EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

(Line in the Sand by Motorhead plays and images of the current EIWF roster plays on the ‘Extreme screen’ above the entrance way. The camera pans around the arena and zooms into the fans holding up signs…the camera cuts back to the announce table)
JH: We are coming to you live from the Extreme Zone in Orlando Florida……..your watching….EIWF’s Evolution!!!!
MM: That's right Hicks, and once again your joined by the number one color commentator in the business today, so deal with it!
JH: Well the Boss has more important things to attend to as he concentrates on getting Evolution up and running and making it a success.
MM: Hicks you can fool yourself all you want, but Revolution is a smart man…..that's why i'm sitting here!
JH: Tonight we have three matches scheduled but we will also be looking ahead to our first pay per view under Revolution…..entitled Resurrection!
MM: The ‘Resurrection’ of the EIWF under a new owner, however it appears he's planning to end one era and start a new one as he gives some of the ‘old boys’ a send off. As far as I’m concerned they are superstars that made this company great and by throwing them on the done pile…..putting them in the retirement home….it's a great show of a lack of respect to them.
JH: More on the pay per view later, but tonight we have the Regal versus a mystery person….., The Genesis champion Elis Black versus Kurt Angle and in the main event…...Suicide and Jimmy Brandon from the New Era Icons versus the CREW’s Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett.
MM: The Boss has thrown together Regal and a mystery person in the opening match because quite frankly….he doesn't care for him or his opponent or what they bring to the EIWF. Its filler material and he's pretty much expressed that himself. Then you have a huge match, the undefeated Ellis ‘Showtime’ Black versus an EIWF Legend and former world champion….Kurt Angle. This is a big test for Ellis and a chance for him to shut up some of his critics who have accused him of not beating the top stars. Well last week he faced Davie J, this week he faces Kurt Angle. A win tonight and he will shut up those doubters for good.The main event, the New Era Icons vs the CREW. The champions Suicide and Jimmy Brandon versus the CREW’s Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett. I'm going with the CREW on this.
JH: There's a surprise.
MM: Hear me out here Hicks. There are some cracks appearing between Suicide and Brandon. Suicide and Ellis are here for themselves, to be winners. Brandon is here….for the fans…..that's a conflict of interests and its been bubbling to the surface and in a high profile match tonight…...it could all come to a head….and that works in the CREW’s favor.
(Camera cuts backstage with Ellis and Suicide in a locker room talking)
EB: Tonight we take a step further for the new era icons. I will beat Kurt Angle and you and Jimmy will beat those two dinosaurs from the CREW.
Sui: Once again, we extend our run as the longest reigning genesis tag team champions and you…..extend your undefeated streak!
EB: You need to get Jimmy on side, get him to snap out of the whole doing it for the fans stuff. They do nothing for us, they will be his undoing and he doesn't realize it.
Sui: I will try and talk to him again…...I tried on the last show…..but it fell on deaf ears….
EB: Well he's got two choices, the New Era Icons way…..or he's on his own!
(The scene cuts back to the arena)
Land of Hope and Glory plays as Regal heads to the ring. He holds up the mic. and waits for the boos to subside.
Regal: Revolution?! You need to get your crippled arse out here and explain yourself. I am opening Evolution with a mystery opponent!? Well as I said before to another young, overinflated commissioner before, “I can’t hit myself?”… What the hell happened to….
(Regal’s mic. feed is cut. The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays as Revolution heads out to the top of the ramp and addresses Regal stood in the ring.)
Rev: What is your problem old man? I give you a spot on my first Evolution show and you lose to Jimmy Brandon and get all bent out of shape. You come to my office and claim to be a title contender. Well that was under the old management…
Regal: Old management? I’ve only been the No.1 contender in 2019. This isn’t old news… wait, I’ve been accused of dragging up the past too often. God forbid I get accused of being a broken record by these twitter junky millennial's who have no idea what a record is. How about we talk about the current head of booking? What about OUR talks THIS very week? I came to your office and demanded a title shot at the main event…
Rev: That’s your trouble Regal. You make demands of me and you will get burned. You’re about to learn that the hard way. I AM in charge now. The EIWF thanks you for your efforts in the past, but basically the push is over and you’ll fight whoever I tell you to, whenever I tell you to. I had other plans for the main event that have nothing, absolutely NOTHING to do with you.
Regal: So after all your talk of rooting out the liars and the cheaters you lie to me about a title shot? That’s a great example to set these impressionable, unwashed, feral kids down here. Look at the outrage in their toothless, hillbilly parents’ faces.
