EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

Revision 3
Havoc is your show! Your chance to shine, show us what you got!! What I mean is I'm opening Havoc up to anyone who would like to 'guest' write a show one week. Perhaps you use to run an e-fed or always fancied having a go at writing show. Your not tied down with the commitment of having to write it every week. If you want to write a show now and then just let me know.

(A pre-taped segment with Suicide airs before the titles roll for Havoc)
(Over a week has elapsed since the personification of extreme Suicide received the news that he is medically cleared to compete in the ring again and he will be making his first TV appearance back at Havoc doing an interview for the RDD show. The scene opens in his locker room where he is shown watching the latest EIWF promos on a monitor before turning to the camera as it zooms in on him.)
"The grand return to wrestling action is near for the personification of extreme and there is a long list of wretched parasites I've been watching here who need to be taught a harsh lesson in the only way possible and that is via anatomy brutality courtesy of the most dangerous individual ever to set foot in a wrestling ring. I have no qualms about expressing opinions on the latest pack of jumped up punks wanting to make a name for themselves in the EIWF. The likes of Ellis Black and Kenny Omega stepping into the spotlight, speaking utter drivel about each other, going head to head in the Genesis title tournament at Havoc and at the conclusion win or lose will go grab a coffee and participate in a massively nauseating love-fest. Two more totally irrelevant schmucks who will fall by the wayside and disappear into the abyss once the audience gets tired of them so there is no point buying their merchandise because they won't be hanging around. At least if I've got anything to do with it."
(Suicide smirks before he continues to speak.)
"Moving on from the nobodies to the ignorant shriveled up old prune Hollywood Hogan and his embarrassing cartoonish nostalgia trip back in the red and yellow garbage gear against Kurt Angle when in truth the only trip you were on was the prescription medication from the old folks home. Victorious with your seemingly fiendish plan to upstage Angle but in all honesty looking a complete moron reverting back to the ancient realms of Hulkamania to feed your ego and to test out if the Hulkamaniacs still really give a s***(bleeped out). The answer to that was clear which goes to show brain cells are in short supply among those in attendance swallowing this tripe. However you committed a cardinal sin when you hobbled out on your Zimmer frame to deliver your celebratory address knowing damn well that I made reference to you and your gang of sideshow freaks yet you chose to completely bypass that and just yapped on about defeating Angle and fooling everyone. Even your meat headed cronie Big Poppa had leave of his senses by not issuing some sort of comeback on you and the CREWs behalf. Do I smell fear in your camp or are you too wrapped up in your sickening self-indulgence that you do not see the personification of extreme as a legitimate threat? If it is the latter, Hogan then you won't have to worry about donning the red and yellow because I am going to beat you two brand new colours and they are black and blue so listen to my words very carefully, you old fart. Turn your hearing aid up full volume if you have to but listen good. You are the top of my hit list. The masked scumbag and Davie J's time will come. Hogan, you will never ignore me again for it will be SUICIDE!!!"
(Suicide picks up the monitor and proceeds to smash it on the ground as the scene fades to black.)
(The picture fades to black and cuts to the live arena)
‘ThunderKiss 65 by White Zombie plays as the fans cheer at the Extreme Zone. The camera pans round show the fans and then zooms out high to show the ring and walkway, it then zooms back and shows Joey Carlton standing with a mic in front of some fans’
JC: Hello everyone, I’m Joey Carlton and this is EIWF Havoc!!
‘A video package plays showing the stars of the EIWF and highlights from the recent PPV EIWF’s Final Stand, as it finishes the camera shows Joey Carlton sitting at an announcers desk’
JC: Yes wrestling fans the EIWF is back and so is Joey Styles! I am the Unscripted, Uncensored Loose Cannon of Commentary! Tonight we will crown the EIWF’s first ever Havoc Champion when we have a tournament for the Genesis Championship belt. Kenny Omega will be facing Ellis Black and Jimmy Brandon will be facing Mr Havoc himself….Regal! The winners of those two matches will face each other in the main event for the title. Plus!.....we have a RDD show where Revolution will be talking with the Personification of Extreme himself….Suicide. As you may recall Suicide won the main event of our first reunion show Doomsday when he last he beat Eddie D. He was scheduled to be in the tournament for Final Stand but at the beginning of Redemption he was attacked by a masked man. That vicious attack saw Suicide hospitalized and only recently just cleared to wrestle again. Since then the masked attacker has been busy, he attacked the Prez and Wishmaster. There have been many theories to who it could possibly be but we still don’t know who it is….
