EIWF Network Archive
1999- 2020

EIWF Presents
No Guts No Glory
May 22nd 2000
Pay Per View
EIWFTRON- Outside the arena an entourage of Limousines arrive, Out gets Sting, Terri runnels, Undertaker, Dawn Marie, X-Pac, Tori, Kevin Nash, Jenna Jameson, Scott Hall, Shane McMahon, Vince Russo, Trish stratus and the Rock, they enter the building...
ROCK=We got the whole crew here tonight...
TRISH=But someone’s missing right?
ROCK=Yeah, he'll be here later, but we gotta lot of ass to kick tonight!
Fireworks go off in the Arena.....
TM=Welcome to No Guts No Glory, and this sold out crowd is red hot for the action, and so am I, and so is my partner who missed Doomsday, this past Tuesday, Mark Madden!
MM=Evening Timmy, I had business on Tuesday, but I wouldn’t miss the PPV tonight, 8 matches, 5 Title matches, I can’t wait!
TM=and we just saw the NMWO arrive, with an entourage of beauties!
MM=it still won’t help them get over, they still reek of shit!
EIWFTRON-The NMWO arrive at a skybox, and all take seats, seemingly in a party mood..
Serving hard time plays as the Bossman walks out, and down to the ring...
TM=and here is the Hardcore champion, and the Bossman has no idea who he is against tonight!
MM=it could be anyone, I have no idea, I usually here something, but I honestly don’t have a clue!
TM=well as the Bossman waits in the ring, were gonna find out real soon who his opponent is!
EIWFTRON- shows the Prez sat behind a desk...
PREZ=Hi, Now this is a recording, but Bossman your opponent tonight, sorry, your opponent's!!!, now I have had a tough time finding these, but I have worked miracles, and for one night only, they are here, if they beat you, which they could well do, they will surrender the Title straight afterwards....now I can tell, your excited about who your against...well they are quite possibly the Greatest tag team to ever, step foot in the EIWF!...I think I have said too much......I'll see you later........
TM=who the hell could that be???
MM=greatest tag team, the Goodguys, I don’t know???
Gonna fly now hits.....Mr White walks out onto the ramp, gives a thumbs up, nods in approval with his hands on his hips....heads down the ramp, salutes the crowd.....he is followed by the Fenom, who walks out onto the stage, bangs his head with his hands, screams at the crowd, then heads down the ramp....the crowd are on their Feet!!!
TM=Mark!!!......Mark.....Do you see who that is???
MM=Timmy, I am speechless, Never in my life, did I think I would see this team again!!!
TM=OH!!!....Ladies and gentlemen, The Beach blondes are back in the House.....this is amazing, we haven’t seen them for god knows how long!!!....
THE BEACH BLONDES vs BOSSMAN- Hardcore Title Match-
TM=Mr White and The Fenom pace the outside, as the Bossman watches on in the ring not amused, a trolley of weapons is brought out......Mr White enters the ring, he and bossman pace the ring....Mr White offers a test of strength...Bossman goes to accept, Mr White pulls away, and runs his hand through his hair...the crowd POP!!...Bossman goes for a clothesline...white ducks, kicks bossman to the groin, Upper cuts him, Bossman goes down, the Fenom is up top, Big Elbow.....Fenom slides out....white pulls Bossman up, slaps him, and again, sends him to the ropes, bossman reverses it, sends white to the ropes, bossman misses a clothesline, bossman turns round, White dropkicks him to the knee, Bossman drops down, The Fenom chucks in a metal tray, White grabs it, nails Bossman round the face with it, and again, chucks it down, Bossman is reeling....white tags the fenom in, the fenom enters, calls to the fans who who cheer!, he charges the bossman, bossman grabs him, lifts him up, fenom bites bossman on the head, Bossman drops him down,...fenom slides through his legs, low blows him, Bossman drops down.....White slides a chair in...Fenom grabs it, nails Bossman across the head, Bossman goes down.....Fenom sets the chair up, and sits on it, looking at his watch, the crowd cheer, and chant blondes....Fenom gets up, and tags White in...White pulls bossman up, right hand, and again, goes to slam him, but can’t....Bossman slams white down...the crowd Boooo...Bossman misses an elbow....White is back up, takes bossman legs out from behind him, he goes down, White grabs the chair, nails bossman across the back, and again....Fenom chucks a trashcan in.....White nails bossman with that, dumps it over his head....Fenom is up top...Missile dropkick, takes bossman down....white exits, pulls a table out from under the ring, while fenom stomps on Bossman....white slides the table in...and re-enters, sets the table up...fenom pulls bossman up, bossman elbows fenom to the gut, sends him to the ground...bossman grabs his night stick....misses white, and again, fenom is back up, bossman moves out of the way of a dropkick, white nails fenom down....bossman nails white to the gut with the night stick, then across the back.....Fenom is back up, bossman tries to take him down with a big boot, the fenom ducks, bossman turns round, and catches the fenom, Side-walk slams him down....covers...........1............2..........NOOO...white saves......Bossman is back up....white kicks bossman to the gut, calls to the crowd, bossman low blows him....GOOD GOD!!!...Side walks slam through the table.........1............2.........3....
