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Sep 2019

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(Line in the Sand by Motorhead plays and images of the current EIWF roster plays on the ‘Extreme screen’ above the entrance way. The camera pans around the arena and zooms into the fans holding up signs…the camera cuts back to the announce table with Jim Hicks and Jerry the Bull)


JH: Hello fans we are coming to you live from the SSE Hydro in Glasgow Scotland in front of a rowdy crowd of 10,451!!!! I’m happy to say that I am joined by Jerry the Bull!

JTB: HA HA ...Rowdy, I see what you did there Jim, it’s good to be back and when the current man in charge Davie picked up the phone to call me and ask me to step in on commentator duties I said yes straight away!

JH: Fans you will recall originally Revolution would join me as a co-commentator but due to the disgusting acts of Hollywood Hogan and the CREW he is in hospital and out of action for the foreseeable future.

JTB: Jim it makes me sick. Hogan and his goons are nothing but  a bunch of cowards. They blindsided Revolution and seriously hurt him. It could have been worse if Davie J had not run out to make the save, but I fear Revolution won't be able to handle the physical demands and stress of running a company anymore.

JH: God I hope it’s not that bad, I had never contemplated him quitting! 

JTB: I don't think it would happen without a fight though, he’s never accepted being told that he should never get in the ring before and he is anything but a quitter!

JH: True ...So tonight is dubbed the night of champions by the man temporarily in charge ...Davie J.


(Wake Up by Rage against the Machine plays as the fans in Glasgow POP)


JTB: Right on cue!

JH: Well it appears the ICON will explain what lies ahead for the show tonight.


(Davie J walks out to a huge reaction from the fans. He holds his hand up to acknowledge them and signals to cut the music)


DJ: Thank you for that reception. It’s great being back here in Scotland, basically my home land! (the fans cheer)....That’s right, just like the late great Roddy Piper ...I'm as Scottish as he is!!! (the fans POP)



JH: Erm ...Piper was actually Canadian…..

JTB: That's the joke Jim, but portrayed he was from Scotland.


DJ: As I said before, tonight is the night of champions. We have a very special show in store for you. Every EIWF title will be on the line, the Genesis tag team champions, the Hero and Maestero connection will be defending the titles to Johnny Blitz and Jimmy Brandon…(fans cheer)....The FTE champion L double E will defend the title against Suicide. Then the Legends champion, yours truly…..I will defend the title against…well…..lets see who turns up…...the challenge was put out there and the door is open for them to turn up tonight!. (Fans cheer). You see it's about opportunity and reward for hard work, recognition. Jimmy Brandon and Johnny Blitz have both worked very hard and deserve a shot at the title. Suicide, we know his back story. A talent who never realised his full potential, but this was no fault of his own. Held back by management and politics, I'm going to right a few wrongs. He gets the chance to win and wear the famous Big Gold belt that eluded him before. Then the Legends title, where as the first two matches are about reward for hard work, and then recognition for potential that could be great. The Legends title match is about opportunity ...the chance for someone on the fringes of the EIWF to have a shot at the big time ...the chance at the top title. Now I need to get ready as not only am I running the company I'm also in a title match! 


(The fans cheer as Wake Up plays and Davie waves to the fans and heads to the back. The camera cuts back to the announcers)


JH:Well there you have it fans, Davie J confirming the matches for tonight and the reasons behind them.

JTB: Credit to the boss Jim,  he's giving opportunity to the guys on the roster who under other management may not of got these type of opportunities.


(The camera cuts backstage to the back of the building with Ellis Black with the Genesis title belt over his shoulder. He walks towards the back entrance when two security men step in the doorway to block his path into the building, one of them is holding a clipboard)


EB: What the hell, what do you think your playing at?? I'm the Genesis champion and I work for this company.

SM1: Sorry Sir, invite only.

EB: Invite only? It’s called night of champions, this belt right here on my shoulder shows that I’m invited.

SM2: Sorry, your names not on the list.

EB: What? You haven't even asked me my name.

SM1: What’s your name Sir?

EB: It’s Ellis ‘Showtime’ Black.

SM1: Not on the list.

EB: What? You didn't even look at your list

(The Security man casually lifts the clipboard and then lowers it)

SM1: Not on the list.

EB: I see, I know what this is. It's that so called Icon Davie J, he knows there's a new era in the EIWF. He cant hold me back, he can't stop me from being the biggest star in wrestling. He can try, he can try and belittle me and this title belt. I don't care what he says, this belt is the only legitimate championship in the EIWF. I won this in the ring, it was handed to me!


