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Havoc is your show! Your chance to shine, show us what you got!! What I mean is I'm opening Havoc up to anyone who would like to 'guest' write a show one week. Perhaps you use to run an e-fed or always fancied having a go at writing show. Your not tied down with the commitment of having to write it every week. If you want to write a show now and then just let me know.


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To get the most out of this I urge you to take your time and read the show completely and not skip through it.


‘ThunderKiss 65 by White Zombie plays as the fans cheer at the Extreme Zone. The camera pans round show the fans and then zooms out high to show the ring and walkway, it then zooms back and shows Joey Carlton standing with a mic in front of some fans’


JC: Hello everyone, I’m Joey Carlton and this is EIWF Havoc…..CREW style!!


‘A video package plays showing the stars of the EIWF and highlights from the recent reunion shows, as it finishes the camera shows Joey Carlton sitting at an announcers desk’

​JC: Yes fans we are once again at the extreme zone in Orlando and I promise we will have another memorable night. Everyone seems pretty pissed off with the actions of Hollywood Hogan and the CREW. They recently welcomed Jeff Jarrett back into the fold. This didn't sit too well with the Prez and he is taking away the role of commissioner for Double J after tonight. But in a twist, Jarrett has said he will be speaking with his CREW colleagues to discuss the matches for tonight and they said they wouldn't release the matches until tonight's show! I’m sure the matches tonight will have a certain twist to them!


(Voodoo child plays and the fans in the arena boo. Images of the CREW are shown on the video screen. Smoke feels the entrance way and Hollywood Hogan walks out with Jeff Jarrett. They make their way to the ring, Jeff pulls a mic from his back pocket as Hogan rips off his t-shirt)


JC: Look at that egomaniac!


HH: Woah brother…….welcome to the house that Hollywood built! (fans boo) Now tonight we have a real special episode of Hollywood Havoc for all you Crewites! (fans boo again). With The commissioner standing next me we have booked a show to ensure that those cheating New Era Icons won't be able to cheat anyone….but themselves. Also the so called Elite...the Ex3...we haven't forgotten about you old boys either, trying to steal our spotlight, your a cheap imitation of the CREW brother.

JJ: Often imitated but never duplicated...

HH: Thats right Jeff brother, there is only one CREW!

JJ: Tonight…...the EIWF Genesis tag team champions will be in action! (fans cheer).......against……..each other!


JC: What the hell???? Suicide challenged Jarrett to a cage match!


JJ: That's right, Suicide will be facing Jimmy Brandon in a one on one match! (Hogan laughs)....also tonight…..the Genesis Champion will defend his title against Revolution!


JC: Wait a minute…. Revolution is not medically cleared to wrestle!


HH: Now Revo brother, we know your a smart man and your lay down for your mini me so to ensure that don't happen, we are going to make it a hardcore match first blood!


JC: This is not good……


JJ: We have a special episode of the RDD show…...hosted by the Chosen one!!

HH: Who's your special guest brother?

JJ: Its not guest….but guests!

HH: Wow….do we know how to book a show or what dude? Who you got?

JJ: Two of the biggest names in the history of the EIWF…..two of the greatest tag team wrestlers ever!

HH: No way dude?

JJ: Yes way Hollywood….my guests are Eddie D and Big Poppa! (Hogan gets down on his knees and bows in front of Jeff Jarrett)

HH: Well we already know this will be the best Havoc show ever, but do you have room for one more match?

JJ: I sure do…..the Legends champion himself will be defending that belt he doesn't deserve.

HH: That no good Davie J, who has the pleasure of taking the title off of him.

JJ: There's only one man, and his name is Hollywood Hogan! (Hogan smiles and nods in approval)


JC: WOW…..Davie J versus Hollywood Hogan for the Legends title tonight on Havoc!!! That's a Pay Per View caliber match.


HH: So Davie J defends the Legends title to Hollywood Hogan brother….

JJ: I've not finished…..(Hogan looks surprised).....Davie J defends the title against Hollywood Hogan…...and Big Poppa………..(Hogan laughs).........and the Chosen one………...and the Enforcer Eddie D will be the referee!


JC: You gotta be kidding me??


JJ: Now Hollywood, let me be clear, this is not a handicap match. It's a four corners match, all four against each other. Whoever gets the pin wins the belt!