RESULT- Bossman by Pinfall- and still Hardcore champion-
TM=Bossman slides out, as Serving hard-time plays, he grabs his Title and exits.....what a start, I cant believe we saw the Beech close blondes one last time...WOW!!!!!
MM=shame they couldn't end with a win, but they did well, they are in the Hall of Fame, they have to be, the people love them!!!!!
EIWFTRON- Backstage the Undertaker leaves the NMWO skybox, and heads down a corridor...
Elsewhere Regal shines up the TV Title in his Room...
TM=Fans still along way togo tonight, up next is the First Blood match, between the Undertaker and Badd Dogg, what a match that should be....
MM=well will Badd Dogg be focused 100%, cos he is gonna be the Referee for tonights Triple Threat World Title match!!
TM=well time will tell...but before our next match gets underway, just to remind you that on June 18th, it is the date for our next PPV!, entitled Judgement Night!
Ministry plays as the Undertaker walks out, and down to the ring......
TM=and here comes the Phenom, the man from the darkside, who will try and make Badd Dogg bleed tonight!!
MM=now as much as I hate Badd Dogg, also hate the Undertaker as well, so lets hope we see lots of Blood!!!
Bawitaba plays.......
TM=and where is Badd Dogg??
MM=he has bottled it, chicken!!!
TM=I dont think so....OH wait!!!....the lights have gone out, but Badd Dogg's music plays......Oh God! the lights are back, and Badd Dogg is behind Undertaker in the ring....
BADD DOGG vs UNDERTAKER- First Blood match-
TM=Undi turns round,....right hand, and again, sends undi to the ropes, clotheslines him down, undi is back up, dogg nails him again, and again, kicks him to the gut, slams him down, dogg off the ropes...elbows undi....both men are back up, undi elbows dogg to the gut, and again, upper cuts dogg down, undi pulls dogg up, knocks him to the corner, chokes him.....dogg goes down, undi kicks him, pulls dogg up, sends him to the other corner, follows in with an elbow..dogg goes down....Undi pulls him up, right hand, and again, sends dogg to the ropes, dogg ducks the clothsline....undi turns round....dogg, nails him, and again, and again, knocks undi to the corner, dogg lays in with more punches.....undi goes down....dogg gives him the finger, pulls him up, kicks him to the gut....PILEDRIVER!...undi is down, he rolls to the outside.....Dogg follows him out, kicks undi to the gut, slams his head down on the steps, undi drops down, dogg grabs a chair, the crowd are going wild, dogg nails undi across the back, and again, undi is down..dogg chucks the chair down, salutes the crowd, who cheer!...dogg pulls undi up, right hand, slides him in the ring, dogg enters, undi stomps him, and again, dogg gets up, undi upper cuts him, slams him down, chokes him, the ref breaks it up....Undi is up, dogg is up, they lock up....dogg knees undi to the gut, and again....DDT!!!..undi is down, dogg punches undi, again, and again....Undertaker is gonna bleed soon.....Dogg is up, pulls undi up, sends him to the ropes, undi ducks the clotheslines, dogg turns round....undi kicks him to the gut....CHOKESLAM!!!...dogg is down.....Undi pulls a blade out his pocket, the ref tries to take it off him....undi pushes the ref down...goes for Dogg, dogg moves, Undi swings again, Dogg is up and ducks, knocks it out of Undertakers hand, kicks him to the gut.....DOGG POUND!!>...Undi is down.....Shane is out.......Dogg grabs the blade, the ref is still down....shane is in the ring, nails dogg to the back, dogg turns round, swings for shane, shane ducks and slides out...dogg follows, Shane runs round the outside....dogg follows, shane rolls back in,...dogg follows, undi is back up, clotheslines dogg down....the ref is coming round...shane tackles the ref down.....undi grabs the blade.....dogg elbows undi to the gut, swings for a right hand, undi ducks, and catches dogg with the blade....dogg nails undi, he drops the blade. Dogg catches it, slashes undi with it....pulls him down...DOGG POUND!!!!....shane has the ref, pointing at Dogg.....he's bleeding, and so is Undi....ref calls for the bell.....
