EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

The EWF logo quickly flashes and the scene opens up to Tormentor, sitting in a chair, looking into the camera.
Tormentor: Hello, and welcome to the first ever EWF Justice, the new home of wrestling. It's tonight where the road begins, and believe me... the road is a long one. And to begin that long journey on the never-ending road, not only will I give to you the night that lies just ahead, but I will give the world what it has gone without for so long... As you have seen from the past two weeks in the EWF, people have come and some have gone. People have found refuge in the EWF from the rest of the second rate federations out there, and the taste of the EWF is as sweet as honey and as raw as metal... to some, the honey was too sweet to stay around, those remain, do it for the taste of raw carnage. Why do wrestlers fight go through that pain each time they enter the ring? Some say they do it because they like the Havoc... but all do it simply for these...
Tormentor holds up the EWF World, Intercontinental and Hardcore Titles
Tormentor: The desires of every athlete in the business, the pain, the sweat and the blood... and the glory. It is these very titles that give a wrestler establishment, they are that higher seat where you are able to look down at the rest, and mock their ability. Tonight will be the night that the road takes its first miles, and the race for the EWF Titles begins. So on July 25th, the EWF will host is first pay-per view, which shall be called EWF Breaking The Habit... and at Breaking the Habit, the world will witness it's first EWF Champion, Intercontinental Champion and Hardcore Champion. The pillars of the EWF, it's foundation will be built on these champions and their names... will remain on the top of list, permanently. Without further a due... I give to you, EWF Justice.
The scene fades, "Highway to Hell" by AC/DC faintly plays in the background as some past images of the week fade in.
Davie J: Dark Rider you have lost concentration sad sac. You should be focusing on your match at Justice against me. Don't worry about your little bike races, seeing who can do the biggest wheeley or how many people you can buggy on your handle bars. Little things like that will cost you your chance with the legend that is Davie J. I will kick your a$$ from ring post to ring post and I will give you no mercy whatsoever. Your a pretender to the throne. You have got nothing on me and after Justice you will realise that you have had the biggest WAKE UP call of your career!!!
Dark Rider: I think Davie J is a jobber of a wrestler. A no talent schmuck that doesn't deserve to even be in the same ring that i am. He wants to be an icon, well that sorry son of a bitch isn't gonna get anywhere in wrestling. Wrestling is a sport for people who can hack it in the ring. Not for little whiny boys who wish they were something they're not, and yelling idle threats. Davie just comes out here and says the same damn thing over and over. The question is, when will he realize nobody's paying attention to him or taking him as a threat?
Hollywood Hogan: We're just days away from the very first show, and as always, Hollywood is the star of the show! But you know, on a first show, the company is meant to go all out, like a PPV, and that's why I'm really disappointed, they've given me Icon, a guy who couldn't main-event in his own bedroom!
Icon: Hogan, in your own words, I am not going anywhere. Tell me, if I'm not going anywhere, how did I get the Main Event slot? Furthermore, how did I get to face somebody like you in the main event? I think you need to flip the script and listen to your words.
The images change and "Boy Toy" plays as HBK makes his way towards the ring. As soon as he reached the steel steps, he turned back and gave a lucky girl a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. He then proceeds to walk up the steel steps and enters the ring. He gets on one knee in the middle of the ring flexes his muscles.
JR: I can't believe it.... Shawn Michaels! The Heartbreak Kid has joined the EWF!!!
HBK: Now this guy said that if anyone calls themselves an Icon he'd run em over... Well guess what buddy, I'm not calling myself an ICON. I didn't enter myself into the hall of fame. I didn't make fake belts and show it to my fans...No, I deserved them all. I worked hard for them and made a name for myself hence the name...ICON
Icon: Welcome all to the greatest television spectacle in the world today... The Icon Show!
Davie J: how'd ya like them apples sad sac?????
The scene fades and the fireworks fly, the lights all around the arena turn on as "Highway to Hell" blasts all around, still being slightly silenced by the screaming EWF fans.
JR: Welcome folks to the first ever edition of EWF Justice, it's been one hell of a week building up to this night... My name's Jim Ross and I'm along side here with Jerry "The King" Lawler, and what a night we've got lined up tonight King...
King: I can't believe it JR... It's finally here, EWF JUSTICE HA HA!!
JR: You bet it is... let's take a quick look at what we have tonight, firstly Ryder Jackson will take on the Psychotic One, and I can tell ya, Ryder hasn't taken a liking to being placed in this match after Prototypes departure.
