EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

MGM Grand Garden Arena
Las Vegas Strip, Paradise
12,238 in attendance
(Welcome to the Jungle by Guns and Roses plays as the TV camera zooms around the arena showing the fans. Pyro’s go off and the fans cheer. The camera zooms into the fans at various locations. Images of the wrestlers are shown on the big screens around the arena and above the entrance way. Then the camera cuts to the announce table with Tim Moss and Mark Madden.)
TM: Welcome fans to the MGM Grand Garden Arena here in Las Vegas as the EIWF takes a break from it’s current tour in Europe and returns to the US for its Gang Warfare pay per view. Im Tim Moss and as always, I’m joined by Mark Madden. Mark How you doing?
MM: Timmy I’m super excited about being back for the EIWF and being here on home soil. Those Europeans have some strange things I just don't understand…..and I was only there for one Evolution show.
TM: What do you mean strange things?
MM: First off the Subway is called the tube, then the sidewalk is a path...but the craziest thing was they have potato chips that are prawn cocktail flavour…..
TM: What the hell is Prawn Cocktail flavour?
MM: Well how can I put this…...you know when your in high school and your slipping into second gear with a girl…..and later you may smell your fing…..(interrupted by Tim Moss)
TM: Oh my …...moving on…..tonight we have a war games main event. Team Crew vs Team New Era Icons vs Team EIWF. That sees Hollywood Hogan and Big Poppa vs Suicide and Jimmy Brandon vs L double E and Regal!
MM: Hold on…..did I hear you right...About who is in the main event with Hollywood Hogan???
TM: Well I know it may seem unusual but Regal has been consistently top of the wrestler rankings and deserves this chance along with L double E who has had an impressive previous twelve months winning the Final Stand tournament..
MM: Timmy you fool! I wasn’t talking about Regal or the fruit cake, I meant Suicide! How has that CREW hater managed to get a main event spot at a PPV in a match against Hollywood Hogan. Where's Revolution, get him on the phone...this is an April fools joke right? What am I being punked??? Are we on MTV???
TM: Mark it’s real, deal with it! Also tonight the Legends title is on the line as the champion Davie J defends the title against Jeff Jarrett. Mark we all know your love for the CREW, but your also a Davie J fan...how do you see this one going?
MM: First off I don't agree with how Davie left the band, it wasn’t staying true. I’m not a fan of Davie’s out of the CREW per se…..but I appreciate what he's done. Jarrett is still with Hogan and he should never be underestimated. I think Jarrett will get the win. Davie has been busy with the C show Power Hour, he's not been focused.
TM: ‘C’ show?? Come on, it serves a purpose. We know Evolution is our main show but it's hardly a ‘C; show!
MM: As I said Timmy, ‘C’ show….’C’ for CRAP!
TM: Will you stop it! Also the Genesis title and the undefeated streak are on the line as Ellis Black defends the title against Kendrick Kross. Our opening match tonight also sees Johnny Blitz vs Wasabi in their debut PPV matches for the EIWF.
MM: I’m going to erase that last match from my memory…...like everyone watching at home will…..and for fans in attendance, go buy your drinks and hot dogs during that one.
TM: Jeez...what about the Genesis championship match?
MM: This is an interesting one, Kendrick Kross came into the EIWF late last year, made a big noise...then faded like a silent fart…..all he did was leave a bad smell. Ellis has been defending that title all over the world, and then Kendrick comes back…...Ellis has this one in the bag!
TM: Need I ask about the main event?
MM: CREW win with Hogan getting the pin.
TM: I thought so…..
(The scene cuts backstage with a black limo pulling up, the door opens and Hollwyood Hogan steps out (a mixed reaction from the fans in the arena can be heard as they watch on the big screen)......Jeff Jarrett and Big Poppa also get out of the car)
HH: Welcome...to the house that Hollywood built brother!
BP: The CREW is in the house and tonight, we take out the trash!
HH: That's right dude, Hollywood and Big Poppa will win war games and Jeff will bring home the Genesis title.
BP: Yeah from that no good CREW sell out Davie Gay!
JJ: The CREW has got all the STROKE in the EIWF!
(The three walk into the building and the scene cuts back to the announcers)
MM: Timmy the party has just started!!! CREW are in the houuuuse!
TM: There you saw it fans, the CREW have arrived and all three are in action tonight!
(Witch Doctor by De Staat plays and the fans cheer, Johnny Blitz walks out and acknowledges the fans and heads to the ring)
MM: Oh man ...right i'm off to the restroom ...see you in twenty……(Mark Madden gets up and leaves the announce table)
TM: ………..right I will call this by myself shall I? I'M NOT JOEY CALRTON YOU KNOW!!?? Fans apologies for that outburst. So Wasabi is already in the ring and Johnny Blitz is ring side here slapping the hands of fans, giving them high fives and posing for photos on there cell phones. A real fan favourite who is still finding his feet here in the EIWF, but another example of how hard work can turn into success as he has come through the training at the Power Plant.
Johnny Blitz vs Wasabi
TM: Johnny and Wasabi both in the ring here…..they lock up…….Johnny Blitz throws Wasabi into the ropes…...he comes back ...leapfrogs over Blitz…….Wasabi off the other ropes…..Blitz turns round…..flying forearm by Wasabi!!!.......(Blitz springs back to his feet from the floor).....what a show of athleticism there by Johnny Blitz!! They lock up…..arm twist by Blitz…...he twists it again…...Blitz walks to the corner and climbs up the turnbuckle…...Wasabi is in pain…..Blitz now walking along the ropes…..jumps off and hits Wasabi across the back sending him down…..(fans cheer).......Johnny Blitz now, taking in the cheers from the fans…….he goes back over to Wasabi he is just getting to his feet…..Blitz hits Wasabi with a couple of hard rights and throws him into the ropes…...Wasabi comes back and Blitz hits him with a standing dropkick! (fans cheer).......Blitz springs back to his feet and poses for the fans…….Blitz is in control here…..he walks over to Wasabi ...low blow by Wasabi!!!!.......Wasabi grabs Blitz ...snap suplex by Wasabi…Wasabi pulls Blitz up….Russian leg sweep by Wasabi…..Wasabi covers for the pin ...the Ref gets down and counts………….1…………….2……..kick out by Johnny Blitz!...Wasabi leans down to grab Blitz….small package by Blitz….the Ref counts…………...1……………….2……..kick out by Wasabi!!......Johnny Blitz there with a cheeky effort…...both men are back up…….they lock up…...both men looking for an advantage…..they back into a corner ...the Ref tells them to break…..slowly now ...they seperate…..Wasabi with a hard right…..Blitz falls back into the corner……..standing dropkick by Wasabi and Blitz is down on the mat…...Wasabi…..climbs to the top turnbuckle…..somersault splash!!!! Wasabi covers ...the Ref gets down and counts………...1……………….2………...foot on the rope by Blitz! (crowd cheer)........Wasabi can't believe it!!!! Wasabi is on his feet, complaining to the Ref, I don't know what about ...maybe a slow count but it looked perfectly fine to me!....Johnny Blitz is back on his feet…..looking a bit wobbly though………..
Wasabi hits Blitz with a clothesline and he goes over the top rope!....Wasabi goes to the outside and the Ref begins to count………….1…………………..2………………..Wasabi pulls Blitz up……...hits Blitz with a chop……………….3………………...Blitz comes back with a hard right……….4……………….Wasabi grabs Blitz…..goes for a slingshot but Blitz reverses it sending Wasabi into the barrier in front of the fans………...5…………..Blitz grabs the ropes and pulls himself up onto the apron looking to get into the ring……………...6…………..Wasabi runs and grabs the foot of Blitz and pulls him back down to the outside……………….7…….Wasabi grabs Blitz and goes to throw him head first into the ring….Blitz blocks it…………...8………….Blitz throws Wasabi head first into the ring and then hits a knee lift on Wasabi which dazes him…………...9…………………...Blitz quickly rolls in under the bottom rope…………...10!!!!!!! The Ref calls for the bell!
(Witch Doctor by De Staat plays as the Ref holds Johnny Blitz hand in the air ...Johnny drops down on his knees as the fans cheer)
TM: Just look how much it means to him! A debut win for the popular Johnny Blitz, just siz months ago he was at the powerplant learning his trade and now he has made it to a pay per view! (Mark Madden comes back to the commentary table eating a hot dog)....Welcome back!
MM: Man was the que long for one of these bad boys, I think this is a foot long even Suzi would struggle with.
TM: Excuse me, we already have enough unwelcome comments from Big Poppa when it comes to the violent vixen, don't you start.
MM: Hey did I miss something?
TM: You missed an entertaining opening match with Johnny Blitz getting a debut pay per view win over Wasabi.
MM: AH crap…..I did miss something ...chilli sauce!