Rev: I am true to my word Regal. A man of your “talents” and obscene length of service can shine at the top of the card or the bottom of the card. Tonight you face The Anti-Hero, the winner of Final Stand, the “EIWF world champion” - L Double E!
(Revolution laughs and waves goodbye to Regal and heads into the backstage. Regal rages in the ring and tosses the mic. at the commentary table.)
MM: That nearly hit me in the face. If this mic. slinging catches on I’ll have to get this manly kisser insured. This is where the money is folks.
JH: I wouldn’t worry Mark, with your looks the premiums will only be about a buck fifty a month.
MM: Says the oil painting over here?
JH: Well there you have it folks. Regal will face L Double E in what will obviously not be the title fight Regal was hoping for. The EIWF World title was retired when the federation closed in 2003.
MM: The way the Prez has allowed the old belt to be paraded around by L Double E is crazy to me.
JH: Well not only is L Double E a hardened wrestler but he’s also been acting more and more…. Unhinged?….. since the EIWF reboot. Who in his right mind is brave enough or stupid enough to try and take the belt from him?
MM: Ban L Double E from the building if he’s carrying the belt. Then you can make it Security’s problem.
JH: I don’t think Security will thank you for that…. This match is set to start now…. Is L Double E even aware of this match?
(Steal my shine by Marz plays and L Double E makes his way to the ring. The crowd seem to be behind L Double E as Regal is busy throwing abuse at an old lady in the front row at ringside from the apron. Regal and L Double E meet in the center of the ring as the referee talks them through what he wants from them.)
L double E vs Regal
MM: I’ll take the reins for this one Jim… Regal and L Double E lock up…. L Double E backs Regal up into a corner and they break clean…. Regal and L Double E lock up again…. L Double E backs Regal up into a corner and they break clean…. Collar and elbow tie up again …. L Double E slips Regal into a wrist lock ….. Regal rolls out of the twist, grabs L Double E’s arm and applies an armbar…. L Double E grabs for Regal’s leg, but he moves it out of range …… L Double E repositions himself ….. knees Regal in the back and Regal drops the hold ….. L Double E slips in beside Regal….. brutal Russian leg sweep! …. Regal grabs the back of his head in pain but gets back to his feet quickly …… Regal and L Double E lock up…. L Double E backs Regal up into a corner and they break clean…. God I’m bored to hell…. Jim, take over……
JH: What? Don’t disrespect their work Madden?!
MM: Well come on... get angry…. Thumb him in the eye…. Punch him in the face…. What’s all this clean break stuff?
JH: Sorry folks… Regal and L Double E circle each other….. collar and elbow tie up ….. Regal gets in behind L Double E with a rear hammerlock …... L Double E reaches back for Regal’s head, but winces as Regal applies the pressure….. L Double E suddenly twists in towards Regal, reverses and has Regal in a hammerlock of his own….. Regal curses out loud…. Regal goes to twist out of the hold but L Double E blocks the move….. L Double E drops the hold and grabs Regal in a side headlock….. Regal drops to one knee from the pressure applied….. Regal lifts at L Double, going for a side suplex….. L Double E applies more pressure and Regal groans with pain and drops L Double E back to his feet….. Regal walks L Double E into the ropes and L Double E breaks the hold….. Regal cranks his neck shakes out the cobwebs and comes back at L Double E…… Regal locks up with L Double E ….. walks him back into the ropes and Irish whips him out …… Regal use the ropes ……. Regal meets L Double E with a high knee center of the ring …… L Double E goes down hard …… Regal drags L Double E up and whips him into the ropes again …… meeting in the middle…… double clothesline and both men are down…… both men roll to opposite sides of the ring and pace the outside ….. The referee tries to get them back in the ring but hasn’t started counting yet …… Hang on…. What is this?!.....
(Regal grabs a microphone from the commentary table and switches it on.)
Regal: L Double E?! What the hell are we fighting for? No one respects us. The fans don’t appreciate this spectacle we’re laying on. The office wants us to beat each other’s brains in for no chance at a title.
(L Double E paces around to the commentary table side of the ring and cautiously grabs a microphone.)
LEE: I’m listening.
Regal: You told me you want the tag titles. I want to make a point about the ageism around here and I want some gold around my waist. We have a hatred of the establishment and the New Era Icons in common.