HH: (laughing)...of course brother….(both laugh)


(Voodoo child plays with the fans booing and Hogan and Jarrett leave the ring )

(The big screen in the arena comes on to show L double E sitting in a dark room holding the EIWF World title belt, there is a mixed reaction from the fans in attendance)

LEE: hmmmm....why oh why does Hollywood Hogan make promises he can't keep?  He claims it will bee a special episode of Havoc, but without the EIWF world champion in a match it is doomed from the beginning.

(The video fades and the camera cuts to joey Carlton)


JC: I smell a rat! They are going to screw over Ellis Black by causing friction with his mentor Revolution. They will cause friction between the tag champions Jimmy Brandon and Suicide and they will screw Davie J out of the Legends title.


(The scene cuts backstage with the EX3 watching a monitor(fans can be heard cheering in the arena), Davie J turns round to Revolution, Kurt Angle and Badd Dogg,)


DJ: Looks like it's going to be a tough night tonight boys, watch your backs….and each others!


(Scene cuts back to Joey Carlton)


JC: Fans if you are just tuning in...where the hell have you been? Hollywood Hogan has been out here, using his influence through the Commissioner Jeff Jarrett to book tonight's show. First off they announced that the Genesis tag team champions Suicide and Jimmy Brandon will face each other! Then the Genesis champion Ellis Black defends the title against his mentor Revolution…who is not medically cleared to wrestle………in a hardcore first blood match. Then the Legends champion Davie J defends the title in a four corners match…officially…but if you ask's more like a handicap match as he defends the title against Hollywood Hogan, Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett…...with Eddie D as the special guest referee! Just in case you're wondering what that smell is...its the CREW…and it stinks!!!


(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and there is a mixed reaction from the fans, images of the New Era Icons are shown on the big screen. Ellis Black walks out with the Genesis title on his shoulder and the fans boo. Then Suicide and Jimmy Brandon walk out and the fans cheer. All three are wearing New Era Icons t-shirts. They walk to the ring with Jimmy slapping the hands of fans and letting off party poppers. All three climb in the ring and Ellis has a mic)


EB: Tonight has confirmed one thing, that the old boys fear the New Era Icons! They are still trying to do everything they can to hold us back, to keep us down. Try as you might, its not working, looking at the gold in the ring. We hold all the Genesis title belts, the titles that mark a new beginning for the EIWF, we are the future! (Ellis hands a mic to Jimmy Brandon)


JB: The Good Old Boys think there real smart, trying to play the New era icons against each other. Well let me tell you boys, it wont work. Me and Suicide will refuse to fight each other. Your just trying to cause a split, drive a wedge between us…'s not going to happen......we are the Future of the EIWF!


(My World plays and the fans boo, Jeff Jarrett walks out of the entrance way holding a mic)


JJ: Hold on slappy. I’m still the boss here on Havoc, I book the matches and make the rules. If you refuse to work in your scheduled match then I will have no option to strip you and Suicide of the Genesis Tag Team titles. SO why don’t you choke on that!


(My World plays as Jarrett walks back through the entrance way and the New Era Icons are in the ring talking. The camera cuts back to Joey Carlton)


JC: It looks like the CREW have all angles covered tonight and are hell bent on making the New Era Icons fight tonight! Well Suicide and Jimmy are already in the ring….

(The big screen in the arena comes on to show L double E, there is a mixed reaction from the fans in attendance)

LEE: Let's be honest, no one has given a damn about tag team titles since the Hero & Zero connection disbanded!!

(The video fades and the camera cuts to the ring)


(Ellis takes the tag titles from Suicide and Jimmy Brandon and goes to the outside as the bell rings)


Suicide vs Jimmy Brandon


Both men are in the ring…..just standing there...looking a bit unsure……..


JC: Well…….what happens here?


Ellis Black climbs onto the ring apron and Jimmy and Suicide walk over, they talk and nod in agreement………. Suicide and Jimmy walk back to the middle of the ring………..Suicide lays down on the mat…the Ref looks surprised………Jimmy covers Suicide....(Ellis tells the Ref to make the count).....the Ref gets down and counts………………..1…………………...2…………


(A voice is heard over the arena sound system and the Ref stops the count...)

JJ: Hold on a damn minute….


(The Ref stands up, so does Jimmy Brandon and Suicide. Jeff Jarrett walks out from the entrance way)


JJ: Not so fast slapnuts. You think you're real smart, if that's the way you want to play it? That's fine by me. Suicide, you challenged the chosen one to a cage match. (Suicide nods) Well I’m willing to give you that match………...if you beat Jimmy Brandon in your match………..via submission! (Jarrett walks to the back)


JC: It seems to me that the CREW have thought of every scenario to ensure they force the wrestlers to fight tonight. and we all know how much Suicide wants to get his hands on the CREW, the very group that held him back in his younger days. The bait is out there for Suicide, will he take it?


