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Havoc is your show! Your chance to shine, show us what you got!! What I mean is I'm opening Havoc up to anyone who would like to 'guest' write a show one week. Perhaps you use to run an e-fed or always fancied having a go at writing show. Your not tied down with the commitment of having to write it every week. If you want to write a show now and then just let me know.



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To get the most out of this I urge you to take your time and read the show completely and not skip through it.


davie with legends belt 2.jpg

JC: Hello everyone I’m Joey Carlton and welcome to a very special and festive edition of Havoc! Now the Prez announced this show out of nowhere. While we have all been waiting for the IWA to get its ass in gear we have all been left wondering what the future holds for the EIWF. The Prez said he wanted to walk away after the Final Stand PPV and then, he announces this show. Fricken heck the man needs to let me know if I've got a job or not, the bills don't pay themselves! Anyway…...moving on. The Prez has his Santa costume on and is giving you fans plenty of presents, tonight we have the debut of Kendrick Kross as he takes on Big Poppa. Regal and Jarrett will clash to determine the number one contender spot for the Genesis title. Hollywood Hogan will take on Eddie D who walked out on Hogan at the PPV in his match with L double E. Plus we have a special RDD show where Revolution will be talking with fellow EX3 member Davie J about the masked attacker who cost him his match.


(Fans start a ‘Jerry’ chant as Jerry the Bull comes into view and acknowledges the fans before putting on a headset next to Joey Carlton)


JC: I don't believe it! Jerry the Bull, welcome to Havoc but forgive me if I’m out of turn….what the hell are you doing here?

JB: Well Joey, I got an invite to come down here and promote the IWA reunion and perhaps get rid of a little bit of ring rust as its been a while since I was a colour commentator.

JC: Rusty? Surely not?

JB: Your right, legends don't ever lose it...


Land of Hope & Glory plays as the fans boo


JC: Well the fans in the Extreme Zone are not taking a liking to Regal who is about to come out here.

JB: Regal is a great technical wrestler, but you also need to know how to entertain the fans, that is something sadly he does not do.


(Regal walks out to a chorus of boo’s, he slowly makes his way to the ring, moving away from fans reaching out to touch him)


JB: Do I really have to call this match?

JC: Yes Jerry, it's part of the job.

JB: Don't ever use the ‘J’ word to the legend!


(My World plays and Jeff Jarrett walks out and holds the guitar in the air, the fans boo and he makes his way to the ring)


JC: The former commissioner who has set his sights on winning the Genesis title. At the Final Stand PPV he get involved with Regal and Ellis Black in there title match and took them both out.

JB: Jarrett is just a coward, lets see how good he is without his guitar and without those bully’s in the CREW backing him up.


Jeff Jarrett vs Regal

Both men are in the  ring and Jeff Jarrett points at Regal and then points at his own waste making a belt sign.  Regal turns away and raises hand dismissing Jeff Jarrett……..Jarrett walks over and grabs Regal from behind…..  and hits back suplex. Regal sits up and Jarrett applies a sleeper hold.  Regal reaches for the ropes but he make it,  Regal reaches behind his head and feels Jeff Jarrett's face and then pokes Jarrett in the eye breaking the hold…..the referee warns Regal for the illegal move……... Regal grabs Jarrett and applies a headlock……. Jarret pushes Regal off and sends him into the ropes……... Regal comes back and hits Jeff Jarrett with a shoulder barge knocking Jarrett to the mat……...Regal walks over to Jarrett and leans down to pick him up...Jarrett grabs Regal’s head and pulls him into a small package….the Ref gets down and counts…………..1……………..2………….kick out by Regal………..both men get to there feet….Jarrett goes for a clothesline...Regal grabs the arm of Jarrett and pulls him to the mat and turns the move into a Neck Crank….


JB: This could be it! Regal has the move locked in.

JC: Jeff Jarrett doesn't appear to be in control without his guitar!


The Ref checks if Jarrett quits but he shakes his head…….Jarrett reaches back and pokes Regal in the eye breaking the move…..Jarrett gets up and the Ref gives Jarrett a warning.


JC: Well they are both at it I guess!

JB: Literally….an eye for an eye!


Regal is up stumbling around the ring….Jarrett grabs Regal….suplex!......Jarrett covers Regal….the Ref gets down and counts…………..1………………...2…….kick out……..Regal grabs Jarrett and they roll to the outside brawling……..both exchanges blows…..they get to there feet as they continue to hit each other….Jarrett whips Regal but Regals reverses it and sends Jarrett into the crowd barrier…..the Ref begins to count……………...1……………………..2…………………..Regal hits Jarrett with some hard rights and then a European uppercut…………………...3……………………...4………………...Regal scoops Jarrett up and slams him down on the outside!! ………….5……………….6……………….Regal pulls Jarrett up and rolls him under the bottom rope and slides in himself…….Regal covers and the Ref gets down and counts…………….1………………..2…………..kick out by Jarrett! Regal applies a side headlock…..(the fans start a ‘boring’ chant)...........


