EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

Revision 3
Havoc is your show! Your chance to shine, show us what you got!! What I mean is I'm opening Havoc up to anyone who would like to 'guest' write a show one week. Perhaps you use to run an e-fed or always fancied having a go at writing show. Your not tied down with the commitment of having to write it every week. If you want to write a show now and then just let me know.

‘ThunderKiss 65 by White Zombie plays as the fans cheer at the Extreme Zone. The camera pans round show the fans and then zooms out high to show the ring and walkway, it then zooms back and shows Joey Carlton standing with a mic in front of some fans’
JC: Hello everyone, I’m Joey Carlton and this is EIWF Havoc!!
'Highlights from the last episode with havoc or shown on the video screen.'
JC: yes fans we are back again due to popular demand. we having another great show lined up for you tonight. Regal will be taken on keg, l double e has challenged wish master to a battle of the wits and the main event tonight we'll see the commissioner Jeff Jarrett teeming with Richard Dweck and they will be taking on the Crews Big Poppa and of the enforcer Eddie d. plus we have a new segment in the show well where Revolution will be interviewing Tormentor the former cwa world champion who turned up unannounced and attacked David J at Redemption.
'My world plays over the arena speakers and the fans boo has Jeff Jarrett walks out'
JC: well it looks like the commissioner has something to say…
JJ: Well it's official unlike some people who only claim.... I have the facts to back up what I'm saying. EIWF havoc was a writing success...... it's in the Press, over the internet and in every wrestling fans conversation. Unlike some people such as the ego maniac Davie J who claims Davie equals ratings or the old man himself who decides to call the show Hollywood Havoc to try and claim the success is down to him. I'm the man in charge just ask a Big Poppa as he found out at the last show. I call all the shots around here..... the show is a success because of one man......the chosen one I've got three words for you……. ain't I great!
'My world plays as the fans boo'
JC: Well someone sure seems certain of themself and may I point out that it takes many people to create a show not just one person.
'The camera cuts to backstage to show Kurt Angle in a dressing room and the fans in the arena cheer. Eddie D and Big Poppa walk into the room and the fans in the arena boo…'
KA: Hey there CREW’s Eddie D and big Poppa
ED: Shut your mouth Angle and listen up. somehow your has been ass has got itself into the main event. let's just make one thing clear, stay out of our way and just do your job and there won't be a problem.
KA: Guys I'm there to ensure the match is a fair contest and that everyone in the match plays by the rules.
BP: Well that's the thing bitch, it's our rules that we are playing by so let's make sure we're all on the same page. as long as everyone remembers always stay true to the crew there won't be any issues. once the match is done, you angle can go back to where you came from where you was relevant and that's the year 2000!
'Eddie D and Big Poppa walk out and the camera zooms in on Kurt Angle who is shaking his head and the scene fades'
JC: Oh my god! It's the first five minutes of the show and the crew are already making demands and trying to throw their weight around. and when We are talking ted Ed that is a lot of weight being thrown around. Let's take a different approach, we have seen the older stars but we have some video from earlier in the week when Revolution visited the EIWF Power Plant….
'The scene opens with Revolution standing outside the EIWF Powerplant wearing a THEN, NOW, FOREVOLUTION t-shirt'
Rev - Welcome to a very special edition of the Revolution Rambling podcast, which is in fact a vlogcast from the EIWF Powerplant. I thought I would try something different this week to really show the world what incredible work is happening behind those doors. The building behind produced many great superstars back in the day. I myself came through those doors as a wet behind the ears nobody and now here I stand one of the most decorated athletes in the history of this sport and now the premier broadcaster in the sports entertainment industry.
'The scene shift and Revolution is now inside the Powerplant and Revolution is watching the rookies go through their paces'
Rev - There are some incredibly talented wrestlers here. The level of effort is incredible, everyone of these guys really wants it.
