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Havoc is your show! Your chance to shine, show us what you got!! What I mean is I'm opening Havoc up to anyone who would like to 'guest' write a show one week. Perhaps you use to run an e-fed or always fancied having a go at writing show. Your not tied down with the commitment of having to write it every week. If you want to write a show now and then just let me know.



(A pre taped segment is shown on the video screen, Jeff Jarrett is backstage on his cell phone)


JJ: It's all set boss don’t you worry, the chosen one has another ratings success ready to happen with this Havoc show!.....(he listens).....yeah we got the Genesis tag team title match…then we got the Legends title match and the main event we have the Genesis title match……(he listens).........boss..I think the Genesis title match should be the main event……..(he listens) its not cuz I booked myself in the match………(he listens)...........but….(is interrupted)....fine…'re the boss but if you ask me it sends out the wrong message!

(scene fades to black and the arena goes dark)



‘ThunderKiss 65 by White Zombie plays as the fans cheer at the Extreme Zone. The camera pans round show the fans and then zooms out high to show the ring and walkway, it then zooms back and shows Joey Carlton standing with a mic in front of some fans’


JC: Hello everyone, I’m Joey Carlton and this is EIWF Havoc!!


(Highlights from the last episode with havoc or shown on the video screen.)


JC: Tonight is a truly historic Havoc, every current active  EIWF title is on the line. That's right, the Genesis champion Ellis Black will defend against the commissioner Jeff Jarrett. The Genesis tag team champions will be crowned tonight as its new versus old as Kenny Omega and Jimmy Brandon take on Big Poppa and Eddie D from the CREW. Plus the Icon Davie J defends the Legends title versus the Olympic Hero Kurt Angle with Revolution as the special guest referee. Plus we have seen the return of Suicide, one of the original new blood who was held back in the original run of the EIWF by the CREW. I'm sure we will see him tonight in some form, plus the Anti Hero is the guest on the RDD show.


(The scene cuts to show L double E walking along outside with the EIWF World title over his shoulder, he stops and acknowledges the camera)


LEE: Anti-Heroes, World champion here. I’m on a special mission to solve a great mystery. But before we get to that lets look forward to the second part of the Final Stand as the EIWF World champion takes on the Legends Champion in a Unification match to crown the undisputed champion of the whole fucking Universe!


(He continues to walk)

LEE: You see at Final Stand I beat that quilt knitting, ugly contest winner, loser of battle of the wits and killer of the EIWF….Wishmaster. While he dreamed big of facing Hogan and Davie I simply woke him up from that dream with a pinch! Now as he was the last EIWF World champion and I beat him, that makes me the EIWF World champion!

(He stops outside a Police station)

LEE: Ah here we are, right I need to go in here and report something ‘missing’. Let's hope the local law enforcement can help solve the great mystery of…whatever happened to Wishmasters balls!

(Scene cuts back to Joey Carlton sat at the announce table)


JC: What is that looney talking about?? EIWF World champion?.......HA who is he kidding!!


(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and the New Era Icons walk out.)


JC: Here they are the New Era Icons! The future of the EIWF!!


(Ellis Black walks to the ring with Jimmy Brandon and Kenny Omega walkign behind him. They step into the ring and Ellis Black is handed a mic.)

EB: Behold the future of the EIWF.....behold the future of wrestling!!! (there is a mixed reaction from the fans with a mixture of boo's and cheers) Last week I became the first ever Genesis champion. But it seems the Goold Old boys Network was not happy and tried to steal the spotlight from the future of wrestling. I learned last week that I am good enough on my own to win titles around here, but realized that together with Jimmy the Hope Brandon and Kenny Omega we are unstoppable! (fans give a mixed reaction) Now its time to continue the success of the New Era Icons led by me Ellis Black as Jimmy and Kenny show the old boys from the CREW that they are past there best by date.


(Superstar by Saliva plays as images of the CREW are shown on the video screen and the fans boo. Eddie D and Big Poppa walk out wearing CREW t-shirts and make there way to the ring)

JC: Ellis Black the Genesis champion looks to be leading the new blood here in the EIWF under the guidance of Revolution I would think. Now this is a test for Kenny Omega and Jimmy Brandon as they take on Eddie D and Big Poppa who have won a total of six EIWF tag team titles between them!


