EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

June 2019

(Line in the Sand by Motorhead plays and images of the current EIWF roster plays on the ‘Extreme screen’ above the entrance way. The camera pans around the arena and zooms into the fans holding up signs…the camera cuts back to the announce table with Jim Hicks and Revolution)
JH: Hello fans we are back, after a couple of our new show power hour we are back with an episode of Evolution. It took us a while to get things in place as we are on the road, touring the world and I’m joined by the man with the plan, the boss...Revolution!
Rev: Thank you Jim, we left Mark Madden in the states for this tour but he will be on PPV’s with Tim Moss. I want to thank you to the viewers tuning in at home and for those in attendance here in Ireland.
JH: Yes we are coming to you live from the 3Arena in Dublin with a crowd of 8922!!!
Rev: This is the beginning of our Evolution tour, we are going to travel the world James!
JH: Fans we have one hell of a show for you tonight, a hell of a show. Don't leave that TV screen for one moment! First I am told we are going to meet the newest addition to the EIWF roster, in a first for the company…..Revolution has signed a female talent to the active roster.
Rev: We need to keep up with the times ...that's while I made the decision and we are about to see Suzie Spits...
(Jim Hicks holds his hand to his headset, appears to be listening to communication from the production team)
JH: Fans…..., I'm told that while we were expecting to speak live with our newest addition to the roster, 𝑺𝒖𝒛𝒊 𝑺𝒑𝒊𝒕𝒛, there seems to be some sort of problem with her initial health report, and unfortunately, 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝑽𝒊𝒙𝒆𝒏 is unable to join us, however, we are joined now, by her dentist, who's just examined Suzi, for her official health update. So let's go, live, via satellite, to the local dentists office, to find out what this is all about..."
(𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒 𝑠𝑤𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑎 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑎 𝑤𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛, 𝑤𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑤ℎ𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑜𝑎𝑡, 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑎𝑛 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑦 𝑝𝑢𝑧𝑧𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑜𝑛 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒.)
𝗗𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁 : "Hello, wrestling fans. I know you must be wondering why I'm talking to you, instead of Miss Spitz... well, the reason for that, is because Suzi suffers from a very rare, and extremely dangerous condition. So rare, in fact, that I've never seen anything quite like it... so dangerous, that one second of contact could be harmful to even the strongest of people."
( 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑𝑠 𝑎𝑛 𝑥-𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜 𝑢𝑝 𝑡𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 ℎ𝑒𝑟 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑏𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑓, 𝑎𝑠 𝑠ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑢𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 explain. )
𝗗𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁 : "It seems that Suzi suffers from an incurable case of having a snake for a tongue. And it's more venomous than the most potent of poisons. Symptoms of being stricken by this terrible affliction include, but are not limited to, extended stays in the emergency room, severe blood loss, and massive butthurt. It is EXTREMELY important, that when she speaks, that anyone with hearing distance, take her advice, and listen up... listen twice, if at all possible, and most importantly, just take your licks, and no matter what, KEEP... YOUR MOUTH... SHUT... do NOT provoke her. She increases the amount of venom she spews with each bite. Therefore, as an expert on all things oral, I must advise that anyone coming in contact with Suzi Spitz, use extreme caution, and try very hard to stay out of her way. And the only advice I can give to her opponents... is run. Fast."
(Scene cuts back to the announcers)
JH: Welcome back folks…. It appears the official debut of Suzie Spits in person is still yet to be seen! Revolution will be back with me shortly after being called away to deal with some important backstage decisions and I for one am looking forward to seeing our next match up.... The Freak, by his own admission…. Big Poppa Pump versus The Power Plant hopeful….. Johnny Blitz. This contest has as much hype and hate behind it as any match in a while. Over such a short space of time these guys have taken an immediate dislike for each other…
(Jim Hicks is shocked by the sound of the crowd popping because Mark Madden has arrived behind him at the commentary table.)
MM: No Hicks, Johnny Shitz turned up at a charity event and mocked Hogan.
JH: What in the world are you doing here and what do you think you look like?
(Mark Madden gives Jim a twirl showing off his new green suit with an EIWF logo in silver and black sequins across his back.)
MM: Do you like it? Hey I used my own air miles to get here, I used my annual bonus to get this Irish green suit made and I will waive my fee tonight to join you in commentary.
JH: Why have you gone to all that trouble? Is Revolution happy for you to be out here?
MM: The Crew are on the world tour and they try to bench me? I have Irish family here tonight. Revolution saw me in the backstage, rolled his eyes and tutted a bit, I explained I was working for nothing and tight bastard said I could hit the colour commentary for this match only.
JH: Well seeing as you're here let's get things right. For starters It’s Johnny Blitz not Johnny Sh… not what you said… He’s only singing off the same hymn sheet as Revolution… The commish would love to see Hogan retire…. And ruffling feathers as a new kid on the scene is standard operating procedure….
MM: Shitz is about to get his feathers plucked Jim and Jarrett put Revolution in his place in his promos recently. You can’t mock a legend, saying he should retire and expect his stablemates to just sit back and ignore it….. Johnny boy has bitten off more than he can chew with Big Poppa.
(Witch Doctor by De Staat plays as Johnny Blitz hits the ramp. He slaps the outstretched hands of young fans as he makes his way to the ring. He jogs up the ring steps and springs over the top rope and the fans cheer.)
