EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

The EWF logo flashes and the scene fades into Tormentor, behind his desk, sitting down. He looks up at the camera and speaks.
Tormentor: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls to the greatest wrestling show on earth. The road to Breaking the Habit has gone half the distance and at this moment, people have come and gone... and come back again! Battles have been fought and in the tournament, the loser stays behind whilst the winner advances... and now we are at the semi final, the battle becomes more tense with each week... the matches become tougher and although the dream is actually closer, it may as well be as far as possible... because with difficulty do they climb this ladder. Everyman carries himself and no other with him... and it is this show, this tension, this action and this excitement that will place the EWF in the top spot of the TV Ratings, instead of the dull, boring crap you get in the WWE... The EWF will be the hottest thing around and the WWE will be there in the shadows, collecting the crumbs that we... the EWF dust away. Ladies and Gentlemen, you all know the stakes, you all know the matches... and now it's time, for EWF Justice.
The scene fades and comes back showing clips of last weeks show.
Jordison picks up the chair, Starr is on her knees, crawling to get up. The referee is warning him to not use the chair. What's this? Scott Steiner is coming down the ramp. The fans are cheering as he runs down the ramp. Joey Jordison pushes the referee out of the way, Starr gets up on her feet, Joey swings the chair, but wait, Steiner grabs a hold of it and pulls it out of Joey Jordisons hands. Jordison is irate, he turns around, Starr kicks him in the gut, hoists him onto her shoulders and hits her finisher, Kiss This. Starr pins Joey Jordison, the referee goes down to the mat for the count, 1.....2............3!! "Bring Me To Life" hits again as Scott Steiner lifts Starr up and raises her arm in victory.
JR: Starr is the first person through to the next round of the EWF Tournament, no matter what... whether she loses next week or not, she has a definite spot for the Hardcore Title.
The referee has been counting both men again, 4.....5.....6....7.....8.... Scott Steiner gets up, as does Icon. Steiner takes a step forward, Icon kicks hitting the Ego Smack. Scott Steiner falls back onto the canvas, Icon pins, 1...2..... what? Icon gets off the pin, he's not finished. Icon is shaking his head as he points to the turnbuckle, the fans are cheering.
King: Arrrrgh! JR look!.... Icons going on the turnbuckle.
JR: I don't know why he's doing this, the match was his... Icon hit the finisher. but it seems he's giving the fans what they want.
Icon jumps on the turnbuckle, leaps and hits the Icon Factor (Five Star Frosplash into Swanton Bomb) and now the pin, 1.....2............3!!! "People Hate Me" hits again as Icon lies on the ground, recovering from the leap.
JR: Well he's lucky he managed to get the hit on the flying maneuver, and what a maneuver it was... Icon is through to the next round of the EWF tournament, and even if he loses, he's got a chance for the EWF Hardcore title at this stage
Matthews has had enough, he signals the finisher, Ryder uses the ropes to get up. Ryder Jackson turns around, swings his arm for the Chosen One, but he misses, Shane Matthews spins him around, Golden Grain! (Downward Spiral) The pin, the referee begins the count, Matthews lifts his feet up onto the ropes, 1...2.....3! The referee didn't see a thing, Shane Matthews wins the match, "Head Strong" blasts all around again. Matthews is celebrating, his first win and he's through to the next round.
Jarrett slides into the ring and climbs up onto the turnbuckle, his lips move, but what he says is silenced by the fans and the music. He climbs down and speaks to the announcer, the announcer shakes his head. Jeff Jarrett takes off his t-shirt and puts the guitar down by the side of the ring.
JR: And now we're waiting for the opponent folks... We have no idea who it is, they'll be taking Suicide's spot in the tournament and, I don't think that even Jarrett knows.
"Alive" by P.O.D hits, the fans rise to their feet, the screams are extatic. The Brock comes out onto the stage, looking at the fans. The cameras flash everywhere, what a blinding moment.
JR: I don't believe it... Brock, THE BROCK! has joined the EWF!! Former PWWF and EWA superstar, what we thought was an enemy to Tormentor... has now joined the very business.... Tormentor is running.
Brock gets up, stomps on Jarrett and then picks him up. Jarrett rakes the Brock in the eyes, picks up the guitar, the crowd boo out aloud. The referee tries preventing Jarrett, It matters not, Jeff Jarrett is too irate about having the Brock as his opponent. Brock takes a step forward, and the Guitar Shot goes right on the Brock.