(Ellis black makes his way up the ramp as Big Poppa taunts him, Ellis simply points to the Genesis title belt over his shoulder)

JC: Before we go to the tag team title match we have a pre taped promo from Suicide.

(The lights int he arena fade and the video screen shows Suicide)

"The fistful of knuckles tour is gathering pace and as you can see when the personification of extreme travels, he travels in first class transport on wards to Havoc to make my presence felt. The likes of Hogan, Heavy D and that wretched little cockroach L Double E will feel the full force of what the most dangerous individual ever to set foot in a wrestling ring has in his arsenal. You're just three minuscule skittles in position to be sent crashing down by this wrecking ball. Hogan, I sent out the challenge, do you accept or are you too much of a coward to face me? Your wrinkly old body is that riddled with arthritis that you can't move your cheek bones to utter a word. That's perfectly fine, false messiah, you continue to prove me right that you are indeed scared of what awaits you when you step into the squared circle with the proprietor of the fistful of knuckles club. The figurehead of the CREW will be knocked from his pedestal and this scandalous faction will crumble to the ground. The sound of silence suits you, Hogan. Be that terrified old man that you really are and stop with this masquerade that you're still significant in the wrestling world. The wheels had to fall off someday and happily I am around to deliver a helping hand. So one last time, Hogan, yes or no? Or will I spell it out in modern day terminology that you probably won't understand seeing as you're from the prehistoric age? It goes something like this, you can go hard or you can go home. What's it going to be, Hogan?"

Tag Team Titles Match

Big Poppa & Eddie D vs Jimmy Brandon & Kenny Omega


Eddie D starts in the ring with Jimmy Brandon……they lock up…...Eddie lifts Jimmy up and throws him back i to his corner…..Eddie poses……. Jimmy gets back up to his feet…..he runs at Eddie D…..powerslam by Eddie D!......Eddie gets up and poses again…..he walks over and tags in Big Poppa…...Poppa walks over and drops an elbow but Jimmy rolls out of the way…...Jimmy rolls to his corner and tags in Kenny Omega…..Big Poppa is on his feet holding his elbow…...Kenny Omega walks over…..standing dropkick by Omega! ……...Big Poppa stumbles back…...Omega runs over and hits a knife edge chop……..Omega sends Big Poppa i to the ropes…..he comes back…. Omega leapfrogs over……..Poppa off the other ropes…...SuperKick by Kenny Omega!




Kenny Omega covers Big Poppa…...the ref gets down and counts……...1……….2…….Eddie D stomps on Kenny and breaks the pin count……..Jimmy runs in and hits Eddie to the back with a forearm…...Eddie turns round and clotheslines Jimmy over the top rope…. Eddie climbs thru the ropes to the outside……..Kenny is complaining to the ref about Eddie interfering…...Big Poppa is on his feet…...He grabs Kenny from behind and hits a back suplex……..Big Poppa gets up and taunts the fans in the front row……...Eddie and Jimmy are still brawling on the outside…...Big Poppa pulls Kenny up…he lifts him above above his head and lifts him up and down…..he walks to the ropes and throws him to the outside hitting Jimmy Brandon on the way…….Eddie is stomping on both of them on the outside……the Ref begins to count……...1……………….2………….he tells Eddie D to get back to his corner………………….3………………………...4…………………….Kenny Omega slowly starts to get up………………….5…………………...6………...Kenny uses the side apron to pull himself up…...7……….he slides under the bottom rope……..Big Poppa grabs Kenny and throws him into the corner……. Kenny comes back out off the turnbuckle….Poppa with a clothesline…….but Kenny ducks……….Big Poppa turns round and Kenny clotheslines Big Poppa and he stumbles back into the corner….Kenny runs into the corner...Frankensteiner by Kenny Omega!


JC: OH MY GOD!!! I haven't seen that move in years and Kenny Omega has used it on its creator!!!


Kenny slowly crawls over and covers Big Poppa…...the Ref counts…………….1…………….2……..kick out by Big Poppa……….Kenny gets up…….Big Poppa gets to his feet…..they lock up?........belly to belly suplex by Big Poppa…..Big Poppa gets to his feet...runs over and hits Jimmy Brandon with a forearm knocking him off the ring apron to the floor…..Big Poppa walks back to Kenny and stops on his head…..he then walks over and tags in Eddie D…


JC The Game or Enforcer Eddie D, one half of the Good Guys tag team, where haven’t they won the tag titles?


