EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

Revision 2
Havoc is your show! Your chance to shine, show us what you got!! What I mean is I'm opening Havoc up to anyone who would like to 'guest' write a show one week. Perhaps you use to run an e-fed or always fancied having a go at writing show. Your not tied down with the commitment of having to write it every week. If you want to write a show now and then just let me know.

‘ThunderKiss 65 by White Zombie plays as the fans cheer at the Extreme Zone. The camera pans round to show the fans and then zooms out high to show the ring and walkway, it then zooms back and shows Joey Carlton standing with a mic in front of some fans’
JC: Hello everyone, I’m Joey Carlton and this is EIWF Havoc coming to you from the Extreme Zone!!
(Highlights from the last episode with havoc or shown on the video screen.)
JC: Yes fans we are back again due to popular demand. We have another great show lined up for you tonight. Since Havoc begun Regal has won both his matches and been dubbed Mr Havoc by some in the industry. However there seems to be an open challenge for him tonight, the commissioner Jeff Jarrett booked Regal in a match without having an opponent. Who will step up? We also have a challenge of some sorts for Kurt Angle. Hollywood Hogan the leader of the CREW has told Kurt Angle to be here tonight at Havoc to face a challenge of his choosing. The two are set to face off at the Final Stand pay per view but the Prez has strictly ruled that no two wrestlers can face each other if they are both in the tournament still and if one person is in the tournament and wants a warm up match it must be against some who is not on the PPV…...phew…...understand that fnas? Nor did i! The main event is Jeff Jarrett versus Tormentor…..or is it? The commissioner booked the match but Tormentor has stated he's here for Davie J, no one else. Plus we have another episode of the the highly praised RDD show with Revolution, and this week's guest is former two time EIWF world champion Badd Dogg. PLUS...is this the show that keeps giving or what?....Plus L double E will be here to tell us what the special stipulation will be for his match with Wishmaster at Final Stand….however he never beat Wishmaster in a battle of wits….perhaps except in his own deranged mind.
(Scene cuts to show the back entrance to the building with security standing in front of the doorway, the other side of them is Tormentor)
Security: Sorry Sir, we can't let you in unless you have an EIWF employee card.
Tor: I'm not an employee of the EIWF.
Security: Then we can't let you in Sir.
(Tormentor goes to walk in and security push him back)
Tor: Touch me again and you will regret it!
(He goes to walk in again and security push him, Tormentor pushes back and another security guard pulls out a taser)
(Jeff Jarrett appears behind security and is laughing)
JJ: What's the matter Tormentor? Can't get past a couple of security guys? No wonder you don't want to step in the ring with the Chosen One.
Tor: You want me in a match tonight but I’m not allowed in?? It shows your running scared!
JJ: Hey as you said yourself, your not an EIWF employee and there is no way……...NO WAY….that you will get inside this building! The match will still go ahead and the Chosen One will go one up against the slapnut that you are! You won't ever get inside this building!
Tor: We will see about that!!.... (Tormentor walks off)
JJ: Hey, the man...the only myth about you is calling yourself a legend you slapnut!
(Scene cuts back to Joey Carlton)
JC: Fans………….I don't know what the hell is going on here……….Jarrett books a match.......Tormentor says he won't fight him…………...Tormentor turns up to get in…..Jarrett wont let him………..this is crash TV at its best…….Russo style!
(Land of Hope and Glory plays and the fans boo as Regal walks out)
JC: Look at this guy! The fans hate him, I hate him but he's on a good run at the moment…
(Regal walks down to the ring and climbs through the ropes, he asks for a mic)
Re: Get anyone out here I dont care who it is!
JC: You should never say that, it may come back to bite you in the ass!
(Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and the fans cheer)
JC: What the hell?????............Well I know whose music this is but…….
