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Sep 2019

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(Line in the Sand by Motorhead plays and images of the current EIWF roster plays on the ‘Extreme screen’ above the entrance way. The camera pans around the arena and zooms into the fans holding up signs…the camera cuts back to the announce table with Jim Hicks and Jerry the Bull)


JH: Hello fans we are coming to you live from Wembley Arena in London England in front of a crowd of 9987 as we bring you the go home edition of Evolution as we prepare for Unholy Alliance. Tonight in the absence of Revolution who is still on the road of recovery I am once again joined by Jerry the Bull!

JTB: It’s great to be here Jim and I can't wait for the show tonight.

JH: The man in charge Davie J announced previously the card for the show. Tonight we have Jeff Jarrett vs Jimmy Brandon…...Regal vs Suicide…….

JTB: Regal of course is the tag team partner of L double E, the man who defeated Suicide at Night of champions, with L double E in Regal’s corner the match may not be straight forward.

JH: Then our main event, the Legends champion himself, the ICON Davie J defends the title against Big Poppa.

JTB: It appears Davie is still trying to prove he is not in cahoots with Hogan and the CREW, and tonight he faces Big Poppa to try and convince everyone that he is his own man and an EIWF man at that.

JH: Now Jerry, I have to ask. What do you make of this change of company name by Davie J?

JTB: Ah yes, we are no longer Extreme Internet Wrestling federation, but Elite Icon Wrestling Federation a nod to himself ...but I thought it was all tongue in cheek…

JH: So did I until I get a letter to my attorney about a contract change to a new business unit because of a name change.

JTB: I do wonder if the Prez approved this, is Revolution aware?

JH: Who knows but as Davie has said, he's in charge…..

JTB: At least for now….


(The scene cuts backstage and a black limo pulls up…...the door opens and the Prez steps out. A reaction of shock from the fans in the arena can be heard backstage as he walks into the building and we cut back to the announce table)


JH: What the hell? The Prez is here!! The Prez is here!!! The majority shareholder, basically the owner of the company who we haven't seen since the beginning of the year has just walked into the building!!

JTB: Holy crap Jim, what does this mean? Is Davie J aware? 

JH: I don't know Jerry but the fans in the arena are stunned we are!!!


(The scene cuts backstage with Hollywood Hogan in a room on his cell phone)

HH: Hey big man, long time no speak! Look dude, I know that you and I have had our differences but time is a great healer. We have had time to calm down, take a step back and look at things from a different angle. Now I know you and Davie have history, that's why I wanted to ask you to step into the ring with Hollywood and be my partner to take on Davie at the next PPV Unholy Alliance! Now you don't have to answer me now, take time to reflect on the offer. Look brother, the whole wrestling world knows you were kept in the shadow of Davie J, he got all the attention and took the spotlight away from you. I think we could ‘Stun’ the wrestling world……… no, Im not looking to swerve you, you know I always stay true!!! 


(Hogan puts the phone down and a big smile appears on his face as the camera cuts to the announcers)


JH: Hollywood Hogan is also here!

JTB: Yeah and it seems he was on the phone to a potential tag team partner for Unholy Alliance where he is set to take on Davie J and Suicide.

JH: Who do you think he was on the phone to Jerry?

JTB: Well let's look at the clues, it’s clearly someone Hogan has known a long time, someone who has a history with Davie J. Hogan appeared to be trying to get them on side by saying they had lived in the shadow of Davie J and this person also has a history with Hogan…… all points to one person……..Eddie D!

JH: What?.....No way!

JTB: I’m not saying it is Eddie D, but that's where the clues appear to be pointing.

JH: I would be surprised, shocked….

JTB: Or even stunned Jim. Just like Eddie’s finisher ...the Stunner….

JH: I think you could be right Jerry, but then again ...this is Hollywood Hogan ...playing mind games perhaps ...trying to get the mental advantage over Davie J but screwing with his mind.

JTB: Exactly! Lets not forget, the Prez said that Eddie D would never work for him again ...could Hogan really just bring him back?


