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Stay True 1999


(Backstage the Vice Prez has just received a Fax!)

VP=Jeff Hardy would like to face Doomsday, in a lumberjack match, with the CREW as lumberjacks, tonight at the Pay Per View....

(He screws it up and chucks it in the bin....)

VP=not while im in charge!

(The Lights go out, the crowd cheer as Fireworks go off...)

TM=welcome fan's, the night had arrived, tonight is Stay True, dont be flicking to Armageddon, we have got it all here, an amazing 10 matches tonight..

(Setting Sun Hits as the crowd cheer, and Joe Green walks out wearing the U.S title, he heads down to the announce table..)

TM=well here comes my co-host Joe Green, and he's still got that stolen U.S title...

(Joe Green takes a seat at the announce table.....)

TM=welcome Mr Green!

JG=hey for starters call me the L.O.W, or Immortal...

TM=Ok L.O.W, it's good to have you here tonight, a great night ahead of us..

JG=it looks interesting, but not classy, for starters I am being wasted commentating with you!

(OH YOU DIDNT KNOW....Hits as the crowd The N.A.O come out....)

RD=your ASS better call somebody!!!!!!!...........Yes its me, its me, its that D O DOUBLE G, with that B TO THE A TO THE DOUBLE D TO THE A TO THE DOUBLE CROOKED LETTER!

JG=must we have this everytime!..

(The N.A.O enter the ring.)


*with crowd*...ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, D-generation X proudly brings to you, its EIWF tag team champions of the world, the Road Dogg jesse james...the badd ass Billy gunn, the NEW AGE OUTLAWS!!!!!!!!......(crowd pop , as he hands the Mic to BA....)

JG=oh I wonder what hes gonna say!

BA=now of course, if you are not down with that,we got 2 words for ya.....(crowd 'SUCK IT'.....and cheer)

(Crush'em Hits as Eddie D and Gilbert walk out,to a POP, they head down to the ring..)

TM=what a way to start,Tag titles on the line, first match of the night!..

Faith Hits as the crowd cheer, and X-factor walks out and heads down to the ring..


Gunn and factor start off, gunn sends factor to the ropes, goes for a clothsline, factor ducks, gunn turns round, factor hits a dropkick, gunn goes down, factor picks gunn up, hits a snapmare, drops a elbow, tags eddie in, eddie enters, gunn is back up, they lock up, eddie is to strong, slams gunn down, goes off the ropes, and drops a elbow, picks gunn up, sends him to the ropes, gunn ducks, eddie turns round, gunn throws a punch, eddie catches it, and clothslines him down, drops a elbow, goes for a cover...1....Kick out, eddie is back up, gunn gets back up, eddie sends him to the corner, follows in, but gunn moves, eddie stumbles out, gunn hits a dropkick, eddie goes down, gunn tags james, james enters, picks eddie up, slams him back down, drops a knee, hooks a leg..1....Kick out, james gets back up, so does eddie, they lock up, eddie hip tosses james to the matt, picks james up, hits a back breaker, tags factor back in, factor goes up top, goes for a big splash, james moves, factor comes crashing down, james tags gunn in, gunn enters, picks factor up, hits a jack hammer, goes for the cover....1....2......Kick out, gunn gets back up, picks factor up, sends him to the ropes, hits a knee to the gut, factor goes down, gunn drops a knee, and then applies a ankle lock, factor struggles, but cant reach the ropes, Gunn breaks the hold, picks factor up, but he rolls him up...1....2.....Kick out, both men get back up, they lock up, factor hits a northen lights suplex...1....2.....Kick out, both men get up, gunn kicks him to the gut, hits a gut wrench powerbomb, hooks a leg..1.....2...Kick out., gunn gets up and tags in James, he enters, picks factor up, sends him to the corner, follows in with a elbow, factor drops down, dogg goes off the ropes, and drops a elbow, hooks a leg...1.....2...Kick out, james gets back up, so does factor, james sends factor to the ropes, factor ducks the clothsline, james turns round and is hit with a spinning heel kick, gunn james goes down, factor goes down as well, crawls towards eddie, james is getting back up, factor tags eddie, the crowd cheer, eddie enters, nails james gunn enters, eddie nails him down, james gets back up, eddie picks him up and powerslams him down, gunn goes for a clothsline, eddie catches him, and hits a sidewalk slam, hooks a leg....theres no count, ref tells eddie james is the legal man, eddie picks gunn up, and sends him over the top rope to the outside, turns round, and is nailed by james, they lock up, eddie slams him, gunn is back on the apron, eddie nails him off and tags back in factor, factor enters picks up james, hits a jumping sidekick on him, hooks a leg...1.....2.....Gunn pulls him off, gunn and factor start to brawl, eddie enters and nails gunn, they double team gunn in the corner, james gets back up, Gilbert slides in the ring, factor turns back round, james turns round, Gilbert goes for a spear, james moves and Factor is pasted, gunn and eddie brawl to the outside, james nails gilbert and chucks him back to the outside, eddie kicks gunn to the gut, and stunner..Crowd cheer, james picks factor up, and hits the pumphandle slam, hooks a leg.....1.....2......3......