‘The strains of Love and War by Drowning Poo lplays and Revolution walks out onto the ramp (fans pop)
JC: The king of merchandise sales is here at the Extreme Zone!
REV: Thank you for that reception! (fans cheer)…..tonight marks the beginning of a new era for the EIWF. The history of the EIWF is one of the greatest in all of wrestling……but it’s time to leave it exactly there……in the past! We have seen some great superstars and as the Final Stand Tournament is showing……they will always be part of the EIWF. However I think the Final Stand should be exactly that, the Final Stand for those stars from the past. Havoc is for the future and tonight we will see the crowning of the first ever Genesis champion. Three of the most promising stars in wrestling today, from the EIWF power plant……Ellis Black and Jimmy Brandon. From Japan Kenny Omega and Regal who has appeared on every Havoc so far. Those four will battle it out and no one knows more about the future stars of the EIWF then me……so tonight I will be the referee in the main event! (fans cheer)
JC: Revolution has spent time giving advice at the Power Plant and casting his eye over the potential next big thing for the EIWF.
REV: Im going to ensure that none of the good old boys spoil what is a new chapter for the EIWF. They……and myself…..we have had our time. It’s time to past the torch……let the Revolution begin!!!
(The fans cheer as The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays)
JC: There you have it fans, Revolution is urging the established stars to pass the torch to the future stars of the EIWF. I’m not sure if all feel they are ready to step aside just yet…
(A pre-taped interview with Kenny Omega is shown on the big screen in the arena)
Kenny: Genesis, what a fitting name because this night, the night I face Ellis in the tournament, it will be the dawn of a new Genesis for "the instant classic." Ellis isn't going to get a 6 star match from Kenny Omega, no, he is going to get an infinite star match and his name, like his body, cemented in time as the guy that just couldn't hang, the guy that couldn't take the V-Trigger the guy fallen via One Winged Angel.
(Turns towards the camera)
Kenny: Ellis Black, you run your mouth with a bunch of trash talking shit about me, basically calling me out as a chump, then like everyone else who’s done it, you too can lay flat on your back with me standing above you as future champion. You can make all the claims you want about not being involved, but I know you are, it's no doppelganger, no mythical creature, and at Havoc #4 I'm going to leave you beaten, bloodied, and wanting to just quit. You can't beat me Ellis, don't even try... In fact let’s make this match interesting, let’s get a dumpster, put that dumpster on the outside of the ring and fill it with hot sauce, the first opponent dumped in the hot sauce losses and continues through the tournament.
Kenny: Sounds like we have a few who'd pay a ticket or two to see that. Revolution, consider it.
(Video ends and cuts back to Joey Carlton in the arena)
JC: Kenny Omega has been causing a stir since his arrival here in the EIWF. Tonight he faces Ellis Black for a spot in the final for the Genesis championship.
Land of hope and glory plays and the fans in the arena boo. Regal walks out onto the ramp and waves to the fans who boo again. He makes his way towards the ring.
JC: Not a popular with the fans that’s for sure. But his record at Havoc speaks for itself!
Don’t stop believin by Journey plays and the fans cheer. Jimmy Brandon walks out from smoke on the entrance way and starts to throw ‘Hope’ t-shirts into the crowd. He makes his way towards the ring.
JC: A popular choice with the fans, and Jimmy says he’s the voice of the people and he’s going to twin the Genesis title belt for them. He sees himself as one of those standing in the crowd.
