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JC: Hello everyone I’m Joey Carlton…..welcome to the new era…...A New Beginning for the  EIWF! We have a new man in charge who needs no Introduction.  He is a former WWO and ICW World champion. He is an award-winning podcaster, unofficial head trainer of the power plant, has been the commissioner,  a member of EX3,  host of the popular RDD show,  and now head of creative,  he’s the new boss…... it is Revolution. 


(Revolution theme plays and the camera zooms round the fans who are cheering and then zooms into the entrance ramp where Revolution appears. He raises his arms and walks down the ramp. He walks over and joins Joey Carlton and puts on a headset)


JC: Tonight marks his first show in charge and he has promised to overhaul the EIWF, push the new and young Talent,  he will make the older stars move aside and no more will the EIWF be held back with internal conflict and backstage politics.  He has said he is not afraid of yielding The axe but the slate is clean and everyone has a fair chance if they have the same goal as himself and that is to make the EIWF even better than it is now. (Revolution is nodding in agreement)


Rev: That’s right Joey, the Prez has put me in charge of the day to day running of the EIWF. Although he has the power to overrule me it’s not going to happen if I make a success of the EIWF going forward. The Prez is looking at the pay per views and how he can increase revenue, but basically….I’m running things now!

JC: Great news for all of us.


Rev: Well not for everyone. You see things need to change. The EIWF has had a successful return, we have done the reunion which surpassed all expectations. But nostelgia… only lasts short term. We need to move on and let the past be the past. There's a stale smell around here and it's time to freshen things up.

JC: Totally agree!!


Rev: I’m glad you understand Joey….you're fired!

JC: What????


Rev: I'm relieving you of your play by play duties!

JC: Why? How????I don't understand. We go back all the way to your ICW days when you was world champion, I've always respected you.


Rev: That you have Joey, and your respect this decision, but what I’m going to do………..there’s a spot open as a backstage interviewer now that I have moved up the ladder…..that will be your new role.

JC: But who will replace me?

Rev: Look Joey, third in the Fansite awards for commentator of the year isn’t good enough. The recent IWA reunion was a huge success, the show increased the viewership to the archive section of the EIWF Network by over 200%!!! That's why I’m bringing in Jim Hicks!


(The IWA theme ‘The Gift by INXS ‘ plays and Jim Hicks walks down the ramp as Joey Carlton takes off his headset and places it on the table and leaves. Jim arrives and puts on the headset)


JH: What an honour it is to be here, on the debut show of Evolution at the Extreme zone, on the EIWF, alongside the superstar that is Revolution.


Rev: Get use to it Hicks, if you want something done right….do it yourself! That's why until further notice I will be the colour commentator sitting next to you!


JH: I couldn't think of anyone better!


Rev: Out with the old….in with the new….let's roll those new titles!!!


(Line in the Sand by Motorhead plays and images of the current EIWF roster plays on the ‘Extreme screen’ above the entrance way. The camera pans around the arena and zooms into the fans holding up signs…the camera cuts back to the announce table)


JH: That's right fans this is a new beginning and the brainchild behind this new era is sitting by my side. Revolution, tell us what your thoughts are about taking the EIWF forward.

Rev: I’m excited, motivated and focused to ensure the EIWF will become the best it can be. I know there will be some hard decisions for me to come, but I’m man enough to stand up to the challenges that lay ahead…..and make those decisions.


JH: There has been lots of talk about pushing new talent and letting the old stars go, is this accurate?

Rev: Well…...let's get a few things clear. If your good enough, you will get the top spots. But to ensure we move with the times we have got to look at bringing in new talent, that will provide new challenges for our current stars. As for the more established names, there is a place for them in the EIWF. But they need to realise what that place is. Perhaps they would be better utilized if they were used here and there. If you give something away too much it loses its value.


JH: Sounds like a smart and educated way of working for the EIWF. Now I apologise fans, I've just sat down at the table and don't have any notes to what’s coming up next


(The strains of Love and War - Drowning Pool plays and the fans cheer)


JH: Ladies and gentlemen….it's the boss!


Rev: That's my cue!! (Revolution takes off the headset and leaves the announce table and gets into the ring with a mic.(he signals to cut his music)


Rev: Thank you….thank you very much. I want to thank you fans for your continued support to the EIWF. Now as we move forward under my leadership I want to ensure you fans, both in attendance and at home…..get what you want. We are here to entertain you, I find it an insult to tell you what you want. Now I've listened to you, I've heard what you want…..and your gonna get it! (fans cheer) So to mark the debut edition of Evolution, we will have the biggest star of the past against the biggest star of the present! (fans pop)....that's right…..title versus title. The Legends champion Davie J will be facing the Genesis champion Ellis SHOWTIME….BLAAAAAAAAACK! (fans cheer). Both titles are on the line!


JH: Wow! PPV calibre match right there folks, given away on our regular broadcast!


Rev: Also tonight, Suicide will be taking on Big Poppa! (fans cheer). It's the New Era Icons versus the CREW. I've heard the comments from Hollywood Hogan…(fans boo).....he’s trying to sidestep the challenge from Suicide. Putting his goons in the way. Well Hogan, what you gonna do when Suicide and the New Era Icons have made there way through the CREW? There will be no where left for you to hide…’brotha’! (fans cheer).....At least you have realized your time is up, you keep running but there won't be anywhere to hide. Hell I’m even tempted to kick your ass myself if it wasn't for the lack of medical clearance because my injury!


JH: Now that is a match we would all love to see, Hollywood Hogan versus Revolution!


Rev: Now remember I said it’s a clean slate? Well I’m fed up of listening to one of the old boys………..Regal. It's a clean slate, we are starting again….that’s why your number one contender spot for the Genesis title…….IS GOOOOOONE! Tonight you can step in the ring with the remaining New Era Icon….Jimmy Brandon!!!


JH: All three New Era Icons are in action tonight! Jimmy Brandon versus Regal. Suicide versus Big Poppa and a title versus title main event with Ellis Black facing Davie J!!!!


Rev: While I’m here, I want to reach out to Fethdar, I've left you a message…….it’s time you came back and fulfilled your early promise! The contract is on the table, all you have to do is sign it!


JH: Fethdar was a highly rated talent from the powerplant! Revolution has clearly seen something in him and wants to bring him into the full time roster!


Rev: This is just the start people……………..(Revo’s music plays and the fans cheer. He waves to the fans and exit the ring and sits back next to Jim Hicks)


Don’t Stop Believing by Journey plays and the fans cheer. Jimmy Brandon walks out from some smoke on the entrance way and starts to throw ‘Hope’ shirts into the crowd. Some pyrotechnics go off at the entrance way behind him as Jimmy holds his hands up high.  Jimmy jogs up the steps and shakes the referee’s hand.