THE WINNERS=The New Age Outlaws by pinfall...and still Tag Champs!

Eddie slides back in the ring, as james slides out,and picks up Gunn, (Oh YOU DIDNT KNOW hits)....James delivers a crotch chop to eddie, who stares on in the ring...

TM=well what a way to start a PPV.

JG=not bad, not bad, the Immortal one, would have added some more to it, hey Tim have you seen my action figure..

TM=i have, my sons got one for christmas..

JG=really you should have said, I could have got you one for free!


JG=Nah, everyone pays for them, I want the money....Who's Next?

TM=well looking my paperwork, its Matt Hardy vs FireLord...

JG=boring!.....(Kanes theme hits as the crowd give a good response as FireLord walks out and heads down to the ring)

TM=this is the first match in our 4 man tournament for a no-1 contender for the T.V Title!

JG=yeah yeah whatever!

(Guerilla Radio hits as the crowd cheer as Matt Hardy with Terri come out and head down to the ring...)


They lock up, matt sends fire to the ropes, hits a sidekick, fire goes down, matt picks him sends him to the corner, goes upto him, lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle, matt gets up a well, and hits a massive Suplex, from the top, the crowd cheer, he hooks a leg...1.....2......Kick out, matt gets back up, fire hits a low blow, rolls matt up..1.....Kick out, both men get up, Matt kicks him to the gut, hits a frankensteiner, picks him up, positions himself and hits a brain buster, goes up top, the crowd cheer, he hits the Moonsault, covers him..1.......2.......3....

THE WINNER=Matt Hardy by Pinfall....

(Guerilla Radio hits, as Matt goes to the top turnbuckle and raises his arms, the crowd cheer, he then exits with Terri...)

TM=quick work, Matt Hardy goes through to the final later on, against either Krazy Killer or Rage...

JG=looks that way!

(Backstage Mean Gene is with Hulk Hogan!)

MG=hulk, last night you was referee of the U.S title match, which ended with you being superkicked!

HH=You know something Brother, what happened last night , was an accident, I hold no grudges against Davie J, tonight im the referee, and I will draw it straight down the line, no short cuts, i'll be playing fair, and as long as they play fair to me, there will be no problems, I will have the power in the match, I will be the one who will say when its finished, and you know mean, that I said a little prayer last night, ive taken my vitamins, and if needs be im reayd to kick some ass!

(Ministry hits as the crowd BOO as Krazy Killer walks out and down to the ring..)

JG=Hello, how the hell is this thing at a PPV, and im not, and you are telling me theres no conspiracy against the Greenster, I don think so!

(Smasher hits as the Crowd BOOO, as Rage walks out and heads down to the ring...)


Rage attacks first, taking down killer with a tackles, picks him up and hits a Backbreaker, drops a elbow, picks him up again, sends him to the corner, follows in wth a knee, killer drops down, Rage applies the Pit Stopper, Killer reaches the ropes, rage drops the hold, picks killer up, and piledrives him in the centre of the ring, applies the Pit Stopper again, Killer is in trouble, rage sits back, killer taps....its over!

THE WINNER=Rage By submission....

(Smasher hits as Rage exits to BOOOS!)

TM=another short one, Rage means business tonight.

JG=but come on, who wants the T.V title, all right I know im never gonna win a title, because of the conspiracy, but I wouldn't want the T.V if someone gave it to me.

TM=well that's your opinion!

(Backstage Mean Gene is with Ric Flair!)

MG=tonight Mr Flair, you will meet the Rock & HHH!

RF=Mean WOOOOOOO by god Gene WOOOOOOOo, tonight in a steel cage, the Rock and HHH, will both know who the man is, ME, and after Ive beaten both of you, im off to party, and some lucky lady or 2, will have a trip up space mountain, WOOOOO, and Gene you know I will..

MG=i know you will....

Jazz Thieves Hits as the Crowd give a mixed Reaction, as Reckless Pain walks out and heads down to the ring..

TM=well Joe maybe this man has been screwed more than you.

JG=well maybe, but he sucks, and no one cares about him..

(Sexual Healing hits as the PlayBoy walks out with 2 playmates to a good reaction, and he heads down to the ring...)

TM=and this man was screwed as well last night, they both fell for Revolutions plan or whatever you want to call it..