Eddie goes over the ropes and drops and elbow but Kenny rolls out of the way…..both men are up…..Eddie hits Kenny with a headbutt…he then whips Kenny i to the corner a d follows i  with a splash…...Eddie tags Big Poppa back in…….Big Poppa walks over to the corner and goes to grab Kenny but he crawls thru the legs of Big Poppa and rolls across the ring and tags in Jimmy Brandon…..Jimmy gets up and hits Big Poppa with a hard right….and another...he throws Big Poppa i to the ropes….Jimmy kicks Big Poppa to the gut as he comes back…...Jimmy follows up with a clothesline, knocking Big Poppa down to the mat…,Eddie enters the ring...Jimmy turns around and sees him….Jimmy kicks Eddie to the gut...DDT! Eddie is down…..Jimmy stomps on Eddie and kicks him  out of the ring…..Jimmy walks over to Big Poppa and grabs his head to lift him up….Big Poppa hits Jimmy with a low blow…..


JC: The great equalizer….always works! Damn you Big Poppa!


Big Poppa stands up..hits Jimmy Brandon with a running clothesline…...Big Poppa walks over and drops an elbow on Jimmy…...he covers….the Ref gets down and counts……………..1………………...2…………...kick out!!! Big Poppa complains to the Ref it was a slow count. Big Poppa walks over and slaps Kenny Omega….Kenny climbs into the ring but the Ref stops him and tells him to leave…...Big Poppa pulls Jimmy up…..Eddie D is on the apron….Big Poppa throws Jimmy into Eddie’s big boot resting on the top rope…….Kenny complains to the Ref but the Ref is insisting he leaves the ring…..Kenny leaves and the Ref walks over to Big Poppa and talks to him but Big Poppa shakes his head……(The crowd rise to there feet as Hollywood Hogan walks out)......Big Poppa pulls Jimmy up and puts him in the corner…..Big Poppa sees Hogan and does a 4-Life sign….the Ref sees Hogan and tells him to leave, while the Ref isn't looking Eddie starts to choke Jimmy Brandon…..


JC: What the hell is it with these guys? Can they not have at least one friggin match where they play by the rules?!!


The Ref turns around and sees Eddie choking Jimmy and warns him and Eddie lets go...….Big Poppa grabs Jimmy….belly to belly suplex….Big Poppa covers……...1……..2…….Kenny Omega breaks the pin by stomping on Big Poppa…..Kenny walks back to the the ropes and as he steps thru ‘Bang!’ He is hit with a steel chair by Hogan….


JC Oh my God! Kenny looks like he's out cold!


Kenny Omega is on the floor and Hogan is standing over him……….Big Poppa tags in Eddie D…..Eddie covers Jimmy Brandon….the Ref gets down and counts…………..1……………...2……….kick out! (fans cheer).....Hogan kneels down and starts to hit Kenny with some hard rights…...Hogan stops and laughs….Hogan gets up and stomps on Kenny…..(fans stand up as Suicide comes running down the ramp)....


JC: The personification of extreme is here!!


Eddie throws Jimmy into the corner and follows in with a splash…...Jimmy slumps down……..Suicide grabs Hogan and turns him round…. Suicide hits Hogan with a hard right (fans cheer).....Suicide hits another one and Hogan stumbles back……. Eddie pulls Jimmy out of the corner….Big Poppa jumps down and goes round to Hogan and Suicide, he hits Suicide with a forearm to the back…...Suicide turns round and clotheslines Big Poppa…..Eddie has Jimmy in the middle of the ring…kick to the gut…STUNNER STUNNER STUNNER!!!!...Eddie covers…..the Ref gets down and counts………………..1……………..2………. Suicide slides in the ring but Hogan grabs his foot and pulls him back……...3!!!!!!


JC: We have new Genesis tag team champions, Eddie D and Big Poppa, but if you ask me this stinks!!


Hogan lets go and grabs Big Poppa and they start to walk back up the ramp…..Eddie is celebrating in the ring…he turns round and Suicide hits Eddie with a running clothesline knocking Eddie over the top rope to the outside…...Hogan and Big Poppa help Eddie up as Suicide stands in the ring…...the Ref hands the tag titles to Eddie D and Big Poppa and they hold them up…...Suicide helps Jimmy up in the ring (fans cheer)


JC: Fans we have had a controversial finish to the match but the result stands, unfortunately I have to tell you that the CREW’s Big Poppa and Eddie are the first ever EIWF Genesis tag team champions.