Suicide talks to Jimmy Brandon….Jimmy shakes his head…...Ellis climbs on the ring apron and shouts over to the two of them….


JC: This has not gone down well it seems, Jimmy Brandon is not happy that not only has he gone from winning the match to losing it….but will have to be put in a submission hold.


The Ref tells the wrestlers to get on with it…...Suicide and Jimmy are still talking……...Suicide goes to lift Jimmy up but Jimmy backs away…….Suicide stands in the middle of the ring with his arms out and then puts them on his hips….Ellis is telling Jimmy to go back over to Suicide…………..Jimmy walks over……….Suicide grabs hold of Jimmy and lifts him up……..TORTURE RACK!!!! TORTURE RACK!!!! TORTURE RACK!!!!......The Ref checks and Jimmy nods……..the Ref calls for the bell!.......Suicide puts Jimmy down and Jimmy drops to one knee holding his side. (a voice is heard over the arena sound system as Jeff Jarrett walks out)


JJ: Hold on a damn minute slapnuts. I forgot to tell you…'s the best of five! (Jarrett laughs and walks off)


JC: What the hell!!!


Jimmy and Suicide look at each other and shake their heads…. Suicide grabs Jimmy Brandon and lifts him up again…TORTURE RACK…TORTURE RACK…TORTURE RACK!!!!!.....the Ref checks…. Jimmy submits……. Suicide puts Jimmy down and asks if he's OK…. Jimmy Brandon is holding his side and in pain…. Suicide lifts him up again…TORTURE RACK!!!! TORTURE RACK…TORTURE RACK!!!!   The Ref checks...he calls for the bell!...Suicide drops Jimmy who hits the mat hard….Ellis steps in the ring and checks on Jimmy Brandon as the Ref holds Suicide’s arm in the air….


JC: Well officially Suicide is the winner…..but Jimmy Brandon doesn't look happy, he's obviously hurt and holding his side.


Ellis Black is talking to Suicide and Jimmy Brandon in the ring…...Jimmy is holding his side….Suicide holds his hand out for Jimmy to shake…….Jimmy hesitates…..Ellis talks to Jimmy again and Jimmy shakes Suicides hand.


(scene cuts backstage with a room where the CREW are watching the monitor laughing)

HH: Oh brother…...Jarrett dude, you are the man when it comes to putting a twist on a match! (laughs)

JJ: Those slapnuts only did what I told them to do, Suicide and Jimmy Brandon are more stupid than the Thunder gimmick!

ED: Did you just say that? (Eddie laughs)

HH: This episode of Hollywood Havoc is just two sweeeeeeet!

BP: And we’ve only just got started!

JJ: Lets get some more beers in here and enjoy this show CREW style!

HH: How much we drink we need to get a Keg in here!

(The CREW laugh as the scene cuts back to Joey Carlton)


JC: Damn the CREW! As far as I’m concerned, they can go straight to hell! Our next match will be for the Genesis championship as the champion Ellis Black defends the title against his mentor Revolution in a hardcore first blood match. For the record I want to say I’m deeply concerned about this, Revolution is not cleared to wrestle. He has been working at the EIWF power plant to train the stars of tomorrow and as an on air talent conducting interviews. Yes the CREW have been booking tonight's show but this is too far…...let's go to commercial!


The EIWF Network Fansite

(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays over the arena sound system and the fans stand up and cheer. Revolution then walks out and the fans pop. Revolution is wearing a suit and shirt, he holds up a t-shirt 'THEN, NOW, FOREVOLUTION'  he throws it into the crowd for a lucky fan. He makes his way to the ring slapping the hands of the fans on either side of the aisle.)

JC: Welcome back fans, Revolution is making his way to the ring. Now look, he's wearing a suit, he's not even contemplating wrestling tonight. But he's either going to have to bleed to give the win to Ellis Black. Or Ellis is going to have to bleed to give the win to Revolution, but that would mean we would have a new champion…and a title he would have to defend so would need to wrestle in the future…....which we know is not possible because of his injuries.


(Revolution walks round and shakes hands with Joey Carlton, he turns round and climbs the ring apron and steps through the ropes.)