(The fans go crazy as Revolution walks out, he bows down to the fans who are chanting his name and walks towards the ring)
JC: I don't believe it! Revolution has stepped up to the challenge but I know he has been advised to never wrestle again due to a severe neck injury!......(Joey shouts out to Revolution as he walks past)
JC: Don't do it, you can't take this risk…(Revolution just gives Joey a thumbs up and steps into the ring)
JC: Fans I am genuinely concerned here, Revolution is an old friend but he's in no condition to wrestle. Yes he looks in shape but his body can’t withstand the bumps required anymore.
Regal vs Revolution
Both men circle the ring……….they lock up……..neither can gain the advantage……...they break up……….(fans start a Revolution chant)...
JC: Just listen to these fans! I think Revolution is more popular than he's ever been!
….Regal challenges Revolution to a test of strength…..Regal holds his arm in the air…….Revolution cautiously lifts his arm and locks it with Regals…….Regal holds the other arm up……..Revolution….slowly lifts his arm………..and locks it with Regal…..they clash chests trying to gain the advantage…..Regal…..tries to lift his arms up..but Revolution is too strong…..Revolution lifts his arms up and leans over and gains the advantage…….Regal drops down to one knee………..the ref checks to see if he submits but he shakes his head……...Revolution continues to push and Regal is now on both knees…….(the fan are cheering)........
JC: I have to be honest fans, I was worried about Revolution but he's looking in great shape here!...
Regal breaks one of his hands away and hits Revolution with a low blow!!.........Revolution drops the hold and falls down…….the Ref warns Regal………….Regal stomps on Revolution……...and applies a headlock…
JC: The dirty sob! Does Regal have no morals! Hes meant to be an English Gentleman for god sake!
The Ref is checking that the hold is legal……..Revolution rolls over and breaks the hold….both men get to there feet. Regal goes for a clothesline but Revolution ducks….Regal turns round and gets hit with a drop kick by Revolution!!....Regal falls to the outside under the bottom rope………
JC: What a move of athleticism from Revolution…..especially with the injury he has suffered!!
(The fans chant ‘you still got it’)....Revolution turns round and bows to the fans in appreciation..
JC: Wait a minute what is regal doing??
...Regal looks under the ring and pulls out a chair….
JC: Dear God NO!........someone stop him…..Revolution cant take a blow from a steel chair!
...Regal slides in the ring……..he walks up behind Revolution and swings the chair from behind…..Revolution ducks………
JC: What the fuck!.how did he know???
...Revolution kicks Regal to the gut (he drops the chair).......Revolution grabs Regal and hits a suplex…..(the ref slides the chair out of the ring)....Revolution gets up and points to the big jumbo screen above the entrance way (showing the match)
JC: ahhhhhhh…...smart man. He was watching the screen and could see what Regal was up to. Simple, but smart wrestling fans!
……..Revolution gets down and covers………….1………..2…….kick out!.....Revolution pulls Regal up.......Regal knocks Revolutions hands away and hits him with a European uppercut.......Revolution stumbles.......Regal grabs Revolution and applies an abdominal stretch!...........the Ref checks its legal…….(Regal throws his head back and breaks the move)...
JC: Huh? What the hell was that all about?
…..Regal complains to the Ref that Revolution yanked his hair….
JC: The lying SOB!
...The ref goes over and talks to revolution…..he shakes his head denying it……..(Regal goes to the opposite corner and removes the padding from the corner post)......Regal goes over and pushes the ref out the way and hits Revolution with a hard right...Revolution responds with some of his own…(fans cheer).....Regal pokes Revolution in the eyes and he cant see….Regal Irish whips Revolution into the opposite corner and follows in with a clothes line…...Revolution slumps to the mat…
JC: OUCH…..that did not look good!
The Ref is talking with Revolution……………(ding ding ding)
JC:The Ref has called for the bell…...it appears that Revolution can not continue! Regal wins by forfeit!
(Regal asks for a mic)
RE: Some people should learn their place in the EIWF, old has beens should stick to asking the real stars questions on talk shows. Not stepping into the ring with a real athlete. Now I would like to celebrate my win by going into the back and having a cup of the tea……...you know my motto…...always stay true to the brew!