JC: The fans at the Extreme zone don't appear to be enjoying this match, and I agree with them!

JB: What you need to remember Joey is Regal is in the ring doing what is best for himself, he's not here to entertain the fans. He's being smart and wearing down Jarrett, he has a game plan and he's sticking to it.


The Ref checks to make sure the move is legal…..Regal applies the pressure….Jarrett reaches out for the ropes…..the Ref check if he quits but he shakes his head…….Regal moves and turns it into the REGAL STRETCH!!!! REGAL STRETCH!!!! REGAL STRETCH!!!!....................Jeff Jarrett taps the mat!!!....the Ref calls for the bell and Regal lets go…...Regal gets up and the Ref holds his hand in the air.


(Land of Hope and Glory plays and the fans boo)


JC: Regal gets the win and makes the number one contender for the Genesis title.

JB: A smart way to finish the match by Regal but I suspect Ellis Black is more concerned with Kendrick Kross then with Regal.

JC: Will Regal get his shot at the title before Kross?

JB: I guess only one man knows the answer to that, and that's the Prez.


(Figure it out plays and the fans cheer as the Prez walks out holding a mic, he walks to the ring)


JB: Speak of the devil…….and he will appear…..

JC: This is a surprise, I wonder if he's going to talk about the recent controversy with Ellis Black’s comments on Kendrick Kross and others…


(The music stops and the Prez gives a thumbs up to some fans in the front row)

Prez: Thank you so much, it really does mean a lot to me, the appreciation from you is why I do this. But I’m out here to talk about someone who doesn't appreciate, me, doesn't appreciate the EIWF and certainly doesn't appreciate you fans.

(fans boo and hiss)

JC: Who is he talking about? The IWA Prez who is behind with his reunion show?

JB: (laughs)

Prez: That's right, I’m talking about that no good, lazy, out of shape, unreliable piece of crap known as Eddie D!


Four weeks ago, I left the EIWF, and quite frankly, I didn't know if I was going to come back. And the reason I didn't know is because from day one I've done nothing but deal with the bullshit of the politics behind that curtain. The fact of the matter is, I have a wife, I have three kids at home, and I really don't need this shit. But let me tell you why I did come back. I came back for every one of the guys in the locker room that week in, week out bust their ass for EIWF and you fans! You people pay good money to see these shows, now I come up with a plan and I expect it to be followed, but Eddie D decided to go off script, he made his own choices. His whole career has been a flop because of the times he has been allowed to make his own choices, which are mistakes. You fans can love him or hate him, but as far as I’m concerned that man is dead to me and the EIWF. You won't ever see him working for me in the EIWF ever again after tonight. He wants to walk out on my pay per view, the EIWFs biggest show in over ten years and he makes it about him with his ‘I quit’ speech! We Eddie D, you can drag your fat ass down to the ring one final time tonight to face Hogan, then you can kiss my arse!


JC: Oh My GOD!!! Strong words from the boss there.

JB: Well he is the boss so he can say whatever you likes.


(figure it out by Royal blood plays pressed leaves the ring it's the fans cheer.)


JC: Fans next up we have the debut of Kendrick Kross, he came into the EIWF under controversial conditions but I know management have been impressed with him. Now his reason for coming here is because of comments made by Ellis Black who I have been told was disciplined by the EIWF legal department.

JB: Ellis Black is a young man who is hungry for success but frustrated with a lack of competition. He lashed out, wrongly or rightly is up for debate, but he throw those challenges out there and now has to stand up to them.

JC: Kross is a well established superstar with plenty of gold to go with his reputation, such as 2x EWC TV Championships; 2x LPW Anarchy Championships; Current CW Pride Champion and 1x CW California Heritage.


(Kross walks out and there is a mixed reaction from the fans. Kross makes his way to the ring.)


JC: Bit of a mixed reception from the fans here at the extreme zone.

JB: The fans see Kross as an outside and don't know what his true motives are, but I like this guy. He's been respectful which is more than Ellis Black was. I mean Kross has walked out here without any belt, he could have done but he is showing the respect of a true and great champion!


(The crew theme superstar by Saliva plays and the fans boo as images of Big Poppa and the crew are shown on the big screen above the entrance ramp. Big Poppa walks out and flexes his muscles on the ramp and makes his wa to the ring)


JC: Here is the CREW's Big Poppa, making his way to take on Kendrick Kross.

JB: As far as I'm concerned Big Poppa is just a bully. I'm glad when we do the IWA reunion we won't have to have him or the CREW on our show.


