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The show opens on a shot of Mr. Boudreaux. A extreme close up. He looks intense as he begins to speak.


"Ladies and gentlemen. I am Mr. Gage Boudreaux. The owner of F2S FUBAR LIVE! There has been rumors going around the internet that infamous organization, the E.I.W.F. Prez and I have been speaking with one another about a possible collaboration together a part of the revived EIWF Network. And I cannot make any further announcements but things are looking good right now. Tonight is a first mini episode of the existence of Fight 2 Survive and FUBAR Live. Hah. That rhymes. I'm a god damn poet and i didn't even know it. See! That rhymes too! Anyway, stay tuned to the websites of both F2S and EIWF as this could be the start of something bigger than ever. Enjoy, my people. CHANGE IS GOOD! FUBAR IS GOOD!



A weird ZARDOZ like images fades in with the text CHANGE IS GOOD! FUBAR IS GOOD!









Kirby Jones can be seen sitting at Ring side.


Kirby Jones- Welcome everybody to a mini episode of FUBAR LIVE. Tonight we will see Rick Rage, newly signed EIWF superstar to be exact. Going up against Party Boy Dennis.  A lot going on behind the scenes with both F2S and EIWF companies. Will the merge happen? We will find out soon. But lets head backstage to Janice Wilson with an update.


Janice can be seen backstage standing in front of Mr. Boudreaux's office door.


Janice- Thanks a lot Kirby. EIWF and F2S merging together would be a huge impact on the wrestling world. EIWF has a lot of star power from legends like Kurt Angle and Hollywood Hulk Hogan. To Jeff Jarrett, William Regal and Big Poppa Pump himself. But also names like Tormentor, Eddie D, Wishmaster, Revolution and of course the Legends champion, Davie J. Hopefully EIWF The Prez can come to terms with Mr. Boudreaux. I'll inform you and the audience whenever we get an update. Back to you, Kirby.



Kirby- We'll be right back folks.







Boudreaux can be seen in his office on a cell phone. Saying words like "Yes... perfect! Great. That'd be wonderful..." As Rick Rage enters the room behind him. Boudreaux gets startled and turns off the phone.


Rick Rage- Was that... was that who I think it was? THE PREZ! ARE WE IN!?! BIG PAY DAY! WOOOOT! BRING IT ON! Man, i'm going to be so rich making Hulk Hogan money in EIWF, hell, I'm gonna buy an airplane...


Boudreaux - Actually, i was just order a Shwarma. It gonna be good.


Rick Rage- Oh... can I have some?


Boudreaux (looking angry)- WHAT do you want, Rick?




Rick Rage- Well since I'm basically i'm the only star here on FUBAR and F2S, unless you include the loser jobbers. I think I deserve the first shot at Davie J for his Legends championship.  I thought maybe you could sneak that into the official contract.


Boudreaux (laughs)- Oh you will get your shot at the Legends Title... WHEN... and ONLY WHEN... you EARN IT, son. Now get out of here. I can't be disturbed before i get my Shwarma...


Rick Rage- This is bull crap man! I signed with EIWF and i get no title match? And i got buddy over there calling me DICK CAGE?! What the hell, man.



Boudreaux doesn't ask twice. His mean glare towards Rick is enough for him to get out of the office.

MATCH - Rick Rage vs Party Boy Dennis


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