(Land of hope and glory plays as the fans boo and Regal leaves)
JC: If it wasn't for taking the cover off that turnbuckle I think revolution would of won the match! I hope Revolution will be ok for his show later on with Badd Dogg.
(Scene cuts to show a limo pulling up outside)
JC: That looks like the limo we saw at the end of the show last week with the Prez
(The door opens and Davie J steps out with the Legends title belt on his shoulder (fans inside the arena cheer) the Prez walks round from the otherside.)
Prez: The ratings have just gone up!
DJ: Damn right!
Prez: The saviour of the EIWF is entering the building.
DJ: You know it!
(Scene cuts back to Joey Carlton)
JC: The ICON is here at Havoc! Now fans we want to show you something from earlier on the show before we went live….
(Kenny Omega walks out oonto the entrance ramp at the Extreme zone, he has a mic in his hand.)
Kenny: Greatings EIWF, the reason I'm here, the reason were all here is because, as we speak..
(Kenny grabs a pin and begins signing a contract)
Kenny: I am officially an official member of the EIWF roster. You all want to know why... Revolution, that's why I'm here. I know you've been watching, I know who you are, I know you wanted me here and I am here. Here just for the roster to gravel before, for the marks to admire and the losers to dread, that is my goal, that is my function... Make no doubt about it I am "The Bowdit Machine" and next week I'll be making my debut. The first thing on my list is to completely dismantle not only the singles competition but to dominate the tag team division as well.
Kenny: So be fore warn champions for dark days are upon you... and behind every silver lining there is nightmare.
(The screen goes fuzzy, the lights come back on and the Havoc show continues)
JC: Kenny Omega has arrived in the EIWF after being spotted by Revolution on his recent travel trip. I believe we have a camera backstage with Wishmaster??
(The scene cuts to a room with Wishmaster and the Prez)
WM: I don't do comedy, what in the hell are you playing at letting that freak L double E bring a midget out on the last show and be little me?
Prez: Look, I apologise, Ive been really busy with trying to get the finer details of the Final Stand PPV sorted. Jarrett is running Havoc, but when I heard this whole L double E deal I was against it. I spoke with Davie and he assured me it was good and would be great for you…..
WM: Well that says it all! Davie thinks he’s funny, sooner or later he will have to face me......its fate…..and when that time comes I will bury him for once and for all. The EIWF will be rid of the cancer that is Davie J!
Prez: Big man, the time will come, be patient.
WM: What was the deal with the masked person attacking me?
Prez: I got no idea who that is, I’m still trying to find out.
WM: Well, it’s obvious its Davie J! Hes trying to sidetrack me with the masked attacker, L double E comedy acts...all because he fears me!
(Scene cuts back to the Extreme zone)
(Steal my sunshine plays and the fans boo with a couple of small pockets cheering)
JC: The anti hero is coming out here, to tell us about the special stipulation for his match with Wishmaster at the Final Stand pay per view!
(L double E walks out and makes his way to the ring wearing his ‘Anti-Hero’ t shirt)
JC: Lets see what the fruit loop has to say this week!
(L double E is passed a mic and signals to cut his music)
LEE: Its me…...its me….its L double Fucking E! (fans boo)....Is this mic working? I said L double E not Wishmaster! (fans boo again)..........can I have another mic...my adoring fans can't hear me (fans boo again)............wait a minute…..your hero is getting another mic. It seems we blew all the Havoc budget on the buffett for Eddie D! (He is passed another mic)
LEE: Ok...let's try again!.......ITS ME……(fans boo)........hmmmm……..The sooner I get out of this match with Wishmaster the better, he's bringing my popularity down quicker then the IWA bring down ratings! On the last show I outsmarted, out played, out witted and out maneuvered the man known as Wishmasters. He may be bigger than me, but it's not all about muscle, it's about brains……..something Wishmaster doesn't have! Now as agreed the winner of out battle of wits gets to choose a special stipulation for our match…..
