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Havoc is your show! Your chance to shine, show us what you got!! What I mean is I'm opening Havoc up to anyone who would like to 'guest' write a show one week. Perhaps you use to run an e-fed or always fancied having a go at writing show. Your not tied down with the commitment of having to write it every week. If you want to write a show now and then just let me know.



(A pre taped segment is shown on the video screen, The Prez is in his office with Davie J)


EP: Champ what is going on with you, Angle, Revolution…...hell even Suicide all becoming best friends?


DJ: We are making a stand against Hogan and the CREW. We are fed up of their cheap tricks. They held down talent before and now we have the New Era Icons I cant let it happen again….and that's what’s best for the EIWF.


EP: ‘They’ held down talent??


DJ: Look I know, I was a part of that. I was blinded by the success I found and the lies given to me by Hogan. I’m trying to make up for the past, I can't change it. All I can do is make sure the same wrong  doings don't happen. With Angle, Revo and I never thought I would say this...Suicide, we can stand up against the CREW.


EP: Davie……...I've always treated you well haven’t I?


DJ: Yeah….of course.


EP: Look you don't need them. Me and you, just us two is more powerful than any other combination. If you start hanging with them you are diluting  yourself. That invincible aura about you starts to vanish. Your Davie J!!! You don't need anyone holding you back, your carrying baggage by associating yourself with them. They have and never were at your level.


DJ: Hmmmmm…...but….


EP: (cuts in) buts! Davie its me and you. Don't concern yourself with people that……. well let's be honest who are not even worthy of lacing up your boots! They need the ICON Davie J. Davie J does not need them. We have a plan for the EIWF don’t forget. We have already lit the match…..


DJ: ….the fire burns….


(Scene fades)


‘ThunderKiss 65 by White Zombie plays as the fans cheer at the Extreme Zone. The camera pans round show the fans and then zooms out high to show the ring and walkway, it then zooms back and shows Joey Carlton standing with a mic in front of some fans’


JC: Hello everyone, I’m Joey Carlton and this is EIWF Havoc!!


Highlights from the last episode with havoc or shown on the video screen.


JC: Tonight we have two title matches and a main event with some of the biggest stars the EIWF and the wrestling world has ever seen. The Genesis Champion Ellis Black puts not only the title on the line but his undefeated streak as he faces Regal. The newly crowned Genesis tag team champions Big Poppa and Eddie D will look to break the belts back home to the CREW as they defend the titles against Jimmy Brandon and Suicide who has taken the place of Kenny Omega who was brutally injured on the last show at the hands of the CREW. Then we have the main event, last week they fought each other but this week they team up as Davie J and Kurt Angle take on Hollywood Hogan and Jeff Jarrett in the main event. First up tonight is the Genesis championship match, lets see what has been leading to this match up……


(The lights in the extreme zone dim as the video screen begins to play)


Regal Promo

“Hello America, you are looking upon a happy man. Not happy to get a title shot, not happy to have ‘gotten my way’, but happy to finally be able to get my hands on the ageist menace that is the New Era Icons. Too long have they spouted nonsense about the older wrestlers in this federation and I am just elated to get the leader of these presumptuous pups where I want him; in a ring, in front of an EIWF audience.


People in the back have had their chance to whisper and gossip about my motives. Suggestions abound that I just stamped my feet and pretended to be outraged just to manipulate my way into a title shot. These lies are hurtful and are not born out by the facts. You can check back and see the path I took.


I wanted to fight slippery, Kenny ‘oily’ Omega, but sadly after several challenges he decide to hide in a stable and ignore me. I wanted a rematch against Jimmy ‘count-out king’ Brandon, but he was busy losing a Tag Team title match and again the NEI felt it appropriate to ignore me. All three of these infantile novices had the cheek to suggest that their youthful way of looking at the industry is our only future. And after sweating and bleeding to lay the foundations to the house that these ‘heroes’ strut around in, I am not meant to be offended by that? Well you can call me old fashioned when it comes to the gladiatorial essence of our business.