(Figure it out by Royal Blood plays and the fans pop as images of the Prez are shown on the screens around the arena.)


JH: Well the surprises just keep coming tonight!

JTB: It's like Christmas, and the talk has been about a fat man....


(There is another POP as the prez walks out with a mic in his hand…..he makes his way to the ring and steps in and signals to cut his music)


Prez: Thank you for that wonderful reception. Now many of you will be wondering why I am here. After all, I took a step back at the beginning of the year and passed creative control over to Revolution…(fans cheer at the mention of his name)....but Revolution has been out of action for a few months due to injury. While he has been unable to perform his duties the ICON himself Davie J stepped in. Now I want to start off by thanking Davie J, he really has done a great job…..


(The fans cheer as the Prez stands in the ring clapping)


Prez: But………..


JH: But?

JTB:...But??? Uh oh….


Prez:....but ...I feel I needed to clarify a few things, make sure the ship is sailing in the right direction. I’m not here to make big changes, more just make sure everyone is working on the same wavelength. So Davie J, get yourself out here and lets clear a few things up……


JH: The prez is calling the champ out!


(Wake Up by Rage against the machine plays and Davie J walks out with the Legends title on his shoulder, he makes his way to the ring)


JH: Here is the Legends champion…...looking a little confused to be honest…..


Prez: Davie, thank you for your hard work and running of the company since Revolution has been injured. Please don’t take this the wrong way. We have shareholders to answer to and they just wanted to be sure that things are on track for the EIWF.

DJ: Let me assure you, the shareholders and the fans in the arena and at home that the Elite Icon Wrestling Federation is clearly heading in the right direction. The number of members is up…

Prez: Hold on, no need to be so defensive. Look, believe it or not but the board have approved your name change of the fed. However, they feel the focus on younger talent is perhaps…..not been happening of late ...especially when it comes to Ellis Black.

DJ: Well I built the whole power hour show around Ellis and if we are being honest here, he has failed to deliver. He’s a poor mans champion, he ducked the challenge of fighting me….(The Prez interrupts.)

Prez: This isn't up for discussion. The title belt that Ellis Black wears is called the Genesis championship, not the Power Hour Show championship. At Power Hour he was billed to fight L double E in the main event but it got pulled, so tonight I'm adding Ellis Black to the main event with you and Big Poppa!


JH: Woah! Tonight's main event is now a triple threat match


Prez: Moving forward I want to be clear, the new younger talent is the focus of this company. Thats Ellis Black, Suicide, Jimmy Brandon, Johnny Blitz….they are our future. Also I heard not to long ago a conversation Hollywood Hogan had. Can I be clear, no name was mentioned but don’t go there…...under no circumstances will the person you are referring too…step into the EIWF again while I am in charge!

DJ: SO I have to defend my Legends title against two people, what about the Genesis title.

Prez: You claim to be the best? Prove it!

DJ: Its not fair if the Genesis title isn't on the line.

Prez: OK, both titles are on the line, but in order to win a title, the champion has to be pinned. OK?


(Davie nods in agreement as Figure it out by Royal Blood plays and the fans cheer. The Prez and Davie leave the ring in discussion as the camera cuts backstage with Hollywood Hogan watching on a monitor)


HH: hahahaha…..this is just twooo sweeeeeeet. Everyone knows Hollywood pulls the strings around here. (He picks up his phone and dials……)...Hello, it's me again. You watching the show? You saw the comments by the Prez? Hahahaha ...get yourself down here tonight….your already here??? Well let's start the party early!


(Scene cuts back to the announcers)


JH: The Prez has added Ellis Black to the main event tonight, both the Legends title and Genesis title will be on the line. 

JTB: Davie didn't look too impressed but he can play it smart, the prez said the champion must be pinned in order for the belt to change hands, he can simply get counted out…..still Legends champion…..job done!

JH: Then we saw Hollywood Hogan backstage again, is he asking Eddie D to make a surprise appearance tonight?