Regal vs Jimmy Brandon
Jimmy holds his hand out for Regal to shake…..Regal boots Jimmy in the gut and grabs his arm and applies an arm bar…..Jimmy reaches out to the ropes………Regal applies more pressure………….Jimmy grabs the ropes………..Regal drops the hold and hits a forearm to Jimmy’s back……..Jimmy slowly walks around in pain holding his lower back……….Regal walks over…..turns Jimmy round…hits a European upper cut ……grabs Jimmy……snap suplex by Regal…..Regal covers….the Ref gets down and counts…..1….2…..kick out by Jimmy Brandon!.....Regal grabs Jimmy before he can get up and applies a headlock….the Ref checks to make sure its legal and not a choke hold (fans boo)
JC: It appears the fans in the Extreme Zone don’t take too kindly to this type of style from Regal. It is perhaps not as entertaining as some styles we see these days, but it is an old school style and for Regal it gets results.
Jimmy Brandon…..manages to get one leg up and gets to one knee (fans cheer)…he then gets the other one up and stands up………(fans cheer)…Regal still has the headlock…….Jimmy hits Regal with an elbow………and another one…….a third one breaks the hold……Jimmy goes off the ropes…….hits Regal with a shoulder barge knocking Regal down……..Jimmy drops an elbow…..but Regal moved out of the way…………..both men lock up….Jimmy scoops Regal up and slams him down………..Jimmy turns to the fans and poses (fans cheer)….he walks back over to Regal who is sitting up….Jimmy bends down to pick Regal up….Regal pokes Jimmy in the eye….Jimmy is holding his eyes stumbling around the ring……Regal gets up….grabs Jimmy from behind…atomic drop!....Jimmy is still on his feet but can barely walk….he shuffles to the ropes….Regal runs at Jimmy and goes for a clothesline but Jimmy backdrops Jimmy to the outside…..the ref starts to count…………..1……………..2…….Regal gets up…….grabs Jimmy’s feet and pulls him to the outside………..…3…………….…4……..Regal hits Jimmy with a hard right and then throws him into the ringside barrier…….…..5……………6…………Regal goes to get back in the ring but Jimmy grabs him….turns Regal round and kicks him to the gut……..7…………………..8………………Jimmy puts Regal’s head between his legs PILEDRIVER!!!!!!......9……..Jimmy slides in under the bottom rope……………..10!!!!!!
JC: I don’t believe it…………….a count out in the EIWF????? Good God……whatever next……Hollywood Hogan puts over a younger talent? Surely not!!
The Ref holds Jimmy Brandon’s hand in the air….Regal is on his feet on the outside and looks livid.
JC: This has to be a shock fans. The seasoned pro Regal is out of the Genesis title tournament. Jimmy Brandon is in the final and will face the winner of Ellis Black and Kenny Omega.
(The camera cuts backstage to show Revolution in an office on the phone)
Rev: Did you see that? I’m telling you that the future of the EIWF is these new guys. Jimmy Brandon, Ellis Black and Kenny Omega………Yes I’m fully aware of what Hogan, Davie, Badd Dogg and Wishmaster did in the past. But it’s also because of those guys that the EIWF died a slow and painful death………No I disagree……I don’t think I’m wrong. Hey you’re the owner of the EIWF but you asked for my advice and I’m giving it to you. Don’t get me wrong……the big names still have a role to play but the whole focus of the EIWF cannot be on them…………………. We need to concentrate on the new stars. Ok Ok……let me give you an example………Suicide! Back in the original run he was a very talented young wrestler. He had all the tools to be the next big thing…….the potential for him to mix it up with the big stars was huge. But what happened…..now I know your going to deny this but I have sources…….it doesn’t matter who….but I know for a fact that back then Suicide was held back by Davie J……..Hollywood Hogan………and Eddie D. Those three have been a poison for this company. Now tell me I’m wrong about those three having some influence on ensuring Suicide didn’t rise to the top………………………..EXACTLY! No is it just a coincidence that when he returned that he was attacked by a masked man who we still don’t know is. Now my money is on one of the three I just mentioned……………..no I don’t have evidence…..but…….hang on a minute……yes I know who I’m speaking too but hear me out………The evidence points at Eddie D………….with the bag being in his locker room. ……now when Wishmaster was attacked you was seen in the limo asking if ‘it had been done’……you turned up to that show with Davie J….so it could be him. However the one person that no one has mentioned it could be……..is Hollywood Hogan. One of them three is going to be involved. Now Suicides career was cut short by those three…..I’m not taking sides here….I want to ensure the same thing does not happen again. You asked me to come up with a plan to secure the future of the EIWF……….and the new young stars are THE FUTURE!!!!...........Ok…..you think about what I said and come back to me…
(scene cuts back to Joey Carlton)
JC: Well fans that appeared to be a heated conversation between Revolution and the EIWF Prez. Revolution we know has been working down at the power plant and he’s really back these new guys to carry the EIWF forward. But perhaps the feeling is the Prez doesn’t want to let go of the older guys, we know he appreciates all what they have done for the EIWF. But we all remember the CREW playing games as soon as we was back, threatening to withdraw from the EIWF before the broadcast of a show.