If expecting respect to stem from facing your challengers is wrong, if getting in the ring instead of cutting promos all night is wrong, if thinking talent is more important than your date of birth is wrong then I DON’T WANT TO BE RIGHT! It doesn’t surprise me that you struggle to understand me Ellis. I use words longer than one syllable and several words that reside above your 9th grade reading level. I am the proud product of a superior British education and that has always stood me in good stead. It wasn’t an expensive education, I just paid attention. Wrestling isn’t won in a book, but only an idiot doubts the mental as well a physical dexterity required to win a match. You’re impression of an English accent was cute. But butchering the cockney rhyming slang of London doesn’t offend or impress me. The Yanks corrupting my beautiful English language occasionally does annoy me.  But I can dwell on the fun aspects too. You corrupt and tweak the meaning of old words like ‘Aorta’. (Regal puts on a passable Southern States generic American accent)‘Aorta look for a new champion, ‘cause the current one’s a sorry son of a bitch…’Though America, it is in making new words where you truly excel in your corruption. Words like ‘Widjadidja’.


(Regal puts on his Southern States American accent again)‘Ellis, you know you’re gonna lose the title tonight right? Did you bring the belt Widja-didja?’(The crowd boo, but some laughter breaks out close to the ring.)The match at Havoc will be a spectacle to remember. You only get better in this business by fighting people better than yourself. So whether you win or lose the belt you’re going to be the winner. You’re very welcome to the lessons you’ll learn that night and even more welcome to the bruises and muscle pulls you’ll be nursing that evening too.The future’s bright. The future’s British..”


(The scene fades and shows Ellis Black on the video screen)


Ellis Black Promo

I am the undefeated Genesis champion and the leader of the New Era Icon's I am a man in demand.


* He steps back so the camera can see him wearing a New Era Icon's t-shirt *


EB ~ As you can see I am taking a leaf out of Revolution's book and me and the Icon's have our own custom t-shirt that you can buy right now from the EIWF online store. Now enough of shilling my wares. Jeff Jarrett has come out and proclaimed that anyone from the Crew can take my title any time they please. You go and have your discussion with Hogan and see what he gives you permission to little lap dog. Greatest US champion ever, how many times are we going to hear that Jeff? Nobody cares what you did 20 years ago and nobody thinks you are the greatest US champion ever. Take a look at the list of other US champions and you are a long way off that. Whatever challenge you pull out of Hogan's ass I'll meet it head on.


Speaking of things that being pulled out of asses! Regal! My very British chum how deluded you are to think you are worthy of a shot at my Genesis Championship. I have to admit Regal that I and no doubt everyone else from this side of the pond has a clue what you are talking about half the time, but fear not I have done my research and let me put this in a language you might be able to understand.


*Ellis adopts a poor British accent, worse than Dick Van Dyke's in Mary Poppins*


EB ~ You are making a right ol' cadburys flake me china if ya fink ya can take me title from me. I'll accept, if ya have the cobblers to face me maan to maan. I'm gonna smash out your hampsteads and take a tom tit down ya gregory.


*Ellis laughs to himself*


EB ~ For everyone else, I accept your challenge Regal. I look forward to showing you why they call me Showtime. Even on my worst day you couldn't beat me. I can't wait to stand atop the podium with my New Era Icon brothers and hold up all the gold. We are the most elite stable in pro wrestling today. Bullet Club....pah! Crew.....pah! The New Era Icon's are the present and the future of this business.


(Land of Hope and Glory plays, the fans boo as Regal walks out. He looks at the fans with a look like there is a bad smell. He walks around the ring and stays on the outside)

(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and their is a mixed reaction from the fans. Ellis Black walks out with the Genesis title belt over his shoulder. He walks to the ring slowly and ignores the fans)

JC: A mixed reaction there for Ellis Black from the fans here in the Extreme Zone. Its a difficult one, the New Era Icons are proving popular with the fans, but Ellis is more loathed by them.


Regal vs Ellis Black

Ellis Black is in the ring and passes the Genesis title belt to the referee, the Ref holds the belt up in the air. Ellis walks around the ring on the outside.


JC: The Genesis champion is in the ring awaiting the challenger to get in the ring. Regal is just walking around the ring though. Does he want this title shot or not? He asked for it!!


