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Sep 2019


(Line in the Sand by Motorhead plays and images of the current EIWF roster plays on the ‘Extreme screen’ above the entrance way. The camera pans around the arena and zooms into the fans holding up signs…the camera cuts back to the announce table with Jim Hicks and Jerry the Bull)


JH: Hello fans and welcome to Germany! Our world tour continues and we have been working with the local promotion here in Germany the WXW and we want to thank them for helping to promote the EIWF and making us feel at home. We are coming to you live from the Lanxess Arena with a crowd of 11,491!!! As always I am joined by Jerry the Bull!

JTB: Thank you James, what a pleasure it is to be in this wonderful country, they have some great German beer and the ladies love a frankfurter, what more could a man ask for!

JH: Indeed! Tonight we have Regal taking on Rox who is from the Fubar Live brand, a rematch between Ellis Black and Big Poppa in another arm wrestling match, the RDD show returns with Revolution speaking to the new tag team champions Jimmy Brandon and Johnny Blitz and also the Anti Hero L double defends the FTE title against Jimmy Brandon.

JTB: That's a reward for Jimmy Brandon there, getting a shot at a singles title despite being the current tag team champion, but it does carry on the feud between the Hero and Maestro connection and the Dream Team.

JH: Jerry what do you make of the rematch for the arm wrestling match?

JTB: If I’m honest I’m not a fan, this is a wrestling organisation not an arm wrestling company. The other match you have to go with Regal’s experience over Rox.


(The scene cuts backstage with a limo pulling up outside the building, the door opens and the Prez steps out. He starts to walks in and speaks into the camera)


PREZ: It appears I need to be on hand to ensure that rules are followed. 

(He walks into the building and the camera cuts back to the announce table)


JH: The Prez is here, and I'm sure that is in reference to the issues last week where a former employee cut a promo in the EIWF.

JTB: I Believe we have been censored from saying his name but everyone knows who we are talking about, I don’t see the big deal. His name is going to come up in reference to the company’s past, but for whatever reason the Prez has a real issue with him.

JH: Indeed he does and the Prez who had taken a back seat role in the company is here tonight to ensure that things go as he wants them too. 

JTB: Look Revolution and Davie are just trying to make a success of the EIWF, drum up some interest in the company. I wouldn't be surprised if Davie asked his friend to cut that promo, controversy creates interest and buzz.

JH: Really, you think he orchestrated it?

JTB: I don’t know for sure but it wouldn’t surprise me.


(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays and there is a huge POP from the fans)


JTB: Business has just picked up!

JH: Listen to these fans, one of the most popular stars in the history of wrestling, 

JTB: And he’s right here, in the EIWF!


(Revolution walks out to a huge pop from the fans. He smiles and walks to the ring with a mic in his hand)


JTB: I wonder if he’s been told to come out here by the Prez?

JH: I think the prez is taking a back seat, just there in the background to ensure there are no surprises.


(Revolution steps through the ropes and signals to cut his music)


Rev: Thank you, thank you all. It’s great to be here in Deutschland!! (the fans POP). There has been a lot of talk about the EIWF in a way that I would not wish. It doesn’t make us look good to have in fighting, so if you are waiting for me to speak on the recent issue I’m afraid you are out of luck. I am here to talk about one thing and that’s Hollywood Hogan!!! Hogan, where are you old man? I will tell everyone where you are, hiding from the challenge that I put to you. You see I haven’t been an active wrestler for years, I came back to the EIWF as an interviewer. I slowly worked my way up the corporate ladder to find myself head of creative. I set out to give the EIWF a new look, a new feel.


To leave the politics of the past behind us. Push the new blood and ensure the EIWF had a fute. But you have done all you can to stop it, you want the EIWF to remain in the 90's, in the past….in your glory days. No matter what we try to do, you do your best to stop any progress in its tracks. Well I've had enough, you put me out of action for over six months, but now I’m back…..and against doctors advice and against the wishes of friends….I challenged you to a match. I’m prepared to step into that ring one last time. I’m going to be the man to stop you, I’m going to be the man who finally gets rid of Hollywood Hogan from the EIWF. But I am yet to hear from you, what’s a matter, too afraid to accept the challenge? Too afraid to lose to a ‘cripple’??? Hogan you are nothing but a yellow crap pappy! (fans cheer). I will hunt you down until you accept my offer of a match. I will ensure that as long as you dodge me your life in the EIWF is HELL!!!!