JC: A true gentleman in the sport, a man who values honesty and integrity….not something you see much of these days. He appreciates the fans and with his interview duties hes just happy to be part of the business again.


(Its showtime plays, the fans boo as Ellis Black makes his way to ring)


JC: Here is the champ, and still undefeated since his debut in the EIWF and the unofficial leader of the New Era Icons.

(The big screen in the arena comes on to show L double E, there is a mixed reaction from the fans in attendance)

LEE: Genesis title match? What type of title belt is that? We have a cocky newbie who only wrestles Regal taking on a cripple. A joke title being contested by two jokes pretending to be wrestlers.........Genesis title? FUCK OFF!

(The video fades and the camera cuts to the ring)


Ellis Black vs Revolution

Ellis hands the title belt to the Ref who holds it in the air…..Revolution is trying to talk to Ellis Black but Ellis is jumping on the sport and stretching his arms….the Ref calls for the bell (ding ding).......Revolution holds a hand out….Ellis bounces off the ropes…...Revolution is talking to Ellis…..Ellis is shaking his head…. Revolution is pointing to his own neck…..


JC: Fans I’m not sure if you heard that at home but Revolution is asking Ellis to take a loss for Revolution as its too dangerous for him to wrestle because of the risk to his neck. But Ellis it seems doesn't want to lose his title or his unbeaten record…..


Ellis grabs Revolution……tries to lock up…. Revolution backs away and his shirt is pulled out loose in the tussle…...Revolution shouts at Ellis asking what he's doing….(Revolution tucks his shirt back in)...........Ellis walks over and grabs Revolution…..Ellis throws Revolution into the ropes…..Revolution holds onto the ropes and slides underneath to the outside….


JC: Smart move by Revolution, I don't know what Ellis Black is playing at, he needs to look at the bigger picture. At the moment he's playing into the hands of the CREW and doing exactly what they want him to do.


Ellis walks over and leans over the rope and starts to argue with Revolution………..Revolution waves his arms at Ellis Black and turns away…. Revolution starts to walk towards the ramp and leave…..


JC: It appears that Revolution is playing it safe here and leaving the ring, it's the right choice.


Ellis slides under the bottom rope and runs to Revolution….he turns Revolution around….hard right by Ellis (fans react and gasp and boo)....and another hard right by Ellis….Ellis grabs Revolution and whips him into the side of the ring...NO! Revolution reverses it and Ellis hits the side of the ring apron……


JC: Stop this madness!!


Revolution stands there looking at Ellis as sweats drips down the face of Revolution……..Revolution points at Ellis and then goes to leave…...Ellis runs and grabs Revolution from behind….Revolution elbows Ellis breaking the hold…..Revolution turns round and hits Ellis with a hard right…...and another……..Revolution takes off his suit jacket and throws it down…...he rolls up the sleeves to his shirt…..he hits Ellis with another hard right….he scoops him up and slams him down….(Revolution tells Ellis to stay down as the fans cheer)......Revolution turns round and starts to walk up the ramp…..Ellis reaches under the ring and pulls out a steel chair……..Ellis gets up and runs up the ramp…..(BANG!) He hits Revolution to the back of the head with the steel chair and Revolution is down….


JC: Good God!!!


Kurt Angle comes running down the entrance ramp and grabs the chair from Ellis Black and throws it down…….The Ref checks on Revolution and calls for the bell as Revolution is split open from the chair shot…..the Ref holds the hand of Ellis Black in the air….Kurt Angle grabs the hand of Ellis Black and throws it down….he points to Revolution who is trying to get up…..


JC: Fans this is exactly….EXACTLY what the CREW wanted to happen. We have friction being created between the New Era Icons and EX3……


Ellis Black gets in the face of Kurt Angle and shoves Angle….Angle pushes Ellis back (fans cheer)....Revolution gets to his feet and stands between the two of them and shakes his head…..he talks to Kurt Angle who backs away from Ellis. Revolution is holding his head and asks for a mic….


Rev: Ellis there's a right way of doing things and a wrong way. That was the wrong way. You still mave much to learn, but I have the experience to see your naivety and I’m not taking it personally, but I suggest me and you have a little chat privately! (Ellis takes the mic from Revolution)

EB: I’m the champion and I’m still the champion. So as far as I see it that was the right way. Its 2018 not 1998 and I think your way of thinking is a little bit dated. With all due respect I think your a bit out of touch, the business has moved on. (Revolution grabs the mic)

Rev: You still have a lot to learn, especially about respect….

