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Havoc is your show! Your chance to shine, show us what you got!! What I mean is I'm opening Havoc up to anyone who would like to 'guest' write a show one week. Perhaps you use to run an e-fed or always fancied having a go at writing show. Your not tied down with the commitment of having to write it every week. If you want to write a show now and then just let me know.


‘ThunderKiss 65 by White Zombie plays as the fans cheer at the Extreme Zone. The camera pans round show the fans and then zooms out high to show the ring and walkway, it then zooms back and shows Joey Carlton standing with a mic in front of some fans’


JC: Hello everyone, I’m Joey Carlton and this is EIWF Havoc!!


‘A video package plays showing the stars of the EIWF and highlights from the recent reunion shows Doomsday and Redemption, as it finishes the camera shows Joey Carlton sitting at an announcers desk’


JC: Yes wrestling fans the EIWF is back and so is Joey Styles! I’m afraid I have to inform you that Gary A will not be joining the show after he couldn’t agree a contract. But you don’t need anyone else when you have me…….The Unscripted, Uncensored Loose Cannon of Commentary!


‘Figure it out by Royal Blood plays and the fans cheer’

JC: Oh my God!

‘The EIWF Prez walks out to a great reception from the fans, he stands on the walkway and the music cuts’

Prez: Thank you all, you fans spoke and we listened. Welcome to EIWF Havoc coming to you live from the Extreme Zone in Orlando! (fans cheer)

JC: The man is a frickin genius.

Prez: Now I wanted Havoc to be different from Doomsday and Redemption and it is aimed at the new blood, the stars of the future, the guys who have worked hard at the EIWF power plant and deserve a break.

JC: I can understand that.

Prez: Now I’m a busy man, that’s why I am going to hand the reigns of Havoc over to someone else.

JC: No way, you gotta be kidding me?

Prez: Please give a warm welcome to the man who is going to be in charge of Havoc, the man who knows all about the EIWF, a man who knows what it takes to run your own promotion, the new commissioner of the EIWF…………..the man I have Chosen…………Jeff Jarrett!

JC: Jeff Jarrett? What the ‘F’ fans!

‘The Ch-Ch-Chosen One blasts over the speakers as My World plays. Jeff Jarrett walks out to a chorus of boo’s and stands next to the Prez, the Prez hands Jarrett the mic and leaves’

JC: I can’t believe the Prez is putting that jackass in charge if the show! The show is meant to be about the future and Jarrett was notorious for not giving people title shots when he was United States champion!

JJ: Thank you for that warm welcome. Now I told you all that I was the Chosen One! Now it’s official, Ive got all the STROKE around here when it comes to Havoc, this is my show! Maybe we will have a six sided ring, or a match with four or five guys in the ring with stipulations, we could call it King of the Mountain match! (laughs)

JC: You already buried TNA and Global Force, let’s not let him do the same to the EIWF!

JJ: Now we need to make this show a success, let’s work together and makes this work.

JC: Amen!

JJ: If we can make this work and the show gets picked up I’m going to introduce a new title, the championship belt for Havoc, and as this is a new beginning I will call it the Genesis title belt!(fans cheer)

JC: OK, I’m going with this.

JJ: Tonight we have three matches, the main event is Big Poppa vs Richard(fans cheer). First up we have head of security Triple W versus former DCW star Showtime (fans boo). Then in the middle we have Regal versus Seth Freeman…………enjoy the show! (my world plays as Jarrett leaves)

JC: I don’t care for the guy much at all, but lets hope he proves me wrong and makes this work!

(Voodoo child hits and the fans pop)

JC: No way!! It can’t be? (Hollywood Hogan walks out and the fans POP)..IT IS!!!HOLLYWOOD HOGAN IS AT THE EXTREME ZONE!!!!

(Hogan walks towards the ring as the fans chant ‘Hogan’. He steps into the ring pulls a mic from his pocket)

HH: Sorry if you didn’t recognize me without my hard hat, safety goggles and gloves, but I only just finished yesterday….

but welcome to the house the Hollywood built brother!! (fans POP)

JC: The fans love him!