LEE: Well Anti-Hero is the label on the tin Regal. Of course I don’t march to the beat the office drums out. Get to your point Regal…
Regal: Long story short…. Let’s tag up. (The crowd cheer) Let’s take a shot at Jimmy Brandon and Suicide and spend our efforts taking titles instead of just taking bumps for nothing.
LEE: Regal…. You’re smarter than you look thats for sure!......your on.
(The crowd cheer with surprise at the prospect. There’s a pause as L Double E waits for the crowd reaction to subside.)
LEE: But there’s a match to finish and I want my appearance money.
Regal: OK. I’m a professional, but I’m not sure beating the hell out of each other is a good start to a partnership.
LEE: Well I think you know what to do then.
Regal: Well do I need to lose? Shouldn’t we toss a coin?
LEE: Are you going to expect me to give up my EIWF World Title to start a Tag team partnership? I have the reunification of all these titles to consider.
Regal: Fine…
(Regal drops his microphone. L Double E and Regal roll into the ring and stand in the middle of the ring.)
MM: What the hell just happened? Is this some kind of rebellion against the office? Revolution has a revolution on his hands….
JH: Well Regal has laid down and the referee looks absolutely confused….. L Double E rests his boot on Regal’s chest …. The referee is about to count the pinfall……. Now what…..
(The strains of Love and War by Drowning Pool plays as Revolution heads out to the top of the ramp. Revolution addresses Regal and L Double E in the ring.)
Rev: Who in the hell do you think you are? I will not pay you for a match where you lay down for your opponent. Why do you think you are going to get a shot at the tag belts, any sooner than you are going to get a shot at the Genesis or Legends title?
LEE: Because the fans will soon get bored of watching Jeff Jarrett and Big Poppa vs the champs over and over again. There’s only so long you can hide opponents from us. The Hero and The Zero Mark 2…. (Regal gets back to his feet and says something that isn’t heard properly on the mic.)…. OK, “The Hero and The Maestro” Connection will just keep pushing until the crowd gets the champions they deserve….
(The crowd pop and start a “L Double E” chant)
Rev: Well I am still not paying you for this travesty of a match unless there’s a true winner.
LEE: Oh. Sorry Regal.
JH: Regal looks confused as L Double E stuns him with a head shot with the mic. …. Hooks him up! ……. Hero drop!!!!!! hero drop!!!!! hero drop!!!! (outsiders edge)…… L double E covers ……1 …….2 ……..3!
Winner by pinfall L Double E
MM: Does this mean the tag team partnership is over before it’s begun…… Nope…… Regal and L Double E have rolled to the outside and L Double E has helped him up….. Even with the crowds natural dislike for Regal it looks like the crowd are accepting this partnership quite well…… listen to that reaction…… The nuts guy and the uptight Brit? ….. How is this going to be a winning combo?
JH: Well that’s one way of looking at it, but the crowd seem pleased. This team is also the most improved wrestler of last year and the winner of Final Stand. L Double E has been a tag team champion before? ….
MM: You really are a glass is half full kind of guy aren’t you? Keep that silver lining style optimistic commentary to yourself…… Did you see the face on Revolution as he headed into the back? I think they’re getting paid tonight, but I personally think those two have pissed off the wrong man…..
JH: As we mentioned at the beginning of the show our first PPV under Revolution is Resurrection. The boss has agreed to give Davie J the dream match he’s always wanted as he agrees to take a step back. Davie J will face Wishmaster in the main event of the PPV.
MM: What a match of epic proportions, but the big question is…..will Wishmaster turn up? He has not been seen in the EIWF for over six months!
JH: Well the Boss did express this concern but the ICON Davie J has told Revolution to book the match and Wishmaster will appear.
MM: We will see.
JH: Also a special presentation for the Anti-Hero L double E who will be given the recognition for winning the Final Stand PPV.
MM: Yes….also this is part of another deal to put the old boys to rest. L double E is meant to step back from the spotlight in return of the presentation.
JH: Now I can tell you, exclusively that more matches have been signed for the PPV.
MM: Tell us Hicks….what you got?
JH: How about….Suicide versus Hollywood Hogan!!
MM: Woah! Hollywood is going to squash Suicide like a fly!
JH: Suicide has been looking to take on Hollywood Hogan for a while but Hogan has been feeding him other members of the CREW but Revolution has now booked the match.
MM: That is another huge match for the PPV.
JH: Also I’m told the Genesis title will be defended on the PPV but the opponent is yet to be confirmed.
MM: I can't wait Hicks!
(Showtime plays and the fans boo. Ellis walks out with the Genesis title and makes his way to the ring.)