King: Well JR... he's gonna take it or leave it. Who would be dumb enough to argue Tormentors match decisions... like Tormentor said "if you don't like it... leave it".
JR: I don't think he said anything like that King.
King: Well he should have...
"Not Falling" by Mudvayne hits, the fans cheer as The Psychotic One makes his way down to the ring.
JR: And it looks like we're ready for the first match... and it's The Psychotic One out first, this boy's 6"4, 240lbs and he's made quite a name for himself with his friend "Eddie". We're gonna see tonight how he does against the Low Ryder himself...
The Psychotic One slides into the ring and paces the ring, awaiting his opponent. "X Gonna Give It To Ya" by DMX hits as Ryder Jackson comes out onto the stage, and he's getting a warm welcome from the fans as they scream aloud with cheers for him. He runs down the ramp, and slides into the ring, feeling ready and confident.
JR: To some Ryder Jackson is a familiar face in Tormentor presence 6"1, 220lbs and he's looks like a promising star for the EWF...
King: He's a chump JR... as stated before, a B-line wrestler.
JR: Well time will tell on that one.
The bell rings and the match is underway. Ryder Jackson closes in on the Psychotic One with a number of jabs, Ryder gets the grapple on and lays in straight away with a spine buster. What agility from Ryder Jackson and everyone knows he's out here proving a point, he is that good. Ryder picks up the Psychotic One and sends him to the ropes, goes for the shoulder toss, Psychotic One stops in his tracks and comes back with his own jabs to the head, Psychotic One swings for a short clothesline, Ryder ducks and reachers for a behind grapple on the Psychotic One, but it's counter attacked back and hit with a Back Breaker. Ryder Jackson is on the floor now, feeling the pain from the last move, Psychotic One stomps on Ryder repeatedly, Psychotic One goes to the corner and looks outside the ring.
Psychotic One: You're not meant to be out here...
The Psychotic One goes back to Ryder Jackson, who is just getting himself up, the Psychotic One kicks him in the gut and then lands a few more stomps on Ryder. He then walks back to the corner, and shouts again.
Psychotic: Go to the back... You're not meant to be here.
JR: Well I'm not sure what he's doing folks, but I have ah a feeling that the Psychotic One is talking to his imaginary friend "Eddie".
King: There's no friend JR, it's plain and simple, he's a nut, he belongs in a hostpital, not a ring.
JR: Well apparently he's fit to fight... that means he fights in the ring.
Ryder Jackson gets up and comes up behind the Psychotic One rolling up a school boy, the referee counts 1...2.... Psychotic One kicks out and an early count there. Psychotic One quickly gets himself up and takes Ryder out with a clothesline, what a close one. He picks up Ryder Jackson and sends him to the ropes. Psychotic One in control now, grabs Ryder by the hair and runs up onto the turnbuckle, turning right around and landing a Springboard DDT. What a move, Psychotic One goes for the pin, 1....2..... but no, Ryder holds in and refuses to throw the towel in just yet. Psychotic One gets up and starts looking back at that turnbuckle, talking to it again.
Psychotic One: Don't tell me what to do!
Psychotic One turns around and picks up Ryder Jackson again, Ryder pushes back and begins throwing a flurry of fists at the Psychotic One, who is being hit further back, Ryder Jackson kicks him in the gut and hits a Snap Suplex. Ryder seems in the zone now, he picks up the Psychotic One, the grapple and out with the Belly to Belly Suplex. Nice moves from Ryder, Psychotic One doesn't stay down long, as he stumbles his way up. Ryder looks at him, then around and then hits Psychotic One in the face 3 times, then follows with 2 bionic elbows to the back of the neck, smacking Psychotic One to the floor. Ryder signals the finisher, the crowd cheer, he grabs Psychotic Ones legs, and locks in the Capital Punishment (Lion Tamer), the pain is in the legs of Psychotic One, he holds his arm out but refuses to tap.
JR: What a match this is... and the refusal to tap shows the determination to win.
King: He's an nut cake, tap out you idiot...
Psychotic One almost reaching the ropes, so close yet so far, Ryder Jackson digs his knee into the back, applying the pressure, thats it for Psychotic One, he taps and he taps out loud. The bell ring as "X Gonna Give It Yo Ya" hits again. The referee raises Ryder Jacksons arms in victory.