JH: Well it doesn’t hurt to be on good terms with the referee now does it boss?

Rev: I’d agree and it’s the measure of a great sportsman to show respect to the officials. Great talent, great attitude and that’s why the newer, better, class of 2018, members of the roster are getting the push they deserve.


Land of Hope and Glory plays as Regal hits the ramp. Regal coughs and splutters through the excess smoke left over from Jimmy Brandon’s pyrotechnics and shouts insults at the effects crew in the backstage. Regal takes a slow walk down to the ring and mocks the crowd for booing him. Regal has a Union Jack flag wrapped around his shoulders and he stops and holds it up proudly to the booing fans ……. Regal folds it neatly and rests it on the ring steps …… Regal wipes his feet on the apron edge before stepping through the ropes. Regal offers the referee his hand for a handshake. The referee goes to shake it but Regal whips his hand away and runs his fingers through his hair and chuckles at the Referee’s annoyance.


JH: And there’s your contrast folks. No love for the officials shown by Regal there.

Rev: Well for a guy who talks about being an ‘English gentleman’ that childish move hardly shows the superior manners he claims to have.


Jimmy Brandon vs Regal

JH: Here we go folks, as the bell is rung for this one ….. Regal holds out a hand for Jimmy to shake…. Jimmy looks out to the crowd for advice on whether to shake it or not …. I think the boos would be advice for Jimmy not to…… Jimmy shakes it anyway….. Looks like an honest handshake….. Oh, spoke too soon ….. Regal has twisted the hand up and applies a wrist lock ….. Jimmy edges towards the ropes but Regal applies the pressure and Jimmy drops to one knee …… Jimmy tries again and gets to the ropes this time …… Regal drops the hold and hits Jimmy with a European uppercut …. Jimmy staggers a pace backwards ….. Regal grabs Jimmy, spins him around and hits a German Suplex …. Regal covers …… 1….. 2 ….. Kick out by Jimmy Brandon! …… Regal grabs an arm while Jimmy is still down and applies a wristlock …. Jimmy is suffering …… Jimmy shows great resolve and agility there as he manages to twist and turn his way out from under Regal….. Regal shouts at the referee and gestures that his hair was pulled to get out of the hold …… Jimmy just laughs at the suggestion as the two men pace around each other ….. Collar and elbow tie up ……. Regal breaks from the clinch ….. Thumbs Jimmy in the eye and drags Jimmy down to the mat in an arm bar …… adjusts the hold and Regal has Jimmy face down on the mat in a wristlock again….

Rev: Some call it boring going for the same move over and over again, some call it sensible tactics, but the crowd’s boos say it all Jim.

JH: The crowd are getting behind Jimmy now ….. Jimmy looks like he’s powering his way out of the hold …… Regal feels that he’s losing his grip and switches to a side headlock …….. Jimmy lets out a groan of discomfort but has got back to one knee and forced Regal back up to his feet….. Jimmy walks Regal into the ropes and Regal drops the headlock …… The referee calls for a clean break ……. And surprisingly gets one …… Regal and Jimmy circle each other …. Jimmy shakes out the pain in his wrist and comes straight back at Regal …….. Collar and elbow tie up ……. And Jimmy puts Regal in a wrist lock of his own …….. Regal curses out loud and the crowd gasp …..

Rev: Well there’s the product of an expensive English education for you. They swear just like the rest of us, he most likely just knows how to translate that into Latin if he needed to….

JH: Regal winces and shouts an insult at Jimmy Brandon …….. Jimmy is about to say something back but Regal manages to free himself with a nice forward roll …… Regal has managed keep Jimmy’s arm, ended up behind him with a hammer lock applied ….. Jimmy tries to grab at Regal’s head ……. Regal applies more pressure on the arm and Jimmy winces ………  Jimmy reaches down for a leg, but Regal blocks the attempt ………. Jimmy tries to pace his way out of the hold ……. They circle the ring with Jimmy still suffering in the hammer lock ……. Regal trips Jimmy and has the hammer lock applied on the mat now …… Jimmy is face down and grimacing …… The crowd boo as the match slows down and Jimmy is gesturing with his free hand for their support…….. Regal lifts himself up in a handstand and brings his knee down hard on Jimmy’s bent arm ………. Regal tells the referee to ask Jimmy if he quits …… Jimmy twists counter-clockwise out from underneath Regal and wrenches himself free …… Regal gets back to his feet and mockingly applauds Jimmy for the escape ……. Jimmy shakes the pain out of his arm and comes angrily back at Regal and they lock up again …… Jimmy slips Regal into a side headlock……… Jimmy’s got it locked in well …….Regal drops to one knee as the pressure comes on ……… Regal begins to lift Jimmy off his feet ….. But Jimmy squeezes the hold for all he’s worth …….. Regal groans from the pain applied and drops to one knee again ……… Regal pulls at Jimmy’s hair to distract him …….. Lifts him up ……. Side suplex! …….. Jimmy gets back to his feet …….. Regal hits him with a ferocious chop and Jimmy is back down again ……. Jimmy arches his back and pops back up to his feet ………. Great agility ……. Regal wrinkles his nose derisively and they pace around each other again ….  Regal grabs Jimmy into a side headlock …… Regal manoeuvres Jimmy’s head away from the referee and punches him hard in the face ……. Jimmy pops clean out of the headlock and hits the mat hard …… Jimmy rubs his jaw as the referee reprimands Regal ……. Jimmy gets up and runs at Regal ….. Regal throws Jimmy over with a hip toss ……. Jimmy gets up quickly and comes again …….. Regal grabs him by the head and snap mares him down ……. Regal goes for the rear chin lock but Jimmy wriggles free …… Jimmy comes back again ….. Regal throws Jimmy over with a hip toss, Jimmy holds his lower back, but there’s no keeping him down …… This time Jimmy runs, stops, and stuns Regal with standing dropkick ….. Regal stumbles back hard into the nearest turnbuckles ……. Jimmy steps back a couple of paces and sprints at Regal in the corner…….. Big Splash! …… Regal slumps to the floor ……. Jimmy seems to have found a resurgence of spirit from somewhere …… Jimmy drags Regal up from the floor …….. Irish whip into the ropes …… Regal comes back at a lick of knots and Jimmy’s off his feet ….. High cross body! And the cover …… 1 …… 2……. Kick out! ….. Jimmy drags Regal up and sends him into the ropes again …… Regal comes back ….. Fly forearm from Jimmy! …..

Rev: For my money this is the way Jimmy needs to play it ….. Get Regal moving around ….. No point trying to play him at his own game….. 80 years in the business is great in the clinch, but sprinting around the ring at his age won’t do his chances of winning any favours….