(Revolution drops the mic as his music plays and he steps out the ring and slaps the hands of fans in the front row. The camera cuts to the announcers)


JH: Well...I guess he’s still the boss…..the boss there with a challenge to Hollywood Hogan, but we haven't heard from the newly crowned Legends champion since he won the title.

JTB: Hey what you need to remember is, if you want a response from Hogan….you wont get one. It’s mind games. He won't ever give you what you're looking for. I also suspect that Hogan will dismiss the challenge from Revolution. Hogan is the reigning Legends champion, why would he want to face someone who hasn't wrestled for years? It wont stroke his ego.

JH: I think for Revolution it's more personal than anything else. He has seen Hogan deliberately sabotage his efforts to improve the EIWF and then to injure him with the history he has with his neck… has made Revolution try and beat Hogan the only way he knows how….in the middle of the ring.

JTB: It’s such a risk though, Revolution is not thinking straight...he’s angry….this could be one injury too far and then he's in a wheelchair.

JH: OK Rox is already in the ring as we await Regal for our first match of the night Jerry what are your thoughts on Rox?

JTB: Well he's a big giant of a man but there is no one out there tougher than Regal.


(Land of hope and glory plays and there are boo’s from the German fans as regal walks out waving a Union jack flag)


JH: I believe those boo’s are more political then in regards to Regal’s wrestling ability.

JTB: Yeah they have had something in Europe called Brexit which is the UK leaving Europe or something.

JH: Well not leaving the continent Jerry, but leaving their trading agreement.

JTB: Right, but being American we don’t need to worry about it!

JH: Regal is in the middle of the ring, still waving that Union jack flag…..


Regal vs Rox

JH: Here we go Regal vs rocks. Both men are circling the ring looking for an opening……. they lock up…... Regal takes the advantage with an armbar…...Regal applying pressure…... Rox tries to break the hold and then drop down to one knee.  Regal let's go and grabs Rox from behind in a headlock….. Rox grabs Regal's head and pulls him over his shoulder and to the mat. Rox stands up and drops an elbow but Regal rolls out of the way.......... Regal gets to his feet and the two men lovk up again............ Rox forces Regal into the corner and the Ref tells them to break............... they slowly let go and then Regal hits Rox with a European uppercut ..............Rox stumbles back ............Regal runs at him and hits a hard clothesline! Rox stumbles back onto the ropes ........Regal follows up with another clothesline sending Rox to the outside.

JTB:  Regal in total control here Rox looks Dazed and Confused and he hit the outside hard. 

JH: The Ref has started to count here and Regal pushes past the Ref and rolls under the bottom rope…...1……………….2…………………...Regal grabs Rox and pulls him to his feet……….Regal hits Rox with a forearm to the chest……………...3……………………...4…………………...Regal grabs Rox and sends him head first onto the side of the ring……………….5……………………...6…………………...Regal grabs Rox…..hits a knife edge chop…….7…………...Regal throws Rox in under the bottom rope………………...8……………...Regal slides back in the ring…………...Rox is stumbling around here in the ring……..Regal drops to one knee and hits a hard punch to the gut and Rox leans forward…...Regal grabs Rox…..PileDriver by Regal!!!!.....Regal covers and the Ref gets down to start the count………………….1…………………………….2…………………...kick out by Rox!

JTB: I think this is done Jim, Rox may have kicked out that time but it looks like it’s only a matter of time. I suggest he heads down to the power plant for some training!

JH: Regal has a headlock applied here on the mat…..slowly wearing Rox down…...the Ref checks that the hold is legal….Regal applies pressure and Rox yells out in pain here……

JTB: But he’s not quitting….