MM: Here he is…undefeated and still Genesis champion…..Ellis…...SHOWTIME….Blaaaaaaaack!
JH: The leader of the New Era Icons will be facing former EIWF World Champion Kurt Angle here tonight!.
(Medal plays and the fans POp as images of the Kurt Angle are shown. He walks out and slaps the hands of fans on his way to the ring)
JH: What a reception for Kurt Angle!
MM: Hicks whatever happened to the EX3? You know with Davie J, Kurt Angle, Revolution and Badd Dogg?
JH: I….erm…..
MM: Let me tell you, they were too lazy, and not committed enough or good enough to compete with today’s stars…except Davie J of course who was held back by the EX3!
JH: I’m not sure most of us see it like that.
(It’s Showtime by Southpaw Swagger plays and the fans boo. The word ‘Showtime’ is shown on the Extreme screen above the ramp as Ellis walks out holding the Genesis title. He walks to the ring with a swagger and moves away from fans hands who reach out to touch him. He makes it to the ring and climbs the steps…...he points to his New Era Icons t shirt)
(Medal plays and images of Kurt Angle’s title runs in the EIWF are shown. He walks out to a huge reaction from the fans and he has a huge smile on his face as he embraces fans on the way to the ring)
Genesis title match
Ellis Black vs Kurt Angle
JH: Both athletes are in the ring…..the Ref holds the Genesis title up and calls for the bell (ding ding)....Kurt Angle is leaning on the ropes testing the tension but Ellis Black looks unimpressed……...he's just watching Kurt Angle who looks out to the fans who cheer …...Kurt walks back to the middle of the ring…...he locks up with Ellis Black ………. Angle throws Black into the ropes………. Black comes back and hits Angle with a forearm…….. Angle stumbles back and onto the ropes……. he comes back off the ropes and is met with a standing dropkick by Elis Black………
MM: What an impressive show of athleticism by the champ!
JH:…. Ellis gets to his feet and grabs hold of Kurt Angle…..pulls him up to his feet…...and hits a suplex………. Ellis quickly pulls Kurt Angle up again…... Kurt Angle hip tosses Ellis over the top rope to the outside (the fans cheer)……...Kurt rests in the corner trying to catch his breath…..the Ref begins to count Ellis……..1………………..2…………….. Ellis gets to his feet and starts to taunt the fans in the front row………………..3………………...4…………... Ellis climbs the ring apron and leans on the ropes….he continues to taunt the fans (fans cheer) as Kurt Angle leans over and grab the hair is Ellis black and pulls him back into the ring over the top rope…….
MM: Look at that! Illegal moves by Kurt Angle! That's the difference between the champions of years ago and the respected champion we have today in Ellis Black!
JH: I don't know what you're talking about Mark it look like Kurt just wanted to get on with the match…...he didn't want to disappoint fans with the match ending in a count out so just helped Ellis back into the ring!
MM: I think you need new glasses Hicks!
JH: Back to the action fans……..the two are locked up in the middle of the ring Ellis takes the advantage………. He pushes Kurt Angle into the corner and the Ref asks them to break the hold……….both men slowly lift their arms up and then Ellis hits Kurt with a chop to the chest…….. The Ref warns Ellis but he ignores the Referee!……... Ellis Irish whips Kurt Angle into the opposite corner and Ellis follows in with a clothesline………..Kurt drops to his knees and onto the mat………..Ellis taunts the fans again and says ‘there's your hero right there’ (the fans respond with loud boos)……….. Ellis gets down and covers Kurt Angle for the pin….the referee gets into position and counts……..1…………...2……….. foot on the rope by Kurt Angle! Ellis looks frustrated here…….Ellis stands on his feet and drops his knees onto Kurt Angle…………. Kurt rolls to the outside……..Ellis Black climbs the turnbuckle and raises his arms (the fans in the front row start to throw trash at Ellis)…………... Kurt Angle is walking on the outside and the Ref is counting……………..1…………………….2…………...3………………... Kurt slides back in under the bottom rope…... Ellis meets him and stomps him to the head!
MM: Ellis looks like he's in total control here!
