. Ellis drops the hold and gets up…...walks around the ring, like a predator stalking his prey! Waiting for Jarrett to get up so he can pounce!
MM: Oh pleeeeease!
TM: Jarrett looks unsteady on his feet ...Ellis walks over ...hits a hard right…..grabs Jarrett and throws him into the ropes ...Jarrett comes back ...dropkick by Ellis Black and Jarrett is down again……..Ellis walks over and pulls Jarrett up….piledriver by Ellis!!.....Ellis covers and the Ref gets down and counts…..
…………………….no…..Ellis pulls Jarrett's head up to break the count!.....(Ellis waves his finger to signal he’s not finished)...........a shocked reaction from the fans as it looked like it was all over…..
MM: Jarrett would of kicked out.
TM: I’m not so sure…...Ellis is up walking around the ring…..the fans are reacting here with a bit of a mixed reaction……(Ellis cups his hand to his ear and the fans boo)....Oh my…..Ellis appears to be mocking Hollywood Hogan……..Ellis off the ropes……..legdrop on Jarrett!
MM: Yep, hes mocking Hogan, and it’s something he will regret Timmy, mark my words…..
TM: Ellis isn’t covering though…..infact he's looking this way……(Ellis walks over to the ropes and slides underneath and approaches the announcers table, he grabs the headset from Mark Madden while the Ref begins to count)
EB: Jeff Jarrett, you was right about one thing, there has indeed been a wrestling lesson tonight, I have I have taught you a thing or two ……...it’s just a sorry state of affairs when I have to take my frustration out on you because of a coward called Davie J. The so called ICON has done nothing but held me back and dodged the challenge from me. Davie, you cant hide forever, stop with your stupid stipulations and lets see which title is the best and put them both on the line! (Ellis drops the headset and slides in the ring as the Ref reaches an eight count)
TM: Ellis Black there issuing a challenge to Davie J for a title versus title match.
MM: Who is he kidding? Davie put the challenge out there to Ellis and it was Ellis who sidestepped the challenge!
TM: There's more than one way to skin a cat…...back to the action and Ellis is again pacing the ring, waiting for Jarrett who is slowly getting to his feet….Jarrett is up…..SUPERKICK!!!! Ellis just used Davie’s signature move……..Jarrett is down…..Ellis walks over and bends down….BLACK OUT!!!!!....BLACKOUT!!!!!.....BLACKOUT!!!!!.....the ref checks…..Jarrett is out cold and calls for the bell!
MM: I'm a little lost for words….
TM: Ellis retains the Genesis title and the winning streak continues…..but will the boss Davie J listen to Ellis?
MM: Doubt it, Davie has bigger fish to fry!
(The camera cuts backstage with Suicide entering the locker room of Davie J who is trying to make a call on his cell, he hangs up when he sees Suicide)
Sui: That better not have been Hogan, if you two cross me…..(Davie cuts in)
DJ: No it wasn’t Hogan, for god sake how many times ...I'm not working with Hogan…...that's his mind games…..I was try to ring Eddie but he wont pick up…….I need to know if it’s him who is going to partner with Hogan tonight…..
Sui: Now it’s you who is falling for Hogan’s mind games! It’s not going to be Eddie…...he’s too loyal to you….
DJ: Then who is it……..Wishmaster?
Sui: Do you really believe he’s back?
DJ: I don't know….
Sui: Another Hogan mind game…..Look, our history is legendary ...and I don't like you one obit.
DJ: (Davie walks over face to face with Suicide).........Feelings mutual!
Sui: Good, because we don't need to like each other, we don't need to get on…..all we need to do is get through the match tonight and make sure Hogan dont screw us and we get him out of the way once and for all…….
DJ: Agreed….
Sui: When that's done, then we can finish what we started…..me and you!
DJ: You got it sad sac!
(Suicide leaves the room and the scene cuts back to the announcers)
TM: Davie J and Suicide who will be teaming together tonight as an unholy alliance still speculating who could be Hogan’s tag team partner. We do know there is an unmarked Limo parked out the back and we believe it could be the mystery tag team partner of Hollywood Hogan, but as of yet….we have no idea who it is.
MM: One thing I can promise you is…..it will be worth the wait. Hollywood always delivers!
(Don't stop believin by Journey plays and the fans cheer and start to sing a long. Images of Jimmy Brandon and Johnny Blitz are shown on the entrance screen. Then the duo step pit wearing matching jackets with Dream Team on the back. They jog down the aisle to the ring slapping the hands of fans on the way. They climb under the bottom rope and jump to there feet and hold their arms in the air.)