The Ref tells Regal to get in the ring….Regal turns his back and faces the crowd. The fans boo as Regal glares out at them. Ellis jumps to the outside and walks around the ring...he confronts Regal and tells him to get in….Regal walks away to the other side….Ellis shakes his head and slides back in the ring…


JC: What is this? Is it mind games by Regal?


The Ref again tries to persuade Regal to enter the ring….Regal ignores him and continues to walk around the ring. Ellis leans through the ropes and asks for a mic….


EB: Regal, get your ass in the ring so I can beat you and show your no match for the Genesis champion…your not even worthy of a title shot if we are honest!

JC: Fans I don't get it….Regal doesn't seem interested…he's got a title shot….he could be the Genesis champion for friggin sake!


Regal continues to walk around the ring...Ellis leans through the ropes and tries to grab Regal but Regal moves away...The ref calls for the bell! (ding ding)


JC: Well it seems the Ref has had enough and he's started the match….


Regal climbs up the steel steps and places a hand on the ring post….he looks out and then jumps back down to the floor. Ellis can't believe it and holds his arms out and puts them on his hips in frustration….the Ref walks over to where Regal is and tells him to get in the ring now….Regal turns his back on him…………...the Ref begins to count…………………..1……………………………...2………………………...3………………


JC: I don't understand what regal is playing at here…..surely he's not going to get counted out??


Ellis walks over and holds the ropes open for Regal and invites him in………………..4…………………………...5……………………...6…………………...Regal walks round to the announce table…………………….7…………………………….8………………………(Regal puts on a headset)...........................9…………………...10!!!!! The bell rings and the Ref holds the arm of Ellis Black in the air…..Ellis is passed the Genesis title belt and puts it over his shoulder.


JC: Regal…...Sir….may I ask….WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU PLAYING AT???

Re: Calm yourself down Joseph, there is no need to raise one's voice levels.

JC: Please explain yourself!! (Ellis leaves the ring and heads up the ramp to the back)

Re: It’s quite simple, Mr Black has shown me a clear lack of respect. My style is refined, not crude and crass. If Mr Black is not willing to show me any respect then fool for him. I’m not willing to step into a ring to challenge for a championship with someone who is not worthy of being champion. What Mr Black has done is devalued that championship by not being the champion it deserves. He takes the hollow victory today, but I take the moral high road. I'm Regal, God save the Queen, An English brawler, And a lady's dream…..a man with fine manners….when Mr Black learns to have some I will accept his challenge and at that time...I will take that belt from him and give it the champion it so duly deserves, because at the moment...all we have as the EIWF Genesis champion is a bloody buffoon!


Regal takes off the headset and leaves the announcers table…..


JC: Someone get me a….a Jack Daniels!....What on earth happened to the days of a simple match, two guys slugging it out in the ring???


(The scene cuts backstage with Eddie D, Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett in a locker room)


JJ: Tonight boys will be a historic night. The greatest tag team duo the business have ever seen will crush Suicide and bring the belts back home to the CREW. Then the great one and Hollywood will destroy that no good backstabber Davie J in the main event tonight!


(The door opens and Hollywood Hogan walks in in a t shirt and jeans)


HH: Woah Brother, Hollywood is in the house! (He does 2-sweet signs with the other three.)

JJ: Wait a minute….Hollywood where is your stuff….your gear?

HH: I've been out back with Rodzilla and we smocked all the gear.

JJ: No your wrestling gear….we got a match tonight.

HH: We?

JJ: Yes it's the great one Jeff Jarrett and Hollywood Hogan taking on Davie J and Kurt Angle in a tag team match. (Eddie and Big Poppa look at each other)

HH: (Hogan slowly rubs his beard)........hmmmmmm….I’m not sure that works for me brother…..

JJ: What? The match has been announced, the fans have purchased the tickets….I need you out there…..

HH: (continues to rub his beard).....

(Scene cuts back to Joey Carlton)


JC: (looks around)....OK...there's a wrestling ring…..there's fans…….an entrance ramp….this sure looks like a wrestling show…...WHY THE HELL DOESN'T ANYONE WANT TO WRESTLE GOD DAMN IT!.........


(‘Extreme Wrestling’ sounds over the arena speaks followed by Figure it out by Royal Blood. There are cheers from the fans as the Prez walks out onto the entrance ramp. He walks to the ring and gets in, pulling a mic from his back pocket)


JC: The boss is here….and he looks serious!