(In the ring Suicide has a mic while EMT’s attend to Kenny Omega)


Sui: Hogan, Eddie, Big Poppa. You three stooges may have got the win today but it was clear to me and everyone out here that the new blood of Kenny Omega and Jimmy Brandon had this match won! (fans cheer) But because of you Hogan, Kenny is being treated by EMT’s. So next Havoc I want a piece of the CREW and I will step in alongside Jimmy Brandon here and challenge Fatty D and Big Puff of Air for those titles.....or are the CREW still running from me?! (he throws the mic down)


JC: The challenge is there from the personification of extreme, how will the CREW respond.

(a video clip is shown on the video screen above the entrance ramp of Kurt Angle (fans cheer) working out ahead of his title match with Davie J)


JC: Tonight fans two former EIWF world champions face off for the Legends championship. Davie J versus Kurt Angle is our main event!


(‘Chosen One’ sounds over the arena then My world by Dale Oliver plays and the fans boo heavily. Jeff Jarrett walks out and holds the guitar in the air and walks down the ring)


JC: The commissioner is here but is he losing his power? This whole match came about because of Revolution calling the shots on the last show. So Jarrett booked himself in a match with Genesis champion Ellis Black….or Havoc champion as double J would say!


(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays, the fans boo as Ellis Black walks out holding the genesis belt)

JC: These fans here at the Extreme zone are not your tradition wrestling fans. They boo Ellis Black, but they love Jimmy Brandon.....and the two guys are working together to bring down the so called Good Old boys Network!

(Ellis walks down the ramp, he goes puts his hand out to a fan who goes to shake it buy Ellis pulls it away and laughs, he points to the belt to various fans and gets int he ring)


JC: The new era icon himself! He has been making a name for himself here in the EIWF at the extreme zone. A mixed reaction from the fans but that won't worry him, he's been forming a stable under the guidance of Revolution who mentored Ellis, Jimmy Brandon and Kenny Omega at the EIWF Power Plant.


Genesis Title match

Ellis Black (C) vs Jeff Jarrett


Jarrett is in the ring…pointing to himself and then at Ellis Black….


JC: The commissioner appears to be telling the champion that Jarrett has all the stroke….Ellis doesn't look impressed…


They lock up…...Ellis gains the advantage and forces Jarrett back into the corner………..the Ref tells them to break the hold…...Jarrett lifts his arms up….Ellis lets go and Jarrett pokes him in the eye!....The Ref warns Jarrett but Jarrett ignores him…...Jarrett rakes the back of Ellis…..he picks Ellis up from behind…..atomic drop!........Ellis is standing in the ring…unable to move...Jarrett grabs him from behind…THE STROKE!!!! THE STROKE!!!! THE STROKE!!!!....


JC: My God! This could be all over already!!


Jarrett covers Ellis Black and the Ref gets down and counts…………..1…………………….2………………(Jarrett lifts Ellis Black’s head up to stop the pin).....The Ref asks Jarrett what he's doing…. Jarrett says ‘no’....and gets up……


JC: What the hell?? It appears Double J wants to hurt Ellis Black, not just win the Genesis title!!


Jarrett stomps on Ellis and tells him to get up……. Ellis slowly gets up.Jarrett grabs Ellis…snap suplex by Jarrett!....(Jarrett gets up and starts strutting in the middle of the ring and the fans boo) Ellis is getting back to his feet...........Jarrett grabs Ellis and throws him into the ropes....Ellis comes back.....Jarrett leap frogs over....Ellis off the other rope......Jarrett goes for a leapfrog again but Ellis stops....Jarrett is now standing in front of Ellis and Ellis kicks Jarrett to the gut....picks Jarrett up....side slam!.........Ellis gets up and drops an elbow on Jarrett.....Ellis is up...he climbs the turnbuckle to the top rope....Flying Headbutt by Ellis Black (fans react to the high maneuver)....Ellis covers.....the Ref counts...............1.............................2.................kick out by Jarrett!.......Ellis  turns Jarrett over and applies a camel clutch....the Ref takes a look to ensure the move is legal and to check if Jarrett quits.