Big Poppa vs Kendrick Kross

The bell rings and Big Poppa starts to talk to Kendrick Kross, trying to get a reaction…..Kross tells Big Poppa to bring it on…….they lock up……..both men trying to gain an advantage…..big Popla backs Kross into the corner….the Ref tells them to break…...both men leg go…...Big Poppa slaps Kross on the chest …...the Ref warns Big Poppa about the cheap shot…..Kross is still in the corner watching Poppa who is laughing…….Kross runs out the corner and clotheslines Poppa…..Poppa tries to get up but Kross pummels Poppa with some hard rights…..Kross pulls Poppa up and hits a snap suplex…...Kross gets up…...he drops and elbow on Big Poppa…….Kross covers and th3 ref gets down to count…...1……...2…….kick out by Big Poppa! Kross gets up….he pulls Poppa up……..Kross grabs Big Poppa and hits a belly to belly suplex!


JC: Oh my God! I've never seen Big Poppa man handled like this!

JB : Kross looks impressive and used Big Poppas signature belly to belly move.


Kross throws Big Poppa into the ropes….poppa comes back Kross toes for a clothesline but Poppa ducks……..Kross turns round…….Poppa comes off the other rope….flying forearm by poppa….Kross moves out of the way! Poppa hits the mat hard….he gets up and is met by a big boot to the face by Kross!!!!........(the fans rise to their feet as Hollywood Hogan walks out with Jeff Jarrett)


JC: Wait a minute! What is this all about??

JB: Typical of the CREW, proclaim to be so big and strong but they can't do anything fairly!


Kross stands and watches as Hogan walks around the ring and climbs up the steps…..the Ref tells him to leave…….Hogan grabs the Ref and throws him out of the ring. Jarrett passes Hogan a mic……..


HH: Well you know something Kross dude, Hollywood has been in the back watching and I have to say……..I like your style! (Jarrett helps Big Poppa up)......Hollywood didn't make it to the top of professional wrestling brother without being smart, that's why I have come out here to make you an offer. (Jarrett pulls out a ‘CREW’ t shirt and holds it out for Kross).......That's right Kross, believe your eyes, Hollywood Hogan is offering you a spot in the CREW!!!


JC: WOW! No one new has been added to the CREW since 2002! This is a shock!!


(Kross doesn't take the t-shirt…..he just looks at Hogan, Jarrett and Big Poppa. Hogan take the t-shirt from Jarrett and places it over the shoulder of Kross)


HH: Thats OK brother, you take your time to make your decision, I know its a lot to take in when the biggest star of wrestling asks you to join the most elite force there is!


(Kross leaves the ring and heads to the back without saying a word)


JC: What will his answer be?

JB: Well if I can give him any advice its to stay away from the CREW as far as possible.


(The scene cuts backstage with the Prez in his office, there's a knock at the door and Revolution walks in)

Prez: Ah Revolution, come in, sit down.

Rev: You wanted to see me?

Prez: Yes, I wanted to know if would attend the IWA reunion show with me……..I own the rights to know the name but have given the IWA Prez free reign for his one off reunion show. But…...I know I’m not going to be welcome backstage there but know one is going to mess with me if your there.

Rev: Of course boss, not a problem.

Prez: I also want to thank you for all your hard work, travelling the world looking for new talent.

Rev: Anything I can do to help the EIWF.

Prez: If only we could find another Revolution eh?

Rev: I wish I could still wrestle boss, I know I could add to the great product we already have… it really the end of the EIWF?

Prez: Well…...we have had a great reunion. We should end it on a high, I have mixed feelings about if the EIWF should continue………………..Revo…….if you was in charge……..what would you do to make it a success?

Rev:..................hmmmmmmmmmm………..I would push the new younger talent, time to lose the old guard.

Prez:..........go on…….

Rev: Its time to give the fans something they haven't seen with the EIWF, the fans have seen Hogan, Davie, the CREW on top for years. It's time to ensure the top stars are Ellis Black, Jimmy Brandon and Suicide…...I would also suggest doing anything and everything to keep Kendrick Kross, he has the potential to be the biggest star in the EIWF…..

Prez………….I see……….

Rev: Also you need to drop the Havoc show name, that's one of the shows from way back. Give the show a new name……..if the EIWF is to have a future it needs to evolve.

Prez: Evolve?

Rev: Yeah remember my slogan use to be, it's not evolution…..its revolution! Well now it needs to be evolution, the EIWF has to change with the times in order to survive and stay relevant.

Prez:...(sits back in his chair)..........I like it.


(scene cuts back to Joey Carlton and Jerry the Bull)


JC: Fans if you have just joined us we have seen Regal beat Jeff Jarrett and a no contest between Kendrick Kross and Big Poppa after Hollywood Hogan entered the ring and offered Kross a spot in the CREW…….we are yet to have his answer.