(Scene cuts backstage showing a set of elevator doors just opening. The fans in the arena can be heard cheering as L double E and Regal walk out with a bag each. L double E drops his bag and walks over to look at the PPV poster.)
LEE: Regal, your welcome. We have arrived.
Reg: Sorry, what do you mean ‘your welcome’?
LEE: We have arrived, courtesy of me ...you have made it to the big time. Your main eventing a PPV!
(Regal walks over and takes a closer look at the poster)
Reg: War games main event, then there's a Legends title match, Genesis title match and Blitz versus Wasabi…..
LEE: Keep going…..
Reg: What do you mean keep going?
LEE: Other matches, read them out.
Reg: That's it…..
LEE: What do you mean that's it? What about the FTE title match?? How can it be a true PPV if im not defending the Fuck the EIWF championship title???
Reg: Well your already in the main event.
LEE: Look maestero…..I’m the Anti-Hero ...I can do two matches at a PPV quite easily thank you. Lets go and find Revolution who doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Let's get the FTE title match booked.
(L double E walks off)
Reg: Hey what about your bag?
LEE: You carry it, I have enough to carry ...
Reg: But your not carrying anything???
LEE: I carry you to being a tag team champion!
(Regal shakes his head…..then picks up the other bag and follows L double E…..the camera cuts back to the arena)
TM: The Genesis tag team champions are here and will be part of the main event, representing the EIWF!
MM: I don’t get it Timmy….
TM: Look, how many times do I need to say this, L double E deserves to be in the main event….he won the Final Stand PPV….(cut off by Mark Madden)
MM: No Timmy, why are L double E and Regal representing the EIWF?
TM: Well they are two of the original members of the EIWF, long time servants who both returned for the reunion and are reigning tag team champions. I think they are a great choice to represent the EIWF.
MM: Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight………...and L double E walks around with a ‘Fuck the EIWF’ title belt??
MM: See, it doesn't make sense......its like a vegetarian ordering a veggie burger....err excuse me you lost your right to a burger when you decided not to eat meat.
TM: ….Well...….
MM: Timmy let's call it how it is, I actually agree with you…..they are a good choice to represent the EIWF…...that belt though isn't really aimed at the EIWF…...its actually aimed at Revolution’s EIWF. It's more fuck the EIWF under Revolution's direction.
(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and there is a huge cheer from the fans)
TM: ...and on that note!!!
MM: Are we bugged? check under the table Timmy.
(Revolution walks out from the smoke….he looks out at the fans and acknowledges them. He signals to cut his music and holds a mic up)
Rev: Thank you thank you. I hope you have enjoyed the show so far, but don’t worry there is plenty more to come! (fans cheer). I just wanted to let everyone know about the rules for the main event. Two people will start in the ring, then every two minutes another person will join the match. However, the door to the cage will be locked, and the only person with the key will be myself! This is to ensure it is a fair match. Whoever gets the first pin or submission, there team wins the match. Some people around here think they can do what they want, and win at any cost. Not anymore. I’m the boss now…..and I will ensure there is no foul play…dude!! (the fans cheer as The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and he walks through to the back)
MM: I don’t think I liked his tone there Timmy!
TM: Revolution there with the rules of the main event. It will start with two opponents in the ring, Revolution will be at ringside with the only key to the door to the cage, he will ensure the match is played out fairly and by the rules.
MM: Well to me Timmy I think it was a dig at Hollywood Hogan!
(The camera cuts backstage with Davie J walking down a corridor with the Legends title belt over his shoulder. The fans in the arena cheer as they watch along on the big screens. Davie turns a corner and bumps into Hollywood Hogan, Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett)
JJ: Well look who it is, the slapnut deserter!
BP: The man who doesn't stay true!
HH: Hold up guys, I got this! You carry on and I will catch up with you shortly……(Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett walk off leaving Hogan and Davie)
HH: I’m sorry about that dude, long time eh?……
DJ: What you playing at? I heard your comments about me not staying true, well from where I’m standing, I could say the same about you ...perhaps it was you who walked out on me and Eddie ...did you stay true to us!! Instead you stick with those two...
HH: Davie ...the past is the past…...time is a healer dude, ...me and you both know that them two aint at our level, but they are loyal!
DJ: Yeah they are loyal....to you.
HH: I see you still got my belt.
DJ: If you want it.......come and get it!
HH: Tell me where and when and you can lay down…(they both laugh)...Look we haven't always seen eye to eye jack, but come on Davie….you know you belong back in the CREW….by my side.....as an equal!. That Revolution needs taking care of, and we always take care of business.
DJ: If you got beef with Revolution that’s down to you, he’s a friend of mine and I’m working with him for the better of the company.
HH: Wake up and smell the coffee, he's killing you. He's putting you out to pasture, your behind the scenes, he's getting you out of the way. You should be front and centre, in the main events, your the Legends champion!
DJ: I’m not doing this, I got a match to get ready for…...and this is probably just you trying to get me to drop my guard so you can screw me over for the belt!
(Hogan holds his hand out for Davie to shake)
HH: Com’on brother……..the past is the past. There is no agenda here, 20 years we have been doing this…….(Davie shakes Hogan’s hand)
DJ: Twenty years……..damn! (they both laugh and the scene cuts back to the announcers)
MM: Beautiful Timmy…..that was just beautiful! (pretends to be wiping tears away from his eyes)
TM: Will you shut up! Fans it appears that Davie and Hogan there have mended some bridges…..or have they? Jarrett has promised to give the Legends title belt to Hogan if he defeats Davie J tonight, could this be a swerve? That said Davie has let Hogan know he is suspicious….
MM: Timmy, we got Hogan on lead vocals, Davie on guitar, now we just need Eddie D on drums and then ...and then….
TM:.....and then?????
MM: and then ...the band will be back together!
TM: Mark I think your getting ahead of yourself, a simple handshake by Hogan and Davie doesn't mean anything and as you well know, the Prez has said that Eddie D will never…..NEVER work for him again in the EIWF. Plus, Revolution is focused on new talent, younger stars….I can't see it happening.
(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and there are loud boo’s from the fans. The word ‘Undefeated’ scrolls across the big screens in the arena, it is followed by ‘Showtime’ and various images of Ellis Black in action.)
TM: It’s time for our Genesis title match and the champion, surprisingly is coming out first here!
MM: That is unusual Timmy, normally the challenger comes out first, but will Kendrick Kross even show up? We have been here before with him.
(Ellis Black walks out with the Genesis belt around his waist and raises his arms which leads to even louder boo’s and jeers from the fans)
TM: The fans here are certainly not behind the Genesis champion Ellis Black.
MM: It’s an odd one Timmy, there not behind Ellis, the EIWF Genesis champion…..but surely they are not going to back the outsider Kendrick Kross??
(Ellis climbs the steps to the ring…..he looks out at the fans and climbs the turnbuckle to the top rope, he pulls the Genesis belt off from his waist and holds it high in the air, the fans continue to boo)
MM: Timmy, no respect being shown here from the fans…..but don’t underestimate the influence Davie J has on fans.
TM: For sure, and I believe you are referring to his disparaging remarks regarding the Genesis title belt?
MM: I sure am, what did he call it?
TM: The….cancelled Havoc show belt? Or something like that.
MM: Damn…..he is a master of manipulation!
TM: Ellis is asking for a mic here…..
(Ellis is handed a mic as he stands in the centre of the ring)
EB: You fickle fans, you boo me? You should be on your hands and knees thanking me for saving your precious dying company! (fans boo and start a you suck chant). The lack of respect you have shown me is an insult of the highest magnatude….but you dumb fans dont get it. You cheer your has been’s and old timers. Your too blind to see the real talent. If it wasn’t for the New Era Icons this old dinosaur home would be long gone. I wrestle night in night out, defending this championship the world over…..in the name of the EIWF. It’s me who put the EIWF back on the map and carry it. While I’m out there working hard, you fans vote for a title that is never defended as the top belt. You spit in my face…...the secret to my success though ...I don't give a damn what you think!! (fans start to throw trash into the ring). The more you hate me, the more you boo me proves that I’m doing the right thing. You fans are so stuck in the past with your Hogan’s and Davie’s that you wouldn't know real talent if it slapped you in the face. For a year I have carried this title, and there hasn’t been anyone good enough to take it away from me.That's why I had to branch out, take challenges from so called champions of other feds, so Agent K, get yourself out here and I will once again prove I’m the real champion of the EIWF, the real ICON……...it’s SHOWTIME!!!!
(Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes plays and there are loud boo’s from the fans. The face of Kendrick Kross is shown on the big screen, the lights flash in tune with the music and he walks out with the fans increasing the noise level of the boo’s.)
MM: The EIWF faithful don’t appreciate an outsider coming into the EIWF either it seems Timmy.