(The lights in the arena go out and Evil Never Dies by Judas Priest plays…..fire comes out of the side of the ramp as Wishmaster walks out wearing the EIWF world title and the fans react at the surprise of him coming out)
JC: Look at the face of L double E, I don't think he was expecting this, and yes fans, this is not a 3ft Wishmaster………..its the real deal!!
(Wishmaster climbs over the top rope and walks up to L double E………….he puts his hand around the throat of L double E and grabs the mic)
WM: Tell me L double E………..what is the special stipulation you had in mind for our match at the PPV??
LEE: (Struggling to speak)................erm……………
WM: You seem a little lost for words……………..for a change! (WIshmaster lets go of L double E)
LEE: (coughs)
WM: Well??
LEE: Erm….well….all through the history of the EIWF there has been one thing that has remained constant…..
WM: The CREW screwing people over!
LEE: Exactly! Maybe your not as dumb as you look…
WM: Watch your mouth!
LEE:....sorry….yes the CREW screwing people over. Now I know you have been getting hot with them since the reunion returned. But I smell a rat!
WM: Go on…..
LEE: I’m not buying this whole Davie J splitting from the CREW. But there seems to be too much talking for my liking about you from Hogan and Davie.
WM: You think I'm gonna join with them?
LEE: Yeah…..swerve us all…
WM:(laughs)........that's the stupidest thing Ive ever heard. Ive hated Davie J for what he did to the EIWF!!! I can't stand either of them, if they had the guts to step in the ring with me they would realize evil never dies!....so whats your stipulation?
LEE: No one in the CREW or formally in it is allowed ringside for our match at Final Stand. I want to beat you fair and square. If anyone from the CREW or use to be in it turns up……….I automatically win the match!
WM: (Laughs).........you got yourself a deal!.....
LEE: See you at the PPV…..(L double E starts to walk away when Wishmaster grabs him and pulls him back)
WM: Seeing as you have a stipulation I think it's only fair I get one too.
LEE: Well that was not the plan….(Wishmaster puts his hand around L double E’s throat)......erm….I guess we can do that….
WM: Just to make sure I don't get jumped by the CREW and have them cost me my match……...because for all I know.....your in on it with Davie and Hogan!! I'm going to have Tormentor ring side as my lumberjack!
LEE:.............erm………(Wishmaster squeezes his hand)
WM: Problem with that?
LEE:.............no……(Wishmaster lets go).....good luck getting the Prez to agree to that!
(Evil Never Dies by Judas Priest plays as Wishmaster lets go and leaves the ring, the camera cuts to Joey Carlton)
JC: Well I never expected Wishmaster and L double E to agree on something but both suspect that the CREW would interfere in their match. I think L double E is missing the point, if they would interfere surely its at the expense of Wishmaster. L double E is thinking above his pay grade there. I believe we have an update on Revolution’s condition backstage….
(Camera cuts to Revolution talking to a paramedic next to an ambulance)
Rev: Look I’m fine…..I don’t need to go to the hospital.
Par: Sir we just want to get you checked out…….just to be on the safe side.
Rev: I've got a show to do tonight though…..
Par: Sir with your history we really need to get you checked out…..
(Revolution steps into the Ambulance and it drives away. Camera cuts back to Joey Carlton)
JC: Fans it’s great to see Revolution walking and talking normally but we may not have his show this week. The main thing though he is in good health and I suspect there will be more to come on his future as an in ring performer.
(The ch-ch-chosen one blast over the speakers followed by My World. The fans boo as Jeff Jarrett walks out. He hold his guitar in the air and makes his way to the ring)
JC: The commissioner is here for his (coughs) match with Tormentor……
(Jarrett is in the ring and holds his guitar up and the fans boo….he asks for a mic)
JJ: EIWF Havoc is my show…...because I’m the chosen one!!! Im the second must powerful man in the EIWF. Only the Prez has more power...so when some slapnut turns up into the EIWF..walks around like hes something special when hes got nothing to back it up…..I take notice. So I issues the challenge to slappy Tormentor. But what did he say? He ducked the challenge, he said hes only here for Davie J. Well Tormentor, Im here in the ring waiting to see if you got the balls to make it in the EIWF…………….but I suspect your too much of a coward!