JTB: Well he asked someone to turn up tonight………


(Land of Hope and glory plays as images of Regal and the ‘Connection’ are shown on the big screens in the arena and above the entrance ramp. There is a huge POP as Regal appears from the smoke at the entrance with the Tag Title over his shoulder. He looks out and waves to the fans before making his way to the ring)


JH: What an ovation for Regal, if I’m honest I think it's the biggest cheer I have ever heard him get from fans.

JTB: Well he is British Jim, the fans here are cheering on one of their own.


(Last Resort by Papa Roach plays and there are loud boos from the fans. Suicide walks out and makes his way towards the ringand some fans start to throw drinks at him with one flying past his face)


JH: Suicide is ignoring this hostile reaction from the fans…

JTB: Well he won't be able to ignore it if one hits him in the face!


Regal vs Suicide

JH: We are under way here as both men are in the ring…..Regal leans over to the ropes to drop his belt and here comes Suicide with a fore arm to the back of Regal (fans boo heavily)....Suicide turns Regal around and hits him with a hard right…..and another…. Suicide is unloading now on Regal….

JTB: Sounds like a t-shirt you can buy from the fansite in relation to Suzi…

JH:...Suicide sends Regal into the ropes...Regal comes back...knee to the gut by Suicide and Regal is down on the mat.

JTB: Suicide has started this match on fire, he looks focused and he needs to be with the main event of Unholy Alliance just around the corner. But he still has not said if he will team up with Davie J or not.

JH: I’m sure we will have our answers by the end of the night!....Suicide has Regal in a headlock here….the Ref is checking the hold is legal…..Regal trying to reach around to break the hold…..both men slowly get back to there feet but Suicide still has the headlock on…..Regal with an elbow to the gut….and another….a third one breaks the hold…. Regal grabs Suicide…picks him up...and slams him down...Regal with an elbow...NO!....Suicide rolls out the way…….both men get to there feet…. Suicide runs at Regal and hits him with a clothesline…..Suicide covers…..the Ref gets into position………..1………….2…….kick out by Regal!.........Regal rolls under the bottom rope to the outside…….

JTB: Smart move by Regal, buying himself some time. Break up the momentum that Suicide has. But that said, Regal doesn't look happy, he's looking at the entrance ramp and he may be thinking of leaving.

JH: In front of his home crowd? Surely not….the Ref has started a count here………….1………………….2…………...Suicide is telling Regal to get back into the ring………………...3…………………..4……………….(the fans cheer as L double E walks out)...........the Anti Hero, the FTE champion is here!!!

JTB: It appears that L double E has come to give his tag partner a helping hand…….5………………….6……………….L double E has not got into a verbal confrontation with Suicide, L double E holds up his FTE title belt and shows it to Suicide………...Regal has walked around the ring…………………..7……...he slides in under the bottom rope…...Suicide hasnt seen this……...Regal from behind………wait Suicide has seen him…. Suicide blocks the punch………...hits Regal woth another……..grabs Regal…...throws him into the ropes…..Regal comes back….drop kick by Suicide…...Regal staggers back………..Suicide grabs Regal throws him into the corner…..Suicide follows in with a clothesline…..Suicide walks back out and Regal staggers out of the corner…..Suicide grabs Regal….picks him up….S-BOMB!!!! (Orange Crush Bomb)....S-BOMB!!!!....S-BOMB!!!!

JTB: Good night!! This is all over!

JH: Regal is down and out in the middle of the ring….Suicide stands over him and shouts out to the crowd who respond by throwing trash in the ring…..wait a minute….(the fans cheer as L double E gets in the ring)....from behind! L double E hits Suicide with the FTE belt….Suicide drops to one knee……(The fans POP as Davie J runs out and towards the ring)....The ICON is here!,,,,Davie slides in the ring ...grabs L double E and throws him through the middle rope…. L double E leans in and grabs the arm of Regal and pulls him to the outside…….The ref calls for the bell…..Suicide is up….Davie holds his hand out……...Suicide looks at it and slaps it and walks away…….(Suicide asks for a mic)


Sui: Davie, you said before we have a common enemy and let's join together to defeat it. Well I accept, see you at Unholy Alliance…..but I still don't trust you…everyone can see you and Hogan are up to something!