Pain grabs play and sends him to the ropes, hits a knee to the gut, hits a suplex, drops a elbow, covers him..1.....Kick out, both men get back up, pain sends play to the corner, follows in, but play moves, pain stumbles out of the corner, play hits a back suplex on him, drops a elbow, covers him..1....Kick out, both men get back up, they lock up, play hits a slam, drops a knee, picks pain up, hits a hanging suplex, goes to the 2nd turnbuckle, drops a elbow, covers...1....2..Kick out, play gets up, and picks up pain, chops him to the chest, and again, hits a swinging neck breaker, covers pain..1.....2.....Kick out, play gets up, pain sweeps his leg, play drops down, pain gets up, drops a knee, covers play.....1....Kick out, both men get up, they lock up, play applies a side headlock, pain sends him to the ropes, hits a clothsline, drops a knee, picks play up, sends him to the ropes, play ducks, pain turns round, they hit a double clothsline, both men are down....EIWFtron shows the Countdown......10....9.....8......7.....6......5.....4.....3.....2....1.....The lights go out, the crowd go silent, then BANG, Break down the wall hits, the crowd cheer, JERICHO comes up on the Screen, the crowd POP, as Chris Jericho stands arms out stretched, he turns round and heads down to the ring..

TM=its Y2J, he's back, he did lose a loser leaves match sometime ago, to Karnage, but he's back, he is back..

JG=Oh Dear, this does just take the biscuit...

Y2J enters the ring, picks pain up and hits a powerbomb, pulls him up off the ground and delivers another powerbomb, the crowd cheer, picks up play powerbombs him, and turns it into the Wall's of jericho...

(Joe Green leaves the announce table, with the U.S title, he enters the ring, and takes out Y2J with the belt, the crowd are on their feet!)

TM=good god, my co-host has just left and laid out the returning Y2J..

The Big V & P come out, and head to the ring, the crowd BOOO, they enter and escort the Greenster away..

TM=well the L.O.W broke his contract tonight, he had enough of what he was seeing, and he's out of here, so it looks like im all one again..

(Backstage Mean Gene is with the VP!)

MG=tonight the whole company is on the line.....

VP=shut the hell up, you see first, Joe Green, you broke your side of the bargain, so your out of here, but on Doomsday you and Y2J in the ring, one on one....and now onto tonight me and Prez Rod in the ring together, the winner takes all, the winner has 51% share, totally 100% control is on the line, and the loser will never be seen again, so Rod enjoy it while it lasts.

Space Odysey hits as the crowd cheer as WOOOO! As Ric Flair walks out and heads down to the ring, the cage starts to lower..

TM=3 way dance, the first of tonight, and as you can see the cage is lowering!

Know Your Role hits as the Crowd POP!, and the rock steps out, and walks down to the ring, he climbs the steps, gives the eyebrow, and enters through the cage door...

TM=The Rock, calm as a post, this is going to be a tough match for all concerned..

Degeneration X hits as the lights flicker, and HHH walks out with Chyna, he stands on the ramp, drinks from his water bottle, and chucks it down, and heads down to the ring, he enters through the cage door...


HHH and the rock start out, rock punches HHH, he hits back, they lock up, rock sends HHH to the ropes hits a punch,HHH goes down, ric grabs the rock, chops him, twice, and again, HHH grab the rock, hits a back suplex, ric locks up with HHH, HHH sends ric to the ropes, ric ducks, HHH turns round, ric Hist a Jab, then a chop, the crowd WOOOO!, rock is back up, grabs ric and punches him, hits a slam, drops a elbow, stomps him, HHH hits a low blow on the rock, rock goes down, HHH picks up ric, hits a atomic drop, and then clothslines him down, rock is back up, he and HHH lock up, Rock sends HHH to the cage, HHH stumbles back, rock hits a back suplex, picks ric up, hits a barrage of punches, hits the roll over DDT!, gets up and starts to climb the cage, HHH grabs him and pulls him down, sends him to the ropes, hits a high knee, then a swinging neck breaker, HHH heads for the door, ric grabs him, turns him round, chops him,hits a suplex, drops a knee, Rock is getting back up, ric goes over and gos to chop him, rock grabs him and hits the Rock Bottom,crowd POP!, he stands over ric, HHH clothslines him from behind, hits a piledriver on him, goes for the door again, ric grabs his leg, HHH tries to kick him off, ric gets up, they lock up, HHH slams ric into the cage, rock is back up, Rock grabs both of them and slams then together, he goes to the door, opens it, but chyna slams it shut again,and holds it, the rock tries to grab her, HHH is back up, he grabs the rock, kicks him to the gut, sets him up for the Pedigree, Ric hits a axehandle on HHH's back, HHH drops the rock, HHH turns round, he and ric start to brawl, rock tries to exit, but chyna wont open the door, the rock gets up, and grabs chyna, and opens the door and pulls her in the cage, sets her up,RockBottom, HHH slams ric, and turns and is nailed by the rock, rock picks HHH up, hits the roll over DDT, ric hits a low blow on the rock, ric suplex's the rock, ric heads for the door, but chyna grabs him, HHH is back up, and he starts to climb the cage, ric picks up chyna, and chops her, (the crowd WOOO & cheer), rock is back up, HHH is at the top, rock starts to climb as well, he grabs HHH through the cage, and starts to pull him to the top of the cage, Ric applies the Figure four to chyna, rock has HHH at the top, and hits a suplex to the ring, from the top of the cage, the crowd cheer, they are on their feet, Ric breaks the hold, and heads to the door, rock start to get up, but ric has exited...