(A black limo pulls up and Ellis turns around. The doors open and Big Poppa, Jeff Jarrett and Hollywood Hogan steps out. They walk towards the door and the security men part to let Big Poppa and Jeff jarrett in. Hogan goes to follow)


EB: hey how the hell are you getting in? You are scheduled to fight on the show.

HH: Hey brother, Hollywood and the CREW IS the show.

EB: This is BS!! 

HH: The only BS is you calling yourself a champion.

EB: How come you get in without a name check.

HH: First off jack. I don’t need a name check, everyone knows who Hollywood is dude. Secondly we are tight with Davie, didnt you know ...he's coming back home to the CREW ...we run the show now.

(Hogan walks in…..Ellis tried to follow but the two security men push him back out ...Ellis shouts to Hogan)


EB: Tell Davie then he cant stop me, sooner or later he will have to face me and answer for his actions!!!


(The scene cuts back to the announcers)


JH: Well it may be night of the champions but there is no place on the card for the Genesis champion, Ellis Black.

JTB: Well Davie J has been called the master of manipulation before, a politician. He’s used his experience to do exactly what he wanted with Ellis. 

JH: Fans you will recall that Davie challenged Ellis Black to a match, on the condition that Ellis vacate his Genesis title.

JTB: That's right Jim, but Ellis felt it was a potential trap and refused, I don’t blame him. He’s worked hard to be the Genesis champion, why should he just give it up.

JH: Frustrated by the refusal Davie set out to devalue the Genesis title and Ellis Black’s standing on the roster. The title has been renamed the Power Hour Show title and he has been denied the opportunity to be on tonight's show, a night of champions.

JTB: Also, to rub salt into the wound ...Davie has officially recognised the FTE title held by L double E as a legitimate championship. As I said ...master of manipulation.

JH: As a whole I know it’s not easy and Davie is doing a great job of running the EIWf while Revolution recovers, but I feel perhaps although not intentional ...some of Davie’s personal agenda has affected his decision making.

JTB: Absolutely Jim, especially where Ellis Black is concerned. But I have been impressed that he has stepped up to back Suicide, his one time enemy and give him a chance. But this whole Ellis Black situation appears to have blinded Davie a little. He won't let it go. 

JH: OK I’m told we have Joey Carlton backstage with the tag team champions….


(The scene cuts backstage in the locker room with L double E, Regal and a cardboard cutout of Rage with both the tag team title belts draped over the Rage cut out)


JC: Hero and Maestro connection tonight you defend the titles to Johnny Blaze and Jimmy Brandon, what are your thought son that?

LEE: First off, it's the Connection. There are three of us. Myself and Regal are the Hero and maestro, but if its myself and Rage it's the Hero and Zero Connection...then if its Rage and Regal it’s the Zero and Zero connection….

Reg: You mean Zero and Maestro connection?

LEE:.....did I?

JC: Ok guys, the Connection defend the titles tonight, your thoughts please?

Reg: First off, is the match in a restroom?

JC: Ermmm

Reg: Then why is there this talk of having a Jimmy and requiring to buy a Johnny?

JC: You have lost me guys…….

LEE: Listen up JC, FTE champion speaking. We have been given a tag team title match against a couple of school boys and Regal will be able to show them a thing or two...well those two young boys are about to be schooled by Regal and get given a wrestling lesson. So confident in Regal's ability am I that I’m skipping class as I got to get ready for a World FTE title match against the disappearing act that is Suicide.

Reg: What?

LEE: Don’t worry (puts on an English accent)...old chap. You will be fine, chin up!!

JC: So to clarify you are not going to be in the match L double E? So it’s a handicap match.

LEE: Of course it’s a handicap match ...for Jimmy and Johnny!!! They are no match for Regal, bet I tell you want. Just in case there are any worries Rage can step up and tag with Regal tonight……...freebird rule!!!

(Regal and L double start discussing the decision but what they are saying its not picked up and Joey turns to face the camera)

JC: OK back to you Jim and Johnny the Bull…

(The scene cuts to the announce table)


JH: It appears that with being booked for two matches, L double E is dropping out of the tag team title match as he focuses on the FTE title match.

JTB: I can kind of understand that Jim, the title has just been given official recognition, he doesn't want to be injured in the tag team title match, Suicide is a formidable opponent. L double E will need to be top of his game.