JH: Fans I’m being told the official result is a win for Suicide via DQ after interference from L double E.

JTB: Suicide finally accepts the offer from Davie J but he still doesn't trust him and I dont blame either of them, there's too much history between the two of them.

JH: We still await confirmation on Hogan's tag team partner…..will it be Eddie D or is he just playing mind games.


(Cowboy by Kid Rock plays and the arena is filled with boo’s as Jeff Jarrett steps out. He holds his guitar in the air and makes his way to the ring)


JH: Time for our next match fans as Jeff Jarrett takes on Jimmy Brandon, Jerry how do you see this one going?

JTB: Tough one to call Jim. Jimmy has done really well since making his debut in the EIWF and won the tag titles and has formed a very popular tag team with Johnny Blitz. But, you can't dismiss Jeff Jarrett. He perhaps doesn't get the credit he deserves but he is a formidable opponent for anyone.

JH: Fans we will be back after this short commercial, don't change that channel!

Give your loved ones a gift this Christmas that they will truely love!

A 12 month subscription to the EIWF Network!

Shows going back to 1999

Its not just for EIWF fans, we got shows form the WWO, ICW, IWA, F2S, BCWF, EWA and EWF!

Plus access to the Fansite featuring the MossReport, Wrestler Rankings, TV Ratings, Interviews, Podcasts, Hall of Fame, End of the Year awards, videos, entrance music.

So show your special one how much you love them, buy them a subscription to the EIWF Network!


(Don't stop believin by Journey plays and the fans cheer and sing along. Jimmy Brandon walks out and he begins to sing along with the fans and makes his way to the ring)


Jeff Jarrett vs Jimmy Brandon

JH: Here we go fans, the Ref has checked their boots and calls for the bell ...(ding ding)....they lock up…….both looking for the advantage ...Jimmy forces Jarrett into the corner ...the Ref tells them to break ...they let go ...poke to the eye by Jarrett…...Jimmy Brandon holding his face…..from behind...Jarrett with a bulldog!......Jarrett pulls Jimmy up…...throws Jimmy into the ropes ...reverse elbow by Jarrett sends Jimmy down to the mat ...Jarrett stomps on Jimmy and starts to strut across the ring…(Jarrett holds his arms in the air and the fans boo).....Jarrett picks up a foot of Jimmy and goes for a figure four leg lock but Jimmy pushes Jarrett off with his other foot! Jimmy gets to his feet…..they lock up…..Jimmy knees Jarrett to the gut ...suplex by Jimmy Brandon. Jimmy springs back to his feet ...leg drop...and covers………...1………….2…...kick out by Jarrett!

JTB: It’s going to take more than that to pin Jeff Jarrett!

JH: Jarrett gets back to his feet….Jimmy with a clothesline ...Jarrett ducks ...Jimmy turns around DDT by Jarrett!!! Jarrett covers and the Ref counts………….1……….2…………..kick out by Jimmy Brandon!....Jarrett complains to the Ref it was a slow count but it looked perfectly fine to me…..Jimmy is up…..grabs Jarrett from behind...atomic drop! Jarrett…..stands there un able to move ...Jimmy hits Jarrett with a chop ...and another…...Jimmy scoops Jarrett up and slams him down…Jimmy walks over to the turnbuckle and climbs to the top rope…...big elbow from the top!....Jimmy covers….1……………...2……………..kick out by Jarrett! (crowd gasp in shock and then cheer Jimmy and chant his name)

JTB: I thought he had him, I'm surprised that Jarrett kicked out.

JH: Jimmy walking around the ring now, getting the fans going….he walks over to Jarrett and pulls him up…..wait! Small package by Jarrett! The Ref counts………….1…………………..2………..kick out by Jimmy Brandon!.....(the fans stand to there feet as Hollywood Hogan walks out)....wait a minute….