JH: Well you might not like him Mark, but the fans sure do. Outside of headliners like Davie J, who gets a pop like that these days?
MM: Well the crowd sounded glad to see me….. but if the wrestling media hadn’t made villains of The Crew, with all their fake news and jealousy, then Big Poppa and Jarrett would be getting the cheers they deserve these days too.
(Sirens sound and the PA system jumps into life with “Holla if you hear me”. Superstar by Saliva drops and Big Poppa walks out with flashing red lights lighting up the aisle way. Big Poppa points at Johnny Blitz in the ring and draws his thumb across his throat.)
JH: There are not many more intimidating sites in wrestling today than seeing this pumped up superstar walking to do battle with you in the squared circle.
MM: Johnny is putting a brave face on it, but I think he’s about to Blitz his trunks.
JH: Johnny Blitz was intimating that the Power Plant coaches have given him a new weapon to his arsenal of moves…
MM: It’s a shame it wasn’t the gift of knowing when to shut up. Big Poppa won’t be frightened of anything this kid has to offer.
Big Poppa Pump vs Johnny Blitz
JH: Big Poppa throws down his shades and dives into the ring...... Blitz stamps on Big Poppa as he comes in........ Big Poppa doesn't seem to feel them...... Blitz lays some big punches on Big Poppa........... Big Poppa keeps coming........... Blitz goes for a DDT...... Big Poppa powers up, grips Blitz around the waist and turns it into a Northern lights suplex............. The cover …… 1 …… 2 …... and a kick out ………. Big Poppa drags Blitz up.......... knees him to the guts.......... forearms across the back of the neck.............. Blitz goes down to one knee with the force of the strike but gets back up.......... Big Poppa whips Blitz around............ Spinning Belly to Belly Suplex! ............ Big Poppa covers …..1 ……..2……. kick out! …… Big Poppa gets back up and waits in the opposite corner........... Blitz gets up holding his back............ Blitz turns around............. Big Poppa sprints across the ring for a spear!? ........... Blitz dives down and trip toe holds Big Poppa into the turnbuckles............ Big Poppa and Blitz drag themselves up............ Blitz whips Big Poppa into the ropes.......... Big Poppa reverses............ Blitz comes off the ropes and they meet in a huge Double clothesline!!!!.......... but both men are down for now.......... Blitz and Big Poppa get back to their feet slowly........ Blitz hits Big Poppa with a standing dropkick…. Big Poppa goes down hard but rolls away and gets back up....... Blitz hits Big Poppa with another drop kick….. Big Poppa staggers and drops to one knee.......... Blitz goes to drag Poppa up into a Suplex.......... Big Poppa rolls Blitz into a small package...............1..........2....... Blitz manages to roll the package over ….. Big Poppa is being pinned...........1.........2......... Big Poppa manages to roll the package into the ropes............ the referee calls the break.......... Big Poppa and Blitz fall out of hold and get back up........... Big Poppa punches Blitz......... Blitz chops him back........... Big Poppa punches Blitz............. Blitz chops back............ Big Poppa head-butts Blitz and Blitz crashes down hard to the canvas….
MM: That’s how it’s done Jim. This is a fight. Not a wrestling match and that’s why Poppa is ruling the roost….. Blitz is your next generation? Not sure where all this supposed training has gone; in one ear and out the other?
JH: Big Poppa shows off his muscles for the crowd….. Big Poppa drags Blitz back up...... Grabs a wrist and pulls it under Blitz ……. Pumphandle Suplex!!! …………. Big Poppa flexes for the crowd and smiles as he crosses over to Blitz……… Big Poppa drags Blitz back up……. Goes for an Irish whip........... Reversal ……….. Poppa back off the ropes......... SUPERKICK!!!........ Big Poppa is flat on his back…..
MM: And who taught him that little trick? ….. That God damned Crew traitor Davie J, that’s who….. Messing with The Crew even from the side-lines……
JH: Big Poppa is staying down……. Blitz is slow to capitalise still, shaking out the cobwebs of that head butt earlier I think…… Oh, No….. Talking about messing with matches….. Jeff Jarrett is on the ramp and heading down to ringside, guitar in hand…. Did you know he’d be here tonight?
MM: Nope, no idea. And we didn’t share a flight together and he didn’t get me bumped up to First Class and we didn’t drink Guiness together last night until the early hours…….. I don’t know why you’d even suggest that……. Listen to that pop Jim…….. The Irish Crewites know where it’s at…... He’s just here in the interests of fair play and checking after Big Poppa’s health ….. (Mark Madden sniggers.)
JH: Big Poppa is moving, but he’s still stunned............ Blitz is getting back up using the ropes.......... Blitz lifts up Big Poppa and whips him hard into the turnbuckles............... Blitz follows in with flying back elbow!!.......... Big Poppa drops to the bottom turnbuckle.......... Jeff Jarrett is shouting something at Johnny Blitz and has his attention……. Well Blitz and Jarrett are getting into a hell of a slanging match here…… The crowd are eating up the hate on show…… Blitz tells the referee to deal with Jarrett and get him to leave….. Blitz goes back to the corner to drag up Big Poppa…. Big Poppa rakes Blitz's face….. Blitz reels away clutching his face…….. Big Poppa grabs Blitz around the shoulder and neck.......... Head and Arm Belly-to-belly suplex!! ......... Blitz felt every bit of that......... Big Poppa drags Blitz up......... hoists him up over his head in a military press!!!…… and drops him to the Outside!!!!