Winner - Ryder Jackson via Submission
JR: Well there was only so much Psychotic One could take, both men put out an excellent show, but Ryder Jackson stands victorious here tonight, and I'm sure it will be setting him up in lone for the tournament leading to the ppv announced by Tormentor at the beginning of the programme, we'll be back with more news, and more action though, after this commercial break.
Tormentor is in the back, having just watched Ryder Jacksons win over the Psychotic One.
King: Argh... It's Tormentor, look JR.
JR: Yeah I see him... and I'm sure he was watching to see who would be entered for the tournament.
Joey Jordison walks up to Tormentor after, Tormentor turns around and faces him.
Joey: You wanted to talk...
Tormentor: I sure did, I watched your tape, it's very impressive, but it's not the first time I've seen a tape of the Crow apparantly beaten to the point of no return, so you didn't impress me that much. None the less, I'm willing to give you a contract on one condition.
Joey: and what's that...
Tormentor: Fuba is to be scheduled with a match tonight, putting it more clearly, Fuba's scheduled for a match tonight.... against you! I don't want him to be entered for the title tournament, and if Fuba can't compete next week... he can't be entered, you understand where I'm coming from, you do what you have to... and you have your contract.
Joey Jordison takes a step up to Tormentor and looks him dead in the eye, Tormentor keeps a still face, hiding his eyes behind his shades. Joey then turns and walks away.
JR: Would you look at that, Fuba and Joey Jordison up for a match and that's next.
King: It must be great to be the Prez, JR. You can do anything you want.
JR: And Tormentor is doing just that, but right now, we've got Davie J, backstage, ready for a live interview.
Davie is sitting in his locker room. Somebody knocks on the door and walks in. Its an interviewer wanting to talk to Davie
AJ: Davie it seems you have caused a lot of heat here in the EWF so I'm going to ask for your opinion on the rest of the roster.
DJ: Go for it.
AJ: Lets start with the owner, Tormentor.
DJ: Without a doubt a legend, a true great in this sport.....well in his own head at least, not in anyone else's!
AJ: OK, what about Fuba, someone you have feuded with in the past.
DJ: Have I? Not really a feud, more like one match, a boring one as well. Hell how long can the fans sit and watch me totally out wrestle and out smart someone for?
AJ: Ryder Jackson?
DJ: Wasn't he in the Jackson 5?
AJ: Eeerrr? Moving on, what about Hollywood Hogan?
DJ: Hollywood Hogan, the real one or the Huckster? Lets talk about the Huckster, I have to admit Hogan was a legend but this Huckster is going to make me struggle. Thats right. Tormentor came to me and said 'Look Davie, your the man. You can carry any wrestler and make it a good match, but this Hogan sucks so much even you may not be able to pull it off'. So the Huckster will be a good challenge, see if I can pull off an entertaining match.
AJ: What about Big Poppa Pump?
DJ: The largest arms in the EWF, now although he's somewhat of a fake hes a good one.
AJ: Icon?
DJ: Yes.
AJ: What about Icon?
DJ: Oh sorry I thought you was saying my name. Icon, hes a good kid, Hes like me, of course a lot more second rate though. He's like the B rated Icon. Well they say there's no such thing as perfection, sure I pulled it off and there was no chance it was gonna happen again, that's why Icon is a second rate version of me.
AJ: OK what about Dark Rider?
DJ: Who?
AJ: Dark Rider.
DJ: Nah never heard of him, I only know the wrestlers. Does he give out the hand towells in the crapper Interview ends.
JR: Well there you go folks, 110% big headed self indulgence.
King: What? He's a legend JR... there's nothing wrong with honesty.
JR: It's not honest King... he talks like he's untouchable.
King: Next to Dark Rider, of course he is..
JR: What? You haven't even seen Dark Rider wrestle yet King.
King: Whats to see, I can put my bet down now... Dark Rider and Davie J, winner... Davie J. It's almost a guarantee JR.
JR: Well we'll see you on that one.
"The Heretic Anthem" by Slipknot hits all over the arena, a mixed reaction from the crowd as Joey Jordison makes his way to the ring.
JR: I don't know what Tormentor saw on that tape... whatever it is, we may see a rendition of it here with Fuba. We all heard Tormentor earlier, he specifically ordered Joey Jordison to take Fuba out of action for the tournament, and it seems Joey's going to respond if he wants that contract.
King: I'm sorry JR, I must have not heard that... I don't think Tormentor would do anything like have Fuba taken out of action, I mean they've worked in the same feds together for about five years now.