JTB: What the hell is he doing coming out here!

JH: Jimmy Brandon throws Jarrett into the ropes…………..Jarrett comes back ...power-slam by Jimmy! Jimmy applies a headlock……..the Ref checks to see if it’s legal……..(Hogan makes it to the ring and walks around on the outside).......The Ref is checking on Jarrett who looks to be fading…..the Ref lits his arm up, drops!!....(Jimmy spots Hogan and drops the hold….he gets up and walks over to Hogan to confront him)....

JTB: No no no...don’t Jimmy, this is what they want! 

JH: Jimmy Brandon has dropped the hold and is now confronting Hogan, asking him what he's doing there.

JTB: Concentrate on the match Jimmy.

JH: Jarrett is back up! Comes up behind Jimmy and rolls him up for the pin ...the Ref counts…...1………...2…...kick out by Jimmy! (fans cheer)......Both men back to there feet……Jarrett goes for a clothesline ...Jimmy ducks ...Jarrett turns around...kick to the gut by Jimmy ...Jimmy grabs Jarrett...Fisherman’s Suplex!!!....The Ref gets down and counts………………..1…………………...2………………………….(Hogan grabs the feet of the Ref and pulls him to the outside!)

JTB: Ref that should be a disqualification! 

JH: Jimmy drops the hold and gets up…..he leans over the ropes and points at Hogan who is holding his hands up innocently in the air to the Ref….

JTB: Oh yeah ...who pulled the Ref out of the ring…..the invisible man?

JH: Jarrett is up ...grabs Jimmy the STROKE!!!! STROKE!!!! STROKE!!!!.....

JTB: The Ref has had his back turned…….(Hogan backs off and starts to walk up the ramp)

JH: The Ref is still pointing for Hogan to leave…..the Ref turns round…….see’s Jarrett covering Jimmy Brandon…..the Ref counts…………..1…………………...2………………...3!!!

JTB: This stinks!

JH: Jarrett has his arm held in the air and is the official winner….

JTB: Look at Hogan, big smile on his face, clapping the result…...makes me sick!


(The scene cuts backstage with the Prez walking down a corridor…...he stops at a door that says ‘boss’.....he pulls the plaque off and walks in where Davie J is sitting behind a desk watching the show on a TV)


DJ: Hey I don’t have time as I got a match to get ready for, but we can rearrange for another time.

Prez: No your good now. Enjoying the show?

DJ: Well….yeah??

Prez: I’m here to discuss and confirm the card for the Unholy Alliance PPV.

DJ: OK…..

Prez: Everyone is saying that you and Hogan are up to something. Perhaps trying to screw Suicide over?

DJ: No no no….that’s not true….

Prez: You telling me there is nothing going on with you and Hogan?

DJ: 100% I am not working with Hogan. He’s fooling people, trying to make me look bad. I can honestly say I am here for the good of the EIWF, I want the young talent to be the stars. I dont want them to get screwed over.

Prez: Really…...that's why you sat there and watched Hogan come out and screw Jimmy out of a win?

DJ:....hey…'s not like that…..what do I have to do I am not working with Hogan??

Prez: At Unholy Alliance, as long as you leave with the belt tonight you put the Legends title on the line. So if Hogan or his tag partner pin you, they win the strap. That way we know your not working with Hogan because he never would turn up the chance of winning some gold.


Prez: Another thing, this who hinting at Eddie D returning as Hogan’s tag team partner's not gonna happen. I've said it before, I will say it again…..he will never work for me ever again…...ever!!! I can see you two trying to get the fat man back in, the three of you in the ring to screw over Suicide……..not on my watch and I know Revolution wouldn’t let it happen.

DJ: No that's not the plan, its not going to happen.

Prez: Bet your ass its not going to happen. No Eddie, your title is on the line and you and Suicide will take on Hogan on his own or his mystery partner….whoever it is. But if you two think you are going to be smart it won't be Eddie, or Eddie under a mask or Eddie under a different name.