JH: Jimmy drags Regal up and hits a snap suplex…… and covers …….1 ……..2 ……… and Regal has the presence of mind to put his leg out on the rope ….. That was close …… Jimmy drags Regal up sends him again into the ropes ……… they meet in the centre of the ring ………..Double clothesline …….. both men hit the canvas hard and are barely moving ……… ouch! …….


Rev: All credit to Regal there….. He looked like he was all in….. If he hadn’t hit that clothesline I think Jimmy would be wrapping things up about now…..

JH: What’s this? ….. Suicide is out on the ramp ….. Who invited him? …… Checking back to tonight’s card this is just a standard encounter ….. Jimmy won’t want to lose by DQ from any involvement from Suicide….

Rev: Jimmy won’t want to WIN by any involvement from Suicide either …. He’s too proud for that ….. Any hatred between Regal and Suicide should be settled in a match of their own……

JH: The referee is shouting at Suicide over the top rope to leave …….. Jimmy is up and looks up the aisle and sees Suicide ….. At first he’s happy to see him …… Then realises the implications …… Jimmy gestures at Suicide to leave ……


Rev: I think I heard him say something like “Thanks, but I got this” ….. It’s difficult to hear over this crowd reaction …….

JH: Regal is finally back on his feet …….. While the referee and Jimmy are busy, Regal has removed the top turnbuckle cover in the far corner……. Regal shakes out the cobwebs …… grabs a distracted Jimmy Brandon and whips him into the corner ………. Jimmy slams chest first and hard into the bare buckles ……… Oh good god that was a collision ……. I think we have blood folks ……. No PG rating in the EIWF tonight that’s for sure…… Regal is stomping the hell out of Jimmy’s upper body ……. Jimmy is under the bottom rope holding his chest ……. Jimmy has a hold of the bottom rope….. The referee puts his body between the two men because Regal won’t let up….


Rev: Brave officiating there and Regal has finally let up his assault ….. This will be a sickening end to this match ……. I should do something about this …… How has the referee missed the turnbuckle cover being missing? ………. Why isn’t Regal capitalising on this?

JH: Suicide has gotten Regal’s attention …… Suicide has picked up Regal’s Union Jack …… Regal is shouting at Suicide to put it down …… Suicide opens up the flag and blows his nose on it …… Regal rolls out to the outside and heads after him …… The referee is busy checking if Jimmy is OK to continue ……. Suicide drops the Union Jack and hits Regal with the S-bomb (Orange crush bomb)! ….. On the outside! ....... Suicide drags Regal up and rolls him into the ring ……… Regal isn’t moving …… Suicide has hopped over the barrier and pushed a kid out of the way and taken his seat ……… The referee has turned around and can’t make out what’s happened …… The referee shouts something at Suicide ….. but he’s just laughing and gesturing that he’s just been watching the match ……. Jimmy Brandon is finally up and sees Regal laid out …… Jimmy looks out to the crowd for answers …..

Rev: Jimmy deserves the win in my opinion ….. It’s not the way he wanted to win but Jimmy should just cover him and chalk this one up as a victory … a hollow victory but they all count in the end…..

JH: Jimmy crosses over to Regal and drags him up ……. Jimmy pauses from the pain in his chest, but the crowd are willing him on …… Jimmy lifts Regal up in a fireman’s carry ….. Centre of the ring ……. TKO! (Fireman's Carry Cutter) ….. The crowd pop …….. And the cover …… 1……..2 …….. 3!


Rev: Finished in style there from Jimmy Brandon ….. No doubt Regal will not be happy with the result...but………..perhaps he should just be happy that a man if his age is still part of the show..…. Plus cheating with the turnbuckle cover was a dirty trick and he still didn’t get the result …… karma can bite back hard and fast sometimes…

JH: Jimmy Brandon walks up the aisle, but he’s not celebrating hard ……. He’ll need a stitch or two in that chest wound …… bleeding like a stuck pig out there ……. Suicide joins him on the ramp and goes to raise his hand in celebration….. Jimmy lets him raise it, but then changes his mind and snatches his hand back from Suicides grasp ……. Suicide looks confused at Jimmy’s reaction…..  Jimmy appears to be questioning Suicide about the match and Jimmy points out to the fans….Suicide shrugs his shoulders…...and Jimmy paces away from him as they head into the backstage ……


JH: It appears Jimmy Brandon is not so happy with the involvement of Suicide in the match but it's a win for the new era icons here. Fans I must apologize but my colleague is a little busy…..


(Regal is up and walks to the announcers table…..he points his finger at Revolution who stands up to confront Regal. Regal shouts at Revolution. Revolution tells Regal to leave and get to the back. Regal walks off as Revolution sits down)


Rev: God damn it, this is what I mean. You try to do those old guys a favour and have them on the show….you would think they would be thankful but nooooo…..they think they are still the stars.


(The scene cuts back stage….the fans in the arena are watching on the big screen…….a car pulls up at the back of the building. Davie J steps out with the Legends title and the fans in the arena cheer. The cheers can be heard outside and a smile appears across Davie’s face. He looks into the camera and walks into the building. The scene cuts to the announce table)


JH: The ICON is here! The Legends champion! The EIWF Franchise who will be defending his own title while also looking to win the Genesis title….live...tonight!

Rev: Right…..I.erm…….I've gotta take care of some business………….where’s Madden? Get his ass out here!


JH: Oh no….not Mark Madden!


(Revolution stands up and leaves the commentary table. Mark Madden walks out wearing a CREW t-shirt and walks down the ramp. Revolution heads to the back and Mark Madden sits next to Jim Hicks)


MM: Hicks welcome to the big time, your sitting next to Mark Madden!

JH: Great!

MM: Looks like I’m just in time to witness another CREW sacrifice as Big Poppa is going to tear Suicide from limb to limb!

JH: I believe there has been a power shift Mark, the New Era Icons are the new dominant force in the EIWF.

MM: Yeah….we will see!

JH: Before we see the match up lets take a look what led to this….


(The arena lights dim as video footage is shown on the big screen)



“Ladies and gentlemen, your one half of the Genesis tag team champions, the personification of extreme is back in the mix and damn it feels so good. 2018 has been an outstanding year for the New Era Icons resulting in recognition at the Fansite awards where we picked up the honours for best newcomer, best tag team and best feud. I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for all who voted for Ellis, Jimmy and myself to earn these prestigious accolades but we are not going to stop there because 2019 is a new year with fresh new meat to sink our teeth into and the potential of a new member to our ranks if Kendrick Kross takes Ellis up on his offer of joining the New Era Icons to create a stronger unit to vanquish the wounded animal that is the CREW who have a gigantic Heavy D sized hole to fill. It is clear that Heavy grew sick and tired of taking orders from an old age pensioner and decided to abandon the sinking ship before being dragged into the realms of non-existence along with Hogan, Poppa Lump, slapnut Jarrett and their new goon Keg. The future is bright, the future is New Era Icons.”