(Witch Doctor by De Staat plays as Johnny Blitz hits the ramp, the fans give a loud cheer. He is closely followed by Jimmy Brandon and the two high five and walk down the ring. They both take one side each to slap the hands of the fans on there way to the ring. They slide under the bottom rope and jump with their hands in the air and high five again)


JH: Two of the most popular wrestlers in the EIWF, Jimmy Brandon of course is already a former tag team champion and he now has another shot at the title but this time with the young and talented Johnny Blitz.

JTB: Blitz has been taking the EIWF by storm. The fans love him, he’s full of energy and his high flying moves spectacular.


(Land of Hope and Glory plays and the fans cheer. Images of the Union Jack is shown on the big screen above the entrance ramp followed by Regal in action. He then steps out with both tag team belts over his shoulders and the Rage cardboard cutout. He waves to the fans and slowly jogs to the ring)


JH: Home advantage for Regal who comes from Blackpool England.

JTB: Well it looks like L double E has left Regal to fend for himself tonight. This is a big chance for Johnny Blitz and Jimmy Brandon to take the tag team titles, but don’t get me wrong, this is far from an easy match. Regal is a seasoned pro and a dangerous foe in the ring.


Genesis Tag Team Title Match

Regal vs Johnny Blitz and Jimmy Brandon


JH: Ok fans we are about to get underway here, the Ref has just taken the belts from Regal and is checking the boots of the competitors in the ring.

JTB: Hey Jim who do you think is going to start the match, Regal or Rage…(laughs)

JH: Well Regal has just placed the Rage cardboard cutout on the outside and the Ref calls for the bell…(ding ding) appears Jimmy Brandon is going to start and Johnny Blitz moves to the outside corner….here we go!! Regal slowly circles the ring…..Jimmy holds a hand out ...looking for an opening to lock up…..but mindful of the threat posed by Regals’ mat skills. Regal grabs Jimmy...Jimmy throws Regal into the ropes ...Regal comes back….knee to the gut by Jimmy winds Regal ...Jimmy Grabs Regal and hits a Russian leg sweep ...Jimmy up on his feet ...grabs Regal and applies an arm bar…..Jimmy applies pressure and slowly walks towards his corner…..Jimmy tags in Johnny Blitz ...Blitz hits Regal to mid drift as Jimmy Brandon exits the ring ...Blitz grabs Regal ...suplex by Blitz….he covers ...the Ref gets down to count……..1………..2…..kick out by Regal! Blitz goes to grab Regal but Regal pokes him in the eye…. Regal grabs Blitz and hits a short clothesline…Blitz is down…..Regal grabs Blitz and applies a rear chinlock…..Jimmy Brandon enters the ring (fans cheer) and hits Regal with a forearm to the back to break the hold…..(The Ref warns Jimmy who leaves the ring).....

JTB: Regal is now complaining to the Ref about Jimmy Brandon breaking the hold, unfortunately for Regal this is why it's a handicap match, he’s got to expect this, he won't get any favour from Blitz and Brandon, there here to win the tag gold.


JH: Regal walks over to Blitz ...Blitz jumps to his feet….he hits Regal with a chop and then a standing drop kick…..(fans cheer)...Regal sumbles back…….Blitz runs the ropes ...hits Regal with a high cross body into a pin…...the Ref gets down and counts…..1……………..2………..kick out!! Blitz gets up...bends down to pull Regal up ...poke to the eye by Regal ...Blitz is stumbling around the ring ...Regal gets up ...walks over to Blitz and rakes him down the back ...grabs Blitz ...atomic drop…...Blitz struggling to walk ...feeling the effects of that atomic drop ...Regal grabs Blitz….German suplex!.....Regal covers for the pin….the Ref is down and counts…………...1………………...2………Jimmy Brandon kicks Regal to the head to break the pin…...Regal is up….he starts brawling with Jimmy Brandon….(The Ref tries to get between them)......

JTB: The Ref needs to be careful here, he could get a whack in the face!

JH: Regal hits Jimmy Brandon with a knee to the gut and he falls through the middle rope…..Regal turns around ...BOLT FROM THE BLUE!!!!! (Superkick) by Johnny Blitz!!!! (Fans POP).....this could be it!!!!.....Blitz covers Regal ...the Ref gets down and counts…………..1………………..2…………..foot on the rope by Regal!!! Blitz can’t believe it!!....Blitz gets up and tags in Jimmy Brandon…...Blitz pulls Regal up…..applies an armbar ...Jimmy Brandon to the top rope ...double axe handle off the top rope by Brandon and Blitz leaves the ring. Jimmy grabs Regal ...throws Regal into the ropes ...Regal comes back...Jimmy leaps over him...Regal off the other ropes...hip toss by Jimmy Brandon! (fans cheer)....Regal quickly to his feet...he runs at Jimmy ...another hiptoss…..Regal up again ...Jimmy goes off the ropes...shoulder block ...but it knocks Jimmy down as Regal doesn't move.