Prez: What other matches you got lined up?

DJ: Well we have had a few people leave, obviously Suzi Spits was going to have a title shot but she's left.

Prez: Really? Not doing such a great job after all then.

DJ: Erm…..the Connection will defend the tag titles against the Dream team…

Prez: OK…..I like that… anything else or is it a two match PPV?

DJ: Erm…...well…….

Prez: Well seeing as your loading the card with tag matches we have the FTE title and the Genesis title left, and realistically we have Jarrett and Big Poppa who have any credibility. Forget Tormentator, Wishmaster or Kurt Angle. With there no shows they have lost their star power as far as I’m concerned. SO lets give Jarrett a shot at the Genesis title, the belt he created.The genetic freak Big Poppa can face L double E for the FTE title.


Prez: Now haven't you got a match to get ready for?

DJ: Yep….

(The Prez leaves the room as the scene cuts back to the announcers)


JH: There you have it fans, the Prez has confirmed the card for Unholy Alliance. FTE title match, L double E vs Big Poppa.

JTB: As big and powerful as Big Poppa is Jim, I think this will be a win for L double E, he’s smarter than he gets credit for.

JH: Then we have the Genesis title on the line, if Ellis retains tonight. He will get a chance to win the title belt he created.

JTB: This is more tricky to call, Jarrett is a very good wrestler, but Ellis has this aura because he’s still undefeated.

JH: The tag titles on the line as the Connection, defend the titles against the dream team. But which two members of the connection will it be?

JTB: Come on ...there's only two members, the other is a cardboard cut out. Now its another chance for Jimmy Brandon and Johnny Blitz…..if they can keep their opponents in the ring. Last time Regal walked away with a countout loss ...but kept the titles.

JH: Then the main event, Davie J and Suicide versus Hollywood Hogan and a mystery opponent, which has been hinted at being Eddie D….even though everyone denys it.

JTB: I can't call this main event ...the problem is we don’t know who Hogan has in his corner and that has given him a mental advantage as everyone else is left guessing.

JH: Plus the Prez has put the Legends title on the line…

JTB: It could get messy Jim, but the Prez is trying to ensure this is not to be a famous CREW screw job ...could they be up to something? Could they reform?....they could ...but I don't know ...Davie has denied it all along and to me's a little too obvious ...or is it?


(Holla...if you hear heard over the arena speakers followed by Superstar by Saliva. Loud boo’s follow from the fans as Big Poppa walks out. He flexes his muscles and kisses his biceps and makes his way to the ring)


JH: It’s main event time here fans, a triple threat match and both the Legends title and the Genesis title are on the line as we have Big Poppa versus Davie J versus Ellis Black.

JTB: If Big Poppa pins Davie and Ellis at the same time ...double pin does he win both titles?

JH: I believe so Jerry…


(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and there are boo’s again from the fans. Images of Ellis are shown on the big screen along with the word UNDEFEATED.He steps out wearing the Genesis title around his waist, he looks out at the fans who continue to boo and then walks to the ring)


JH: Here is the Genesis champion, and again not popular with the fans here in the UK.

JTB: Look at that swagger as he walks to the ring, he looks confident. Some would argue he was held back while Davie was in charge but the Prez has come back and made a few changes, all the better for Ellis Black.

JH: Ellis Black and Big Poppa are in the ring as we await the Legends champion.


(Wake Up by Rage against the machine plays and there is a huge pop from the fans. Images of Davie J are shown on the big screen along with the word ICON. He steps out from the smoke with the Legends title and spins around as pyro’s go off.)


JH: THe Legends champion is here, the longest reigning champion in the history of the EIWF, a former five time EIWF World champion.

JTB: He’s still top of his game.


(Davie J slowly starts to walk down the ramp, taking in the reception from the fans…...then from the side a masked man hits Davie J from behind with a chair)


JH: What the hell! 

JTB: Is that the masked attacker we saw last year in the EIWF?