HH: Let’s talk about Redemption and the CREW my Hollywood-maniacs (fans cheer), Hollywood decided to trim some Fat, get rid of some Garbage, and X-Factor, Jarrett, we've carried you for long enough, but no more, the CREW in 2018, don’t need no more dead wood, we need to be the elite few, and all that was turning out fine, until one man, decided to step out of line, and blind side Hollywood. A new line it seems has been drawn in the sand, and I'm happy to say, Eddie D, the Game, the Enforcer of the CREW, has stepped on the side of Hollywood, he has finally dropped the dead weight he has been carrying for years, stepped out from behind the shadow, that has his been holding him back. Hollywood, Big Poppa and the Game, can go forward, and continue to dominate, so come Final Stand, we shall right all the wrongs Brotha! So Davie, Wishmaster, and whoever else there is, what you gonna do when Hollywood and all the CREW-ites here at Hollywood Havoc runs wild on you!!!

(Fans POP as Voodoo Child plays and Hogan poses in the ring)

JC: Well fans what a surprise, Hollywood Hogan turned up as Havoc and gave his thoughts on the recent issues in the Crew. I’m being told we have a camera backstage!

(the camera feed shows L double E backstage with a police officer)

LEE: Listen up officer, I want him arrested for kidnap and false imprisonment!

PO: Well we need to see if there is evidence first before we can arrest anyone.

LEE: Listen up, I pay my taxes for you to do your job, not eat doughnuts all day!

(Triple W turns up)

TW: What’s going on here?

LEE: Get the Prez, I want him arrested!

TW: What are you talking about?

PO: The gentleman here is claiming that your boss the Prez has held someone against their will and kidnapped them.

TW: What are you on about?

LEE: Get him out here! (L double E shouts) I know your back there Mr Prez, get out here and face justice! (The Prez appears and walks over)

Prez: God damn pal what’s going on here???

LEE: Your done! Your time is up. The law is here to arrest you for kidnap and false imprisonment!!

Prez: Of whom?

LEE: Of my tag team partner Rage!! (turns to the police officer) You see officer they turned him into a cardboard cutout and are holding him hostage at EIWF headquarters!!

PO: Im outta here (Police officer leaves)

(L double E pulls out a megaphone)


(Triple W snatches the megaphone from L double E)

Prez: Hey, lets go have a chat in my office. (the three walk off and the video changes back to Joey Carlton)

JC: He’s a friggin fruit loop! Fans we are ready for our first match. Showtime is already in the ring as we await for his opponent….Triple W!!!

(Getting Jiggy with it by Will Smith plays as the fans cheer, Triple W walks out and makes his way to the ring)

Showtime vs Triple W

The two men, circling each other in the ring.  (bell rings)…..they lock up Triple W over powers his Showtime…. shoving him into the corner of the ring. As he pushes his opponent into the corner, he drives a right knee into the stomach. Triple W follows it up with a hard, knife edge chop to the chest,(the fans make a wooo Sound)

JC: Good God! The great Ric Flair would be impressed with that chop!

A second chop receives a similar response, as does a third. Triple W grabs Showtime  by the wrists and whips him across the ring to the opposite corner. Showtime charges at Triple W but catches a boot to the face.  Showtime staggers towards the centre of the ring. Triple W runs up behind the staggering Showtime and drives his head into the mat with a bulldog. Triple W rolls Showtime onto his back, he hooks the leg and the referee slides into position and makes a 2 count before Showtime uses both feet to kick out of the hold. Triple W looks at the referee, slapping his hands together 3 times, he says something to the referee and the referee enthusiastically re-iterates “TWO!” Triple W gets to one knee, he grabs Showtime by the head. Triple W gets up to his feet and pulls Showtime up but Showtime answers back with a right hand punch to the stomach.


Showtime tosses a left hand punch into the rib cage and then follows up with another right hand punch, he follows up with another left. He grabs Triple W by the arm and whips him into the ropes, Triple W leans back against the opposite ropes and the two forces are on a collision course. Showtime  ducks a clothesline and both athletes continue their momentum into the ropes, again they are on a collision course and catch each other with a double clothesline. Both men are down!