JH: Regal drops the hold in frustration and gets to his feet…...Regal stomps on Rox…..and again…..Regal grabs the arm of Rox and pulls him to his feet….European uppercut by Regal….Rox is stunned……

JTB: I think if Regal just breathed on him he would fall down!

JH: Regal sends Rox into the ropes…..Rox comes back...Real with a clothesline...NO! Rox ducks…...Rox off the other ropes….regal turns around….big boot to the face by Rox and Regal goes down…...Regal quickly gets up and tries to shake off the move….Rox follows in with a clothesline and Regal goes down again…..Rox hits a double ax handle on Regal who is still down…..Rox pulls Regal up…..throws Regal into the corner and Rox follows in and hits a big clothesline……….

JTB: Wow...this match has turned and I didnt expect this from Rox.

JH: Rox is unloading some hard rights on regal in the corner…...Rox grabs Regal….Irish whip into the opposite corner….Rox follows in with a big Splash!!!.....he pummels Regal with hard punches to the stomach…………..Rox turns around and thrusts backwards into Regal…………squashing Regal into the corner………...Rox takes a couple of steps forward and thrust back again squashing Regal……...Rox laughing here…...he takes a couple of steps forward again but Regal has hung on….hes on Rox’s back…..Rox trying to reach round to get Regal off but cant reach…..

JTB: Wait for it Jim…..

JH: Regal has his legs and arms locked around Rox…..Rox drops to his knees and down onto the mat…….REGAL STRETCH!!!!! REGAL STRETCH!!!!!!.....REGAL STRETCH!!!!!......The Ref checks….

JTB: He’s out!

JH: The Ref calls for the bell and Regal is the winner!

JTB: Experience showed through there, never count Regal out!

JH: A win there for Regal.

JTB: A masterclass from Regal there

(The scene cuts backstage with Davie and Revolution in a room)

Rev: We both know sooner or later the Prez is going to come in here and ask us what plans we have for the future of the EIWF….how can we bring in ratings.

DJ: Our hands are tied, he doesn't want to push the old stars, he won't let a certain someone come back.

Rev: There is some big potential matches, you and Suicide….you and Ellis….Myself and Hogan…..

DJ: Woah woah woah… know you can't wrestle……...your never get clearance to wrestle again….

Rev: But Hogan is a cancer that has been killing the EIWF for years! He needs to be stopped… I want to get some payback…..revenge is a dish best served cold.

DJ: I have to admit… would be a huge ratings draw…….but are ratings really worth the risk of never walking again?

Rev: What do you suggest then?....we gotta come up with something……..

(L double E walks in)

Rev: Not now….we’re busy….

LEE: Don’t worry it will be like a Wishmaster comeback….very brief!

Rev: Make it quick….

LEE: I’m not feeling it…..

DJ: Not feeling it?

LEE: Yeah…...being world champion and having to face Jimmy Brandon? I can't get motivated for a match like that…..I just can't get focused to face someone that far below me.

DJ: Hey, that's a real lack of respect!

LEE: Pot Kettle Black Davie! Lack of respect? You're looking at the person who is being shown no respect at all!

DJ: here we go…

LEE: I won the final stand tournament, I beat Wishmaster, I beat you Davie and I beat Hogan. I'm the most popular wrestler in the EIWF….yet you continue to overlook me….you even devalue my title belt….the original title belt worn by all the EIWF world champions.

Rev: Look we are trying to come up with ways to make the EIWF a success, we need everyone on board….we need team players.

LEE: That's nice for you….I’m going home.

Rev: Your what?

LEE: Going home…..sorry….I've lost my smile.

(L double E turns around and walks out leaving Davie and Revolution shocked….the camera cuts back to the announce table)


JTB: Another one throws his toys out of his pram because he can't get his own way.

JH: What does this mean for our main event? Will he turn up, or has he gone home?

JTB: Good point Jim, could be mind tricks, but that is no way for a champion to act, doesn't look good on the company.

JH: Also it appears Davie and Revolution are backstage brainstorming, trying to come up with ways to improve ratings.

JTB: Get back to basics, some good old fashioned ring action, you can't beat an exciting match.