A trainer comes up to Rev and welcomes him and asks Rev if he would like to say a few words to the trainees. Rev agrees
Revolution is standing in the middle of one of the training rings and addresses the trainees who look on from the floor
Rev - What each and every single one of you have here is opportunity. Every great match, every great champion, every hall of famer and legend in the history of the sport were once presented with an opportunity the same as you. They took theirs and built careers and legacy's that stretch far beyond the ropes of this ring. Take a look at yourselves and you decide.......do you have the talent, do you have the fortitude and desire to take that opportunity with both hands and become an EIWF superstar. This isn't like the WWE, there isn't a mythical brass ring, the brass ring is real, you can feel it, you can touch it, you can grab it with both hands and scream YES! I am an EIWF superstar, I am going to make it, I am going to be the best me that I can be. I have spent a lot of time in my long career in places like this. Whether its Performance Centers, Dojo's or any other training facility and believe me ladies and gents this place is as state of the art as any other. If you can't make it here with the facilities we have and the trainers we have then you won't make it anywhere.
Here you can learn how to work, learn how to tell stories in the ring, learn how to cut promos, be a professional. I have studied tapes of all of you, I have seen how you have improved and I can see where you can improve. But overall I am seeing the most talented group that has ever walked through those doors. Guys like Keg, Seth Freeman and Richard Dweck are already making their way onto the main EIWF roster and making the most of the opportunity. They have all the ability in the world but it takes more than that, it takes hard work and dedication to the craft. Us EIWF original's may be getting up there in years but you could do worse than talk to anyone of us, ask us questions and open your ears. I have sat where you all are, and I thought the old guys didn't know a damn thing. All that did was set my back and take me longer to get to where I was going to be. I have been to the top and I have learnt plenty along the way. I am here for you all, anytime day or night. If you have a question or want to pick my brains or hell even talk about some of my old matches and why I did a move or cut a certain promo then I am here. You are a long time retired and I would give anything to be where you are right now and have my time all over again. Open your eyes, your ears and your minds and grab that opportunity with both hands.
'The scene fades with the inspired students giving Revolution a standing ovation as he stands in the middle of the ring'
JC: Revolution is proving popular with the stars of tomorrow as he’s always offering them advice if they want, without being big headed and shoving it down there throats like some would do on the EIWF roster! But let's get back to some in ring action without first match of the night Regal vs keg the beer King.
Regal vs Keg
'Keg is already in The Ring and Land of Hope and Glory plays as the fans in the arena boo. Regal walks out and stands on the ramp he waved to the fans and then make his way to the ring.'
He slides through the bottom rope and kegs Thompson Regal before he can get up……. cake drops and elbow onto Regal….. and Regal rolls back to the outside and complains to the ref that the Bell had not wrong……. hextech staggered back to the centre of the Ring…... Regal sliding under the bottom rope….. and both men lock up…... both men trying to gain an advantage….. and Regal hits a European uppercut….. it's tons cake and he stumbled backwards….. Regal grabs cake and throws him into the ropes…... as kid comes off the ropes Regal hits an elbow to the face sending head down to the mat…….. Regal goes off the ropes and drop Sony on the head of cake….. keg hold his face….. Regal Healthcare get up and Regal applies a full Nelson…. the ref checks to see if cake submits but he shakes his head…. kid tries to break the hold but Regal has it locked in…. but keg manages to get to the rope and put his leg on the rope…. the reptiles Regal to break the hold but he won't…. the ref tells him again but Regal shake his head….. the referenced account…... one…... two…... free……. 4……. Regal drops to hold and the ref tells him if he does it again he will disqualify him…... Regal just brushes off the comment from the referee….. Regal grabs cake and cake hits Regal with a punch to the stomach and it winds him….. keg grabs Regal and hits a suplex….. keg covers…... the ref gets down and counts…... 1…….2....kick out by Regal! Regal pokes Keg in the eyes as there both on the mat....
JC: Cheap move by Regal!
Regal gets to his feet first and grabs Keg, Regal lifts Keg up and drops him on the ropes catching him face first…..the Ref is reprimanding Regal for the move but Regal pushes him away…….Regal hits some hard rights on Keg and lifts him up and hits an atomic drop…Regal follows in with a clothesline…..Regal covers………….1………….2……..kick out!.......Regal gets up and goes off the ropes and drops an elbow on Keg!.......Regal pulls Keg up and applies an abdominal stretch……….Regal has the moved locked in and the Ref is checking if Keg is submitting……..he looks barely conscious but he raises his arm to show he hasn’t passed out……Regal grabs the ropes to apply more pressure…the ref spots it and kicks Regals arm to break him holding the ropes…….this shocks Regal and he drops the hold and argues with the Ref……Keg is stumbling around……grabs Regal from behind……..Regal is trying to break the hold.he throws an elbow behind and catches Keg in the face breaking the hold……..Regal hits a European uppercut and grabs Keg…….small package by Regal…………1…………..2…………3!!!!