MM: What a feat of strength from the Crew Enforcer Big Poppa Pump……
JH: Crew Enforcer? Wasn’t that what you called Ed….?
MM: Don’t say his name…… You heard me…. Crew Enforcer Big Poppa Pump …. We’ve moved on…… so should you….
JH: Blitz is down and struggling to get up on the outside….. Those blue ringside mats don’t really reduce the impact of a drop like that…… Why is Big Poppa messing with the top turnbuckles in the opposite corner……
MM: No idea Hicks, must just be unhappy with the way the ring crew laced it all up? Safety first Jim….
JH: The referee is arguing with Big Poppa as he starts to take the buckle covers off……. Blitz is finally on his feet….. Hang on….. What is Jarrett doing……? Jarrett hits Blitz with the Guitar!!!!..... There are splinters everywhere…….. That should be an immediate DQ?!!.....
MM: You’re so right…… but I don’t hear the bell Hicks…… Oh dear…. The referee was too busy arguing about ring furniture to officiate the match properly..…. How typical of the quality of referees Revolution is hiring these days….
JH: This is an absolute crock and you know it Mark….. Jarrett rolls Blitz into the ring….. Blitz is still down….... Big Poppa drops the turnbuckle cover…..shoves the referee in annoyance at his arguing and crosses to Blitz……. Big Poppa steps over Blitz’s back……. POPPA RECLINER!!!....... Blitz is fading fast in this crippling hold……. The Ref checks and lifts Blitz’s hand Once……………… Twice…………… Three times the hand drops and the referee calls for the bell!
Big Poppa Win by TKO
MM: Yes yes yes! Have that Hicks, another win for the CREW!
JH: I wouldn't say its anything to brag about, two on one, two veterans double teaming someone who is new to the business ...that's nothing to be proud of.
(Big Poppa grabs a mic from a ring official and leans on the ropes)
MM: Oh this gets better Hicks, Big Poppa is going to address the fans!
JH:....I can hardly wait…..
BP: Get this piece of shit outta my ring, he doesn't deserve to be in the same ring as Big Poppa! When Jarrett was commissioner and producing Havoc, I was challenging for championships. Now that redneck Revolution is in charge he has me taking out the trash, because that's all Johnny Shitz is...garbage! (Big Poppa drops the mic and he stomps on Johnny and pushes him out under the bottom rope. Big Poppa gets out the ring and walks over to the announce table, he high fives Mark Madden)
MM: Great win Big Poppa, great win!.......(Big Poppa talks to Mark but its not picked up on camera. ….sure….(Mark takes off his headset)
JH: Hey where are you going?
MM: I'm going for a beer, my work tonight is done!
(Mark Madden leaves with Jeff Jarrett and Big Poppa)
JH: Still to come on tonights show we have Suicide and Jimmy Brandon defending the Genesis tag team titles against the Hero & Maestero connection, also the Genesis champion Ellis Black is here and I’m not sure who his opponent is, he has put out an open challenge to the wrestling world, they dont even have to be under EIWF contract, lets see who….or if anyone will accept the challenge.
(Revolution sits back next to Jim Hicks and puts a headset on and he looks deep in thought)
JH: The boss is back with us, Revolution, Sir….did you attend to your important matters backstage?
Rev: James I did, but let me tell you this. It is a constant battle to try and get people under contract to play ball. I’m trying to secure the deals to make sure the future of the EIWF is safe, but I have people wanted to take there ball and go home. But Ive made a decision, and later tonight I’m going to reveal the card for our next PPV, Gang Warfare!
JH: Woah! Fans, don’t go anywhere. You heard that right, Revolution is going to confirm the card for our next PPV tonight, I know that Jeff Jarrett has challenged Davie J for the Legends title recently. Can you confirm this is one of the matches?
Rev: I will do more than that James. Yes I confirm that the ICON Davie J will defend the Legends title against Jeff Jarrett. Not only that, the main event will be a war games match. Three teams of two will enter at various times, whoever gets the pin….wins!
JH: A first for the EIWF! Who will be in the three teams?
Rev: That Jimbo, you will have to wait for later!
JH: Fans next up is our Genesis title match, Ellis Black issued an open challenge...but who will take up the challenge? We will be right back after this commercial ...don't go nowhere!
The new EIWF show that sees the stars of tomorrow from the power plant in action.
(The commercial ends and a black limo is shown outside the arena. The camera pans around the car but you can not see who is inside due to the blacked out windows. The scene cuts back to the announce table)
JH: Welcome back fans, next up the Genesis title is on the line. There have been some words that can describe its champion Ellis Black….
Rev: Yep, Stubborn, hot headed………..talented
JH: Undefeated!
(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and the fans boo. The big screen on the entrance ramp has ‘Undefeated’ scrolling across it before images of Ellis Black in action are shown. Ellis walks out as pyro’s go off. He has the Genesis title belt over his shoulder. He makes his way to the ring ignoring the fans who boo him and reach out to touch him)
JH: The champion is here, his record is currently 114-0. He has won a couple of house show matches since beating Owen Brown at Power Hour plus traveling the world defending that EIWF Genesis title belt.