It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger hits and the fans boo……the word ‘Showtime’ flashes over the video screen and Ellis Black Walks out. He looks at the fans and dismisses the boos and heads to the ring.
Devil's Sky plays as images of Kenny Omega are shown on the screen, the fans give a warm reception as he walks out.
JC: Kenny Omega, the man who is so highly rated by……..himself! He has been causing a bit of a storm here in the EIWF with his promo’s and backstage antics. We know that the wrestling observer loves him, but will the EIWF?
Kenny slowly walks to the ring wearing a leather jacket and sunglasses.
JC: Two of the rising stars of the EIWF here are going face to face
Ellis Black vs Kenny Omega
Both men lock up…jostling for an advantage……they break the hold…….standing drop kick by Omega……Black stumbles backwards……Black runs at Omega and Omega hip tosses Black over………..Omega tells Black to get up……….Black gets to his feet….they lock up……….Black hits Omega with a Russian leg sweep………Black covers………….the Ref gets down and counts………….1……kick out by Omega…….both men are back to their feet…….Omega hits Black with a hard right………Black comes back with a chop……….Omega whips Black into the corner……..Omega follows in but Black moves out of the way………Omega stops before hitting the ring post…..he turns around……Black kicks Omega to the got……..grabs him……..lifts Omega onto the top of the turnbuckle……….Black climbs up………..Superplex off the top rope by Black!!!..........Black slowly rolls over and covers Omega……………….the Ref counts…………..1…………………2……..kick out by Omega!
JC: Fans I will be honest, I thought Ellis Black had the match won!
Black gets to his feet………he bends down and grabs Omega……Omega hits Black with a low blow…….
JC: The family jewels! The great equalizer in any situation.
The Ref is warning Kenny Omega who holds his hands up….Kenny stomps on the back of Ellis Blacks head……..Kenny climbs to the middle turnbuckle an waits for Black to get to his feet………As Ellis gets up Omega hits a double axe handle off the ropes…Black is down again……….Omega grabs the legs of black……….turns him over…..Boston Crab!!.....
JC: This could be it fans! Kenny Omega in control here and I’m not sure Ellis Black will get out of this…..The Ref checks to see if Ellis Black submits………(fans stand to their feet…….Eddie D and Big Poppa walk out)…
(Camera switches to show Joey Carlton)
JC: What the hell do these guys want? Tonight it’s about the future….not the past……(Hollywood Hogan appears in shot and sits next to Joey Carlton and puts on a headset)…
HH: Woah brother…..Hollywood Hogan is in the house!
JC: What the hell are you doing here?
HH: The EIWF was………..is……..always will be…………..run by the CREW brother!
(Camera cuts back to the ring)
Kenny drops the submission move as he sees Eddie D and Big Poppa ringside………….he watches them as they go opposite ways around the ring………….Ellis is slowly getting to his feet………Kenny sees him and walks over…….he hits Ellis with a hard right…………..Ellis stumbles back……….Kenny hits him again…………Ellis is leaning on the ropes…………..Kenny gets distracted as Big Poppa points at him and says something………..the Ref gets involved and tells Big Poppa to leave……Eddie D slides in the ring and pulls out a slap-jack……….
JC: What the hell??.....stop this madness.
HH: Time to pay the piper. This is what happens when you don’t ‘stay true’…..
Big Poppa grabs hold of Ellis…………………Kenny Omega back off with a big smile….the Ref tries to separate Big Poppa and Ellis Black….Kenny walks away and turns round…..BANG!...Eddie hits Kenny Omega with the slapjack!