RESULT- Undertaker by Making Badd Dogg bleed-
TM=dogg grabs shane, right hand, and again....DOGG POUND!!!!...shane goes down...dogg calls to the outside, he is chucked a beer!, he opens it and drinks....bawitaba plays...as Badd Dogg climbs each turnbuckle....Undi is coming round,Dogg stomps him down....dogg pulls Shane up, and smashes the can of beer round his head...Badd Dogg slides out, with blood covering his face...he exits...as the crowd Cheer!!!!!
MM=Badd Dogg lost the match, but has the upperhand, as we get closer to the main event, I would say Badd Dogg=1 and the NMWO=0.....
TM=well Undertaker with the help of Shane, got the win, but their both down in the ring, and Badd Dogg, later on will be in charge of the Rock's world Title shot....
MM=exactly...Badd Dogg is not the person to Piss off!!!!
EIWFTRON- Backstage Eddie D talks on the phone.......
Elsewhere outside the arena...a car arrives....out gets Jeff Jarrett, he has the US Title...he is followed by Debra.....the Prez gets out, carrying the Guitar, he is followed by Tylene buck and April Hunter....they all enter the building....
PREZ=Tonight Jeff, you will embarrass Austin, your surprise run-in, is ready and waiting, and the Guitar is ready to go!!
JARRETT=tonight I show just why I have all the stroke around here!!!
Surfacing plays as Metyl heads out, and down to the ring.....
TM=here we go, flag on a pole match...and the winner will be TV Champion, although, Revolution does have the belt!
MM=Im so glad he's back, I mean sure he was jobbed at wrestlfest, but wasn't everyone, well he's back, to take care of Goldberg tonight, once and for all!!..and he will be TV Champ soon....
Land of hope & glory plays as Steven Regal walks out, and down to the ring...
TM=well here is the TV Champ, and this match a flag on a pole match, as you can see, in one corner is an American flag, in the other is a British flag, and to win, is to take down the opposing flag, and destroy it...should be interesting....
STEVEN REGAL vs METYL- Flag on a pole TV Title Match-
TM=here we go, metyl nails Regal, and again, dropkicks him down, pulls regal up, chops him, and again, slams him down, heads for the corner, regal is up, pulls metyl down, right hand, sends him to the other corner, follows in with a knee, metyl drops down...regal pulls metyl up, suplexs him over...drops an elbow, and again.....regal head to the flag, metyl is up, clotheslines regal into the corner...regal goes down...metyl pulls him up, swinging neck breaker...regal is down...metyl heads to the corner, starts to climb...regal is up, nails metyl to the back....Backbreaker on metyl...Regal is back up, drops a knee, regal heads to his corner, starts to climb.....Revolution walks out, carrying the TV Title, Regal stops climbing, and calls Rev down....Rev ignores him, and walks slowly to the ring...metyl is back up, low blows regal, regal drops down....metyl pulls him round....Slams him down, drops an elbow...Rev walks round the ring.....Metyl pulls Regal up, chops him, side suplex......Metyl heads to his corner..and climbs....Rev is up on the apron, with the TV Title...Rev knocks the ropes...metyl goes down.....Rev raises the Title, as he Booo's.....Metyl is up, nails Rev down.....Regal is back up, pulls Metyl round...applies the cross face chicken wing, Metyl goes down....Rev is back up, enters the ring, breaks the hold up...regal is up, rev nails him, and again,.....RDD!!!....Regal is down....Metyl grabs the belt....Nails rev to the back of the head......Metyl climbs the turnbuckle...grabs the flag...and takes it off, climbs back down.....he breaks it over Regals back.....ref calls for the bell....