(They continue to talk as they head to the back)


JC: Things are spiraling out of control here tonight……


(The scene cuts to backstage where Badd Dogg is walking down a corridor. (fans pop). Davie J appears in shot (fans pop again) and stops to talk.)

DJ: Dogg keeps your eyes open, I don't like how the night has been going.

BD: I will, don't worry. The CREW are up to their old tricks again.

DJ: The problem is, its working. Ellis and Revo had a bit of a falling out. Jimmy didn't look happy with Suicide after their match.

BD: Those guys have got to let things go, stick together and unite against the CREW.

DJ: I agree, I've got to get ready for my match.

BD: OK, good luck and don't worry, me and the rest of EX3 will be watching your back.

(Davie walks off. Badd Dogg walks on, and around the corner (bang!)......Badd Dogg is hit to the back of the head and is out on the floor. Then from the shadowed area a man wearing a mask walks forward, looks down at Badd Dogg and walks off. The scene cuts back to Joey Carlton)


JC: The masked attacker! We haven't seen him for a couple of months! Originally Eddie D and Badd Dogg both accused each other, we still don't know who it is!


(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and the lights in the arena direct to the RDD set. Smoke fills the set and Jeff Jarrett walks out and the fans boo heavily. The music stops and Jarrett holds the mic to his mouth as he stands on the set)


JJ: Welcome to the RDD show…CREW style!! (fans boo and start a Jarrett sucks chant)…..Now Ive got some special guests for you on the show. Now forget the past RDD shows that have been a croc….tonight's show has the biggest names in the history of wrestling. (the fans start a Revolution chant)….Now hold up……that slapnut is not doing the show tonight. Let me tell you something, the RDD show has proved to be a successful part of Havoc and the ratings have been good. But Revolution was part of a team, and he was not the talented one out of the two, the talented one out of the duo was this one right here (Jarrett points to the microphone)…..Now welcome my guests, two of the biggest names in the history of wrestling, two of the most successful tag team wrestlers of all time….give it up for Eddie D and Big Poppa!!! (The CREW theme, superstar by saliva plays and the fans boo.) Eddie D and Big Poppa walks out and raise their arms (the fans boo). Jeff Jarrett sits on a chair behind a desk and Big Poppa and Eddie sit on a sofa next to him.

JJ: Eddie, Poppa…its an honor to have you on the show!

ED: Thanks for inviting us, I can see this show is already better than anything Revolution did, but one thing still sucks…

JJ: What's that?

BP: The name, RDD! (all three laugh)

JJ: Last week at Havoc, you was robbed of the tag team titles by Suicide and Jimmy Brandon.

BP: Your right Jeff, we was cheated. That cross dressing, lipstick wearing freak Jimmy Brandon and the little man Suicide only won the titles because of that punk Davie J.

JJ: Little man?

ED: Yes Jeff, Suicide is the little man because he's short.

JJ: Short? I believe he's 6ft plus?

ED: Short on charisma, short on skill, short on ability, short on drawing power, short on talent, short on ideas..

(Jeff and Big Poppa laugh)

JJ: But how are you going to win the titles back?

ED: Well it will be difficult if I’m honest. As Big Poppa said, everyone keeps cheating against the CREW the odds are against us. We play by the rules, if these so called tag team champions keep cheating what can we do. From now on we play from a new rule book ……sure its our rule book but that’s not our fault!

BP: In a straight forward match, without any interference, everyone knows that me and the Big man could beat them easily, hell I wouldn't even break a sweat. My freaks could wait upstairs in the hotel room while I took care of business in the ring, within five minutes I would be back in the hotel room taking care of my other business!

ED: Five minutes Big Poppa? Lets not forget, Suicide is the 60 second man. It takes him longer to walk to the ring then he lasts in a match.

BP: 60 seconds? No wonder he doesn't have any freaks interested in him (Big Poppa laughs)

JJ: Now you touched on it earlier, Davie J. What is going on, he was a founding member of the CREW but he has stabbed us in the back. He's formed some retirement gang known as the Ex3 with Revolution, Badd Dogg and Kurt Angle.

ED: Jeff let me talk to you about something I’m an expert on….hamburgers.

JJ: Huh…hamburgers?...OK

ED: At the end of the day, a hamburger is all the leftover bits of a cow, ground up and processed into a single piece of meat.