Rev: One of if not the greatest athlete to have come out of the Power Plant, you can't argue with his record. Hes beaten all comers but tonight it’s dangerous, you just don't know who's gonna turn up from the wrestling world! Plus he's out there every night defending that championship around the world. Representing the EIWF….hes a true traveling champion.
(Ellis Black is in the middle of the ring and is holding a mic, he signals to cut his music)
EB: I’m fed up of not getting the RESPECT I deserve! I've paid my dues, I've worked hard and I had dragged this federation out of the dark ages into something that actually matters in 2019! (fans boo) A prime example, I speak the truth, fact and yet you stupid fans still boo me! (fans boo again louder) It is probably you same stupid fans who boo me that didn't recognize the value of the Genesis title. The only singles title belt in the EIWF won in the ring. Yet you dumb fans vote for title belts that were simply handed to it’s current owners. I’m fed up of trying to prove myself………(fans start a ‘Havoc champion’ chant).......You fans say what you want, I’m not taking the bait! (fans chant turns into boo’s)......I’m here not to prove anything to you ...I'm simply here to show that I'm the best in wrestling today and that's why I put out an open challenge to anybody…so lets get them out here!
JH: Ellis Black not feeling the love from the fans it seems.
Rev: I have had my differences with Ellis and the way he has acted at times, but you have to respect his achievement, he is right.
(Long Back Road by ELO plays and Rick Rage walks out to a mixed reaction from the fans)
Rev: This is not what I expected…..
JH: Rock Rage formerly of the Fight 2 Survive promotion has accepted the challenge!
(Rick Rage runs down to the ring and slides in under the bottom rope)
Genesis title match Ellis Black vs Rick Rage
JH: Here we go fans! We are off! Ellis and Rick lock up…..Rick throws Ellis into the ropes...he comes back...big clothesline by Ellis!! Ellis pulls Rick up...whips him into the corner and follows in with a clothesline….Ellis grabs Rick ...snap suplex!......(Ellis leans through the ropes and asks for a mic)
EB: This is no challenge, this guy is a chancer...trying to get in the spotlight by stepping in the ring with the champion….....well this ain't no challenge!....(Ellis tosses the mic out the ring)......
JH: He pulls Rick up…...piledriver by Ellis Black!!!!....Ellis covers….the Ref gets down and counts…………….1……………..2……………...3!!!!! Its all over fans! 115-0!
Rev: That is why Rick Rage never made a big impact in the EIWF.
(Ellis asks for a mic and is passed one from a ring official)
EB: I said, this was an open ‘challenge’.....so give me a goddamn challenge….send someone else out here!!! (Ellis tosses the mic down and stands in the centre of the ring looking at the entrance ramp)
JH: Woah….you need to be careful what you wish for.
Rev: You got to admire his style. People knock him, they knock his title belt…..but he’s showing hes willing to face anyone, not just from the EIWF but from anyone in the wrestling business.
(Hood Politics by Kendrick Lamar plays and a silence falls over the fans. A man walks out from the entrance ramp to a mixed reaction from the fans. He makes his way towards the ring)
Rev: Well I guess Ellis Black did say anyone…..
JH: Fans at home if your not familiar with the man making his way to the ring that is Louis Lafayette!
Rev: Turn that goddamn music off…...if it can be called music!
(Louis slides into the ring and gets to his feet staring at Ellis Black)
Genesis title match Ellis Black vs Louis Lafayette
JH: Well this is a surprise fans...but I guess that's what happens when you issue open challenges!
Rev: Exactly.
JH: This one is officially underway...the two men lock up…….both trying to get an advantage…..they break…...Ellis hits Louis with a chop to the chest...Louis pokes Ellis in the eye and then hits a low blow on Ellis…...Ellis drops to one knee…...Louis buts on a headlock and the Ref checks the move is legal…..Ellis rises back to his feet…….he tries to break the hold but cant…..Ellis lifts Louis up…..back suplex by Ellis and the hold is broken! Both men get to there feet…….Louis runs at Ellis ...hip toss by Ellis...Louis straight back up and is met by a standing dropkick from Ellis...Louis stumbles back and onto the ropes…..Louis runs and clotheslines Ellis as he just got back on his feet from the dropkick. Louis drops an elbow and then covers Ellis for the pin…..the Ref gets down and counts…….1…………...2………..kick out by Ellis………..both men are on their feet and start to exchange punches……..Ellis grabs Louis and sends him into the ropes...Louis comes back...leapfrog by Ellis and Louis underneath...Louis off the other rope...comes back….kick in the gut by Ellis...DDT!!!!.....Ellis covers for the pin, the Ref gets down and counts……….1……………...2…kick out by Louis Lafayette! Ellis pulls Louis up…….Louis pokes Ellis in the eye…..then rakes his back and the Ref warns Louis…...Louis dismisses the Ref and whips Ellis into the corner turnbuckle front first…...Ellis hits it hard and stumbles back out….he turns round and Louis scoops him up and slams him down……..Louis walks to the corner and climb the turnbuckle to the top rope…Louis takes his time…..raise his arms...big splash by Louis Lafayette...NO!....Ellis lift his knees up!!! Louis is rolling around on the floor holding his stomach…Ellis uses the ropes and pulls himself up…...Ellis staggers into the middle of the ring where Louis is on his knees trying to recover…..Ellis grabs Louis from behind….BLACKOUT!!!!! BLACKOUT!!!!!.......BLACKOUT!!!!!.....The Ref gets down and checks on Louis….