(Jarrett throws the mic down and looks to the entrance way)
JC: Is Jarrett thinking clearly? He made sure Tormentor was not allowed in the building and calls him a coward? I have my own sources and I can confirm that he is not signed to an EIWF contract.
(Jarrett is talking to the Ref………...the Ref grabs a mic)
Ref: If Tormentor does not turn up for this match within a count of ten, it will be awarded to Jeff Jarrett….
JC: Is the big man going to arrive? But Jarrett said there was no way he would get in…..
Jeff Jarrett vs Tormentor
The Ref walks over to the ropes near the entrance way and starts to count…………………….1…………………………………………….2………………………………...3………………………………….4…………………………………...5…………………..(Jarrett grabs a mic)...........
JJ: Come on you slapnut, step in the ring with the great one!
……………………..6…………………………..7……………………………...8………………………..9……………….10!!!!!! (the ref calls for the bell and lifts Jeff Jarrett's arm in the air)
JC: What a crock of…………..well you know fans!
(the fans begin to cheer and the camera pans round to show Tormentor sat in the front row..Jarrett turns around and see him)
JJ: Someone get security and remove that slapnut from my show and the building!
(Three security guards come out and approach Tormentor, the talks and he sits back down and holds up a ticket. Security look at Jarrett and shrug their shoulders)
JC: Tormented has purchased a ticket to the show! He has every right to be here!
JJ: Get the hell out of here! You don't belong in the EIWF! (Tormentor simply holds his ticket up to Jarrett and laughs)...you think your smart slappy, well you may have got away with it this time, but if you put one foot the other side of the barrier you will become my latest hit!
(My world plays as Jeff Jarrett leaves the ring, the camera cuts to Joey Carlton)
JC: Fans Jarrett won the match but Tormentor will feel he is the victor with his smart move as he outplayed the commissioner. I don't think Tormentor will be too bothered about the match result, he has stated before he is here to bring down Davie J. Now next is when we would have Revolutions RDD talk show but he has not been released by the hospital so the show will be cancelled…
(Love and War by Drowning Pool plays, the crowd cheers as a picture of a microphone is shown on the big screen followed by clips of Revolution from his wrestling days.)
JC: What the hell?? Why is the music playing to the RDD show? We know Revolution is at the hospital……
(There is a big reaction from the fans as Hollywood Hogan walks out, he cups his hand to his ear and gives the fans a thumbs up and walks onto the stage of the RDD show)
JC: What is Hollywood Hogan doing here??
HH: Welcome to Hollywood’s Dialogue Drop! (there is a mixed reaction from the fans)
JC: Hollywood's dialogue drop????
HH: Now I heard that a presenter was required after Revolution got his butt kicked by Regal (Hogan laughs). So the God of wrestling once again has stepped in to save the EIWF. Now there is an interview to be had with the flea ridden dog, get him out here so I can kick his ass in an interview like I have done in the ring!
(Smoke fills the entrance way and the big screen shows a picture of Badd Dogg holding the EIWF world title, Bawitdaba by Kid Rock hits, the fans pop as Badd Dogg steps out wearing a ‘welcome to the dog pound’ shirt. He acknowledges the fans and slowly walks down the ramp and to the stage and stands in front of Hollywood Hogan)
HH: Flea Dog…...welcome to the Hollywood show!
BD: This isn’t what I expected but I didn't want to let my fans down (fans cheer)
HH: You should of stayed at home brother, these fans came to see Hollywood! (Badd Dogg shakes his head)
HH: So Flea Dogg, let's talk about your EIWF career dude.
BD Sure…
HH: You won the tag titles in October 1999…..
BD: Yep….
HH: Then a couple of world titles….
BD: I sure did…….good memories.