JC: An old school move there fans, when was the last time you saw a camel clutch?

Ellis Black is leaning back applying....the Ref checks but Jarrett wont quit......Ellis becomes frustrated and drops the hold.......Ellis pulls Jarrett up....Reverse DDT by Ellis!......Ellis covers.....the Ref gets down and counts......1......................2..................kick out by Jarrett!.......Ellis gets to his feet.......Jarrett is trying to get up....Ellis walks over.....small package by Jarrett!....the Ref counts..............1.........................2...............kick out by Ellis......both men get up.....Jarrett grabs Ellis and hits an inverted atomic drop...........Jarrett pulls his arm back to hit Ellis with a hard right and hits the Ref with his elbow.....

JC: Oh no! The Ref is down!

Jarrett picks Ellis up and slams him......Jarrett gets up....of the ropes...drops an elbow on Ellis......Jarrett covers.....but the Ref is still down.....Jarrett bangs his hand on the mat three times to signal a pin count. Jarrett gets up.....he walks to the side and climbs through the ropes....he picks up his guitar (fans boo) and slides back in the ring........Jarrett lifts the guitar up and tells Ellis Black to get up!.......(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool hits and the fans POP!  Revolution walks out and stops on the ramp! He points at Jarrett and runs towards the ring)

JC: Revolution is here! the man who has led this talent of New Blood into the EIWF and he also has a dispute with Jarrett over the booking of Havoc!

Jarrett watches Revolution.......Revolution tried to get in the ring but Jarrett swings the guitar at him.....Revolution walks round and tried to get in again but is blocked by Jarrett....(The Ref starts to come round and sits up) ...Revolution climbs up on the ring apron....Jarret swings the guitar and Revolution drops down.............Ellis Black gets up.....he sees Jarrett with Revolution....Ellis rolls Jarrett up from behind.....the Ref counts...........1..........................2......................3!!!!....Jarrett gets up and looks angry...he grabs his guitar....Ellis is handed the Genesis title and holds it int he air....Jarrett goes to swing the guitar at Ellis but Revolution grabs it off of Jarrett....Jarrett slides out of the ring as Revolution drops the guitar and walks over and holds Ellis Blacks arm int he air (fans cheer)

JC: Ellis Black wins against the commissioner. Double J is not too please about the involvement of Revolution. But!.....Revolution was making sure the rules were played by and shall we say…..that Ellis didn't become Jarrett's latest hit!

(Revolution leaves the ring and heads towards the RDD set for the interview segment and Ellis Black walks up the ramp)

Ellis black stops and holds the belt up ...Regal comes out from the crowd and hits Ellis with a steal weapon frame


JC: What the that a ....zimmer frame? Is that in reference to being one of the old boys?


.....Jimmy Brandon comes out from the back and grabs the frame from Regal.....Regal picks up the Geneses belt and spits on it and throws it down and heads to the back. Jimmy helps Ellis back to  his feet as they both exit

JC: What is Regal's angle? But in fairness Ellis Black has got to expect to be a wanted man when hes the champion. It seems everyone wants to be involved with the new blood, with the New Era Icons.


(Revolution is on the RDD set looking at what had just happened on the entrance way with Ellis Black, Regal and Jimmy Brandon. He focuses himself and looks at the camera with a mic in his))

Rev: the New Blood in the EIWF appear to be causing a storm with the Gold old boys! Well let me say this, you may have been able to hold the up and coming talent int he past but not anymore....not on my watch! (fans cheer) OK let's get to the RDD show, please welcome my guest at this time. He has been called the EIWF's favorite son. He is into the final four of the Final Stand PPV. He is a former EIWF TV and tag team champion. He is one half of the Hero & Zero connection (fans cheer), he calls himself the anti hero.....give it up for L double E! (fans boo)

(Steal my Shine by Marz plays as images of L double E are shown on the video screen. He walks out from the smoke on the entrance way wearing the original EIWF World championship belt. He walks to the RDD set and stands next to Revolution)

Rev: L double E, thank you for agreeing to be on the RDD show.

LEE: The pleasure is all yours Revolution. Just so everyone is aware, Ive had no update from the local law enforcement regarding Wishmasters balls!