RESULT- Metyl by getting the flag- and NEW TV Champion-
TM=Metyl wins, He picks up the TV Title and raises it up, he goes to a turnbuckle and climbs it....Revolution is back up, he grabs the other flag.....nails Metyl down.....pulls him up...RDD!!!!...Revolution grabs the TV Title and leaves, as antichrist superstar plays.....well Metyl is the New champ, but again Revolution leaves with the belt, and regal is down....
MM=Revolution just getting involved in the action, he's warming up before his match!!!
EIWFTRON- backstage Rage is with Bio, Job & Steele, they talk....
Elsewhere Jeff Jarrett & the Prez head down a corridor.....
Voodoo child hits as Hollywood Hogan walks out, and down to the ring......
TM=Hollywood Hogan is here, in a Falls count anywhere No DQ Match, this is gonna be wild....
MM=Hogan is in his element here.....he is gonna enjoy this....
EIWFTRON- backstage The Prez and Jeff Jarrett are talking to someone.....
Elsewhere the Rock is on the phone......
Smasher plays as Rage walks out, and down to the ring......
TM=Hogan is out the ring, clotheslines rage down, there down the aisle....
RAGE vs HOLLYWOOD HOGAN- Falls count anywhere- No DQ match-
TM=Hogan pulls Rage up, right hand, and again, sends rage into the barrier....rage goes down, Hogan stomps on him, pulls him up, right hand, and again, knocks rage down...pulls him up, slams rage down.,...drops an elbow...waits for rage to get up, hogan clotheslines him into the crowd....Hogan follows, grabs a chair, nails rage across the back, and again, rage goes down, hogan covers......1.............2...........Kick out, Hogan pulls rage up, rage elbows Hogan to the gut, Hogan backs off, rage nails hogan, barges him down, rage stomps hogan, chokes him out........Rage pulls Hogan up, knocks him back over into the aisle...rage follows, pulls hogan up, slams him down....covers..........1............2.........Hogan kicks....rage pulls Hogan up, misses a right hand, hogan nails rage, and again, rakes him to the back, kicks him to the gut....backbreaker.......Hogan covers.........1.........2.......Rage kicks....Hogan pulls rage up, right hand, rage stumbles up the ramp, Hogan follows, right hand again......rage goes down....Hogan drops an elbow...and again, pulls rage up, slams him down on the stage......Hogan calls to the crowd, who cheer....he goes for the legdrop, rage moves, Hogan is down, Rage is back up,....stomps Hogan., pulls him up, right hand, and again, Hogan stumbles back....they are getting awfully close to the stage edge.....Rage nails him again, goes again, but Hogan ducks, Hogan nails rage, and again, swings rage round to the edge....goes for a big boot...rage ducks, low blows Hogan, locks him up.....Hogan swings him round....GOOD GOD!!!......Belly to Belly off the stage, through a table, what a move by Hogan, never seen anything like that....both men are down.....the ref counts...........1..............2................3................4..............5........Hogan starts to move.....pulls himself up....Hogan is limping......I think he landed awkwardly.....Hogan pulls rage up, slams him down, covers.............1..................2............Rage kicked.....Hogan is back up, rage low blows hogan, hogan drops down....Rage kicks Hogan's leg, applies the Pit stopper........Hogan taps.......