JB: ...and the Prez is afraid to turn up to the IWA reunion show on his own….and so he should be after everything he said about the IWA and how he put us out of business.

JC: The Prez who purchased the IWA after it went under wants to be at the show and is taking Revolution with him as his usual right hand man Davie J is scheduled to fight on the show being a former IWA World champion.


(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and the fans pop)


JC: That means one thing fans, it's time for the RDD show with host Revolution!


(Revolution walks out from the entrance way and acknowledges the fans, he walks towards the RDD set and slaps the hands of some fans on the way. He walks onto the set and looks at the WWO and ICW world titles, he grabs a mic and his music stops)


Rev: Thank you once again for that reception. Tonight's guest needs no introduction, he is Mr EIWF….give it up for the Legends champion……...former five time EIWF World champion………founder of EX3 and the CREW……….my friend…….the ICON Davie J!!!


(Wake Up by Rage against the machine plays and the fans POP…...Davie J walks out wearing an EX3 t shirt and has the EIWF Legends title belt over his should. He stands on the ramp and waves to the fans. He walks over to the RDD set and looks at the ICW world title and talks with Revolution and they both laugh. The music stops and they both sit down)


Rev: Welcome to the show man.

DJ: My pleasure, happy to be here.

Rev: Now I know that this episode of Havoc was announced at short notice but you wanted to have a chance to talk about the masked attacker who has been appearing in the EIWF on and off over the last year.

DJ: Yes Revo, a lot of people out there have made allegations to who could be behind the mask. Initially people thought it was Eddie D, Eddie D thought it was Badd Dogg. Some people thought it was Tormentor, hell some even said it could be you Revo!!

Rev: Madness….pure madness!

DJ: Exactly, you was the one who found the bad with the mask in….in Eddie’s locker room!

Rev: Well that's the issue isn't it… L double E pointed out at the Final Stand PPV to Eddie… was your bag he carried in when you arrived at the show.

DJ: Mind games……….that's all it was from L double E. The bag could have been swapped out.

Rev; Some…...not myself…...but some have suggested it could be you behind this?

DJ: Desperation or distraction tactics! The masked man cost me my match at the Final Stand PPV…… it couldn't have been me. He appeared ring side when Eddie D took on Badd Dogg…….so it can't be them. He injured Suicide costing him a place in the Final Stand Tournament……...he attacked Wishmaster and the Prez backstage!

Rev: Who do you think is behind this??

DJ: Only one person has been benefiting from all of this………………..and that is Hollywood Hogan!

Rev: You think Hogan is behind the mask?

DJ: No…………...but I think he's behind the situation. I wouldn't be surprised if Hogan has Big Poppa and Jarrett taking turns to wear the mask and jump people backstage.

Rev: It does make sense, Hogan didn't want to face you in the Final of the PPV so cost you your match by using the masked man…..

DJ: He had Suicide injured by the masked man so Eddie was reinstated to the tournament.

Rev:.....yes… does appear this could be something by the CREW.

DJ: I don't have any proof…...yet! But we all know that Hogan and the CREW can't be trusted!

Rev: That's why we formed the EX3 to police the EIWF.

DJ: Exactly.

Rev: But we appear to be a little light, Kurt Angle has been out with injury and Badd Dogg appears to have quit after your actions at the PPV……..I hope I’m not speaking out of turn here…..but I don't blame him!

DJ:.......(sighs).......your not out of line. It's a fair comment and Badd Dogg…..I don't have anything against him and understand why he would be angry. I did what I did because I thought it was the best chance of finally defeating Hogan and the CREW. In hindsight……………..probably should of waited and see what happened in the match with Dogg and Hogan.

Rev: But hasnt the CREW been crushed after Hogan’s defeat to the Anti Hero L double E?

DJ: Well….where is L double E? He's not even here on the show. Let's be honest, it was a fluke victory. It's not going to happen again, it has done nothing to end the dominance of the CREW. That's why we need the EX3 to step up!

Rev: I agree…..but we need to get Kurt fit and ready and perhaps replace Badd Dogg?

DJ: That brings me onto my next point.

Rev: Go on…..

DJ: I've been watching backstage and I saw Kendrick Kross out here wiping the floor with Big Poppa. Then Hogan walks out and offers him a spot in the CREW. Well Kross I founded that group and you would do best to stay as far away as possible. They will use you for their own gain before throwing you in the gutter.

Rev: Damn right!

DJ: That's why I'm asking you to join the EX3.(fans POP) We are here to make the EIWF a better place, we are here to stamp out the bad attitudes of people like Hogan and Ellis Black! Join me and Revolution and Kurt Angle in the EX3……………...I await your reply!!! (fans cheer)

Rev: WOW! How about that! The ICON Davie J has offered Kendrick Kross a spot in the newest and hottest faction in the EIWF…..the EX3!!!!