JC: Good God!...Kenny thought they had come for Ellis but it was to distract the Ref!
Big Poppa lets go of Ellis Black and starts to walks away with Eddie D…Ellis sees Kenny Omega on the mat and looks surprised…………….Ellis walks over…he sits Kenny Omega up and applies the BLACKOUT!!!!!
JC: This finisher by Ellis Black is a variation of the million dollar dream!
HH: Sweet dreams Kenny, now you are dreaming about being involved with Hollywood!
The Ref lifts Kenny’s arm…..it drops down……………………he lifts it again………………….it drops…………………..he lifts it a third time………………it drops! The Ref calls for the bell!!!
JC: Ellis Black wins via submission officially but Kenny will not be happy with the involvement from the CREW (Hogan leaves the announce table)…..
It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and the fans give a mixed reaction.
JC: Fans I’m disgusted by what we have seen. Tonight is meant to be about the future of the EIWF. The cancer that has been Hollywood Hogan and the CREW have once again interfered and are trying to kill the future of the EIWF……. Lets go to a commercial….
(The video shows screaming fans at the camera as it pans along a long line of fans. It then gets to the end where Davie J and Badd Dogg are signing autographs and posing for photos with fans. After the last photo they approach the camera)
BD: Fans get your tickets now for the EIWF fan access event in the two days before the second night of the Final Stand PPV.
DJ: You can meet all the EIWF superstars, we will be signing autographs, you can commentate on your favorite match from the EIWF archive….
BD: There will be the EIWF museum section where you can see some of the famous props from the EIWF past as well as old championship belts, rings, match worn outfits….
DJ: There will also be a ring where some of the future stars of the EIWF currently training at the power plant will put their skills on display.
BD: Don’t delay…
DJ: Buy your tickets today!
BD: Call the EIWF hotline now!
(The scene fades and cuts back to Joey Styles)
JC: Fans Ive heard there has been a confrontation backstage during the commercial between Hollywood Hogan and Revolution. I don’t have any more details on it but next is the RDD show!
(Scene cuts to the RDD set….along with the WWO and ICW world titles on display are Revolution t-shirts ‘I don’t just sell t-shirts’, ‘crap pappy’ and ‘Then, Now, Forevolution’)
(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and the fans in the Extreme Zone POP! Revolution walks out and straight to the set)
JC: A face full of focus and thought there fans!
Rev: Fans let me apologize as my mood is not its usual self. I have been working hard to secure the stars of tomorrow and once again we are choking on the politics of the ‘old guard’! Now my guest tonight will have plenty to say about being held back by the old guard, give it up for the Personification of Extreme……Suicide!!!
(Suicide walks out wearing a t-shirt with P.O.E on the front)
Rev: Welcome to the show Suicide.
Sui: Thank you for the invitation.
Rev: Now lets go back to the beginning of the EIWF reunion. The first big event in fourteen or fifteen years for the EIWF….Doomsday….and you won the main event!
Sui: It showed that the personification of extreme is still the real talent and the EIWF made a mistake by not making the most of my talents. Instead it stuck with the old man, the fat man and the so called Icon…….he should drop the ‘I’ and it’s a much better description.
Rev: You was denied your rightful place in the knockout for the Final Stand tournament when you was viciously attacked at the beginning of Redemption and your place was taken by Eddie D. Who do you think was responsible for the attack?
Sui: Weather it was one of them directly or not I’m not sure but you can guarantee that the ‘Screw’ where behind the attack. Are you telling me they had nothing to do with me being taken out and the fat man taking my spot? They tried to hold me back the whole time in the EIWF. The Prez is weak, he lets the old cronies do whatever they want. He’s too much of a coward to stand up to them.
Rev: I feel your frustrations, I’ve been working hard to bring through new talent and tonight has proved that the ‘old guard’ just want to keep people down.
Sui: Its all they do, don’t believe the bullshit that Hogan and Davie have fallen out. There in this together, mark my words. Since day one they got up the owners ass, got all the power they wanted and now tell him what to do. Ive got clearance to return now to the ring and its payback time. I know exactly how Kenny feels, I had it the whole time I was in the EIWF. Its time to make a stand. I believe I can still do a job, but I won’t hold anyone back. I'm here to finally take my rightful place, screw the crew!