EP: Thank you all. I've come out here to set a few things straight. While I've been busy trying to get a deal to secure the future of this company, a company that I built…..a company that I love…….a company that I have had to single handedly keep going because most people out there are selfish mother fuckers who have there own agenda and bitch and moan about the EIWF but when it comes to actually doing something to help they go quiet. So while I have been away trying to secure the future I left Havoc in the hands of the commissioner Jarrett and the talent training and scouting to Revolution.


JC: Someone has pissed the Prez off…..I’m not sure who though.


EP: The CREW is a cancer that is killing the EIWF. Let me take you back to the Redemption reunion show. On that show I ripped apart the CREW by playing its top two stars against each other. I did this because I’m fed up of there ways, trying to force my hand to give them what they want. I played them at their own game. But what happens, Jarrett crawls back into bed with the devil himself. Well you boys can fool yourselves all you want, but the real power lies in my hand and the biggest star in our history? He's in my back pocket! There will be no more holding the new stars back, this is a new era for the EIWF. Even if I step down and someone else takes over…..the future is Ellis Black…….Jimmy Brandon……...Suicide……...with the guidance of people like Revolution and Davie J. The days of the CREW running the EIWF are DEAD!


JC: Surely he can't mean that? I know they are a pain in the ass, but….I mean…..come on….they have played their part.


EP: Since we came back…..the CREW have worked against the EIWF. The reason the EIWF is in the state it's in is because of Hogan and the CREW.


JC: Wow…..hes not holding back here…


EP: Under the leadership of Hollywood Hogan, they are directly responsible for us losing Wishmaster…...Tormentor…….Kenny Omega…...Keg…….Richard Dweck…….Fethdar……..Keg…...Rick Rage…….Fizz!!! What you people don't realize is the backstage bullshit that Hogan pulls, and its because of the politics that we lose talent. I even had a working agreement in place with fight 2 Survive….until Hogan got involved and there Prez wanted nothing to do with the EIWF.….. I’m fed up of this, I'm fed up of wrestlers running around in groups using leverage against me in numbers.... you either start to play by my rules or not at all, Jarrett the next Havoc show will be your last as commissioner, so make the most of it!!


(The Prez drops the mic and Figure it out plays and the fans cheer. The Prez leaves the ring)


JC: I don't think anyone expected that!! Something has clearly aggravated the boss and he's come out here and vented his frustrations.


(The scene cuts backstage to the merchandise stalls where L double E is behind selling items while holding the EIWF world title over his shoulder)


LEE: Come and get it! We got all your favorite superstars goodies right here. We have New Era Icons t-shirts just 30 bucks. How about a signed copy of the history  of Hero & Zero connection blu ray, just 20 bucks….wow what a bargain!

(fans are standing round trying to buy items from the staff while L double E continues)

LEE: We got superkick party t-shirts for you Davie J fans out there. Or how about the Eddie D book…’how to diet and gain weight!’ (laughs)......of course we got the famous t-shirt with the original CREW logo. We got Wishmaster underpants with authentic staines………….hot off the factory floor is this prototype Suicide figure…..but it needs to be sent back as it comes with a belt. It's not realistic is it?

(fans are buying the merchandise and pushing and shoving to get to the front)

LEE: Anti- Hero fans calm down…...there's plenty of this cheap crap for everyone.. (a fan looks around and asks L double E a question)

Fan: Excuse me do you have any Fistful Of Knuckles Club Open For Business t-shirt

LEE: Dont you swear at me kid! We don't sell any of that knock off stuff scram!


(Scene cuts back to Joey Carlton)


JC: Next up is the highly anticipated tag team title match between the CREW's Eddie D and Big Poppa as they take on the New era icons Jimmy Brandon and Suicide.


(Dont stop believin by journey plays and the fans pop. Images of the new era icons are shown on the big screen above the entrance ramp. Jimmy Brandon walks out and fires off a party blaster with confetti falling onto the crowd. Suicide then walks out and the two head towards the ring)


JC: Well I don't see the ICON Davie J, he hasn't come out with them but he said he would watch there back to ensure the CREW dont cheat to win.