Regal wins via pinfall
JC: Regal gets the win in a match that he dominated! I know we only have a short term deal at the moment for Havoc, but if we get an extended run and do create a Havoc title like Jeff Jarrett mentioned on the last show I think Regal is a favorite to win it. FansI’m hearing we have Revolution backstage with an unannounced guest…
'Camera cuts to Revolution backstage surrounded by fans cheering'
Rev: Thats right Joey, I'm backstage with two time EIWF World champion Badd Dogg! He’s here backstage signing autographs for the fans, posing for photos and showing why he’s one of the EIWFS’s most popular superstars ever. Badd Dogg can I grab a quick word.
BD: Sure…
Rev: What are you doing here at Havoc.
BD: Well I've been busy training for my match at the PPV with Eddie D. Ive been hitting the weights, focusing on my moves in the ring to ensure I’m ready for Eddie D and any CREW tricks that may come my way. But when I found a free spot in my schedule I decided to come down to Soundstage 21 in Orlando and see what the Extreme Zone is all about! (fans cheer)
Rev: It’s certainly is great to see you here, what was your thoughts on last Havoc show.
BD: I loved it! I’m so pumped at the moment with this whole EIWF reunion, but also I’m excited about the future stars of the EIWF, those who will carry the torch when us originals step aside.
Rev: Well last week Richard Dweck got a debut win over Big Poppa, that's impressive.
BD: It is and it’s also a breath fresh air to see some new talent getting there show of the spotlight.
Rev: Well I won't keep you any longer, any final words Badd Dogg?
BD: Well with all my fans here barking up a noise that will bring the roof down, the Extreme Zone may have to be renamed the Dog Pound!! (fans cheer and bark and hold up Badd Dogg t-shirts)
Rev: Back to you Joey!
'Camera cuts to Joey Carlton sitting at the announcers desk'
JC: Thank you Revolution, fans this is only our second Havoc show but look at the names we have already seen, Jeff Jarrett, Big Poppa, Regal, Hollywood Hogan, the Prez, Badd Dogg, revolution and still to come tonight, Wishmaster, L double E, Eddie D, Tormentor and who knows who else could show up. People who have called this a ‘B’ show are talking out of their ass! Well moving from stupid people too people claiming to be smarter……..that’s right, next we have the Anti Hero L double E vs Wishmaster. Quite frankly fans, I don't know how this is gonna go down!
‘Steal my shine plays and the fans give a mixed reaction as L double E walks out holding a megaphone’
JC: He may not be the most popular, he may not be the most decorated wrestler in EIWF history, but he's been mainstay and as he's been telling people…...he does have the highest win/loss ratio in EIWF history. He’s still an odd ball though!
'L double E is in the ring and asks for a mic'
LEE: Welcome to all of you , who have paid extra to see the Anti Hero tonight outsmart and out shine the big dumb machine Wishmaster!! (fans boo)..Yes...YES! Boo that poor of an excuse of a wrestler! (fans boo again).....hmmmm...you really don't like him do you?....(fans boo)....wow…..he must be the most unpopular wrestler in EIWF history! Well tonight it's a battle of wits, it’s the starter before the main course at the Final Stand PPV. So before I humiliate him at the big show let's show all of you what a fraud he is! Let's get this done, bring him out!....
JC: I dont think Wishmaster will wait until the PPV to get his hands on L double E!
'Hells Bells by ACDC plays and a midget walks out wearing a Wishmaster outfit'
JC: Oh My………
(He walks up the steps and through the bottom ropes and the music stops)
LEE: For someone who claims to be a 15 year world champion, I thought you would be taller!....(L double E puts the mic in mic stand but its to tall for the fake Wishmaster to speak into)....come on Wishmaster, now is your chance. Tell us all what's on your mind? (The fake Wishmaster tries to jump and talk into the mic)......oh sorry, let me get that for you little champ...(L double E takes the mic off the stand and passes it to the fake Wishmaster)
OK Wishmaster, let the battle of wits begin! A nice easy one for you to start with, some EIWF general knowledge. Who is the greatest EIWF TV champion in history?