RESULT- Rage by Submission-
TM=Rage still has the hold on....come on,...Some other officials come out....rage drops the hold, and exits as smasher plays....some paramedics come out, and help hogan away...this does not look good for hogan, he landed funny from that Belly to belly off the stage....and he tapped straight away....well we will follow this all the way,,,
MM=Hogan does not look good.....
EIWFTRON- Jeff Jarrett heads down the corridor with his US Title....
Elsewhere outside the arena, a car arrives and Davie J & Torrie Wilson get out, and enter the building....
Elsewhere Rage meets with Bio, Job & Steele, they celebrate.....
Hell frozen over plays as Steve Austin walks out, and down to the ring.....
TM=here we go, US Title Match!...
MM=Great, The Chosen One, will grace the screens soon!!!!
Cowboy plays as Jeff Jarrett walks out, with his US Title, he heads down to the ring......
TM=the Chosen Champ!
MM=you said it Timmy!!!
TM=Austin nails Jarrett, and again, knocks Jarrett down, stomps him, pulls Jarrett up, right hand, sends Jarrett to the ropes, clotheslines him down....pulls Jarrett up, right hand, side suplex....covers.............1.............Kick out...Austin pulls Jarrett up, sends him to the corner, follows in with a knee...Jarrett drops down......Austin kicks Jarrett while he is down....Austin pulls Jarrett up, Jarrett elbows Austin, chops him...Austin heads back....Jarrett dropkicks him down....Austin is down, Jarrett drops a knee, and again....pulls Austin up, applies the sleeper, wears Austin down......Austin drops to one knee.......The lights go out......what the hell.........whats going on........Wait there back.......Undertaker is in the ring.....CHOKESLAMS Jarrett.......Undertaker leaves the ring,....Austin covers Jarrett..........1............2........Jarrett kicked.........MY GOD!!!......that is...its the Honky tonk man....he's walking down the aisle...undertaker doesn't know......OH!>..Honky just laid the undertaker out with a Guitar....Austin cant believe it.....Sting heads out.....Jarrett pulls Austin round,....hits the Stroke.........1.............2.............3...
RESULT- Jeff Jarrett by Pinfall- and Still US Champion-
TM=Sting lays honky out....security run out....followed by the Prez, carrying a Guitar...security lead away Undertaker, Austin & Sting.......Cowboy plays as Jarrett helps Honky up, The Prez crotch chops the leaving NMWO members....Undertaker, Austin & sting are being escorted away!!!
MM=and The Chosen One is the champ, and seeing Honky again, Master stroke.....GENIUS!!!
EIWFTRON- Backstage Hogan is loaded into an ambulance, and it leaves......
Kevin Nash, X-Pac the Tag champs, with Scott Hall leave the NMWO skybox, and head down a corridor....
TM=I have been told, that Hogan's injury could be quite serious, he is being taken to a local hospital, and hopefully then we will get more news.....
MM=I hope so......Hollywood Hogan, the God of wrestling, and losing him to inury, will be a tragedy.....
EIWFTRON- The Undertaker, Austin & sting are exited from the building.....
At the NMWO room....Russo is furious...while the Rock is back on the phone again.......
Badd Dogg is being bandaged up by a paramedic in his room.....
Wolfpak theme plays as Kevin Nash & X-pac walk out with their Tag belts...they are followed by Scott Hall.....
TM=here we go, Tag Title Match....and we saw 3 members of the NMWO dumped out of the building....and the Rock was on the phone again.....who too???
MM=who cares!!!....I want to know who Nash & X-Pac are against!!
TM=well were gonna find out soon.....
EIWFTRON- Davie & Torrie relax in their room.....
Outside the arena a Limosuine arrives......
Whatever plays as Kidman and Rey Jnr walk out, and down to the ring....
REY JNR & KIDMAN vs KEVIN NASH & X-PAC- Tag Title Match-
TM=Nash clotheslines Kidman down, while Hall attacks Rey on the Outside, hey come on, get hall out of here!!Nash hits a side suplex on Kidman, Nash dumps Kidman in the corner, X-Pac hits the Bronco buster!...Pulls Kidamn up.....X-FACTOR!!!.......its over, Hall rolls rey in, Nash pulls him up, Jack knife powerbomb.....Pac covers kidman, while Nash covers Rey..........1............2.............3..