Rev: I like everything you said there. I hope we can see more of you now you have returned.
Sui: As I said, its time for payback. The CREW, Davie….the masked attacker. I'm ready and waiting for your challenge!
Rev: Suicide, thank you for your time and if you want to make sure the same does not happen to these rising stars as did to you…….help me make sure the old guard doesn’t hold them down.
(Suicide slowly nods his head and walks off and the scene cuts to Joey Carlton)
JC: It’s great to see Suicide back and fit for action. We have so many possibilities for some great matches down the road in the EIWF. We have new stars and rivalries emerging but there are plenty of unfinished answers from the established stars. So before we go to the main event lets take a recap of the first night of the Final Stand PPV. Badd Dogg eliminated Eddie D. There was involvement from both Eddie D and Davie J in that match. Davie J eliminated Super Fire Jr and Hollywood Hogan was involved in that match. Wishmaster was eliminated after being screwed by the CREW and L double E got the surprise win. The main event saw Hollywood Hogan come out in red and yellow to steal Kurt Angles thunder and Hogan also picked up the win. That means the final four looks like this. Davie J versus L double E and Badd Dogg versus Hollywood Hogan. One thing that did come up was a challenge from Wishmaster to Davie J. It was going to be a unification match of Davie’s Legends title and Wishmaster’s EIWF world title. The Prez agreed but with Wishmaster being eliminated we are still to see a match between Davie J and Wishmaster. As for who is favorite to win the tournament. The current favorite is Davie J who is evens. Second is Hollywood Hogan who is 5 to 2 on. Then its Badd Dogg who is 9 to 1 with L double E as the outsider with odds of 50 to 1.
Don’t stop believin by Journey plays and the fans cheer. Jimmy Brandon walks out from smoke on the entrance way and starts to throw ‘Hope’ t-shirts into the crowd.
JC: Here he is, the fan favourite Jimmy Brandon who is challenging Ellis Black to become the EIWF's first ever Genesis champion
Jimmy slaps the hands of the fans on either side of the aisle as he makes his way to the ring.
It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger hits and the fans boo……the word ‘Showtime’ flashes over the video screen and Ellis Black Walks out.
JC: The other new talent from the EIWF power plant, Ellis Black. He has been embroiled in a feud with Kenny Omega since he arrived but now he faces Jimmy Brandon. This will be a historic night fans, the first ever Genesis champion will be crowned. Forget the old dinosaurs in the back, these two in the ring is the future of the EIWF.
Jimmy Brandon vs Ellis Black
The two men stand int he ring and the Ref calls for the bell (ding ding)....both men circle the ring.....looking for an opening..............they lock up.....Jimmy whips Ellis into the ropes..............Ellis comes back.........Jimmy goes for a back drop...........Ellis leapfrogs over...............Ellis goes back off the ropes....Jimmy turns round...........Ellis goes for a clothesline........Jimmy ducks..............Ellis goes off the other ropes...Jimmy turns round.......POWERSLAM by Jimmy Brandon!!......Jimmy pulls Ellis up......Ellis knocks Jimmy's hands off and kicks him to the gut....snap suplex by Ellis Black!.......Jimmy gets up..........they lock up.........Jimmy hits Ellis with a hard right...picks him up......back-breaker by Jimmy Brandon........Jimmy pulls Ellis up...he lifts him onto his shoulders...........Airplane spin by Jimmy Brandon........Ellis hist the mat and Jimmy stumbles back and leans on the ropes....
JC: Good God, the stars of the future using a move from the past........I mean way in the past. When was the last time you saw an aeroplane spin?