JR: Well the guitar shot was uncalled for... Either way folks... it seems that Brock is through to the next round now, and later on tonight, we'll be seeing who his opponent is.... HBK? or Davie J?
JR: rumours are that Hollywood Hogan has left the arena
"Numb" by Linkin Park blares through the arena, the crowd boo, it can't be, it is. Tormentor walks out onto the stage, he's in wrestling attire, but he's holding a microfone. Mattitude doesn't look too happy, his opponent is his own boss. Tormentor walks down the ramp.
Tormentor: It seems that Hollywood Hogan won't be competing tonight... you take on the Man, the Myth and the Legend...Or you can take the edge of the coin, skip this match, go on to the next round.
Mattitude nods his head, he turns around and walks off, but quickly turns back and shakes Tormentors hand
Tormentor: but... you stay indebted to the Man, the Myth and the Legend.... regardless of your further progress.
JR: I have a feeling Mattitude will regret that further down the line.
Shawn Michaels goes for the Sweet Chin Music, Davie J evades it, HBK turns around and Davie J comes back with the Wake Up Call (Superkick). The fans can't believe it, Davie J leans on the ropes, grabs his breath back and then walks over to HBK, covers him the pin, no gets up, places his foot over HBK, what a cocky pin, the referee counts, 1....2....3! Davie J stands up, "Wake Up" hits again.
Davie J throws the can away, asks for another, gets thrown another, asks for another, he gets another, Davie J opens the cans up and walks over to HBK with a mic in hand.
Davie: Hey sad-sac! How do you like them apples!?
Davie J pours the the two cans onto HBK. The crowd begin to boo as "Wake Up" hits again. Davie J laughs as he walks off out off, climbing out of the ring.
JR: You know, that doesn't look like beer...
King: Ah ha ha ha It's Apple Juice... Shawn Michaels just got his first apple bath.
The flashbacks stop and the scenes fade to black, "Highway To Hell" by AC/DC hits as the fireworks display all over the stage and ramp way burst with life, the fans start cheering out aloud, the cameras are waving about all over the arena, showing different signs everywhere.
JR: Welcome folks, to what is the greatest wrestling show around, EWF Justice, my names Jim Ross and I'm alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler...
King: Oh boy JR... what a night tonight is going to be, I can't wait any longer.
JR: Well tonight's the night... we'll find out who will be aking it to EWF Breaking the Habit final for the EWF World Title. It's been one hell of a week folks, the Brock and Davie J have had head on collision with one another.... Mattitude Welch and Shane Matthews have been at it... and so has Icon.
King: It's just like Tormentor said JR... its more tense, the stakes are higher JR.... the more the winners go through the next stage, the difficult it gets because they've been taking on the other winners.
JR: That they have King... but thats what it takes to be the EWF Champion, you simply have to be the best.
King: So what matches do we have up tonight JR?
JR: Well we've got the tournament matches, as you know King... Icon vs. Starr, Mattitude Welch vs. Shane Matthews and the one that everyone has been talking about all week, The Brock vs. Davie J, as well as Suicide vs. Scott Steiner and Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Jarrett.
King: WHAT? Suicide came back?
JR: He did indeed King... and he made it very clear that he wants Davie J, if you haven't been watching lately folks, Suicide blames Davie J for the EIWF's demise, a former fansite federation, which was very successful over the past years... it's where Davie J made his name, and it's why Suicide holds Davie J responsible for its fall after Davie J left it.
King: It just proves it JR... Davie J equals ratings and success, where he goes the cameras follow. Imagine he tried leaving the EWF JR.... we'd be ruined.
JR: I don't think Davie J was the cause for the EIWF's shutting down King... if Suicide should blame anyone, it should be it's owner.
"Last Resort" by Papa Roach hits, the fans boo as Suicide makes his way on to the stage, the fans making it clear they don't like him. He doesn't stop however, he carries on walking down the ramp, toward the ring.
JR: Well he knew he wouldn't be getting Davie J this week... so he asked for Scott Steiner, now he has it.
King: I hope Big Poppa Pump makes a good job out of him...
Suicide slides into the ring awaiting Scott Steiner, he doesn't wait long either. "Act a Fool" by Ludacris hits, the fans begin to cheer as Scott Steiner comes out, running down the ramp. Scott Steiner slides into the ring and looks around at the crowd as he flexes his muscles, and then looking toward Suicide, ready for the match. The bell rings and the match begins, Suicide wastes no time in taking Scott Steiner down with a clothesline, and he looks like he's pulling no stops. He gets up, drives an elbow into Scott Steiner, and again.