(Superstar by Saliva plays and the fans boo. Images of the crew are shown on the big screen and Eddie D and Big polla walk out wearing the tag team titles. They walk to the ring taunting the fans on there way)


JC: here they are, the Genesis tag team champions. I have a feeling that the four in the ring won't be the only four involved in this match……


Tag team title match - Eddie D & Big Poppa © vs Suicide & Jimmy Brandon.

Suicide is in the ring and Big Poppa steps out as Eddie starts with Suicide…….Suicide paces the ring as Eddie D watches him….they lock up…...Eddie throws Suicide to the floor and poses as the fans boo….Suicide gets back to his feet…...they lock up again…….Eddie goes for a suplex but Suicide blocks it…...Eddie tries again but Suicide blocks it…...Suicide turns it into a small package...the Ref gets down and counts……………..1……………...2……..kick out by Eddie D….Big Poppa gets in the ring...Suicide is up and sees him...Suicide hits Big Poppa with a hard right...Big Poppa stumbles back onto the ropes…..Suicide follows with a running clothesline and knocks Big Poppa to the outside (fans cheer)......Suicide turns round and Eddie D is getting up...standing drop kick by Suicide sends Eddie D down and he rolls to the outside (fans pop)....Big Poppa gets up and slides in the ring while Suicides back is turned….Jimmy Brandon climbs to the top rope and hits Big Poppa with a double axe handle as he approached Suicide….Brandon picks up Poppa and throws him through the ropes. The Ref is asking Jimmy Brandon to get out the ring…….Eddie is on his feet and walks round to Big Poppa….the Ref begins to count……………..1………………..2……………….3………...Eddie and Big Poppa talk……………..4…………………...5…………..Eddie and Big Poppa do a ‘2 sweet’ sign ……….6……………….Eddie slides back in the ring……..Eddie points to Jimmy Brandon….Suicide points to Brandon and looks at the fans (who cheer)........Suicide tags in Brandon (fans pop).......Jimmy looks to the fans and tells Eddie to bring it…...Eddie wipes his boots on the mat and the two lock up……...Eddie throws Jimmy into the ropes……….Jimmy comes back…….Powerslam by Eddie D!!!!......Eddie covers….the Ref gets down and counts…………..1…………..2……...kick out by Jimmy Brandon!....Eddie gets up and tags in Big Poppa………….Big Poppa drops an elbow on Jimmy and covers………….the Ref gets down and counts………...1…………..2……...kick out!....Big Poppa gets up...he pulls Jimmy up and throws him into the corner with Eddie D…..Big Poppa runs over and hits Suicide with a punch….Suicide climbs through the ropes but the ref stops him and tells him to get out. Eddie has Jimmy in the corner and is choking him….Suicide is trying to show the Ref but the Ref is insisting that Suicide gets back on the outside…...Big Poppa walks over and kicks Jimmy in the gut while Eddie hits him with a forearm...Suicide steps back to the outside and the Ref walks over….he asks Eddie if he has hit Jimmy Brandon but Eddie shakes his head. Big Poppa grabs Jimmy...belly to belly suplex! Poppa gets up and tags Eddie D in…...Eddie goes off the ropes….over Brandon… the over rope….Big Splash!....But Jimmy Brandon lifted his knees up!!!


JC: It's a lifeline for the challenges after the CREW have been in charge of this match…..Eddie D is winded but will Jimmy make the tag to Suicide?


Eddie is on his knees gasping for breath…..Jimmy rolls over and reaches out to tag Suicide but he can't reach...Suicide holds his hand out…..Jimmy slowly starts to crawl towards Suicide….getting closer….Eddie D is back to his feet……….he walks over and grabs the foot of Jimmy Brandon…..Jimmy is still trying to tag in Suicide…….Jimmy kicks Eddie in the face with his other foot and Eddie let's go….Eddie stumbles back…...Jimmy crawls forward and tags in Suicide (fans pop).........Suicide gets in…….Eddie holds his hands up and tries to persuade Suicide to not hit him……..Eddie drops to his knees…..puts his hands together pleading with Suicide….Suicide grabs Eddies head in one hand and holds his fist in the air….he looks out to the fans (fans cheer).....low blow by Eddie D!!!