RESULT- Kevin Nash & X-Pac by Pinfall- and Still Tag Champions-
TM=Hall enters as the 3 celebrate, security run out, and escort the 3 away.....what is going on,...the Undertaker, Austin & Sting have already gone, and now Hall, Nash & X-Pac are going....someones got a grudge against the NMWO...cos there's only the Rock left!!!...he's all alone, and he's got the Triple Threat World Title match, to get through!!!
MM=the NMWO are being taken out of the equation, and Timmy like you said, the Rock is by himself now......he will have to prove himself, if he wants tobe the World Champ!!!!
EIWFTRON- Revolution heads down a corridor, with the TV Title.....
Elsewhere Jeff Jarrett & the Prez celebrate with the Honky tonk man, Debra, Tylene & april......
Outside the arena the Limousine is still there......
TM=we have been told, that an official announcement on the Condition of Hollywood Hogan will be made on Doomsday, but from what we know now, it does not look good!!!
MM=it didn't, and hopefully at Doomsday we'll here some good news!!
EIWFTRON- Eddie D is walking back & forth in his room, with a look of intensity in his eye's.....
Elsewhere the Vince Russo & shane Mcmahon leave The Rock, and head off......
Antichrist superstar plays as revolution walks out, with the TV Title...he heads down to the ring.....
TM=here we go, Grudge match time....
MM=come on Revolution, here we go!!!!
TM=rev nails goldberg, and again, sends him to the ropes, goldberg reverses it, sends rev to the ropes, rev ducks the clothesline, gold turns round, sidekicks rev down....pulls him up, right hand, and again, sends him to the corner, follows in with an elbow, rev goes down, goldberg pulls him up, right hand, hip tosses him over, stomps rev, rev tries to crawl off.....Goldberg pulls him up, puts him up into a gorilla press, drops him down.....rev rolls out, and heads down the aisle.....Goldberg calls him back.....Metyl walks out....Rev backs to the ring.....Goldberg grabs him, pulls rev back in, hits a shoulder breaker Rev, Metyl walks round ringside.....Goldberg pulls rev up, rev low blows goldberg, DDT's him down....Metyl grabs the TV Title, and exits, Rev exits after him......Metyl slides in the ring.....Goldberg is back up....SPEARS Metyl down....the crowd go crazy.....Rev slides in, nails goldberg from behind......RDD onto the belt......1...........2.............3.....
RESULT- Revolution by pinfall-
TM=Rev slides out, with the TV Title, and leaves.....Revolution takes the win, over Goldberg...
MM=great win for Revolution, and he leaves with the TV Title....
EIWFTRON- backstage Eddie D leaves his room, and heads down a corridor....
Elsewhere the Prez & Jeff Jarrett watch on a monitor...
The Rock leaves shane mcmahon, and Vince Russo in the NMWO room....
TM=well Main event is next, a triple threat for the World Title.....we have reached the finale...
EIWFTRON- backstage Badd Dogg leaves his room, and heads down a corridor...
Outside the Limosuine is still there.....
Crush'em plays as Eddie D walks out, and down to the ring......
TM=here is Eddie D, the Game, a former Tag & TV Champ.....with a chance of winning the World Title...
MM=he was the Game, Davie J is well shot of him....Eddie D is gone, he wont stand a chance in this match.....
Know Your Role plays as the Rock heads out, and down to the ring....
TM=The Rock, the main man in the NMWO!!!..but all the rest of the NMWO are gone, out of the building, only Shane & Russo remain....
EIWFTRON- Backstage Davie J leaves his room, with the World Title, Torrie follows him, as they head down the corridor.....
Bawitaba hits as Badd Dogg walks out, and down to the ring.....
TM=and here is the Special Referee.......the man who will be in charge of this match!!!!
MM=this is gonna be explosive......
TM=only the World champ left to arrive.......
Wake up hits as Davie J walks out with the World Title, and Torrie follows behind him.....