ED: Sure it looks good, it may even taste good……but at the end of the day, you know that its made up of multiple different cows and its not good for you, its garbage. The Ex3 is no different, you can put all the has beens from the EIWF into one pot, but despite it looking good you know it's full of crap and its not good for the EIWF or the CREWites.

BP: Jeff, you can polish a turd as much as you want, but at the end of the day….its still a turd!

JJ: Fans I don’t think you can argue with that! (fans boo) Well what about the Final Stand pay per view. I know you two are no longer in the tournament, but Hollywood Hogan is in the semi final with a match against Badd Dogg, what are the plans for ensuring Hogan can win the tournament?


(Voodoo child plays and Hollywood Hogan walks out onto the stage)

JJ: No way????....Holy shit!!!.........I don’t believe it! Hollywood Hogan on the RDD show!

(Hogan poses on the stage and then sits down next to Eddie and Big Poppa)

JJ: Hollywood, what a pleasure to have you on the show.

HH: Well you know something Jeff Brother……it wouldn't be Hollywood Havoc without the God of wrestling here. Now when I heard you in the back Jack talking about Final Stand I decided you should hear it straight from the horse's mouth dude!

JJ: Of course.

HH: The plan for ensuring I win the tournament is simple brother, just let me in the ring and do my stuff, because there ain't no man, no beast and no warrior who can beat Hollywood brother. I will give Badd Dogg a beating like he's never experienced before and send him back to the pound!

JJ: Then in the final you will face the winner of Davie J and L double E.

HH:...(laughs)...let's be clear on one thing. It’s going to be Davie J in the final brother. There's no way that L double E will get past the ICON and if it looked like for some strange reason that that clown was going to beat Davie then my boys will make sure that Davie wins.

JJ: What a minute????? Your going to help Davie J win his match, after everything he has done….from hitting you with the Legends belt, turning his back on the CREW!

HH: Calm down dude. The reason that I’m going to make sure Davie is in the final is so I can beat him with my own hands. I want to be the one to show Davie where the power lies brother. I fear no man, no beast or evil brother, and I want to prove again that I’m the man, not Davie J. If anyone is going to beat Davie J, then its Hollywood Hogan dude, not some chump called L double E. (Hogan starts flexing his muscles)

JJ: Woah would you look at that!

HH: God created the Heavens, he created the earth! He created all the Hollywood Maniacs! Then, he created a set of these (points to his biceps), brother!”What you gonna do brother….when the 24 inch pythons, Hollywood-maniacs and CREWites run wild on you!

(Eddie D and Big Poppa get up and start trashing the RDD set. Eddie grabs the ICW title belt off the wall and wipes it over his butt and throws it on the floor and stamps on it. Big Poppa grabs the WWO title belt and bends it in half and rips the leather off of the plate. Hogan grabs a can of spray paint and starts spraying the wall which has photos of Revolution in his wrestling days and sprays ‘CREW’ over them)

JJ: Well fans we are out of time on the RDD show. I hope you enjoy the rest of this very special Hollywood Havoc show tonight!

(Scene cuts to Joey Carlton at the announce table)

(The big screen in the arena comes on to show L double E, there is a mixed reaction from the fans in attendance)

LEE: SO..... Hogan wants to get involved with my match at Final Stand? Nothing can or will stop the Anti Hero from fate. I'm not the EIWF World champion for nothing!

(The video fades and the camera cuts to joey Carlton)


JC: Fans I’m ashamed to say for the first time in my career that I work for the same company as those….those...well hooligans…there just a bunch of bullies!! They are ruining the reputation of the EIWF and the ICW my former employer with what they did to that title belt.

(The scene cuts to backstage where Badd Dogg is being put into an ambulance as Kurt Angle and Revolution look on. The Ambulance drives away and the scene cuts back to the Extreme Zone)


(Wake Up by Rage against the Machines plays and the fans POP. Images of Davie J and other members of EX3 are shown on the big screen above the entrance ramp. The fans then roar as Davie J walks out from the smoke with the Legends title over his shoulder. He is wearing an EX3 t shirt. He starts to make his way to the ring when an object flies past his head just missing him)


JC: That was close! Look who it is though!


(Davie looks to where the object comes from and Big Poppa and Eddie D are still on the RDD set and continue to throw objects. Davie ignores them and continues to the ring where Eddie D is standing)


JC: I don't like the ICON’s odds here….I dont care what the CREW said, this is a four on one handicap match to take the title away from Davie J.

(Davie makes it to the ring…….Hogan comes running down the steps with a steel chair in his hand….Davie turns round (bang!!!)....Hogan hits Davie over the head with the chair and Davie is on the floor)


JC: What the hell!!!