THE WINNER=Ric Flair by exiting the odyssey hits as flair exits..

TM=what a match and Ric Flair, showed them who is the man..

Rock picks up chyna and hits another rockbottom on her, the crowd cheer!, he stands over her, chucks his armpad away, HHH starts to come round, rock goes off the ropes, and the other, then hits the peoples elbow, the crowd POP!,HHH is back up, rock turns round, kicks HHH in the gut, before HHH can do anything, then hits the roll over DDT!, the crowd cheer, as Know Your Role hits and the rock exits and heads off, the cage rises...

TM=HHH will not let that be the end of that...

(Backstage Mean Gene is with Ric Flair!)

RF=Mean WOOOOO by god Gene WOOOOO, I told those 2 I was the man, now im off to party, coming Gene...

MG=for sure, WOOOOO!

Degeneration X hits as the crowd cheer, as X-Pac walks out and heads down to the ring, he enters the ring and does 3 jumping crotch chops...

TM=the 2 X's against each other, both have the same moves...should be interesting..

(Faith hits as the crowd cheer, as X-Factor comes out and heads to the ring...)


They lock up, pac sends factor to the ropes, factor ducks,pac turns round, factor hits a spinning heel kick, pac goes down, Billy Gunn comes out, factor picks pac up, and hits a suplex, drops a knee, Billy Gunn, takes his tag title off, he stands on the outside, factor starts to mouth him off, pac rolls him up...1....Kick out, both men get up, pac hits a spinning heel kick, factor is down, pac drops a leg, covers...1...Kick out, both men are back up, pac sends factor to the ropes, factor ducks, goes off the other side, but Gunn trips him up, pac drops a knee to factors back, picks factor up, goes for a aeroplane spin, takes down to the ref, drops factor down, pac goes to pick factor up, but factor hits a low blow, gets up and hits the x-factor on pac, covers him, theres no count, factor is back up, gunn is up on the apron, factor hits a dropkick on him, he starts to revive the ref, gunn is back up, pac starts to get up, gunn re-enters, goes to knock out factor with the tag belt, factor ducks, and gunn takes out pac, factor grabs gunn, and hits the x-factor in him, he covers pac, the ref is back and starts to count....1..........2............3..

THE WINNER=X-Factor by pinfall....

(Faith hits, as X-Factor rolls out and exits...)

TM=maybe somewhat of a upset, Mr Ass accidently taking out his own man, with the tag belt.

Billy Gunn & X-Pac are back, and they exit....

Backstage The Big V & P are talking to the VP, elsewhere the CREW's dressing room is locked and no one can get a interview with Davie J...

Outside a Limosuine Arrives, and out gets L double E/Mona, and 5 security get out,they enter the building!

TM=that was L double E, whats he doing here, he has no match signed!....

OH YOU DIDNT KNOW....Hits as the crowd The Road Dogg walks out....

RD=your ASS better call somebody!!!!!!!...........Yes its me, its me, its that D O DOUBLE G, with that B TO THE A TO THE DOUBLE D TO THE A TO THE DOUBLE CROOKED LETTER!

(The Road Dogg enters the ring!.)


(with crowd*)..ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, D-generation X proudly brings to you, one half of its EIWF tag team champions of the world, the Road Dogg jesse james....*

TM=no matter how many times the crowd still love it!

Crush'em Hits as Eddie D walks out with his T.V title, and Gilbert, the crowd POP as they head to the ring...

TM=well both these men had a match earlier, for the tag titles, and here they are again!

EDDIE D vs ROAD DOGG-T.V Title Match

James attacks eddie, hits a barrage of punches, they lock up, eddie sends james to the ropes, hits a forearm, james go down, eddie drops a elbow, picks james up, sends him to the corner follows in with a splash, james goes down, eddie picks him up again, hits a full nelson slam, goes for a cover.....1...Kick out,eddie is back up, picks james up, sends him to the ropes, james ducks, eddie turns round, james punches him, kicks him to the gut, slams eddie down off the ropes, drops a elbow, hooks a leg...1.....Kick out, both men are back up,they start to brawl, eddie hits a slam, drops a leg, Billy Gunn & X-Pac come out, Eddie picks james up, hits a brain buster, eddie sees who has arrived, he starts to mouth them,X-Pac gets up on the apron, eddie pulls him into the ring, Gilbert runs round the outside and spears Gunn, eddie kicks pac to the gut, and stunner...james is back up, slaps a sleeper on Eddie from behind, eddie drops to the one knee, the ref raises his hand once, it drops, he raises it again, it drops, James drops the hold, picks eddie up, goes for the pump handle, and hits it.....covers him..1.......2.......Foot on the rope, james cant believe it, james gets up, looks stunned, starts to mouth the ref, Gilbert enters the ring, the crowd cheer, but X-Pac nails Gilbert from behind, he takes him to the outside, eddie is back up, Gunn is back up, slides some knuckle dusters in, which eddie picks up, james turns round, and eddie nails him with them, covers him, Gunn enters the ring...1.......2......drops a elbow on eddie, the ref tells him to get out, gunn starts to mouth off, eddie is back up, and clothslines gunn to the outside, james is coming round, and slowly gets back to his feet, eddie kicks him to the gut, and stunners him......1.....2......3...