JC: The two athletes are evenly matched!

(The arena lights go dark momentarily, fans begin to cheer and after a few seconds the lights come back on. The wrestlers in the ring are confused, the referee is confused, the fans are confused and the ring crew are confused.)

JC: I’m not sure what happened there fans, has no one paid the electricity bill?

Triple W shrugs his shoulders then takes advantage of the interruption. He blasts Showtime with a kick to the groin before the referee can realize what's going on. Pedigree!!! Pedigree!!! Triple W covers Showtime…..the referee makes the count: 1... 2... 3!! The referee walks to the ropes, talking with the ring crew. Everyone is left wondering what had happened with the lights. Was this a random outage? Or was there some meaning behind the brief darkness?

(Camera cuts to Joey Carlton)

JC: and goodnight, this match is done! Triple W with the win there. I believe we have a camera backstage in the Prez's office!

(Camera cuts to an office with the Prez, L double E and Triple W walking in)

Prez: Take a seat....(L double E sits down as Triple W stands at the door) seem to be making a lot of noise lately L double E, what is it you want?

LEE: I want you to let my people go!

Prez: What people?

LEE: Rage!

Prez: That's one person, you said 'people'....

LEE: And the Psycho! I'm sure the master of the power bomb is being held at EIWF HQ too!! know what L double E........I see a lot of myself in you. I've always kept an eye on you, you was in the EIWF a long time. Now as I said, I look at you and it's like I'm looking in the mirror. I know you better then you know stop all this noise about letting people go.............what do you really what?

LEE: A chance...........

Prez: Fine, you got it pal. Your still in the tournament for Final Stand.

LEE: But I don't trust Hogan and Davie, there up to something and I'm gonna get screwed over.

Prez: You should be more concerned about Wishmaster, he's your next opponent.

LEE: Wishmaster? He should be concerned about the Anti Hero the stupid big dumb red machine! I'm the real deal, not a fake claiming to be world champion for 15 years!......the REAL Fucking Deal!

Prez: Anything else I can do for the Anti-Hero?

LEE: ...... release the hostages! FREE RAGE!!!

Prez: God damn.....get him out of here! (Triple W grabs L double E and throws him out. The camera cuts back to Joey Carlton)

JC: Next up we Seth Freeman, fresh from the EIWF power plant versus the veteran Regal. Seth is already in the ring (fans boo)...well as you can hear here comes Regal to the music of Land of Hope and Glory. Well Mr Regal you’re in the Land of the brave!!!

Regal vs Seth Freeman

The two men circle the ring......they lock up.........Regal shows his strength and pushes Freeman backwards to the turnbuckle........the ref asks for the hold to be broken.............its not so he counts........1.............2............3...........4.........Regal lets goes and puts his hands in the air...Regal with a chop to the chest of Freeman. Regal hits a European uppercut and Irish whips Freeman into the opposite corner. Regal follows but Freeman lives a foot and hits Regal to the face, Regal is staggering around the ring..........running clothesline by Freeman sends Regal down.

JC: That looks like its gotta hurt!

Freeman has Regal in a headlock, the ref checks to make sure the hold is legal...Regal grabs Freemans head and pokes him in the eyes to break the move. Regal walks over to Freeman....knee to the gut.....small package by Regal...the ref counts............1..........2......kick out by Freeman.

JC: Fans, I thought that was it.

Regal applies an armbar........the ref checks its legal and that Freeman doesnt quit.........Freeman shakes his head........the ref asks again but he shakes his head once again.....Regal drops the hold and gets up........and stomps on Freeman a few times.....Regal pulls Freeman up and throws him into the ropes....Regal hits a shoulder barge sending Freeman down again...

JC: Regal in total control of this match!