JH: Next up we have a rematch of the popular arm wrestling match between Big Poppa and Ellis Black from Power Hour, if you haven't seen it already I urge our EIWF Prime members to check it out on catchup!

(sirens are heard around the arena followed by the CREW theme superstar by Saliva. There is a mixed reaction from the fans with some sections cheering  as Big Poppa walks out, he flexes his muscles on the ramp and kisses his bicep and then walks to the ring)


JH: The CREW’s genetic freak Big Poppa looking to beat Ellis Black in an arm wrestling match here, this is of course a rematch from the Power Hour show where Big Poppa lost to Ellis Black. It appears Big Poppa has some fans here in Europe.

JTB: Big Poppa looks focused for this, really this is all about mind games. This is a wrestling company and belts are won in the ring, not via arm wrestling. Thos European fans can be unpredictable when it comes to choosing their favourite EIEF superstars.


(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and there are boo’s from the fans, the word “SHOWTIME” is shown on the big screen, Ellis then walks out with the Genesis title around his waist. He walks towards the ring)


JH: The officials are just checking the equipment in the middle of the ring, Big Poppa is bouncing around, flexing his muscles.

JTB: Yeah and Ellis looks cool and calm, he already won the first match. The last time these two met at Power Hour it was another trick by Hollywood Hogan, he drove a wedge between Suicide and Ellis. Suicide needs to smarten up, hes been used by Hogan twice recently. First to cross Davie J, sure Suicide wouldnt have a problem with that but it was just for Hogan to win the title. Then he causes friction between Suicide and Ellis…..Suicide wont know who to trust.

JH:  Maybe that's why we havet heard from him lately?

JTB: Hogan meantime has been sitting back, sending in the odd video call, that's no way for a champion to act.

JH: Agreed, OK fans we are set to go here….

Big Poppa vs Ellis Black - Arm wrestling match.

JH: Big Poppa is first to the arm wrestling table…..hes telling Ellis to come on over…..

JTB: Big Poppa looks possessed….like an animal foaming at the mouth!

JH: Ellis Black….slowly walks over and places his elbow on the table…..the Referee trying to get them to lock up here…...remember fans this is a best of three to determine the winner…….OK the Ref appears happy…….the grips are tightening…..the biceps are bulging here…...and there off…...Big Poppa shouts as Ellis remains quiet…...Ellis head down….appears to be taking the advantage here….

JTB: Yes Ellis Black has taken an advantage and look at the sweat on the face of Big Poppa

JH: Ellis pushes on…...Big Poppa is still shouting…..Ellis touches Big Pppa hand onto the mat and they break….first round goes to Ellis Black!

JTB: I’m not sure what the problem is here but Big Poppa is complaining about something to the Ref.

JH: The Ref telling them to get ready for round two…….they both are back at the table…...they lock hands…..elbows are down…..the Ref checks and is happy…..there off…...both men straining here…..Ellis head down….leans in…..and again appears to be taking an advantage…….(the fans stand up as Jeff Jarrett runs out with his guitar….down the ramp and stands at ring side)

JTB: What is he doing here, it's an arm wrestling match for God Sake!

JH: The Ref has spotted Jarrett on the outside and is telling him to leave…..Ellis gets Big Poppa hand down and relaxes….Big Poppa still has hold of Ellis’ hand...pujcnes Ellis in the face and Ellis is stunned….Big Poppa puts their elbows back on the table and slowly leans over looking like he has the advantage as the Ref comes back….Big Poppa pushes the hand of Ellis on to the mat and the Ref signals a win for Big Poppa!

JTB: Wait a minute….Ellis has won this match already! Once again the cowardly act of the CREW gives them the advantage as they team up two on one!

JH: Ellis has shaken that punch off, he's not complaining though, he is staring at Big Poppa here….

JTB: Yeah it’s like Ellis is saying, OK you can have that one….now let's decide the winner.

JH: The Ref has set up the hands again of the two men, looks happy and there off for a third time….Big Poppa again shouting….