THE WINNER=Eddie D By Pinfall and still T.V champ!

(Crush'em hits as Eddie D exits, sends X-Pac to the barrior and picks Gilbert up and exits to a POP!....)

TM=D-X's plans are not going well tonight, everything is going wrong, totally wrong, well lets go backstage where Mean Gene is not there, he's left with Ric Flair, but im told, that Mike Tenay,has come in at short notice...

Backstage Mike Tenay is with Mona!

MT=now I like many others saw Jerry Springer last night, so does this mean L double E is back!and why the security???

MONA=yes he is back!, the tag team scene really didnt do him much good, and being with Rage didn't help things,and why the security, because Rage was always calling him, following us, baking us cakes, me and L double E were really scared, he was becoming obsessed, that's why L double E stopped turning up, but thats over with now, and we are here tonight...

MT=but why here tonight, he has no scheduled match...and where is he anyway?

MONA=you'll see!

(Elsewhere Prez Rod is seen entering the highly secured CREW dressing room!)

TM=well still to come that 3 way main event, and the control of the company match...

(F--k the world Hits as the crowd rise to their feet, and L double E walks out and stands on the ramp, he has a sign..he holds it up, it reads...'FROM HERO TO ZERO TO HERO AGAIN'..crowd cheer as he chucks it down and heads down to the ring...he is followed by the 5 security guards!)

TM=well Mike, he's coming out here, for what I dont know???

(L double E walks round the ring, and takes a seat at the announce table, the security stand round him...)

TM=well welcome back L double E..

LEE=Timmy, im back, im going it alone, the Rules and Regulations that are being set at EIWF towers are going out the window, I am the HERO!..i am the MASTER of the EIWF!...

(Guerilla Radio hits,as the crowd cheer, and Matt Hardy with Terri walk out and head to the ring..)

LEE=who is this Tim?

TM=this is Matt....

LEE=stop right there, anyone called Matt, is more than likely Gay, so lets not go any further with this...OK!

TM=whatever, this should be a good match, the winner will get a shot at Eddie D at Doomsday for the T.V title...

LEE=the T.V title,what the hell is one of those, you know,in my town, I am the VIDEO champion, but I aint going come on national TV with it am I, what does Eddie D think this is...

TM=the T.V title is highly respected, in many organisations..

LEE=who did he win it off, Sony,Philips...i never seen a Eddie D T.V in any of my local shops, how the hell did he get this title, for T.V champion...

(Smasher hits, as the crowd BOOO, and Rage walks out and heads down to the ring..)

TM=its Rage...your former partner!

LEE=and from what I heard, from other guys here, Eddie D dosent defend the T.V title anyway..

TM=he defends the Title, he has held title the over 2months...

LEE=of course he has held the title, how the hell is he meant to strap it round that waist, of course he's held it...

RAGE vs MATT HARDY-for No 1 contender for T.V title

TM=i think your Ego is getting bigger by the minute...

LEE=Tim, my Ego is growing at the same rate as Eddie D's waist line, did you know he has his own account with Pizza Hut...

TM=Oh Please..lets just call the match....

LEE=well by the crowds silence, these 2 hawn-yackers in the ring, cant entertain at all, I mean there's Matt Hardy, who talks trash, he must also date trash, I mean look at the state of that..

TM=that is terri runnels, and these are 2 fine athletes, rage carried you in your final few matches, and lost the titles by himself when you didnt even turn up!

LEE=tim, dont you listen, he has been stalking me, he knew he was nothing, look at this crowd, hald are asleep, while the rest have gone to take a leak, he ruined my career, he dragged me down to his level....

TM=can we just call the match, the people out there want to know what is going on, in this match, just be quiet,,OK!

LEE=ok. I'll just sit here, and....


Matt sends rage to the ropes, rage ducks, matt turns round, L double E distracts the Ref...Jeff Hardy runs out

LEE=hey ref, Rage has a illegal object shoved down his shorts...

TM=hey come on, no he hasnt?