JH: It sure looks like it!

JTB: He has taken the ICON out! He looks like he’s out cold…..

JH: We need EMt’s out here to check on Davie J!

JTB: And security ...find this masked attacker…

JH: He’s disappeared into the crowd! The same man that attacked Suicide, Davie J, the Prez and Wishmaster……..he has turned up here tonight and wiped out Davie J.

JTB: Was that who Hollywood Hogan was on the phone to earlier I wonder?

JH: Previously many people thought the masked attacker was Eddie D!

JTB: It all seems a bit too convenient Jim. The name Eddie D has been mentioned quite a lot tonight, the masked attacker has not been seen since when? Beginning of the year, or at the end of last year ...about the same amount of time since we have seen Eddie D.

JH: Or is it Hollywood Hogan playing mind games once again?

JTB: It could be…..anyone could be under a mask.

JH: The Ref it appears is continuing with the main event as Davie J is being taken off on a stretcher….


Big Poppa vs Ellis Black - Genesis title match

JH: The Ref has called for the bell and both men stand in the centre of the ring. Big Poppa is talking trash to Ellis it seems…..flexing his muscles and showing them to Ellis…..Ellis hits Big Poppa with a lariat knock Big Poppa off his feet…..Ellis pulls Big Poppa up who looks dazed…..Ellis grabs Big Poppa ...belly to belly suplex by Ellis Black!

JTB: WOAH! What a show of strength by Ellis Black and a show of no fear using one of Big Poppa’s signature moves on him!

JH: Ellis is up…….he walks over to Big Poppa…...stomps on his head……..Ellis pulls Big Poppa up….Ellis goes for a full nelson……

JTB: Look…...Ellis cant apply the hold...Big Poppa’s arms are too big!

JH: Big Poppa runs backwards into the corner squashing Ellis Black and breaking the hold……….Big Poppa turns around…..swings at Ellis who ducks and slides through the legs of Big Poppa…..Big Poppa turns around…...drop kick by Ellis sends Big Poppa back into the corner…….Big Poppa shakes it off…..he runs at Ellis ...backdrop by Ellis!

JTB: Ellis is total control here and looks focused, perhaps knowing that he will be given a fair chance with the Prez back on the scene has re-motivated him.

JH: It looks that way!.....Ellis lifts Big Poppa to his feet…….Ellis drops to one knee and punches Big Poppa in the gut….he looks winded…...leaning over holding his stomach…….Ellis grabs Big Poppa ...piledriver by Ellis…….Ellis covers…..the Ref gets down and counts……………..1………………...2…………….kick out by Big Poppa……….Ellis goes off the ropes and drops and elbow….he covers again…………..1………………..2………...kick out by Big Poppa…..

JTB: Ellis looks frustrated here but he has controlled the match and looked impressive.

JH: Ellis Black is walking around the ring here…perhaps thinking what his next move should be…...Big Poppa is slowly getting up……...Ellis Black stalking…..waiting for him to get up…..Big Poppa is on his feet…...Ellis Black grabs Big Poppa from behind…...BLACKOUT!!!!!.....BLACKOUT!!!!!.....BLACKOUT!!!!.......The Ref checks……...Big Poppa looks like he’s going……..going…….


JH: The Ref calls for the bell and Ellis drops the hold as Big Poppa crashes to the mat…….Ellis wins!

JTB: In impressive style!

JH: It’s not the main event we wanted or expected though and perhaps the frustration of not facing Davie J is what made Ellis Black look so ruthless in the match.

JTB: Ellis Black’s undefeated run continues, what are we at now? 150-0??

JH: I’m still awaiting the official win streak but he has been the only Genesis champion since the title was introduced over a year ago. We have two champions who have held their titles for over a year ...surely we gotta get them in a match together?

JTB: Jim its the dream match the fans and wrestling world wants to see….

JH: Fans we are out of time ...see you at Unholy Alliance, who will be Hollywood Hogan’s mystery partner? Who is the masked attacker?

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