HH: So tell the fans why within five months of your EIWF debut you never won another title?
HH: Let me answer that for you brotha…...You never won another title because the man….Hollywood Hogan arrived in the EIWF and all you did was live in my shadow.
BD: Hogan I suggest you think before you speak.
JC: This is getting heated…
HH: Well maybe its because you joined the ICW?
BD: That's true, I decided to test the waters of the ICW.
HH: A fed where you never won any title belts and got squashed by Davie J!
BD: Look let's talk about what's happening in front of us not in the past. At the Final Stand PPV I will be taking on Eddie D in what I hope will be a good clean and fair fight.
HH: Of course brother! Who do you think we are? The CREW always plays by the rules…………..and then breaks them! (Eddie D comes out from behind the stage and hits Badd Dogg from behind with a clothesline knocking Badd through the set.)
JC: Damn Hogan and the CREW…..it was a set up all along!
Eddie lays some punches onto Badd Dogg……….Hogan grabs the WWO world title off the wall on the RDD show set and hits Badd Dogg with it….Eddie lifts Badd Dogg up and puts him over his shoulder…..(Hogan points to the ring)
JC: We need to get someone out here!
Eddie slides Badd Dogg under the bottom rope, Hogan and Eddie get in the ring...Eddie grabs Badd Dogg and holds him from behind..Hogan hits Badd Dogg with a hard right……….and another……(Fans rise to there feet)....
JC: What a minute……….(Davie J runs out)......the ICON is here!
Davie runs down and slides in the ring behind Eddie…….Hogan points to him and tells Eddie to turn around……….Eddie drops Badd Dogg……...(Hogan is shouting at Eddie)……..
JC: Hogan is telling Eddie to deal with Davie…...but he seems reluctant…..
Hogan pushes Eddie to the side and goes at Davie with the WWO belt and swings at him...Davie ducks and kicks Hogan to the gut…...he then hits Hogan with a couple of hard rights……...Eddie grabs Davie and pushes him back and stands in front of Hogan……..
JC: Davie is telling Eddie to get out the way but Eddie wont move!
(The fans react as Tormentor jumps the barrier and slides into the ring………..security start to run down the ramp)
JC: WOW! We are outta control here! Tormentor, Davie J, Hollywood Hogan, Badd Dogg and Eddie D all in the same ring!
(Eddie and Hogan climb out the ring..Tormentor points at Davie)……..security slide in the ring and grab Tormentor (fans boo).....(Davie laughs at Tormentor)…..security take him out the ring and lead him away as Davie checks to see if Badd Dogg is ok, he slowly gets up, a bit shaky on his feet but the (fans cheer)
(scene cuts to show Kurt Angle backstage, he looks at the camera)
KA: Next I take on Big Poppa, Hogan said he had a challenge for me? This is no challenge! Hogan will watch this match and will see what the real challenge is………...trying to beat me at Final Stand!
(Medal plays and Kurt walks through the curtain)
JC: Here is Kurt Angle (fans cheer in the background) who is taking on Big Poppa who was hand picked by Hollywood Hogan. It looks like Hogan is trying to wear down or injure Kurt before the two of them face off at the PPV.
(Kurt Angle is in the ring when the CREW theme Superstar by saliva plays and the fans boo)
JC: Not such a popular wrestler here in the EIWF.
(Big Poppa walks out onto the ramp. He flexes his muscles and walks to the ring.)
JC: Its main event time fans, Big Poppa making his way to the ring…..look at him...trash talking the EIWF fans. He should show more respect, without those fans the EIWF wouldn't be here!
Big Poppa vs Kurt Angle
Big Poppa trash talks Kurt Angle and then flexes his muscles and kisses his bicep…...Big Poppa challenges Kurt to do the same……...Kurt walks over to the turnbuckle and raises his arms (fans cheer)..Big Poppa runs and grabs Kurt from behind……..back suplex off the top rope…………..Big Poppa covers……..the ref gets down and counts………...1………….2…….kick out!............Kurt gets up….Big Poppa runs at him…..hip toss by Kurt….Poppa gets up and Kurt clotheslines him back down…(fans cheer)....Kurt grabs Big Poppa’s foot and goes for the ankle lock but Big Poppa kicks Kurt in the face and he falls back….