JH: Don't count out the former World champion just yet Mark!........Ellis pulls Kurt Angle up to his feet...small package by Kurt….the Ref gets down and counts………...1…………...2………..kick out!.........Ellis looks irate!.....Ellis hits Angle with a hard right…..and another…….and another……..Ellis grabs Angle’s head and throws it into the turnbuckle……...Ellis grabs Angle and hits a snap suplex………...Ellis covers…..the Reg gets down and counts………….1…………...2…….kick out by Angle!...........Ellis gets up…..drops an elbow on Angle and covers again! The Reg gets down and counts…………..1…………….2……..kick out by Angle!..........Ellis pulls Angle up…..throws Angle into the ropes…...he comes back and is hit with a clothesline by Ellis………..Angle is down on the mat………..Ellis gets down and grabs Angle from behind….BLACKOUT!!!! BLACKOUT!!!! BLACKOUT!!!!! The Reg gets down and checks…..Angle has his hand up……..
MM: He's fading Hicks…..it's only a matter of time!
JH: Angles arm begins to drop…..the Ref lifts it up…...it drops……..he lifts it a second time…..it drops……..and he lifts it a third time…...it drops!!! The Ref calls for the bell!!!
MM: I told you Hicks!
JH: What a big one for Ellis!
MM: Yeah and one sided too! He dominated Kurt Angle…...People will sit up and take notice of this win
Winner - Ellis Black
(It’s Showtime plays and the Ref hands the Genesis title to Ellis who holds it in the air…..he asks for a mic)
MM: The champ has something to say!
EB: Right here, this belt is the most prestigious championship in wrestling today. Forget the ‘has been’ Legends title. Forget the decommissioned Loony title that the freak wears. Forget the Cant Wrestle title that chicken Kendrick has. This title here shows I am the top wrestler in the industry today. I will take on anyone, anytime, anywhere!!! This is a new era…….the Era of Ellis Showtime Black!
JH: The champ appears to be putting out an open challenge!
MM: Hicks he's confident, and has every right to be…….what is his win record at? 20-0? 25-0? 50-0?
JH: I believe officially it stands at 36 wins and no defeats!
(The scene cuts backstage with Jimmy Brandon and Suicide in a locker room together)
Sui: Jimmy, you need to get your head straight. You need to be there for me tonight
JB: You know I am Suicide, your like a brother. You and the fans mean the world to me.
Sui: That's what I’m talking about. Stop worrying about the fans, they mean nothing!
JB: How can you say that? It's there cheers, there positive thinking that got us the win for the tag titles!
Sui: Stop talking shit!
JB: I stay true to myself and the fans…...Suicide we have to play by the rules or we are no better than those who brought this place down before us. Let's listen to the fans, there cheers are with a million more than any amount of money!
Sui: Tonight you watch my back, forget about playing by the rules. You watch my back, your either with the New Era Icons…..or your on your own!
(Suicide walks out of the room as Jimmy holds his head in his hands)
MM: definitely issues for the tag team champions Hicks. There up against the masters of manipulation, Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett from the CREW!
JH: The teag champs need to be on the same wavelength if they are to keep those tag titles that's for sure.
(Superstar by Saliva plays as images of the CREW are shown on the Extreme screen. Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett walks out to a chorus of boo’s from the fans)
MM: Listen to those cheers Hicks, yep the fans love the CREW!
JH: What on earth are you on about? All I hear is boo’s!
MM: Ah….another non believer…..Timmy never stayed true…..let this be a warning…..where is he now?? CREW hater!
(Last Resort by Papa Roach plays and there is a mixed reaction from the fans. Images of the New Era Icons are shown. The fans cheer when they see Jimmy Brandon but its mixed when they see images of Suicide. The two walk out and hold the tag titles in the air. They walk to the ring with purpose and then start to talk as they get to ringside about who is going to start….)
Tag Team title match
Suicide & Jimmy Brandon vs Big Poppa and Jeff Jarrett
JH: Big Poppa is in the ring with Jarrett on the outside…...it appears Suicide is telling Jimmy to stay on the outside and he will start….
MM: It doesn't look rosey between the tag champs does it Hicks?
JH: It sure doesn't Mark…….Suicide and Big Poppa lock up………...Poppa breaks the hold and hits Suicide with an uppercut…….Poppa grabs Suicide……..belly to belly suplex! Poppa gets up…...drops an elbow………..Poppa gets up and walks over to Jimmy and slaps him the face……..the Ref walks over and tries to get between Jimmy and Poppa……..Jarrett is in…….he stomps on Suicide…..he pulls Suicide up…..STROKE!!!! STROKE!!! STROKE!!!!.....The Ref turns round and sees Jarrett in the ring and tells him to get out…….Big Poppa walks over and covers Suicide……..the Ref gets down and counts………...1…………...2………………………….
MM: What the hell?