JTB: I think he’s trying to put Ellis off….but it's not working…

JH: Both men giving it there all here….it looks like Ellis is getting the advantage here….the Ref is slowly watching...wait...Big Poppa is coming back….looks even now with the hands gripped tightly in the middle of the table….a big push from Ellis and he takes the advantage again….Ellis keeps pushing….Ellis is going to win here……(Jeff Jarrett gets in the ring…..BANG!...smashes the guitar over the head of Ellis Black!)....what the hell!!....Jarrett grabs the Ref….THE STROKE!!!!!.......Big Poppa grabs Ellis Black…..belly to belly suplex!...Big Poppa covers and Jarrett gets down and counts…..1……..2…….3!!!!

JTB: What a croc

JH: Fans we are not going to recognise that three count………

JTB: Look at Jarrett…….he's handing the Genesis title belt to Big Poppa!

JH: Fans next up is the RDD show with Revolution and I can see him shaking his head at what has just happened in the ring.

(Revolution is on the set of the RDD show with a mic in his hand)

Rev: It's been a while but welcome to the RDD show! (fans cheer). I want you to give a warm welcome to my guests tonight, they are the hottest tag team in wrestling today, they are the current EIWF tag team champions, they are the future of the EIWF….they are Jimmy Brandon and Johnny Blitz….the Dream Team!!!


(Don't stop believin by Journey plays, Jimmy and Johnny walk out as the fans sing along to the song. The two also join in singing and walks onto the set)


Rev: Welcome guys, it’s great to have you here. Let me congratulate you on winning the tag team titles, it's a remarkable rise to the top for you Johnny after coming through the ranks at the power plant.

JBl: It is Revolution, I still have to pinch myself. It’s like a dream, but this message goes out to all the young kids watching right now. Hard work is what made this possible, I worked hard in the gym and I listened to the advice given by those with more experience such as these two men right here. There are no shortcuts to the top, it's work….worker harder….then harder still. But the rewards come, and I have gained a great friend in Jimmy Who I know looks out for me.

Rev: Jimmy, its been quite a journey for you, not so long ago you was in the new era icons along with Ellis Black and Suicide (fans boo)

JBr: Hmmm…...yes...I was. But that was out of loyalty to two people who I thought were my friends. I hold my hands up, I made the wrong choice…..but winning these tag team titles with Johnny has completed my redemption. I can't thank the fans enough, they forgave me. They took me back and we went on a historic journey together and they were part of our tag team title win.

Rev: Before forming as a tag team, you both had fairly promising solo careers, is that on hold….is all the focus on the tag team?

JBr: Definitely not, I mean….even tonight I have a shot at the FTE title. Me and Johnny agreed that we would back each other in whatever paths we took. But we know we have something special here as a tag team. I know that if I can win the FTE title tonight, Johnny would be just as happy if it was him winning the title.

JBl: It's true! From being around Jimmy, and his positive thinking I can tell you there is no jealousy here.

Rev: You won the tag titles from Regal and L double E, with Jimmy challenging for the FTE title tonight, I guess you can say the feud continues between the two teams?

JBl: For sure, this is far from over between the Dream Team and the Hero and Maestro connection.

JBr: I agree with Johnny, the feud continues between the top two tag teams in the EIWF. there isn't anyone else around who could take these titles from us! (the fans cheer loudly and start a “Dream Team” chant)

Rev: Well I want to wish you good luck tonight Jimmy in your title match…..(There are loud boo’s from the fans as Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett walk out. They walk onto the stage and start to argue with Jimmy and Johnny)

Rev: Wait a minute…..hold up……(Revolution pushes between the two teams) have no right being out here!

BP: You don’t tell us what we can and can’t do cripple!

JJ: We make our own rules, always have….always will!

BP: I was in the back with my hooches, celebrating ending the winning streak of Ellis Black and winning the Genesis title belt  when I heard these two girls say that the wet Dream Team and Freak & Boring connection are the best two tag teams in the EIWF, when I heard that it put me off my stroke, you know what I'm saying Jeff?

JJ: Sure do Big Poppa. So we decided to come out here and let everyone know that the CREW is the top of everyone in wrestling.