**Suicide pauses to produce a Fistful Of Knuckles t-shirt and takes out a lighter, flicks it and sets the shirt on fire.



“This Fistful of Knuckles garbage. It was an unwanted distraction, holding back and keeping inside the dangerous monster I so desperately wanted to unleash on any wretched parasite who had the low brain capacity to get in my way. I want to get serious, I want to maim and dissect the likes of the CREW. It is my true calling as a natural born brutalizer of the human anatomy. I have instruments of severe decimation at my disposal and I will not hesitate for one single moment in using what I have in my collection to do maximum damage. Screw Fistful Of Knuckles, screw the Fistful Of Knuckles express. It’s time to meet the real personification of extreme. It’s not a title, it is a way of life so who is first to step into the lion's den to get mauled and chewed up and spat out. How about you, Hogan? You’ve been running with that yellow streak on your back ducking and diving and trying to avoid your inevitable fate. This ends now, Hogan. It’s time to rip out the heart of the CREW and watch this fractured faction flatline. This vicious predator will be the one to do it and Jarrett if you still want to be torn apart in a steel cage, I will have no problem whatsoever in granting your wish.”


**Suicide throws the burning shirt into a waste bin and pours the jug of water on the podium in to put it out. He glances at the pictures on the wall of Ellis Black holding aloft his Genesis title and him and Jimmy Brandon with their Genesis tag team titles raised high.



“The New Era Icons decorated with championship gold is a true testament to what we stand for and that more success will be upcoming over the course of this year. Me and Jimmy after we won the tag titles, overindulged and partied hard in celebration and we will be the champions that the EIWF deserves taking on all comers who want to challenge us. Ellis has been a revelation as Genesis champion and he will continue to hold the title for many many months to come. Revolution is running the show now and no doubt the New Era Icons will play a huge part in making his new regime hugely successful as we aim higher, grow stronger and send ratings through the roof. On behalf of myself, Ellis and Jimmy, thank you and the best is yet to come.”

(The video fades and Hollywood Hogan is shown in a pre taped segment)


Hollywood Hogan

WOAH BROTHA!!! Hollywood hogan here on the set of another blockbuster, the Thunder in paradise reboot is already smashing records all around the world, but the Hollywood express don't stop..... i'm already shooting the next global hit, Brotha.


Now Hollywood has already spoke about taking a stepback once Final Stand had been and gone, I said it was time to regroup and refocus before making my next move. But Hollywood has got wind that the stench that is Suicide, is back on the scene, trash talking Hollywood, like he's on my level, Brotha step back Jack, Hollywood ain't wasting his time on the fistful of lame that you are.


The Genetic Freak Big Poppa will be more than happy to beat your ass, or Double J will be willing to make you his next Hit, you choose, and Hollywood will watch and see if your even slightly worthy of any more of my time.


Suicide, you bash the CREW, all this talk just shows how much you wish you were in with the in crowd, and not just worshipping us in your bedroom, get real Jack, step up, Big Poppa or Double J, you choose.

(The video fades and Big Poppa is shown in a pre taped segment)


Big Poppa

When Hollywood calls, you answer! That's what being part of the CREW is all about. That's why Big Poppa is stepping forward and taking care of business. Hollywood, I know you are busy with filming so don't try and rush away from the set to be at Evolution. I got more than enough right here to take care of that white trash Suicide. You see the numbers don't lie and they spell disaster at Evolution for you Suicide! Hollywood was right when he said all you are is jealous Suicide, jealous that the most elite force in wrestling never asked you to join. Well jackoff we don't let bitches in. But if you want to get on good terms with the CREW then it's simple...….get my bags, get my bags! Shine my shoes if I want you too. That's all you would be good for, carrying our luggage. You been walking around holding the hand of that girl Jennifer Brandon like your some hot shit, well you got it half right.....and it's not hot!


You have smartened up since the old days, throw Hogan's name about to try and get you some of the big time, some of the big pay days. Your way out of your debt here boy. You think cuz your the tag team champion your got some pull around here? Look me, I'm a genetic freak and the greatest tag team of all time. All you new era bitches are putting your faith in the wrong person. Revolution doesn't run things around here, we do....the CREW! What Hollywood says....goes!


So Suicide, got your redneck fat asses down to the ring at Evolution and Big Poppa is going to show what pain really feels like. Forget the pain you see when you look in the mirror at a worthless, gutless...……...amounted to nothing.....son of a bitch.....the pain I give you will be a whole new level for you. Once I lock you in the Poppa recliner the lights will go out as I choke the life outta you.


(The video fades out and cuts back to the announcers)


MM: Pure gold, that right there Hicks is classic Big Poppa.

JH: From where I’m sitting it looks like Hollywood Hogan is ducking the challenge from Suicide.

MM: Never!


(The scene cuts backstage with Davie J in the locker room tying his boots up for his match. Then Revolution walks in)


Rev: Hey Davie, great to see you man! (they hug and slap each other on the back)

DJ: Likewise. Im jacked, I have to say I have not been this excited about the EIWF for a long time, but with you steering the ship and me as the top star I know we will make the EIWF a bigger success than it's ever been.

Rev: Yeah…...about that…..

DJ: Tonight I’m going to put that little punk Ellis Black in his place. I know you rate him highly Revo, but there's only one icon around here...if you get my drift.

Rev: Look Davie….I need to level with you here……

DJ: Sure, what's up?

Rev: There's no easy way to say this…...but I’m taking the EIWF in a new direction.

DJ: Yeah I understand that. I totally understand. Your Legends champion is right behind you.

Rev: I mean……….it’s time…….to let Davie J take a side step…… have worked hard so hard for the EIWF all these years… deserve a break… early semi retirement perhaps.

DJ: What you saying?

Rev: I’m saying………….I really appreciate all your work in the past and there is still a place for you in the EIWF…..but I see it as a limited attraction. To use you here and there. Its time to find new talent, get behind them and make them successful. As you said………..there's only room for one icon…...and in 2019…...that's Ellis Black.

DJ: I still think I have plenty to offer. I'm not done yet!

Rev: Look I don't want to fall out over this. You have had the career others only dream of. Now help me make the EIWF a better place. Take a role behind the scenes, you have a wealth of experience. Sure there will be chances for the odd match here and there. (Davie looks down beat).......look….how about a send off?

DJ: What do you mean?

Rev: Your still be involved while your the Legends champion but the schedule is going to be lighter, and more so once the title passes to someone else. But our first PPv is resurrection….it’s the beginning of the return of the EIWF. So why don't you headline that PPV…...against any opponent you want………'s my favour to you…...a thank you…………...what do you say?

DJ: Headline the first PPV under your control? Against anyone I want?