Regal drops an elbow on Freeman......but Freeman rolls out of the way!! Regal is back up and goes for another but again Freeman rolls out of the way!.......Regal is up and hes holding his elbow......Freeman is up.......standing dropkick sends Regal to the floor on the outside...Freeman goes out after as the ref counts.........1.............2..........Freeman lands some hard right punches on regal............3.....................4.............Freeman hits a chop to the chest..........5................6............Freeman throws Regal back under the bottom rope...............7.........Freeman climbs the apron and then up to the top turnbuckle..........Freeman goes for a big splash....regal lifts his knees though! Freeman is winded.......Regal grabs Freeman and applies a cross face chicken wing......the ref checks and Freeman is submitting!

Regal wins by submission

JC: Experience told there fans and they don't come much more experienced then Regal. At this time I am joined by the host of the number one wrestling Podcast, Revolutions Ramblings, a former WWO and ICW World Champion.......Revolution!

Rev: Thanks JC, I’m looking forward to watching this main event. I see myself as a fan these days since I retired from active in ring action.

JC: Let’s talk about that, surely your career was cut short far too early. Is there any chance you could return?

Rev: Well JC I would love to return, but the doctors have warned against returning. They advised if I did return I could cause irreversible damage and may never walk again. At the moment I’m happy just being involved with the EIWF. I’m busy with my podcast..

JC: Award winning podcast!

Rev…(laughs)yes thank you….my award winning podcast. Plus my official twitter feed @EIWFRevolution also keeps me busy....I’m also looking to the future, I have been helping down at the EIWF power plant and there are some real talented guys down there who will be the future of the EIWF if we can get a long term deal signed for Havoc.

JC: Well we hope that an agreement can be reached regarding Havoc and I’m happy to have you here too Revolution. I remember your ICW world title win fondly as I was the lead commentator back in the day for the ICW. Talking of the EIWF Power plant, one of the latest young talent to come from there Richard Dweck is taking on the CREW’s Big Poppa. This main event,  Big Poppa vs Richard Dweck….. it's been brewing up over the last couple of weeks, Richard Has come through the ranks at the EIWF power plant and I know Revolution has sung his praises…

Rev: That’s right JC, don’t let his look fool you……….he’s got talent if not the brawn! But he is ‘The Student of the game’…

JC: There is no introduction needed for Big Poppa. Big Poppa a veteran of the EIWF and has won multiple titles over the years. Richard is already in the ring…….

Sirens go off and then superstar by saliva plays as Big Poppa walks out wearing a CREW a chorus of boo’s from the fans.

JC: Ok hardcore fans It's time for our main event.


Big Poppa vs Richard Dweck

Both men are in the ring having a stare down. Big Poppa is flexing his muscles, Richard does not look impressed. Big Poppa continues to pose and the fans boo. Richard laughs at the reaction the fans have given Big Poppa so Big Poppa tells Richard to have a go…. Richard turns to the fans and poses ….Big Poppa hits Richard from behind with a clothesline, it sends Richard down to the mat…. Big Poppa drops an elbow, Big Poppa pulls up Richard and hits a belly to belly suplex…… Big Poppa covers and the Reft counts ….1……….2……. kick out by Richard. Big Poppa stands over Richard and flexes his muscles and the fans boo… Richard slowly gets up and Big Poppa grabs Richard and Irish whips him into the corner……… Big Poppa follows in with a clothesline but Richard moves out of the way.…..Big Poppa hits the corner hard and looks winded…..Big Poppa stumbles out of the corner and Richard hits a clothesline but it doesn't knock Big Poppa down……..Richard hits a standing drop kick knocking Big Poppa into the corner forward first….. Big Poppa comes out and goes for a clothesline out of desperation….. Richard ducks….. Big Poppa turns around and Richard hits a SuperKick to the face of Big Poppa!!!!!

JC: My God!!! The debut of Richard Dweck and he’s man handling the CREW’s Big Poppa!!!

Rev: That move right there he calls the Rick Kick!!

Rev: He’s impressive!