JTB: Regal is a solid man, just as Jimmy found out. 

JH: Jimmy is back up ...the two men lock up ...vying for an advantage…..Regal forces Jimmy backwards into the neutral corner…..the Ref tells them to break……..they continue to hold ...the Ref counts………...1……………..2…………….3……………..4……..they break the hold ...both men hold their hands in the air…..Regal slowly backs away and then hits Jimmy with a European upcut...Regal grabs Jimmy and pulls him out of the corner…..Regal scoops Jimmy up and slams him down ...Regal drops an elbow and covers for the pin…..the Ref gets down and counts………...1……………….2………………...kick out by Jimmy Brandon!....Regal applies a headlock on Jimmy Brandon ...the Ref checks to see if the move is legal…..trying to wear Jimmy down……(Johnny Blitz enters the ring and kicks Regal breaking the move).....The Ref is up and warns Johnny Blitz, regal doesn't look happy here…..from behind! Jimmy Brandon with a roll up pin effort ...the Ref counts…...1……….2……..kick out by Regal!.....both men are on the mat……..Regal punches Brandon….he grabs him...REGAL STRETCH!!!!! REGAL STRETCH!!!!....REGAL STRETCH!!!!...

JTB: This is it Jim, no one gets out of this hold!

JH: The Reg is checking to see if Jimmy Brandon is going to submit….he looks like he's fading fast…..The Ref holds his hand up… drops…..the Ref a second time… drops…..(Johnny Blitz climbs in and kicks Regal in the face to break the hold)....Johnny exits the ring as Regal gets up ...he complains to the Ref…..Jimmy rolls over and tags in Johnny Blitz…...Blitz spins Regal around ...hits him with a hard right ...and another (the fans cheer).....Blitz grabs Regal ...throws him into the ropes...Regal comes back and Blitz hits a dropkick knocking Regal out to the outside ...(the fans cheer as Johnny Blitz shakes his head and beckons Regal to get up and back in the ring)......Regal is on one knee on the outside…..he looks at Blitz and throws his arms in Blitz direction ...(The Ref Begins to count)..................1………………..2………...regal walks around and Grabs the Rage cardboard cut out………...he puts it under his arm and walks around the ring some more…………..3…………...4…………Blitz is still trying to persuade Regal to get in………..(Regal grabs the tag team belts and starts to walk up the ramp)....................5…………6……………

JTB: Wait a minute ...where is he going? It looks like he’s walking out on the match,

JH: It does indeed Jerry, the Ref continues to count 7………………..8………………...9…………………..10!!!! The Dream Team win!!! (fans POP as Jimmy and Johnny celebrate in the ring)

JTB: Wait a minute, why are they celebrating, yes they have won but the titles don't change on a count out.

JH: They have the moral victory Jerry, and listen to these fans they are going wild for this newly formed tag team.

JTB: Moral victory? HA! I would rather win the gold Jim.

JH: Jimmy and Johnny in the ring, hitting high fives, slapping each other on the back, hugging and congratulating each other on the win. They are loving the reception here from the fans here in Scotland.

(The scene cuts backstage with Davie J walking down a corridor, he gets to a door with ‘Prez’ on it. He’s about to enter when L double E walks into view)

DJ: Ah the Anti Hero, the FTE champion. Your up next against Suicide, I hope your ready.

LEE: Of course I’m ready, I do have a question though.

DJ: Sure, what is it?

LEE: I am thankful that you officially recognised the Anti-Hero and my FTE title, unlike that idiot Revolution. All he was interested in was pushing his choirboys! 

DJ: Look Revolution is a good friend of mine, I’m just steering the ship until he recovers.

LEE: But you have to admit, your doing a much better job then he was.

DJ: I’m not here to bash my friend, what was your question.

LEE: Why am I on next and not the main event?

DJ: Because I'm in the main event defending the Legends title.

LEE: Ah that's strange…..

DJ: What is?

LEE: Well the FTE title is the top title, not the Legends title.

DJ: Really? How do you figure?

LEE: I won this belt in the ring, regardless of when you recognised it. I beat Wishmaster, yourself and Hollywood Hogan. The Legends title, that was a gift from the Prez….just to get you on side and prise you away from Hogan if we are being honest.

DJ: I’m my own man, the fact that the belt goes around my waist is what makes it the top title. 