JR: Well it's just inconvenient isn't it... that you happen to have not heard it.
King: I dunno, must be these headphones.
Jordison awaits Fuba in the ring Will Fuba be coming out? "Ironhead" by Rob Zombie hits, ofcoure he's coming out, and would you look at the reaction from the fans, they all love Fuba and why not, he's stood by them almost his whole career. Fuba walks down the ramp, being greeted by all the fans along the side, he slides into the ring and goes to the corner to stretch. Joey Jordison hasn't got the patience though. He attacks Fuba from behind with a forearm to the back, knocking him into the corner, Jordison spins Fuba around and throws a fist knocking Fuba down.
JR: Would you look at him, 6"4, 245lbs, patience is not in his vocabulary.
The bell rings as Fuba gets up and Jordison advances again, throwing punches to Fuba, he swings him to the other turnbuckle and runs to spear him into the turnbuckle, but Fuba gets the leg up and boots Joey Jordison in the face. Fuba gets out of the corner and stomps on Jordison. Fuba grabs Joey Jordison by the hair and sets him between the legs, Fuba lifts him up and smashes his skull into the canvas. Fuba reaches his arm over for the cover, 1...2.... but Jordison kicks out.
JR: Close call there for Joey Jordison, and ah Fuba at the moment, in control of the match at the moment, working his opponent down before the finish.
King: Lucky break is all...
Fuba gets up and drives his knee into Jordisons shoulder. Jordison felt that, Fuba lifts Joey Jordison up again, Jordison acts fast, knees Fuba in the gut and hits the Evenflow DDT. Both men fall to the floor, and that Piledriver must have given Jordison a headache, both men on the ground now, the referee begins the countout, 1....2.....3.......4......5.......6...... Joey Jordison begins to stir, as does Fuba a few seconds after ward, Jordison is up and he see's Fuba, who turns around and gets Speared right in the gut. Jordison goes for a pin, 1...2... Fuba grabs a hold of the rope, what a lucky break for Fuba there. The tables have turned now, Jordison grabs Fuba and lifts him up to his feet, Joey Jordison takes a look at the fans, who are booing him at this time, he paces the ring, losing attention on the match. Fuba snaps his mind into shape again and steps toward Joey Jordison, but it's been anticipated and Jordison Superkicks Fuba flying backward.
JR: We all thought Fuba was going to make a come back there, but Jordison had him scouted, for a man so unknown, he knows his ring technique.
King: Well it's why Tormentor gave him the match JR... to take Fuba out.
JR: So you do agree that Tormentor is using Jordison to get at Fuba?
King: Errr... no, I meant Tormentor set the match up to see what the kid has got against an established athlete like Fuba.
Joey Jordison is kicking Fuba in the gut now as Fuba positions himself on all fours to get up. Joey Jordison picks Fuba up and grabs him by the throat, can it be? Death's Kneel! (one handed chokeslam) and Fuba has just been chokeslammed into the canvas. It's got to be over, Jordison pins, 1....2.... Fuba kicks out, this is unbelievable, Fuba kicked out of Joey Jordisons finisher, Jordison can't believe this. He picks Fuba up, swings him to the rope, kick to the gut and a Stunner! Jordison pins again, 1...2.... Fuba's foot is on the rope, Jordison doesn't notice, he argues with the referee. Joey's had enough, he climbs out and goes under the ring, pulling out a chair, slides in the ring, swings it to hit Fuba with it, but the referee takes it off him. Joey Jordison turns around, the referee is warning him. Jordison kicks the referee in the gut and hits the Stunner! He's lost the plot Jordison grabs the chair and chucks it infront of him, Fuba stumbles up again slowly, choke again by Joey Jordison, Deaths Kneel again and Fuba's back grinding right into the steel chair. Joey Jordison stomping now on Fuba, the fans throw a large cheer as HBK and Scott Steiner show up on the stage, running down to the ring. Joey Jordison slides out of the side as HBK and Big Poppa Pump slide in, Jordison smirks as he walks up the ring and"The Heretic Anthem" is blasting out aloud.
Winner - Fuba via Disqualification
JR: Thank God someone did something before he ended Fuba permanently.
King: I think your over exaggerating there JR. Fuba didn't deserve the win to that... he got help from Scott Steiner and Shawn Michaels, those cheats, wait until I inform Tormentor about this.