Rev: Louis is fading fast! There is no way out of this move!.
JH: It appears Louis Lafayette has passed out….the Ref raises his arm…..it drops…...he raises it a second time…..it drops!........If it falls a third time Ellis Black will be the winner…...the Ref lifts the arm a third time…..it drops!!!!! (the Ref calls for the bell and raises the arm of Ellis Black signaling hes the winner) A tougher match that time for Ellis but he got the win and he's still the champion and now his record stands at 116-0!!! He’s won two matches and next tonight we have our main event for the tag team titles….(Ellis asks for the mic)
EB: Hold on a minute, I’m not done yet! Is there no one out there who will give me a real challenge??? Is there no one out there who is brave enough to step in the ring with the real ‘ICON’ of this new era in the EIWF?? Is there no ‘Hero’....anti or not willing to step in the ring with me? How about a wrestler so famous he gets to make films in…’Hollywood’....?...I thought not!!!
(A man walks out and make his way to the ring, there is no music)
EB: What is this? Who the hell are you?? Get in the ring lets make it 75-0 to see out the night! (Ellis tosses the mic out)
JH: Fans I can tell you that is Chris Mann who once wrestled in the DCW, Dynamite Championship Wrestling back in the mid 2000’s…..
Genesis title match Ellis Black vs Chris Mann
JH: Chirs Mann slides in the ring and Ellis is there...stomping on him…...Ellis pulls Chris up...throws him into the ropes...Chris comes back and is met with a forearm to the face…...Chris is down…...Ellis goes off the ropes and drops a knee on Ellis…...Ellis sits on Chris and pummels him with some punches……...Ellis pulls Chris up...reverse DDT by Ellis!
Rev: Ellis is in total control of this match, Chris Mann looks rusty but he obviously felt this was too good of an opportunity to not take up!
JH:.....Ellis Black now...stalking the ring…..Chris Mann is out in the centre…….Ellis walks to the corner and climbs to the top rope…...big elbow by Ellis Black!!!...he covers for the pin and the Ref gets down and counts………...1……………..2……..kick out by Chris Mann!!!....how did he kick out!.....Ellis gets up…….he rolls Chris over and grabs his feet….turns him over…..Boston Crab by Ellis Black…….the Ref is down checking to see if chris Mann quits…...Chris is reaching for the ropes…...trying to push himself up the relieve the pressure…...Ellis is leaning back...applying that pressure……..the Ref checks again…...Chris Mann is nodding!!!! (The Ref calls for the bell and Ellis drops the hold….he Ref holds his arm up and points to him signaling hes the winner)
Rev: Another win for the EIWF Genesis champion.
JH: But is it enough to silence his critics?
Rev: I doubt it, those people will always look for the negatives no matter what he does.
(Ellis has a mic)
EB: 117-0…..there is no one who can beat me, Davie J the fake ICON won't take up the challenge. The self proclaimed FTE champion L double E is way smarter than he looks, he knows not to get involved with Ellis Shoetime Black. Hollywood Hogan? He’s so old and deaf he cant hear me calling him out! Next you will send out Thunder himself to fight me…..is there is no one who dares take on the Genesis undefeated champion!!!!
(The big screen above the ramp shows the black limo in the parking lot and the door is open……..the cameraman walks round and zooms into the back but there is no one there……….)
EB: What is this??? (Ellis points to the big screen showing the empty limo).....this was someone who wanted to take up the challenge, then after seeing me win three straight matches they thought better and got the hell out of here as fast as they could!.....
(The lights in the arena go out…there is a hush over the crowd and a few whistles…...Seven Nation Army by the white stripes plays with the word ‘K2 Agent’ on the big screen…..the word fades…..it then comes up with ‘EWC TV Champion’.......’LPW Anarchy Champion’ ……..’CW Heritage Champion’..........the screen fades to black….pyro’s go off as a man appears from the smoke…...Ellis Black looks shocked….)
Rev: What the hell is he doing here???
JH: Its Kendrick Kross!!!!
Rev: Get him the hell out of here!!!! Call security….I dont want him in my fed!!!!
(The fans cheer at the surprise appearance ...Kendrick walks slowly towards the ring pointing at Ellis Black. Ellis in return holds up the Genesis title belt and tells Kendrick to get in the ring)
JH: Fans I am shocked...stunned…Kendrick Kross who briefly appeared in the EIWF six seven months ago couldn't agree contract terms but he has answered the open challenge of Ellis black!
Rev: Not if Ive got anything to do with it! (Revolution shouts into his mic)....GET SECURITY OUT HERE NOW!!!!