JR: Look at that agility in Suicide, that's a testament, is what that is... Suicide wants Davie J in that very ring with him, who knows... he may get it.
King: Come on now JR.... everyone knows that Davie J is main event material, seeing him up against Suicide would be like punishment on his good name.
JR: I don't personally think Davie J's name is that good King, this is an old fued.... back from the EIWF.
Suicide picks up Scott Steiner, whip him to the ropes and brings him down with a flying scissors kick. Suicide goes for a pin, 1...2... Scott Steiner kicks out, still a bit early for that it seems. Suicide gets up, bringing Steiner up with him, goes to lift for a suplex, but Scott Steiner reverses and comes out with a snap suplex onto Suicide.
JR: and Scott Steiner is back in the game. Nice suplex reversal and it's evened up the match once again.
Steiner picks up Suicide, throws a few punches and then picks him up landing a backbreaker. Steiner gets up now. He poses to the fans and then picks up Suicide, wrapping his huge arms around Suicides waist, locking in a bearhug, trying to shake out the energy from Suicide. The referee asks Suicide if wants to give up, Suidide refusing at all costs at the moment.
JR: What a strong tactical move folks, Scott Steiner draining the energy from Suicide... who won't give in at the moment, then again, who will on their first match in the EWF.
King: Well Suicide is out here to make an impression, he's called a big name like Davie J, he's gotta prove his head over the rest.
Scott Steiner holds in the move, Suicide now losing the energy, he's being drained out as his hand lowers down gradually. The referee asks him one more time if he wants to give up, Suicides head slightlyuy shakes as the arm drops completely. Scott Steiner shakes him up some more, applying the pressure. The referee takes Suicides arm, lifts it up, drops it. The arm drops straight down, the referee counts one. The lifts again, the referee drops it, counting the two.
King: Come on Big Poppa... let us see that arm flop.
JR: If Suicide lets his arm slip one last time... Scott Steiner will win the match.
The referee lifts the arm up, he drops it, the arm goes down, but wait, it stops, it lifts and it starts laying the punches right into Scott Steiner repeatedly. Suicide breaks free, the fury is flowing, he grabs Scott Steiner and knees him in the gut and then hits a falcon arrow. The crowd boo's, Suicide doesn't care. He's all out, he picks up Scott Steiner, hits the Overdose (spinning inverted ddt) on Steiner, who is in pain, holding his head in pain. Suicide signals for the finisher, the fans boo.
JR: The end is near...
King: Oh no! Big Poppa Pump... get up!!
Suicide picks drags Scott Steiner to his feet, picks him up and hits the S-Bomb (orange crush bomb). This could be it, Suicide pins, 1...2......3!! Suicide gets up, arms raised as "Last Resort" hits.
Winner - Suicide via Pinfall
JR: What a win, what an amazing comeback... Suicide was held in that bear hug, his energy was drained out and yet he brought that fury out and showed the whole of the roster in the back what he's made of.
King: I can't believe it JR... Scott Steiner beat by him, this is a tragedy.
JR: Well we're going to take a break now folks, don't go anywhere... we'll be right back with more action.
The show cuts and goes to commercials.
The scene opens up to the Coach standing outside the Brocks locer room, you can already hear the fans cheering from the arena as they see the Brocks name on the door. The Brock opens the door and is stopped by Coach.
Coach: Ladies and gentlemen I am here with The Brock. Former PWWF and EWA wrestler, former EWA Champion, and now, entered in the quarterfinals of the EWF Breaking The Habit Tournament. Brock, is the EWF what you expected.
Brock: First off Coach, DAMN, you do your homework don't you? Spend all your time looking at The Brock in Rolling Stone? Reading The Brock's book 'The Brock Knows'? Well if you are, that's fine with The Brock baby! But what's not is you wearing The Brock's shirt. Now The Brock likes a good fan, likes publicity and all, but The Brock don't like the fact that you, a bonified Flabroni, a sourass in every aspect, wearing his shirt. The Brock's got a reputation you know? Now as for your question, The Brock feels familiar, The Brock knows he's comfortable because The Brock sees this as the EWA in a new coat, but it can be different, instead of that sourass Tormentor winning the belt, The Brock will be the first champ. The EWA was like the PWWF to The Brock and The Brock has had success in both, so what's to stop him from succeeding here?