Big Poppa is down on the matt Richard covers and the Ref counts ……..1…………2………kick out by Big Poppa!!....Both men are on the mat and Richard hits some hard rights on Big Poppa. Richard grabs Big Poppa and applies a headlock….the Ref checks and makes sure the hold is legal and that Big Poppa doesn’t quit…..Big Poppa tries to break the hold….he slowly gets to his knees but Richard still has the headlock applied..Big Poppa gets to his feet and drops back onto Richard breaking the hold.

JC: Now that’s impressive by Big Poppa!

Both wrestlers slowly get there feet…… Big Poppa grabs Richard and hits a belly to belly suplex!!!.....Big Poppa gets up and goes off the ropes and drops an elbow onto Richard. Big Poppa slides out of the Ring and goes over to the announce table and pushes Revolution off of his chair.

JC: Hey! There is no need for that!!!

Big Poppa throws the chair into the ring, and turns back around to the announce table….he is mouthing abuse to Revolution…… insulting him telling him he is a has been and to stay out of his face. Revolution just looks with his arms out wide….

JC: That guy needs some anger management!

Rev: I don’t know what his problem is…

Big Poppa gets into the ring and picks up the chair. He looks over to Richard and swings  the chair back to hit Richard but the referee stands in the way and tells him he will  be disqualified if he uses the chair. Big Poppa pushes the ref to the side but as Big Brother swings the chair the Ref grabs it out of Big Poppa’s hands and throws it out the ring through the ropes…... Big Poppa is arguing with the referee now…. Richard has come around and rolls Big Poppa up from behind the Ref  gets down and counts…….1………………2……………kick out!

JC: That was close!

Big Poppa gets up…..Richard kicks Big Poppa to the gut small package by Richard!!!! the Ref counts again ……..1………….2……… Big Poppa kicked out!! Big Poppa  get up quickly and grabs Richard and hits a backwards suplex…….both men are on the mat…….they slowly get up and start to exchange punches……Richard is getting the advantage and has Big Poppa backed into the corner………..Richard goes to the middle of the ring and runs at Big Poppa and hits a big Splash!!!.......Richard goes back to the middle of the ring again…..runs at Big Poppa and goes for a splash………Big Poppa pulls the Ref between them!

JC: Oh no! The Ref is out!

Richard is checking on the ref to see if he’s ok…..he’s trying to get the Ref to come around………..Big Poppa runs at Richard and hits a double axe handle sending Richard down……..Big Poppa picks Richard up and throws him into the ropes…..POWERSLAM by Big Poppa!!!...Big Poppa goes to the outside and picks the chair up…..he gets back in….

JC: No…..someone stop this mad man!!

Richard gets to his knee……BANG!....Big Poppa hits him on the head with the chair and throws it back out the ring……..

JC: Richard looks like he’s out cold!

Big Poppa goes over to the Ref and gives him a shove but still not up……..Poppa goes over to Richard and applies the POPPER RECLINER!!!...

JC: Wait a minute! Through the crowd….it’s the new Commissioner Jeff Jarrett!!!

Jeff gets in the ring with his guitar…SMASH!!!...hits Big Poppa over the head with the guitar………..Big Poppa is out……Jarrett pulls Richard over onto Big Poppa………Jarrett goes over to the Ref and helps him come around………..the Ref slowly goes over to Big Poppa and Richard…..mean while Jarrett goes to the announcers table and takes the headset from Revolution.

JJ: I told you that this is MY WORLD……which means my rules!!! Hey Hogan, Eddie and Big Poppa…………I got your STROKE right here!!!

The Ref counts…………1………………….2……………………..3!!!!!!

JC: Richard with a big win on his debut!!!

Rev: What a win that is!! It shows there is a future for the EIWF without the older stars!

JC: I am changing my opinion of the new boss, it looks like he’s here for the good of the EIWF and the future stars of tomorrow, anyone who hates the CREW is alright with me.

Revolution. I can’t stand those crap-pappys!

Twixster by Make Out Monday plays as Jeff Jerrett gets in the ring and holds Richards hand in the air

JC: Fans I’m Joey Carlton, this has been Havoc……we are the EIWF….goodnight!

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