Rev: Yep it can be Ellis Black, Suicide….or Hollywood Hogan?

DJ: Ok…… got a deal! But this backstage role I want creative input……….

Rev: Of course………… who do you want to face at the Resurrection PPV?

DJ: Thats easy…………….the match that the wrestling world has never seen……….and always wanted to see. Davie J versus Wishmaster!

Rev: Wishmaster? Seriously? He hasn't been seen for months!

DJ: Book the match………..and he will come!

Rev: Hell it’s your send off…….your choice….you got it!

(The two shake hands and Revolution leaves)

DJ: I’m going to show everyone tonight that the only icon worth talking about is this one!


(Scene fades and cuts back to the announcers)


JH: The new boss there with a tough decision, he’s calling time on the full time career of Davie J!

MM: That is a bad decision Hicks. Whether he's in the CREW or not, he's a top top star!

JH: Revolution dangled the carrot in front of the ICON though, the chance of one more PPV main event was too much to turn down….and Davie took it.

MM: I can't see Davie J just accepting this and taking a back seat.

JH: Let's look at the positives here, Davie J has been a great servant to the EIWF over the years, he's going to main event tonight here and at the PPV. It's a tough call but the right call by Revolution, we can look forward to a successful future ahead.

MM: You always were a brown noser Hicks!


(The crew theme plays and there is a mixed reaction from the fans. Images of the CREW are shown on the big screen and Big Poppa walks out)


MM: What a freak! The phenomenononononon! Give it up for Big Poppa!


(For the viewers at home there is a split screen…...Suicide and Jimmy Brandon are in the back just before the match)


Sui: Jimmy I was watching your back for your match, now I need you to watch mine. I don't trust the CREW and if Big Poppa is involved, then I expect so will Jarrett or Hogan.

JB: Mr Suicide, I don’t think we are going about things the right way….this is not what the fans expect or want from us.

Sui: Jimmy….get your head out of the clouds! Forget the fans, it's all about us, the new era icons.

JB: But I do this for the fans…….there my motivation….im there for them as they have always been there for me….

Sui: Well….I guess you got some serious thinking to's the fans...or the new era icons!


(Suicides theme plays in the arena and Suicide hears a voice off camera ‘its time Suicide’...he walks off and leaves Jimmy in the room. The dual screen cuts back to just the arena)


JH: Our second match of the night, will Suicide make it another win for the new era icons.

MM: No chance Hicks, Big Poppa is going to make an example out of Suicide. Suicide has and always will be a Davie J wannabe who is jealous he’s not good enough to be in the CREW.

JH: Where do you come up with this rubbish?

MM: I can't reveal my sources! It's in my best interest to keep them to myself.

JH: Well the only ones I would say your interested in are Tomato…..Mustard and chilli!

MM: How dare you!!!!


(Suicide walks out to a mixed reaction……….he looks out at the fans and shrugs the reaction off and heads to the ring.)


JH: Here we go!


Suicide vs Big Poppa

JH: We all know that Suicide is on the war path to take on Hogan.

MM: Yeah like a rabbit in the headlights Jim. Why on Earth would your ambition be to get in the ring with one of the greats of our industry, who currently holds no title, only to get his butt kicked? There’s easier ways to get a big payday than losing to Hogan. There’s easier ways than taking on Big Poppa on the way to getting there that’s for sure.

JH: To be the best, you have to beat the best and I admire Suicide’s resolve. The EIWF has always been most popular when The Crew have been pitted against the best of the rest. Looks like a good piece of business and some of these fans would love to see Hogan taken down a peg or two.

MM: No one understands the gimmick brother. No one understands until the big matches go down. You’ll see.


JH: The Ref walks over and checks the boots of Big Poppa…….he then walks over and checks the boots of Suicide… Suicide lifts his foot Big Poppa runs over and clothesline Suicide knocking him down to the mat. The Ref warns Big Poppa but Poppa shoves him away and stomps on Suicide while he's down…..

MM: This is sweeeeeeeeeeeet!


JH: Well you have a long history of loving The Crew, which never really pegged you out as a standout example of impartiality.

MM: I resent that Hicks! Not because I care what you think, but because you are a CREW hater….and if you don't stay true…...well….it's not a pretty ending!  Now shut up and call the match!


JH: ........ Big Poppa gives the crowd the shove it sign and leans over Suicide and gives Suicide the finger...........Big Poppa pulls Suicide up…….. Suicide lays some big punches on Big Poppa........... Big Poppa keeps coming........... Suicide kicks Big Poppa to the crotch....... Big Poppa doubles up............Suicide goes for a DDT...... Big Poppa powers up, grips Suicide around the waist and turns it into a Northern lights suplex............. The cover …… 1 …… and an early kick out ………. Big Poppa drags Suicide up.......... knees him to the guts.......... forearms across the back of the neck.............. Suicide goes down to one knee with the force of the strike but gets back up.......... Big Poppa whips Suicide around............ Spinning Belly to Belly Suplex! ............ Big Poppa covers …..1 ……..2……. kick out! …… Big Poppa gets back up and waits in the opposite corner........... Suicide gets up holding his back............ Suicide turns around............. Big Poppa sprints across the ring for a spear!? ........... Suicide dives down and trip toe holds Big Poppa into the turnbuckles............ Big Poppa and Suicide drag themselves up............ Suicide whips Big Poppa into the ropes.......... Big Poppa reverses............ Suicide comes off the ropes and they meet in a huge shoulder block............ Neither Big Poppa nor Suicide went down.......... they're just staring each other out............. Suicide runs off the ropes and hits Big Poppa with a shoulder block......... Big Poppa doesn't move....... he just snorts his defiance........... Suicide off the ropes again.......... Big Poppa comes off the ropes too......... Double clothesline!!!!.......... What a frantic pace this match is going at............ but both men are down for now.......... Suicide and Big Poppa get back to their feet slowly........ Suicide hits Big Poppa with some snap jabs and some haymaker punches....... Big Poppa drops to one knee.......... Suicide continues with more punches.......... Big Poppa rolls Suicide into a small package...............1..........2....... Suicide manages to roll the package over ….. Big Poppa is being pinned...........1.........2......... Big Poppa manages to roll the package into the ropes............ the referee calls the break.......... Big Poppa and Suicide fall out of hold and slowly get back up........... Big Poppa chops Suicide......... Suicide punches back........... Big Poppa chops back............. Suicide punches back............ the high pace of the match is beginning to tell......... how are they both on their feet?!.............Big Poppa double chops Suicide clean off his feet!............Suicide starts to get up........Big Poppa walks over and straight into a low blow.........…


MM: ......the low blow.........the act of a desperate man Jim.

JH: And how many times have you referred to a low blow from members of the Crew as “The great equalizer”?

MM: Really not sure that’s the point Jim, or the time for this nonsensical debate.....