Rev: What are you doing wearing that? (Points tot he EIWF belt)

LEE: This right here Revo man represents the best of the best of the BEST! Let me give you a history lesson...

Rev: Please do.....

LEE: To be the have to beat the hero!! I beat the hero to be the hero....and no one is beating the anti-hero...


LEE: let me dumb that down for you and the guys on the roster! Wishmaster was the last EIWF World champion, at Final Stand I beat him for the one....two....three!! That makes me the EIWF World Champion. In the last fifteen years no one had been able to defeat Wishmaster, But I the Anti-Hero did the unthinkable. I ended the streak, we have now entered the era of the Anti-Hero. Finally the EIWF's favorite son is the EIWF World Champion.

Rev: I dont think that the EIWF World title is officially recognized as being active...

LEE: I don't have time to get into details, but with such poisonous words to try and take away the prestige of my title win I will have to rename you Revo-pollution!

Rev: ...whatever......recently you have been having an exchange of words with Suicide, tells us more about that?

LEE: Who?

Rev: With Suicide.

LEE: Who?


LEE: I hard you the first time, but my reply is still relevant...WHO? Who exactly is he? Does he have the EIWF World title? Nope! Has he done anything worth while in the EIWF?

Rev: He was the winner of the main event of the Doomsday reunion show!

LEE: Whooptie doo...and what did that get him? A way one ticket to an ass beating my the masked attacker who floats in and out of the EIWF.


LEE: Ive beaten world champions, Ive beat the best quilt knitters, Ive won the battle of wits mind games and Im in the final four of the Final Stand PPV. Suicide is less important then the crap on the bottom of my boot! Hes obsessed with the CREW...or Davie J....and his distraction with them has always been his biggest weakness. He talks about fistful of knuckles, his favorite game and where he likes the fist know what I mean Revo!

Rev: How do you see your match with Davie J going at the Final Stand PPV?

LEE: Two of the biggest EIWF stars EVER! Going one on one in a unification title match. On one side you have tradition as I the EIWF World Champion take on Davie who is the Legends champion. A title not worth much after it was handed to him! But one the Anti-Hero beats Davie J and take my rightful place in the final people will start to sit up and listen to me. I have been written off, dismissed, ignored.....but finally I will prove once and for all that I am the best in the EIWF when I win the tournament!

Rev: You actually think you will win the tournament?

LEE: Of course......unless theirs a screw job by Hogan and Davie......(stops and thinks)......shit.........I need to talk to the Prez....

(L double E walks off and leaves Revolution standing with the mic)

Rev: Well I guess that's the end of this episode of the RDD show, its time for me to get changed!

(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and the fans cheer as the lights dim on the RDD set, the camera cuts to Joel Carlton)

JC: Fans there you have it, once again the voice of a deranged man who doesn't live in the real world like the rest of us. I can tell you two things for isn't the EIWF World champion and two.....there is no way he is winning the Final Stand PPV with Hogan and Davie still involved! Are those two up to something? Probably.....but we will have to wait and see just what exactly. OK fans Revolution is int he ring wearing his referee shirt as its time for the main event.

(Medal by Jim Johnson plays and the fans POP.  Images of Kurt Angle flash over the video screen. He walks out and stands on the ramp, he points in the air and pyros go off around him. He jogs towards the ring as the fans cheer. He climbs the steps and enters the ring. He spins around as more pyro's go off from the turnbuckles. he walks over and shakes hands with Revolution as the two talk and his theme song stops)

JC: Kurt Angle, one of the biggest stars ever in the EIWF, and there has been plenty of talk that he has not been shown the respect he deserves around here. This was mentioned in an interview with Revolution and by Davie J this past week which led to the ICON giving him a shot at the legends title.

(The lights dim down and the legends title is shown on the video screen. Wake Up by Rage against the machine plays and the fans POP. Davie J walks out wearing the Legends title belt around his wait. He walks down the ramp and greets the fans on the way to the ring. He climbs the steps and enters the ring. He shakes the hand of Revolution and takes the belt off and places it over the shoulder of Kurt Angle and the two hug and laugh)

JC: Two former foes now friends! Revolution will be calling this one and ensuring it is played out by the book!