(Ellis and Kendrick are both in the ring…they slowly walk towards each other ...face to face….nose to nose…..pushing each other with their foreheards…...security run out and the fans boo…..they get in the ring and pull Ellis and Kendrick apart…Kendrick asks for a mic……..no one will pass him one...Ellis asks for a mic…..hes passed a mic and tosses it to Kendrick)
KK: Get these goons off of me. Do you know who I am, if I wanted too...I could destroy each and everyone of you. I'm a former MMA fighter and know how to handle myself! (security back off)....I’m not here to cause trouble…..Im here to answer the so called ‘open challenge’....but Ellis Showtime Black…...I don't wrestle on these second rate shows…..(fans boo)......I will answer your open challenge and fight you for the Genesis championship belt at the PPV...Gang Warfare…...now…...do you accept THE challenge???.....(Kendrick tosses the mic to Ellis)...
EB: Your on!!!! (fans POP!)
(Kendrick nods at the answer and a smirke slowly appears on his face…..he then leaves the ring and walks out of the arena)
Rev: What the hell?? I didn't sanction that match!
JH: But you did sanction the open challenge that Ellis issues?
Rev:....Well…..yeah…...but I didnt mean for Kendrick Kross!.....that said…...I see buy rates….money...and increased ratings!!!
JH: So there we have it fans, Gang Warfare will see the Legends championship on the line as Davie J defends the belt against Jeff Jarrett. We also have a Genesis title match as Ellis Showtime Black defends the title against Kendrick Kross. What other matches do you have you can reveal for us boss?
Rev: Well James…...can we get the PPV poster up on the screen for our viewers at home…..
Rev: The main event will be a six man three team war games.
JH: I love it!
Rev: See the tag line….
JH: Hmmmm….New Era Icons….vs Crew….vs EIWF? Who will be representing each team?
Rev: Well I can tell you that representing the New Era Icons will be Suicide and Jimmy Brandon. This is the chance Suicide has been waiting for, a main event opportunity against...Hollywood Hogan….who will be joined by Big Poppa to represent the Crew.
JH: WOW! What about team EIWF…..who have you chosen to represent the EIWF?
Rev: That I am yet to decide. But I will tell you this, I will be the special enforcer and have the keys to the cage door, so only entrants I let in will participate. This is to stop any screw jobs by Hogan!
JH: You heard it fans, the boss will be the special enforcer in the main event of our next PPV!
(The scene cuts to Jeff Jarrett and Big Poppa in the hotel bar after Big Poppa’s win)
JJ: Great win tonight.
BP: It was nothing, that Johnny Shitz was way out of depth.
JJ: Another win for the CREW though.
BP: Damn right! Lets have a drink to celebrate, then I got another match in my room with some freak who is new in town.
JJ: Ive heard all about her….(barmaid comes over)....two beers please….
BP: Im going to show her why the call me the big bad booty daddy….(barmaid puts two beers on the bar)
JJ: ha ha, I cant wait for the PPV, Im going to take that Legends title belt off of that CREW deserter, the has been...the CON...Davie J….(Jarrett hands over his card to pay…….the barmaid shakes her head)
BM: Sorry Sir….this card has been declined….
JJ: What???? How did that happen??? I check my balance this morning and…..
BP: Dont sweat it Jeff, he darling…..charge it to my room…..
BM: Whats the romm number Sir?
BP: (Big Poppa laughs)....well its 69 of course, buy yourself a drink and come up in 10mins!
(Scene cuts back to the arena)
(Last Resort by Papa Roach plays and there are loud boo’s from the fans. Images of the New Era Icons are shown on the big screen. Smoke fills the entrance way...Jimmy Brandon and Suicide walk out with the Genesis tag team title belts. They hold the belts up and walk to the ring)
JH: Here they are fans, the tag team champions. Representing the New Era Icons, Suicide and Jimmy Brandon. They have been the champions since October 2018 when they defeated Eddie D and Big Poppa…..wow...does that seem like a lifetime ago now!
Rev: Different times, different era, we have moved forward since those dark days!
(Steal my shine by Marz plays and the fans cheer…...smoke fills the entrance way and someone places a cardboard cut of Rage on the entrance ramp...the fans POP, the words ‘The Connection’ appears on the screen to a huge reaction from the fans. Then Regal walks out holding the FTE title belt, he stops and looks back and L double E appears from the smoke wearing his AH:6 11t-shirt. He stops and Regal places the FTE title belt over L double E’s shoulder. Regal walks towards the ring, L double E picks up Rage and carries him under his arm to the ring)
JH: This is it, our main event. The Hero & Maestero connection take on the champions, Suicide and Jimmy Brandon. Listen to these fans, they are really behind L double E and Regal.
Rev: No there not..
JH: Ermmmm...I know you're the boss, but I have to disagree with you….Sir...Mr Revolution...boss.
Rev: They fans are not into Regal, they are not into L double E…..they are into the gimmick with that stupid cardbopard cut out. I dont see it, I dont get it. As far as I’m concerned L double E and Regal are past it, they shopuld be putting over up and coming talent on Power Hour.
JH: But here we are, they are in the main event of Evolution challenging for titles?
Rev: Thats because I’m a smart man James. I may not agree with it….but if the fans are stupid enough to pay money to see it….I will take it….and the ratinsg that go with it. But it wont take the fans long to work it out and then the two has beens will be forgotten.