Jimmy shakes his head and walks towards Ellis Black........Jimmy bends down to pick him up but Ellis hits Jimmy with a thumb to the eye!.......Jimmy stumbles around the ring......Ellis gets up....the Ref has a word with Ellis but he waves the Ref away........Ellis goes off the ropes and hits Jimmy with a Flying forearm smash!.....Ellis covers Jimmy.....the Ref gets down and counts.................1...................2............kick out!.......Ellis grabs Jimmy and applies a reverse chin-lock......the Ref check the hold and signals its legal.....the Ref checks to see if Jimmy is going to submit..........Jimmy holds his arm in the air (the fans start a Jimmy chant)......Ellis drops the hold and gets up....he kicks Jimmy to the back......and again but Jimmy grabs his foot......Jimmy slowly gets up while holding Ellis' foot and Ellis is hoping on one leg.......Jimmy sweeps the standing foot and Ellis hits the floor......Jimmy has both feet in his hands and looks to the fans (they cheer)....Jimmy stomps on the belly of Ellis Black.....Jimmy still has hold of the feet and looks to the fans again....(they cheer)......Ellis leans up and grabs Jimmy's head and rolls him into a small package....the Ref counts.......1.........2.......kick out!....both men get to there feet......Jimmy grabs the arm of Ellis and applies a standing wrist lock.......Jimmy twists the wrist applying the pressure..........Ellis kicks Jimmy to the gut and breaks the hold.......Ellis runs at Jimmy and hits him with a clothesline!.........Ellis applies a locked arm-bar on Jimmy....the Ref checks to see if Jimmy submits.....(fans start a Jimmy chant)......Ellis continues to lean in and apply pressure....(Jimmy shouts in pain)........Jimmy leans a leg out to try and reach for the ropes......he reaches again and gets a foot on the rope......Ellis pulls Jimmy back to the center of the ring......The Ref tells Ellis to break the hold but he refuses.....the Ref starts to count...................1.........................2.....................3.....................4.................Ellis drops the hold. The Ref has a word with Ellis who argues back......
JC: its been an even match so far, but the fans int he arena are definitely on the side of Jimmy 'Hope' Brandon. At the moment the match is too close to call a winner.
Ellis walks over to Jimmy.......Ellis hits Jimmy with a hard right....Jimmy comes back with one of his own.....Ellis grabs Jimmy and whips him into the corner....Ellis runs and follows in....Jimmy lifts his foot up and boots Ellis in the face.....Ellis is stumbling.....Jimmy scoops Ellis up and slams him down...........Jimmy walks to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top rope (fans cheer).......Jimmy goes off the top rope and hits a flying elbow drop......
JC:....Ohhhhh Yeeeeeah!
Jimmy covers Ellis and the Ref gets down and counts........1.........2......kick out by Ellis!........Jimmy pulls Ellis up and hits him with a knife edge chop.....and another.......Jimmy grabs Ellis from behind and hits a back suplex.....Jimmy covers.......the Ref counts......1.............2......kick out by Ellis!.......Jimmy gets up and poses for the fans ....(fans cheer).....Jimmy walks back over and drops and elbow on Ellis...he covers.......the Ref counts.......1........2......kick out!.........Jimmy gets up....he pulls Ellis up..........Jimmy grabs Ellis head.....DIAMOND CUTTER!!!.....DIAMOND CUTTER!!!!....DIAMOND CUTTER!!!!......(fans pop)
JC: Goodnight!
Jimmy gets up and celebrates....he looks at the fans and pose......(fans are cheering but all look to the entrance way as Hollywood Hogan walks out....Jimmy turns round and sees him and walks over to the side of the ring Hogan is coming from)
JC: What in the hell????? Can the good old boys not leave the future stars alone??
Jimmy is asking Hogan what hes doing there......the Ref comes over and asks Hogan to leave......Jimmy leaves and walks over to Ellis and covers him....the Ref gets down and counts.......1.....................2...............(Hogan pulls Jimmy out of the ring by his feet)......Jimmy pushes Hogan in the chest.....the Ref gets out the ring and stands between the two men.....telling Jimmy Brandon to get into the ring and for Hogan to leave..........Jimmy slides in the ring but Hogan is refusing to leave.......
JC: Wait a minute!!!! Through the crowd! Its Eddie D!!!