JR: Well Scott Steiner issued a challenge to Joey Jordison last week and Joey didn't respond, as far as the match was concerned, Jordison attacked the referee and assaulted Fuba with a weapon.
King: What the referee doesn't know, he doesn't have to worry about... and he certainly didn't see that Stunner in his face ha ha ha.
JR: Yeah laugh why don't you... we're going to take a quick break folks, don't go anywhere.
The scene opens back up to JR and King at the commentary table.
J.R: Welcome back folks, up next we have Dark Rider going up against Davie J and for the past two weeks, these two have been almost at each-others throats... easily the most talked about match in the EWF for the past week. It's been mayhem though, Davie J calling himself the ICON, most would disagree, but to top it up, more arguments between Davie J, Icon and Shawn Michaels rose about who of them is the real Icon in the business. Alot of tension in the back, warnings being thrown around everywhere and Dark Rider especially, unhappy that Davie J is getting recognition for the so little Davie does for the EWF.
King: Dark Rider is just jealous JR... When he's up against a living legend, an ICON like Davie J, sure you can feel somehow intimidated, this guys gonna be up against a pro, and he's just having second thoughts is all... I would too in front of Davie J, JR... and I'm one of the greatest known wrestlers alive, it's why I'm the king... ha ha.
JR: Well we're about to see who's going to have the last laugh... Davie J has spoken poorly about Dark Rider, boasted about his greatness and now he's up on the spot, will he be proving his worth here in the EWF, or will he be put to shame?
King: Put to shame? What? Davie J brings the crowd in JR, the cameras are to focus on him and his super abilities in the ring. How can you question whether Davie's going to win or not?
JR: We're going to have a good see about that King, it's anyone's ball game still. I've news from the back that Starr will be joining us right now for special guest commentary on this match, oh here she comes...
King: Ha ha... oh BOY!!
"Bring Me To Life" by Evanescence hits, Starr makes her way down to the ring wearing a small skirt and an EWF tank top. The fans are cheering as she struts her stuff to the ring. She makes her way round the ring and makes her way to the table.
King: Hey Starr... I warmed the seat up for ya, you can sit next to me.
Starr: Awww thanks King.
King: You hear that JR? She called me King... I'm in heaven.
JR: Control yourself, welcome Starr and from myself and the EWF fans.... welcome to the EWF, you only joined recently I hear?
Starr: I did, I've worked with Tormentor before and when I heard he was starting up a fed, I knew it was the step I had to make...
JR: And you'll actually be competing in the ring?
Starr: Yeah, I'm willing to go up against anyone.
King: You can wrestle with me anyday Starr, you jus tell me.
"Bawitdaba" by Kid Rock hits, the fans cheer aloud as Dark Rider makes his way out onto the stage, riding his bike, he rides the bike down the ramp and around the ring.
JR: And this is Dark Rider, if you don't already know his name by now. 6"9, 425lbs, this guy is a giant and is certainly going to be a task against Davie J, as much as Davie will deny it.
King: What are you talking about, Davie J's faced the best and the worst, to Dark Rider... this is the biggest match in his life, to a man like Davie J, it's another day on the calendar... like Tuesday.
JR: Are you and Davie related or something?
Dark Rider parks his bike and climbs into the ring, raising his arm as the fans cheer him on. "Wake Up" by Rage Against the Machines hits all over the arena, the arena almost crumbles from the fans reactions of screams, boo's and chants. Davie walks out to the stage wearing his "EWA... Wrecked That" t-shirt. The walks down to the ring noticing all the signs people hold up for him, he looks at one that says "Davie J: 1 - Dark Rider: A BIG FAT ZERO". Davie laughs and nods his head, he takes his t-shirt off and gives it to the fan and then runs, sliding into the ring.
King: See JR... people recognise who Davie J is.
Starr: He does seem popular...
JR: Well Davie J is a former EIWF, EWA, ICW star... and the list of federations just continues to go on and so does his title history, but the man needs to be a little more down to earth... he has been defeated before.
Davie J and Dark Rider each stand in their corner, staring eachother eye to eye, no other wrestlers in the EWF have done as much promo's as these two this week, and the world is waiting to see what'll happen next. The referee speaks to the announcer and the bell ring, the match as begun. Both men begin to circle the ring, the tension within the arena rises, they're both being cautious. Davie and Dark Rider agree to put it to the strength test, the both grab each others arms and battle it out between the strength, but Davie J kicks Dark Rider in the gut and whips him to the ropes, Dark Rider returns attempting a clothesline, Davie ducks and Dark Rider hits the ropes again and ends up getting Powerslammed by Davie J.