TM=here is the champ, the Franchise!!!
MM=the ICON!!!......
DAVIE J vs EDDIE D vs ROCK- w/Badd Dogg as Ref- World Title Match-
TM=Eddie nails Rock, and again, sends him to the corner, follows in with an elbow, Davie talks on the outside with Torrie, Eddie sends rock to the ropes, clotheslines him down, covers, dogg counts........1.........2.......Kick out, Eddie pulls the rock up, right hand, Belly to Belly suplex.....eddie drops an elbow, Davie walks round the outside......Eddie pulls rock up, suplexs him over, off the ropes, misses an elbow, rock is up, right hand to eddie, and again, DDT's him.....Rock covers, dogg counts.........1..............2.......Oh, eddie kicks....Rock stomps on eddie, davie slides in, pulls rock round, right hand, atomic drops rock down.....drops a knee on him....pulls rock up, chops him, and again, sends rock to the corner, follows in with an elbow, rock drops down, eddie is up, davie turns round, clothslines eddie down, drops an elbow, pulls eddie up, right hand, and again, hits a backbreaker on eddie, covers, dogg counts.........1............2.........Oh, rock pulls Davie up, right hand, and again, sends davie to the ropes, davie ducks the clothsline, rock turns round, davie dropkicks rock down, Eddie pulls Davie round, slams him down, misses an elbow, Davie is back up, nails eddie to the back, and again, clothslines him to the outside.....Pulls rock up, sends him to the ropes, Powerslam.....heads to the 2nd turnbuckle, hits an elbow, covers, dogg counts............1..............2........Nooo...Eddie pulls davie out, right hand, and again, sends davie to the barrior, he goes down, eddie pulls him up, slams him down....Rock slides out, nails eddie, and again, sends him to the post, rock pulls davie up, slides him in the ring, rock re-enters, pulls davie up, right hand, and again, knocks davie to the corner, sends him to the other corner, rock follows in with a knee, davie goes down, eddie is back in, nails rock to the back, back suplexs him....covers.........1.............2...........Davie breaks the count, pulls eddie up, chops him, hip tosses him over.....rock is up, davie ducks his right hand, kicks rock to the gut, DDT's him down, covers rock...........1..............2...........Eddie pulls davie up, knees him to the gut, hits a shoulder breaker on him......pulls rock up, hits a belly to back suplex on him.......covers................1.................2...........Davie breaks the count, Eddie is up, blocks davies right hand, locks him up, T-Bone suplex, Davie rolls to the outside....eddie goes to follow, rock low blows eddie, eddie drops down, rock pulls him round, Roll over DDT!. Rock covers................1.................2...........Davie pulls rock to the outside, right hand, chops him, suplexs him over.....rock is down, Davie enters the ring, pulls eddie up, hits a back breaker on him......covers eddie............1..................2..........Nooo, rock breaks the count, hes back in, pulls davie up, right hand, sends davie to the ropes, davie ducks the right hand, rock turns round......Superkick, Rock is down.........Davie signals for the sharp shooter.......Shane mcmahon runs out......Eddie is back up, elbows davie to the back, pulls davie round, STUNNER!!!!.....eddie covers, dogg counts..............1................2...........NOO, Shane pulls dogg out, shane backs off, dogg grabs him, right hand, and again, Piledrives shane down.....Eddie is back up, Dogg re-enters....as vince Russo runs out.......Eddie covers davie.............1................2.......Kick out, by Davie, Eddie is up, talks to Badd Dogg, rock is back up, waits for eddie to turn around....Spine buster......Eddie is down.....Rock stands over him, chucks his pad away....goes off one ropes.....Davie is up, superkicks rock down.....Davie applies the sharp shooter.....Rock struggles, Eddie is down, dogg looks at rock, asks if he wants to quit, rock says no........Rock tries for the ropes, cant reach, Russo slides in, pulls dogg away.....Dogg is up, grabs Russo.......Rock is Tapping, Rock is Tapping........Come on!!!
EIWFTRON- Outside the Limo door opens, HBK gets out, and enters the building......