Coach: Good question, well there is one person trying to stop you by the name of Davie J, and
Brock: What did you say his name was?
Coach: I said Da...
Brock: It Matters Not what his name is! What matter is he getting his assed kicked courtesy of the Late One on Thursday. What matters is this ICON getting deICONIZED by The Brock, The Brahma Hippo. Back in the EWA, Davie J hung with Hollywood Hulk Hogan, an old fart that couldn't press slam a tube of sensodine let along The Public's Champion. Now he comes here and trys to butter up to Tormentor, asking Tormentor how he likes his apples, up his ass or in his mouth, Tormentor replying up his ass then giving Davie J wins. Well all that ssssssiiiiiccccccckkkk crap stops here, and with The Brock. Davie J, apples or oranges, or bananas whatever you prefer, you are steeping up to the unmovable, and you will fall. You will be the first to fall victim to The Brock Bottom here in the EWF, and speaking of Bottom, even after applying your apple up Tormentor's bottom, you will still be at the bottom of the ladder, looking up at The Brock, watching the Late One, layeth the puncheth down on everyone's sourass, becoming EWF Champion. IF YA SMELLLLLLLALALALALAOW WHAT THE BROCK! IS! BAKIN!
Brock looks at Coach, stuffs the mic back in his hands, and slams his locker room door shut. The scene cuts and to JR and King sitting at ringside.
JR: Well ther you go folks... the Brock is ready, Davie J is ready..... and they'll be going at it one on one later on tonight... the winner going on to the finals for the EWF Championship final....
King: Ha ha and the loser going on to the EWF Hardcore Title final... and that's who it's going to be JR, the man we just saw... the Brock.
JR: Well don't speak with too much haste King... you know as well as I do the Brock is a remarkable athlete, there ain't anyone like him... and as he said during the week, he's the only one to have done what Davie J failed to do in the EWA, and that was defeat Tormentor for the EWA Title.
King: Quit looking in the past JR... we're at the here and now, and the now is Davie J, Icon, Hero, Role model to the entire EWF. Tormentor said it himself, Davie J is at his prime.
JR: Well indeed Davie J's record here tonight goes undefeated in the EWF, it's a clean record... they're the two biggest names in the EWF today, and it's a fight one on one for the title.
"People Hate Me" by the Murderdolls hits, the fans semi-cheering as Icon makes his way out from the back. He walks down the ramp, avoiding all hands reaching out from the sides as possible.
JR: Here we go now... Icon making his way down to the ring, he defeated Scott Steiner last week to get into the next round and he's confident, he's not going to let anything get in his way.... he's got everything to lose and everything to win. He knows it, he wants it... the EWF Title, and who wouldn't want to be crowned the 1st ever EWF Champion?
King: Come on come on come on....
Icon pacing around the ring, waiting for his opponent. "Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence begins to play, the fans cheer out aloud as Starr makes her way out onto the stage.
King: Woo hoo... Arrggh, look JR, it's Starr!
JR: Well that's who Icon's opponent is this week... she got the win over Joey Jordison last week to advance to the next round, she's the only female in this contest... either way tonight, I think she's done well to get here right now.
King: What are you talking about JR... what man just wouldnt fall to her charm, lie on the canvas and let Starr lie upon them for a pin? Infact I wish I entered the tournament.
JR: Well I don't think we'll be seeing that from Icon tonight is all King.
Starr climbs into the ring, the fans cheering for her as she does so. Both opponents are in the ring, the music stops, the referee begins the match and the bell rings. Starr walks up to Icon, strutting her stuff, she circles him in a flirtacious way.
JR: Can you believe this... Starr is trying to charm Icon.
King: Arrgh!
Icon looks around at the fans, a smile on his face as would be on any mans face who had Starr flirting around them, but its not for long, Starr swings her arm to slap Icon, who grabs her arm and shakes his head. Icon swings his arm backward, backslapping Starr down. Starr crawls trying to get up, Icon picks her up and lifts her onto his shoulders, slaps her ass. Starr didn't like that as she kicks her legs and beats her arms on Icon, hitting a body press slam on her.
JR: Icon looks like he's having fun as he plays Starr around.
King: What.... what are you talking about JR, this is terrible, poor Starr.
JR: Oh please... that little she-devil.
King: Arrgh! she-devil? She's an angel.