JC: It appears that Kendrick Kross is very much in demand in the EIWF, first Hollywood Hogan asks him to join the CREW and now Davie J asks him to join EX3!

JB: Hollywood Hogan and Davie J are two of the biggest names in our sport….ever. they have seen the potential and have both made their moves early to have Kross on their side!


(Scene cuts to a dark room… armchair with the tv on. The camera pans round and a cardboard cutout of Rage is seen which leads to cheers from the fans in the arena watching the big screen. A whistle is heard to the tune ‘its the season to be jolly’.....then L double E walks i to shot and sits in the arm chair, he picks up a magazine)


LEE: Rage my old buddy, life don't get no better than this. It sure is the season to be jolly, what an end to 2018. I won the final stand tournament. The EIWF said goodbye and I went out on top, I beat Wishmaster, I beat Hollywood Hogan, I beat Davie J. I'm recognised as the last ever EIWF world champion. Yep… a fucking legend. Right let's have a turkey sandwich, a doctor pepper and see what's on tv  tonight…..I hope it's jeopardy!


(L double E picks  up the remote and flicks thru the channels, he takes a bite of his sandwich and a swig of his drink…..he continues to flick thru when he sees the current episode of Havoc on the paramount network +1 and spits bits drink and  chewed up sandwich out in surprise)


LEE: What the……..well Rage, you say ‘on this day was shown a real lack of respect and didn't get invited go the party……..i say……..who is l double e……..I will show the EIWF exactly who L double E is! Come on Rage, we got a party to join!


(L double E grabs the cardboard cut out and leaves the room and the scene fades to black and cuts to Joey Carlton and Jerry the Bull.)


JB: Hahahaha…….there you have it fans, the person who won the EIWF's Final Stand tournament. Shows exactly what the EIWF is about. If you want to see a real show tune I to the IWA reunion.

JC: Excuse me, can we keep professional for our current employer here?

JB: Come on Joey, even you don't agree with some of the EIWF stuff, hell you worked for the ICW!

JC: Sure but it's the EIWFs cheques that pay my current mortgage

JB: HA! You mean pays your ex wives expensive lifestyles!!


(Voodoo child plays by Jimi Hendrix and the fans boo, various images of Hollywood Hogan and the CREW are shown on the big screen above the entrance ramp)


JB: Here comes the biggest bully of them all!

JC: That music means one thing fans………


(Smoke fills the entrance way and Hollywood walks out and the fans boo. Hogan walks down the ramp followed by Jeff Jarrett and Big Poppa)


JC: The CREW are out in full force and about to deal with some internal issues as Hollywood Hogan takes on Eddie D…..or does he?

JB: The best thing that can happen is they both injury each other here, but my understanding is Eddie D quit the EIWF.

JC: That's correct Jerry, he quit and walked out of the main event at the Final Stand Pay Per View…..will he show up here tonight? No one knows.


(The CREW are in the ring and Hogan is handed a mic)


HH: Get that no good backstabber Eddie D out here so I can kick his ass! Get him out here!!!


(The lights dim and Thunderstruck by AC/DC plays as the fans POP. Images of Eddie D are shown over the big screen as smokes fills the entrance……………...the fans start an ‘Eddie’ chant……)


JC: The fans have started an Eddie chant and is once again a big fan favourite it seems.

JB: The fans never really want to hate Eddie D, it's the same as Davie J, they love the good guys, it's just their association with Hollywood Hogan they don't like.

JC: Well still no sign of Eddie D here at the Extreme zone as his music continues………


(Hogan paces around the ring and then looks at the entrance way…..he talks to Jarrett and Big Poppa……...Hogan grabs a mic and signals to cut the music)


HH: Where are you Eddie D???? I was ready to hunt me some game! (Jarrett and Big Poppa laugh). Eddie get out here you big yellow chicken! I always knew you was afraid of the God of wrestling brother!!!! (Hogan talks to the Ref…………...the Ref takes the mic)


Ref: As per the rules of the match, if Eddie D does not appear before a count of ten…...Hollywood Hogan will be declared the winner! (the fans boo)


JC: Come on Eddie, get out here and kick Hogan's butt!

JB: You know what Joey, I have doubts if Eddie ever agreed to this match. I suspect that this was all orchestrated by Hogan to get a win over Eddie D.

JC: I think you could be right Jerry.

(The Ref stands next to the ropes closest to the entrance way and begins to count….)


Ref:.................1……………………….2…………………………...3………………………….(Hogan starts to do ‘2sweet’ signs with Jarrett and Big Poppa)……………….4………………………….5……………….(Hogan grabs the mic).........................6……………


HH: Come you coward, come and face me! Your not so brave now are you!!!