(The big screen in the arena comes on to show L double E, there is a mixed reaction from the fans in attendance)

LEE: Legends title match? Who are these old has beens trying to fool? The only title that matters is the one I have right here, the EIWF World championship. Fuck it, i'm not evening going to watch this match! Ive got some more merchandise to sell, the Suicide t-shirts are very popular, the ones that read 'warning - asshole in close proximity'

(The video fades and the camera cuts to the ring)


(Hogan pulls Davie up and slides him under the bottom rope.)


Legends title match - Davie J vs Hollywood Hogan vs Jeff Jarrett vs Big Poppa


(The bell rings)......Hogan slides in the ring and covers Davie J…..Eddie D gets down and counts………….1………………...2……………..kick out!!!!


JC: I dont believe it, he kicked out and Hogan does not look happy!


Hogan gets up and takes off his belt….he whips Davie with it….and again…………...and again………….Davie rolls across the ring and to the outside……...Eddie starts to count…………..1………………………...2……………….Davie pulls himself up and falls back towards the fans who hold him up…………………….3…………………...4………………...5…………...Hogan is on the ring telling Davie to get back in………….Davie stands up…………….6……………………..7……………...Davie holds his head from the chair shot…………….8……………………….9…………..Hogan grabs Eddie’s arms and throws them down and tells him to stop counting…..


JC: I think Eddie was too concerned of refereeing the match he forget the title cant change on a count out…………


Hogan climbs through the ropes and drops to the outside…….Davie starts to walk away around the ring………….Hogan goes behind Davie and rakes his back……….Davie turns round and Hogan hits Davie with a hard right……...Hogan grabs Davie’s head and goes to throw it into the side of the ring but Davie blocks it……….Davie hits a punch to Hogans mid drift and then throws Hogans head into the side of the ring (fans cheer)......Davie….walks up the ring steps and climbs through the ropes……….Davie leans on the ropes and watches Hogan trying to get back in the ring....Davie turns round......Big Poppa is there! Belly to belly suplex by Big Poppa!!!........Hogan shakes his head and sees Big Poppa and claps, Hogan slides back into the ring……..Big Poppa pulls Davie up and holds him from behind….Hogan holds one hand on Davie’s head and hits a hard right with the other……….and again…………..Davie swings his foot back and hits Big Poppa with a low blow! (fans cheer)....Davie then hits Hogan with a clothesline knocking him down……..Big Poppa rolls to the outside and is on his knees still in pain……...Davie pulls Hogan up….he throws Hogan into the ropes...Hogan comes back...standing drop kick by Davie!


JC: I notice there was no count from Eddie D while Hogan was on the outside but what a show of athleticism from the ICON! trying to get to his feet…...Davie takes a couple of steps forward………...Hogan gets to his feet….SUPERKICK!!!! SUPERKICK!!!! SUPERKICK!!!!..(fans pop)......Hogan goes down……….Davie covers….Eddie D gets down and counts……………..1………………….2……………………………………………….


JC: Well fans, we could see this coming! Playing by their own rules again. Damn the CREW!


Davie asks what Eddie is doing…..Eddie says Hogan has his foot on the rope………...Davie points and says its not…………….Eddie reaches down and puts Hogans foot on the rope………….Eddie again says Hogans foot is on the rope…………..Davie and Eddie continue to argue……


JC: What a sad sight this is fans… of if not the most successful tag teams in wrestling history….the Good Guys…...face to face arguing.


Hogan rolls over and starts to get up………….Davie pushes Eddie (fans cheer).......Eddie pushes Davie back…..Davie sees Hogan getting up and walks over…..he pulls Hogan up…………knife edge chop by Davie on Hogan………...and another……….Davie goes off the ropes…….(bang!).......Davie falls down as Big Poppa hit Davie to the back with a steel chair……….Big Poppa slides in the ring…………..(bang...bang)....Big Poppa hits Davie with the chair twice more…….(fans POP as Kurt Angle and Revolution run down the ramp to the ring)


JC: Here come two members of the EX3!!!! The sheriffs of the EIWF!!


Kurt Angle slides in the ring and hits Hogan with a hard right…….Eddie grabs Angle and they start to exchange blows…...Big Poppa picks up the chair and goes to swing it but Revolution grabs it….Big Poppa turns round….(bang!)...Revolution hits Big Poppa over the head with it….Big Poppa falls down to the mat…..