LEE: There's only one way to decide the top title in the company…..a unification match……………..I will leave that with you………….

(L double E walks off as Davie J watches him leave…...Davie then opens the door to the room and sees Hollywood Hogan sitting in the chair behind the desk)

HH: Ah the ICON, I've been waiting for you brother…..

DJ: What are you doing here?

HH: I got some business to attend too…..

DJ: Your not even booked…..

HH: Got my boots bother…..just incase you needed a hand...

(The scene cuts back to the announcers)

JTB: I’m not sure what to make of Hollywood Hogan being in Davie’s room there…..I smell a rat.

JH: I’m not sure if there is anything going on there, it may be all innocent.

JTB: It may be Jim, in fairness to Davie he ignored the CREW’s pitch of them all having title shots tonight. Hogan has been sending out feelers which Davie has rebuffed…..but…..

JH: But…?

JTB: The history there…’s hard to trust them…there's no smoke without fire.

JH: It’s hard to disagree Jerry, but I hope and it does appear that Davie has left all that behind. He’s been a team player in the two years since we have been back. Helped on the IWA reunion show, with the EIWF reunion and is now running things while Revolution recovers. Stepped away from the CREW as soon as we came back and helped the Prez. Runs the power plant, has helped bring on Johnny Blitz from there, is giving people chances who he feels haven't had the chance they deserve…...he wouldn't throw all that away…..would he?

JTB: We have been burned before Jim.

JH: Innocent until proven guilty?

JTB: For sure…..just don't look at the track record…

(Last Resort by Papa Roach plays. Images of Suicide are shown on the big screen on the entrance way and the fans boo heavily. He steps out from the smoke and walks towards the ring)

JH: Here comes the challenger in our second title match of the night. Suicide will be taking on the FTE champion L double E.

JTB: A big opportunity here for Suicide, and L double E who is often referred to as a fool has been anything but that in his preparation. He knows what a challenge Suicide poses and even stepped out of the tag team title match to concentrate on this match. 

JH: Suicide of course is a former Genesis tag team champion from his time in the New Era Icons. However, he is perhaps best known for being held back by politics and his feud with the CREW and in particular Davie J. The very man who has given him the title shot tonight.

JTB: How times have changed. 

(Suicide is in the ring and Steel my Shine by maranz plays and the fans cheer. The word ‘Anti-Hero appears on the screen followed by images of L double E. He steps out with and hold the FTE belt in the air and the fans POP. He throws it over his shoulder and makes his way to the ring)


JH: There could be an argument that both of these men were held back during the EIWF’s initial run, with L double E never rising above mid card despite being in the EIWf for its entire four year run.

JTH: Jim, if it looks like a fish, smells like a fish ...swims like a fish….the chances are its a fish.

JH: What are you on about?

JTB: I mean four years is a long time, if he didn't rise above mid card within four years perhaps its because that was his limit.


FTE Title match

L double E vs Suicide

JH: OK folks we are ready to go, Suicide versus L double for the FTE title, this match is worthy to headline a pay per view but tonight it coming to you on a live edition of Evolution. (The Ref calls for the bell….ding ding)......L double E…..walks back to the corner and sits on the middle rope…….Suicide looks surprised and hestant to approach him….L double E beckoning Suicide to come over……..Suicide slowly walks towards the Anti-Hero…..(L double E offers his hand for Suicide to shake)....

JTH: Now I am surprised at that fromt he Anti Hero….and Suicide looks surprised.

JH: The fans are cheering here, in anticipation of this match to get under wya, but I believe there are mind games going on here……(Suicide refuses to shake the hand of L double E and the fans boo).....L double E shrugs his shoulder…...both men start to circle the ring…..they lock up…….L double E drops to one knee and flips Suicide over his shoulder…….Suicide gets back up quickly…..he runs at L double E who hiptosses Suicide…...Suicide gets up…...the two lock up….Suicide hits L double E to the gut with a knee…...L double E is winded….Suicide throws L double E into the ropes…….he comes back….Suicide kicks L double E in the gut and he keels over…..Suicide grabs L double E….PileDriver!!!!......(Suicide gets up and holds his arms out looking at the fans who respond with loud boo’s)

JTB: He’s not very popular here in Scotland. He should focus more on his opponent then the fans, it’s not them he needs to beat to become champion.