TM: I believe that is why the hostile reception for Kendrick, he's also from the UK and has had much success in his wrestling career and won many belts.
MM: Timmy, we have had this conversation before. If you haven't won it in the EIWF it dont mean shit.
(Kendrick looks out at the fans who start to throw some drinks at him. He continues his way down the ramp, stopping every few feet to engage in an argument with a fan. As he reaches the end of the ramp he smiles and takes a left turn and walks up the steps, climbing in through the top and second ropes. He walks to the middle of the ring and looks out into the crowd, he then points at Ellis Black and makes a belt gesture around his own waist.)
MM: Timmy, I can't stress this enough…..love them or ...well it appears everyone here hates them but these two men…..these are two of the best in the industry today, no doubt about it.
TM: They sure are!
Genesis Title Match Ellis Black vs Kendrick Kross.
TM: Here we go fans!!! Ellis passes the Genesis title belt to the Referee who holds it in the air and calls for the bell!!
MM: Look at the focus ...the intensity of the two men!
TM: Both men slowly walking towards each other ...appears to be some talking between the two men.
MM: Mind games Timmy, each one trying to get in the others head.
TM:.....face to face now!.....Getting more animated…a push from Kross!!!......Black comes back with a push of his own!.....Kross with a knife edge chop across the chest of Ellis Black…...Black replies with a chop of his own on Kross!
MM: Timmy this is still all mind games, both men showing the other there not scared and willing to do exactly what there opponent is prepared to do….
TM: ...Both men standing in the middle of the ring ...staring into the other's eyes…..Black goes off the ropes ...back into Kross with a shoulder barge…..it only knocks Kross back a step or two…...Kross now off the ropes ...shoulder barge on Black….it again only knocks him back a step or two…Kross goes off the ropes…..Black off the other ropes….
MM: Crisscross!
TM: Kross drops down in the centre….Black leaps over him…..Kross back to his feet…..Black off the ropes….Black ducks……...Kross leapfrogs over Black…………..Black over the ropes….kross turns around...double clothesline!!!!! Both men are down!
MM: Nothing is separating these two here Timmy, both are down but the advantage will lye with whoever has the quickest recovery….
TM: The Ref is beginning a double count…………….1…………………..2…………..Kross sits up and shakes his head……………………..3……………..Black...rolls over and grabs the rope……..starts to pull himself up………...4………Kross ...up on one knee………………….5………………..Black……..pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes……………..Kross is also up…...Black runs at Kross……..clotheslines by Black but both men go over the top rope to the outside!!....both men are quickly to their feet...they start to exchange punches ...the Ref is there with the count………….1………………….2………………..Kross grabs Black…slingshot by Kross sends Black into the steel steps!......3…………………….4………………Kross walks over to Black…...pulls Black up…..DDT by Black!!!...............5………………..both men try to shake off the effects of the last moves……………...6…………………..Black is up…...he kicks Kross………..7…..Black slides under the bottom rope………………..8…………………..Kross gets up…...climbs up on the ring apron……...9………….Black grabs Kross…...suplexes him back into the ring!......Black covers Kross for the Pin ...the Ref gets down…..1…………...kick out!
MM: A quick kick out by Kendrick Kross but it looks like Black has gained the advantage.
TM: Black gets up ...grabs Kross and pulls him up…...Black kicks Kross in the gut ...setting him up for a piledriver here…..Black tries to lift Kross but can't lift him up…...Black goes for the piledriver again…..but drops Kross back down ...Kross lifts Black up and over his own back and Black is on the floor…...Kross drops an elbow and quickly applies a front face lock. The Ref checks that the move is legal…...Black reaches out for the ropes ...kross tightens his grip ...applying the pressure. Black reaches behind trying to grab hold of Kross’s head but Kross shakers off the attempt……….Black reaches again ...feels for the face of Kross and pokes him in the air and Kross drops the hold…..the Ref warns Black as he gets back to his feet…………Kross is walking around the ring rubbing his eyes, trying to get that vision back. Black walks over and grabs Kross ...lifts him up ...side slam by Black! Black hits some knee shots into the midriff of Kross while on the mat.
MM: Smart by Ellis Black there, causing maximum damage at every opportunity.
TM: Kross pushes Black off and rolls under the rope to the outside….Black gets to his feet…..kross gets up on the ring apron and grabs the head of Ellis Black...drops back down to the outside catching the throat of Ellis Black on the rope sending him crashing to the mat holding his throat…...Kross climbs the steps ...onto the top turnbuckle……..Kross with a flying elbow from the top rope ...hits Black hard. Kross covers for the pin………...1………………...2………………...kick out by Black. Kross pulls Black up…..sends him into the ropes ...Big Boot to the face ny Kross and Ellis Black is on the mat…Kross goes backwards ...off the ropes…...goes for a splash ...but Black lifts his knees up and catches Kross in the stomach!
MM: This match is going back and forth, I can't call it. As soon as I think Ellis has the upper hand and will win, Kendrick Kross comes back. Then when I think Kendrick has it and will win ...Ellis comes back!
TM: Ellis is back on his feet here…..he walks over to Kross ...stomps on him…..and again……Ellis tells Kross to get up…..Kross slowly gets to his feet……..Black hits him with a clothesline. Black pulls Kross up……..grabs him…...suplex by Black….He covers for the pin, the Ref gets down and counts……….1…………...2……...kick out!
MM: Ellis Black here won’t let up, he's straight back on the offensive, not letting up on Kross.
TM: The fans here applauding the action……….(Ellis holds his arm in the air and the fans boo).....but still not a fan of the two athletes in the ring.
MM: The fans are stupid Timmy, they know a good match when they see it, so they show there appreciation…….but there still not fans of either man….thats the EIWF fans for you!
TM: Kross has sat up and Ellis walks over ...hits Kross with a couple of hard rights…goes to pick him up ...small package by Kendrick Kross…..the Ref gets down and counts………...1…………………...2……kick out by Ellis Black!!..........both men get back to there feet…...Black charges at Kross……..Kross lifts his foot ...big boot to the face by Black and Ellis stumbles back…...Kross walks over and grabs Black….lifts him up ... Fireman's Face Buster!!!! (there is applause from the fans at the maneuver).....Kross sits on top of Blacks chest and hits a quick succession of punches as he pummels his face……….Kross gets up and pulls Black to his feet…..Kross grabs Black…….Double Underhook DDT!
MM: This could be it Timmy….I sense the end is near…..
TM: Black looks like hes out cold!..........Kendrick Kross is sitting up in the middle of the ring…..look at the smirk on his face as Elis Black lays flat on his back!
MM: He’s wasting time here Timmy, getting over confident ...it ain't over until one of Eddie’s showgirls sings….
TM: Huh?................Kendrick Kross now...back to his feet…….stalking around the ring…...walks over to Ellis Black who is still flat out in the middle of the ring…..Kross places a foot on the chest of Ellis…...the Ref gets down and counts…………………….1……………(Kross raises his arms in the air)...................2…………………...kick out by BLACK!!! BLACK LIFTS THE SHOULDER!!
MM: He took too long Timmy!
TM: Kross looks annoyed with himself here ...he grabs Ellis and pulls him to his feet……..irishi whip by Kross sends Black into the corner! ………..Kross walks over ...lifts Black onto the top rope………..Kross lowers down and puts Black onto his shoulders…...kross walking to the centre of the ring with Ellis on his shoulders……..Kross drops back and Ellis Back hits hard onto the mat! Kross grabs the feet of Black…...looks to be going for a figure four leglock here….
MM: Woooohoooo
TM: Black hits Kross with a kick to the face…..and another ...Kross gets up and so does Black…..Black runs at Kross ...PowerSlam by Kendrick Kross!!!! Kross covers…..the Ref gets down and counts………...1……………..2………...kick out by Black!!! Kross shakes his head in frustration…...he gets up…..pulls Black up ...whips Black into the corner…...Kross follows in with a clothesline…….Black slumps in the corner……...Kross lifts Black onto the top rope…….Kross lowers down and puts Black onto his shoulders again……..Kross walks to the centre of the ring…...Black hits Kross with a hard right to the head……Kross stumbles…….Black throws his weight forward…...turns it into a victory roll pin!!!......the Ref gets down and counts…………...1………………..2……...Kross is kicking his legs!!!..............3!!!!! Ellis held on…...Kross couldn’t kick out!!!
MM: What a smart move by Ellis Black there!!!
(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and Ellis Black is on his knees in the ring and the Ref holds his arm in the air and passes him the Genesis title belt. He holds it up and there is a mixed reaction from the fans but plenty of applause)
MM: What a win and a clear statement from the Genesis champion Timmy.
TM: Ellis Showtime Black extends his undefeated streak once again and we are one step closer to a possible match with Davie J.
MM: Maybe, but Davie it appears has some stipulations before they sign a contract, namely the Genesis title belt…..