Jeff and matt start to double team rage, they hit a double powerbomb, jeff slides out, matt goes up top, and hits the moonsault....ref is back with the action...1....2......3

THE WINNER=Matt Hardy by Pinfall....Guerilla Radio Hits as the Hardyz Exit!

LEE=im telling you Tim, he has a illegal object in his shorts!

TM=i was here the whole match, he had nothing!

LEE=he does, he has one of those russian experimental Highly illegal Penis enlargers

TM=how in the hell do you know that?

LEE=he sent Mona a pic, of himself, you know Full Frontal, it was sickening!

TM=you mean you looked at it?

LEE=only twice!

TM=i dont believe you, you just wanted Rage to lose!

LEE=Tim I wouldnt lie, look....(pulls out his wallet, and pulls out the pic) take a look at that....

TM=URGGHHHH...Hang on, why the Hell have you got it in your wallet???

LEE=Timmy, well you never know when someone will ask for proof, just like you did....(he snatches it back, and puts it away)...Hey 2 of you guys get Rage out of here, before he attacks me..

2 of his security leave and enter the ring, pick Rage up and exit with him.....

TM=Well HERO!, control of the company Next?

(Oh Hell Yeah hits as the crowd cheer and Prez Rod walks out and heads to the ring...)

TM=who will be in charge at the end of this???

LEE=im going for the Prez!

TM=what one?

LEE=Tim, the winner, the winner...


(Wake up hits as the lights dim, and the crowd BOOO and the Vice-Prez walks out and heads down to the ring...)

VICE-PREZ vs PREZ ROD-control of company match

They lock up, they goto the floor and start to brawl....the Big V & P walk out and head to the ring, the crowd BOOO!....rod grabs the VP, and sends him to the ropes, and hits a clothsline...X-Factor and Gilbert run out, and stop the Big V & P in their tracks, The VP looks up, and looks worried, rod picks him up and slams him, the crowd cheer,Eddie D walks out and heads to the ring,the VP hits a low blow on rod, goes into his shorts,and puts on some Knuckle Dusters, Eddie D enters the ring, the VP jumps and and nails him, eddie goes down, the vP turns round to nail, rod, but rod grabs his hand, kicks him to the gut, and stunner, hooks a leg..1.....2....3...

THE WINNER=Prez Rod by pinfall...and now 100% in charge..

TM= I cant believe that, prez Rod hit the Stunner, to win it, and now the VP is no more, he's gone,and listen to this ovation..

Eddie is back up, as Crush'm hits, the Big V & P pull the VP out of the ring, they exit, as X-Factor and Gilbert enter the ring to celebrate, the crowd cheer, and chant CREW as all 4 men each goto a corner, and raise their arms, they then exit...

TM=can you believe, Prez Rod is back in charge, thank God!

LEE=so what does this mean exactly, the CREW will get a easy ride....

TM=we will have to wait and see, up next that Main event!

Michael Buffer makes his way out...he enters the ring...the crowd are all on their feet....

MB=It is now time for the EIWF Main event of the evening...(crowd cheer)...Are You Ready....(crowd shout YEAH)....i said ARE YOU READY..(crowd cheer)...Then for the thousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world, ladies and gentlemen, LETS GET READY TO RUMBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEE..(crowd cheer)...

(Bawitaba hits as the crowd POP!)

MB=first making his way to the ring, he is the current reigning EIWF world Champion of the WORLD!...(Badd Dogg walks out with sunny and heads down to the ring)..he is being accompanied to the ring by Sunny, he is the master of the Dogg Pound, he is Badd Dogg....

(Badd Dogg enters the ring, and raises his belt in the air, the crowd cheer....the music stops...)

MB=and his Opponent, is the current Reigning U.S champion of the world...(Take It Hits)....he is being accompanied to the ring by Torrie Wilson..(Torrie walks out to a huge cheer)..he is the ICON, The Franchise, the master of the superkick and Sharp shooter, he is Davie JJJJJJJJ...

(Davie J walks out to a huge POP!...a ICON chant breaks as he and torrie head to the ring....he enters and the music stops...but the chant dosent...)

TM=have you ever felt this much heat before?

LEE=only when I dropped a Pan of Fat on the foot!

MB=and the special referee for this match...(real american hits, as the crowd react 50-50)....he is the most recognisable face in wrestling history, he is the master of the leg Drop, but tonight he is the master of the Counting 1....2....3....He is the real american Hulk HogaNNNNN.....

(Hulk Hogan walks out and stands on the ramp, he is wearing red & Yellow, he gives the thumbs up, raises his hand to his ear, and heads down to the ring.....he enters...)

TM=3 of the biggest names ever gathered in the same room...


TM=4 of the biggest names ever gathered in the same room...

(The crowd cheer when Hulk Rips his shirt off, and chucks it at Davie J, Davie J looks at at, then turns round, wipes his ass with it, and chucks it back, Hogan gives the stare....)

MB=and now the 3rd man in this main event........