Legends Title Match

Davie J (C) vs Kurt Angle

The two men shake hands and then circle the ring (Revolution calls for the bell 'ding ding') They lock up.....Angle puts Davie in a headlock....Davie pushes Angle off and into the ropes....Angle comes back.....Davie with a standing dropkick.he hits Angle who stumbles back onto the ropes...........they lock up again.....both men jostling for an advantage.......Angle forces Davie J to walks backwards into the corner....revolution asks them to break the hold.....both men cautiously let go and raise there hands...Angle backs away and lets Davie out of the corner. Davie grabs the arm of Angle and throws him into the ropes.....Angle comes back....Davie goes for a clothesline but Angle ducks....Angle goes off the other ropes....Davie turns around....Davie goes for a back flip...Angle goes over but turns it into a sunset flip to a pin....Revolution gets down and counts..........1.................2................kick out by Davie J!....both men get to there feet.........Davie hits Kurt Angle with a knife edge chop (fans go wooooo)....Angle tells Davie to do it again.....Davie hits Angle with another chop (fans go woooo)....Angle tells him again.....Davie again hits Angle with another chop (fans go woooo).....Angle grabs Davie and whips him into the corner.....Angle follows in with a clothesline....he then hits Davie with a chop, and another and another in quick succession...Angle lifts Davie onto the top turnbuckle (fans cheer)...Angle climbs up and hits a SuperPlex!.....Angle turns over and covers Davie....revolution gets down and counts.............1..................2...............kick out by Davie J!!! Kurt Stands up...he tells Davie to get up.....Davie gets to his feet......Kurt Angle runs at Davie J for a spear....Davie moves out the way and Kurt goes shoulder first into the ring post in the corner.......Davie grabs Kurt and pulls him out of the corner and he falls onto the mat......Davie grabs both legs of Kurt Angle and puts his foot through and crosses Angles legs...he then starts to turn him over (fans cheer)....Davie keeps turning and Angle is on his back and Davie leans back......ICON DEATH LOCK!!! ICON DEATH LOCK!!! ICON DEATH LOCK!!!...

JC: This could be it! This move, the ICON Death Lock also known as the sharpshooter has won Davie J many many titles in the past. Many associate the Superkick as Davie's finisher, but this is his official finisher and He has it locked in on Kurt Angle.....not in the middle of the ring but he still has it on!!

Revolution gets down on the mat to talk to Kurt Angle and asks if he quits....Angle shakes his head.......Davie leans back applying the pressure (fans start a Kurt Angle chant).....Revolution asks Kurt Angle again but he shakes his head.....Kurt Angle lifts himself up off the mat with his arms to try and relieve the pressure.....he reaches towards the ropes......he manages to move forward and Davie looks surprised....Kurt goes for the ropes again and again pulls himself closer...Davie tried to pulls Angle to the center of the ring but the hold loosens and Angle reaches the ropes.(fans pop)...Revolution tells Davie to drop the hold and he does .......

JC: Davie J cant believe it! Hes standing there shaking his head, he knew he could of had the match won but Kurt Angle the Olympic hero managed to loosen the hold and reach the ropes. Will Davie regret the missed opportunity?

Kurt Angle is up but leans on the ropes for support....hes holding his back.....(fans start an 'Angle' chant).....Davie walks over and grabs Angles arm...Davie whips him towards the ropes but Angle reverses it......Davie comes off the he gets to Angle Kurt grabs him....belly to belly suplex by Kurt Angle!.....Angle is up first...he walks over to Davie who is getting up...Angle hits Davie with a knife edge chop (fans go wooo).......Angle grabs Davies arms and throws him into the ropes....Davie comes back....PowerSlam by Kurt Angle!.....Angle covers for the pin...Revolution gets down and counts..............1...................2.................kick out by Davie J!.....Angle applies a headlock on Davie J.....Revolution checks its not a choke hold....

JC: Let this be a lesson to any new talent in the power plant, Kurt Angle is playing it smart and is trying to wear the Legends champion down...

Davie tries to break the hold......but Angle has it locked in......Davie reaches for the ropes but cant reach.............Kurt slowly gets to his feet while keeping the headlock on.....both men are to there feet......Kurt runs a few steps holding the move....running BullDog by Kurt Angle!...Kurt covers for the pin...Revolution gets down and counts...........1...................2................foot on the rope!!!

JC: WOW! I thought that was it, I thought we had a new champion...