Genesis Tag title match - Suicide & Jimmy Brandon vs L double E & Regal
JH: This is it fans, the main event! All four men are in the ring, it looks like we are going to start with Suicide and Regal!....Rgeal goes to lock up….but Suicide brushes him off…..Suicide is smart enough to know he doesnt want to get taken down to the mat by Regal…….Regal goes for a lock up again….Suicide grabs the arm of Regal and throws him into the ropes….Regal comes back…..clothesline by Suicide….Regal goes down.....Suicide he quickly follows up with an elbow drop…...Regal tries to grab Suicide while they were both on the mat….Suicide quickly rolls away and both get to there feet…...Suicide walks over and tags in Jimmy Brandon…….Regal walks over to tag in L double E…..L double E waves Regal off...telling him to continue! Regal turns and is bet by a hard right from Jimmy...Jimmy whips Regal into the ropes...Regal comes back and Jimmy hits a flying forearm…...Regal down to the mat but egst up quickly trying to shake off the effects of there forearm…...Jimmy grabs Regal…goes for a suplex but Regal blocks it…...Jimmy tried it again…..but Regal blocks again…...Jimmy hits Regal with a Euorpean uppercut...Jimmy kicks Regal to the gut and grabs him...suplex by Jimmy Brandon!!!
Rev: This is what I've been talking about, Regal has the experience and was blocking the move, but people are underestimated the new blood in the EIWF. Jimmy Brandon may be new and not have the experience of Regal, but he’s smart enough and learned enough to be able to match that experience of Regal, who may be past his best and shouldn’t be main eventing Evolution but he is a seasoned pro!
JH: Jimmy here is showing great understanding here as he applies a headlock on Regal and tries to wear him down…..the Ref is checking the hold is legal and is asking Regal if he quits…..Regal is reaching behind trying to get hold of Jimmy's head……..Regal manages to turn and raise a leg up……..he forces Jimmy to stand up and both men are on their feet….Jimmy still has the headlock on...Regal with an elbow to the gut…..and another…..Jimmy breaks the hold…...Regal off the ropes and hits Jimmy with a shoulder barge! Jimmy is on the mat...Regal drops an elbow but Jimmy rolls out of the way!.......Regal gets up and is rubbing his elbow…..Jimmy walks over...grabs Regal...pump handle slam by Jimmy….he covers for the pina nd the Ref gets down and counts…………...1……………….2………...kick out by Regal!!! (L double E is clapping at the kick out by Regal)........Jimmy gets up….he pulls Regal up…..Regal grabs Jimmy's head and drops to his knees hitting Jimmy's chin on Regals head…..Jimmy is down…Regal starts crawling towards L double E…..(L double E continues to clap and the fans join in).......Jimmy rolls over and tags in Suicide…….(Regal makes it to L double E who is still clapping…….Regal reaches for the tag but L double E turns to the fans clapping to get them to join in more).....Suicide is in and grabs the feet of Regal and pulls him to the centre of the ring….Suicide drops an elbow to the inside leg of Regal…...Suicide gets up and stomps a few times on Regal…….Suicide bends down to grab Regal…….small package by Regal…..the Reg gets down and counts……………...1……………………..2………………..kick out by Suicide!!.........Regal grabs Suicide while they are both still on the mat……...wait a minute…….Regal trying to get a hold on here…….REGAL STRETCH!!!!!.....REGAL STRETCH!!!!......REGAL STRETCH!!!!......outta nowhere!.....The Ref checks on Suicide…..hes trying to hold on…….Regal applies the pressure…….Suicide looks like hes goign to quit!......(Jimmy Brandon gets in the ring and drops an elbow on regal to break the hold)....woah! Saved by Jimmy Brandon…..the Ref now is giving Jimmy a warning as he exits the ring……….Suicide is not on his feet yet…..still feeling the effects of that Regal stretch…….Regal walks over to Suicide…..goes to pull Suicide up but Suicide hits a low blow….(the fans boo)....Suicide now…..stumbles over and tags in Jimmy Brandon…...Regal is just getting to his feet and Jimmy with a big clothesline sends him down…..Jimmy stomps on Regal and then throws him under the bottom rope to the outside…..the Ref begins to count………………….1……………………...2………………...Jimmy breaks the count and starts argiung with the Ref…….(Suicide walks over and grabs a chair from under the ring)....here we go!....distraction tactics by the New Era Icons…….Suicide walks round….BANG!! Hits Regal over the head with the chair!!!!.......Suicide pulls Regal up and sends him under the bottom rope……..the Ref turns round and sees Suicide and tells him to get back to his corner……..Jimmy pulls Regal up…...piledriver!!!! Jimmy covers and the Ref gets down and counts……………...1………………………….2……………...3!...NO NO foot on the rope foot on the rope!!! (The Ref confirms it was a two count)
Rev: I thought it was all over! The New Era Icons are dominating this match!
JH: Jimmy Brandon is talking to the Ref, asking him if he is sure it wasn't a three count.
Rev: It's only a matter of time…...Regal is done and his so called tag partner won't even get involved…what's that all about? This Hero & Maestro team is over before it ever began. That cardboard cutout would have been more useful than L double E has been!