(The bell rings and the Ref holds Hogan’s arm in the air. Voodoo child begins to play as Hogan celebrates with Jeff Jarrett and Big Poppa in the ring, the fans boo heavily and start to throw trash into the ring)


JC: What a croc!!!!

JB: Look at them in the ring celebrating, that vile group!

JC: Just left tonight fans is the contract signing between Ellis Black and Kendrick Kross for a Genesis championship match. Lets take a look back what brought this about…………..


(The big screen shows a promo by Ellis Black with the preceding words ‘this promo has been edited due to copyright infringement)


EB - The legacy continues to build, the streak goes on. What you are witnessing right now is the most important chapter in the history of wrestling being built. You only have to look on twitter to see who the most influential wrestler on the face of the earth is today......."Showtime" Ellis Black.


The buzz me and my New Era Icon's are creating is the hottest thing in the game right now and everybody wants to get close to the genesis of greatness. I heard the IWA are having their own little reunion show are they are desperate for Showtime to be a part of it. As i've beaten all comers, there doesn't seem to be a worthy challenger to my EIWF Genesis title, so in the interest of giving the fans something to get excited about I am issuing an open challenge to anyone who thinks they have what it takes to hang with the best professional wrestler on the planet today.


Then I hear people say what about Kendrick Kross? WHO????? He's trying his luck in the *beep* to win a title belt that no one holds. Come and take on a real champion Kross-eyes, be a real man! Take on an actual champion!! People mention the old  era ICON himself, Davie J. That old man is way past his sell by date, he's too busy to face me, busy living on former glories and dreams of yesteryear!!! Hell this open challenge is to anyone, I will even face one of the women from the WWA, I'm into equal rights, it doesn't matter if your a man of a woman, I will still beat you!


Then I hear fans mention the XHF, its the biggest out there. Biggest doesn't mean best, just because you pad it out with a load of crap doesnt mean its anything special! Well I'm raising the bar. Im an EIWF champion and issuing an opening challenge to anyone and will face them in the IWA reunion show!


Get your tickets fast as they are sure to sell out now that i've said I will be part of the show.


JC: Of course fans that’s the promo that got everybody talking and layers phones ringing! In response, Kendrick Kross had this to say…..


(The big screen shows a promo from Kendrick Kross)


KK: "Face a real champion, that's what you said right Ellis? Face a REAL Champion? Are you sure you know what a real champion is? Have you faced a real champion? Someone who has held multiple titles in multiple federations. Well, in sixty percent of their current federations? Faced people who you wouldn't even have a chance of going against."


"I've fought and clawed my way to the top of *beep*, the company that I currently hold this Pride Title in. I fought tooth and nail to hold titles in every company. Everywhere from the TV Title in *beep* to the Anarchy Championship in *beep*. Well known federations with well known and tough competitors. People who are more worthy of facing me than I can say you are, Ellis."


"See, there's a problem here. I've never even heard of you, yet you feel the need to challenge me, the need to call me Kross-eyed? That's funny, because from where I am sitting I can see you perfectly. You know what I see? A man who thinks that he is one of the best wrestlers in this business, a man who believes he is at the top of this company. You're wanting to fight me, thinking I'm going to be easy for you, that I will just lay down and let you beat me. If you have any thought of that, any thought that you actually are better than I am, you're going to learn real quick what the definition of a true champion, a true competitor and challenger to titles is, not just someone who calls out random people thinking that you're going to run right over them."


"I want you to listen to me loud and clear, Ellis. This title I hold? I've held for 71 days now, the title before it? The CW Heritage title, I held for a record 131 days. So that's a total of what, 202 days and counting? I've been a champion in the company I hold this title in most of the time I've been there. Over half the amount of days I've been in *beep* I've held a title, and you want to talk about a REAL Champion? That you're a REAL Champion. When you do what I've been doing, going around the world winning. Become a six time Champion in some of the most known and respected companies in this business, then you can come and talk to me about facing someone who is a REAL Champion, someone who has busted their ass day in and day out to get where they are now. You know, I've only been doing this since January and I've already held six titles, been a champion in at least one company almost the entire year. Have you done that, yet? Been a champion in at least one company almost the whole year. Yeah sure, there may have been a few days I wasn't but they come out to probably a week, at most a week and a half."


"You know what, Ellis. You know what I want? You called me out. You put my name in your mouth when you shouldn't have. You should have just shut up about me because then you wouldn't have a problem with me, you wouldn't be receiving this challenge I'm about to issue."


"You want to know this challenge is? I'm not sure you do because you'll back out of it of course, but here goes." "You want to face me? You want to call me out? Then you put your money and balls where your mouth is, you put that precious title on the line and when I beat you, as long as I hold the title you don't get a rematch. How's that for a challenge, Ellis? Wait, you probably are afraid of that. Oh, I almost forgot by the way, this also has a part that extends to EIWF. Should, well, when I win that title I only defend it at Pay Per Views. Ellis never gets a shot at it as long as I hold it. You having talent calling out people who he has never even heard of, who isn't at the top of the game going at people? Well you are going to have to suffer the consequences. Accept it or not, match or not, I've just put you and the whole locker room on notice. Don't fuck with Kendrick Kross again."