TM: From one champion to another, I’m told we can go backstage with the Tag Team champions….
(The camera cuts backstage to show L double E and Regal outside a door with ‘Revolution’ on it. They knock and enter. Revolution)
Rev: Guys, I don’t mean to be rude but I’m extremely busy here…..Ive got a PPV to run….
LEE: Well that’s why we are here, we can take the show to the next level…...we can increase those buy rates….we can increase the critics review of the show….
Rev:.......(leans back in his chair and looks at them)....go on……..I’m listening.
LEE: First off the show is lacking the credibility it should have, because the FTE champion is not booked to defend the FTE title.
Rev:....Guys guys guys…..look, the EIWF does not recognise the FTE title. In fact that title was two fingers up at me when you cut your little speech at the last PPV. Now you know my feelings on older stars trying to hang on past their prime….
LEE:….(Looks at Regal and whispers)...he’s talking to you….
Rev: But the fact you are here, and in the main event of a PPV is because it’s what the fans wanted.
LEE:……(looks at Regal again and whispers)....thats because of me, the fans love the Anti Hero…
Rev: You are also the tag team champions, I will give you that. But I don't have time to put on a title match in a PPV of a title we don't even recognise.
LEE: But it’s what the fans would want ...(L double E puts his hand to his ear…...the fans in the arena can be heard cheering as they watch on the big screen)......
Rev:....huh…...I see.....sooner or later those fans will tire of you two....and when that happens you want have any power.....enjoy it while it lasts because as soon as the fans have had enough, your outta here!……..you got 5mins….
LEE: Great! I will go and get ready…
Rev: Ready? Your on now…..
LEE: NOW??? 5mins isn't enough time to find an opponent and have a match.
Rev: (looks at his watch).......4mins 30 seconds left……...I suggest you go out there in the time you have remaining and explain to the fans they won't see there so called FTE champion in action!
LEE: Regal ...lets go....you have work to do....find me an opponent.....QUICK!!!
(Scene cuts back to the arena)
TM: Well I believe the Anti Hero L double E is on his way to the ring.
MM: Timmy, we don’t have time for this. We have a Legends title match to see and a War Games main event!
(The big screens in the arena show the parking lot ...a motorcycle pulls up outside the building. The person revs the engine a few times before flicking out the bike stand with there black leather boot. The slim figure then gets off the bike, wearing black leather trousers and a black jacket, they take off the crash helmet to cheers from the fans….she puts the helmet on the bike and walks into the building)
MM: Holy shit!
TM: The violent vixen is here!!!!!
MM: A Little Piece of Heaven, that's Hotter than Hell Timmy!
TM: Listen to these fans!! What an ovation.
MM: It's a shame we missed her match earlier.
TM: What you talking about, she hasn't wrestled and there was no dark match.
MM: I'm talking about the big struggle, the huge match she had earlier trying to squeeze into those leather pants!
TM: But what is she doing here???? She's not scheduled to be on the card.
MM: She's here to see me Timmy…
TM: What? I seriously doubt that.
MM: Oh yeah, she's likes her big fat fatties…
TM: Will you stop it!! Fans we believe the Anti hero is making his way to the ring but we got to take a quick break for our sponsors……...we will be right back!
MM: It better not be that maid cleaning services!!
Available Now in the archive section.
Remastered in HD
The EIWF's Biggest PPV of the Year
Evil Intentions 2001

TM: Welcome back fans….
(Steal my shine by Marz plays and there is a huge POP from the fans! The big screen shows the word ‘AH 6:11’ and images of L double E winning the Final Stand Tournament, winning the tag team titles and his speech in declaring himself the FTE champion. He steps out from the smoke and makes his way to the ring)
TM: Here he is, one half of the Tag Team champions, the Hero and Maestro connection. The leader of the ‘connection’ which includes himself, Regal and Rage plus the self proclaimed Fuck the EIWF champion and the winner of the Final Stand tournament…..the Anti Hero….L double E!!
MM: Who has Regal managed to find to be his opponent???
(He steps in the ring and has a mic)
LEE: I don't have much time because once again the establishment are trying to hold L double E down!!! (fans boo).......that's right, those in power are out of touch with reality…..they say I'm past my best…..(fans boo)....but I’m the only double champion in the EIWF today!!! (fans cheer)......and I will be damned if the FTE champion is not going to defend the title on pay per view!!....so send my opponent out here right now!!!!
MM: They better hurry up, I make it that we are already out of time.
TM: Who has he secured for the match?
MM: Super Fire Jr? Wishmaster???.....Kurt Angle???Eddie D??? Please tell me it’s Eddie D!!!
TM: Whoever it is would need to have been close by…...how about Revolution himself? Then he could put that title to bed for once and for all.
MM: That cripple can't wrestle Timmy…..you know that.
TM: What about Suzie Spits?
MM: Oh man ...she sure is a piece of Heaven. Now I would treat her like a buffet….
TM: A buffet?
MM: Yeah, you know an all you can eat Buffet ...I would try a bit of everything and make a pig of myself…
TM: Can someone in the back please tell me we have a seven second delay and we can mute that out…..(Tim puts his hand on his headset listening).....shit…..
(Land of Hope and Glory plays and there is a mixed reaction from the fans)
MM: What?
TM: What's this?.....Regal???
(Regal walks out and makes his way to the ring and joins L double E in the ring)
TM: What’s going on here…...it’s the other half of the tag team champions.
MM: He’s probably been sent out to tell the freak his time is up.
LEE: Ah Regal, these fans here want to see the FTE title defended…..now I know time is short, so who do you have for me to fight?
Regal:....Well ...I couldn't find anyone.
LEE: I see……
Regal: It was just such short notice……
LEE:......hmmmm…..your an honorable man Regal…..
Regal: huh?
Lee: Ring the bell!!!!
FTE Title match L double E vs Regal
TM: L double E has called for the bell….it appears that Regal will be the opponent….
MM: Wait a minute…..look at L double E….
TM: He’s telling Regal to lay down!!!!......Regal lays down on the mat……..L double E covers……….
MM: Where's the Ref??? ( a Ref runs out and slides into the ring)
TM: Here’s one!!!......he counts………...1…………...2…………..3!!!!! (fans cheer) L double E wins…..
MM: What the hell was that?
TM: The Ref signals that L double E is the winner!
(Steal my shine by Marz plays and L double E celebrates with Regal, the camera cuts to the announce table)
MM: I think that was longer than 5mins from start to finish!
TM: Well I guess it’s an official win for the FTE champion.
MM: For me Timmy there are too many single championships being claimed in the EIWF.
TM: Well we currently have three. The Legends title……
MM: Yep officially recognized and arguably the top title.
TM: The Genesis title…..
MM: Officially recognized by the company but has been tarnished a little by comments from Davie J, who is also a backstage producer. Claims the title is defunct as the Havoc show was cancelled. But it is an official title.
TM: And the FTE title….
MM: Not officially recognized by the EIWF and held by a looney.
TM: A looney who won the Final Stand tournament, beating Davie J, Hollywood Hogan and Wishmaster.
MM: As much as I don't like L double E, those wins are what give his title credibility, even if its not officially recognized.
TM: Next up tonight we have the Legends title match, the champion Davie J takes on Jeff Jarrett of the CREW who is a former three time EIWF United States champion. But first we have Joey Carlton backstage with the man in charge and the special enforcer for the main event ...Revolution!
(The camera cuts backstage with Revolution standing with Joey Carlton)
JC: Revolution, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to have a quick word with us.
Rev: Not a problem at all Joey.
JC: How do you feel the PPV is going so far?
Rev: As well as can be, but it is the performers themselves who can make or break a pay per view. We have set the stage up, they have to go out and perform.
JC: Next up we have the Legends title match followed by the main event, you must be looking forward to them both?
Rev: I am, I’m anticipating a great match between Davie and Jeff and I can tell you that I will be keeping a close eye on it to ensure that the old boys brigade doesnt ruin this show like they did with the last one, resurrection.
JC: Your involved in the main event as a special enforcer, what can you tell us about the upcoming main event?
Rev: Well Joey, to help ensure that the CREW don’t deliver another screw job in their favor I am having a steel cage lowered over two rings. The match will start with two wrestlers in the ring, then every 5mins another entrant will join the match. But I will be there, the only person with a key to the door to enter the ring. We have a roof on the cage also so no one will be able to come down and climb up the side and into the ring.
JC: It sounds like you have everything covered.
Rev: I have thought of everything, as I have said before. The EIWF is going in a new direction, if I had my way there would be no more Hogan or CREW. But thats backstage politics I dont want to bore you with, but I’m slowly chipping away ...moulding the federation into my own creation. Tonight there are two members of the CREW in the main event, I’m going to ensure it stays at two and no more!
JC: How can the match be won?