JH: Jimmy scoops Regal up……..side slam! Jimmy gets up and tags Suicide back in…...Suicide climbs to the middle turnbuckle….diving headbutt by Suicide!......Suicide covers and the Ref gets down and counts…………..1………………….2…...kick out by Regal!!! Where is he finding this energy from….hes digging down deep here!!!.....Suicide….gets to his feet…….off the ropes…….Legdrop by Suicide…….Suicide back to his feet……(Suicide leans on the ropes and puts a hand to his ear…...the fans boo)...
Rev: (laughs loudly)......yeah….I can see where this is going….
JH: Suicide mocking the fans here, an insult it appears gestured towards Hollywood Hogan…….Suicide back to the middle of the ring…...pulls Regal to his feet…...Regal can hardly stand…...Syickde….kicks Regal to the gut…..STUNNER!!!!!!......Suicide has now used the finishing moves of Hollywood Hogan and Eddie D!.....
Rev: Look at Regal…….hes got nothing left…...Suicide wont be able to make him stand for a Superkick…..
JH: Suicide….walks round to the feet of Regal…..grabs his legs…….I know whats coming……..Suicide applies a sharpshooter!!! The finishing move of davie J….Suicide is clearly send out a message here aimed at the three men he felt held him back all those years ago…...but Regal is not moving…..he may be out cold!!!.....the Ref is checking……...he lifts Regal’s hand….it drops!........he lifts it a second time…...it drops!!!!!.......(L double E steps through the ropes).......the Ref lifts it a third time…….(Jimmy Brandon steps into the ring also).........The Ref lets go of Regals hand……..(L double E distracts the Ref and points at Jimmy Brandon in the ring)....the hand has fallen!!!...but the Ref hasn't seen it!!!! The Ref know trying to get Jimmy out of the ring…..Suicide is up…..hits L double E with a hard right…...L double E stumbles back……..Suicide drops to his knees and hits L double E with a low blow……...L double E falls down into his corner…...Jimmy is just getting out of the ring……..he asks Suicide to tag in but Suicide refuses!!......Suicide walks over to Regal….pulls him up and thros him into the corner with L double E……(Suicide points at L double E and mouths him)....it appears Suicide is telling L double E to tag himself in!!!........L double E hasnt done it though……..Suicide grabs Regal’s leg….drags him into the centre of the ring….Suicide is standing and place one foot on the chest of Regal…..the Ref gets down and counts………..1…………………..2………………...kick out by Regal!!! (fans cheer)....I dont believe it!!!!.....Look at Suicide...he looks frustrated…...Suicide walks over and tags in Jimmy Brandon……….Regal is slowly crawling towards his corner…..but will L double E make the tag????.....Regal….holds his hand out……...L double E looks at the fans…..(the cheer)....l double E makes the tag! (crowd pop).....sounds like a hot tag listening to these fans!!!
Rev: Oh pleeeeeease!
JH: L double E and Jimmy Brandon…..circling eahcother….Jimmy grabs L double E…...whips him into the corner where Suicide is….Suicide hits L double E with a knee to the back…...L double E stumbles out……..(Suicide drops from the ring apron and grabs one og the tag titles and climbs back up to his corner).....Jimmy sends L double E into the ropes….he come sback….Jimmy goes for a clotheslone…..L double E ducks…...he goes off the other ropes ….(Suicide hits L double E on the back with the tag belt).....oh no….L double E stumbles forward……..Jimmy grabs L double E and throws him into the corner where Regal is and L double E….hits the runbuckle and drops down to the floor…..The Ref is giving a warning to Suicide here…...telling him to put the belt back…...Suicide seems reluctant……..he slowly drops down and the Ref continues to watch him, to ensure he puts the belt back…...Jimmy walks over to L double E…..bends down to pick him up….(Bang!!!)....Rega hits Jimmy in the head with the FTE title belt!!!.......L double E gets up…..grabs Jimmy……..HERO DROP!!!!!...HERO DROP!!!!!....HERO DROP!!!!!.....(Suicide puts the belt back on the table next to a ring official)......the Ref turns round and sees L double E covering Jimmy Brandon….he runs over and gets down and begins to count……….(the fans join in)..............1……………………...2………………..(Suicide has just realized whats happening and slides under the bottom rope)………….3!!!!!!! (fans POP as the bell sounds….ding ding ding….)....WE HAVE NEW CHAMPIONS!!! The Hero and Maestro connection have done it!!!!
(Steel my shine plays and the Ref hands the Genesis tag titles to Regal and L double E…..Suicide is in the ring….he cant believe it……...L double E and Regal celebrate…..L double E has the tag title over one shoulder and the FTE belt over the other)
Rev:I dont believe it!!!
JH: Listen to these fans!!! Cheering two of the EIWF old guards ...two of the EIWF mainstays over the years……...and they still cheer them!
Rev: Well let me tell you this James, if the fans love them so much and the fans are the EIWF…...the Hero and Maestero connection can represent the EIWF in the main event of the Gang Warfare PPV!!
JH: Did you hear that fans???? The war games match at Gang Warfare will be between the CREW, Hollywood Hogan and Big Poppa….the New Era Icons…...Suicide and Jimmy Brandon…………..and Team EIWF…..represeted by L double E and Regal!!!! Fans we are out of time…..the tapes are rolling!!!