JH: Suicide walks back over to L double E…...L double E grabs the leg of Suicide and pulls him off his feet…….L double E gets up….L double E goes to drop an elbow on Suicid ebut he rolls out of the way…….Suicide rolls to the side and under the bottom rope….he stands up on the ring apron and L double E walks over…..they lock up…….Suicide drops to the outside and catches L doouble E on the top rope and he falls back into the centre of the ring……..Suicide slides back in…….Suicide climbs the turnbuckle...Frog Splash off the top rope….Suicide covers for the pin….the Ref gets down and counts…...1……….2……..kick out!.....L double E grabs Suicide and applies a headlock…...Suicide stretches out a leg and touches the bottom rope and the Ref tells them to break the hold. 

JTB: So far its been an even match between these two, I couldn't put my money either way….

JH: Well Jerry you wouldn't put your money either way on any match because you have left that gambling behind you! OK back to the match, both men are back on their feet…….they go to lock up...Suicide knees L double E in the gut……..he follows with a knee lift knocking L double E back…...L double E is leaning on the ropes…….Suicide follows with a clotheslines and knocks L double E to the outisde….(Suicide poses in the ring and the fans boo).........L double E on the outside...he pull shimself up to his feet as the Ref begins to count………………...1……….

JTB: He's the champ, he can stay out there, get counted out and he's still the champion.

JH: Not sure the Anti Hero would want to win that way……………...2………………..3………………..Suicide walks over to L double E, trying to entice him back into the ring but he’s walking away…………..4……………………..5………………….6……………...Suicide slides under th ebottom rope….walks behind L double E who is walking away….hits him to the back with a forearm…...7………………..Suicide grabs L double E and throws him under the bottom rope back into the ring………….8………………….Suicide slides back in……….Suicide grabs L double E….throws him into the ropes…..he come back and Suicide hits a shoulder block knocking L double E down.

JTB: Suicide has the clear advantage now, will L double E come back or is this the beginning of the end of the FTW champions regin.

JH: Suicide covers for the pin and the Ref counts………...1…………...2……...kick out! Suicide gets up….he pulls L double E up and throws him into the corner….Suicide follows in with a clothesline……….Suicide grabs L double E and hits a belly to belly suplex……...he covers for the pin….the Ref counts…………...1………………….2………….foot on the rope!!!! L double E just about stops the count. (Suicide looks up as hes frustrated at not getting the three count).......Suicide gets to his feet….he stomps on L double E…...and again….drops an elbow and covers again…………..1……………..2……..kick out by L oduble E!......L double E pokes Suicide in the eye and Suicide rolls away holding his eye…..L double E gets back to his feet……..he walks over and kicks Suicide on the back of the head…..Suicide gets up……..they lock up……..L double E goes to throw Suicide into the corner but Suicide reverses it sending L double E crashing into the Ref!!!!

JTB: Oh no! The match official is down………

JH: L double E tries to bring the Ref around but its not working….Suicide runs and hits L double E with a forearm…….thy start brawling, both men exchanging blows! Suicide hits a European uppercut and then a standing dropkick to knock L double E down……(Suicide gets back to his feet and stands in the middle of the wing with his arms out wide and the fans boo heavily)....Suicide walks over to L double E…..he pulls L double E to his feet…….Suicide picks L double E up……..S-BOMB!!!!! (ORANGE CRUSH BOMB).....S-BOMB!!!!!.........S-BOMB!!!!!!..........Suicide covers…………….(he looks over to the Ref and calls out by no reaction)......Suicide gets up…..hes over with the Ref trying to wake him……(the fans rise to there feet as Hollywood Hogan, Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett run out and down the ramp)......wait a minute…..hold on now…..just wait a damn minite…..

JTB: What the hell are they doing here? The thugs, the cowards who only act when they out number people!!

JH:................this doesn't look good……..Hollywood Hogan is at the edge of the ring but Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett who has his guitar have walked around the ring…..(Suicide spots Hogan and stands up…..he points at Hogan and leans on the ropes and swings at Hogan but Hogan steps back)..........Suicide needs to be careful now….this pack….these wolves are circuling and can smell blood……..(The Ref starts to come round and Big Poppa grabs the Ref and stops him from getting up)...........(Jarrett slides in the ring as Hogan continues to argue with Suicide…….Suicide turns around….BANG!!!!! Jarrett smashes the guitar over Jarrett).....good God!!! Good God!!!......stop this madness!...............(Jarrett grabs L double E and puts him on Suicide and slides out the ring…..Big Poppa lets go of the Ref).....No….not like this!..........The Ref has seen L double E covering Suicide……….he goes over and begins the count………………...1………… I’m not Suicide fan………..but………….not like this………………...2………………..This is not the way any championship match should be won and lost………………….3!!!!!!!! (Hogan laughs and quickly leaves with Big Poppa and Jarrett)

JTB: Those cowards, they wouldn't have come down on their own, just one of them. Had to be all three to make sure Suicide lost, who may I hadd was in control of the match and looked ot have it won.