Rev: The first person to get a pin or submission wins the match for their team. No climbing out the cage and no leaving through the door, and if they did get through the door, it's not a win. The match is won in the middle of the ring, just the way it should be!
JC: Tim, Mark ...back to you
(The camera cuts back to the arena as My World by Dale Oliver plays, there are loud boos from the fans as the big screens show a Jeff Jarrett montage. The boo’s get louder as he walks out onto the entrance ramp and holds a guitar in the air)
TM: Joey Carlton there with Revolution who is looking to ensure a fair main event happens tonight, but first, the Legends title match and here comes Jeff Jarrett.
MM: The cho-cho-chosen one!!
TM: The self proclaimed chosen one, Jeff Jarrett making his way to the ring. He has stated that if he wins the Legends title he will be handing it over to Hollywood Hogan who he says is the rightful owner. This is of course in reference to a match on our previous regular show Havoc.
MM: Well Timmy, there's two ways of looking at it. In the match in question Hollywood Hogan did pin Davie J………
TM: But it was a three on one match against Davie J plus the Ref was from the CREW….he had no chance.
MM: As I said Timmy ...two ways of looking at it.
TM: Well the Prez looked at it differently and returned the title belt back to Davie J.
MM: ...and in doing so the Prez had Davie J in his back pocket……….he’s been tamed Timmy. He’s still great, don't get me wrong ...but he’s not ruthless ...as others have pointed out.
(Jarrett is in the ring and points to his ‘CREW’ logo t-shirt. The lights in the arena dim and the Best by Tina Turner plays as the fans pop. Images of Davie J are shown on the screens around the arena)
TM: This is the second pay per view in a row that Davie J has used this as his entrance theme, but it does appear to be for pay per views only.
MM: Well ...at least he’s confident, judging by his choice of entrance music.
(There is a huge roar from the fans as Davie J steps out ...he points to the fans and starts to make his way to the ring)
TM: What an ovation from the fans!
MM: There's no denying his popularity, especially with the EIWF faithful, that’s why they have dubbed him the Franchise….even if he's more widely known as the ICON.
(Davie J steps into the ring and holds the Legends title in the air, he passes it to the Ref. Jarrett again points to his CREW t-shirt…...Davie takes off his top t-shirt revealing a Good Guys t-shirt underneath leading to a huge pop from the fans)
MM: Damn Davie J…..why do you pull at my heartstrings like this……..Timmy ...Timmy
TM: Yes Mark?
MM: What do I do???
TM: What do you mean…..
MM: I’m torn…….between my loyalty of the CREW and that of the Good Guys…...it’s like being with your current girlfriend and you see your first love……..what do I do?
TM: Well what would you like to do?
MM: A threesome.
TM: I mean the wrestling……
MM: Oh…..this is going to be hard to call. Why can’t Davie just return to the CREW and all is forgotten and we can all be happy again…..
TM: Hmmmmm…..OK fans we are ready to get underway here in this Legends title match!
Legends Title Match - Davie J vs Jeff Jarrett
TM: The Ref just checking the boots of Jeff Jarrett…..he walks over and checkts the boots of Davie J ... he's happy and calls for the bell…(ding ding).....running clothesline by Jarrett!!!....I think he caught Davie J unaware then…..Jarrett stomping on Davie J whose on the mat. Jarrett kneels down and grabs the head of davie…...pummels him with some hard rights…Jarrett pulls Davie up…..grabs Davie ...goes for the STROKE!!!....Davie blocks it……..Davie sends Jarrett into the ropes……..Jarrett comes back ...Davie goes for a clothesline……..Jarrett ducks it ...stops behind Davie ...Jarrett grabs Davie from behind ...SLEEPER HOLD!!!! SLEEPER HOLD!!!!......
MM: Jarrett has started this match relentlessly…..and Timmy it could be an early night for the ICON….hes in trouble here!!
TM: He sure is…...Jarrett appears to have the hold on tight…..the Ref checks its legel…...Davie is trying to reach for the ropes but Jarrett has him in the middle of the ring…Davie drops down to one knee………(the fans start a Davie chant)........Davie drops down to both knees……...Jarrett leans on his back…..Davie is tiring and has all the weight of Jarrett on his shoulders to support also……
MM: The ICON is fading fast here Timmy, you have to admit…..so far the performance from Jarrett has been impressive.
TM: It has! Davie now…..slumps to the mat…Jarrett still has the sleeper hold on……the Ref gets down ...talks to Davie…..theres no response…...the Ref lifts the arm of Davie…...it drops!!!! (the Ref shouts ...one!!!!)......the Ref ...lifts the arm a second time ...it drops! (The Ref shouts two!!).......
MM: It’s over Timmy! It’s all over!
TM: The Ref lifts Davie’s arm a third time…..
MM: If it hits the mat we have a new Legends champion……
TM: The Ref lets go! The arm drops!....we have a new ...NO!!! Davie just stopped his arm from hitting the mat and raises it high in the air (fans cheer)
MM: Yes yes yes!!!
TM: OH, so now your on Davie’s side?
MM: Erm no ...just don't want the match to end yet!
™: Jarrett still has the hold on…..but Davie J reaching up to the heavens, finding some inner strength here…..he gets up on one knee…then the other……(fans cheering).....he's up on one foot ...than other other!.....He hits Jarrett with an elbow to the gut…..and another ...and a third to break the hold…..Jarrett holding his stomach ...Davie goes off the ropes...comes back ...hits Jarrett with a knee lift…...Jarrett is dazed…...Davie sends Jarrett into the ropes….he comes back….SpineBuster by Davie J!...big powerful move there by the ICON!.......both men are on the mat now…..
MM: It took it out of Davie but he needed to buy himself some time as Jarrett had him in trouble!
TM: The Ref is checking on both men…..and starts a double count………………...1…………………..2………………Davie is sitting up!......................3………………
MM: Jarrett sits up too!!!!
TM:..........4…………………….5………………Davie manages to get to his feet and the Ref stops the count!........Davie walks over to Jarrett ...grabs his head to pull him up ...low blow by Jarrett! Davie drops down to one knee…..Jarrett is up…….grabs Davie...DDT!!!!.....Jarrett covers………..1……………..2……...kick out by Davie J!....Jarrett gets up and complains to the Ref ...but nothing wrong with the count in my eyes. Davie rolls under the bottom rope to the outside….
MM: Davie is getting out of the way, taking the chance to have a rest while Jarrett argues with the Ref ...smart move by the ICON.
TM:Jarrett walks away from the Ref and spots Davie on the outside…...he climbs through the ropes and goes after Davie ...the Ref leans over the ropes trying to get them to return to the ring…...Jarrett hits Davie with a forearm to the back…..Davie turns around and hits Jarrett with a chop ...(the fans chant woooooo)...........the Ref is warning them to get back in or he will start a count….
MM: He’s being very lenient here Timmy….he’s obviously enjoying the match.
TM: Jarrett kicks Davie in the gut…Jarrett runs at Davie ...Davie back flips Jarrett onto the floor……..the Ref begins to count………………..1…………………….2……………...Davie turns around and pulls Jarrett backup………...Jarrett pokes Davie in the eye ...grabs his head and throws him into the steel barrier…………..3…………………...4………………...Jarrett grabs Davies head ...goes to throw him into the barrier again but Davie blocks………….he punches Jarrett to the gut and throws him head first into the barrier……………….5…………………..6………………...Davie turns around and slides in under the bottom rope………...Jarrett reaches under the ring and pulls out his guitar…………….7………………..he slides in the ring holding his guitar……….
MM: Davie may about to become Jarretts latest hit!
TM: The Ref is warning Jarrett that he will be disqualified if he uses it…..Jarrett doesn't appear to be listening…..Jarrett pushes the Ref out of the way and swings the guitar at Davie…..he ducks ...kicks Jarrett to the gut and he drops the guitar………..Davie grabs Jarrett and hits a snap suplex……Davie is up ...goes off the ropes and drops and elbow on Jarrett……...Davie gets back to his feet...over to the corner and climbs to the top rope….
MM: It's not a familiar place we see Davie J performing moves from…..what's it gonna be?
TM: ...and Davie off the top rope…..with ...a…..LEGDROP!!!!.....Davie covers Jarrett ...the Ref gets down and counts……………….1………………..2………………..kick out by Jarrett!....kick out by Jarrett ...I don’t believe it!!!
MM: I thought it was over…but Timmy ...I hope that move wasn’t meant to mean anything or imply something….
TM: Well I've never seen Hollywood Hogan do a leg drop from the top rope!
TM:.......Davie grabs the feet of Jarrett…..
MM: Looks like he's going for the ICON Leg Lock!