JC: There it is fans….the great equalizer!!! When Suicide was looking the other way Eddie took his chance….


Suicide drops to his knees…..Eddie gets up….he hits Suicide with a hard right…..and another….Eddie gets Suicide to his feet….lifts him up...side slam by Eddie D……...Eddie covers….the Ref gets down and counts……..1………….2……….kick out by Suicide! Eddie looks surprised….he gets up…..pulls Suicide up and throws him into the corner….Suicide hits it hard….Eddie follows in with a splash….Suicide slumps down in the corner….Eddie walks over and tags in Big Poppa. Big Poppa walks over and pulls Suicide up…..Big Poppa hits Suicide with a forearm…...Big Poppa whips Suicide into the opposite corner…..Big Poppa runs and follows in but Suicide lifts a boot up and catches Big Poppa in the face…….Big Poppa stumbles away from the corner…...Suicide lifts himself up…...shakes his head and runs at Big Poppa….Bulldog by Suicide! Suicide gets up and runs and hits Eddie D with a hard right….he then grabs Eddie D and throws him head first into the turnbuckle….Eddie falls down to the outside……...Suicide walks to the center of the ring and stands over Big Poppa….he looks out at the fans (who start a Suicide chant)......Suicide pulls Big Poppa up….lifts him on his back…TORTURE RACK!!!!! TORTURE RACK!!!! TORTURE RACK!!!!!


JC: This could be it! We could have new champions!!!


Suicide applies the pressure…..the Ref checks if Big Poppa quits……..Eddie D is trying to get to his feet on the outside….trying to pull himself up pulling at the ring apron…….(Voodoo child by Jimi Hendrix hits and the fans give a mixed reaction. Images of the CREW and Hollywood Hogan are shown on the big video screen)


JC: What the hell????


(Hollywood Hogan walks out and down the ramp….he points at Suicide in the ring) Suicide drops Big Poppa and walks to the ropes…..he tells Hogan to get in the ring…..Hogan is pointing his finger at Suicide….the Ref is trying to tell Hogan to leave and for Suicide to get back to the match……...Hogan challenges Suicide and tells him to get out the ring!......The Ref tells Suicide to stay in the ring but he shrugs off the Ref and gets to the outside…...Hogan is slowly backing off as Suicide walks towards him…..the Ref begins to count………………..1………………….2…………


JC: Suicide is the legal man and so is Big Poppa…..but Big Poppa is still in the ring and Suicide could lose this title match if he doesn't concentrate….but its a smart move by Hogan. His boys were on the verge of losing and he's bought them some time.


…………….3……………………………...4……………………...Suicide grabs Hogans t-shirt (fans cheer)....................5…………...Hogan looks surprised and tells Suicide to take his hands off of him……….6………………..Eddie D is up..he runs and hits Suicide with a double axe handle to the back of the head…..Suicide lets go of Hogan and Hogan laughs……..Eddie stomps on Suicide………………..7……………….Big Poppa is back up…..he runs over and clotheslines Jimmy Brandon off of the ring apron knocking him down…..Big Poppa stands in the ring and holds his arms in the air………..8………………...Suicide is trying to fight back…………...trying to get to his feet…….he hits Eddie with a hard right………………….9……………...Suicide looks up at the Ref….he is showing 9 fingers…………...Suicide runs towards the ring but Eddie grabs Suicide……..the Ref goes to count……..(the arena lights go out)


JC: What the hell, what now????


(Wake Up by rage against the Machine hits and the fans POP!)


JC: The ICON Davie J….is he here???


(The arena lights come on and Davie J is standing between Hogan and Eddie D)


Davie grabs Suicide and rolls him under the bottom rope!.....Hogan looks livid…….Hogan tells Eddie to take out Davie but Eddie is hesitant…..the three start to argue….Suicide locks up with Big Poppa…..Big Poppa puts his arms around the waist of Suicide…..Belly to Belly suplex by Big Poppa….wait……..Suicide lands on his feet…..Big Poppa turns round….he looks shocked to see Suicide standing there…...Suicide kicks Big Poppa in the gut…..DDT!!!........Suicide gets up...he pulls Big Poppa up…..TORTURE RACK….TORTURE RACK….TORTURE RACK!!!!....The Ref checks to see if Big Poppa quits……...Eddie sees what's happening and leaves Hogan and Davie arguing….Eddie slides in the ring..he runs at Suicide…...clothesline… Jimmy Brandon on Eddie D!!!! Hogan sees what's happening….he goes to slide in the ring but Davie pulls him back out…..the Ref checks Big Poppa….he's nodding his head!