LEE: Hmmmm, the correct answer is L double E. Next, in the fifteen years you claim to be world champion and the whole time you have been in the EIWF, there is one wrestler you have never beat because you fear him, who is that?
LEE: the correct answer is L double E. Now I can see your finding this difficult, so concentrate real hard. At the EIWF PPV Final Stand, you face the Anti Hero. It will be the final step for you and your EIWF career, but who will go on to win the tournament?
LEE: Jeez, now I know what they mean when they call you Dumbmaster. The correct answer is L double E!!!!
LEE: What? You fool I haven't asked a question, wait until it's your line!
LEE: Stop saying that!!! It’s really annoying!
WM: EVIL NEVER DIES! (L double E grabs the fake Wishmaster and lifts him him up)
LEE: Hey I said shut up, you're not getting your twenty bucks for this poor performance. Actually, you have been so bad that you could really be Wishmaster!!
(L double E drops the fake Wishmaster and kicks him to the gut…….lifts him up….HERO-DROP!!!)
'The lights in the arena go out and Evil Never Dies by Judas Priest plays…..fire comes out of the side of the ramp as Wishmaster walks out and the fans react at the surprise of him coming out'
JC: OH MY GOD!!! WIshmaster is here! Look at L double E’s face…….he looks worried.
'Wishmaster climbs the steps and into the ring, he points at L double E. Wishmaster runs at L double E and goes to grab him but L double E slides out of the bottom rope! L double E grabs his megaphone and puts it to his mouth'
LEE: Wishmaster, you may think that what happened was not a battle of the wits. Well Wishy you came running out here with fear in your eyes. That's because the Anti-Hero got under your skin. I got into your head and you reacted. That's because the Anti Hero has taken the advantage in the mind games. Battle of the Wits, L double E is your winner!
JC: Wishmaster looks pissed!(L double E starts to walk back and puts the mic to his mouth)
LEE: Free Rage!!! (camera cuts to Joey Carlton)
JC: It never fails to amaze me just how strange that L double E is. Well Wishmaster looked pissed and come the EIWF’s Final Stand he will get the chance for pay back and I wouldn't want to be L double E’s shoes! Let’s go to a commercial!
There are lots of features over at the Fansite. Make sure you vote in the latest Poll, let's us know what you thought of Havoc! Wrestler Rankings, a new Revolution Ramblings podcast section. The Moss Report and TV Ratings! Have you been to the EIWF Network Archive section? Well your already in it! Havoc shows are stored there and 'new' old shows will be added over time. Check out the Stay True PPV from 1999!
JC: Welcome back fans, Joey Carlton here coming to you from the Extreme Zone in Orlando! Next up we have the host of the award winning Podcast Revolutions Ramblings and he will be talking with Tormentor. Personally someone I don’t have a lot of time for! He hasn’t won a world title with any real recognition like the EIWF or ICW World titles.
'Love and War "by Drowning Pool plays, the crowd cheers as a picture of a microphone is shown on the big screen followed by clips of Revolution from his wrestling days. Revolution walks out to a huge reaction from the fans, they start a ‘Revo’ chant. He points to the fans and bows down and gives them a thumbs up. He continues to walk and there is a side section where a little stage is set up with ‘RDD’ on the background and on the wall are the ICW World title, NCPW World title and the WWO World title. Revolution steps up onto the stage and looks at the belts and then is passed a mic..'
Rev: Welcome…….to……….Revolutions Dialogue Drop!! (fans cheer)
JC: I love it! For you younger fans Revolutions finisher was called RDD, the Revolution Death Drop. Hes kept the initials for the show.
Rev: I have a very special guest today on the RDD Show, please give it up for the former EWA World champion, Tormentor!!!!
'Smoke fills the entrance way and the big screen shows a picture of the EWA world title, a chorus of boo’s sounds around the arena. Then they get louder as Tormentor walks out wearing his custom EWA t-shirt. He glares across at the fans and slowly walks down the ramp and to the stage and stands next to Revolution'
Rev: Tormentor, thank you for being the first guest on Revolutions Dialogue Drop show…
Tor: Shut your mouth! I’m here for me, not to plug your show and your crappy set with your plastic belts! What a lack of respect that is being shown to me by the EIWF! (the fans boo and I don't even get any entrance music!)