BP: Damn right, Hogan is the champion and it won't be long before the men take the titles from you girls!

Rev: It sounds like a challenge but we are out of time on the RDD show as Jimmy is about to take on the FTE champion in tonight's main event!

(The wrestlers continue to argue as the camera cuts back to the announcers)


JH: Jimmy Brandon has already taken the tag title from L double E, can he also take the FTE title from him?

JTB: I think he could Jim, Brandon has gotten better and better and he's on a roll at the moment. This is also a CREW free match so he hasn’t got to worry about a stooge coming out as if he was fighting Hogan…..if he does decide to turn up…

JH: That's true, we saw L double E earlier, definitely unhappy with his status within the company.


(The arena lights dim and a video plays on the big screen… shows a pair of black boots resting on a table….the camera zooms out to show Hollywood Hogan leaning back in a chair, the Legends title on the desk and a cigar in his mouth)


HH: Woah...Hollywood in the house! Sorry I couldn’t be there in person but I’m taking a well deserved rest….you know it's tiring work carrying the company on my back Jack! Forget Revolution and Davie, those two couldn’t run a fried chicken shop in a famine even if they were giving it away for free...let alone a wrestling company. But I've got to take a break, recharge the batteries. But don’t worry your champion is keeping an eye on things and it won't be long before I'm back on top of my kingdom. First off let me say congratulations to Big Poppa on doing what Davie couldn’t, that's to end the winning streak of Ellis Black. He’s a worth Genesis champion. Now that the cripple Revolution is back he thinks he’s in charge. Revolution brother, you have never been in charge, Hollywood runs the show around here. Just because you get to decide a few matches here and there….look since the Prez take a backseat role and named you head of creative...the EIWF has been on Life Support…..I can pull the plug at any time because I hold the power! So you do what you do best stick man, stand there and hold the mic. We all know that your challenge to me was an empty threat, you don't want to get in the ring with Hollywood because you would leave on a stretcher….again! Stop trying to get some of the superstar rub from the man! I've got a busy schedule so I’m gonna let you off the hook. I’m going to consolidate the titles in the EIWF, I'm the legends champion….the title belt that represents the best of the new EIWF. Well I'm challenging the Anti Hero to a title versus title match. The FTE title, the belt that was the original EIWF world title. Let's have a unification match and combine the best of the past, with the best of the present! L double E, you want respect? Step in the ring with me and you have it!


(Hogan sits back and continues to smoke his cigar as the picture fades and cuts to the announcers)


JH: Hollywood Hogan the Legends champion issuing a challenge to L double E!

JTB: Yeah but sidestepping the one from Revolution!!

JH: Just to reiterate, we don't not recognise Big Poppa as the genesis champion and we do not recognise he beat Ellis Black in a match. Ellis is still undefeated.

JTB: What a joke, saying the EIWF is on life support, Revolution has done more for this company then Hogan ever has!


(Don't stop believin’ by Journey plays and the fans POP. They start to sing along to the song as images of Jimmy Brandon are shown on the big screen. Jimmy walks out with his back to the crowd….he lifts his arms out and has tassels on his leather jacket…...pyros go off and the entrance way is filled with smoke….Jimmy turns around to a huge POP and dances down the ramp….he slaps the hands of fans as he walks down the aisle with his tag title around his waist)


JH: One half of the popular Dream team and one half of the current tag team champions.

JTB: Can he take a second belt from L double E in a short space of time?

JH: Let’s see if the Anti Hero will turn up….we still are not sure.


L double E vs Jimmy Brandon - FTE title match

JH: The fans here are buzzing for this match, Jimmy is in the ring….jumping about in his corner…...the adrenaline is pumping….

JTB: Yeah but look at L double E….he looks like he doesn't want to be here…..he looks like he can't be bothered….

JH: Here we go fans….the Ref has pulled the two men together….he’s going over the rules and holds the FTE title in the air (a cheer from the fans and the bell rings)......he we go!....Jimmy Brandon straight away with a clothesline and L double E is knocked down to the mat….Jimmy is straight on top and hitting L double E with some hard rights….