JR: What a beginning so far...
Starr: This is exciting.
King: Not as exciting as sitting next to you Starr... ARGH!
Davie taunts as the crowd boos, he goes back and stomps on Dark Rider. He sets Dark Rider up for a Powerbomb, goes for the lift, cant do it, 425lbs is a hard amount to lift, Dark Rider lifts him up high and slams Davie J with the Military Press Slam, the fans cheer out aloud for Dark Rider. He paces himself again and then lifts Davie J up again, throws a few chops to Davies chest and then picks him up, Dark Rider looks around at the fans, nods his head and then walks as he hits the Side Walk Slam on Davie J. Dark Rider goes for the pin, 1...2.... but Davie kicks out, still abit early.
Starr: Davie J is getting beaten King.
King: ...
Dark Rider in good control of the match now, he swings Davie J to the ropes, but Davie clings on, Rider marches himself over, but Davie comes-back nicely with a quick dropkick. Dark Rider stumbles back, he gets his balances and takes a step forward Davie J clutches on to him, and slams a belly to belly suplex, what a quick reflex there by Davie J, who is getting up to his feet now. He walks off the little stiffness in his back and then taunts again with a smile on his face. Dark Rider getting on his knees now, Davie J grabs him from behind, and whoa lifts him off the ground and hits a German Suplex on Dark Rider. Now Davie places his boot on Dark Rider, what a cocky pin, 1...2... Dark Rider kicks out.
JR: Oh my that's the first time I've seen the German Suplex be pulled off like that.
King: He he he.... Davie J is the ICON, JR. I told you, don't forget there's a bet between us on this.
JR: I hear ya.
Dark Rider now, receiving an amount of stomps now, Davie J climbs over him chokes Dark Rider, the crowd boo, the referee pulls Davie's choke off, Davie chokes Rider again, the referee counts, 1....2....3... Davie J releases and then gets up to taunt again. Dark Rider now in a serious amount of trouble. Davie J grabs Dark Rider by the throat, the crowd boo, Davie hoists Dark Rider into the air, could it be the Chokeslam? No one's going to know because Dark Rider kicks Davie in the gut, causing him to release Dark Rider. Rider shakes off the drop and picks himself up, Davie J swings his arm for a punch, Dark Rider blocks and throws his own fist into Davie J, and again, and again. The fans begin to cheer, Dark Rider grabs Davie J and lifts him up and hits The Surge (Sitdown Lastride), Dark Rider pins Davies shoulders down, the referee counts, 1....2...... Davie gets his shoulder up, Dark Rider gets up, he signals the finisher, he's ready to finish this. Dark Rider picks up Davie J, who in desperation grabs back and hits the Fallaway Slam.
JR: What a desperation move from Davie J... Dark Rider was ready to finish it, but I think Davies bought himself some time.
Starr: It probably took all of what Davie had to do that, you can see why he talks so much of himself, he backs his actions in the ring.
JR: Well, Davie was expecting this to be somewhat easier, though Dark Rider has come to the ring committed and determined to prove Davie J wrong.
The referee is counting them out, 4....5......6..... Dark Rider gets begins to get up, while Davie is just on his feet, having used the ropes. Dark Rider paces over to Davie, who reacts with a WAKE UP CALL (Superkick). This could be it, Davie falls over Dark Rider, covering him, the referee counts... 1............2........... Dark Rider flops his arm on to the ropes, Davie J lifts himself up arguing with the referee. The referee is sticking to his count, Davie J on his feet now, threatening the referee. Dark Rider uses the ropes to lift himself up, a chair flies towards him knocking him out cold. The man who held the chair jumps into the crowd and leaves.
JR: What the... who swung that chair?
King: What chair...
Starr: Someone just hit Dark Rider with a chair, didn't you see.
King: Sorry, my eyes were somewhere else, like Starr's legs... ha ha.
Davie J pushes the referee out the way, I don't think either Davie or the referee saw a thing. Davie J drags Dark Rider to the middle of the ring, he taunts and then locks in the Sharpshooter, Dark Rider is out of it. The referee checks on Dark Rider, who's out cold. The referee orders the bell to be rung, "Wake Up" hits as Davie J lets go. He celebrates and taunts to the EWF fans. Another brick on the ego foundation there.
Winner - Davie J via Knock Out
JR: I can't believe it, Davie J won it...