Rev: Come on! There's no need to be like that! Those belts are prestigious belts and I’m proud of them!
Tor: The NCPW title was passed around like a cheap whore so had no meaning. You only held the WWO title because you was in bed with the Luigi family and as for the ICW belt, you only won that because Davie J didnt want to work weekends. If you want to talk real titles then let's talk about the EWA World title shall we? (fans boo)
Tor: You see I was the EWA world champion when the EWA was beating this shit house called the EIWF in the ratings(fans boo and start an asshole chant). The EIWF’s top star Davie J even came to the EWA with high hopes and an over inflated ego. I took the best the EIWF had to offer and squashed him with ease!
Rev: but the….(is interrupted by Tormentor)
Tor: SO as I said, I beat the best you had and the fed I was champion in was beating the EIWF in the ratings, so how about you show my the damn respect I deserve! (fans boo)
Rev: So Tormentor, tell us why after all this time you have decided to show up in the EIWF.
Tor: That's better, you do your job right and ask the appropriate questions. I’m here because I’m fed up of hearing about the CREW, Im fed up of hearing about Davie J and I’m fed up of hearing about Hollywood Hogan!! The EIWF acquired the rights to the EWA a long time ago, so for me to secure my place in wrestling history I decided to come here and once again beat Davie J, take on Hogan and finally finish the CREW once and for all. Hey if you want to know what a real wrestling stable should be like look at my Corporation from the early 2000’s! (fans boo)
Rev: You turned up at Redemption and stood in the ring with Wishmaster at the end of the show. You looked each other in the face, eye to eye and then left. What are yout thoughts on Wishmaster?
Tor: Personally I don’t like the guy………...but I respect him! No one is a world champion for 15 years unless they are a very capable competitor. I didn't set out to help Wishmaster. I had my sights set on Davie J. Im fed up of the CREW claiming to be so great when in reality they are average at best. So when I was in the middle of the ring looking him in the eyes………….I saw fire……...a fire that burns to destroy the CREW and I liked it. You see me and Wishmaster don’t need to be friends, but we have a common enemy, the CREW and especially Hogan and Davie.
Rev: But Davie and Hogan have fallen out and seem to be going their separate ways and have even told each other to keep out of there way.
Tor: Really?
Rev: Yep.
Tor: I’m not buying it. We all know there history.
Rev: Any final words before we wrap this up?
Tor: The man, the myth, the legend…...is here in the EIWF. I'm not concerned about titles, I’m just here to destroy Hogan and Davie!
Tormentor walks off the stage and argues with fans as he heads back up the ramp
Rev: Well there you have it fans, a very hostile first interview on the RDD show! Back to you Joey.
JC: What is that guys problem? He walks into the EIWF demanding respect? Not here jackoff, you want respect? You have to earn it! Next up is our main event, Jeff Jarrett and Richard Dweck vs Eddie D and Big Poppa, I believe we have a camera backstage.
'The camera shows Jeff Jarrett and Richard in the locker room getting ready for there match and Wishmaster bursts through the door.'
WM: Where is the Prez, I want to speak to him!
JJ: He’s not here, I run Havoc not the Prez.
WM: Never again, I’m not working with L double E, I dont do comedy!!
JJ: Calm down big man, lets talk about this in a couple of days when you have calmed down…
'Wishmaster punches a locker causing a dent and walks out the room…..the camera man follows and Wishmaster is walking a long the corrido’BANG!’..he is hit from behind with a chair knocking him to the floor….the camera pans round to show a masked man holding the chair…..he throws the chair down and walks off. The camera cuts back to Joey Carltion.'
JC: What the hell just happened??? Thats the masked man from Redemption who attacked Suicide and put him out of active wrestling. What is he doing here, and who the hell is he? We need to find some security!! Unless we get extra security at next week's havoc I won't be showing up for work. Once the man in charge is finished with his match I'm going to talk to him about employee safety at work! Now it's time for our main event, we have the cruise Eddie D and Big Poppa vs Richard Dweck and the commissioner Jeff Jarrett.
'My World place and there is a mixed reaction from the fans is Jeff Jarrett and Richard Dweck walkout. They raise their arms and make their way down to the ring.'
JC: Well not the most to popular wrestlers in the EIWF, however I think that is more down to Jarrett them Richard. Despite claiming to be the chosen one the fans have never really chosen him.