TM: It does! Known more by it’s sharpshooter name…..Davie places his leg through…..tries to turn Jarrett over…...Jarrett is fighting it…Jarrett grabs the head of Davie and turns it into a small package ...the Reg counts………...1……………...2…kick out by Davie J!....both men are up…..they lock up…..Davie throws Jarrett into the ropes ...no ...Jarrett reverses it and sends Davie into the Ref knocking him down!
MM: The Ref is out!!!
TM: Davie is a bit dazed from hitting the Ref…...Jarrett grabs Davie…..THE STROKE!!!!! THE STROKE!!!! THE STROKE!!!!...........Jarrett covers………...he counts…………...1……………..2…………….3!!
MM: We have a new champion Timmy!!!!
TM: The count is not recognized the Ref is down!......Jarrett gets up…goes over to the Ref…….he tries to bring him round………Davie gets up on his feet………Jarrett turns around…..SUPERKICK!!!!1 SUPERKICK!!!! SUPERKICK!!!!!........Jarrett is down…..Davie fals on and waits for a count……….he counts himself…..(fans join in)........1………...2……………..3!!! (fans cheer) Again that will not be recognised as it’s not an official referee making the count.
MM: Well I guess it’s one all now Timmy.
TM: Davis is now over at the Ref ...trying to bring him back round………..Jarrett rolls to the outside and picks up his guitar...he slides back into the ring…...Davie sees him……they start having a heated argument…………..(fans rise to their feet and look to the entrance way as Hollywood Hogan walks out)..........what?
MM: What?
TM: What is Hollywood Hogan doing coming out here?
MM: Ohhhhh Timmy……I'm not sure if I like this or not….
TM: Hogan climbs the steps and enters the ring…….(he walks over to Jarrett and they start to talk)........there seems to be some disagreement with Hogan and Jarrett here…..Hogan is pointing his finger at Jarrett……………….(Jarrett hands the guitar to Hogan…..he climbs through the ropes and heads to the back).........
MM: What is Hogan doing? He’s taking the guitar away from Jarrett.
TM: Well Hogan has left ringside so he's not using it to blindside Davie either
MM: How dare you make such absurd accusations about Hollywood!
TM:......Davie looks surprised……….
MM: But not shocked……...perhaps he had an idea..perhaps they have planned something…..
TM: Maybe ...maybe not……Jarrett is the one who looks shocked ...Jarrett runs at Davie ...Davie power slams him………..Davie gets up…pulls Jarrett up…...sends Jarrett into the ropes….he comes back ...standing dropkick by Davie……..Jarrett stumbles back and falls down on the mat……...Davie walks over…..drags Jarrett to the middle of the ring…...grabs Jarretts legs………..steps through…..crosses Jarretts legs (fans pop)........
MM: Here we go Timmy!
TM: Davie J trying to turn Jarrett over…..he has!.....ICON LEG LOCK!!!!! ICON LEG LOCK!!!! ICON LEG LOCK!!!!!.......Davie is leaning back…..Jarrett is tapping ... he's tapping out!!!!
MM: But the Ref is still out!!! Jarrett looks like he's in pain!
TM: Davie is not letting ip…..he's not dropping the hold…Jarrett is screaming in pain here!
MM: He might pass out Timmy!
TM: Davie looks around…..sees the Ref is still down...he drops the hold and walks over to the Ref…...the Ref has been out a long time here…………meanwhile Jarrett has rolled to the outside under the bottom rope…...Davie is trying to get the Ref to come around and signals to the back for assistance…………...Jarrett is looking under the ring again………pulls out a steel chair…..Jarrett slides in the ring………..walks over to Davie and pulls the chair back...he calls out to Davie…...Davie turns around (BANG!).....Jarrett hits Davie on the head with the steel chair…..
MM: The ICON looks out cold!!!
TM: Jeff Jarrett now is signalling to the back, I assume he wants a match official out here to count the pin……………….(the arena lights go off as a hush comes over the crowd. The lights come back on and thers a huge POP from the fans as Suzie Spitz stands in the ring…….she taps on Jarretts shoulder…..he turns around ...Suzie kicks him to the gut ...grabs him….TRIPLE POWERBOMB!!!! TRIPLE POWERBOMB!!!! TRIPLE POWERBOMB!
MM: Suzie uses that as part of her finishing move, after the third one she turns it into a sharpshooter and calls it the Bitchmaker!!!!
TM: Listen to these fans! They are loving this…...Suzie grabs Davie and pulls him on top of Jarrett……………(the fans stand up and look to the entrance way as someone runs out wearing a referee shirt)............ITS REVOLUTION!!!!
MM: Careful boss, you might put your back out!!
TM: Revolution slides into the ring….he gets down and counts…………..1…………………...2……………..3!!!!!!! He calls for the bell!!!!
(The best by Tina Turner plays as Revolution helps Davie to his feet and holds his arm up. Suzie leaves the ring and exits through the crowd as the fans cheer)
TM: The ICON wins and retains his Legends title belt. A match that had many talking points
MM: I don't get it, Hollywood Hogan could have been the Legends champion again, but he chose to take the guitar away from Jeff……later on Suzie interferes and Davie wins the match…………
TM: As I said Mark, many talking points.
MM: Well that match has raised far more questions than it gave answers.
TM: While Revolution is in the ring congratulating Davie J, Im being told we have a camera backstage in the CREW locker room!!
(The camera cuts backstage in a locker room as Jeff Jarrett bursts in with Hollywood Hogan and Big Poppa talking)
JJ: What the hell was that!!! I could have had the match one, I could have taken that slapnut out and taken the Legends title belt
HH: Woah woah calm down dude.
JJ: Calm down?? CALM DOWN???
HH: Look brother, there are more important things to be done then taking that title from Davie, in fact maybe we don't need to take it off of him.
JJ: You always did have a thing for him didn't you.
HH: I suggest you remember who your talking to brother. Im the boss around here, Im saying it would be better for our interests if Davie came back on his own accord rather than us making him an enemy.
JJ: This is BS man……..
BP: Calm down Jeff, look Hollywood has never let us down, let’s keep our trust with him.
HH: We got a main event to take care of. Make sure you watch our backs.
JJ: What? Like you watched mine just now??
HH: Hey if you got some woman trouble you should be able to take care of it, or are you saying you need all three of us to take care of one little woman??
JJ:.....No im not saying that, I can take care of it.
HH: Good ...come on Big Poppa….we got a main event to win!
(Big Poppa and Hollywood Hogan leave the room as Jeff Jarrett stands shaking his head. The camera cuts back to the announcers)
TM: For you fans watching from home while you watched that backstage segment with the CREW, the fans here in the arena were given a series of posing and appreciation from the two men running the company, head of creative Revolution and head of the power plant and producer of Power Hour ...Davie J. The two friends showed their appreciation and gratitude for each other and the fans loved to see the two superstars posing for them in the ring.
MM: Well, you may be sitting right next to me Timmy but it was a whole different view from my chair.
TM: What are you on about?
MM: It looked like Revolution was riding the waves of popularity that Davie has with the EIWF faithful. But don’t worry, it won't be long before Davie drops Revolution and joins back up with Hollywood and the CREW.
TM: I doubt that's going to happen.
MM: Well Hollywood has extended the olive branch……the welcoming hand has been offered by Hogan……..the door of opportunity has presented itself to Davie……….
TM: It doesn't mean Davie will take it, he's too busy helping run the EIWF…..
(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and there is a POP from the fans as images of Revolution are shown over the big screens all around the arena.)
TM: Fans we are gearing up for the main event………..as you can see the ring crew have been setting up a second ring and lowering a steel cage from up above to sit around both of the rings. Revolution the special enforcer for this main event is about to make his way out here and then we will have the first two contestants to start the match next...butI’m told we have Joey Carlton standing by backstage with the Legends champion Davie J!
(The camera cuts to Joey Carlton standing with Davie J who is holding the Legends title belt. He's in conversation with Revolution who then leaves to make his way to ringside)
JC: Davie, Im hoping we can get a few words from you and your thoughts on your match with Jeff Jarrett and what happened?
DJ: Well Joey, once again the ICON is victorious and remains the Legends champion for well over a year now. Pretenders to the throne come and go but I still remain King!
JC: What about Hollywood Hogan’s actions?
DJ: Well I was surprised as anyone, but I’m not falling for this act of his. One thing I have learned over the years is you can't trust Hogan!
JC: Now that you won and Ellis Black won his match, are we going to see a dream match between the two icons?
DJ: First off Joey, let's be clear on one thing. There's only one icon ...and your looking at him right now. Secondly, I offered Ellis the chance to face me, and he ducked the challenge. He wants to walk around with a belt that means nothing. But I can confirm that me and Revolution have been talking, he was happy with my performance tonight and the win, I can tell you he doesn't want the CREW having any success…..he wants to take the EIWF in a new, fresher direction ...and I share the same vision.
JC: Interesting, what else did you and Revolution talk about.