JH: It makes me sick Jerry, that those…..those ...well there like a pack of wolves. 

JTB: L double E got lucky, he’s not associated with the CREW, but the shear fact that they hate Suicide benefited L double E there and he remains the FTE champion!

(Steal my Shine plays and the Ref holds the hand of L double E in the air to sognal hes the winner, there are fans from the fans as he holds the FTE belt in the air)


(The scene cuts to a nearby Bar which is showing Evolution on the TV. Sitting on a stool at the beer sipping a beer is Ellis Black)

EB: What a crock. Once again Suicide is screwed out of the title. Funny how Davie has supposeidly given him a chance at a title, and the CREW manage to make it into the building despite not being booked on the show, then are able to cost Suicide his title shot………..leopards dont change their spots…….

(The barman comes over and puts another beer out for Ellis and does a double take....)

BM: He arnt you....excuse me are you Ell...

EB: Yep Ellis Showtime Black.....EIWF Genesis champion and undfeated with a record of 185-0....

BM: Well, I have done some wrestling myself, back in the day I use to be....

EB: I know who you 'use' to be.....but now your just a nobody now, get me another drink!

(The scene fades out)

JH: Fans next up we have the Legends title match, but lets take a look back to how this open challenge came about……

(The Big screen shows Davie’s promo when he issued the open challenge)

Davie J - The Legends title, held by yours truly. Now this is about opportunity. I am throwing out an open title challenge to the following wrestlers who signed up to the EIWF and left for whatever reason. It's there chance to have a shot at the big time, a shot at the EIWF Legends title against Davie J. If you want a chance to main event in the EIWF against a champion who is also in the hall of fame, now is your chance. Obviously I'm not saying your going to win, obviously I'm confident. But.....but it's a chance to throw yourself in at the top spot of the EIWF. So this is your opportunity...……..Kenny Omega...……Fethdar.......…….Keg..……….Fizz...……………...Richard...………..Rick Rage...……………..Wasabi...…………………..Seth Freeman...…...this is your golden ticket straight to the chocolate factory. No need to work your way up....if you want this title shot...…….get yourself in the EIWF and show me what you got on the mic. Let's hear you mix it up with the ICON....or as I suspect, are you bunch of sad sac's just too pathetic to accept the challenge......the challenge of proving your worthy of stepping in the ring with the greatest of all time, the Franchise of the EIWF.....the ICON...….If none of you do take the opportunity of a lifetime, I will simply grant the title match to someone else on the night. So everyone else who is not booked on the card, bring your wrestling gear to the might find you have a title match! Now that's how you book a show and this is how you run a company!!!!

(Promo finishes and cuts back to the announce table)

JH: Well that was the promo that the Legends champion gave, he offered a title shot to some of those who had been on the fringes of the EIWF and perhaps hadn't made the impact they should of, he gave them the chance to jump straight back in at the main event for the top title.

JTB: Its ballsey, he's got guts…...but history has shown that such challenges can be your undoing. That said I think Davie J will be confident of winning here, but who is going to step up to the challenge?

JH: Indeed, will it be Kenny Omega, who had a brief but somewhat memorable run here. Or Fethdar, who management had high hopes for and was impressed with but left shortly after his debut.

JTB: Then you have Fizz and Keg, perhaps more comedic roles as well as Richard Dweck.

JH: Or Rick Rage who came over from a rival and lastly Wasabi and Seth Freeman who both signed with the EIWF but never appeared.


(Wake Up by Rage against the machine plays and the fans POP. Images of Davie are shown on the big screen….he steps out with the Legends title over his shoulder and a mic in his hand. He makes his way towards the ring)

JH: What a reception for the ICON. 

JTB: The temporary boss sure is busy, hes running the show and defending the the top titles. Can't be easy.