'Superstar by saliva plays and there is another mixed reaction from the fans. images of the crew flash over the big screen and Big Poppa and Eddie D walk out.'
JC: Probably the two biggest men in wrestling today and they look focused and ready for this match. I think they are looking to send out a message to the rest of the roster. Recently the CREW, it has been claimed is a shadow of its former self with multiple members leaving but they still have Hollywood Hogan among there ranks so should always be taken as seriously.
'Eddie D and Big Poppa climb the steps of the Ring and point to some of the fans in the front row before climbing through the ropes.'
JC: this is it fans the main event and when this is over I'm getting the hell out of here…just one more person to add to the four in the ring……
‘Medal plays and the fans cheer, images of Kurt Angle are shown on the big screen. He walks out and points to the ceiling as pyros go off. The fans start a ‘you rule’ chant. Angle makes his way to the ring’
JC: What a reception from the fans for the Gold medal winner. They don't come any more honest and straight as Kurt Angle.
'Big Poppa talks to Eddie D and Big Poppa is going to start the match and so is Richard as Jeff Jarrett steps to the side apron.'
JC: Big Poppa and Richard both faced each other last week and Richard won on his EIWF debut in a shocker when he pinned Big Poppa for the 123 but with help from Jeff Jarrett may I add.
Big Poppa and Richard sizing each other up in the middle of the ring…..they lock up…... big belly to belly suplex by Big Poppa!….. Big Poppa gets up poses and the fans boo he drops an elbow on to Richard and covers Kurt gets into position, gets down and counts………….1……………...2………. Big Poppa lifts Richard Head Up…
JC: Big Poppa could have had the win then but he chose to lift Richard’s shoulders up just so he could beat on him some more. That's the type of disgusting human being Big Poppa is, he doesn't want to wrestle, he wants to inflict pain and suffering!
Big Poppa has Richard in a headlock……...Richard is trying to break the hold...they back into a corner………..Kurt tells Big Poppa to break the hold………….Big Poppa shakes his head, refuses to let go….Kurt tells him again………….Kurt counts…………..1………...2………..3…………..4………..5! Big Poppa still won't break it……..Kurt grabs Big Poppas arm and breaks the hold……..Big Poppa gets into Kurt Angle’s face…
JC: Here we go fans, we was expecting this but not so soon into the match. Big Poppa taking exception to Kurt Angle breaking the hold, but Kurt Angle is trying to tell him he could have been disqualified!
Big Poppa goes back towards Richard who is in the center of the ring on his knees…. Richard hits Big Poppa to the gut with a punch…..and another one (fans cheer)....Richard gets to his feet.kicks Big Poppa to the gut DDT!!!.......Big Poppa is down….Richard covers him..Kurt gets down and counts…….1……...2…...kick out by Big Poppa!.....Richard rolls over to the corner and tags in Jeff Jarrett!........Jarrett goes over to Big Poppa who is getting to his feet and stomps on his back…. Jarrett pulls Big Poppa up and throws him into the ropes and hits a clothesline……..Poppa stumbles back and is leaning onto the ropes…..Jarrett follows with another clothesline and sends Big Poppa over the top rope to the outside!.....Kurt tries to stop Jarrett going to the outside but he still goes…..Kurt starts the count……...1………...2………..Jarrett pulls Big Poppa up and hits a chop across the chest….Jarrett hits a hard right……..Jarrett kicks Big Poppa to the gut and Big Poppa drops to his knees...BIG LARIAT CLOTHESLINES BY EDDIE D!!! From behind Big Poppa!....3…………..4………….5……...Eddie D pulls up Big Poppa and slides him in the ring……..6………….7….Eddie D pulls up Jarrett and throws him head first into the crowd barrier…….8……...He grabs Jarrett and throws him under the bottom rope…….Kurt Angle is telling Eddie D to go back to his corner…….Big Poppa slowly crawls to the corner and tags Eddie D in!.......Eddie grabs Jarrett by the ankle and turns him over..Eddie goes off the rope and hits a splash. He covers…..Kurt gets down and counts……….1………..2…...kick out by Jarrett!.......Eddie is complaining to Angle that it was a slow count.
JC: It looked perfectly fine to me, stop complaining and get on with the match!