JH: … Suicide pulls Big Poppa back up........ Whips him into the ropes........... Suicide catches Big Poppa in the middle of the ring............. lifts him up by the legs in a sidewalk slam stance ............. and stumbles back ……. Big Poppa falls throat first across the top rope!.............

MM: ......You mean a Stun Gun?

JH: Thanks Mark......... Sorry I couldn't remember that one for a second folks........ You’re showing your age remembering that one Mark.......... Big Poppa is down............ Suicide is getting back up using the ropes.......... Suicide lifts up Big Poppa and whips him into the turnbuckles............... Suicide follows in with a clothesline.......... Big Poppa drops to the bottom turnbuckle.......... Suicide stomps on Big Poppa in the corner........... Big Poppa is getting back up.......... Suicide is still kicking at Big Poppa but he's not feeling it........ Big Poppa grabs Suicide around the shoulder and neck .......... Head and Arm Belly-to-belly suplex!! ......... Suicide is down and hurting......... Big Poppa drags Suicide up......... Grabs a wrist and pulls it under Suicide ……. Pumphandle Suplex!!! …………. Big Poppa flexes for the crowd and smiles as he crosses over to Suicide …… Big Poppa drags Suicide up ……… Suicide looks dazed.......... S-bomb (Orange crush bomb) from Suicide!! …… The crowd pop........... Big Poppa rolled away under the impact, but he is down..........Where did Suicide get the energy to get that move in? ........ This is usually his big finisher, but he’s slow to follow up for the cover ……

MM: Not sure how fast you’d be moving after going through a suplex mill like Big Poppa just dished out …….. And here comes the cavalry Hicks….. No one wants to see this ….. (Mark Madden sniggers and points at the top of the ramp.)

JH: Oh hell, here we go folks ……. Jeff Jarrett is on the ramp and heading down to ringside, guitar in hand …….. Suicide hasn’t seen the danger as he crawls across to Big Poppa and covers..........1.........2.........foot on the rope!........Suicide can't believe it...........Suicide picks Big Poppa up..........Big Poppa rakes Suicide's face and pushes him away a few steps......... Suicide is holding his eyes …… Big Poppa is still dazed, stumbles back and falls through the ropes to the outside........... Jarrett is on hand to help Big Poppa up……. The referee is telling Jarrett to leave ……. Jarrett is helping Big Poppa up and arguing with the referee ……….. Suicide pulls the referee out of the way ….. he climbs to the top turnbuckle ……….. Double Axe Handle on Jarrett on the outside!!!!!!  ……….. Without Jarrett to support his weight Big Poppa goes sprawling into the ring steps ………. Jarrett is smarting holding his head ……. The guitar survived the impact somehow……. Suicide seems to have come down heavy on his ankle……. Suicide limps over to Big Poppa and bounces his head off the ring steps ……. Suicide rolls Big Poppa into the ring and follows ……… Suicide lifts Big Poppa up…. Suplex! ……. Big Poppa holds his back …….. But you could tell Suicide didn’t like bearing all that weight into the vertical like that …… he’s up but he’s limping bad…… can Suicide get Big Poppa up one more time for the S-Bomb if he can’t bear the weight? ………. Suicide drags Big Poppa up and points out at the crowd …….. he’s going for it …………….. Up goes Big Poppa ……….S-BOMB!!!!! …………. Jarrett is getting back to his feet on the outside, but he’s going to be too late for the save this time ……. The cover ……….1…………2……….3!



MM: I don’t know what to say Jim….. I’ll just give you three words at this time of year ….. Not “I Love You”…… Random Drug Testing …………

JH: Just because Suicide beat Big Poppa fair and square you’re calling him a drugs cheat?

MM: You said that, not me? Though it would explain a shock result like this…. Just saying …..

JM: Well Jarrett is in the ring and he’s pushed the referee out of his way …….. Suicide rolls Big Poppa out of his way to try and get up to defend himself but BANG…. Jarrett smashes his guitar over Suicide’s head………. Big Poppa rolls to the edge of the ring and drops off the apron and lays there suffering, holding his back…………. Jarrett has grabbed Suicide’s bad ankle ……… Jarrett looks out at the crowd and laughs as he slaps Suicide in a figure-four leg lock! ………. There’s no place for this in the EIWF today….. What happened to the new era and evolution? ………...

MM: Evolution takes thousands of years Jim……. And this is natural selection alive and well in the ring….. Survival of the fittest in a dog eat dog world……… Snap that damned leg Double J…….

JH: Did you say something about being Impartial earlier?

MM: Yes, Sorry….. Here come some extra officials to ruin our fun and break the beautiful hold The Chosen One is entertaining all these fans with……. Yep Jarrett has dutifully released the figure four at their 10th request to do so and rolled to the outside, minus one good guitar…….. And Big Poppa is thankfully back on his feet and taking some assistance from the best US title champion ever to get to the backstage paramedics……

JH: OK folks; I think that’s about as impartial as we’re going to get from Mark Madden this time around…….Jimmy Brandon slides in the ring (the fans cheer)....he tells Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett to leave….they laugh….do a 2 sweet sign and exit the ring…….Jimmy helps Suicide up to his feet…..Suicide brushes Jimmy off and starts to argue with Jimmy…..


MM: It appears not all is so perfect in the new era icons….ah hahaha

JH: It appears Suicide is not happy that Jimmy was not there to watch his back. I’m sure the two will resolve the issue. Let's not make a mountain out of a molehill!

MM: Ohhh Hicks…..there's big issues in the New Era Icons. Its blatant, everyone can see it!. Not Like the CREW, everyone gets on just fine!

JH: Let's not forget, it was another win for the New Era Icons!!

MM: Blah blah blah blah….who cares Hicks!


(The scene cuts back stage with Revolution in his office on the phone)

Rev: Yep….it’s going well……...don't worry about a thing…...I've got everything under control. I've already spoken to Davie……...he’s going to take a back seat………….an office job……….hahaha… I'm not. Straight up. Well I had to give him the main event spot at Resurrection...but after that we can free up the time for some new younger and fresher talent. Don’t worry about Hogan…..his time will come……….yep……… relax and I will bring you up to speed after the show………..(he puts the phone down and the office door opens and L double E walks in)


Rev: Huh……..don't you knock where you come from?

LEE: Sorry...Rage opened the door for me, that's what happens when your the champ…..doors of opportunity open up for you!

Rev: What are you talking about?

LEE: The door of opportunity is open….for you booker man! You see I’m the biggest star in the EIWF and you need me to make the EIWF a success.

Rev: Are you guys sharing the same book in the locker room? Did you borrow it from Davie?

LEE: Errrr??

Rev: What do you want?