TM: Here we go fans, the tag team titles are on the line and our challenges are in the ring
MM: They sure are popular with the fans, and I have tipped them to win…..but don't underestimate Regal and L double E.
(Steal my shine by Marz plays and the fans cheer. Images of Regal and L double E are shown on the big screen. Regal walks out to a mixed reaction and he looks confused. He looks back at the entrance way and then walks towards the ring.)
TM: Here is one half of the tag team champions, Regal. Perhaps the Anti Hero is making his own separate way to the ring.
MM: Well L double E is anything but normal.
TM: Well Regal is in the ring and talking to the Ref….he appears to be telling the Ref to ring the bell?
MM: Is he confident he can win it on his own or has L double E bailed on him again?
TM: Well the Ref has taken the tag title belt…..looks like we are ready to get under way…
Genesis Tag Team title Match - Regal vs the Dream Team
TM: Regal is slapping his shoulders, jumping on the spot...he’s ready to go…...Jimmy and Johnny having a discussion, I presume to decide who starts first…..Johnny steps out and it’s Jimmy to start with Regal (ding ding)...the Ref has called for the bell…...they lock up……..
MM: Wait a minute, where is the looney? Is he too tired?
TM: Regal sends Jimmy into the ropes…..Jimmy comes back ...shoulder block by Regal sends Jimmy down to the mat………
MM: Regal is like a rock, look at him, slapping his shoulders, he wants more…
TM: Jimmy is back up…..they lock up…...Jimmy with a twisting wrist lock! Regal ...trying to reverse it….but Jimmy has it locked on…...Regal with an arm drag and follows with a short clothesline…..Jimmy sitting on his butt and shuffles back to his corner and tags in Johnny Blitz (the fans cheer).....they lock up ...Regal scoops Blitz up and slams him down….regal follows up with dropping an elbow and goes for a quick pin!
………...kick out by Bliz!
MM: Despite being on his own I think Regal has what it takes to win but he needs to win this quick before Johnny and Jimmy make the most of quick tags to preserve energy.
TM: Regal pulls his young opponent up...European uppercut by Regal…..Johnny stumbles bac….Regal grabs Blitz….DDT!....Regal covers and the Ref gets down to count….
……….(Jimmy Brandon gets in the ring and breaks the pin by stomping on Regal)
TM: The Ref is now giving Jimmy Brandon a warning for entering the ring…...but Jimmy has turned to the fans, stomping his foot on the ring apron getting the fans going who are clapping along…...But Regal isn’t happy ...and he’s taking the issue up with the Ref…..the Ref is waiving the protest off ...Regal hits Jimmy Brandon with a forearm to the back as he was still interacting with the fans…….Jimmy drops down to the outside…….Regal goes back to Johnny Blitz who is still on the mat…….Regal bends down to pull Johnny up ...small package by Blitz!!!
……………………….kick out by Regal!!!!
TM: Regal quickly gets up and its met by a standing dropkick by Johnny Blitz!!!.....Regal stumbles back onto the ropes and Jimmy Brandon hits Regal to the back with a forearm!
MM: What the??? Disqualify him Ref!
TM: Hey he’s just returning the favour to Regal…..Johnny Blitz with a clothesline on Regal….Regal stumbles…..BOLT FROM THE BLUE!!!!! (Superkick).....BOLT FROM THE BLUE!!!!!........BOLT FROM THE BLUE!!!!.........its all over! Johnny gets down for the pin…..
…………………….kick out by Regal!!!!!....KICK OUT BY REGAL!!!
MM: Its going to take more then that to finish Regal, that kick would have had difficulty pushing a feather away!
TM: Regal is still down and Johnny Blitz looks shocked………..Johnny climbs the turnbuckle to the top rope…….(The fans cheer)...........LIGHTNING BOLT!!!!! (High Elbow Drop)...LIGHTNING BOLT!!!!!.....LIGHTNING BOLT!!!!!......Johnny Blitz has just performed his two finisher moves…..this has to be it ... it's all over….we have new tag team champions ...surely….Johnny Blitz covers the motionless Regal…….the Ref counts………..
……………………………shoulder up by Regal!!!!
TM: I don't believe it!!! Johnny Blitz hit the Lightning Bolt finisher and the Bolt from the Blue finisher…...No one has ever kicked out of that combination before….
MM: That's because this aint Power Hour!