JTB: Jimmy has taken the advantage and he looks like he wants to keep it that way…..he has started quick….

JH: L double E can't get away and is trying to reach the ropes…..L double pokes Jimmy in the eye and Jimmy gets off holding his face….L double E is up…..grabs Jimmy from behind…...Russian leg sweep by the Anti hero!......L double Egets up and stomps on Jimmy...he goes to stomp again but Jimmy grabs his foot…...Jimmy slowly gets to one knee while still holding the foot of L double E who is hopping on one foot….Jimmy is back to his feet….throws the foot of L double E causing him to spin round….as L double E comes back Jimmy hits a hard clothesline sending L double E down….L double E rolls under the bottom rope to the outside and onto his feet….he holds his chin………..

JTB: L double E doesnt look happy here…..holding his chin from the clothesline….

JH: Jimmy is posing for the fans who are lapping it up while the Ref begins a count…………………….1………………………………...2………………………….L double E walks around on the outside…..pacing up and down………………………..4……………………………………..5………………

JTB: I think he's contemplating whether to get back in the ring or not…..remember he can't lose the title on a count out.

JH: True but it's not a way a champion should act………...6………………………….7………………...Jimmy Brandon beckoning L double E to get back into the ring…..the Anti Hero is just standing there with his hands on his hips looking back at Jimmy Brandon……………………………..8………………..L double E throws his hands away at the direction of Jimmy brandon and turns his back and start to walk towards the ramp………………………….9………………………...still walking up the ramp………...10!!!!.......its all over!

JTB: I guess in the end….he didn't want it…………….the FTE champion walks out of here but still champion.

(Don't stop believin plays as the fans cheer and the Ref holds the arm of Jimmy Brandon in the air)

JH: A win for Jimmy Brandon but I’m sure it will feel a hollow victory……..

JTB: It sure will…..


(The scene cuts backstage to the Prez, Davie J and Revolution in a room watching the monitor)

Prez: What the fuck….WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS??

Rev: Damn it, we were hoping he wouldn't do that.

Prez: You mean you had an idea he would walk out?

DJ: Not exactly, he said he was unhappy.

Prez: Gentlemen…….can I remind you I handed over the EIWF to you over a year ago………...I took a step back and you did a fairly good job. But what have you got planned for the future? How are you going to improve ratings?

Rev: I could wrestle Hogan, finally end his reign here in the EIWF!

Prez: I heard him earlier, he's not interested in you, anyway you're not cleared to wrestle….PLUS….the fans don't want to see two old men going at it twenty years past their prime!

DJ: We need to create a buzz around the EIWF, we need to have a title belt that catches the fans attention….at the moment most of the champions are hardly seen!

Prez:...Go on….

DJ: I was the most active champion and now Hogan has the belt. We need a tournament for a title. I say lets vacate the Genesis title and hold a tournament for a new champion.

Rev: Woah woah cant strip Ellis of the title.

DJ: Look he's never here, we don't hear from him, he defends it around the world against unknowns. If he's good enough he can enter the tournament to win back the title he was “wrongly stripped of”...

Prez: Hmmmm….but you have a vendetta against him, that could be seen as why you're doing this?

DJ: I'm not denying I don't like the guy. But if he thinks he's so good then he should be going for the Legends title. Look, it's good for business, strip him of the title for non fulfillment of appearances, if he wants he can try and win it back or move on up to the Legends title. If you want ratings….this is the way!!

Rev: I don't like this…..we can't just strip him of the title….we could say the same about L double E

Prez: That's true but L double E has a possible unification match with Hogan….thats money!................................................OK….do it!.........but this is on your shoulders Davie!


(The Prez leaves the room)

Rev: I'm not sure about this but I trust you to do the right thing for the EIWF. We need to prove Hogan wrong, can't believe he said the EIWF is on life support!

(Revolution leaves the room, Davie J turns to the camera)

DJ: Davie J……...still the longest ever EIWF champion…….


(picture fades with Davie J grinning as the show ends)

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jj taunt.jpg

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