LEE: Well from one world champion to another, let's get the Anti Hero some recognition. You see I’m the EIWF World Champion, as I beat Wishmaster and I’m the Legends champion because I beat Davie J. Now when do you want me to win the Genesis title and the tag team titles?

Rev: (Shakes his head slowly…….pauses….sits back in his chair)........L double E come in………..

LEE: Erm I already have...I'm in your office??

Rev: L double E come in….to the real world! The EIWF is moving on, and I’m afraid your behind the times. Your not relevant, but I do thank you for your contribution over the years. Look I’m looking to bolster the mid card level of the roster, I think you could be an asset to putting guys over such as Jimmy Brandon, Richard Dweck etc etc.


Rev: (holds his arms out and shrugs)

LEE: What is it with this place? My 6:11 t-shirts have been a best seller because the fans love the Anti Hero. I'm still relevant because the fans say so….not you! I'm fed up with the lack of RESPECT I’m getting around here.

Rev: You have to earn your own respect around here.

LEE: Lets not forget, I won the Final Stand Tournament, that took eleven months and I was VICTORIOUS!!!! But what recognition have I had? None,….nada...zilch….nought….oblivion….scratch!

Rev: Scratch?

LEE: Look booker man, you think your in charge around here….

Rev: That's because I am.

LEE: The real power is the fans, and the fans know there stuff, they want the Anti hero, they want Rage….they want the Hero & Zero Connection!!! (fans in the arena can be heard cheering).............need I say more?

Rev: Tell you what, seeing as the Resurrection PPV is the beginning of a new era, it is also the end of an old one. Davie has got what he wants so I will give you….what you want…… exchange for what I want!

LEE: I’m listening…….

Rev: At the Resurrection PPV I will give you that moment you want….the recognition you crave and an award for winning the Final Stand PPV!

LEE: At last!.....But……….I want to be on last….after the main event. I want to finish the show…….confetti falling from the rafters………...a brass band…….tears in the eyes of the fans.

REV: Fine you can go on after the Davie/Wishmaster match and have your award ceremony and have a little speech. The other bits……..I’ll see what I can do.

LEE: What is it you want in return?

Rev: A favour………

LEE: Go on….what is it?

Rev: I've not decided yet…...I will call it in at a later date!........So… we have a deal?

LEE: I can say on behalf of myself and Rage...yes we have a deal. (L double E throws the EIWF World title belt over his shoulder).......champ out!


(the scene cuts back to the announcers)


MM: What a disgrace L double loony is to the EIWF. He is what stops the EIWF from being credible. He was nothing more than a TV champion in the companies initial run…...he wins the Final Stand tournament and claims to be the EIWF world champion…….and no one stops him.

JH: I think no one takes him seriously so he doesn't need to be stopped. If he's happy……..well……..a happy worker is a productive worker!

MM: Madness…..pure madness!

JH: Its main event time ladies and gentlemen, and a real treat. Many will feel this should be on a pay per view but Revolution has decided to make the first show with him as boss as big as it can get. The Genesis champion Ellis Showtime Black takes on the Legends champion…..the ICON Davie J!

MM: Hicks, forget if your a fan of the CREW or the New Era Icons. Forget if your a fan of Badd Dogg or Davie J…...this right here…...Davie J vs Ellis Black…..there is no bigger match right now in professional wrestling!

JH: I have to agree with you Mark. It’s been dubbed as the contest between the EIWF’s past and the EIWF’s future. We all know the direction that Revolution wants to take the EIWF in….but…..

MM: But….Davie J will have something to say about that!

JH: I’m sure he will. Let's look at the two competitors.

MM: Davie J, the EIWF franchise. A five time EIWF World champion, a four time EIWF Tag team champion, a former EIWF United States champion…..a 22 year veteran and the current Legends champion.

JH: Then we have Ellis Showtime Black, although his list of achievements pales in comparison he is the first….only….and current and undefeated Genesis champion. He's beaten all comers and tonight, his stock has risen.

MM: That's right, tonight he steps in the ring with the hall of fame superstar Davie J.


(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and the fans boo)

JH: Listen to these fans!

MM: Wow….they really don't like Ellis do they? I didn't realise it was this bad.

(Ellis walks out….he stands on the ramp with the Genesis title draped over his shoulder and he holds his arms out. Some fans nearby throw trash at Ellis….he looks at it on the floor and steps over and walks towards the ring)

JH: I don't think Ellis cares what the fans think, he's on his own mission to become the biggest star in the history of the EIWF!


(Wake Up by Rage against the machine plays and the fans pop. Various images of Davie J over the years in the EIWF is shown. He steps out from the smoke with the Legends title belt around his waist. He acknowledges the fans and walks towards the ring)


MM: The ICON Davie J! I know he left the CREW…..but I can't help but still worship him!

JH: Calm down Mark.

MM: Look at the fans….they are jacked!

JH: There is also a clear sign that the fans are behind Davie J here….

MM: Exactly...maybe the ‘Boss’ should rethink his plans to shelve the ICON.


Davie J vs Ellis Black - Double title match - Genesis/Legends titles

JH: Both men in the ring…...standing within a few feet of each other as the Referee talks to them….He takes the title belts from them and holds them in the air….he walks over and passes them to an official on the outside. Showtime and the ICON are face to face!....Nose to nose! (the fans start a Davie J and a smile appears on his face)......Ellis shoves Davie in the chest!......Davie pushes Ellis back……...Ellis goes off the ropes….comes back….Davie drops to the mat...Ellis runs over and off the other rope…...Davie is back on his feet…...Davie ducks to back flip Ellis…..Ellis goes over and holds…...trying to pull Davie pack for a pin…….Davie trying to stay up…..Davie drops his knees….grabs Ellis Legs for the pin….the referee gets down and counts…………………..1………………..2……….kick out!!!..........both men to there feet……...Ellis runs at Davie...hits him with a clothesline and Davie goes over the top rope!.......Ellis is in the ring taunting the fans…..Davie landed on his feet on the outside…….he grabs the feet of Ellis from behind and drags him to the outside………….the two start to exchange blows!


MM: There's nothing between it in this early stage and both are going for it. One of them is going to be a double champion at the end of this!