JC: We have new genesis tag team champions!!!!


Suicide drops Big Poppa and Jimmy celebrates with him as the fans POP. The Ref grabs the belts and hands them to Jimmy Brandon and Suicide. (Don't stop believin plays and the fans start to sing along) Davie gets in the ring and claps as he congratulates the winners. Eddie and Big Poppa roll to the outside and walk round to Hollywood Hogan. Eddie is holding his head while Big Poppa struggles to stay on his feet as the three walk up the ramp pointing at the three in the ring.


JC: I thought the CREW were going to keep the gold, but Davie J said he would watch the backs of the New Era Icons and he made sure the CREW did not interfere and we have new worthy champions. Next up is our main event, let's take a look which led to this….


The video screen shows pre taped interviews.


DJ: Hogan you and your new lap dog Jarrett, bring your wrestling gear to the next Havoc show and you can step in the ring with the Legends champion in a tag team match!.....Kurt, I'm asking you if you would be willing to step in the ring with the ICON once again. But this time on the side of Davie J not opposite me. Let's show Hogan and commissioner Jarrett what the EIWF is really about. The Olympic hero and the ICON ride again!! Now I'm sure Hogan will look for some excuse not to step in the ring with me, he's done it his whole career. But Jarrett, I know you live by the ratings for your show Havoc, and that's why you will be all over this like a freshman over a virgins honeypot. So let's get this match signed, three of the biggest names in wrestling and Jarrett in a match at Havoc!


(the scene cuts back to the Extreme zone. Voodoo child plays, the fans rise to their feet as various images of the CREW are shown on the big screen. Jeff Jarrett walks out and the fans boo. He holds his guitar in the air and walks towards the ring. Then from the smoke Hollywood Hogan walks out, the fans boo more as he plays air guitar and then walks towards the ring)


JC: A Havoc debut in the ring for EIWF Hall of Famer Hollywood Hogan. Hes teaming with the commissioner to take on the ICON and the Olympic Hero.


(The lights dim down and Wake Up by Rage against the Machines plays. Images of Davie J and Kurt Angle are shown on the big screen. The fans start to cheer in anticipation. Then Davie J walks out with Kurt Angle next to him and the fans POP. They high five and make there way to the ring.)


JC: What a match up fans, three former EIWF World champions and Jeff Jarrett….who I hate to say it but was the greatest United States champion in the EIWF’s history.


Davie J & Kurt Angle vs Hollywood Hogan & Jeff Jarrett


Davie and Kurt talk who is going to start first….Kurt Angle steps out, Davie points at Hogan…..Hogan steps out and tells Jarrett to start……...Davie looks out at the fans (they boo as Hogan got out of the ring)....Jarrett telling Davie to bring it……...Davie laughs and makes a dusting his shoulder taunt to Jarrett. Jarrett and Davie slowly walk to the center of the ring….looking to lock up…….Jarrett slaps Davie in the face……….Davie stares at Jarrett……….Jarrett backs off and drops down and slides out of the ring (fans boo)......Jarrett walks round to Hogan (the talk)...Jarrett slides back in the ring……..Jarrett says he wants Kurt Angle! Davie looks to the fans (they cheer)....Davie turns round to tag in Kurt Angle…...Jarrett hits Davie from behind….turns him round….suplex by Jarrett (fans boo….Hogan is clapping his hands)......Jarrett drops an elbow on Davie and then applies a headlock. The Ref checks that the move is legal……..Davie grabs the arm of Jarrett and manages to break the hold…..both men are on there feet…...Jarrett runs at Davie J….goes for a clothesline….Davie ducks and flips Jarrett to the outside…….Davie tags in Kurt Angle…...Jarrett gets to his feet on the outside and the Ref starts to count…………...1…………………...2…………..Jarrett gets back in………..Angle grabs Jarrett and whips him into the ropes…..Jarrett comes back...Angle grabs him…..belly to belly suplex by Angle (fans cheer)...........Jarrett uses the ropes to get up…..he runs at Angle…...Angle hip tosses him……..Jarrett gets up…….Angle grabs Jarrett and hits a back suplex….Angle covers….the Ref gets down and counts………..1………..2……….kick out by Jarrett! Angle gets up and points to Hogan (fans cheer).....Angle pulls up Jarrett and throws him towards the corner with Hogan.(fans cheer)


JC: Well it looks like Kurt Angle wants a piece of Hollywood Hogan!