(Davie steps into the ring and signals to cut his music)

DJ: Tonight, Evolution…..night of Champions…..I put every title held by a worthy champion in the EIWF on the line. Yes Ellis Black wasn’t here, and he’s no worthy champion, thats why he wasn't allowed into the building. He had his chance, a chance to take on the best and be the best, but he ran away with his tail between his legs. Now he’s paying the price, I’m not letting him vacate his title. He will remain the Power hour champion, a third tier champion. He made his bed and now he has to sleep in it. Now I can't say I have been entirely happy with the way the show has gone tonight, but I can only give opportunity to people, it's up to them if they take that opportunity. Now I put up a challenge, an open challenge and a second chance to some of those who had failed to meet the standards set by the EIWF. People such as Keg, Fizz, Fethdar, Rick Rage, Kenny Omega and a few others who are just as unimportant. Well, I can say that its official, they were all too damn chicken to take up the ICON’s offer. It appears that no one is brave enough, perhaps they are smart enough to realise they don't have what it takes to step in the ring with me. It shows how standards have dropped since we were on our original run 20 years ago.So those people I mentioned are just as afraid of facing me as Ellis Black is. But this is not a wasted opportunity, I said if any of them was not man enough to take up the challenge…then I would simply grant it to another member of the roster……….So whoever in the back wants a shot at the Legends title…...a shot at the ICON Davie J… is your chance………….

(A hush goes over the crowd in anticipation)

JTB: Who's it gonna be Jim, who will take up the chance at a shot of Davie J…..

JH: Will it be a member of the current roster or someone who has left?

JTB: Wishmaster?.........Tormentor????????.............How about Eddie D?

JH: They would all be dream matches for sure………..

(Voodoo child by Jimi Hendrix plays and the fans initially POP before turning to boo’s)

JH: What? Hollywood Hogan is taking up the challenge?

JTB: Don't get be wrong, this is a dream match, but It doesn't add up. Hogan appears to have been bending over backwards to get Davie onside, to bring him back to the CREW…...but now he’s coming out here to challenge him for the Legends title???

(Hogan steps out playing air guitar before ripping his shirt off. He then makes his way to the ring)

Legends Title Match

Davie J vs Hollywood Hogan

JH: Well a Ref is now out here and Hollywood Hogan is in the ring, walking around ...nodding his head….he has a big smile on his face…...Davie is the total opposite.He remained in the same spot, stone faced with his eyes on Hollywood Hogan at all times…..(Hogan asks for a Mic)

HH: Hey Davie, you look a little bit cold brother…………...Big Poppa get yourself out here……….

JTB: What is going on?

(Big Poppa comes out and runs down the ramp with something in his hand, he steps in the ring and stands next to Hogan)

HH: Davie, let us warm you up ...(Big Poppa opens out what is in his hand and it’s a ‘CREW’ logo t-shirt……..there is a mixed reaction from the fans…..Big Poppa tosses it in Davie’s direction and it lands on his shoulder)..........lets see how it fits dude, put it on……you know it’s time to make it official, for you to come home to the CREW……………..and brother……this is for you!...........(Hogan lays down on the mat)

JTB: Dont do it Davie! Dont take the bait!

JH: It appears Hogan is laying down for Davie J, so he can take the win……….

JTB: Yeah but on the condition he rejoins the CREW!

JH:.............What is he going to do……….(he looks out at the fans….he picks up the CREW t-shirt and drops it on the mat……..he then exits the ring and the fans cheer……..Hogan gets up and looks surprised……….)

DJ: I don't know what your playing at Hogan. There is no Davie J and Hogan, there is no Davie J in the CREW. All you have done is used the EIWF for your own advantage and gain. Your time in the EIWF is up! I have seen what you have been doing, trying to confuse people with what my motives are, well let me tell you right now. There is no confusion, I am 100% behind Revolution and making the EIWF great again. I’m fed up with the whispers behind my back, suggesting that I’m out to sabotage the EIWF, that I’m holding people back. It’s like no matter what I do, for the good of the company and to help the new stars, people still doubt me. I cant do much but try to convince people that I have changed, Im not the person I was…………...So Hogan………….at the next PPV……….Unholy Alliance……… prove once and for all that I am no tin your back pocket not only am I challenging you…..but I’m teaming up with the man you hate more then anyone……………..Suicide, I’m asking you to be my tag team partner against Hollywood Hogan and a partner of his choosing………..Hogan……..what do you say?

HH: Davie, brother…...your making a huge mistake…..but it will be a pleasure to kick your ass once again…….I will put you where you belong, next to that meatball Suicide…...I accept!!!! (fans cheer)

DJ: Suicide……….what do you say? Davie J and Suicide team up to form an ‘Unholy Alliance’????

JH: This is not the end to the show I expected??? Davie J trying to prove he is not working with Hollywood Hogan despite the signs he is. He has challenged Hogan to a tag team match at the next PPV and Davie has asked for Suicide to be his tag team partner to form an ‘Unholy Alliance’........

JTB: What will Suicide’s answer be????

JH: Fans we are out of time!!!

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