TM: Johnny calls out to Jimmy, looks like Jimmy Brandon is going to tag in here ...Johnny heads towards Jimmy but regal grabs the foot of Johnny…….low blow by Regal!!!.....Regal gets to his feet….Johnny has dropped to one knee here…...Regal grabs Johnny and sends him into the corner and follows with a clothesline! Regal grabs Johnny….slowly walks him out of the corner to the centre of the ring…..European uppercut by Regal…..Regal sends Johnny into the ropes……(Johnny hits the ropes and Jimmy tags him )......Johnny comes back…..spinebuster by Regal….he covers………..
……………………………………...wait the Ref isn't counting….
MM: What is the Ref doing, it’s already two on one, what does he want to make it three on one?
TM: The Ref appears to be telling Regal a tag was made as Johnny Blitz hit the ropes…...Regal looks up…..Jimmy Brandon is on the top rope…..Legdrop from the top rope by Jimmy Brandon!!!!!.......Regal rolls off of Blitz from the force of the Leg Drop.
MM: I never saw a tag made, this is an illegal move, call the damn match, Regal should be declared the winner now!
TM: Jimmy pulls Regal up…lifts him onto his shoulders…..airplane spin...into a TKO!!!!!(Fireman's Carry Cutter).....TKO!!!!!.....TKO!!!!!....Jimmy rolls Regal over and covers…….the Ref gets down to count….
MM: Wait where is L double E, get out here you fool!!
……………………………………………...3!!!!!!! (the fans POP)
MM: Oh no….
TM: We have new tag team champions ...the Dream Team have done it…..and listen to these fans!!!
(The camera cuts backstage and shows the limo out the back with the door open, the camera then turns around to see a figure entering the building. The camera follows the figure as the person turns a corner. The camera sees a door closing…..and follows in…..There L double E is tied to a chair. The person unties him but has their back to the camera…..L double E looks shocked…….L double E rubs his wrists from being tied up………)
LEE: Thanks…...I am surprised to see you….what are you doing here?
(The person says nothing)
LEE: Big Poppa caught me unaware from behind after our match and tied me up in here so I couldn't make it out for the tag team title match…..do you know how Regal did? Did he win? Are we still tag champions??
(The person with his back to the camera walks off and exits through another door without his face being shown to the camera. L double E goes to walk out when the door opens and Regal walks in)
LEE: Ah there you are.
Reg: Oh look...and there you are…..hiding back here while I have to take on Johnny Blitz and Jimmy Brandon on my own.
LEE: I thought you was British? Show some stiff upper lip boy…..wait a minute…….where are the tag titles?
Regal:........(He shakes his head and walks off with L double E following him)
LEE: Look wait I got jumped by Big Poppa and was tied up!
Reg: Yeah looks like you was tied up!
LEE: This was Hogan's doing, trying to cause a rift.....IT WAS HOGAN!!
(They two continue walking off arguing as the camera cuts back to the announcers)
TM: There is trouble for the Hero and Maestro connection plus we have seen someone enter backstage, we can only speculate its Hollywood Hogan’s tag team partner and L double E obviously knew the person.
MM: Timmy no one gives a damn about the Hero and Maestro connection, not even L double E!
TM: I’m sure that's not true.
MM: But the real talking point is the person who untied the fruit loop. Now this is important, because there are clues…...L double E knew the person and they said nothing!
TM: Perhaps it’s the Prez again, over seeing things for the PPV after making a recent appearance at Evolution……..What’s your got feeling?
MM: Too small to be the Prez…..well if I was a guessing man I would say it’s Wishmaster.
TM: Really? Wishmaster??
MM: Yep.
TM: But Davie J told security not to let anyone in whose not booked on the card and to inform him?
MM: But technically he could be booked as Hogan’s partner and besides, you seen the size of the red freak….no one would mess with him!
TM: Well fans we will find out soon enough as our main event is next and Mark Madden has said if he was a guessing man he would go with Wishmaster.
MM: Yes…..but I’m not a guessing man……
TM:....hmmmmm….OK Mark, we all know you disappear when it’s your round at the bar so if you were a betting man ...who is your money on?
MM: If I was putting money on anyone it would be Eddie D.
TM: I knew it would be Eddie D! You wouldn't risk losing your money!
MM: But I’m not placing any bets!
(The lights dim and The Best by Tina Turner plays as images of Davie J are shown on the big screen. He steps out from the smoke with the Legends title belt around his waist to a huge POP from the fans)
TM: Here he is, the Legends champion and one of the all time greats. He has held that title since 2018.
MM: Timmy the man demands respect, there has been talk he's not at the top of his game anymore but no one has been able to beat him for that belt and he's still at the top of the EIWF.
TM: In fact it's almost two years he has held that belt, since march 2018, in fact it's 675 days!!