Rev: Just to kind of re-focus. As happy as he was with my win tonight he wants me to focus on the Power Hour Show and up and coming talent in the power plant.
JC: Any future plans or ideas you can share with us.
DJ: Well I put it to Revolution that Power Hour has proved to be a success and I told him I could elevate Ellis Black to the next level.
JC: How would you do that?
DJ: Simple, we rename that belt of his as the ‘Power Hour’ championship. And he can be on my show every week.
JC: You gotta be kidding??
DJ: I think it would be a great move for Ellis, it’s a chance for him to become a star. He can wrestle against the likes of Johnny Blitz, Keg, Owen Brown and even the cleaner from the maid service!
JC: Are you serious?
DJ: Oh hell yeah…..
JC: So your saying if he's not willing to acknowledge that his belt is secondary to your Legends title and drop it, you will humiliate him and reduce him to some power hour champion??
DJ: I never said that, I think it would be a good opportunity for him to establish himself as a solid mid card performer..
JC: You gotta be kidding me
DJ: Well what can I say…..when your friends with the boss and help him run the company…….you have some sway with decisions and what goes on backstage.
(Davie J walks off and the camera cuts back to the announcers)
MM: People say he's lost his edge, he's not as ruthless ...but he's still a master of manipulation when needs to be.
TM: it appears he's using his position of power to apply pressure to Ellis Black!
Main Event - War Games
(Last Resort by Papa Roach plays over the arena speakers and there are loud boo’s by the fans. Images of the New Era Icons are shown on the big screens. Suicide walks out)
TM: Representing the new era icons, former tag team champion Suicide.
MM: Big advantage for the new era icons, a seasoned tag team who held the titles for a long time. Whereas Hogan and Big Poppa are single stars being thrown together and L double E and Regal have only just started teaming together. Suicide and Jimmy will need to use their expiernce.
TM: Especially if Jimmy comes out third to give the new era icons the advantage.
MM: Who's gonna be next? Who will start the match against Suicide?
(Land of Hope and Glory plays to a mixed reaction from the fans. Regal walks out and stops on the entrance ramp, gives a little wave to the fans and makes his way to the ring)
MM: It's one half of the tag team champions against one half of the team they won it from.
TM: Regal, a tough S.O.B for sure, making his way to the ring.
MM: Its a tough start for Suicide facing Regal first.
(Regal enters the cage and climbs into the ring. Revolution speaks to both Regal and Suicide before taking his place at the cage door. The Ref talks to the wrestlers and calls for the bell.)
TM: Here we ok fans.
MM: Main event time Timmy!
TM: Suide is circulaing around the ri g, Regal is in the centre of the ring watching Suicide…….Suicide walks in and they locm up……… Regal takes Suicide down with an arm drag and then applies a headlo k….
MM: Oh no, Suicice you do not want to be there ...and I can tell you the fans don't want to watch a match full of mat moves……
TM: Well the purists may like to see a match like that.
MM: Boring!
TM: Regal applying pressure…...Suicide reaches out...just gets his hand on the rope and the Ref tells Regal to break the hold…..Regal reluctantly breaks the hold…….Suicide is on one knee holding his shoulder…..Regal again in the middle of the ring….waiting for Suicide to make the move……...Suicide is up…..walks over to Regal…..regal looks to lock up but Suicide brushes it off and hits Regal with a hard right…..and another….Regal stumbles back onto the ropes….Suicide grabs him and goes to throw Regal across the ring but Regal holds the ropes blocking the move….Suice lets go and Regal hits a European uppercut to stun Suicide……….Regal picks Suicide up and hits a slam. Regal up on his feet….drops and elbow but Suicide rolls out the way….regal back up again and goes for another elbow...again Suicide rolls out of the way….Regal is up and his rubbing his elbow….Suicide is up and hits a clothesline knocking Regal down to the mat……..Suicide stomps on Regal….
MM: Suicide being smart here, doesnt want to get to close to Regal while hes down because as Suicide knows, not many people could win a match against Regal on the mat!
TM: Suicide has now backed off, telling Regal to get up….Regal slowly gets up and slaps both of his shoulders…….Suidice throws a punch but Regal grabs the arm….pulls Suicide in and hits him with a shoulder….regal still has the arme….again another shoulder barge………..Regal pulls Suicid ein close and lifts him up into a firemans carry…..Regal slams Suicide down onto the mat hard….Regal covers…….the Ref gets down and counts……….1………….2………...kick out by Suicide! Regal pummels Suicides head with some hard rights before getting up to his feet……..
(The big screen shows a countdown from 5…………..(fans join in……….4)
MM: Who's it gonna be Timmy?
TM: Our third contestant in the match is about to join the war games….
(...3……………..2……………….1………...Sirens go off followed by Superstar by Salivia and images of the CREW are shown on the screens around the arena. Big Poppa walks out and flexes his muscles on the ramp and walks toward sthe ring)
TM: Representing the CREW and I believe making his pay per view main event debut...Big Poppa!
MM: Excuse me Timmy, Big Poppa has headlined many a pay per view main event…
TM: Really?
MM: Yes!
TM: OK ...name one….
MM: Oh Timmy there's too many for me to name.
TM: I said one ...name just one….
MM: Big Poppa appears to have an issue here, Revolution is refusing him entry to the cage!
TM: Oh ...back to the action are we? And I believe Big Poppa has instigated this argument with Revolution who clearly has the door open but Big Poppa is in the face of Revolution, well Revolution isn’t intimidated by bullies and thats all the CREW are!!
MM: Pipe down Timmy, before you have your lunch money taken off you!
TM: Big Poppa is in the ring…..Regal is waiting and Suicide is just getting to his feet….it looks like Big Poppa is trying to make some sort of an alliance here with Regal to take on Suicide……...Regal nods…..Regal turns round and walks towards Suicide….Big Poppa runs and hits Regal on the back with a forearm…
MM: ha ha ha ha
TM: Big Poppa grabs Regal from behind…..belly to back suplex by…(interrupted by Mark Madden)
MM:...by the genetic freak!!!
TM:....Big Poppa is back on his feet….Regal is down….Poppa over to Suicide….hits Suicide with a punch….and another…..Suicide drops down…...Poppa pulls Suicide up….belly to belly suplex!......(Big Poppa stands in the middle of the ring and flexes his muscles ...kissing his biceps and the fans boo)....
MM: What a fine specimen of a super freak!
TM: Arrogant of you ask me and very vain.
MM: No one asked you Timmy.
TM: The advantage with Big Poppa as both Regal and Suicide are down….Regal looks to be getting up...Poppa walks over…..throws Regal into the side of the cage and Regal is down again………..
MM: Note to Regal...dont get back up….it hurts! (laughs)
TM: Big Poppa now is going back over to Suicide…..turns Suicide onto his front….POPPA RECLINER!!!! POPPA RECLINER!!! POPPA RECLINER!!!!....The Ref checks to see if Suicide quits…….Suicide is not saying much here….this could be it!....Wait...Big Poppa has dropped the hold….he could of had the match won???
MM: That's what’s staying true is all about Timmy, he wants Hogan to get the pin!
TM: It’s absurd if you ask me..
MM: Timmy….no one asked you.
(The countdown begins on the big screen…………….5…………(fans join in)............4…………...3……………...2……………...1……………….Don’t Stop Believin by Journey plays as Jimmy Brandon walks out to boo’s from the fans)
TM: The once fan favourite being booed by the fans.
MM: I think its great Timmy that the EIWF has embraced the type of person that Jimmy is, just think twenty years ago he or she would have been burned alive…
TM: My God….
MM: Huh is Hogan on his way out??
TM: Jimmy Brandon with Revolution at the entrance door to the cage ...Jimmy Brandon is in ...both members of the New Era Icons are now in…..Big Poppa trying to entice Jimmy to bring it on….Regal is coming round….he rolls into the second ring though ...lets to be taking advantage of having a rest while Big Poppa and Jimmy Brandon are engaged……..Jimmy and Poppa lock up…...Poppa throws Jimmy into the ropes...he comes back….back lift by Poppa sends Jimmy down….Poppa turns around...clotheslined by Suicide!!! Big Poppa didn't see he had got back up.
MM: What a cheap shot by Suicide….sums him up…..
TM: Jimmy and Suicide both stomping on Big Poppa…...Big Poppa gets up while being hit…..he hits Suicide with a punch and then clotheslines Jimmy knocking him down….Suicide jumps on the back of Big Poppa…...Poppa trying to reach around but cant grab Suicide…..Big Poppa runs backwards and squashes Suicide in the corner. Suicide drops down slu ped in the corner…….Jimmy Brandon runs at Big Poppa…….Poppa wih a big boot to the face…..Jimmy is down…….Big Pippa walks over and steps through the ropes into the second ring where Regal is…...Regal is ready and hits Big Poppa with a knife edge chop (fans go woooo).....it has nk effect…….again Regal with a chop…...but no effect….Big Poppa grabs Regal up over his head….gorilla press! Big Poppa drops Regal down hard…..