JH: Big Poppa lifted the head of Suicide up! They could of won the tag titles! Big Poppa is taunting Jimmy Brandon…….telling him to get in the ring……...Poppa drops the head of Suicide again and the Ref counts…………...1……………...2………….again Big Poppa lifts the head of Suicide to break the count! Big Poppa pulls Suicide up and holds him from behind….Jerrett gets in the ring and boots Suicide to the gut….the Ref warns Jarrett who steps back out………(the fans start a Jimmy chant)........Jimmy holds out his hand and tries to call to Suicide to make the tag…...Big Poppa throws Suicide into the corner and follows in with a clothesline…...Big Poppa tags in Jarrett……..Jarrett pulls Suicide up…..scoops him up and slams him down……..Jarrett goes off the rops and drops a knee on Suicide…….Big Poppa grabs a chair from under the ring……..Jarrett has a headlock on Suicide…..the ring checks its legal…….Suicide reaches back and pokes Jarrett in the eye…….Jarrett breaks the hold…..Suicide begins to crawl towards Jimmy…..Jarrett grabs the foot of Suicide and pulls him back….He pulls Suicide up and throws him into the ropes…(bang! Big Poppa hits Suicide with the chair in the back)........the Ref goes over and grabs the chair from Big Poppa and throws it to the outside….he warns Big Poppa……..Jarrett walks over and arges with the Ref………….Suicide crawls towards Jimmy and reaches out and makes the tag! Jimmy gets in the ring(the fans cheer).....he hits Jarrett with a forearm to the back…...the Ref grabs Jimmy and tells him to leave the ring!
MM: The Ref never saw the tag!
JH: The Ref is making Jimmy get back out…..Jarrett grabs Suicide and puts on the figure four leglock! Big Poppa drops down on the outside……….he walks round and pulls Jimmy down and throws him into the steel steps!.......in the Ring the Reg is checking of Suicide submits but he shakes his head………...Big Poppa reaches under the ring and pulls out another chair………..he climbs through the ropes……..the Ref tells Big Poppa he will disqualify them if he uses it………..Big Poppa hesitates……….Jimmy Brandon slides in the ring and grabs the chair from Big Poppa (the fans cheer)........Big Poppa runs and hits the Ref with a clothesline knocking him down!!!
MM: What the hell? This is going to be a no contest! The CREW could of won it!
JH: I dont think that's what they wanted to do, they wanted to hurt them! JImmy Brandon still has the chair……...Big Poppa is telling him to use it……..he holds it up….(the fans boo)......he drops it down and clotheslines Big Poppa to the outside and the fans cheer!.........Jimmy picks the chair back up and walks over to Jarrett and Suicide….he tells Jarrett to break the hold…….Jarrett breaks the hold and sits on his knees holding his hands up begging not to be hit…...Suicide gets up….he takes the chair from Jimmy and swings it back to hit Jarrett (the fans boo heavily)......Jimmy grabs the chair from Suicide (the fans POP!).........
MM: Jarrett looks relieved!
JH: Suicide doesn't look happy……….he's arguing with Suicide!.........Suicide takes two steps back………….(BANG!)......Jimmy hits Jarrett with the chair…...there's a bug smile on the face of Suicide…...Jimmy hits him again!.......(the fans boo as Suicide and Jimmy hug).......
MM: I don't believe it! I never thought \I would see Jimmy Brandon turn his back on the fans!!
(There's cheers as L double E and Regal run out!)
JH: Its L double E and Regal…………
MM: What are they doing, they have no business being out here!
JH: L double E slides in the ring…….Jimmy swings the chair at the Anti Hero…….Regal slides in and takes the chair from behind and throws it out……….Suicide and Jimmy both slide out the ring and point at L double E and Regal…(the fans are cheering as L double E holds the old EIWF World title in the air…...L double E then throws Regal a ‘6:11’ t shirt to wear while wearing his own VICTORIOUS t-shirt...)……...fans we are outta time!
(The scene cuts to Revolution backstage watching the show on a monitor)
Rev: The old boys think they can run riot around here? Well if Regal and L double E want to get involved with the tag title scene lets get some of the guys involved. That's why for the Resurrection pay per view i’m booking Jimmy Brandon with his new and improved attitude to face Big Poppa. Also Ellis Black will defend his Genesis title against Badd Dogg….it’s time to let the new blood shine! For those old fans….let's have an opening match of a couple of has beens while most of the fans are still getting in there seats. A throw away match of Regal vs Jeff Jarrett…..
(The scene fades to black)