TM=who's it going to be?

LEE=well Tim I guess i'll have to leave you now, there calling my name!

TM=its you, its you?

LEE=Nah, im only messing with you...

MB=and the 3rd man in this main event IS........

(Sexy Boy hits, as the crowd all wait in anticipation....)

TM=is it, is it?

(Shawn Michaels walks out, poses on the stage, the crowd cheer..)

TM=it is,it is, its HBK,the Show Stopper...he's here..

LEE=sure sure it aint X-Factor in disguise....

TM=dont be stupid...

(Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring, and enters, poses in the center of the ring, the crowd are heated up....)

TM=well here we go, this is going to be unbelievable....

Hulk makes them all goto separate corners, the crowd are so loud, the 3 are ready to get going....(My Time Hits,as the lights dim and flicker...)

TM=whats this. Whats going on, what the hell is going on?

(Revolution walks out, and stands on the ramp, the crowd BOO heavily, he has a mic...he signals to cut the music...)

REV=before you lot, start to attempt to give these fans, a supposed main event....i have here something that may interest you...(pulls a sheet of paper out of the back of his pocket, and holds it up)...You see, this little piece of paper, says that I am in this match..(crowd BOOO) see, last night, I saw the Vice-Prez, and he gave me a legally binding contract, to be in this match, so im sorry but im gonna take the gold....

(He chucks down the mic and heads down to the ring....)

BADD DOGG vs DAVIE J vs SHAWN MICHAELS vs REVOLUTION-Hulk Hogan as special Referee..for the EIWF world Title, first pin wins...

Dogg and davie hook up, while shawn starts to attack rev before he hits the ring, dogg sends davie to the ropes, hits a clothsline, goes down on davie and starts to pummel him, rev pulls shawn to the outside, and sends shawn to the barrior, dogg gets up, and picks davie up, hits a suplex on davie, drops a elbow, picks davie up again, they lock up, dogg sends davie to the ropes, davie ducks on the way back, dogg turns round, davie kicks him to the gut, then hits a gut wrench powerbomb, rev slams shawn onto the concrete floor, drops a elbow, rev enters the ring, davie stomps him down, picks him up, hits a swinging neck breaker, slaps on a chinlock, dogg starts to get up, kicks davie to the backm davie drops the hold, shawn is back up, and slides into the ring, dogg goes over and starts to attack shawn, davie picks rev up, sends him into the corner, follows in with a clothsline, dogg picks up shawn, shawn attacks him in the gut, hooks him up and hits a suplex, drops a elbow on dogg, picks dogg up, hits a backbreaker, davie hits a DDT on rev, goes for a cover...hogan goes down and counts..1.....Shawn pulls davie off, davie gets back to his feet, locks up with shawn, they brawl to the corner, davie starts kicking shawn, shawn slowly goes down, dogg picks up rev, rev hits a low blow, rolls dogg up..hogan goes down to count..1.....Kick out, both men get back up, davie sends shawn to the other corner, follows in, but shawn raises, a boot, davie goes down,dogg takes shawn out, and clothslines him to the outside, dogg follows him out, davie locks up with Rev, sends him to the ropes,hits a powerslam, Dogg goes to send shawn to the barrior, shawn reverses it, dogg hits the barrior, gets back up, holding his back, shawn hits Sweet chin music, dogg is out, shawn calls hogan, who exits the ring, shawn goes down for the cover, hogan gets there goes down and counts...1........2........Kick out, shawn is up, complaining of a slow count, rev kicks davie to the gut, hits a piledriver, picks davie back up, and hits the RDD, davie is down, rev covers........No count, rev gets up, hogan is still on the outside, tells hogan to get in the ring, Hogan slides back in, shawn gets back in, rev covers davie..1.....2....shawn breaks the hold.....picks rev up and hits a suplex,....The Real Deal & X-Pac walk out and head down to the ring, shawn sends rev to the ropes, and hits a tilt the world bakc breaker, covers rev..hogan counts....1..........2..........Davie pulls shawn off, the Real Deal start to attack Dogg, on the outside, hogan goes over and starts to mouth them, X-Pac enters the ring,picks up Rev and hits a spinning heel kick on him turns round, and is given a DDT by davie, who then chucks him to the outside, davie turns round, and shawn hits sweet chin music, covers count, X-Factor runs down, shawn is up and tells hogan to count, the Real Deal continue to assault Dogg, Factor hits the ring, and nails shawn, Hogan tries to get him to leave, shawn is still protesting, davie is back up, waits for shawn to turn round, and hits the superkick on him, covers shawn, count....davie is back, tells hogan to count, Factor leaves the ring, and starts to brawl with X-Pac, davie covers shawn, hogan counts...1.......2......Rev breaks the count, outside Dogg, nails jeff, nails Matt, hits the Dogg Pound on Jeff, sends matt into the barrior and then enters the ring, grabs Rev hits the Dogg Pound on him,goes for a cover..hogan counts....1.......Davie breaks the pin,....Badd Ass & Road Dogg come out, they head straight down to the ring, and enters, james starts to attack, dogg, while Gunn goes to hit davie, but davie ducks and hits the Superkick on him, gunn goes down, shawn rolls davie up..hogan counts...1.......Kick out, Gilbert & Eddie D run out, Gilbert pulls Gunn out,and starts to pummel him, Dogg sends James to the outside, Eddie grabs him and starts to brawl with him..