Eddie and Kurt continue to argue...Jarret slowly turns over and hits a low blow on Eddie D from behind….Jarrett grabs Eddie…...THE STROKE!!!!.....Jarrett covers..Angle counts……….1………...2……..Big Poppa breaks the pinfall….Angle is telling Big Poppa to get back to his corner...BiG Poppa is trying to pus past but Angle wont let him….Jarrett goes over to the opposite corner and removes the ring post cover and walks back to Eddie D……….Angle finally has Big Poppa back on the outside of the apron……..Jarrett irish whips Eddie into the corner with no cover and Eddie hits it hard, bounces out and falls to his knees…….Jarrett grabs Eddie from behind and hits a neckbreaker…….Jarrett covers………..Angle goes down and counts……...1………..2………………………………...Angle gets up, he walks over to the ring post and sees its not covered….
JC: Well it appears while making the count Kurt Angle saw that the ring post was not covered….
Jarrett is complaining to Kurt Angle…...Kurt is showing him the cover and pointing at Jarrett….
JC: Well Kurt is asking Jarrett if he uncovered the post. Jarrett is telling him hes the boss but Kurt Angle doesnt care, hes calling the match straight!
Kurt Angle has told Jarrett to stand in his corner while he checks on Eddie D….Eddie D is looking to shake it off and gets to his feet, ANgle tells them to continue……….They lock up…….Eddie scoops Jarrett up and slams him down……..Jarrett sits up and holds his back…...Eddie delivers some kicks to Jarretts back…..Eddie backs into the corner and is hit on the back by Richard…...Eddie grabs his head and hits it on the ring post sending Richard down to the floor…….Eddie turns round and is hit with a drop kick by Jarrett……..(fans rise to there feet)....
JC: Oh My God!!!.........Hollywood Hogan has just walked out into the Extreme Zone. I thought he said he couldn't make it when Jarrett booked the match!
Big Poppa gets in the ring……..Angle is telling him to get out and they argue….Jarrett has spotted Hogan….Hogan walks around the ring….Jarrett leans over the ropes and shouts at Hogan………...Kurt is still trying to get Big Poppa out of the ring….Hogan pulls a set of brass knuckles out of his bottoms and puts them on his hand…….he hits Jarrett to the head as he leaned through the ropes……..Jarrett stumbles back….Big Poppa Gets out the ring……...Kurt Angle turns around…….Eddie kicks Jarrett to the gut….STUNNER STUNNER STUNNER!!!!......Kurt has seen Hogan and is surprised……..he tells Hogan to leave and Hogan nods in agreement and walks away from that side of the ring…...Eddie covers Jarrett……..Kurt gets down and counts………...1…………….2………….3!!!!!........
'Superstar by saliva plays and Kurt Angle lifts the arm of Eddie D in the air'
JC: A win for Big Poppa and Eddie D but Hogan played a big part in that. Angle didn't see the cheap shot by Hogan but the CREW played it smart!
Eddie pats Kurt Angle on the back and holds his hand out……...Kurt puts his hand out to shake it...Eddie kicks Angle to the gut……….STUNNER STUNNER STUNNER!!! (fans boo)
JC: What the hell just happened! That no good Eddie D!
Hogan runs back towards the ring and slides in……...Hogan goes off the ropes….LEGDROP OF DOOM!!!!!! On Kurt Angle!.......Hogan covers and Big Poppa gets down and counts……...1………….2………..3! (fans boo)
JC: We are not going to recognize that three count…….Hogan is asking for a mic..
HH: I guess you can say, the CREW is back on top brotha!! Kurt Angle that was a little warning dude. If you got the guts to turn up at the Final Stand PPV there's plenty more of where that came from brotha. The Genetic Freak and the Enforcer did tonight exactly what they said they would do, play by the rules, if you don't then the CREW will come calling........remember the golden rule..ALWAYS STAY TRUE TO THE CREW!!!.......SO...What you gonna do, when Hollywood Hogan’s CREW runs wild on you!!!....WHAT YOU GONNA DO???!!!......
JC: Im Joey Carlton, this is the EIWF……….and tonight has been Havoc indeed!
'The scene cuts to show a black limo outside the building……..the door opens and the Prez is sitting in the back…….he looks at the person…'
Prez: Done?
Unknown Person:..........Done!!
(scene fades)