MM: Wow ...take that Wishmaster!
TM: He has been accused of holding some younger talent back…..a comment he denies. In fact his tag team partner tonight is someone he was accused of holding back in the company’s initial run. He has been trying to right a few wrongs and there has been suspicions he is in fact working with Hogan here and looking to fool everyone….again he has always denied that and says he's here in the best interests of the EIWF.
MM: Man, we can only prey that he is working with Hogan…..would love to see them screw over Suicide and reform the band.
TM: Davie J is in the ring now, holding the belt up to the fans. I just thought, what if Hogan's partner is Ellis Black?
MM: Timmy don't be ridiculous, this is a main event of a PPV…..your not going to see Elis Black in it!
(Last Resort by Papa Roach plays and there are boo’s from the fans. Images of Suicide are shown on the big screen and Davie J can be seen in the ring applauding the arrival of his tag partner. Suicide steps out and stands on the ramp….he looks down to Davie in the ring and walks down the ramp, moving away from fans reaching out to grab him)
TM: Here is Suicide, the long time rival of Davie J, tonight….teaming together in an Unholy Alliance to take on a common enemy in Hollywood Hogan.)
MM: This is a joke Timmy, Suicide in a PPV main event with Hollywood Hogan and Davie J…..to be honest it’s like an eagle taking a big crap above the EIWF and it landing on the sign outside HQ. That's what this is….
TM: Will you stop it!
MM: Its someone taking a big dump all over the EIWF by having Suicide in this match…...unless Hogan and Davie screw him…..then it will be the best match ever!
TM: Your hard work sometimes. Fans remember that the Legends title is on the line in this match, a stipulation added by the Prez at a recent Evolution show when he was in a ‘discussion’ with Davie over the EIWF.
MM: So Hollywood Hogan or his tag team partner could leave tonight the Legends champion.
TM: Correct…….Suicide is in the ring here and appears to be having strong words with Davie here……(Suicide points his finger in the face of Davie J who holds his arms out).....it appears Suicide is threatening Davie not to cross him and Davie appears to be gesturing he has nothing to hide.
(Voodoo child plays, initially a loud pop from the fans before changing to a mixed reaction. Images of the CREW and Hogan are shown on the big screen. He walks out and plays air guitar in front of the entrance way before slowly walking to the ring.)
MM: Ladies and gentlemen…...GOD has arrived!
TM: Here he is, Hollywood Hogan, perhaps the greatest of all time….both as a wrestler and as a ‘mind games’ player.
MM: Amen to that!
TM: Hollywood Hogan is gesturing to both Davie J and Suicide, pointing at them then making a sign he will break them. He slowly climbs the steps and through the ropes……………..but where is his tag team partner. Davie J is looking past Hogan to see if anyone is coming out.
MM: Man, Hogan looks in great shape! He’s ready for this match….
TM: Hollywood Hogan is in the ring and he’s telling the Ref to ring the bell….but where is his tag team partner?
MM: Timmy, isn’t obvious, Hollywood has more than enough to take on the champ and the chump!
Hollywood Hogan & ???? vs Davie J & Suicide (Legends title on the line)
TM: Hollywood flexes his muscles telling Suicide and Davie to bring it……(Bell rings)......Davie looks surprised here and is trying to talk to Hogan…….(Suicide steps out the ring)...Davie trying to talk to Hogan….asking where the tag partner is…..Hogan pushes Davie (the fans react and cheer as the match looks set to start).....Davie still looks shocked…….but he pushes Hogan back…...they lock up…...Hogan sends Davie into the ropes…..Davie comes back…...big boot by Hogan….no!....Davie ducks…...Hogan turns around…...hard right by Davie…..and another!....Hogan stumbles backwards…...Davie runs and hits a clothesline sending Hogan over the top rope to the outside……….Davie again seems pre-occupied and is looking at the entrance ramp as the Ref begins to count Hogan………
………..Hogan is walking around the ring here…………..3………………….4…………..Hogan is asking for a mic!..........................5………………………………...6…………..he climbs back into the ring……………………
HH: It appears the fans are not going to get to see the match they wanted unless you Davie are focused on this match, but it appears I got to you. You just cant shake it off can you brother, worried who Hollywood has as his tag partner. Well why don't we bring him out!!!
MM: Wait for it Timmy…...just wait…..
TM: Suicide has entered the ring also here and stands next to Davie as they look to go two on two with the addition of this mystery tag partner….
MM: wait…...just wait……
TM: Hogan has a big smile on his face…..