(The promo ends and the scene fades out, the fans cheer and the camera cuts back to the announce table)


JC: There was also more strong words from Kendrick Kross regarding the CREW and I’m sure there is more to come on that.

JB: Well Hollywood Hogan has offered Kendrick a spot in the CREW, Davie J has asked Kross to join EX3 and Jimmy Brandon has urged Ellis Black and Kendrick Kross to work together and be a part of the New era Icons…….

JC: I’m just looking in the ring here………….as they set up a table in the middle with two chairs……………..but Hollywood Hogan is still out here at ringside………


(‘Extreme….wrestling’ followed by Figure it out by Royal Blood plays and the fans POP)


JC: That's…..that's the Prez’s music??


(The Prez steps out the entrance way to a huge ovation….then from out of the smoke Kendrick kross walks out and the two head to the ring)


JC: The Prez is walking out with Kendrick Kross for the match signing. I'm shocked!

JB: Well to me it’s a smart move. If this match is signed and can go ahead, its massive for the EIWF and the Prez wants to make sure things run smoothly, he's always been a smart businessman.


(The Prez and Kendrick Kross are in the ring and the Prez asks for a mic as his music stops)


Prez: OK, let me get this clear. I'm out here to make sure things go how they should and run smoothly. Kendrick Kross is a highly rated and regarded talent in the wrestling industry. I've had to work hard to ease his concerns regarding the EIWF. Him being here is for the benefit of the EIWF, and that's my only concern, so let's get Ellis Black out here, get this contract sign so we can get this deal done!!


(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and the fans boo as images of Ellis Black are shown on the big screen, the entrance fills with smoke and Ellis Black walks out with the Genesis championship belt over his shoulder. He raises his arms up and points at the big screen as the word ‘SHOWTIME’ is shown and pyro’s go off. He walks down towards the ring.)


JC: What an entrance by the champion!!

JB: Mind games, and a good tactic by Ellis Black, this is his backyard and he needs to let Kendrick Kross know that. But Kross won't be intimidated, he's a champion himself.

JC: Careful Jerry…..I've been told for legal reasons we can not mention the name of any said championships the EIWF does not own the copyright too.


(Ellis enters the ring and walks around and holds the belt up to the fans who give a mixed reaction. He walks to the middle of the ring and places the belt on the table and walks away. Meanwhile Hollywood Hogan has headed over to the announce table and taken the mic from Jerry the Bull who has walked to the back rather than stay by Hogan's side)


HH: See you later Jerry no Bulls!

JC: Excuse me, what are you doing here and still ringside?

HH: Hollywood Hogan wanted to give all of his CREWites a lap of honour after my victory over that fat slob Eddie D!

JC: You’ve done that, now can’t you leave?

HH: What your mouth little man! Hollywood is out here to keep an eye on this contract signing, don't you know that Kendrick Kross is about to join the CREW??

JC: Is he?


(The Prez has a mic in the ring while both Kendrick Kross and Ellis Black pace up and down)


JC: Neither man wants to be the first to sit down here, fearing it is perhaps a sign of weakness.


(The Prez talks to both men trying to get them to sit down, Ellis is saying he’s the champ so Kross should sit down first. Kross appears reluctant. The Prez explains unless he sits down Ellis wont sit down and the contract won't be signed. Kross paces up and down again before grabbing a chair and sitting down. Ellis has a big grin on his face and then sits down opposite Kross with the Prez at the head of the table, all three have mics in front of them)


Prez: OK gentlemen, you both know why we are here. It is to sign a contract for a championship fight between the two of you, Ellis Black and Kendrick Kross for the EIWF Genesis championship belt. Now there are a few stipulations, so let me run through them……...


…...The stipulations from Kendrick Kross are as follows…


If Kendrick Kross beats you……(The Prez is interrupted by Kendrick Kross)


KK: When….not If!!


Prez: Let me finish!......If Kendrick Kross beats you for the Genesis title you do not get a rematch as long as he is the champion….(the Prez is interupted by Ellis Black)


EB: Because if he beats me he knows it will be a fluke, a one off and he is too afraid for another beating so wont face me….


Prez: God damn it….will you too let me get this finished or there wont be any God damn match!


SO!.....If Kendrick Kross beats Ellis Black for the Genesis title, Ellis Black is not entitled to a rematch as long as Kendrick Kross is the champion!

Secondly, If Kendrick Kross wins the title, he will only defend it at pay per views.


Those are the stipulations from Kendrick Kross, now Ellis also has some stipulations, which are as follows.