King: Ah come on JR, Davie had the match won with or without the chair shot.
JR: Probably, but that's not the case King, the match could have gone either way... and I'm meant to whine about it. We're going to take a short break folks, don't go anywhere... we've still got the Main Event to come.
King: It's what I've been waiting for.
The show comes back to Tormentor backstage, walking down the hall way. A man walks past him and stops right beside him, Tormentor looks over at him and nods his head. The two walk by eachother, going their seperate ways.
JR: Well I don't know what that was about, but I'm sure that was the man who took Dark Rider out.
King: That wasn't Davie J...
JR: Who said Davie J knocked Dark Rider out?
King: It's on TV, JR! You can't lie about that thing, Dark Rider knocked himself out, after a Wake Up Call and a Sharpshooter, what else can you do?
JR: Moving on to whats next, the main event... Icon vs. Hollywood Hogan. These two men know who eachother are... Hollywood Hogan is seen as the father of this very industry, Icon however still very talented... he's got a title history behind him, and Tormentor knows him well enough to be sure that he can headline tonight.
King: Out with the old and in with the new.... only thing is Hogan won't go. ha ha
JR: Well Hollywood Hogan still has the years in him, he's still one of the top names in the business even today. I'm just waiting to see what cheap trick he's got up his sleeve.
King: Huckster... tee hee hee
"People Hate Me" by Murderdolls hits, the fans begin the boo's as Icon makes his way out onto the stage and down to the ring.
JR: Icon here, 6"2, 228lbs and in great shape for a 26 year old... he's got everything going for him, and a match with Hollywood Hogan, is good on any resume.
King: Well everyone would love to go against the Huckster... it's an easy win.
Icon slides into the ring and awaits the arrival of Hollywood Hogan. The arena begins to quieten a little, "Cochise" by Audioslave breaks into the air, the introduction of the song plays as the fans in a mixture of boo's and cheers.
JR: Here we go King, and listen to the crowd... you either lovw him or you hate him, he's the Babe Ruth of Wrestling and he's only here at EWF.
Hollywood Hogan comes out onto the stage playing air guitar, wearing his black and white colours, taking his time down the ramp as he trash talks Icon. The fans standing, screams, chants and booing shaking up the arena. Hogan climbs into the ring and rips off his t-shirt, throwing it in Icon's face.
JR: Hogan has that same ignorance in him as Davie J, both think their worshipped by everyone and both will belittle others to their extent.
King: It's a way of survival JR... when you look down at others, you're respected and feared at the same time.
JR: Look at them standing face to face with each, Hogan with a slight height and weight advantage... Arguments between the two have gone on through the week on whether or not each one is worthy of being in the Main Event spot.
King: Icon certainly isn't... he's still a kid.
JR: Well kids are the future King.
The bell rings and the match begins. Hogan goes with a cheap shot straight away with a rake to the eyes on Icon, who takes a hold of his eyes straight away turning around. Hollywood straight into it, raking the back now. Icon falls to his knees, Hogan picks him up and chops him across the chest. You can really hear those chops to the chest on Icon. Hogan swings Icon to the ropes, Icon returns, Hollywood goes for the Forearm, Icon ducks and counters with a T-Bone suplex. Hogan holding his back now, Icon shakes the feeling from those chops off and picks Hogan up and hits him with a Side Walk Slam.
JR: Icon now ah... concentrating on the back of Hollywood Hogan.
Icon goes for an early cover, 1...2... Hogan kicks out.
King: Look JR... Hogans got some spirit in him, he he he.
Icon picks Hogan up and sends him to corner of the ring. Icon runs into Hogan with his own forearm, wedging Hollywood into the corner and wearing him down now. Icon lifts Hogan onto the top turnbuckle, goes to grapple him, Hogan fight back now and pushes Icon flying back, then Hogan jumps off, Axe Handling Icon. Hogan points at Icon and looks to the crowd, who boo. He picks Icon up and Body Slams him, Hollywood Hogan now drop elbowing Icon, and again. Hollywood pauses and poses to the fans, flexing his pythons. Icon getting up right now, Hogan notices him, swings him to the ropes, and forearms Icon back to the mat.
King: Wooo!
JR: Hollywood Hogan, marvelous wrestling at the moment, the table turning constantly here.