JH: The Referee is trying to get the two back in the ring….he seems reluctant to start counting…...Davie kicks Ellis to the gut….then hits a knife edge chop….he grabs Ellis by the head and throws it into the side of the ring...he then rolls Ellis into the ring and slides under the bottom rope himself. Davie bends down to pick Ellis up...Ellis hits Davie with a poke to the eye…...Davie walks around the ring rubbing his eye…..Ellis gets to his knees….Davie walks over…..low blow by Ellis! (fans boo)....Davie drops down……….Ellis applies a headlock…..the Ref gets down to make sure its legal………..Davie reaches out and puts a foot on the rope…..the Ref tells Ellis to break the hold but he refuses…..the Ref counts………….1………...2………...3…………...4…….Ellis lets go and stands up…..the Ref gives Ellis a warning………….Davie is holding his throat…...Ells walks back over….he picks up the legs of Davie and stomps him in mid drift!..........Ellis walks around the ring and looks out at the fans (fans start a you suck chant)........Davie uses the ropes to pull himself up and staggers backwards into the corner……..Ellis turns round and runs at Davie….he goes for a clothesline but Davie moves out the way…..Ellis hits the corner hard! Davie from behind...German suplex….bridges it into a pin! The Ref gets down and counts……..1………...2…….kick out!.....Davie and Ellis get up…..Ellis swings with a punch….Davie ducks!.....Ellis swings with the other hand….Davie ducks again…..Davie kicks Ellis to the gut….DDT!!!....Davie covers….the Ref gets down and counts………...1…………….2……..foot on the rope by Ellis!!! Davie gets up….pulls Ellis up…..lock up….suplex by Davie………..Davie gets up….walks to the turnbuckle….climbs to the middle rope….hits a driving elbow into Ellis…...Davie covers…..the Ref gets down and counts…………..1…………..2……..kick out by Ellis!.....Davie pulls Ellis to his feet…...Davie chops Ellis to the chest….and another….and another! Davie grabs the arm of Ellis and sends him into the ropes…..Elssi comes back….Davie hits a clothesline sending Ellis down to the mat….Ellis rolls to the side…..under the bottom rope and to the floor….


MM: I think the match is truly in Davie’s advantage now. There may be no coming back for Ellis Black. Davie J will be the new Genesis champion!


JH: Davie J on the outside now…..stomping on Ellis Black…….Davie pulls Ellis to his feet….Davie whips Ellis into the crowd barrier and Ellis falls down…….Davie posing for photos now with the fans who are taking pictures on their cell phones!

MM: He needs to be careful here, he's won nothing yet. Concentrate on the match Davie, win it….then pose with the fans!

JH: The Ref is on the outside here telling them to take it back in the ring or he's going to start counting……...Davie pulls Ellis up and throws him under the bottom rope…………….Davie climbs the steps…..then the turnbuckle to the top rope…………..Davie with a splash! No….Ellis raised his knees……..Davie is rolling around in pain here in the ring….he may of broken a damn rib!.....Ellis…..crawls over to Davie and covers….the Ref counts………..1…………...2……..kick out!.........Ellis slowly gets to his feet…...he walks over to Davie….pulls him up…….puts Davie’s head between his knees…….Piledriver by Ellis!....Elis covers……….the Ref counts………...1…………..2……...kick out by Davie………...Ellis shaking his head….he can't believe it!

MM: Hicks Ellis needs to realise its not that easy to beat Davie J.

JH: Ellis Black gets to his feet………...he's taunting Davie J now…..telling him to get up…….Davie gets to one knee…….then stands on both feet……….SUPERKICK SUPERKICK SUPERKICK!!!! Ellis Black just hit Davie J with the SuperKick!.......Ellis walks over…...gets down and covers………..the Ref counts……..1…………….2…...kick out! (fans cheer)....kick out! Kick out! I don't believe it!.........Ellis is complaining of a slow count but there was nothing wrong with it what I saw……...Davie gets to his feet…….Davie runs at Ellis Black...CODEBREAKER!!! CODEBREAKER!!! CODEBREAKER!!!!

MM: This is it!...its all over!!!.....We have a new Genesis champion!!!

JH: Ellis is down and out…...Davie stands and looks out to the fans (fans cheer)....he makes a belt gesture around his waist…..Davie walks over to Ellis and places one foot on the chest of Ellis….the Ref gets down and counts…………..1…………….2…………..kick out by Ellis Black!!!

MM: I think Davie took Ellis far too lightly then. He should of made sure…...he knows better than that!!

JH: Davie looks frustrated here!...............Davie kneels down and hits Ellis with some punches……..he pulls Ellis back to his feet…...finger in the eye by Ellis!.....Ellis throws Davie into the ropes….Davie comes back and Ellis clotheslines him…..Davie straight back up to his feet…….Ellis grabs Davie from behind….back suplex by Ellis……...Ellis covers Davie……….the Ref gets down and counts…………….1……………….2……………….(the lights go out in the arena).........

MM: What the hell???

JH: What's going on??

MM: Did Davie kick out? Would Ellis of got the pin~? The Ref cant say either way and none of saw it???..........(the lights come back on and L double E is standing in the ring! The fans pop as he holds the old EIWF title in the air)

JH: The Anti hero is here!!! The Anti hero is here!!!!

MM: What is he doing here, he has no place being here….in a main event!! Get back down the card freak!

JH: Ellis turns round and L double E kicks him to the gut………..L double E lifts Ellis up…..HERO DROP!!!!!! (RAZORS EDGE)......HERO DROP!!!!!.....HERO DROP!!!!!!......(the Ref calls for the bell and signals a no contest)........

MM: That freak has ruined a dream main event!!! Get him outta here. Call security Hicks!

JH:....The Ref is trying to tell L double E to leave…………...but the Anti Hero pulls out an ‘AH 6:11 t-shirt and places it over the face of the Ref!.......L double E walks over to Davie J...pulls Davie up….Davie hits L double E with a chop……...and another!!!.....L double E staggers back…..Davie J….SUPERKICK!!!....No L double E ducked!............L double E scoops Davie Up….FALL AWAY SLAM!!!!!......L double E gets up….he Grabs Davie…...HERO DROP!!!! HERO DROP!!! HERO DROP!!!!!............L double E walks over to Ellis and covers and counts his own pin………..(the fans join in)...........1………………...2……………...3!!!!! (Fans cheer)

MM: What is he doing?

JH: Fans I can tell you now that the EIWF does not recognise that pin count………


(Revolution walks out to the entrance way with a mic)



(L double E is handed a mic from an official)

LEE: I will tell you what I'm doing…..I'm getting my respect!

Rev: You idiot…..we had a title versus title match…..Genesis champion versus the Legends Champion…..the biggest match in wrestling today on MY debut show and you ruined it.

LEE: It’s not the biggest match in wrestling if I'm not booked in it!

Rev: You ruined it…..YOU HAVE RUINED EVERYTHING!!!!

Lee: I've beaten Wishmaster, Davie J and now Ellis Black. Give it up for the EIWF World champion, the Legends champion and now the Genesis champion…………..its me….its me…..its L double E! (fans pop).....Next me and Rage are coming for the Genesis tag team titles………….the Hero and Zero connection is BACK!!!! (the fans cheer and L double E drops the mic and poses in the ring)

JH: Fans I don't know what to say…..the new boss is not happy…..

MM: There will be repercussions for this Hicks…..

JH: I'm sure there will be…...without a doubt…..

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