JC: Both men going looking to finish it quick here..
Both men are up……...they lock up…...Big Poppa scoops Angle up and slams him down…..Big Poppa drops an elbow but Kurt rolls out of the way……….both men back on there feet…...Big Poppa grabs Kurt Angle and whips him into the corner and follows in with a clothesline…….Big Poppa taunts the fans and then grabs Angle……….belly to belly suplex by Big Poppa!......Poppa covers………….1…………..2……..kick out!........Big Poppa gets up and leans over the ropes to mouth the fans in the front row……...Angle is slowly getting to his feet……...Big Poppa walks over to Angle and hits him on the back with a forearm……..Angle stumbles forward…….Big Poppa walks over and grabs Angle and throws him to the outside……...Big Poppa climbs throw the ropes onto the floor…….he picks Angle up and throws him into the barrier……….1………….……...2……………….3……...Angle is slumped on the barrier and Big Poppa turns him round and hits a chop….and another…...Poppa grabs Angle and whips him into the steel steps….4……….
JC: It looks like Big Poppa is trying to hurt Angle not win the match, probably under orders from Hollywood Hogan….
Big Poppa pulls Kurt Angle up off the floor and sets him up for a suplex…….Angle blocks it though!...........5………………...6………...Big Poppa tried again but Angle once again blocks it……...7…………….Angle suplexes Big Poppa on the outside (fans cheer)..........8………….Angle gets up…...slides in the ring……..9…………..Angle stops the ref from counting……...the ref is now warning Angle not to touch him…….
JC: It looks like the Olympic hero doesn't want to win the match on a count-out.
Kurt Angle and the Ref continue to talk……...Big Poppa is back on his feet and slides into the ring……….Angle stomps on Big Poppa as he’s on slides under the bottom rope….Big Poppa grabs Angles foot and knocks him off his feet………….both men are on the mat and start brawling……..exchanging punches on the floor….the ref steps in and tells them to break it up….he pulls Angle off and both men get to there feet……...Big Poppa runs at Angle and Angle ducks and back drops Poppa……..Poppa gets up and runs at Angle again….Angle again back drops Poppa….Poppa gets up….he runs at Angle…….Angle bends down and Big Poppa kicks Angle to the face….Big Poppa goes off the ropes and runs at Angle….Angle bends down and goes for a back drop….Big Poppa holds on though and is on Angles shoulders trying to turn it into a crucifix pin…..ANGLE SLAM!!! ANGLE SLAM!!....Kurt Angle covers Big Poppa…………..1…………..2………….3!!!! (fans cheer)
JC: What a move by Kurt Angle there to get the win
(The ref holds Kurts arm in the air as Medal plays and the fans cheer, the camera cuts back to Joey Carlton)
JC: A fine win there for Kurt Angle and I’m sure it will send a message to Hollywood Hogan that he will not have an easy match when it comes to facing Kurt Angle at the Final Stand PPV. Well fans we are almost out of time, I hope you enjoyed the show. We saw the debut of Kenny Omega, the return to in ring action from Revolution before being injured and confirming what we all feared, he can no longer wrestle. Regal picked up the win in that match. We saw Hollywood Hogan take over the RDD show in a stunt to belittle and beat Badd Dogg. Jeff Jarrett beat Tormentor after Jarrett refused him entry for the match. But Tormentor showed hes smart enough for the mental fight when he appeared front row with the fans before be escorted out by security later on when he jumped the barrier to get to Davie J. Then the main event we just saw, Kurt Angle pinning the CREW’s Big Poppa. We look forward to seeing you soon on the next show……..(Wake Up by Rage against the Machine plays and the fans pop).........what the hell???