TM=Good God, its madness out here, total madness!

LEE=it seems very hectic.....

Security head out, and start to bring some order, Dogg and davie lock up, while shawn is choking rev out in the corner....The Outlaws,Eddie D/X-Factor/Gilbert/X-Pac/the Real Deal are lead away....Davie sends dogg over the top rope, shawn sends rev over the top, shawn goes for a clothsline on Davie, but davie hits a clothsline on him, they both go down....HHH walks out and heads down to the ring....Rev and Dogg lock up, dogg sends rev into the ringpost, and he re-enters the ring, see's both men are down, covers shawn, hogan gets down to count..1......2......HHH pulls dogg off, picks him up and hits the Pedigree on him,Hogan protests to him, HHH gives him a crotch chop, and pulls shawn onto Dogg, he exits the ring, hogan counts......1......2........Davie pulls shawn off, Rev is getting back up, he grabs a steel chair, and gets back into the ring, nails Davie with it, nails Shawn with it, hogans takes it off him, and chucks it to the outside, Rev goes face to face with Hogan, Dogg is back up, Rev turns round, and is given the Dogg Pound, dogg covers Rev, hogan counts.......1.........2........HHH pulls dogg out of the ring, and starts to brawl with him, Davie is getting back up, goes over to rev and applies the sharp shooter to him.....Hogan, asks if rev wants to give up, he shakes his head, Davie Pulls back, shawn is back up, and DDT's davie...shawn covers him..hogan counts......1......2......Kick out, Dogg kicks HHH, and Dogg Pounds him, Chyna runs out, dogg slides the chair back in,chyna hits a low blow on Dogg, Shawn picks the chair up, nails Davie, then Rev, hogan tries to take it off him, shawn nails him with it, hogan is down and out, they all are..

TM=what has Shawn done he cant cover anyone now,he's blown his chance of winning the title..

He covers rev..and counts....1....2.....3....he gets up covers davie...1.....2.......3....he gets back up, Prez Rod runs out, Dogg starts to turn on chyna, he sends her into the steel steps, Rod enters the ring, shawn re-covers rev,rod counts.....1.......2........Kick out, shawn gets back up and starts to complain to Rod, dogg re-enters the ring,, grabs shawn hits the Dogg Pound on him, covers him.......1.........2.........rod gets up and walks away, dogg gets up, the crowd dont like this, dogg grabs Rod, davie is back up he grabs the chair, rod tell dogg to look round, when he does davie lays him out with the chair, he covers dogg, Rod goes down to count..1..2..Hogan pulls rod up, and sends him over the top rope, the crowd cheer, davie is back up he starts to go over to hogan,but rev is back up he locks up with davie, davie sends him to the ropes, HHH pulls the ropes down, Rev goes to the outside, HHH & Chyna start to pummel him, Davie stares at hogan, they go face to face, dogg is back, so is shawn, they lock up, while davie & Hogan have a verbal confrontation...

TM=the crowd are all on their feet, this is electric..

LEE=well its been nice being here with you, but its about time, I did my bit...

(L double E leaves the announce table, he takes his chair with him), and goes to ringside, Shawn sends dogg, to the ropes, L double E nails him across the back with the chair, dogg is then clothslined over the top by shawn,L double E chucks down the chair,and exits through the crowd, Hogan pushes davie away, Davie gives a hand to the ear, hogan knocks his hand down, they lock up, rev hits a low blow on HHH, and tries to get rid of chyna, Hogan sends davie into the ropes, he goes for the big boot, davie pulls shawn in the way, shawn goes down, rod is back up, davie covers shawn, Hogan looks round, shakes his head goes down and counts...1.....Rod holds shawns feet down......2.........3....

THE WINNER=Davie J by Pinfall...and NEW EIWF World Champion!

Rev hits the ring but it is too late, he tries to attack davie, but he roles out the ring, he grabs the world title, and exits with Prez Rod....(The crowd BOOO!)

TM=well I think the CREW have betrayed the fans tonight!

Davie J & Prez Rod reach the ramp, Davie points to hogan and delivers a crotch chop...they exit...

TM=look at this Shawn Michaels is down, HHH & Chyna are down, Revolution is barley with us, Hulk Hogan counted the pin,but didnt want to, and Badd Dogg is laid outside the ring....good night fans...what a night, see you Tuesday at Doomsday!

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