Hogan stomps on Icon and again, he drops to his knee's, choking Icon out, the referee counts, 1...2...3... Hogan lets go, and pushes into the choke again, 1....2....3.... Hogan let's go, grabs Icons throat again and pulls him up onto his feet, just before Push Chokeslamming him back down. Hogan now, taunting some more, to him this match is like tredding on water. The fans now chanting, "Hogan Sucks" and they really don't seem to like him. Hogan nods his head and looks back on Icon, who's getting back up now. Icon throws a punch to Hogan, doesn't have much affect, Icon throws another, Hogans getting his traditional work up now, warning Icon and finger pointing. Icon none the less throws another, Hogan blocks throws a punch, throws another, throws another, no Icon blocks and comes back with a flurry of punches and jabs on Hollywood Hogan. Icon grabs Hogan by the head and hits a Jumping Jaw Breaker.
JR: and that's gotta hurt. Icon now, making a triumphant come back now.
King: ....
Icon goes for a pin, 1...2.... Hogan pushes Icon off and sits up. Icon gets up now, kneeing Hogan in the back, wearing the big man down. Icon lifts Hogan to his feet and punches him to the chest before lifting him in the air and landing the suplex. Hogan now is down, Icon goes up onto the turnbuckle, looks down at Hollywood Hogan and leaps into the air delvering the Icon Factor (Five Star Swanton Bomb). This can be it for Hogan, Icon covers for the pin, 1.....2..... the referee's foor gets dragged.
JR: What the... who is that now, it's... it's...
The referee releases his leg, Icon gets up and looks down at Tormentor, wondering what the hell is going on. Icon warns Tormentor off and gets back to Hogan, lifting him up. Icon picks Hogan up and and carries him to the turnbuckle, Icon goes to throw Hollywood into the turnbuckle, but Hogan slides off Icon's back and pushes Icon, head first into the ring post. Hogan now taunting to the crowd, points to Tormentor, who stands there smirking. Hogan drags Icon to the middle of the ring and applies the headlock, lifting Icon to his feet, Hogan swings Icon to the ropes, but Icon holds onto them, breaking the run, Hogan was going for the Big Boot there, he marches a few steps forward, but Icon comes forward and delivers the Ego Smack (Superkick [yes another person with that move] ) Icon goes for the pin, Tormentor slides into the ring, 1....2..... Tormentor knee drops into Icon breaking the pin. The referee gets up and orders the bell to be rung.
Winner - Icon via Disqualification
JR: What is Tormentor doing? He just caused Icon the match.
King: I dunno JR...
Tormentor picks Icon up, kicks him in the gut and hits the Stunner on him, the bell keeps ringing to signal to Tormentor the match has ended. Tormentor goes over to Hogan and helps him up. Hogan stands up and nods his head, pointing at Icon. Hollywood Hogan takes off his belt and looks at the crowd for approval, the fans are disgraced, boo's and chants filling the air for Hogan and Tormentor here. Hogan tells Tormentor to stand back as he whips that leather belt around Icon, and again, and again.
JR: This is sick, Hogans whipping Icon like a mule... stop this, c'mon, that's not right.
King: Arrgh... that's gotta hurt..
Tormentor lifts Icon up, Hogan grabs him and Body Slams him, pointing down at him. Hollywood runs on the ropes and Leg Drops Icon.
Tormentor shoves Icon out of the ring with his shoe, like he's filth. He then collects a mic from the announcer.
Tormentor: I bet everyone is wondering what the hell I'm doing... well I'll tell ya, I want everyone to behold.... the soon to be, first ever in history, the one who will lead the EWF into history, the man of history himself.... Hollywood Hogan brother!
Hollywood Hogan poses and flexes his muscles as Tormentor does the announcement.
JR: What? That's ridiculous!
King: Hogans going to be the EWF Champion.... haaa, what amazing news JR.
Tormentor: Hey, Icon... nothing personal, it's just business.
Tormentor shakes Hollywood Hogans hand as the two celebrate around the ring as "Cochise" by Audioslave plays all over the arena.
JR: I can't believe Tormentor has sold himself out like that... he and Icon used to be in the same faction together and everything in the EWA, now Tormentor's turned his back on him for Hogan. Folks we're short out of time... Hollywood Hogan and Tormentor have just joined forces, the tournament for the PPV begins this week, and the smell of betrayal is in the air. Don't miss EWF Justice next week, which will take place on Friday the 27th instead of the 26th for this week only. I'm Jim Ross alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler, have a good week.
"Highway to Hell" by AC/DC fades in again as the show goes off air.