TM=Shawn Michaels is here......Dogg has Russo, kicks him to the gut, Dogg Pound!!!!...Russo is down, Davie drops the hold on the rock, pulls dogg round, they talk, Eddie is up....pulls Davie round, goes to nail him, Davie ducks, eddie nails Dogg....Dogg & Eddie stare at each other,.Davie rolls eddie up, dogg counts.............1...............2..........Rock pulls Davie up, Roll over DDT!, Davie is down.....Rock covers,........1.................2...........Eddie breaks the hold......Shawn Michaels walks out......Eddie pulls rock up, misses a right hand, rock nails Eddie....Rock bottom, Eddie is down........Rock turns round, and is clothslined down by Davie.....HBK enters, goes to superkick Davie, Davie ducks, HBK lays out Dogg, HBK turns round, Davie superkicks HBK down......
EIWFTRON- Backstage Jeff Jarrett & the Prez leave their room and head off....
TM=where are Jarrett and the Prez headed.....Davie laying into the rock, Eddie is back up, pulls Davie round, slams him down, Rock trips Eddie up.......Jeff Jarrett & the Prez walk out.....Badd Dogg is coming round.....HBK is getting up as well......Rock lays into Eddie, Davie rolls to the outside, Dogg pulls HBK round....Dogg Pound.....HBK is down.....Rock sends eddie to the ropes, Jarrett trips eddie up, Rock mouths Jarrett......Davie enters, and pulls rock round, Jaw breaker....eddie is up, clothslines davie down.....Dogg has words with Eddie, Jarrett enters, pulls the Rock up, hits the Stroke on him....Jarrett slides out.......Davie covers the rock.....Eddie is tripped by the Prez, Dogg counts...............1....................2................Rock kicks......Eddie slides out, after the Prez, Jarrett nails eddie from behind.....The Prez pulls a guitar out from under the ring, Lays out Eddie.......Jarrett slides him back in.......Davie applies the sharp shooter on him, Eddie is out, Dogg raises his arm once........Rock is back up, the Prez is in, slaps rock, rock nails him......Dogg raises his arm again, Rock nails the Prez into the corner, kicks him down.....and the 3rd time.....dogg calls for the bell.......
RESULT- Davie J by Submission and still World Champion-
TM=Jarrett is in, and attacks the Rock......Davie slides out, Torrie has the World Title, Badd Dogg raises his hand, Davie & Torrie leave......Jarrett nails the rock, the Prez slides out....HBK is back in, he nails Jarrett from behind......Jarrett bails out, he and the Prez leave.........HBK & the Rock attack Eddie.....Badd Dogg watches on.......HBk back breakers Eddie, Rock pulls him up, Rock Bottom......Shane & Vince are back up, they slide a table in.....Badd Dogg walks off........Rock & HBK double powerbomb Eddie through the table.........Shane slides a chair in, Rock attacks Eddie with the chair............Eddie is alone, and its 4 on 1.........this is an assault.......Bawitaba plays.......what the hell...Badd Dogg walks back out onto the ramp carrying a Baseball bat,.....Russo heads down the aisle....Dogg dodges his charge, he nails Russo across the back, he heads to the ring......Shane misses a clothsline, Dogg nails him to the gut, then across the back.......Dogg enters the ring.....HBK swings but misses, Dogg nails him across the back, and again, knocking HBK to the Outside, Rock bails out.......as Dogg stands over Eddie D, who is bleeding badly......The NMWO leave.......I cannot believe Dogg is saving Eddie D here,......Dogg helps Eddie up, eddie is hurt badly....Badd Dogg, hits the Dogg Pound on eddie...He slides out, and exits.....Paramedics run out to help Eddie D....I am speechless......Goodnight, we are out of time........
MM=amazing!!!!!!! That was for Hitting Badd Dogg earlier.......
TM=see you at Doomsday on Thursday, where we will give you an update on Hollywood Hogans condition...and the condition of Eddie D.......Goodnight!!!!!
EIWFTRON- in a Limo L double E & Mona watch on a Monitor, They shake their heads.....
MM=He's back!