(Perfect Strangers by Deep Purple plays and there is a huge POP from the fans. Images of Eddie D are shown on the big screen)
TM: NO Way!
MM: There it is….the money shot!
TM: We have not seen the man Eddie D in the EIWF since 2018, the Prez said he would never work in this company again!
MM: Look at Davie….he looks distraught!
(Images of the Good Guys are shown on the screen and smoke fills the ramp…..Davie leans on the ropes and awaits the arrival of Eddie D)
TM: I can see that Davie is hoping this isn’t true!....wait a minute…...WAIT A MINUTE!!!.....Suicide from behind!!!!....hits Davie with a forearm….he turns Davie around…...S-BOMB!!!! (Orange crush bomb).....S-BOMB!!!!!.....S-BOMB!!!!!.....Hollywood Hogan goes off the ropes…...LEGDROP OF DOOM!!!!!....LEGDROP OF DOOM!!!!!.......LEGDROP OF DOOM!!!!!......the Ref counts……
TM: We have a new Legends champion!!!!! I don't believe it!!!!
MM: Timmy….I did not see that coming…..Hogan and Suicide working together? How smart has Hogan played it though, fooled everyone into thinking Davie couldn't be trusted….and he was working with Suicide all along!!!!
HH: That's what happens when you don't stay true!!!! Davie, I gave you a second chance and you spat in my face. You see I am the master manipulator. Let me take you back to the last Evolution show…..
(a video clip from the last Evolution show plays)
HH: Hey big man, long time no speak! Look dude, I know that you and I have had our differences but time is a great healer. We have had time to calm down, take a step back and look at things from a different angle. Now I know you and Davie have history, that's why I wanted to ask you to step into the ring with Hollywood and be my partner to take on Davie at the next PPV Unholy Alliance! Now you don't have to answer me now, take time to reflect on the offer. Look brother, the whole wrestling world knows you were kept in the shadow of Davie J, he got all the attention and took the spotlight away from you. I think we could ‘Stun’ the wrestling world………..no no, I'm not looking to swerve you, you know I always stay true!!!
(clip ends)
HH: You see, Everyone fell for it, you all thought that fat lump Eddie D was going to be my tag team partner, he's history brother. Even Davie took the bait. Then I made you think Wishmaster was back and you fell for that! But the best trick of all, I turned those closest to Davie J against him. They thought he couldn't be trusted, they thought he was working with Hollywood…….I turned everyone against you Davie ...and now I am the champion. And Suicide Brother, I want to thank you but I knew you couldnt turn down the chance to get one over Davie, and the way you played your part….with you keep questionning Davie if he was going to swerve you….brother….you deserve an Oscar!!!
TM: Suicide walks over and stomps on Davie……..he pulls Davie up….another S-BOMB!!!!!.....Hogan with the Legends title belt…lays it over Davie…..drops a LegDrop on Davie!!!.....Hogan picks the belt up and slings it over his shoulder…..Suicide continues to beat on Davie….
HH: You see there isn't anyone who can stop Hollywood Hogan, I’m the man ...always have been…….always will be……
TM: Hogan joins in stomping on Davie J……(fans stand up and cheer as L double E runs out) The Anti Hero is here!!!
MM: Another one to get an ass whooping!
TM: L double E slides in the ring clotheslines Hogan over the top rope!!!!!...Suicide slides out under the bottom rope and they re-group near the ramp. L double E helps Davie J up.
(The lights go out…an image of Wishmaster is shown on the big screen and the lights come back on)
HH: Wait a minute, who’s doing that ...I didn't tell anyone put that picture up…….I'm in charge, I'M THE MAN!!!!
TM:Hogan and Suicide heading up the ramp to see if it is Wishmaster? Or is someone playing mind games with them??
(the lights go out again…..a spot light shines on the entrance ramp and figure appears with his back to the camera…..)
TM: Wait a minute ...whose that?
MM: It's the person who un-tied L double E…...wasn’t Hogan’s tag partner then???
The Mystery person speaks: I am here to bring law and order back to the EIWF. I am in charge of the EIWF now ...I am back for you Hogan…..I am back for ...REVENGE!!!!.....
(He turns around)....
TM: Oh my GOD!!! Its Revolution!!! He’s back!!! The man Hogan put in hospital is back!!!
MM: Revolution is back???
TM: Hes back and hes in charge….Hogan looks worried here and he and Suicide have gone into the crowd to leave!
MM: Does anyone know if Wishmaster is back? Is he working with Revolution or was it just a trick first by Hogan and then by Revolution.
TM: Fans we are out of time, but we have a new Legends champion and the boss is back and out for revenge!!