Icon picks up Starr, she struggles as he grapples her, but she manages to bitch slap him, she grabs his head and hits a bulldog DDT on Icon. She goes for a pin, 1...2... no luck, Icon lifts her up, throwing her off upon him. Icon gets up as does Starr, he goes to grab her, but she evades it and she grabs him from behind, Icon struggles, the referee tries moving out of the way and Starr swings her arm between Icons legs, low blowing him.
JR: What a low blow... that little, and the referee didn't see a thing.
King: What?
JR: Starr just gave Icon a low blow...
King: She did? I didn't see it... these monitors must be playing up.
Starr body slams Icon and goes for the turnbuckle, high risk move here by the looks of it. Starr takes a leap, going for a frogslash, Icon has it scouted and rolls out of the way. Starr lands on her chest and that ust hurt. Icon uses the ropes to get himself up, still in effect from the low blow. Starr begins to crawl, Icon walks over to her, she gets up on her knees now, pleading to Icon now. Icon laughs, she goes for another low blow, Icon moves out of the way and grabs her arm, lifting her onto her feet. He whips her to the ropes, Starr comes back, Icon grabs her and hits a side walk slam. He goes for the pin, 1...2.... Starr manages to lift her shoulder up, and she really wants this win as much as Icon does. Icon picks her up, she scratches Icon in the face. Icon straight away covering his face with his hands, Starr runs and clotheslines him down. Starr pins Icon, 1....2... no Icon kicks out. He gets up straight away, as does Starr, she bitch slaps Icon again, but it's having no affect, she goes for another, Icon grabs her arm, looks at the crowd as she pleads to him not to harm her. Icon simple smiles, forcing himself on her.
King: Arrrgh! Oh no... Starr!
JR: Icon getting a bit of the ol' lip lock there...
Icon kisses her and then swings her to the ropes and hits her with the Egosmack. Starr falls back, knocked out by the look of it. The crowd cheer, Icon pins, 1....2.......3!
Winner - Icon via Pinfall
JR: Icon wins the match, he's through to the next round and it really didn't look like Starr had much of a chance tonight. She tried a different approach and it didn't help, I guess it makes the difference when she has Scott Steiner with her.
King: I can't believe it JR... call 911, I think she may be hurt, oh poor Starr.... JR look!
JR: I can see King... anyway folks, we're going on to a commercial break, we'll back in a few minutes... don't go anywhere, we have Shawn Michaels up against Jeff Jarrett next.
The show cuts to commercials.
The show comes back backstage with Coach, who is standing in the foyer talking to the camera man, just then Davie J walks up.
Davie: What you should have said Coach is, you know your a flabroni, thats why your wearing the Brock's shirt.
Coach: You heard what Brock had to say, any comments?
Davie: Not really. No one is bothered what Brock has to say, Im the man, the real deal. Look im the steak house and Brock is wimpy. Im Ferrari and hes skoda, Im.....
Coach: we get the message.
Davie: HEY dont you ever interrupt me again, you want to be next on the WAKE UP call list?
*Coach shakes his head*
Davie: You see the Brock is all catchphrases, thats it, no real talent. Im all action no talk, i do my talking in the ring and thats when i come into my own. Did Brock say how many times he beat me?
Coach: No,
Davie: I thought not, that's because hes never beaten me. You see I kicked his ass in the EWA, didnt mention that did he? He says hes got a rep to protect, well it wouldn't be pride he had to protect because he doesnt have any. Now if you excuse me Coach im off to find head of security, someone has been spreading lies, someone has been claiming that Brock won the EWA world title, how bizzare is that!
Davie J walks off, the scene cuts back to JR and King at ringside again.
JR: I tell ya folks... this thing between Davie J and The Brock, it's getting a little out of hand... they both know who eachother is and they're both crossing each others path for that same prize at the end of the highway.
King: It's great isn't it JR... really tense!
JR: Well up next is Jeff Jarrett against Shawn Michaels, everyone knows that Jarrett made his debut last week, and we all saw him give the Brock the first welcome to the EWF by smacking that guitar around the Brocks skull.... now he's after the others in the EWF so he says.
King: That's right King... Jeff Jarrett will take on any slap nut who comes across him. Don't piss him off JR, you might be next.
JR: You ain't got to worry about that... I wouldn't think of talking like a man to Jeff Jarrett.
King: Why? Are you saying Jeff Jarrett is unfriendly?