Jimmy walks over and lays on Ellis Black awaiting for the ref......Eddie slides in the ring........Jimmy sees him and gets up.....they exchange blows........Jimmy throws Eddie into the ropes and clotheslines him .....(fans pop)......Jimmy pulls Eddie up and throws him over the top rope!.....Ellis sits up....crawls over and hits Jimmy Brandon with a low blow........(Hogan walks up the Ramp and the Ref heads back to the ring).....Jimmy drops down to one knee.......Ellis goes behind him....BLACKOUT!!! BLACKOUT!!!! BLACKOUT!!!!.......the Ref checks....Jimmy drops down.....the Ref lifts Jimmy's arm....it drops........he lifts it again.....it drops.........the Ref lifts it for a third time....it droooo....no he raises it! (fans pop).....
JC: Look at Hogan's face! He's shocked!
Jimmy starts to shake his arms and the fans cheer....he gets up to his feet with Ellis Black on his back....Jimmy runs backwards into a corner hitting Ellis hard on the post....Ellis drops the hold.....(Hogan walks back towards the ring.....he stands up on the ring apron and points at Jimmy. The Ref walks over to Hogan and tells him to leave)......Jimmy pulls Ellis out of the corner ans scoops him up and slams him int he middle of the ring.....Jimmy goes off the ropes....BANG!!!...(steel chair to the back by Eddie D as Jimmy went off the ropes!!!)....Jimmy stumbles forward and down onto the mat. (the fans react as Revolution walks out)....Ellis rolls over and covers....(Hogan points to the ring and the Ref turns around)..... the Ref gets down and counts..........1..............2..........3!!!!!!.......Revolution turns Hogan round and hits him with a hard right (fans pop)........Eddie D comes over and hits Revolution with a double axe handle.......Revolution drops down and Hogan starts to stomp on him........Hogan takes off his leather belt and whips Revolution with it....and again.......(Kenny Omega runs out down the ramp).......Kenny grabs the belt from Hogan and throws it into the crowd....Kenny hits Hogan with a hard right.....Hogan comes back with one of his own.......
JC: This is chaos fans!
Eddie grabs Kenny and throws him into the steel steps......(Jimmy Brandon has climbed to the top turnbuckle).....flying clothesline by Jimmy Brandon on Eddie D!!! (fans pop)....Hogan grabs Jimmy and throws him into the ring apron head first.....he then hits Jimmy with a couple of hard rights.....(Big Poppa comes out).....Big Poppa hits Kenny with a forearm to the back.....Revolution is up and hits Big Poppa with a chop....and another......Ellis Black slides out the ring and grabs Eddie D who is getting to his feet.......Kenny is on his feet and hits a SuperKick on Eddie D........Ellis Black and Kenny Omega slide back into the ring......Revolution gets in as does Jimmy Brandon.......Hogan, Eddie D and Big Poppa are on the outside pointing to them in the ring! (Revolution asks for a mic)
Rev: Jimmy Brandon......Ellis Black.....Kenny Omega.......its time to stop fighting among yourselves.....the real enemy is the 'Good old boys' that stand in front of you. Hollywood.....you just couldn't bare the thought of some new stars coming in and taking your so called spot. These men here in the ring represent the Future of the EIWF.....they are the shining light to carry the EIWF forward. Things are changing here in the EIWF. Its not all about you Hogan and your CREW. We have a new Genesis champion and his name is Ellis Black (Ellis Black is handed the new Genesis title belt). Now Jimmy.......Kenny....you were both screwed out of the chance of winning the title. So on the next Havoc I'm putting you in a match to declare the new Genesis tag team champions. Hogan you send two of your boys from the retirement home to face them! (fans cheer)
JC: WOW! Jimmy Brandon and Kenny Omega will team together to take on two people of Hogans choice for the vacant Genesis tag team titles!
(Revolution throws the mic to Hogan)
HH: Revolution brother, I accept that challenge! The Enforcer Eddie D and the Freak Big Poppa will crush your little wannabes! You talk the talk Revolution dude. But I'm the master of this school. I decide who does and doesn't make it to the top brother, just ask Suicide brother...ha ha ha (Suicide runs down the entrance ramp)
Suicide hits Big Poppa from behind knocking him down.....he then hits Eddie D with a big boot to the face.........Hogan hits Suicide with a hard right...Suicide hits him back....
JC: Fans we are outta time!!!!
(Scene fades to black)