If Ellis Black wins, Kendrick Kross has to cut a promo while on TV for his other employer stating that the EIWF Genesis Champion Ellis Black is the greatest in the business today.

Secondly, if Ellis beats Kendrick Kross…..Kross has to work for Ellis in the EIWF for the next 6 months obeying every command from Ellis Black!


(Kendrick Kross stands up and slams his fists on the table…..he turns and talks to the Prez as they have a heated discussion why Ellis Black sits back and grins)


JC: Well it appears Kendrick Kross is not happy with the stipulations, he had known his stipulations public where as Ellis Black had kept his rpivate until the contract signing!

(Hollywood Hogan takes off the headset and walks to one side of the ring)


EB: Well big man, looks like you lost your cool, something rustle your feathers? (Ellis laughs).....well there is another solution…….(Kendrick sits back down)

KK: Yeah? What is it??


(Don't stop believin by Journey plays and the fans cheer as Jimmy Brandon walks out. He walks to the ring, climbs the steps and through the ropes. He walks over and lays a ‘New Era Icons’ t-shirt on the table)


EB: There is time for Ellis Showtime Black versus Kendrick Kross…...that time will come. But before it does we should be getting rid of the old dinosaurs that currently run the EIWF, stealing the limelight from us. We don't have to like each other Kross, hell we don't need to get on or see eye to eye all the time. But you take that t-shirt and join the most elite group in wrestling….the New Era Icons. Tell you what, if you join I will accept your stipulations and remove mine from the contract…..what do you say???


JC: What an offer from Ellis Black, he is offering to give Kendrick Kross exactly what he wants……..’if’ he joins the New era Icons……….what will he say????


(Kendrick Kross stands up...he looks at the New Era Icons t-shirt and picks it up………..)


KK: You know what Ellis………...let me tell you straight and simple. Does Kendrick Kross…..the outside who has come into the EIWF and stirred things up……….does Kendrick Kross…..the hottest property in wrestling today…………..does Kendrick Kross accept your offer to join the New Era Icons????? answer is……….(Hollywood Hogan slides in the ring and hits Kendrick Kross from behind)


JC: Oh no!!!!


(Jeff Jarrett and Big Poppa run down the ramp and slide in the ring)


JC: We are losing control out here!!!!


Big Poppa slides in the ring and hits Ellis Black…..Jarrett pulls Jimmy Brandon under the bottom rope and they exchange punches……...Hogan grabs Kendrick Kross’s head and goes to slam it onto the table but Kross stops Hogan……...Hogan looks surprised and starts to back away as Kross walks towards him...Big Poppa hits Kross from behind with a double axe handle and Hogan laughs………….(The fans POP as Revolution and Davie J run out) the ring Hogan and Big Poppa are double teaming Kendrick Kross...Davie slides in under the bottom rope...…..he grabs Big Poppa...turns him around......hits a European uppercut followed by a clothes line sending Big Poppa over the top rope……Revolution pulls Jarrett off of Jimmy Brandon and Jarrett argues with Revolution before walking away to the other side of the ring….Davie grabs Hogan and hits him with a hard right……….Kross is in the middle of the ring......Davie whips Hogan towards Kross and Kross hits Hogan with a big boot knocking Hogan to the matt…..Hogan rolls out the ring and regroups with Big Poppa and Jarrett……In the ring Ellis Black is confronting Davie J and puts his finger in Davie’s face........Davie pushes it away………….Ellis grabs the New Era Icons t shirt from the table and places it over the shoulder of Kendrick Kross……..Davie pulls off his EX3 t-shirt and puts it on the other shoulder of Kross…….Kross looks at each of them………..


JC: Fans what will Kendrick Kross decide……..we are out of time!!!! WE NEED ANSWERS!!!

(A clip is shown with a bus pulling up outside and L double E gets off with the cardboard cut-out, he approaches the building)

Security: Sorry Sir, you cant enter the building.

LEE: Sir? SIR? Do you know who I am? I'm the champ! The Winner of the EIWF's Final Stand, I have the EIWF World title over my shoulder here, now don't ell me I cant enter the building.

Security: The shows over Sir.

LEE: Oh tell me about it, damn right its over. They don't get away with having a show without inviting the Anti Hero!! Now outta my way.

Security: No Sir, the show finished an hour to 90mins ago....

LEE:....AH...…..guess I shouldn't have watched it on plus 1...…(L double E walks off with his cardboard cut out and the door opens and the Prez walks out with Revolution)

Prez: OK, you have convinced me, we need to get rid of the old boys, no offence. I mean from in the ring, there holding people back and look what Hogan did tonight. I have the hottest young star at an EIWF show ready to sign a contract and Hogan ruins it! Revolution......Im putting you in charge of all of creative!

Rev: You wont regret it!

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