Kurt Angle cant believe it...he walks around the ring with his head in his hands........Kurt looks out to the fans (fans cheer)....he walks over to Davie J who is still on the mat.....grabs his foot and pulls him to the middle of the ring....ANKLE LOCK....ANKLE LOCK...ANKLE LOCK!!!!

JC: Kurt Angle has the ankle lock locked in tight in the center of the will Davie J get out of this?

Revolution gets down and checks on Davie......Davie is shaking his head......(Kurt Angle shouts as he applies pressure).......Davie is still shaking his head.....he reaches for the ropes......but is too far away......Davie grabs Revolution but Revolution brushes him off and shakes his head........again Revolution asks if Davie quits.....Davie shouts with pain......Revolution asks him again but he shakes his head....(the fans start a Davie chant).....Angle keeps the move locked in...........(there is a sound of Boo's from the fans in the arena as the CREW walks out).....

JC: What the hell? These guys are a menace that need to be taken care of!

Kurt Angle sees Hogan walking out with Eddie D and Big Poppa and he drops the hold....Revolution looks surprised at Angle and Angle points to the CREW heading towards the ring...Revolution turns around and walks to the side of the ring and tells them to leave and they have no business being there......(Hogan laughs)....The three stand at the bottom of the entrance ramp......Eddie D points at Revolution and taunts him....Kurt Angle helps up Davie J and points to the CREW on the outside......Davie and Kurt stand next to Revolution watching the CREW.....

JC: You cant take your eyes of of them.....not for one second....

Davie is asking them what there playing at.......(there is a reaction from the fans....Jeff Jarrett comes through the crowd with his guitar...he slides in the ring......BANG!!...smashes the guitar over Revolutions head)


Revolution is down....Davie and Angle turn round and see Jarrett.....Kurt runs and grabs Jarrett...he hits him with a hard right and another....Davie limps towards them....Eddie and Big Poppa slide in the ring.....Big Poppa grabs Davie and throws him into the corner......Big Poppa follows in with a clothesline.....Eddie D grabs Kurt Angle and holds him from behind.....Jarrett kicks Angle to the gut....Eddie lets go.....Jarrett hist Angle with a hard right.......Jarrett turns Angle round and Eddie hits Angle with a headbutt......Big Poppa is kicking Davie in the corner and hitting him with punches.....

JC: Look at Hogan.......on the outside of the ring smiling. He orchestrated this!  Revolution is out cold.....Eddie D and Jeff Jarrett are double teaming Kurt Angle and Big Poppa has Davie int he corner.........someone stop this madness!

Hogan walks around the ring and picks up the Legends title belt......he climbs up onto the ring apron and calls Big Poppa....Big Poppa pulls Davie out of the corner and throws him towards Hogan....Bang! .....Hogan hits Davie with the Legends title belt in the face.....Davie falls down and Big Poppa stomps on him....Hogan drops down to the outside and throws the belt on the floor.......(there is a reaction from the fans as Suicide runs down the entrance ramp)

JC: The personification of extreme!!

Suicide turns Hogan around.....(Hogan looks shocked)....Suicide grabs Hogan and throws him into the steel steps.......Suicide gets in the ring...he grabs Big Poppa...turns hum around....kick to the gut....DDT!....Suicide gets up and kicks Big Poppa who falls to the outside......Jarrett and Eddie both see Suicide....Suicide runs at them and hits them with a double clothesline.....they both fall down and roll out of the ring........Suicide helps Kurt Angle up.........Big Poppa, Jarrett and Eddie D walk round to Hogan....they point at the guys in the ring.....Davie J gets up and watches Hogan and the rest of the CREW....Suicide helps Revolution up who is coming round......Davie walks backwards and bumps into Suicide....Davie turns around and sees Suicide......(Davie looks shocked)...Kurt Angle tells Davie that Suicide helped them.....Kurt Angle lifts Suicides arm in the air.......(The CREW leave as the fans throw trash at them on the way to the back)..Revolution slaps Suicide on the back.....Davie looks out to he fans (they cheer).....Davie J holds his hand out for Suicide to shake..........Suicide looks at it....and then leaves the ring....

JC: Fans the Legends match has finished as a no contest....the CREW cant help themselves but to get involved in everything. Jarrett had issues with Revolution from earlier and it appeared Davie was trying to thank Suicide for helping...a thank you that Suicide didn't want from the ICON....we are outta time!

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