(Davie J walks out wearing the Legends belt with the Prez standing next to him)
JC: I wasn’t expecting this……….we have gone off schedule here fans……
(They walk to the ring and Davie grabs a mic from the announcers table and gets in the ring)
DJ: Thank you for that wonderful reception, its because of you fans that I do this each week. Ive achieved all there is to achieve in wrestling but Im like a candy machine on free vend………..I just keep giving! (Davie places the Legends title belt on the Prez’s shoulder)...Now Ive come out here to clear a few things up. Tormentor, come on bro……your actions are screaming of desperation. Trying to get a bit of the Davie J pie just to stay relevant. Let it go, you have had your 5mins of fame with the ICON. You don't work for the EIWF, your not important, your done jack….now hit the road!
Prez: Amen brother!
DJ: Now I know you fans were worried but Ive spoken to Badd Dogg and hes going to be fine (fans cheer)...hes got a few bruises but hes had worse and hes gonna be fit and ready for the pay per view. Ive got his back….
Prez: Hang on, we got our own stuff to worry about.
DJ: Its ok boss, dont you worry. Theirs plenty of Davie J to go around. The other thing I want to talk about is Wishmaster……..(fans boo).....I know I know……..he sucks big time. He’s walking around with his dusty old belt trying to be recognized as the champion……...I'm the only recognized champion around here sad sac! (fans cheer).....this belt here (Davie points to the Legends belt)...is the only belt that matters in 2018!!!! (fans cheer)....
(Evil Never Dies by Judas Priest plays)
JC: It seems like someone was listening backstage!!!
(The fans boo as Wishmaster walks out wearing the EIWF World championship belt. He walks to the ring and climbs the steps.........over the top rope and stands in the corner facing Davie J in the middle of the ring)
DJ: Well well well...here he is. The mid carder who is struggling in his comedy act with L double E.
(Wishmaster steps forward and grabs the Prez and puts his hand around his throat)
DJ: woah woah woah….take it easy big man, lets not do anything stupid here! (The Prez is struggling as Wishmaster tightens his grip)....what is it you want…..(Davie tells someone ringside to give Wishmaster a mic)
WM: I'm done with you and your CREW screwing me over. I hear that Tormentor is not allowed into the arena…...he's not officially an EIWF employee. Well at the PPV he’s watching my back and you will allow him access to the PPV for my match!
(Davie looks at the Prez…...the Prez nods his head and Wishmaster lets go….the Prez stands behind Davie J gasping for breathe)
DJ: You just bought yourself a one way ticket out of the EIWF my friend.
Prez: ……..ok…..(coughs).....fine…you have that idiot Tormentor at the PPV…..but he wont ever step inside another event for the EIWF or be on an EIWF show!
WM: Oh Really?..........(Wishmaster lifts his mask off to reveal its Tormentor)
JC:..Good God!.....(fans go wild at the surprise).....look at Davie…he looks worried!...........
(Jeff Jarrett runs down the ramp with his guitar…...Davie sees Jarrett and has a big smile on his face as Jarrett slides in under the bottom rope and behind Tormentor)
DJ: You know what big man…..I've got a feeling your about to become a big hit in the EIWF!
(SMASH!.....Jarrett hits Tormentor over the head with the guitar………. Tormentor doesn't go down, he slowly turns round and looks at Jarrett and waves his finger at Jarrett!)
JC: I don't believe it!! That guitar shot did nothing!
Tormentor kicks Jarrett to the gut.........grabs him….POWERBOMB!.....Jarrett is out cold and Tormentor points at Davie and the Prez who are halfway up the ramp…
JC: Davie and the Prez made a quick escape but Tormentor has taken out Jeff Jarrett…….the commissioner is out cold!
(Wishmaster walks out onto the ramp…..the Prez walks backwards and bumps into him…...he turns around and taps Davie on the shoulder)
JC: Look at The Prez………...look at the fear!
(Davie turns round and sees Wishmaster…...............Davie and the Prez run to the side and jump the barrier and into the crowd of fans)
JC: fans we are out of time