(The screens begin the next countdown and the fans join in…..5……...4……..)
TM: Our fifth contextant is set to enter the ri g, we have Hollywood Hogan and L double E left to join the match.
(......3……….2……….1………..Voodoo Child by Jimi He drix plays and there is initially a loud cheer from the fan before turning to boos. Images of Hollywood Hogan and the CREW are shown on the screens and Hogan steps out from the smoke playing air guitar)
MM: Oh yes Timmy! Hollywood Hogan is here, ratings have just doubled!
TM: The leader of the CREW, former three time EIWF champion and hall of fame inductee ...Hollywood Hogan is just getting to ringside
(Hogan stops and starts to argue with Revolution. Hogan points at Revolution and makes hand gestures of breaking him in balf. Revolution has the cage door open and tells Hogan to enter, he slowly enters but continues to argue with Revolution)
MM: Thats right Hollywood, you show him who's boss!
TM: Hollywood Hogan is in the first ring as Big Poppa is beating on Regal in the second ring. Hogan walks over to Suicide who is still slumped in the corner….Hogan puts his boot on suicides throat and oushes hard….the Ref tells him to break it…….Hogan feigns to punch the Ref who jumps back and HOGAN LAUGHS…….Jimmy Brandon has started to climb up the cage…..
MM: What an idiot…...there's nowhere to go, no escape…...look at him ...quaking in his boots as Hogan comes after him.
TM: Jimmy is at the top and tries to push a section of the roof open, but there's no escape……...Hogan grabs Jimmy's foot and pulls at it…..Jimmy now dangling but holding on to that top section…...Hogan pulls again and Jimmy comes crashing down to the mat…..
MM: Look Timmy ...they broke the cage, part of the top has broken and is hanging down.
TM: Even so, they can't win the match by leaving the ring. Back to the action and Big Poppa steps back into the first ring and gives a two sweet sign with Hogan…...Big Poppa pulls Jimmy Brandon into the centre of the ring…..hogan goes off the ropes ...LEGDROP OF DOOM…..LEGDROP OF DOOM…..LEGDROP OF DOOM!......Hogan covers Jimmy….the Ref counts…….1…………..2……….Suicide breaks the pin by stomping on Hogan….Big Poppa goes to clothesline Suicide but he ducks….poppa turns round….Suicide kick Big Poppa in the gut….DDT!.......Hogan throws a punch at Suicide but he ducks….suicide grabs Higan...atomic drop! Hogan cant move….hes in the middle of the ring…...Suicide goes off the ropes...hits a Bulldog on Hogan! Suicide stands over Hogan and poses (fans boo)....from behind Regal rolls Suicide up for a pin, the Ref cou ts…..1…...2……...kickout by suicide!
MM: Timmy,.....this is going from one advantage to another!
TM: Suicide is up……..Jimmy and Hogan are also getting to there feet……..Suicide grabs Regal and throws him i to the ropes…..Hogan hits a big boot to the face on Regal as he came off the ropes……..Jimmy and Suicide lock arms….double clothesline on Hogan!.....Jimmy covers Hogan while Suicide stomps on Big Poppa…..the Ref counts……...1………..2……..kick out by Hogan…..
(The fans rise to their feet as jeff Jarrett runs down the entrance ramp with his guitar)
TM: what the hell, what's he doing out here…..he's been warned by Revolution!
MM: Play it again Jeff…...I love the sound of his music……..I know there's gonna be a hit coming up…
(Jarrett tries to get in the cage but Revolution stands in the way and tells Jarrett to leave, the argument gets more animated, Then Jarrett backs down and agrees….he turns around and starts to walk off ...Revolution turns back to watch the action….bang!....Jarrett smashes the guitar over the head of Revolution knocking him out ...Jarrett climbs in the ring )
TM: We need help out here, paramedics, emt’s….Revolution is down….he could be paralyzed from the shot!
MM: Timmy that's what happens when you stick your nose in CrEW business.
TM: The Ref is trying to get Jarrett to leave but he pushes the Ref out of the way…...Jarrett grabs Suicide….turns him around…..The STROKE…...the STROKE…….the STROKE! Suicdie is down……..Jimmy Brandon runs over and hits Jarrett with a double axe handle…..Hogan grabs Jimmy from behind…..Big Poppa gets back up and boots Jimmy in the gut…..
(The countdown starts…..5……...4……)
TM: Just the anti hero left, L double E
MM: The party will be over before he makes it to the ring….
(......3……….2……...1…Steal my sunshine by Marz plays and the fans pop…….L double E runs out and down the ramp to a loud pop…Hogan sees him coming and crouches over Revolution and then closes the door on the cage locking it shut)
TM: Hogan has locked the door! The CREW have three in the ring…this has to be stopped! Big Poppa grabs Jimmy ...belly to back suplex…….Regal runs at Big Poppa…..Poppa moves and throws Regal into the side of the cage
(L double E is searching on Revolution …looking for a key…..Hogan laughs and holds the key to show L double E)
TM: Hogan must have taken the Key when he knocked Revolution down!
MM: Well that's good, Hogan is wrestling here Timmy, we cant let anyone into a main event!
TM: L double E is shaking the cage door but it wont open…...The CREW are in control here….
MM: Yes they are Timmy…
TM: Regal is down….Suicide is down….Jimmy Brandon is down….Hogan is giving orders to Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett and they are both beating on Regal and Suicide……….
(There is a loud cheer from the fans…..the camera pans up and Suzi Spitz drops down onto the roof of the cage via a zip wire)
TM: The Violet Vixen is back…..and there is a part of the cage roof open from earlier……(Suzi drops down from the roof of the cage)....Suzie drops to her knees and hits Big Poppa with a low blow….she gets up and hits a scissor kick take down…..Suzie gets up ...Jarrett runs at her...standing dropkick by Suzie…...Jarrett stumbles back….Suzie hits him with an Enzuigiri kick ...(she turns around and Hogan looks stunned…...he throws her the key to the cage…...Suzie passes walks over and unlocks the door ...L double E enters and Suzie leaves).....L double E is in!!!!
MM: Hogan should win by DQ, Suzie had no right to be in the ring!
TM: What about Jarrett?
MM: He looks like he may need some assistance ...get a doctor out here.
TM: I meant he shouldn't have been in the ring……….L double E hits Hogan with a hard right and another ...Hogan comes back with a hard right of his own…...Jarrett is back up!....he grabs L double E from behind ...Hogan hits L double E with a hard right…...Big Poppa is up….he goes out of the cage door and grabs a chair….he comes back in with the chair….L double E sees Big Poppa….kicks him to the gut and Big Poppa drops the chair…….Suicide is slowly getting up……….Jarrett from behind hits L double E and knocks him into the corner….Big Poppa helps double team L double E….Hogan picks up the chair…..(bang!...he hits Suicide over the head with it knocking him out cold…………) Hogan off the ropes…...LEGDROP OF DOOM!!!!!! LEGDROP OF DOOM!!!!....LEGDROP OF DOOM!!!!!.....Jimmy Brandon runs at Hogan...Big Boot by Hogan….Jimmy is down….Hogan covers Suicide……...the Ref gets down and covers…………..1………...2………..3!!!!
(Voodoo child by Jimi Hendrix plays and Hogan gets up and celebrates. There are boo’s from the fans)
MM: Yes yes yes! What a win Timmy, I told you ...Hogan and the CREW are back on top….they are in control!!!!
TM: I don't believe it, this result can not stand!!! Jarrett was not meant to be in the match.
(Hogan talks to Big Poppa and points at Revolution…..Big Poppa goes over and grabs Revolution and pulls him into the ring….he pulls Revolution to his feet…Jarrett passes the steel chair to Hogan ...Hogan looks around….BANG!)
TM: Stop this madness!
(The fans POP as Davie J runs down the ramp….he slides into the ring as Hogan swings the chair again……...Bang! Hogan hits Revolution again and hes split open...covered in blood….)
TM: Davie J is here…..
MM: But whose side is he on???
TM: Davie grabs the chair from Hogan…..Hogan appears to be telling Davie to hit Revolution!!!
MM: Do it! DO IT!!!
TM: Davie throws down the chair (the fans cheer)....Big Poppa hits Davie with a forearm from the side ...Davie comes back with a hard right and then a clothesline….. (Jarrett goes towards Davie but Hogan stops Jarrett......Hogan tells Jarrett and Big Poppa to leave and Hogan joins them…..Davie crouches down to see if Revolution is OK as paramedics arrive)
TM: Fans we are out of time……
MM: ...let this be a lesson to everyone…...always stay true to the CREW!!!