Jarrett crawls to the corner….he holds his hand out to tag…….he can't reach…...he tries again….(Hogan turns around and looks at the fans)....Jarrett gets up on one knee…..uses the ropes to get to his feet………(Hogan drops down off the ring apron to the floor and starts to point at the fans who boo him)....Jarrett turns round…….he runs at Angle….Angle lifts him up onto his shoulders…..ANGLE SLAM!!! ANGLE SLAM!!! ANGLE SLAM!!! (fans POP!)......Angle covers Jarrett….the Ref gets down and counts…………….1……………………..2……………………………(Hogan pulls the Ref out of the ring)....The Ref warns Hogan (fans cheer as Davie J walks round to confront Hogan)........


JC: The Ref is starting to lose control of this one!


Hogan and Davie continue to argue……….Angle covers Jarrett again….(he calls for the Ref).......The Ref slides back in and gets down to count……………..1…………………..2…………..kick out by Jarrett!!! Hogan puts his finger in Davie’s face….Davie slaps it away……….Hogan pushes Davie…...Davie pushes him back………….Kurt Angle grabs the foot of Jarrett……….ANKLE LOCK!!!! ANKLE LOCK.!!!!....ANKLE LOCK!!!!!.......(fans rise to there feet as Eddie D and Big Poppa come running down the ramp).......the Ref is checking if Jarrett quits…….Jarrett is nodding……….Big Poppa gets in the ring……….the Ref goes to call for the bell but Big Poppa clotheslines him! Big Poppa hits Kurt Angle who drops the hold………...Eddie D goes round to Hogan and Davie and stands between the two of them. Big Poppa has Kurt Angle up...belly to belly suplex by Big Poppa…...Davie starts to walks away when Hogan takes off his belt and hits Davie across the back………..Eddie starts to talk to Hogan and they slowly walk away from the ring as Davie looks at them………..Davie slides in the ring and Big Poppa hits Davie with a hard right…...Jarrett goes to the outside and grabs his guitar..he slides in the ring……….Big Poppa pulls up Kurt Angle and holds him for Jarrett…..(fans POP).........through the crowd comes Revolution.he jumps the barrier and slides in the ring…………….(Jarrett points and tells Big Poppa)....Big Poppa turns around….Revolution grabs him…..RDD!!! RDD!!! RDD!!!.........Revolution gets up and heads to Jarrett……….Jarrett lifts the guitar up…..revolution kicks him to the gut……..Revolution grabs the guitar….BANG! Revolution hits Jarrett over the head with it!


JC: Jeff Jarrett has become Revolutions number one hit!


Hogan and Eddie are on the ramp and slowly walk backwards. (fans POP) as a figure walks through the entrance ramp. He hits Hogan and then Eddie D and they run to the back.




Badd Dogg makes his way down the ramp (fans cheer)....he slides in the ring and stands with Revolution, Davie J and Kurt Angle (Davie asks for a mic)


DJ: Hogan….CREW….I told you your time of ruling the EIWF was over. Right here in this ring is the Big Four of the EIWF….the four policemen if you will……...for those of you who don’t know your history...look it up! We are here to police the EIWF to make sure that you won't ever hold anyone back again. We are here to make sure you don't kill the EIWF like you did before. The New Era Icons are the future of the EIWF. Us four here? Talk about trusteeship of the powerful right here in this ring! Well we may not be young….but we are experienced. We are also four of the biggest stars ever in the EIWF, the Elite if you will. So let me announce before you….the EIWF’s Experienced Elite……...the Triple ‘E’...........the Ex3!!!!


JC: We are outta of time…..


(The scene cuts to the Prez backstage watching a monitor shaking his head)

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