JC: Wait a minute… comes Jeff Jarrett with a guitar and no one has seen him!


Jeff Jarrett runs down the ramp…...Revolution pushes Big Poppa to the outside and slowly walks back from the ropes..…..(BANG!)...Jarrett breaks his guitar over the head of Revolution. Revolution is down......Jarrett pushes Revolution to the outside....Jarrett slides under the bottom rope and leans over and shouts at him…..Kurt Angle throws Eddie into the corner….Hogan hits Kurt Angle with a double axe handle to the back…...Angle turns round and Hogan pokes him in the eye….Angle cant see…..Hogan grabs Angle and sends him into the ropes….Big Boot to the face by Hogan!    Angle is down……..on the outside Jarrett is stomping on Revolution………..(fans cheer as Jimmy Brandon, Suicide and Ellis Black come down the ramp)


JC: The New Era Icons are here!!!!!


Suicide grabs Jarrett and throws him into the steel steps…...Ellis and Jimmy both help Revolution to his feet…they help Revolution to walk back up the ramp to the back….Big Poppa is up and helps Jarrett up…..Jarrett and Big Poppa start walking towards Suicide…….Suicide looks in the ring and slowly walks back as Jarrett and Big Poppa approach…..Jarrett hits Suicide with a punch...Suicide returns one of his own...Big Poppa hits Suicide as all three exchange punches…...Jarrett and Big Poppa overwhelm Suicide who drops to a knee as Big Poppa and Jarrett continue to hit him………Suicide hits Big Poppa with a low blow.....Big Poppa drops down on his knees.....Suicide hits Jarrett with a punch....he kicks Jarrett to the gut....Jarrett is leaning over....Suicide grabs him....DDT!!!!.....Suicide gets up....Big Poppa is on his feet...Suicide hits him....(Keg runs down the ramp and hits Suicide from behind)....Keg pounds on Suicides back....Big Poppa starts double teaming Suicide with Keg..... .(fans pop) as Ellis and Jimmy Brandon run back out……...Big Poppa and Keg stop hitting Suicide and back off as Jeff Jarrett gets up and stands with them…. Jimmy helps Suicide up and the three walk up the ramp to the back…in the ring Hogan has Davie in a headlock while Eddie D is hitting Angle with some hard punches…...Big Poppa grabs the steel chair that Revolution dropped and throws it into the ring…...Jarrett and Big Poppa get back in the ring. Hogan gets up…. Jarrett pulls Davie up and holds him…….Big Poppa swings the steel chair (BANG)...Davie drops down…cut open with blood on his face………. Eddie grabs Kurt Angles arm and whips him across the ring….(BANG!) Big Poppa hits him with the steel chair….


JC: Stop this madness!!! What about Keg, looks like he was the beer the CREW were talking about. Hired muscle is all he is!!


Big Poppa hits Davie with the chair again as he lays on the mat……he hits him again…...Jarrett pulls Kurt Angle up….THE STROKE!!!! THE STROKE!!! THE STROKE!!!!......Jarrett leans over Kurt and spits on him. Big Poppa stomps on Davie J and then hits him with the chair again….(Hogan laughs).....Jarrett pulls Davie up and throws him towards Big Poppa and hits him with a clothesline…. Davie is down…..Big Poppa lifts the chair up and hits him again……..Big Poppa lifts it up again…he swings it….(Eddie D grabs the chair and throws it to the outside)........Eddie is telling Big Poppa that Davie has had enough…..Big Poppa argues back……..Eddie climbs through the ropes and to the outside………(fans start a Good Guys chant).......Hogan covers Davie J…..Jarrett gets down and counts……………...1…………………...2………………..3!!!!!


(Voodoo child plays and the fans boo……. Jarrett goes out the ring and grabs the Legends title belt...he gets back in the ring and passes it to Hogan he puts it over his shoulder)


Hogan tells Eddie to get back in the ring…...Eddie looks at the fans……he slides in the ring (fans boo)......Hogan tells Eddie to shake Big Poppa hand……(Eddie looks at the fans and then shakes Big Poppa hand).....all four do ‘2 sweet hand gestures’.....Hogan pushes Davie out of the ring with his foot……..Big Poppa stomps on Kurt and pushes him out of the ring as the CREW stand in the ring celebrating with Hogan holding the Legends title.


JC: Fans……...I’m disgusted with what I just witnessed. The CREW is an evil like no other…...I don't know how they can be stopped…..

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